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S07.E19: The Exorcism of Stassi Schroeder

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13 hours ago, PumpkinPK said:

There is something wrong with him.  That scene was gruesome and grotesque, I do not want to see it.

As I understand it, most sociopaths are aware of social norms and would know to be charming and lie in that situation (or at the therapist).  Isn't that a very loose difference between a sociapath and a psychopath?

I don't actually know what a sociopath or psychpath are, I'm just using those terms casually for lack of anything better.

I actually watched a Youtube video of someone breaking this down because I always get the two confused and truthfully, I think a lot of people use the term interchangeably (myself included) because they do share a lot of qualities like a lack of guilt, lack of consideration for others, violent tendencies. I think Jax would fall into the 'sociopath' category because there is a higher likelihood of a sociopath being uneducated, unable to hold down a steady job, lacks commitment and is very unorganized and ill-prepared. If Jax were a psychopath, chances are he would haven't been caught so often cheating and lying because he would have created a lie for every other lie he told and he would have methodically created a system of how to keep it all in check.

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26 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I actually watched a Youtube video of someone breaking this down because I always get the two confused and truthfully, I think a lot of people use the term interchangeably (myself included) because they do share a lot of qualities like a lack of guilt, lack of consideration for others, violent tendencies. I think Jax would fall into the 'sociopath' category because there is a higher likelihood of a sociopath being uneducated, unable to hold down a steady job, lacks commitment and is very unorganized and ill-prepared. If Jax were a psychopath, chances are he would haven't been caught so often cheating and lying because he would have created a lie for every other lie he told and he would have methodically created a system of how to keep it all in check.

Thank you.  I have read the textbook definitions, but never had a practical understanding of the terms.

Being a psychopath sounds exhausting.

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15 hours ago, smores said:

But, but, Jax has made her a better, stronger person by cheating on her.  So you see, at the end of the day, it was really FOR her that he nailed Faith.  And now you can't be mad at him, because it made her better, and if he hadn't, well, she wouldn't be the awesome person that she is now.  I mean, honestly, you aren't saying you would want Brittany to be a weak woman are you?  So he HAD to do it.  He had NO CHOICE, it was his lot in life, and he had to go along with it.

Oh my gosh. That made me so furious. He did her a FAVOR. He can't see the negative impacts on her psyche that his cheating has done - only the fact that she supposedly now knows how to stand up for herself? 

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2 hours ago, politichick said:

I think it's rather a stretch to say he's "obsessed." More like hitting Katie where he knows it will hurt as her weight has fluctuated over the years.

I didn't say he was obsessed.  I just think it's become an automatic response.

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On 4/15/2019 at 6:13 PM, Mindthinkr said:

There have been many innuendos about the two Toms, but now I really wonder after seeing him play his penis shaped recorder. For James no less. 

Wha Wha WHAT??!! 😁 I missed that gem of a moment in history! I'm hoping I'll catch it when Bravo runs past episodes before the new episode on Monday. No TIVO for me. Got to catch up old school style! Lol!

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7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Oh my gosh. That made me so furious. He did her a FAVOR. He can't see the negative impacts on her psyche that his cheating has done - only the fact that she supposedly now knows how to stand up for herself? 

Some people will come up with the lamest crap trying to justify  what they have done to wound someone's soul.   He's outwardly okay to look at, but  inside that ego of his lurks the heart of a spirit-sucking kind of leech. 

My heart goes out to Brittney's parents.  Her father in particular, since he seems only too aware of what Jax is.  I wouldn't want the likes of Jax the Ripper near any daughter of mine, that's for damn sure.  

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I was strangely touched by the Ariana/Kristen friendship.   God this show has been on for a long time -when they show flashbacks I can't believe how many years it's been on.   

Everyone gird your loins for the onslaught of Memaw & Company next ep!  On the Brittany and Jax spinoff in Kentucky, both  Memaw and Brittany's mom, FrostyLips, were clearly in love with Jax. Brittany's dad was the only one with a sliver of sense.  Jax spent most of the spinoff complaining to the family that Brittany had 'lost her spark' by which he meant 'gained some weight'.  

The facial expressions of the relationship therapist were priceless.   Brittany really needs to think twice but obvs she's too busy jacking up her eyebrows.   

