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S38.E03: Betrayals Are Going to Get Exposed

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2 minutes ago, KimberStormer said:

No no, We Have Always Hated Kelley Wentworth.  It Is Known.

(I've decided not to worry about the hate because I always did like villains best.)

Lol. I feel like this is one of those 'whichever side you're on, you see the opposite side as dominant' thing, because to me it seems like everyone loves Kelley. 

I don't like her but I think there's no denying she's a threat and a player. If I was on an island with her and David I'd want her out first by a long shot. 

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9 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

She showed no signs of pain during or after the challenge.  Then she is seen walking away from the challenge totally normally.

Then, after she noticed the bruise, she suddenly needed to be carried back to camp.  Her tribemates asked her where she wanted to be placed and told her they would bring her what ever she asked for.

Then, they started gushing over the chickens.  I think Wendy was actually JEALOUS of all the attention the chickens were getting.

She showed no signs of pain at the IC and after it, she led the tribe back to camp, and climbed up the same hill she had to be carried up, effortlessly, while carrying her big bag full of her stuff.

Then she ran off with the flint.

During the challenge when she dropped the heavy bolt I think it was, she said (they captioned it "O ------!"): "Oh, fuck!" when it landed on her ankle.

You don't get a bruise that dark and large in a short amount of time without significant damage. It wasn't a case of her noticing the bruise and capitalising on it, as you say. She was in pain on the walk back, as she said in footage we saw. Her campmates dumped her unceremoniously in a spot and then in a bored voice with zero sincerity, Lauren said they would get her stuff, ditto. They dumped her like a piece of rubbish, promptly ignored her. And later they made fun of her.

She's been on the bottom since it was decided that the - as you saw it - incredibly weak older woman  (who was weak by dint of her oldness and womanness, apparently - or so you told me 45 times) and the friendly young black kid, and the girl with Tourette's in the surf together working on strengthening Keith's swimming prowess were easy targets and/or dispensible. Maybe they were. It seemed a bit unpleasant to me.

9 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

She is a fake, an attention whore and a drama queen.

You sound really shrill. 

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4 hours ago, MissEwa said:

Yes? Just because they're both returning players doesn't mean they're equal in terms of how much of a threat they are - or, more importantly, perceived to be. Kelly has a much stronger reputation than David. She's a physical and strategic threat who takes no prisoners and will play her guts out. She is also BELOVED by Survivor fans. If she gets to the end, she's got a good shot at getting respect votes, even if there is a bias against returnees. 

David isn't really any of those things. Nobody's star-struck about David being there. He doesn't come across as a cut-throat strategist or a challenge beast. And he's doing a really good job of capitalising on that to keep the target off his back. 

Which is stupid as hell cause he finished the same place she did! And was likely winning if he made F3. Hes very much a threat Stragetically and he was in his first season. 

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8 hours ago, MissEwa said:

 Kelly has a much stronger reputation than David. She's a physical and strategic threat who takes no prisoners and will play her guts out. She is also BELOVED by Survivor fans.

The same could be said of Johnny Fairplay. 😉 

Just as a general rule of thumb , though; pick out any past Survivor contestant, and you’ll find:

  1. A certain segment of the fan base loves them to pieces and wants them to win everything.
  2. A different segment hates them and wants them to die.
  3. A third segment - one which is in all likelihood larger than the other two combined - would really have to go begging on street corners to scrape together enough of a single fuck to give about them, one way or the other.
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On 3/7/2019 at 12:39 PM, Bryce Lynch said:

I didn't notice that.  But, I did notice that Jeff said, "The 3rd person voted out of Survivor is Chris".  No, "Survivor Edge of Extinction".  I don't recall Jeff ever leaving out the name of the season before. 

He is usually so regimented about using the same words (to the point of being annoying) in different parts of the show. 

He may be leaving other parts out accidentally because he's having to concentrate on not automatically saying the one part he needs to leave out:  "Once the votes are read, the decision is final; and the person voted out will be asked to leave TC immediately." 

Because the decision is not final after the votes.  It's not even final when the bootee reaches the Decision Point.  It's only final if they take the Path of No Return, or they raise the Surrender Sail.

However, if anyone is missing Peachy's post-vote speeches; just pull up any random vote-out on YouTube.  The speech he gave then will make just as much sense for this season.

On 3/8/2019 at 11:36 AM, MoreCoffeePlease said:

I wish that at Extinction Island they actually had nice comfy beds and gave them decent food, so that when they come back, they would have a physical advantage.

This was the Outcast twist of Pearl Islands.  And it was generally reviled for the reasons you want to see it.  They weren't at the Ponderosa, but the Outcasts were in better living conditions than everyone else, even if we weren't shown any of it.  And while the food supplies might have been comparable, the Outcasts didn't have to work to get it.  Nor did they have to waste energy in challenges until the one that revealed them.

On 3/8/2019 at 10:57 PM, EllenB said:

I'd like the silly extinction island better if, when the second person arrived, they had to compete in some kind of challenge (some physical, some mental, like the regular ones) with the first person, then winner stays and loser leaves.  Same with each "exile" who is voted out, a challenge to determine who stays.  Then let the final winner at merge time return to the game.

