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Supernatural Ending

Message added by ohjoy

Please use this topic to discussion about your general speculation and thoughts on the upcoming end of the series only. Keep long discussions on other topics (overall show history, media/social media updates, Bitch vs. Jerk, etc.) to the appropriate other topic, as usual. Thank you.

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11 hours ago, Icarus said:

Having got over my rather unpleasant first reaction i.e. blaming I do of course understand that there are a lot of reasons why Jensen, Jared and Misha have called time and that it must be extremely hard on all of them to have made this decision.

I have given little credence to those who have felt that Dabb had it “in” for Jensen as the writing has seemed to me to be just as bad for Sam and Castiel, in fact in general just bad! I am intrigued however with Cambion's comment concerning Nashville con, do others have any more info on this?

Just from my perspective in relation to those who have been wishing Jensen left ages ago and got other acting jobs, I loved Christopher Reeve as Superman but although I tried to like other roles he was in I couldn't relate to him in them. I loved Russell Crowe in Gladiator but the same happened i.e. didn't enjoy him in other roles. I absolutely loved Angel and thought when it ended I would follow David Boreanaz on an on but again I just found the character/s he played to not be of any interest to me. This leads me to believe that it is mainly the character (specifically Dean but also to a lesser degree Sam) that I love and I am not at all sure however much I admire and like Jensen that I will like him in other roles. I hope I do however as he and Jared have given me so much over the last 13 years.

I know I will have ZERO problem with Jensen in other roles as I loved him in Dark Angel as Ben/Alec, thought he did a great job as Tom Hanniger in My Bloody Valentine and actually was pretty darn interesting as Eddie G in the not very well written mini-series Blonde, the "interviews" were awkward but Eddie was supposed to be pretentious, but the characters scenes(there was kind of a this bisexual menage a trois relationship between Cass Chaplin, Eddie G and Marilyn Monroe) were good(if you've ever seen a gif of young Jensen dancing around in a kimono robe, that's where it's from).  I also liked him in the pilot of Still Life, as Max - the younger brother of a murdered police officer who narrated the story of his family's life without from "beyond". 

(Speaking of Still Life, there was a woman who lived in I think DC and so she was able to go the LoC archives and actually watch the OTHER non-aired episodes of Still Life(they never aired but they were still filed and registered so if someone wanted to watch them, they could sign in and watch them there), she did a great series of descriptive reviews and it sounds like it was an interesting show and that Jensen did a wonderful in it)

Now Dark Angel was the interesting one, because prior to seeing that I'd heard so much good stuff about Jensen's role in it, I was pretty sure I'd watch it and be disappointed, because when something is hyped it's so rare that it even starts to live up to it, to the point where you almost get second hand embarrassment watching it(or at least I do, I'm very sensitive to second hand embarrassment, so if I DON'T feel that way, something is very right 🙂).  Esp Alec's big episode The Berrisford Agenda, I literally watched almost with a sense of dread when I got to that episode.  It took me more than few minutes to just relax into the episode because I kept expecting the disappointment to hit.  

Then I watched Dark Angel and honestly Jensen really was that good and The Berrisford Agenda MORE than lived up to the legend, in my opinion.

So I know not only can I accept Jensen as other characters?  I actively look forward to seeing what he can do with them.  To seeing what he can bring to other creations. 

Dean wouldn't be who he is without Jensen Ackles, even Kripke early on admitted that they very quickly started taking a lot of character cues just from how Jensen played the character, they never really imagined the depth to that character UNTIL they saw what Jensen was adding to the character as an actor.  So Dean, the character I love, I wouldn't love him if not for how Jensen chose to play him, because the writers had different ideas to start with, in fact actually it seems like they had very few ideas, they expected Sam to be the "it" boy and then Jensen shows up on the screen and blows that idea to bits.  The early writers were smart and while not perfect, they knew enough to not actively work AGAINST an actor with good instincts and gave just enough guidance to him keep it balanced.

So if he could do that for Dean, I am excited to see him bringing his talents to other characters. I do expect that he might possibly take a little adjustment time, work out the kinks, he's been playing the same character for 15 years with very little break, but I think once he gets into the swing of it, he'll be amazing as usual.


