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S07.E04: Of Corsets Fashion

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5 hours ago, sara416 said:

Did I really hear "a corset is a symbol of freedom"? Because it's actually kid of the opposite. It's binding and restrictive. Freedom is a t-shirt and yoga pants with no bra, lol. 

I was having horrific visions when Alyssa was talking up the corset... firstly of those "corset piercings" and then of women who have like a 18" waist due to 'corset training'. Google at your own risk... the images aren't for the faint of heart and have nothing to do with "freedom" *shudder*

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I thought the runway was really strong this week. My thoughts...

Jasper was by far the worst and deserved to go home. That dress was so hideous and terribly constructed. I hate it when people go around giving unasked-for opinions and advise (... Michelle...) and Jasper did it in the rudest, most condescending way. So glad he got the smackdown and was sent home. 

*I'm sorry, I don't know what I did to make the text highlighted here!*

I hated the top half of the winning look. Gave the model little flat, flappy pancake boobs.

Sean -  LOVED it!! I would wear that outfit everyday if I could. Kind of like a feminine men's pinstripe suit. Looked modern and cool and impeccably made.

I also loved the all-black outfit, I can't think of the Australian designers name. I thought for sure she would be in the top along with Sean and Dimitri/ Irina.

Dimitri - I really liked it but would have been tons better without the fringe.

Anya - Guess I'm the only one that really liked hers; thought it was cool and funky and something I would totally wear.

Irina - Loved the coat, but I despise lace so I hated the jumpsuit. Just me, but I do not think lace has any place in fashion. Makes me itchy and gross to even think about.

Loved Django's green pants, but didn't get the top half.

I hated that white and red leather dress, it looked cheap and terribly made.

Michelle - Good God does she drive me crazy. She is so so so awful;  her voice is like nails on a chalkboard and just looking at her gives me hives. She always has something nasty and hateful to say about everyone, does she ever say anything nice? Is it wrong that I was hoping she would bleed out from that tiny little cut. Slooowwwwlllllyyyy bleed all the way out. 💀

Anthony Ryan - Hated it. Per usual.

Edited by SuzyQILoveYou
Messed up.
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16 hours ago, TexasGal said:

What did Michelle say in the beginning when the lingerie models came out - I don’t do full naked?  Huh?  Like, do you shower?

I think she tried to make a 'never nude' joke ... maybe she was trying to seem "cool" for watching Arrested Development -- that kind of "see, I'm down with stuff the cool kids like" reference feels about her speed, lol.

  • Love 2

In response to the idea of corsets as a symbol of freedom, a couple of thoughts:

  • At a costume history workshop, the presenter talked about corsetry, and pointed out that a properly fitted and worn corset should be no more constricting of movement than Lycra and a sports bra. There were and still are women who insisted on "tight-lacing" who were exceptions (and probably as prevalent and socially acceptable as women who surgically remove their lower ribs...)
  • A friend (a Goth who wears Victorian-style clothes every day) pointed out how much more comfortable her well-fitted corsets were than a bra. As a somewhat larger busted girl, she noted that with a corset, she had support without a strain on her shoulders. (She wouldn't be seen dead braless and in yoga pants.... :-) )
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On 1/24/2019 at 2:32 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

The fact that Jasper thinks the corset is the symbolism of freedom just goes to show how little he knows.

Right? He said a corset was a "symbol of freedom"??? Barf. And he looked so pointedly at the judges while he delivered the quote, "Behind every great man is a great woman". Fart. I could see how shocked he was that this profound quote was not appreciated in the very generous way he intended. So generous of him to throw women that meagre bone. So gross.

I live for Bidell but it hurt my feelings when he criticized Dmitry's work out loud, true or not. We can't do that, we're Canadian! And to what end? Why do that? Evan doesn't need to do that. Please don't do that. I am so proud of creative people for actually going for it and throwing themselves and their work out there to be seen. There are plenty of people in the world who will tear them down, why on earth would another creative person pile on.

(Just funny how I was writing my response about "the symbol of freedom" at the same time as the poster above me, that's all. No way I could ever believe a corset is comfy but I rip my bra off the moment I walk in the door everyday...)