As said upthread, you mean Redemption Island.  They've done that 3 times already.  EoE is at least a new take on this old idea.

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13 hours ago, MissEwa said:

Kelly .. . She is also BELOVED by Survivor fans.

She is?  Not by this fan.  I've seen each season and I don't even remember her at all.  Nada.  Blank.  But I remember David clearly and was rooting for him in his season.

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4 hours ago, SVNBob said:

Because the decision is not final after the votes.  It's not even final when the bootee reaches the Decision Point.  It's only final if they take the Path of No Return, or they raise the Surrender Sail..

We've yet to see much suspense over this.  The decision point doesn't actually look promising at all, it's like it's there just to point out quitters.

The votes are still important as they guide the strategy on the show.

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Sorry if this was talked about before, but has Jeff ever said on camera this season to the cast what Edge of Extinction actually is?  You'd think they'd be curious about the theme of their season.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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7 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Sorry if this was talked about before, but has Jeff ever said on camera this season to the cast what Edge of Extinction actually is?  You'd think they'd be curious about the theme of their season.

He told them about how this season will push them to their limits or something like that and then said they were on Survivor - Edge of Extinction.   But I don’t believe he ever revealed the existence of the EoE island or what is happening there.  At least I don’t think he has, which explains why the bootees have been surprised by the exit signs.  

I vaguely recall that with the redemption and exile islands, he would say something like “you’ll have a chance to get back into the game” after the tribal vote, is that right?  Then when someone lost the redemption challenge, they would throw their buff into the flames.  He hasn’t said anything at all like that here.

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2 hours ago, blackwing said:

He told them about how this season will push them to their limits or something like that and then said they were on Survivor - Edge of Extinction.   But I don’t believe he ever revealed the existence of the EoE island or what is happening there.  At least I don’t think he has, which explains why the bootees have been surprised by the exit signs.  

I vaguely recall that with the redemption and exile islands, he would say something like “you’ll have a chance to get back into the game” after the tribal vote, is that right?  Then when someone lost the redemption challenge, they would throw their buff into the flames.  He hasn’t said anything at all like that here. 

The redemption island twist was taken from another version of Survivor where it was actually held back as a complete secret till the return, not sure if the US version ever did that or not.  It is much more effective as a surprise.

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17 hours ago, violet and green said:

During the challenge when she dropped the heavy bolt I think it was, she said (they captioned it "O ------!"): "Oh, fuck!" when it landed on her ankle.

You don't get a bruise that dark and large in a short amount of time without significant damage. It wasn't a case of her noticing the bruise and capitalising on it, as you say. She was in pain on the walk back, as she said in footage we saw. Her campmates dumped her unceremoniously in a spot and then in a bored voice with zero sincerity, Lauren said they would get her stuff, ditto. They dumped her like a piece of rubbish, promptly ignored her. And later they made fun of her.

She's been on the bottom since it was decided that the - as you saw it - incredibly weak older woman  (who was weak by dint of her oldness and womanness, apparently - or so you told me 45 times) and the friendly young black kid, and the girl with Tourette's in the surf together working on strengthening Keith's swimming prowess were easy targets and/or dispensible. Maybe they were. It seemed a bit unpleasant to me.

You sound really shrill. 

She barely made any noise when the bolt hit her ankle and kept going.  

When they are seen leaving the challenge area, she is walking without any limp or indication of pain.

In her confessional, she says that on the way back to camp she noticed the bruise. 

Then, after she saw the bruise, she suddenly needed her tribemates carry her back to camp.

The guys who carried her asked where she wanted to be put.  Wentworth and Lauren told her if she needed anything, just yell at the would bring her whatever she needed.  

THEN, all the attention shifted to the "beautiful chickens" and the meal they were going to have.  Wendy, a carnivore, IRL, then all of the sudden felt bad for the chickens?  Nope.  IMO, she became jealous of the chickens because they were getting all the attention.

Before the IC, she was standing with the rest of them showing no signs of pain and laughing at the banter between Probst and the castaways.

She had no problem swimming during the IC, though I would think a badly damaged ankle would make it difficult and painful to kick one's legs.   

After the IC, she was first in line as the tribe headed back to  camp and she climbed up the same hill she had to be carried up earlier, while carrying her bag, and showed no signs of pain or struggle.  

She climbed back down the hill, after she stole the flint, again showing no signs of injury.

I realize she actually bruised her ankle.  But, it seems obvious to me that she was exaggerating the extent of the injury and milking it for all she could.   

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2 hours ago, blackwing said:

He told them about how this season will push them to their limits or something like that and then said they were on Survivor - Edge of Extinction.   But I don’t believe he ever revealed the existence of the EoE island or what is happening there.  At least I don’t think he has, which explains why the bootees have been surprised by the exit signs.  

I vaguely recall that with the redemption and exile islands, he would say something like “you’ll have a chance to get back into the game” after the tribal vote, is that right?  Then when someone lost the redemption challenge, they would throw their buff into the flames.  He hasn’t said anything at all like that here.

Yes, on the Redemption Island seasons, the players knew about Redemption Island.   They even witnessed duels (and truels) at Redemption Island Arena, or whatever they called it.

