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S09.E08: Cold War


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18 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I didn't remember that.  So he offered to sign away his rights and Chelsea still gave Aubree his last name?  I guess she really was desperate to keep him.  That's sad.

18 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Yes, he did. I believe it was during that charming text exchange in which her referred to Chelsea as a fat, stretch marked bitch and Aubree a mistake. It really is sad and I bet Chelsea wishes every day that she would have taken him up on it. 


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17 hours ago, MitaJo said:

Briana is another annoying POS. I don't blame her for filing child support on Luis. He convinced her (lied) to keep Stella, talking about how much he was going to do and he just ghosted on her.

I don't really think Briana was ever going to give Stella up for adoption. I truly think she brought that idea out for a storyline. But I don't blame her for filing CS. Luis is the dad. He SHOULD contribute. It doesn't matter how involved he wants to be, he helped create the baby - he helps pay. My only issue with Bri in THIS regard is how she waits forever and waffles over filing on these dads. I think her whole family is just SO entrenched in the victim lifestyle they don't know what they'd do if there wasn't anything to bitch about. 

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1 hour ago, Christina87 said:

This, plus that kid is a HUGE hassle! She's not the type to sit in the corner and color. 

but it kind of sucks, like I remember Leah pulled her out of preschool, probably because she didn't wanna hang out alone all day.  now Addie's been replaced.

20 minutes ago, druzy said:


what a catch!  note the extremely correct spellings of "believe" and "when."  Aubree's lucky she's as bright as she is...

7 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I don't really think Briana was ever going to give Stella up for adoption. I truly think she brought that idea out for a storyline. But I don't blame her for filing CS. Luis is the dad. He SHOULD contribute. It doesn't matter how involved he wants to be, he helped create the baby - he helps pay. My only issue with Bri in THIS regard is how she waits forever and waffles over filing on these dads. I think her whole family is just SO entrenched in the victim lifestyle they don't know what they'd do if there wasn't anything to bitch about. 

the fact that she discussed it with Nova is horrible,  no wonder that poor child seems so terribly anxious all the time.

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I don't really think Briana was ever going to give Stella up for adoption. I truly think she brought that idea out for a storyline. But I don't blame her for filing CS. Luis is the dad. He SHOULD contribute. It doesn't matter how involved he wants to be, he helped create the baby - he helps pay. My only issue with Bri in THIS regard is how she waits forever and waffles over filing on these dads. I think her whole family is just SO entrenched in the victim lifestyle they don't know what they'd do if there wasn't anything to bitch about. 

100%. She should've been filing for child support on day one. It's weird that she and her family seem to view it as a weapon rather than something a child is entitled to from birth. I just feel horribly for Stella because Luis can't even muster up fake interest for the TV cameras. He just mumbles how he's going to start doing his part and then probably forgets about his daughter two seconds after the cameras stop rolling. 

At least Devoid shows sparks of potential, but this guy? Pffft. He'll be as much of a loser ten years down the road as he is now.

Edited by BitterApple
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5 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Was there discussion at the time about which last name Aubree would have?  I can't remember.  But thinking about it, surely the decision about the name was made before he offered to give up his rights.  Surely.  I hope.

Regardless, it grieves me when these idiots insist on giving the kid the father's last name. 


I don't like Kail, but I do think she has pretty hair.  The thing is, it no doubt has much more to do with genes than any product.  In fact, the product she should be hawking is whatever she was using before she came up with her own, because I don't see any difference. 

That and the thought that a person who has extensions could sell a hair line tells me a lot about the hair care industry.


Leah didn't say a word about it.  We just saw the car in one of the scenes.

He bought it over the summer.  He has since deleted his Instagram so I can’t find the picture but when he bought it he posted that it would be handed down to Addie when she starts driving.  

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On 3/4/2019 at 11:27 PM, Rebecca said:

Was there a dude walking on the top of a bridge in Chelsea’s last scene? What? I’m sick of them drilling Aubree about Adam and talking shit.  She doesn’t need them to drive the point home. She gets it. And clearly she’s not comfortable talking about this. Just fucking STAHHHP!