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On 4/16/2019 at 11:34 AM, LibertarianSlut said:

As far as the drinking and drug use, I think they could all be servieced by drying out and sorting out their issues from a sober place (Sandoval perhaps being an exception).  Take six months off drinking/drugging.  Work on your problems.  Slowly introduce the substances back in, and if they're causing things to flare up, then...you have a choice to make.  No one wants to say that though, cause it's not fun.  Last night when Stassi was confessing her demons to Lala and Lala suggested it might be the alcohol, I noticed Stassi backpeddle right quick.  I don't blame them.  Substance use/abuse is their livelihood, financially and otherwise, but at least cop to it.  Some are better than others at doing this.  

On the show, he and Ariana seem the most chill out of the bunch in regards to drinking, but from Instagram stories it seems like Sandoval is coked up out of his mind quite often. There are a lot of weird insta stories at early hours of the morning where he’s taking shots and his eyes are the size of dinner plates. Jax always seems pretty coked up too but he doesn’t seem to go out partying much anymore. Stassi and Beau are drinking in a good majority of their stories—Beau seeming to be the one who gets a lot more sloppy when he drinks. Kristin probably drinks a decent amount as well, but mostly just posts a lot about smoking pot and likes to make really long videos about nothing when she’s stoned.  

Anyway, not that anyone cared about my opinion or anything! Haha. 

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On 4/18/2019 at 10:20 AM, RHJunkie said:

I actually watched a Youtube video of someone breaking this down because I always get the two confused and truthfully, I think a lot of people use the term interchangeably (myself included) because they do share a lot of qualities like a lack of guilt, lack of consideration for others, violent tendencies. I think Jax would fall into the 'sociopath' category because there is a higher likelihood of a sociopath being uneducated, unable to hold down a steady job, lacks commitment and is very unorganized and ill-prepared. If Jax were a psychopath, chances are he would haven't been caught so often cheating and lying because he would have created a lie for every other lie he told and he would have methodically created a system of how to keep it all in check.

On 4/18/2019 at 10:48 AM, PumpkinPK said:

Thank you.  I have read the textbook definitions, but never had a practical understanding of the terms.

Being a psychopath sounds exhausting.

The Youtube video you watched sort of gets it but not really.* The term sociopath is an outdated term for a psychopath. It is still used colloquially sometimes to refer to low level psychopaths. Psychopaths can be divided into two groups. Blue-collar psychopaths (the ones who tend to end up in prisons, usually aren't as educated or intelligent, and are of lower socioeconomic status) and white-collar psychopaths (tend to be higher socioeconomic status, more intelligent, educated, professionals—politicians, lawyers, CEOs, even psychologists). Some believe psychopathy can be divided into more than two categories but all agree that there are at least those two categories, though the categories may be called different names. The term sociopath is being phased out. It's always appropriate to use the term psychopath because all sociopaths are psychopaths, but not all sociopaths (in the colloquial sense) are psychopaths.

Keep in mind that neither psychopath nor sociopath has ever been a diagnosis in any version of the DSM. The closest thing to a psychopath in the DSM is Antisocial Personality Disorder. The main difference between psychopathy and APD is that APD focuses on behavior (much less subjective) and psychopathy focuses on thoughts. A person can meet the criteria for APD and not be a psychopath, and a person can be a psychopath and not meet the criteria for APD, but there is a large overlap.

*My knowledge comes from the academic research. I did my Honors Thesis on psychopathy in college so my knowledge comes from academic books and papers. My advisor was a professor (obviously) and a practicing clinician as well, and he was the one who first told me in one of the classes I took with him that sociopath is an outdated term. Also, the hosts of the podcast "Missing Maura Murray" did an interview was a college professor from a reputable university who said the same thing. 

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What I don’t understand is why they are all pushing for marriage.  Katie gave Tom an ultimatum.  ON TV.  I would die if that was me, for all the world to see.  The same goes for Brittany and Jax.  And wayyy back to Scheana and Shay.  Thankfully none of them has spawned yet, because I really cannot fathom ANY of them as fit parents. 

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9 hours ago, geauxaway said:

What I don’t understand is why they are all pushing for marriage.  Katie gave Tom an ultimatum.  ON TV.  I would die if that was me, for all the world to see.  The same goes for Brittany and Jax.  And wayyy back to Scheana and Shay.

Because they get to be the center of attention all season; and if they are usually the center of attention then they get a spin off wedding series.

