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S02.E10: Wife On The Run

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On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 6:02 AM, Neurochick said:

I find that not everything is because of some type of trauma.  People aren’t robots, some do what they do because...

I wish Megan would sit down and have a real talk with Sarah, maybe Megan would see that Sarah is her future.  If Megan isn’t pregnant by that fool, she can walk away and just say, “wasn’t I an idiot?”  But Sarah has at least one child by that fool, she’s tied to him forever.

Megan won't do this because this is a game to her.  She knows about Sarah and she knows that there's no real reason why she would only be able to physically see Michael for less than 24 hours over the TWO WEEKS he's been out.  She knows he was driving from Michigan to New York with Sarah and wasn't answering her calls during that time. She's being willfully obtuse at BEST and knowingly playing the game at worst.  My money is on "at worst." Megan crosses me as the type who is used to getting what she wants and for some godawful reason, that shitbag Michael is what she wants and she's gonna get him, no matter who gets hurt in the process.  I mean, just look at the smug look she was giving Sarah on the preview for their sit down.  Girl has zero shame or remorse.

On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 6:31 AM, Kangatush said:

But that won't happen.  For some reason, I have never understood, instead of being angry at the person who cheated on them, a lot of women decide to attack the other woman.  

Because it's easier to attack the other woman than admit they were wrong about their "twu wuv."

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8 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Oh yes, a real meeting of the minds!

Neither one is missing the local MENSA meeting, that is for certain.

Edited to add:  I need to work the phrase "willingly obtuse" into the rotation.  Thank you @lezlers!

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Neither one is meeting the local MENSA meeting, that is for certain.

Edited to add:  I need to work the phrase "willingly obtuse" into the rotation.  Thank you @lezlers!

@lezlers, I am going to work hard to use "willingly obtuse" at least once a day. Thank you. 


Edited by Reality police
Needed to add cute triangles
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On 2/9/2019 at 10:36 AM, Empress1 said:

The lawyer was spot-on. Tracie has already cost Clint, what, $22K? $21K for the stolen rental car (!!) and a grand on hair and underwear? Cut your losses while you can, my dude!

I don't think he's reported it stolen yet - I think they're still charging him per day still.  But if Tracie was picked up then somehow shouldn't the car be able to get returned to the rental car place?? Or maybe Clint has to find out which impound lot it's currently being kept at.

and wtf Brittany.... what was that!?!? I hope it was just some weird way to assert some control over what's his face. Your girlfriend tells you nothing happened at the hotel but the moment the 3 of you are together she's all over her ex girlfriend in front of your face? 

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I guess Lizzie finally got a good long look in a full length mirror and realized that Scott is the best she will ever get. I wanted to like her daughter at first but now she is just a  whining brat. I really wish I could punch matt in the mouth and knock out a couple more tooth holes. Michael is utterly gross, so I find it amazing that two women actually want this punk. And if I could kick myself in the ass I would for initially liking Brittany. She and her mouth of gum disease can go f*ck themselves. I secretly hope Marcelino and Amanda go running off together into the sunset.

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On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 8:23 AM, hookedontv said:

First, I call BS on Sarah saying she’s pregnant. I re-wound to look at how long Michael has been out of prison-on tonight’s episode it says 2 weeks. Girl, quit your fake pregnancy drama you would have no clue if you were preggers yet. You’ve got enough problems. 

To nitpick a little:  Sarah and Michael had sex almost immediately after he got out. She said she was ovulating at the time (which, for someone who "isn't trying" to get pregnant, is laughable)  It's now been over two weeks.  That's typically when a woman WOULD discover she's pregnant, if she thinks it's a possibility and takes a test when her period doesn't start on time.

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29 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I wanted to like her daughter at first but now she is just a  whining brat.

I disagree.  I think her daughter is just a little girl who wants a mother.  Unfortunately her mother cannot be present for her child, but Jasmine wants her mother.  What she doesn't get is that her mother loves drugs more than she loves her daughter and I can't hate on Jasmine for that.

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3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I disagree.  I think her daughter is just a little girl who wants a mother.  Unfortunately her mother cannot be present for her child, but Jasmine wants her mother.  What she doesn't get is that her mother loves drugs more than she loves her daughter and I can't hate on Jasmine for that.

It’s the same for the alcoholic’s family. If they don’t want to give up their addiction, they will take it to their grave.

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I watched a little of this show for the first time last night....OMG...I've seen some  f'd up people on reality tv before, but, this show takes the prize.  It stuns you, until you have a chance to really think about it, then.....IDK...lordy.  And we wonder why our prisons are so crowded.  I get it. 

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I watched a little of this show for the first time last night....OMG...I've seen some  f'd up people on reality tv before, but, this show takes the prize.  It stuns you, until you have a chance to really think about it, then.....IDK...lordy.  And we wonder why our prisons are so crowded.  I get it. 



5 hours ago, Spike said:

Not many comments this week.  Are folks over the show or is the new website format alienating people?

I don't think any of us will get over this show. Not sure about the site. I haven't had many issues with it. 

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26 minutes ago, Reality police said:



I don't think any of us will get over this show. Not sure about the site. I haven't had many issues with it. 

I did cackle out loud when the guy says his new wife is awesome because she left him $100.00 when she took off with his rental car? (Hell I'm impressed this guy could get a rental car!)  

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3 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I did cackle out loud when the guy says his new wife is awesome because she left him $100.00 when she took off with his rental car? (Hell I'm impressed this guy could get a rental car!)  

We're pretty sure mom set up everything including the credit card. He stated that she bought him both plane tickets as a birthday present.

A Mother's love. 


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On 2/14/2019 at 11:07 AM, Spike said:

Not many comments this week.  Are folks over the show or is the new website format alienating people?