I rewound that scene a few times because I swore he was walking on top of a bridge. Weird.

The situation with Aubree isn’t so cut and dry.  Adam has to want to give up his rights- Chelsea and Cole just can’t go to their lawyer and have adoption papers signed.  So all this talk of adoption should stop until Adam initiates giving up his rights.  He will probably end up dead in a car wreck or OD’ing on drugs, so then if/when that happens, then they can talk about Cole adopting Aubree.  It sounds like Adam’s parents have a relationship with Aubree, so I can see them vetoing Adam giving up his rights (even if he wanted to).

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, JuliesMommy said:

Leah’s car is much more expensive then his bmw. She has a fully loaded brand new Suburban (which seems like its already trashed because the outside panels are ripped off somewhow) and I don’t think she even knows the value of what his car would be. Another note, Leah should be the last person checking anyone’s pocket and how they spend their money...especially her ex husband who she use to put into debt with her ridiculous Marykay pyramid schemes. 

To be fair to Leah, which I'm kind of loath to do, there was no comment from her about Jeremy's car or how he spends his money.  This discussion was prompted by a comment here, not by Leah.

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6 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

To be fair to Leah, which I'm kind of loath to do, there was no comment from her about Jeremy's car or how he spends his money.  This discussion was prompted by a comment here, not by Leah.

Being that she’s complained hereself about child support from him, it’s pretty fitting. And even tho she has not complained about his car, she sure as hell finds anything else she could use to tear him down... as long as her and her boyfriend can be filmed while doing so. I’m not defending Jeremy in any way, matter of fact I think he sucks as a dad and just does the bare minimum BECAUSE he’s being filmed, but Leah  is the last person to judge anyones parenting. This bitch was nodding off on her pillses and leaving her girlses with her druggie sister so she can get sleep. 

Btw, no snark to you @StatisticalOutlier Leah is just really bugging me this season. She gets a boyfriend and starts getting all mighty as if her shit don’t stink. 

Edited by JuliesMommy
Wanted to add
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On 3/6/2019 at 1:46 PM, kicksave said:

Yes! I've been meaning to comment on those Mama Bear T-shirts and all the other shirts and hoodies these girls wear that have stuff like that on them. Ugh...just stop! We get it...you have kids. Even Vee had on a shirt like that this week. I think it said "Born to be a Mom". 

No, it was "Born to Mom" because the shirts have to use "mom" as a verb and/or make some pun, cultural reference, etc. involving the word "mom." I hate those shirts and I hate how some (Chelsea, Kail) seem to wear them every. single. day. Like, is there a Mom Shirt section at Walmart? I just don't get it.

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3 hours ago, TheRealT said:

No, it was "Born to Mom" because the shirts have to use "mom" as a verb and/or make some pun, cultural reference, etc. involving the word "mom." I hate those shirts and I hate how some (Chelsea, Kail) seem to wear them every. single. day. Like, is there a Mom Shirt section at Walmart? I just don't get it.

Soooooo tacky and stupid.

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I finally got around to seeing the episode. Kailyn needs serious therapy. In her twisted view of the world anything someone does to benefit themselves is an attack on her.

Jo wanting his money back that was paid to her inappropriately (after over a year of him helping her by taking Issac AND Lincoln when Javi was deployed) is all about HER. If someone isn’t kissing her ass then they are her enemy. She’s incapable of having a mature emotionally intimate relationship with anyone. I see her and Lincoln seriously butting heads in the next decade (Issac is such a sensitive soul he’s likely to silently appease her and bubble with resentment). 

  • Love 14
16 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I finally got around to seeing the episode. Kailyn needs serious therapy. In her twisted view of the world anything someone does to benefit themselves is an attack on her.