If they are serious then the CW really needs to let it happen. Really, the current writers room is resorting to the interns writing for them.

It's so embarrasing isn't it?  A bunch of interns and first timers.  Including ones who think that the episodes that came before, the history of the show, are just good for "background noise" while cleaning the house?  They don't give a damn about the quality of the show. IMO

Edited by tessathereaper
  • Love 8

Highlander was my Supernatural before Dean came along. Did the convention and everything. Supernatural ending like Highlander is the true worst case scenario. They had to move heaven and earth to get Adrian Paul to agree to appear for the limited episodes the season had to justify their like 5 different spin off attempts. Never thought I would find something I liked more than that show but then Supernatural happened. I don’t feel I will ever get that lucky again. 

On a side note, I can’t image how insane it would be to go see your doctor and find Peter Wingfield.

@Lastcall It was my first TV show online fandom.  Just looked it up, he's Chief Resident in Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology at UC Hospital in LA.  So you'd look up as you're getting the mask put on and be like "Death!". LOL Well I guess so long as he stays away from the blue face paint all is well. 🙂 

I have my doubts about finding another Supernatural as well.  I guess I always feel that way when something I'm a fan of is coming to an end, and usually something comes along.  I mean I do have others I'm sort of involved in, they don't really compare though, and this has been a constant for so long and I don't care about any actors in those as much as I do Jensen.  So I guess my best hope is that Jensen gets involved in a fantastic tv show of some sort that I can follow. 🙂 

@starfishka  Same, seeing him as Michael, where he did such an amazing job, in the couple episodes he was actually really allowed to do anything, made me realize how exciting it would be to get to see him do other things.  

Maybe the way to do it would be to try to get some supporting but interesting parts in a couple of films, just to get into the swing of doing different types of characters again, and THEN go for a lead in a high quality series, whether cable or streaming, that seems to be where most of the interesting stuff is going on.  But of course if a part in a quality show came along right away, that would be great.

Edited by tessathereaper
  • Love 5
On 3/23/2019 at 6:45 PM, gonzosgirrl said:

I think there are too many fingers in the pie for the brewery to be a factor, unless they expand of course (as seems to be in the works). Still, I don't think that will be creative enough to satisfy him. I don't know if a big movie career is in the cards for him, but he is too good an actor not to be offered something post-SPN. Having a built in fandom doesn't hurt either, nor does his sterling reputation for work ethic and generally being loved and respected by his peers. I know we'll see him again.

I met Dee Wallace last night at a party and we talked about her episode of supernatural for about 5 minutes. She absolutely lit up! She said she LOVED doing it so much. She said she couldn’t say enough great things about the boys. She said they were so funny and fun and nice and professional, and she had a ball with them. It couldn’t have been a nicer or more fun experience. We hear that a lot in a public forum, but this was just her and I at a party and we both had a drink in our hands- so it seemed real and genuine. It was so very nice to hear. 🙂

  • Love 8
49 minutes ago, tessathereaper said:

@Lastcall It was my first TV show online fandom.  Just looked it up, he's Chief Resident in Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology at UC Hospital in LA.  So you'd look up as you're getting the mask put on and be like "Death!". LOL Well I guess so long as he stays away from the blue face paint all is well. 🙂 

I have my doubts about finding another Supernatural as well.  I guess I always feel that way when something I'm a fan of is coming to an end, and usually something comes along.  I mean I do have others I'm sort of involved in, they don't really compare though, and this has been a constant for so long and I don't care about any actors in those as much as I do Jensen.  So I guess my best hope is that Jensen gets involved in a fantastic tv show of some sort that I can follow.

I’ve been obsessed with a lot of things. Started with Batman then Star Wars. Highlander then Buffy. All things I loved but they weren’t perfect. Liked Robin more then Batman, Han more then Luke, Richie and Methos over Duncan and watched Buffy for Xander. I always seemed to prefer the sidekicks that laughed in the face of danger and wanted them to come into their own and be the hero. I never thought I would ever see that on any series. Then along came Dean Winchester. Robin becoming Batman John, the weekly adventures of Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon Impala, Richie became the One and Xander became a Badass. Once I hit The Benders in my Supernatural binge I realized I had found what I’d been searching for in a tv hero all my life.