Because of that, Redemption Island was consideration in their strategy.  Ozzy even asked his tribe to send him there, so he could win and give them the numbers (or even numbers, I don't recall) going into the merge.  

The fact that the players know nothing about  EOE Island, until they get voted out, takes the twist out of consideration when forming strategy.  It also increase the drama of TC for the players (though not the viewers) because they think the person being voted out is finished.  

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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12 hours ago, Nashville said:

The same could be said of Johnny Fairplay. 😉 

Just as a general rule of thumb , though; pick out any past Survivor contestant, and you’ll find:

  1. A certain segment of the fan base loves them to pieces and wants them to win everything.
  2. A different segment hates them and wants them to die.
  3. A third segment - one which is in all likelihood larger than the other two combined - would really have to go begging on street corners to scrape together enough of a single fuck to give about them, one way or the other.

Count me in at #3 but if I may be so bold to add at least a corollary to it....

3a.  Don't remember them at all for some reason!

She must be in my blind spot because I have no recollection of her.   And she supposedly played twice before and is popular enough to go by her last name?   I'd have to go to the wiki to find out the other cast of characters on her season to even attempt to jar any memories of her.  Weird.

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Unpopular Opinion: 

I understand where Wendy is coming from.   It's totally different for me to see a chicken and have to kill it and I have more than a pang of anxiety over it.   But at the same time I'm equally as crabby at the beef/chicken/pork/lamb etc slaughtered in the USA mainly because I feel it is quite affordable compared to other countries and goes to waste (as are fruits and vegetables TBH).   If it were more expensive people would treat it as such....then at least the animals are killed for our consumption.   The resources are astounding to raise, kill and package for the waste that happens.  But maybe I'm just crabby about the food chain in general.

I would happily label myself as a hypocrite just so I could voice my opinion.   I'd secretly hope I was on a tribe where we thought we could get to the end without killing the chickens.   If not then well.....so be it.   I'll take a thigh.


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1 hour ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Unpopular Opinion: 

I understand where Wendy is coming from.   It's totally different for me to see a chicken and have to kill it and I have more than a pang of anxiety over it...

I would happily label myself as a hypocrite just so I could voice my opinion.   I'd secretly hope I was on a tribe where we thought we could get to the end without killing the chickens.   If not then well.....so be it.   I'll take a thigh.


Same, but I think she crosses the line when she imposes that position on everyone else in her tribe. It would be fine for her to be like 'now I've met the chicken I don't feel good about eating it, I'm going to stick to rice', or even to argue that they shouldn't kill it - for a bit - but taking the flint so they CAN'T eat it and then (from the previews)


releasing it

goes into another territory for me. 

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On ‎3‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 3:37 AM, green said:

OT:  Huh?  Where are they going to put them for sequester?  In a cave?

My opinion is, once you have been voted out, then you're out for good. There would be no reason to sequester anybody, just send them home.

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23 minutes ago, eel2178 said:

My opinion is, once you have been voted out, then you're out for good. There would be no reason to sequester anybody, just send them home.

Don't the sequester all of the castaways for the 39 days, to avoid elimination spoilers?   For example, if there was no EOE and Reem, Keith and Chris were all sent home immediately after being voted off, wouldn't their friends, families, co-workers, classmates, etc. know they were home while the season was still being shot?

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32 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

But what about the jury? They can't be sent home.

The last time I actually watched BB was probably season 2 or 3. They were sent home after they were voted out, then they all came back on the final night to vote for the winner. That set-up makes a whole lot more sense to me than "go from one house to another house and maybe get back in the game" the way they do it now.

3 minutes ago, eel2178 said:
Edited by eel2178
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6 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

She barely made any noise when the bolt hit her ankle and kept going.  

Oh? Why did the show caption her exclamation, "Oh ------!", and I quote, then?

She kept going as she was in a challenge and is not a quitter, I guess, and as she said, although she was aware she'd hurt herself the pain got worse as time went on post challenge as the injury bruised and swelled; which inflammation is just the body leaping in to begin the process of healing itself, and the pain suggesting you protect the injured part.

This is a pointless argument, as you are just going to refute the facts in order to paint Wendy, who I like and find amusing and endearing, as this as you said 'despicable' person. Clearly we are viewing the same contestant and the same edited footage through a different lens.

But... if you go back and rewatch the trial: having completed her part and injuring her ankle in the process, she stands awkwardly, intently watching the next sections of it, and applauds the win, and then she is walking quite tentatively - I would not say limping - but her gait shows she is having some trouble with her left foot after the win, as they leave the area.

Then we see her back at camp, seated with her left leg elevated and saying, "This should be happy, it's our first win!"' as we get vision of her tribe leaving the challenge area, and her walking a little tentatively. "But suddenly my ankle started throbbing when I was leaving the challenge and I looked down and I kept thinking it was really tender and it was looking really swollen" and we get vision of her looking concerned as she's walking and fanning her face a little with one hand "and now I can't even move it. God, it just keeps getting worse."

Some of this was hard to hear and transcribe precisely.