Edited by GoldaVining
  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, GoldaVining said:

"Behind every great man is a great woman". Fart. I could see how shocked he was that this profound quote was not appreciated in the very generous way he intended. So generous of him to throw women that meagre bone. So gross.

I haven't heard that quote in a serious way since I was a kid in the 60s and women were still (mostly) expected to choose "womanly" careers, if they chose careers at all, and to emotionally support their husbands. That statement was considered a compliment in that all the great people in the world (who were of course all men) had their wives to (partly) thank for their greatness. Ick.

  • Love 7
26 minutes ago, morakot said:

A friend (a Goth who wears Victorian-style clothes every day) pointed out how much more comfortable her well-fitted corsets were than a bra. As a somewhat larger busted girl, she noted that with a corset, she had support without a strain on her shoulders. (She wouldn't be seen dead braless and in yoga pants.... :-) )

I guess I can imagine that (I'm large busted also, and hate wearing bras as they dig in various places, but I wear them "of course.") But don't corsets need to be fastened up the back?

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52 minutes ago, dleighg said:

But don't corsets need to be fastened up the back?

From what I remember from the historical corset workshop I went to, a woman kept the lacings loosely threaded, used the hooks at the front to put it on and could then reach the lace endings and pull it tighter herself (like shoelaces). She could then tie the ends around herself if she was dressing herself. During times of "undress", the lacing could remain looser, and then be tightened up when you were ready to dress up and go outside.  (For what we think of as a 'traditional' corset, there was usually a gap between the two back sections that was covered by the lacing. The waist measurement of the corset didn't include this space so for most women (not tight-lacers) who wore an 18" corset, their actual waist measurement could be up to 6" more than that. ) 

It was a fascinating workshop.

  • Love 5

I wore a corset for a play once. It wasn't hideously uncomfortable, as I did not lace it so tight I couldn't comfortably eat or breathe. I didn't have as much freedom of movement as normal, however. Bending was not possible really, so sitting, picking things up, etc., required thought because I couldn't move as I normally move.

I feel dumb, but it wasn't until I read the topic title here that I got the episode title.

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I really didn't understand the point of the lingerie models coming out at the beginning.  Were any of them even wearing a corset?  Was that just a cheap way to advertise for AdoreMe?  Why not have those models be the models for this week?  So many questions...

On 1/23/2019 at 11:01 PM, Token said:

By Jasper.  You annoyed the shit out of me, so I'm not sad to see you go.


Said every model there.  

On 1/23/2019 at 11:01 PM, Token said:

And since Michelle wasn't quite annoying enough, she had to just ramp it up a level this week!  I don't know how that medic put up with her and I loved him straight out telling her that it was not a lot of blood.


Heehee.  This reminded me of Top Chef-All Stars when Jamie Lauren (Top Scallop) nicked her finger and dramatically ducked out on a team challenge to go to the hospital.  I was kind of expecting the same thing here with Michelle.  And so much for her opinion of Dmitry's being the worst in the room.

I just heart Dmitry so much.  Michelle: "You're doing wide pant?  So I am."   Dmitry:  "Then you do slim."

I continue to love every single thing that the Canadian designer (Evan?) creates.  He is my fav and I'm baffled how he's just remaining middle-of-the-pack.

LOVE Django telling Anne that he will design what he wants,  judges (and her opinion) be damned!  But he can lay off on his "Future Classic" label every 5 minutes.  Branding much?

And finally, I really can't believe I'm saying this because I can't stand him but Sean's pinstriped look was all kinds of chic fierce.  

  • Love 9

Christina's dress looked to me like a cross between a baseball catcher's uniform, a picket fence, and an armadillo.

Who wears a wicker cap?  Backwards.

Is The Morning After Bag used for carrying your Morning After Pill?

All I could think of when I saw Alyssa's dress at the runway was Dorothy's shoes on The Wizard of Oz.

Edited by Brookside
  • Love 3

I think every season there is so much bitchiness that I fail to understand why Michele is so much worse than everyone else. Oh well

I liked Evans design but the color brought it down I thought. I honestly didn’t really have a clear favorite this week like I usually do. Anyas was terrible and I’m surprised she wasn’t in the bottom.

i love Dimitry and he could put out crazy after crazy and I’m still gonna root for his win. I refuse to see anything bad, no no no! 