Thats why the show hurts so much, seeing Dabb turn Dean into a goofy helpless sidekick is heartbreaking. If Dabb writes the series finale it will be tragic, a pitiful end to the greatest show on television (for me). If there is no movie in the future and Dabb gets final say on Dean Winchester’s fate then the show will be added to shows ruined by their finale. It will be 2020’s lost or how I met your Mother. It will be go in the Sopranos/Seinfeld file of controversial endings. I am praying Vegas con will offer some hope this won’t be allowed to happen. J2 having a final say, Kripke coming back potential movie down the road. Anyone beside the current writers having the final word.

  • Love 8

You know... the other day I made a joke about my new favorite series "Doom Patrol" having the showrunner be Jeremy Carver and having Julian Richings, Curtis Armstrong, and Mark Sheppard appear on it, and how the CW better watch out because the Doom Patrol might just steal J2 from them.

I mean... I was joking, but damn! Now that SPN is ending, can you imagine them guest starring in that? Never say never!!

Edited by ZennyKenny
  • Love 4

My best friends died in Dec in 2011- they were killed by a driver on meth while they were on the way to my birthday party. Long story short, my husband had been watching SPN on netflix. I took a week off in Jan for the funeral and stuff, and hubby Bob said he thought I would like this show that he started watching. Maybe it was because of the need I had for something at that point in my life but I fell hard in love with it (no, I'm not depressed, I don't have depression or anything like that- but suffice it to say- that was a tough month). Anyhoo, it took us a year (all of 2012 pretty much) to catch up on 7 seasons on netflix, and then we started live with season 8. It's been such a huge part of my life for 7 years now, I will miss it and everything surrounding it because it means so much! I hope the cons continue. I've been to 4 or 5 of them.

  • Love 11

I'm sure Creation will continue to milk it with the secondary line-up for time immemorial, but I will be more than surprised if Jensen and Jared continue to do cons beyond the end of the show. Maybe one here and there, but not anywhere near this full schedule they do now.  Probably JIBcon since they seem to love it and it's a free trip to Europe, and why not? Maybe Jared will do more, since he has talked about 'retiring' from acting, but I hope that Jensen will have a job that prevents him from attending 🙂

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I'm sure Creation will continue to milk it with the secondary line-up for time immemorial, but I will be more than surprised if Jensen and Jared continue to do cons beyond the end of the show. Maybe one here and there, but not anywhere near this full schedule they do now.  Probably JIBcon since they seem to love it and it's a free trip to Europe, and why not? Maybe Jared will do more, since he has talked about 'retiring' from acting, but I hope that Jensen will have a job that prevents him from attending 🙂

I won't be surprised if J2 does a fair number of cons.  For one, I believe them to be sincere in their love for fandom and they enjoy the interaction they have with the fans.  And if the Supernatural workload didn't stop J2 from cons, I'd be surprised if they'd have other jobs that made them MORE busy.  Certainly there could be a different kind of schedule (like shooting on a film that goes for x number of weeks straight).  But the implication of 'secondary' and 'milking' is offensive to me on their behalf.  Yes they are there as a 'show', it's a job and they are paid.  But they are both 'set' financially.  As Jensen said, "it's fuel" (i.e. motivational) for them to engage with fans.  So if they want that fuel, they'll come. 

As an example, JDM NEVER did conventions.  Jensen convinced him to come to SPNVegas a few years ago - said how great it was and Jeff should try it at least once.  So he did. After that experience, JDM now does both SPN and Walking Dead conventions.  And he's thrilled to be there per his own words.  Again, he's another actor who doesn't need the money.  He enjoys the fan engagement.   

  • Love 3
40 minutes ago, SueB said:

I won't be surprised if J2 does a fair number of cons.  For one, I believe them to be sincere in their love for fandom and they enjoy the interaction they have with the fans.  And if the Supernatural workload didn't stop J2 from cons, I'd be surprised if they'd have other jobs that made them MORE busy. 