Then we backtrack and we see two of the kinder men, Chris and Rick Devens, assisting her up the little hill to their camp, so she can keep her weight off it. She tells them to just put her down anywhere - hardly the actions of a drama queen, but I digress.

She continues with her confessional - interspliced with single shots of David particularly looking concerned, and the whole tribe standing around as she tells them "On the second part of the challenge I had to disassemble this big wheelbarrow and I lifted up the pin and I took out the wheel and it" [the barrow itself, not the pin as I had thought] "just fell on my ankle. I was just so focused on the challenge I was like 'I'll worry about it later'. The wheelbarrow, all of it, fell on me, and it hurt. I just pulled the wheel out and we ran, just to finish, and so I did notice it was hurting but not this bad."

At this point she is looking a bit sad and scared. Then we cut back to talking head/confessional: "So as I was walking to camp - I guess because I had calmed down a bit, or something" [from the adrenaline of the challenge] "it just, like it just started throbbing" (huge closeup of the degree of swelling from another angle) "and progressively got worse and worse. And I'm just, like, worried because I've never broken anything" (she starts to cry and pulls her buff down briefly to hide her face and wipe her eyes) "and I just don't want this to be serious."

There are also interspersed shots of her face in both physical and emotional pain. She's already bottom of the tribe...

All of that reads to me perfectly of a pain story. The initial injury. The shock of the injury at the time, but one is able to carry on. Then you notice the knee isn't bending, or the toe or the entire foot has turned black, the ankle, the foot, the whole lower leg is swelling, etc. Movement becomes more and more difficult as time passes... It's the reverse story to a more minor injury, ie.

Anyway, I am not going to type out the entire episode. Wendy's injury story is not a fabrication, it is clear.

Edited by violet and green
typo; wow, that was long!
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1 hour ago, violet and green said:

Oh? Why did the show caption her exclamation, "Oh ------!", and I quote, then?

She kept going as she was in a challenge and is not a quitter, I guess, and as she said, although she was aware she'd hurt herself the pain got worse as time went on post challenge as the injury bruised and swelled; which inflammation is just the body leaping in to begin the process of healing itself, and the pain suggesting you protect the injured part.

This is a pointless argument, as you are just going to refute the facts in order to paint Wendy, who I like and find amusing and endearing, as this as you said 'despicable' person. Clearly we are viewing the same contestant and the same edited footage through a different lens.

But... if you go back and rewatch the trial: having completed her part and injuring her ankle in the process, she stands awkwardly, intently watching the next sections of it, and applauds the win, and then she is walking quite tentatively - I would not say limping - but her gait shows she is having some trouble with her left foot after the win, as they leave the area.

Then we see her back at camp, seated with her left leg elevated and saying, "This should be happy, it's our first win!"' as we get vision of her tribe leaving the challenge area, and her walking a little tentatively. "But suddenly my ankle started throbbing when I was leaving the challenge and I looked down and I kept thinking it was really tender and it was looking really swollen" and we get vision of her looking concerned as she's walking and fanning her face a little with one hand "and now I can't even move it. God, it just keeps getting worse."

Some of this was hard to hear and transcribe precisely.

Then we backtrack and we see two of the kinder men, David and Rick Devens, assisting her up the little hill to their camp, so she can keep her weight off it. She tells them to just put her down anywhere - hardly the actions of a drama queen, but I digress.

She continues with her confessional - interspliced with single shots of David particularly looking concerned, and the whole tribe standing around as she tells them "On the second part of the challenge I had to disassemble this big wheelbarrow and I lifted up the pin and I took out the wheel and it" [the barrow itself, not the pin as I had thought] "just fell on my ankle. I was just so focused on the challenge I was like 'I'll worry about it later'. The wheelbarrow, all of it, fell on me, and it hurt. I just pulled the wheel out and we ran, just to finish, and so I did notice it was hurting but not this bad."

At this point she is looking a bit sad and scared. Then we cut back to talking head/confessional: "So as I was walking to camp - I guess because I had calmed down a bit, or something" [from the adrenaline of the challenge] "it just, like it just started throbbing" (huge closeup of the degree of swelling from another angle) "and progressively got worse and worse. And I'm just, like, worried because I've never broken anything" (she starts to cry and pulls her buff down briefly to hide her face and wipe her eyes) "and I just don't want this to be serious."

There are also interspersed shots of her face in both physical and emotional pain. She's already bottom of the tribe...

All of that reads to me perfectly of a pain story. The initial injury. The shock of the injury at the time, but one is able to carry on. Then you notice the knee isn't bending, or the toe or the entire foot has turned black, the ankle, the foot, the whole lower leg is swelling, etc. Movement becomes more and more difficult as time passes... It's the reverse story to a more minor injury, ie.

Anyway, I am not going to type out the entire episode. Wendy's injury story is not a fabrication, it is clear.

I rewatched all those scenes and to me it is obvious she was exaggerating her injury.  She didn't notice the pain until she saw the bruise.  Usually it is the other way around.  YMMV. 

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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2 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I rewatched all those scenes and to me it is obvious she was exaggerating her injury.  She didn't notice the pain until she saw the bruise.  Usually it is the other way around.  

She said it was throbbing.