Also, she immediately goes to the most vicious thing she can think of to retaliate against the people she thinks are attacking her. Even knowing what an asshole she is, I was surprised when she threw out the bit about not getting Vivi a Christmas present. Who thinks like that? Vivi is a sweet little girl and Issac's sister. Vee has said in the past that Vivi LOVES Kail and gets excited to see her. So Kail has known this child all her life, has a "good" relationship with her, and knows that BOTH Issac and Lincoln are close with her, but she was planning to never speak to her again (I guess) and punish her by not getting her a present to hurt Jo? For one thing, it's stupid because I doubt Vivi would notice that Kail didn't get her a gift and I'm sure Jo couldn't care less (if he did, he could use some of the thousands of dollars Kail owed him to get her something and write Kail's name on the card). But even more than that, who thinks like that? And it wasn't just a momentary outburst after which she calmed down and took back her threats. She was on a tear about this for weeks/months with zero awareness of how ridiculous and nasty she was being. I wonder whether she apologized to Jo and Vee for the comment about Vivi (I'm guessing not).

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@TheRealT now that you mention it, I don’t think in the course of this franchise we have ever seen any of these girls EVER sincerely apologize for anything.  At least not on camera.  I can’t even think of an instance where any of them owned up to any unsavory actions or showed any type of remorse for ANYTHING.  Not that they owe it to us on camera, but it certainly would fall on the side of realistic, on a “reality” show.  Because, that is something we all could probably relate to.  You know, effing up / making mistakes and actually admitting to it and moving on.  But nope, they all just trounce through life with not a thought or care as to how they treat others and how their current actions have long lasting effects. It’s pretty sad and pathetic now that I’ve put that into words.

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21 hours ago, TheRealT said:

No, it was "Born to Mom" because the shirts have to use "mom" as a verb and/or make some pun, cultural reference, etc. involving the word "mom." I hate those shirts and I hate how some (Chelsea, Kail) seem to wear them every. single. day. Like, is there a Mom Shirt section at Walmart? I just don't get it.

My bad...I didn't remember the wording on Vee's shirt. There are so many of these shirts on these girls it's hard to keep track of them. 

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On 3/5/2019 at 6:40 AM, configdotsys said:

This business of Chelsea calling Cole at work every single time there is an event is ridiculous. You can’t wait until he gets home to tell him about your day and Adam’s no show? Between that and constantly asking Aubree, “How did you feel that he didn’t show up?” Geez. Aubree just walks in the door from the visit and gets the third degree. My God, can’t these people let her settle in and then maybe toss a softball question or two or maybe even wait until Aubree brings it up? Or how about this: do it off camera. Chelsea has no storyline so they are using this situation to fill air time. I think that’s unfair to Aubree. But anything for camera time, I guess.

I know, what about asking her how her weekend was?  What did she do with her grandparents?  What did they have for dinner both nights?  

On 3/4/2019 at 10:27 PM, Rebecca said:

Lew-issssss and Briana’s new boyfriend practically look like fugly twins. 

My boyfriend who refuses to watch this mess walked by the TV while her scene was on and said, "she has a type, doesn't she?"  Why, yes.  Physically and mentally. 

On 3/5/2019 at 11:36 AM, BitterApple said:

Yeah, what part of "JEREMY'S WORKING!!!!" does Jason not get? I also do believe Jeremy was legitimately sick when he got back. He sounded congested when he was talking to Addie in the car and was hacking as he got out to hand her off to Leah. I don't think "I'm sick" was an excuse to blow her off.

Jason just comes off as so oily and disingenuous. Didn't he leave his own wife while their kid was still in diapers? It's not like he's some ultra-committed family man either. He annoys me. That's about all I can say. 

I'm finding myself hating Jason more each episode.  When he suggested Jeremy quit his job, he jumped to the bottom of my hate list on this show. He really has a high opinion of himself.  The kind of guy that gets with dumb girls with a low IQ so he feels superior.  