Jensen found his courage to sing during these conventions.  The only thing that will definitely lower their times is if they have conflicts that attending means they can't come or if they feel people are asking too personal questions.  I can see them taking some time off too so time will tell what they choose to do.

I've never gone to a convention and most likely won't get to one next year.  So if they do continue to do some later down the line maybe it would be possible... 

I do know that some shows have fans that created fanfiction and have gotten some of the lead actors to come for a convention created by the fans of the show.  But once they all go their separate ways it does get harder to get the entire gang together.  Some of these actors had been gone from the show for more than 35 years and had moved on. 

I see J2 and Misha as being upfront with the fans.  Telling the crew in person shows their love for those involved.  So they might be willing to keep doing some but I wouldn't be surprised if they slowed down the schedule.  I do believe they are being real when they said it provided fuel.  But with no new storylines, I'm not sure how much they want to answer the same questions over an over. 

Yes, they do get some strong questions but I don't hunt the vids like I once did either.  So I may be biased.  I expect it will be a gradual slowing down with next year being the normal routine.  Perhaps the next convention will shed some light on this very issue.  🙂

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, SueB said:

I won't be surprised if J2 does a fair number of cons.  For one, I believe them to be sincere in their love for fandom and they enjoy the interaction they have with the fans.  And if the Supernatural workload didn't stop J2 from cons, I'd be surprised if they'd have other jobs that made them MORE busy.  Certainly there could be a different kind of schedule (like shooting on a film that goes for x number of weeks straight).  But the implication of 'secondary' and 'milking' is offensive to me on their behalf.  Yes they are there as a 'show', it's a job and they are paid.  But they are both 'set' financially.  As Jensen said, "it's fuel" (i.e. motivational) for them to engage with fans.  So if they want that fuel, they'll come. 

As an example, JDM NEVER did conventions.  Jensen convinced him to come to SPNVegas a few years ago - said how great it was and Jeff should try it at least once.  So he did. After that experience, JDM now does both SPN and Walking Dead conventions.  And he's thrilled to be there per his own words.  Again, he's another actor who doesn't need the money.  He enjoys the fan engagement.   

First if all, I never said nor implied that they, J2, didn't enjoy the fandom or were anything but sincere. So I take offense to that. Milking it referred to Creation, and I stand by that.

I also believe Jensen when he says they get fueled by the interaction, but you don't need fuel for an engine that isn't running. With Supernatural ended and likely other projects underway, I can't see them spending 15 or 20 weekends a year on SPN conventions. You're obviously free to feel differently but please don't put words in my mouth.

  • Love 6

If they still do genuinely want to do conventions, and if I were marketing/organising them, I'd keep them to a couple per year and make the biggest possible deal out of 'em e.g. calling them the 'SPN Autumn/Spring family gatherings' and have them in different cities every time.  After the end of 15 I could see them taking a few months off to gather their thoughts and weigh up options and offers.But time will, of course, tell. 

  • Useful 1
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Yeah, I don't see why they'd stop doing conventions. It's crazy easy money the way Creation has structured it for them, and without the burden of active filming it only gets easier. The fact that they've done so many during active filming shows how much they enjoy it. Unless they're just dying to jump into another full-time gig that takes them away from home, they could be soccer dads and weekend con warriors for the next few years and make a killing.

Edited by sarthaz
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, sarthaz said:

Yeah, I don't see why they'd stop doing conventions. It's crazy easy money the way Creation has structured it for them, and without the burden of active filming it only gets easier. The fact that they've done so many during active filming shows how much they enjoy it. Unless they're just dying to jump into another full-time gig that takes them away from home, they could be soccer dads and weekend con warriors for the next few years and make a killing.

The Kings of Con for real.  Jensen even has the outfit (and crown)😁

  • Love 2

So I read about SPN ending over the weekend and came over here to...pay my respects? I dunno. Supernatural was one of my favorite shows back in the day. It was appointment viewing for me in seasons 1-5. Saving people, hunting things, the family business. I may watch the final season or just the finale (honestly the occasional ep I caught in the past couple years showed that the quality had greatly fallen off). Jared and Jensen seem like genuinely good guys and I respect that they wanted to tell the crew and the fans themselves.