For me it was the website changes. it’s uncomfortable to look at on my iPad.  Navigating is harder on this new format for me at the moment.  I didn’t have the patience for it last week.

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Brittany seemed to have a dream that Marcelino and Amanda would be into a three way with her as the filling in the sandwich.  Then Amanda could move in with him too and they could be his ex-felon sister wives who are actually having more sex with each other than with him.  Only Marcelino isn't interested in sharing since Amanda won't make him feel exalted as the holder of the sacred penis.  And Amanda wants nothing to do with rage boy.  Brittany's play failed.  

I initially  liked Brittany.  That has fallen fast. 


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On 2/11/2019 at 9:16 AM, Spike said:

It’s good to know one parent is concerned about the son.

That child was mentioned as a plot point, nothing more. Honestly, I'm more surprised that Tito allowed him on TV more than anything else. 

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On 2/9/2019 at 10:23 AM, hookedontv said:

First, I call BS on Sarah saying she’s pregnant. I re-wound to look at how long Michael has been out of prison-on tonight’s episode it says 2 weeks. Girl, quit your fake pregnancy drama you would have no clue if you were preggers yet. You’ve got enough problems. 

When Michael and Sarah and Pretty Girl were in the Park, I flat out couldn’t understand one word he said. And Megan with her “it isn’t fair” crying-uh, yeh, you chose this loser and it has nothing to do with fairness. (For all you 90D fans it reminds me of Rachel who always cried it wasn’t fair that her criminal fiancé/husband couldn’t visit the US from the U.K.)

Matt-loser who doesn’t want to grow up. He says he’s been overwhelmed with all his responsibilities since he’s been out. Say what? I didn’t realize screwing your GF, drinking beer at 11am, goofing off with friends, and blowing a chance at a job were responsibilities. Man, that really must be overwhelming. Was glad to hear Caitlin has a job though who knows for how long. 

I can’t with Clint constantly repeating how pretty and beautiful his goddess is. Proof positive that he is “off.” I’m sorry but his home must reek of cigarettes and fast food, it’s the vibe I get. Quite different than his parents place. 

And I can’t with Lizzie and Scott. Jasmine (yup, I refuse to spell it the stupid way too) has to open her eyes and see who her mother really is. Stop blaming her behavior on everyone else. Scott is just a chump. A big, stupid chump. I don’t think we have seen his son Adam smile. Ever. 

Im sure there’s more comments to follow, I just needed to get that off my chest. Which, by the way is bigger than Caitlin’s 😉 (hey, she keeps bringing up she’s flat-chested!) 

But if she was ovulating two weeks ago and they had sex, she could have taken an early pregnancy test and found out she was pregnant. 

So all her blubbering about “he doesn’t care.” Yeah, bitch. He doesn’t even hear what you’re saying! Men like that don’t care, never will, and have no empathy. Sad but true. 

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6 hours ago, Nowhere said:

When Michael and Sarah and Pretty Girl were in the Park, I flat out couldn’t understand one word he said. And Megan with her “it isn’t fair” crying-uh, yeh, you chose this loser and it has nothing to do with fairness. (For all you 90D fans it reminds me of Rachel who always cried it wasn’t fair that her criminal fiancé/husband couldn’t visit the US from the U.K.)

I, too, thought of Rachel from 90DF, @hookedontv!  When you get hooked up with losers IN JAIL or unable to live /work in the US, life is gonna feel unfair.  Is the dating pool really that low?  Is the bar that low???

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How did I ever live without this show? It is absolutely delicious and I’m just cruising through season 2. Will have to go back to season 1 now. 

Why doesn’t Scott just hire an escort for companionship. It would be a whole of a lot cheaper and he’d get more than a kiss every now and then. 

I’m surprised Amanda hasn’t gotten sick of Brittany’s  shit. She wants her cake and to eat it too. Maricello seemed down for a threesome. He was clearly attracted to Amanda. 

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6 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

How did I ever live without this show? It is absolutely delicious and I’m just cruising through season 2. Will have to go back to season 1 now. 

Why doesn’t Scott just hire an escort for companionship. It would be a whole of a lot cheaper and he’d get more than a kiss every now and then. 

I’m surprised Amanda hasn’t gotten sick of Brittany’s  shit. She wants her cake and to eat it too. Maricello seemed down for a threesome. He was clearly attracted to Amanda. 

Everything about marcellino gives me the yucks.

Scott is a dummy, for 90k he could have gone to one of those smile in a day implant places and gotten some fresh teeth AND he could have hired a hooker and had enough left over for a milkshake.

Lizzie is no spring chicken so conning some dummy out of 300k when she looks like that must be her greatest life accomplishment......surely if there is a THOT Hall of Fame she is in it 

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17 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I’m surprised Amanda hasn’t gotten sick of Brittany’s  shit. She wants her cake and to eat it too. Maricello seemed down for a threesome. He was clearly attracted to Amanda. 

I respectfully disagree - I think Marshy Man wants Amanda to go away, pronto.  Not every guy wants a threesome, believe it or not.  I have known a few guys who have and they say it is like trying to drive two cars at the same time, lol.  I still Marshy Man is yucky as he wants to control and fix Brittany, not love her like a spouse should.  

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2 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I respectfully disagree - I think Marshy Man wants Amanda to go away, pronto.  Not every guy wants a threesome, believe it or not.  I have known a few guys who have and they say it is like trying to drive two cars at the same time, lol.  I still Marshy Man is yucky as he wants to control and fix Brittany, not love her like a spouse should.  

He does NOT want to share her. I am surprised he isn't jealous of the dang baby getting some of her attention. I liked Brittany in the beginning but not so much now. They had their 15 minutes of fame and now they are just....blah. I like to watch the train wreck relationships on this show. They amuse me. *putting on gasoline soaked drawers now*

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