You can't just 'exaggerate' and thereby cause to form a large swelling. Maybe she's using makeup, do you think?!

Edit: I think she also 'noticed the pain' when she said, "Oh, fuck!"

Edited by violet and green
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2 minutes ago, violet and green said:

She said it was throbbing.

You can't just 'exaggerate' and thereby cause to form a large swelling. Maybe she's using makeup, do you think?!

Yes, she had a boo boo on her ankle.  But, she didn't notice it until they were well on their way back to camp, and shortly after being laid up, she was walking up a steep hill, carrying a bag, with no issues and scooting back down that same hill with the stolen flint.

She "said" it was throbbing.  She also "said" she didn't take the flint.  

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You guys crack me up. 

I'm still wondering how Wendy has any of that color in her hair.  It's fading fast but it's also messy dye....surprised she doesn't have it streaking her skin.   Come to think of it her swimsuit is shades of blue.  Smart.

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5 hours ago, eel2178 said:

My opinion is, once you have been voted out, then you're out for good. There would be no reason to sequester anybody, just send them home.

So what you're saying is you love spoilers and want to know the exact boot order months in advance of every season?

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4 hours ago, violet and green said:

She said it was throbbing.

You can't just 'exaggerate' and thereby cause to form a large swelling. Maybe she's using makeup, do you think?!

Edit: I think she also 'noticed the pain' when she said, "Oh, fuck!"

4 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Yes, she had a boo boo on her ankle.  But, she didn't notice it until they were well on their way back to camp, and shortly after being laid up, she was walking up a steep hill, carrying a bag, with no issues and scooting back down that same hill with the stolen flint.

She "said" it was throbbing.  She also "said" she didn't take the flint.  

Ankles are weird. I've had a bunch of sprains that have basically gone from 'oh F---' to fine and back again a few times over the course of the day they happen, before deciding whether they're actually going to be an issue. The last time I sprained mine, cried with pain for five minutes, then adrenaline kicked in enough for me to drive home, run a couple of errands and go to work, and only after a few hours did it start really swelling and hurting. No real bruising until the third or fourth day, when it went black. The time before it ached, bruised and swelled for a day and then was fine. 

Unless there's a break or a ligament involved, in which case you KNOW you're screwed, they're unpredictable. Wendy's was definitely swollen, so I can't see how she was making it up. Exaggerating? Maybe? Maybe it was a minor injury that she later aggravated. Who knows? But aside from people who want to be voted out/quit, who on earth makes up injuries on Survivor? It's a surefire way to get targeted at the vote. 

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8 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Don't the sequester all of the castaways for the 39 days, to avoid elimination spoilers?   For example, if there was no EOE and Reem, Keith and Chris were all sent home immediately after being voted off, wouldn't their friends, families, co-workers, classmates, etc. know they were home while the season was still being shot?

In "normal" Survivor seasons, the pre-jury boots first go to Ponderosa; the same place the jury goes once that phase of the game starts.  But after the last person who is pre-jury gets booted, the entire* pre-jury leave Ponderosa and go on a curated vacation/tour totally separate from the game.  This does keep them from going home until the rest of the game is over and the rest of the cast can also leave.

This information first really came to us during/after All-Stars (season 8).  That pre-jury got split into smaller groups for their vacations.  Cesternino reported that he went on a trip with the other two of the first 3 boots that season, Tina and Rudy.   Other small pre-jury groups of 2 or 3 went out on separate trips as well that season.

*Well, it's supposed to be the entire pre-jury.  There have been a couple of contract violators in the recent past.  And they got punished for that by not being allowed to appear on their respective reunion shows and receive their appearance fees for that (at the very least).  Jenna Morasca also left for home early from the aforementioned S8 pre-jury, but there were extenuating circumstances then, so she got a full pass.

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9 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Damn, @violet and green came with the receipts!

Hee!  I'm enjoying this more than I should.  I usually try not to get into it with Bryce, he being so much smarter than I am and usually way better informed, but I think dear Miss Violet has him this time.

I've had many bad sprains and five broken bones and they usually go like Wendy's with numbness at first, then swelling and pain later.  My last injury was a few years ago when I fell down the stairs hitting the garage floor with full weight on my knee, breaking the femur, the tibia and dislocating the knee cap.  After the first waves of nausea it didn't hurt much so long as I held it a certain way and I told the Squad guys I didn't need anything for pain.  I was still chattering away to my husband about what we were going to do that afternoon, when the doctor came in and said, "Er no, you have a catastrophic injury and will be in the hospital for a least three weeks."  It was only then that I started to need some pain meds.

What we really should be talking about is how dangerous the challenges have been the last few seasons. It doesn't make them anymore entertaining.

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1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

Hee!  I'm enjoying this more than I should.  I usually try not to get into it with Bryce, he being so much smarter than I am and usually way better informed, but I think dear Miss Violet has him this time.

I've had many bad sprains and five broken bones and they usually go like Wendy's with numbness at first, then swelling and pain later.  My last injury was a few years ago when I fell down the stairs hitting the garage floor with full weight on my knee, breaking the femur, the tibia and dislocating the knee cap.  After the first waves of nausea it didn't hurt much so long as I held it a certain way and I told the Squad guys I didn't need anything for pain.  I was still chattering away to my husband about what we were going to do that afternoon, when the doctor came in and said, "Er no, you have a catastrophic injury and will be in the hospital for a least three weeks."  It was only then that I started to need some pain meds.