  • Love 3

Can we talk about what we hope/would like to see happen or not happen?  

I don't give one hot damn about JDM or Mary.  I don't care to see a happy family resolution.  Don't care what happens to Jack or NotBobby.   I would be okay with reopening the rift and booting his grumpy butt back home.  If the final season is mostly MOTW, I'd be fine with that.  I don't want to watch them die, or Cas, (I still will not watch the final scene of Butch Cassidy and The Sundance KId), but if that's what happens, I can live with it.  But, THEM.  Not just Dean.  I would not want Boy Wonder  and Sam left to carry on.  That would just crap all over Dean's legacy.  I'm gonna shut up lest I give Dabb any ideas.

  • Love 6

I wonder what the season 15 opener song is going to be? I was always a little excited for it, but now with it being the last time it will happen, it's gotta be iconic, right? I feel like AC/DC is a staple, so they'll probably use one of their songs. But it will also probably need to be a longer song because i'm guessing that they will do an extra long recap that touches on all the seasons. "For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)" is almost 6 minutes long, so that might work. 

Wish they had the money for Led Zeppelin, since Dean's two favorite songs are "Ramble On" and "Traveling Riverside Blues."

  • Love 2
34 minutes ago, ZennyKenny said:

I wonder what the season 15 opener song is going to be? I was always a little excited for it, but now with it being the last time it will happen, it's gotta be iconic, right? I feel like AC/DC is a staple, so they'll probably use one of their songs. But it will also probably need to be a longer song because i'm guessing that they will do an extra long recap that touches on all the seasons. "For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)" is almost 6 minutes long, so that might work. 

Wish they had the money for Led Zeppelin, since Dean's two favorite songs are "Ramble On" and "Traveling Riverside Blues."

I wonder if they will still begin 15x20 with Wayward Son, and if they do, will they play it all the way through - I'd think that would be the time for an all-seasons "Then".

I love that Kansas reTweeted this:

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • LOL 1
  • Love 7
3 hours ago, trudysmom said:

Can we talk about what we hope/would like to see happen or not happen?  

I don't give one hot damn about JDM or Mary.  I don't care to see a happy family resolution.  Don't care what happens to Jack or NotBobby.   I would be okay with reopening the rift and booting his grumpy butt back home.  If the final season is mostly MOTW, I'd be fine with that.  I don't want to watch them die, or Cas, (I still will not watch the final scene of Butch Cassidy and The Sundance KId), but if that's what happens, I can live with it.  But, THEM.  Not just Dean.  I would not want Boy Wonder  and Sam left to carry on.  That would just crap all over Dean's legacy.  I'm gonna shut up lest I give Dabb any ideas.

I agree with all of this. I want the show to end with the most important characters that have been front and center from the beginning: Dean, Sam and Cas who while not around at the beginning has solidified his importance throughout the run of the show. OG Bobby and AU Bobby are vastly different and since the former is no longer around I would rather not see the latter heavily included in the final season. The same goes for Mary and John. I am aware that the overall mytharc centered around her character but Dabb and Co. have made her so wooden and unlikeable that she brings nothing to the table as a full time character IMO. The same goes for John; that ship has long sailed. Jack may be a fan favorite ( for some ) but he's not integral to the overall Winchester narrative IMO and his presence has largely taken away storylines and screen time that should have been reserved for the 3 leads. I'm mostly indifferent to Rowena and the Waywards though it's always nice to see Jody. Nickifer is not worth mentioning; I would hope that he is dealt with permanently this season or at least at the beginning of the final season. I do hope that the brothers are still alive at the end; they deserve some sort of happy ending.