On 3/5/2019 at 12:48 PM, Cherry Cola said:

I think with Chelsea and Cole, that the producers have them talk about Adam and his lack of visits.  Because I think they are a pretty happy family and probably don't care what Adam is doing in the normal day to day.  Just my thoughts.  

To me, that should mean it's time to quit the show.  

On 3/5/2019 at 5:00 PM, Christina87 said:

You know, I am moving, and I spent the entire day moving my closet (new house is 5 min away). It is HARD work!!! I wonder why Chelsea's crew didn't show their move. Moving four people in the summer, when it's hot, and Chelsea was late in her pregnancy, would have actually been interesting tv. 

Probably because it's not exciting to see a dozen hired movers move them.  You know they hired people for that. 

On 3/6/2019 at 8:52 AM, Jaclyn88 said:

I agree with all of the above. I feel like everyone on this show is selling their kids out, but Chelsea and Cole are really doing a number this season. Chelsea looks like she gets great joy from hearing that Adam messed up yet again. I know she's acting that way because she's used to it and it's ridiculous, but she always smiles after Aubree says Adam didn't show, and then goes straight to calling Cole to brag about what an amazing person he is and how he would adopt Aubree in a second.  WE. GET. IT. My God. Listen, I know that they need this story line to have something to put on the show, but the way they're acting this season is too much. Stop rubbing it in Aubree's face how much her dad sucks and doesn't care about her. She's doing a fine job of figuring that out on her own.

I'm worried by all this, how Aubree will handle it late in life.  It's now on record for the world to see how much Adam has blown her off.  How much she's been urged to talk about it for a storyline.  The way she likes to hear how mad it makes Cole gives me concern.  I haven't put my finger on what part yet, but it does give me concern.

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13 minutes ago, ShaNaeNae said:

I'm worried by all this, how Aubree will handle it late in life.  It's now on record for the world to see how much Adam has blown her off.  How much she's been urged to talk about it for a storyline.  The way she likes to hear how mad it makes Cole gives me concern.  I haven't put my finger on what part yet, but it does give me concern.

Probably because it's setting up a dynamic where Aubree equates love with anger. Throw in the abandonment issues she's inheriting from Adam's side and it doesn't exactly bode well for her future dating life. 

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Probably because it's setting up a dynamic where Aubree equates love with anger. Throw in the abandonment issues she's inheriting from Adam's side and it doesn't exactly bode well for her future dating life. 

I get the concern. I really do. But Coles show love for Aubree in a myriad of other ways - not just when he gets pissed about Adumb's lack of involvement. I'm hopeful that sweet, every day moments tally up to more in her self worth than the moments where he gets defensive of her. 

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On 3/5/2019 at 10:31 AM, Christina87 said:

I would pay to watch a show called, "Chelsea works a 40-hour a week desk job that pays $30,000 a year." Now, that would be fun! What if she spilled coffee on her desk and couldn't immediately call Cole for comfort? What if a coworker gave her the stink eye? I bet after one full day, she would be exhausted, and distraught when she had to get up and do it again. I bet in addition to coleyyyyy, she'd be calling the daycare every ten minutes to see if Layne burped or if Watson has had a bowel movement yet today. I'm sure she'd also bitch to high heaven about whatever professional dress code her company had, which MAY include stipulations on hair color. I'd love to see her working as a secretary in an ultra conservative bank. I think it would be funny if all four of them had to do this (excluding bri, who does work), but especially Chelsea. At least the other three grew up expecting to work, and likely all had part time jobs at some point in their teens. Chelsea's time on the show has taken away any maturity she would gain from real world experiences, and it's sad to see her call Cole any time some little thing happens. If she'd even worked a real, full-time job where they didn't cater to her for a year, she would have some frame of reference to understand what work is like, AND would have the skills to get through the day by herself. I'm not Chelsea's biggest fan, but I do feel for her, being so insecure and not having life lessons that most her age have had. If she hadn't been insulated from real work (and I'm not talking her part-time esthetician gig with her fan girl manager, though at least that's something), I think she would have TONS more confidence now. 