What we really should be talking about is how dangerous the challenges have been the last few seasons. It doesn't make them anymore entertaining.

I ignore posts by people who claim others are faking an injury when we are showing a massive bruise and swelling which clearly show that there was a reasonably serious injury. They also have shown that ankle tapped by a pro so it is more likely to be stable walking on it, even if it is uncomfortable, because the tape job is meant to provide the needed stability so Wendy can stay in the game. Wendy also swam for the immunity challenge, something that used the foot but in cooler water and without having to put her weight on it. It was a smart call on everyone's part.

I had a foot injury once that felt like a mild sprain, then felt fine, and ended up getting out of bed one day not able to walk. Turns out I had a broken bone and the real pain kicked in when the two softball games and soccer game I played after injuring the foot dislodged a bone chip.

But it is far easier to sit on the couch and pretend that someone is feigning an injury.

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18 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I realize she actually bruised her ankle.  But, it seems obvious to me that she was exaggerating the extent of the injury and milking it for all she could.   

You obviously never were injured like that.  I have been.  Three times.  Once breaking 3 bones in my ankle and twice more re-spraining it down the years.  She reacted like I did.  I was in far more pain hours after I broke my ankle than in the first hour after it happened.  Maybe I exaggerated my injury too? 

And how many times have we seen athletes in various sports get injured and continue to play.  Only after awhile do they have to be taken out of the game after the shock wears off.  That;s when the pain sets in. 

13 hours ago, eel2178 said:

My opinion is, once you have been voted out, then you're out for good. There would be no reason to sequester anybody, just send them home.

Yeah sure because why not give away the entire seasons of Survivor and The Amazing Race and have no one tuning in because neighbors are telling the media about the Survivor or Racer who just got home early.  It would be all over social media and on TV entertainment news channels.  The shows would be cancelled because knowing the outcome ruins everything for the viewer.

As for BB, sending them home in the early seasons caused Danielle, by fav player ever, the win in Season 3 because the BB jury got to see what she thought was her totally private diary room musings.  After that they sequestered the jury because seeing the show at home and reading what people online are saying about it etc poisons the jury beyond repair.  It would be insane to let them go home.  Bad enough they let the celebrity version out ... which they shouldn't.

Edited by green
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27 minutes ago, green said:

You obviously never were injured like that.  I have been.  Three times.  Once breaking 3 bones in my ankle and twice more re-spraining it down the years.  She reacted like I did.  I was in far more pain hours after I broke my ankle than in the first hour after it happened.  Maybe I exaggerated my injury too? 

And how many times have we seen athletes in various sports get injured and continue to play.  Only after awhile do they have to be taken out of the game after the shock wears off.  That;s when the pain sets in. 

 She didn't break anything.  She said on Twitter that medical said it wasn't broken.

The coming and going of her pain seemed awfully convenient and sudden. We know she is a liar, a thief and a hypocrite, willing to steal food from her tribemates mouths, so I don't see a lot of reason to trust anything with her. YMMV.

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37 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

 She didn't break anything.  She said on Twitter that medical said it wasn't broken.

The coming and going of her pain seemed awfully convenient and sudden. We know she is a liar, a thief and a hypocrite, willing to steal food from her tribemates mouths, so I don't see a lot of reason to trust anything with her. YMMV.

Sometimes sprains hurt more than breaks.  And bruises can hurt like hell.  And pain does come and go in waves at times too.  Glad you haven't experience this first hand but if you ever do you will remember your posts from here and groan.

Edited by green
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19 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I realize she actually bruised her ankle.  But, it seems obvious to me that she was exaggerating the extent of the injury and milking it for all she could. 

Which is a really good way to get yourself voted out.  And that's even before making a fuss over the chickens and stealing the flint.  The tribe are a bunch of idiots for voting out a strong guy instead of a trouble maker.

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5 minutes ago, green said:

Sometimes sprains hurt more than breaks.  And pain does coem and go in waves at times too.  Glad you haven't experience this first hand but if you ever do you will remember your posts from here and and groan.

It wasn't sprained either, it was bruised.  She didn't twist it, she got hit with a part of the wheelbarrow.  

It is possible that after being injured, she was was in no pain for at least several minutes (probably longer) while the challenge was completed and while she began to walk back to camp, then was in excruciating, crippling pain, and then shortly thereafter had no issues with mobility.  I just don't buy it, given her penchant for drama, attention seeking and lies.   She is a skilled liar.  She casually lied about stealing the flint and then giggled about it in a confessional.  YMMV.  

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5 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Which is a really good way to get yourself voted out.  And that's even before making a fuss over the chickens and stealing the flint.  The tribe are a bunch of idiots for voting out a strong guy instead of a trouble maker.

Which could be why she realized she needed to stop trying to milk the bruised ankle and show she was OK. 