  • Love 5

Do you know, it's taken me a few days but I'm finally coming around to being glad that the show is ending, purely because of the fall-off in the quality in writing and, above all, the way that Jensen has been treated.  Some of us are stuck in cra**y jobs by necessity, so I LOVE when someone has the chance for freedom (creative or otherwise) and grabs it with both hands, despite how difficult the decision must have been.  Those guys have earned it, and particularly the time they'll now have with their families, so carry on my wayward sons (but just know you'll never get rid of us!!)

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

A video tweet from Briana.  She also says she knew beforehand. I wonder if the guys talked to the group in Nashville. 

Having watched this and Ruth's vid, it's pretty obvious the guys have been talking about ending this for a while, and not just between themselves, apparently. Just confirms that it was the guys' decision. The only surprise for me was hearing that they were mulling possibly being done after this season, which I'm glad they didn't go that route because that would have been a very poor end the way the season is going. If they wanted 14 to be the last season, they needed to have told Pedowitz and Roth at the end of season 13.

This also makes Jensen's push to get JDM to show up for the 300th even more clear since that really could have been the last chance.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, PAForrest said:

Having watched this and Ruth's vid, it's pretty obvious the guys have been talking about ending this for a while, and not just between themselves, apparently. Just confirms that it was the guys' decision. The only surprise for me was hearing that they were mulling possibly being done after this season, which I'm glad they didn't go that route because that would have been a very poor end the way the season is going. If they wanted 14 to be the last season, they needed to have told Pedowitz and Roth at the end of season 13.

This also makes Jensen's push to get JDM to show up for the 300th even more clear since that really could have been the last chance.

There was an interview that Jensen did at comic con where he was asked if and Jensen have the conversation every year about whether, this is it and if they can continue.

Jensen was very appreciative the studio and their support saying they're lucky to be able have this coversation and there was never a finality to them.

That was at the start of s14, where Jensen was really excited about the possibility of the Michael Dean storyline.  For them to actually discuss whether to end this year, I wonder what changed so abruptly since that is a complete one 180 as to what Jensen was saying earlier this season.

They always said the quality would be a big factor in their decision.

It makes me wonder if neither Jensen nor Jared were happy with direction the season took.

Edited by ILoveReading
  • Love 7

After re-reading the red BOLD banner I'm took my thesis "The boys definitely managed this one expertly IMO." to the social media thread.   (see here).

Implications from that thesis for the go-forward: We will get a definitive wrap up, there is no longer a 'soft landing' in a spin-off and anything after the series finale is a 'to be determined'. Which means: 
- The Heaven story and the Castiel story are DEFINITELY on the menu.  Dabb has mentioned the latter and the first seems obvious. Personal pet theory: Chuck negotiates with The Empty to let Cas run Heaven. Secondary option: Cas goes to the Empty because then he doesn't cry no more.
- Hell may be left alone as just a disorganized mess.  They've pretty much recovered from the continued damage done when the Hell Gates got opened in S2 and letting Lucifer free.  Yes, there are still more demons than one or two, but the heavy hitters are gone (purpose of 14.1 story IMO) and there are plenty of angel blades around to give hunters an effective tool against the demons in addition to exorcism.  But in the precious 24 episodes left, I'll be surprised if they revisit Hell significantly (unless it somehow ties to a main character ... unlikely).
- J2 have a strong say in how it ends.  Their masterful handling of the announcement reaffirms my belief it is the boy's show - first and foremost - and Singer will not abdicate to them but certainly avoid pissing them off.  Dabb does what Singer tells him to do in this case.
- Scenarios range from "Still have work to do" to "Butch & Sundance" for Sam & Dean.  Way to early to tell which way they are leaning.  "Give them what they want but not in a way they expect it." is STILL the golden rule of Supernatural Storytelling (TM Kim Manners).  So I expect (to quote Ron Weasley): "they're going to suffer but they're going to be happy about it".  "They" being the fans.  It won't be the 'happy happy Scooby Doo ending' ala Waynes World - it's won't be fire and brimstone raining from the sky.  
- Chuck will NOT fix everything in the series finale.  He may comment.  He may be gonzo by then.  That's just a guess on my part BTW. 