I don’t know that they all thought that either. I also don’t know that Chelsea never thought she’d have to work. I think what you’re saying applies to basically all of them equally. And don’t forget about Year Round Brown! She “worked her ass off” wiping down a tanning bed - just like Amber! 😆 Jenelle had that super temporary serving job she abandoned to go to Jersey with Kieffer but other than that I don’t think she’s worked a job. She’s the real spoiled one, IMO, at least Chelsea is nice to Randy and seemed grateful, Jenelle got whatever she wanted and to do whatever she wanted and treated Barb like trash the whole time. Chelsea’s family just has more money.

On 3/5/2019 at 12:55 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

I actually gasped at how awful she looked at the basketball tryout.  That butt she chose is just horrendous and interferes with her walking, and what she clothes it in just makes it look worse. 

Not something you see written every day! Lmao 😂 Agreed, though, obviously.

On 3/5/2019 at 1:30 PM, druzy said:

Damage control? Reminds me of Khloe Kardashian. 

I give her credit for not only saying they were right and she was wrong but for also calling herself a piece of shit. So she can recognize her bad behavior..that just doesn’t stop her from doing it again anyway. Because you know she will. Kailyn really gives zero fucks about being likable and it’s kinda fascinating to me.

On 3/6/2019 at 10:35 AM, MaggieG said:

She has been a Kail hanger on for a while. She usually wears her hair in a bun on top of her head, I actually had to to a double take because she wore a hat and a braid in last night's episode and I didn't recognize her at first. She was making a lot of good points and Kail just steamrolled right over her.

Becky looked so much better without the sumo bun! Did she and Kailyn date or whatever for awhile too? I remember some picture of them kissing, I think. I read or heard somewhere a theory that maybe Becky is kept around even when she dissents (lol) because she might be the only friend who doesn’t kowtow to Kailyn and therefore has earned her respect. She seems to have the personality for that. Maybe she’s not enraptured with Kailyn’ money and fame and therefore Kailyn can’t hold it over her.

On 3/6/2019 at 12:26 PM, gunderda said:

She claimed recently that Jeremy hardly ever talks to Addie when he's away for work.  She said Addie asks to call him, so they do and then he can't talk long because he's busy with work.  Which is probably true but how much effort does it take to call your kid ever few days before or after work?  After work might be too hard depending on what time zone he's in. 

I spoke to 2 guys who do pipeline jobs like Jeremy’s this weekend at a bar (coincidentally, I wasn’t trying to research for the show, lol, they’re friends of a friend) and they said they often work 12-14 hour!!! days! Plus, they have to travel from their hotel to the job site and back and sometimes it’s 20-30 minutes away because they stay at the cheapest possible places. So if Jeremy works say, 6am-7pm or whatever that really doesn’t leave him much time for calling Addie. She’s sleeping when he’s heading to work and probably getting ready for bed when he’s off work. I’m sure he could do more but it’s not as easy as I’d assumed. They make good money because they’re basically giving up having any kind of life while working. PS: I totally outed myself as a viewer of this esteemed program to them all..I couldn’t ask them job related questions without seeming weird and overly interested in their lives (I just met them that night) but I had to ask a few questions when I heard what they did! Apparently a few other guys I know used to do pipelining too, I just didn’t know it. Now they all know I watch the show and my new guy is probably questioning everything at this point 🤣. Just for fun I asked if any women worked with them and was told it was really rare.)

On 3/7/2019 at 3:49 PM, BitterApple said:

At least Devoid shows sparks of potential, but this guy? Pffft. He'll be as much of a loser ten years down the road as he is now.

Right? And Devoid was like 17 when Briana got pregnant whereas Lew-issssss has got to be at least 30 based on his appearance. 

2 hours ago, ShaNaeNae said:

Probably because it's not exciting to see a dozen hired movers move them.  You know they hired people for that. 