I agree that they made a big mistake voting out Chris.  At first, I blamed Chris for not listening to David and telling Warthog about the Kelley plan.  But, Stephen Fishbach made a great case on Know it Alls that Chris had done everything you would want a close ally to do with regard to Warthog,   He went to Warthog instead of blindsiding him and floated the plan, without pushing it, and was willing to go whatever direction Warthog wanted to go.  But, Warthog stabbed him in the back, for no real, good reason.  

I think Warthog might regret not having Chris who was both a loyal ally and a potential meat shield, in the game.  Warthog seems to be very shrewd at times and very stupid at others.  

It sort of made sense for David and Rick to vote out Chris instead of Wendy, to break up the power 4 of Warthog, Wentworth, Lauren and Chris, though you never knew which way Chris would go.    But long term, Wendy is not someone who can be trusted post merge on in a tribe swap, and would be a prime candidate to flip.   

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1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

 She didn't break anything.  She said on Twitter that medical said it wasn't broken.

The coming and going of her pain seemed awfully convenient and sudden. We know she is a liar, a thief and a hypocrite, willing to steal food from her tribemates mouths, so I don't see a lot of reason to trust anything with her. YMMV.

I always appreciate the level of over reaction to game play...

Yes, Wendy took the flint. The tribe was able to rebuild the fire without the flint. We saw them rebuild the fire and then discuss that they might not have time too kill and cook a chicken with the time that they had remaining. She cost them a few bites of chicken. That had little to nothing to do with their loss at immunity.

I have no clue if she was going to not return the flint ever or if she didn't bother to return the flint because they started the fire any way. They have enough embers and there are ways to store and protect embers so that you can restart a fire without a flint. Hell, I have seen it on Les Stroud's Survivorman and even Bear Grylls in his hack shows has shown how it is done. Anyone playing Survivor can look it up, David and Kelly both should know how to do this now given how often they have played.

Hint, take a cut coconut, stuff with dried material, put one small ember in the coconut shell. Blow on it occasionally so that the pile continues to smolder. When you get to your camp, empty coconut and smoldering material. Add tinder, blow on mess, restart fire. I believe that they have coconut, plenty of material that they can dry out, and then follow the steps above.

Everyone playing Survivor is a "liar". It is a part of the game. Play honestly and see how long you last.

And a hypocrite, hell she owned up to that. Honestly, I think she kept talking about the chickens because it was driving Dan so bat shit crazy. Rick had the right approach, listen to her, tell her he disagrees and walk away. Dan and others kept needling her and she was having a blast discussing the chickens with them. She is Chaos Kass but in more benine (sp) form. She is not attacking individuals and trying to turn people on them. She is trying to save the chickens. Dan, Lauren and comp are so baffled that she wants to save the chickens that they have worked themselves into a tizzy.

And if you want to talk about hypocrisy and lying, Dan was "allied" with Chris. Dan is also allied with Kelly. Dan lied to Chris and voted Chris out. So by your logic, Dan is a liar and a hypocrite and we should all hate him.

But back to Wendy, maybe the rest of the tribe would have been better off if they had been a bit kinder to her and not regulate her to out cast status. All they did was to create a situation where Wendy doesn't give a shit what they think of her or her actions. She legit hurt her ankle in the reward challenge. She legit pulled her weight in the immunity challenge, even with a bum leg. Her main sin in the game seems to be getting along with Reem and Keith early on.

Then she had the balls to tell Dan that she was not going to vote for Reem like Dan wanted. After that, Dan seems to have decided that Wendy is awful because she didn't, god forbid, do what he wanted her to do. You could see David laughing at Dan when Dan thought that the vote should change from Reem to Wendy because Wendy was not going to do what Dan told her to do.

To be frank, nothing that she has done has been all that awful or dangerous. The Tribe got fire started without the flint. Yes, they didn't each get 2-3 bites of chicken. The horror. And I get to watch Dan freak out about all sorts of stupid crap that is not important. I like Dan looking like an idiot so I am cool with that.

So feel free to freak out about basic game play. She is not destroying peoples things. She is not attacking individuals. She is at best being annoying but that is mainly because Dan is an idiot who goads her and she enjoys fucking with him. Stop making a big deal about the chickens and the flint and Wendy would be done with it.

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On ‎3‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 2:42 PM, paul4295 said:

I would be the same.  It makes you look boring on TV, but it gives you a better chance of winning.  As a viewer, I want blindsides and some drama to entertain me, but as a player, I'd be trying to win, not to be an entertaining character.

I don't even think I would talk about strategy in my confessionals, because Jeff sometimes asks leading questions in tribal council that seem to be based on what players say in their "private" confessionals as well.

My husband and I always joke how we would go totally into coach speak "one day at a time, Jeff." "You never know, Jeff." "I'm just taking the experience as it comes, Jeff." "Only one person can win, Jeff, and we'll have to wait until the end of the show to know who wins." Dodge and weave. I would be super boring.

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56 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

And I get to watch Dan freak out about all sorts of stupid crap that is not important. I like Dan looking like an idiot so I am cool with that.

That was a highlight of the episode 🙂 

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1 hour ago, RedbirdNelly said:

My husband and I always joke how we would go totally into coach speak "one day at a time, Jeff." "You never know, Jeff." "I'm just taking the experience as it comes, Jeff." "Only one person can win, Jeff, and we'll have to wait until the end of the show to know who wins." Dodge and weave. I would be super boring.