If I was a betting person; I'd bet on the ending leaves a door open.  Jensen gave us a "nothing ever really ends' wink wink in the final announcement.  So while it's a definitive wrap-up, I think there is a door still in play.  I can't explain it better than that.  But I bet everyone rises to the occaision to make it one helluva ride.  

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, SueB said:

After re-reading the red BOLD banner I'm took my thesis "The boys definitely managed this one expertly IMO." to the social media thread.   (see here).

Implications from that thesis for the go-forward: We will get a definitive wrap up, there is no longer a 'soft landing' in a spin-off and anything after the series finale is a 'to be determined'. Which means: 
- The Heaven story and the Castiel story are DEFINITELY on the menu.  Dabb has mentioned the latter and the first seems obvious. Personal pet theory: Chuck negotiates with The Empty to let Cas run Heaven. Secondary option: Cas goes to the Empty because then he doesn't cry no more.
- Hell may be left alone as just a disorganized mess.  They've pretty much recovered from the continued damage done when the Hell Gates got opened in S2 and letting Lucifer free.  Yes, there are still more demons than one or two, but the heavy hitters are gone (purpose of 14.1 story IMO) and there are plenty of angel blades around to give hunters an effective tool against the demons in addition to exorcism.  But in the precious 24 episodes left, I'll be surprised if they revisit Hell significantly (unless it somehow ties to a main character ... unlikely).
- J2 have a strong say in how it ends.  Their masterful handling of the announcement reaffirms my belief it is the boy's show - first and foremost - and Singer will not abdicate to them but certainly avoid pissing them off.  Dabb does what Singer tells him to do in this case.
- Scenarios range from "Still have work to do" to "Butch & Sundance" for Sam & Dean.  Way to early to tell which way they are leaning.  "Give them what they want but not in a way they expect it." is STILL the golden rule of Supernatural Storytelling (TM Kim Manners).  So I expect (to quote Ron Weasley): "they're going to suffer but they're going to be happy about it".  "They" being the fans.  It won't be the 'happy happy Scooby Doo ending' ala Waynes World - it's won't be fire and brimstone raining from the sky.  
- Chuck will NOT fix everything in the series finale.  He may comment.  He may be gonzo by then.  That's just a guess on my part BTW. 

If I was a betting person; I'd bet on the ending leaves a door open.  Jensen gave us a "nothing ever really ends' wink wink in the final announcement.  So while it's a definitive wrap-up, I think there is a door still in play.  I can't explain it better than that.  But I bet everyone rises to the occaision to make it one helluva ride.  

I sincerely hope you are right about this especially the bold.

  • Love 3

Since death has become such a joke on this show, it really doesn't' matter how they end things this year or next year.  If they want to do a movie at some point in the future they will just resurrect whoever or whatever needs resurrecting for....reasons. 

That is how things work on this show.  I don't see it changing. 

I'd rather they just let it go.  No movies or limited series because I still see the present writing team helming it.   Even if they didn't, then they'd be brought in for consulting. 

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

Since death has become such a joke on this show, it really doesn't' matter how they end things this year or next year.  If they want to do a movie at some point in the future they will just resurrect whoever or whatever needs resurrecting for....reasons. 

That is how things work on this show.  I don't see it changing. 

I'd rather they just let it go.  No movies or limited series because I still see the present writing team helming it.   Even if they didn't, then they'd be brought in for consulting. 

A movie probably wouldn’t happen for a few years after the show. If Jensen’s and Dabb’s relationship is how some of us suspect then Jensen wouldn’t sign on. Jared and Jensen will have the final say on who they work with. We should get a better feel after Vegas. This may be the first Con in a long time where the audience will actually ask questions about the show.

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2 hours ago, ZennyKenny said:

Ok here me out: The French Mistake 2.

Sam & Dean once again get thrust into the real world, where they find out that Jared and Jensen are quitting the series. Sam and Dean have an existential crisis, wondering if they will cease to exist once the series ends.

OMG this would really be incredible. I would accept this ending.

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4 hours ago, ZennyKenny said:

Ok here me out: The French Mistake 2.

Sam & Dean once again get thrust into the real world, where they find out that Jared and Jensen are quitting the series. Sam and Dean have an existential crisis, wondering if they will cease to exist once the series ends.