This! I’m surprised people would assume they moved themselves. I don’t blame them a bit for using movers (if they did), moving for a whole family is a ton of work and Chelsea was pregnant. In their position I’d definitely hire people.

Edited by Rebecca
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On 3/5/2019 at 10:02 AM, BitterApple said:

I think Chelsea and Cole are as shady as the rest of them. They're choosing to hurt Aubree by willingly discussing painful subjects for the purpose of a storyline. Instead of telling the producers "No, find something else for us to do," they feed into it. They also love hyping up Cole's virtues as contrast to Adam's faults.

Nothing they're criticizing Adam for is a lie, but mature adults don't act like this. 

Regarding Leah and Jeremy, I think the truth is probably in the middle. She's probably exaggerating the lack of contact between Addie and Jeremy, but he doesn't strike me as particularly interested father. He does the "weekend dad" type of things with her, but he's fine with a part-time relationship. 

OMG .... thank you! I just cannot get on board with this idea that they are great parents. 1. I don’t think great parents sell their kid’s privacy period. 2. I think they are making things worse for Aubree to have a storyline.

Sorry but a house on a lot of land or even a college fund (which they likely do not need, anyway, with a wealthy grandparent) is not worth that to me. Only a narcissistic person will get on a reality show, though, so it really not surprising. Loving your kids and providing for their physical needs  is not enough - you have to make choices that put them first - not your Instagram likes or your shill-of-the-week or your storyline.

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1 hour ago, MitaJo said:

I have hated him since this very moment. I don't understand what she ever saw in him or why she continued to give him more chances. I don't get why these girls are always talking about "I want us to be a family!" all the time. He showed everyone who he was and what he was about from the very beginning. 

I have hated Chelsea since this moment!  Adam is an idiot, obviously!  But he sent a text, he did NOT call up the show to say this.  CHELSEA put this on a NATIONAL television show!  Jesus Christ!  How can anyone think this is ok?

1 hour ago, lilmarysunshine said:

OMG .... thank you! I just cannot get on board with this idea that they are great parents. 1. I don’t think great parents sell their kid’s privacy period. 2. I think they are making things worse for Aubree to have a storyline.

They have proven they are NOT!

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On 3/6/2019 at 5:10 AM, Christina87 said:

I agree about the sickness! Why in the world would Leah want Addie to go over there with inadequate supervision, and possibly get sick herself? If he'd passed it on to Addie, and Addie had come home and gotten the girlies and Raylann (or however you spell it) sick, Leah would be bitching about that too!

Something about the way Jason and Leah converse bothers me. It's like Leah think she's done gone and hitched her wagon to a daggone doctor, so she has to act classy! It comes off like how I wrote "smart" characters when I was thirteen. Every conversation sounds like this:

Leah: "I just...I just...want Addie to have a dad, you know. My own dad abandoned me. I want to...alleviate...addie's pain."

jason (crossing his arms like the studly smart dude he is): "yes, you're absolutely right to want to alleviate addie's pain. Jeremy needs to stay in the picture. You suffered abandonment by your dad, which has exacerbated your own suffering, and we don't want to extrapolate that to Addie."

leah (seriously, like the classy trophy wife the doctor husband met in college: "yes! We don't want to ex-trap-o-late that."

Jason: "I just feel like when you're a man, you need to step up and be a man. He needs to interface with his own kid. He's not in the picture."

Leah (indignantly): "exactly! He's never home! It's like that story where the girl goes to this house and nobody's home. Goldilocks! What's it called? Goldilocks and the three...the three..."

jason (looking horrified): "BEARS?!"

leah: "that's right, the three bears!"

jason (seriously): "bears are nurturing animals who protect their young, you see..." (goes on to pseudo-intellectually ramble for ten minutes)


I bet Jason and Andrew from OG would get along famously. Who would 'outsmart' the other first? It's The Malibu New Yorker vs. The Fake Doctor, tonight at 9.

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