I liked the old guy who always told Jeff, "The game is afoot."

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2 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

My husband and I always joke how we would go totally into coach speak "one day at a time, Jeff." "You never know, Jeff." "I'm just taking the experience as it comes, Jeff." "Only one person can win, Jeff, and we'll have to wait until the end of the show to know who wins." Dodge and weave. I would be super boring.

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3 hours ago, green said:

Sometimes sprains hurt more than breaks.  And bruises can hurt like hell.  And pain does come and go in waves at times too.  Glad you haven't experience this first hand but if you ever do you will remember your posts from here and groan.

Echo THAT.  A couple of years back I spent a fair chunk of the 4th of July engaged in our annual neighborhood water volleyball tournament.  Wasn’t anything I hadn’t been doing for years, and no discomfort at all during the competition or all day after - but the next day I woke up and could no longer lift my left arm more than about 45 degrees from my side.  

Turns out I’d severely strained  my rotator cuff, but only in certain directions of attempted motion - movement in one direction would be fine, but movement in another would put me in the floor from the pain.  Took a period of immobilization plus 4-5 months of physical therapy just to get back range of motion, and I still have to be careful of overtaxing it..  

So, yeah - the body’s reaction to debilitating injury can be inexplicably delayed AND unpredictably variable.

2 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

Honestly, I think she kept talking about the chickens because it was driving Dan so bat shit crazy.

Hell, I hope so.  Regardless of how I felt about Wendy’s actions, Warty’s attempts to mansplain to Wendy all the many and myriad ways of the universe in which she was wrongwrongWRONGwrongwrong were driving ME up the wall.

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I'm enjoying the Edge of extinction stuff just bc it's like old school survivor, where they are actually struggle day to day to survive, unlike now when they have all kinds of things. 

There are certain things on Survivor that are just unforgivable to me- fucking over your tribe's food supply and acting like it is funny and cute is one of them.

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15 hours ago, Nashville said:

Hell, I hope so.  Regardless of how I felt about Wendy’s actions, Warty’s attempts to mansplain to Wendy all the many and myriad ways of the universe in which she was wrongwrongWRONGwrongwrong were driving ME up the wall.

I don't hate Wendy and I intensely dislike the Warthog. But she is wrongwrongWRONGwrongwrong. 😉

Seriously, though, I grew up rural. Hunting, fishing, raising livestock. I would much rather slaughter and butcher my own food than buy it from a store. I know it was treated well in life and slaughtered in the most humane way possible that way. We used to play with the calves, piglets and rabbits for as long as we had them. Fed them well. Gave them lots of room to move around. That hormone-and-antibiotic fed stuff from the store lived a terrible life and had a terrible death. 

Edited by azshadowwalker
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2 minutes ago, azshadowwalker said:

I don't hate Wendy and I intensely dislike the Warthog. But she is wrongwrongWRONGwrongwrong. 😉

Oh, I don’t disagree - but Warthog’s manner of discussion was for shit.  😄

2 minutes ago, azshadowwalker said:

Seriously, though, I grew up rural. Hunting, fishing, raising livestock. I would much rather slaughter and butcher my own food than buy it from a store. I know it was treated well in life and slaughtered in the most humane way possible that way. We used to play with the calves, piglets and rabbits for as long as we had them. Fed them well. Gave them lots of room to move around. That hormone-and-antibiotic fed stuff from the store lived a terrible life and had a terrible death. 

Right there with you on that; meat always tastes better when you’ve tended to its preparation yourself - and at least the farm livestock had some kind of decent life before it landed on the table, and the wild game had a fighting chance at survival. That store-bought chicken probably spent its entire life in one or two cages, though, and its number was up as soon as it got big enough.

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These are from another thread but they were more on topic here so ...

13 hours ago, LanceM said:

"Between wardog, big wendy and Rick requesting to be called devens, Jeff's response was "we cant have the inmates running the asylum now" and my response was thank god i'm on the normal tribe"

So, Jeff let both men have their nicknames but letting a woman have one was too far. Oh Jeff, so predictable.

12 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

I had wondered about Ron, and thought maybe he saw Joe but let Victoria blab for strategic reasons.  That way, in case the tide turned, he could say Victoria was the one plotting against them.  

I agree that Ron was more of an idiot in that scene, but yea maybe he was trying to hang Victoria out to dry a bit. I kinda doubt it though; I think he's just an idiot.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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21 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

These are from another thread but they were more on topic here so ...

So, Jeff let both men have their nicknames but letting a woman have one was too far. Oh Jeff, so predictable.

I agree that Ron was more of an idiot in that scene, but yea maybe he was trying to hang Victoria out to dry a bit. I kinda doubt it though; I think he's just an idiot.

I think "Big Wendy" was the 3rd one to ask, which is why she didn't get the nickname.  Victoria had some funny comments on the whole nickname exchange, which are posted on her thread.

Chandler (Ron) seems like a smart guy, but that was a dumb move.  Maybe he was trying to undermine Victoria, but I tend to doubt it.   

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