Oh, no, please, no! The first one was painful enough.

Edited by Res
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2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

At this point I wouldn't be surprised to see it end with a traumatized little Dean holding a snow globe.

(St. Elsewhere anybody? Yes, I'm old.)

This is a fan fic I read once.  Dean was the only one that survived the fire and he was actually in a mental hospital and made this all up to cope.

The "this is a dream or this is a vision" is by biggest DNW because it cheapens everything Sam and Dean have been through to say it didn't happen.

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57 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

This is a fan fic I read once.  Dean was the only one that survived the fire and he was actually in a mental hospital and made this all up to cope.

The "this is a dream or this is a vision" is by biggest DNW because it cheapens everything Sam and Dean have been through to say it didn't happen.

Oh, I don't want it either. In fact it's one of the outcomes that just might make me go all hunter myself.

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In a logical (or fair) world, the showrunner would recognize that, since the show is ending, there's no longer a reason or need to court new, younger viewers and would therefore spend the final season wrapping up all loose ends and thanking the long-time viewers for their loyalty instead of bringing in or pimping new, young characters.  And hopefully creating a satisfying ending to one hell of a run.

But that's being logical, of course.  

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1 hour ago, Casseiopeia said:

I don't know where this belongs.  Is it idle gossip or did it really happen.  This was at the wrap party...


I loathe - and I mean absolutely loathe the Canadagraphs people. Obnoxious, entitled twats. And this goes back to another fandom where they absolutely trashed actors for daring to decline their pushy 'requests' for autographs. I don't really care how much they 'share' - they are assholes.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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13 minutes ago, Lemuria said:

I loved that ending!  I’ve written some fanfic using the idea that an entire show (including SPN—wrote that one years ago) was only in one character’s mind. 

I would hate it honestly because such a thing makes me feel like any time I invested in watching a show was a complete waste of time. Buffy skirted the edge with that "Normal Again" episode. Not my cup of tea. I need my fictional stories to at least be "real" in their fictional worlds to justify getting invested in the story.

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33 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

I would hate it honestly because such a thing makes me feel like any time I invested in watching a show was a complete waste of time. Buffy skirted the edge with that "Normal Again" episode. Not my cup of tea. I need my fictional stories to at least be "real" in their fictional worlds to justify getting invested in the story.

Same, it's like you've invested in something that wasn't even "real".  No it's not real, but as a fictional world(or secondary universe as good old Professor Tolkien used to call them), you should be able to think of it as real.  (And damn the SPN writers have gone against so many tenets of how the secondary universe rule book it's ridiculous because pretty much tops on the list is that within itself, your secondary universe should be consistent in it's rules and history!)

6 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

At this point I wouldn't be surprised to see it end with a traumatized little Dean holding a snow globe.

(St. Elsewhere anybody? Yes, I'm old.)

Holding a snow globe while sitting on the floor of Sam's nursery which leads to a retelling of the opening scene for the pilot. The ending will be Mary and John in bed chuckling about how imaginative Dean is and the stories that they've overheard him telling little Sammy, Or they can go the Roseanne route and have the entire series be a story that John wrote on a whim in his journal to deal with the trauma of losing Mary. 🤔

Edited by DeeDee79
14 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I wholeheartedly agree - which is why I would not be surprised if Dabb & Co went there.

In a weird way, I feel like it would explain so much though. Dean still being in hell and being tortured. Like Bobby, his surrogate father, being killed and replaced with a version that doesn't know him. Or Mary coming back, but she's all wrong and unmotherly. Or becoming best friends with an angel whom he has to watch die over and over again. Or his brother choosing a demon over him, not searching for him, saying that he wouldn't save him, etc. Or, you know.... Jack. Existing. At all.

Crap, I'm starting to freak myself out!

Edited by ZennyKenny
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Message added by ohjoy

Please use this topic to discussion about your general speculation and thoughts on the upcoming end of the series only. Keep long discussions on other topics (overall show history, media/social media updates, Bitch vs. Jerk, etc.) to the appropriate other topic, as usual. Thank you.

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