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On 4/20/2019 at 12:40 AM, geauxaway said:

What I don’t understand is why they are all pushing for marriage.  Katie gave Tom an ultimatum.  ON TV.  I would die if that was me, for all the world to see.  The same goes for Brittany and Jax.  And wayyy back to Scheana and Shay.  Thankfully none of them has spawned yet, because I really cannot fathom ANY of them as fit parents. 

Stassi has been talking about how she's ready to have a baby but wants to wait until after all the upcoming weddings to get pregnant because she doesn't want to miss out on the open bars.

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3 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Stassi has been talking about how she's ready to have a baby but wants to wait until after all the upcoming weddings to get pregnant because she doesn't want to miss out on the open bars.

She can’t afford to buy her own liquor? What is it with these folks?

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7 hours ago, SFoster21 said:

She can’t afford to buy her own liquor? What is it with these folks?

I think it’s just a matter of them all still being the same cheap drunks they always were—-even though they’re making decent dough these days, they’ll always be in touch with their struggling early days as “mactors” just trying to get by and enjoy a free buzz now and then. Like I’m sure in Stassi’s mind, a night of free drinks is equivalent to an extra Botox treatment or a pair of designer shoes. Why waste that extra disposable income on booze when you can get it free?

Speaking of Stassi, the idea of her raising anything beyond another purse dog is frightening—-she may have grown up a lot in the past few years but she still seems way too selfish and immature for motherhood. Lord knows her own mom is enough of a melodramatic basketcase, so my prayers go out to the future potential spawn of Stassi...ditto the spawn of manchild Schwartz and fishwife Katie. Oddly enough, I think Brittany and Jax are probably the only couple on this show that would make decent parents...and maybe Sandoval/Ariana too, if only because I’m sure FI Tom would have more fun dressing up his kid than any of the women on this show combined.

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On 4/16/2019 at 4:28 PM, nexxie said:

The preview of Jax telling Brittany’s dad and other relatives that he’s always going to look out for #1 (himself) first was chilling - Brittany’s dad must be terrified for her cuz Jax seems unstable, as well as selfish.

The BIL w the big eyes was awesome. His reactions were all of us!

Edited by DrSparkles
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On 4/21/2019 at 11:36 PM, Sun-Bun said:

Speaking of Stassi, the idea of her raising anything beyond another purse dog is frightening

Or a potted plant.  Or a pot plant.

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On 4/13/2019 at 2:07 PM, OnceSane said:

"The Exorcism of Stassi Schroeder". Tom Schwartz finds a way to make good on his financial obligation to Lisa; Stassi visits a witch to exorcise the demons threatening her relationship; Lala stages a musical performance; Jax reveals some troubling issues during couple's therapy.

I guess I never saw this season on the first airing because I have no memory of watching this one before. 

Schwartz and the briefcase of $5 bills was ridiculous, but totally him. 

I wonder how much money that ORACLE makes off gullible people? She clearly doesn't know that an oracle is a soothsay or fortune teller. *eye roll*

I didn't know LaLa had a brunette phase.


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On 4/15/2019 at 8:43 PM, Mr. Miner said:

Lala strips down to her bra and flips off the audience. This is for you dad!🤔

lol I thought the same! I guess we should be grateful she had any kind of top on. 

On 4/18/2019 at 11:33 AM, politichick said:

I think it's rather a stretch to say he's "obsessed." More like hitting Katie where he knows it will hurt as her weight has fluctuated over the years.

James called Katie fat many times and has also fat-shamed multiple other cast members throughout the years. I totally get using the word obsessed. 

On 4/17/2019 at 3:21 PM, yourmomiseasy said:

I think that Katie's point is that someone other than James can bring in big crowds and Lisa's point is that James actually cares enough to put the work in and do it regularly.  Katie doesn't realize Lisa's point and Lisa doesn't care about Katie's.

I see that. I applaud James for his passion about his job, but I'm sure other people could bring in crowds too. 

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1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:


lol I thought the same! I guess we should be grateful she had any kind of top on. 

James called Katie fat many times and has also fat-shamed multiple other cast members throughout the years. I totally get using the word obsessed. 

I see that. I applaud James for his passion about his job, but I'm sure other people could bring in crowds too. 

There are a million DJs. He just presses buttons on his laptop like Sandoval said (one time he was right).

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