Lastly poor deluded Jasper. He could have had the best look on the runway and I’d have wanted him offed for his stupid antiquated view. I had to struggle not to barf, behind every man .... Get outta here with that shit.

  • Love 5

 Jasper did not get a parting hug from Alyssa. She didn’t even get off her seat to say goodbye. Can’t say I blame her after his ‘corsets are freedom’, and ‘behind every great man is a great woman ‘ comments. I had to lift my jaw off the floor when he said that. 

Strongest looks for me were Sean , and Evan. Dimitry’s look was too busy, and looked like something a gold digger would wear to her husband’s funeral. 

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On 1/24/2019 at 10:42 AM, HurricaneVal said:

I hated Dmitry's look.  Haaaaaaaaaated.  I was sure he was brought up there as one of the bottom three.  Nope.

I know he's not everyone's cuppa tea, but I liked Anthony Ryan's look.  I thought it was a neat way to actually feature the corset while integrating it into a red carpet gown suitable for the MTV movie awards, or some other more whimsical awards show.

I agree! I could not believe Dmitry was top 3 - from the see through top with the nude nip cover to the tragic fringe I thought it was tasteless and tacky! Possibly the worst thing he has ever sent down the runway in my opinion.

I also thought AR’s dress was great- tailored perfectly and highlighted the corset really well. I too could see someone wearing that right now.

How Anya’s was not in the bottom boggles my mind. Total fug. Django’s deserved B3- what a mess! Despite that, I am fine with Jasper going - his was ugly and dated and he is a sexist tool.

Oh, and Michelle- STFU!

  • Love 4

I feel like the challenges are so weakly conceived this season. I guess cuz they are so corporate sponsored as long as the sponsor got their airtime the judges don’t really care about the challenge. This was particularly egregious.  Use a corset. We are giving you one to use. But most of them didn’t even use it. Wasn’t shown really how they did or didn’t use the actual corset and the judges didn’t seem to comment if the dress did have a corset. (Maybe I didn’t watch closely enough). 

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, novhappy said:

Use a corset. We are giving you one to use. But most of them didn’t even use it. Wasn’t shown really how they did or didn’t use the actual corset and the judges didn’t seem to comment if the dress did have a corset. (Maybe I didn’t watch closely enough).

No, you're right... they totally discarded the main portion of the rule which was that the corset had to be visible while many made corset-like outfits and the woman with the white "color story" used hers under her garment... yay for consistent judging!! It's almost as bad as winning with pants for a 'make a dress' challenge. Pfft.

  • Love 6

I adore Dmitri but that outfit was all kinds of fug. Few people imo would like to wear a completely see through top/nipple band aid combo with bonus tulle shoulder tumor.  Do better, Dmitri.  At least outlast Michele, who may be my least favorite PR contestant ever. 

Saying that, go fuck yourself right back to 1875, Jasper. I generally only watch the beginning to find out the challenge and then skip to the runway, so I missed his instructions on how women should walk. I had to rewind to make sure I really heard him say”behind every great man there’s a great woman.”  Tell that to Nancy Pelosi, asshole.

It’s not even possible that that hideous lattice skirt/peplum schmatta won. Perhaps it would be the cheapest to mass produce? Although I don’t think the masses are clamoring to buy that.

  • Love 2

Oh don’t hide. I like Michelle too and think she’s funny, although I thought she was a too dramatic with the finger cut. :)

She should talk to Fabio, the Italian chef on Top Chef.  He just about chopped his finger off when his knife slipped and he said, "I was prepared to just sear the finger in the frying pan to seal it and keep going!"

  • Love 7
On 1/27/2019 at 5:23 PM, AuntieDiane6 said:

She should talk to Fabio, the Italian chef on Top Chef.  He just about chopped his finger off when his knife slipped and he said, "I was prepared to just sear the finger in the frying pan to seal it and keep going!"

hahaha, my son is a cook. He chopped off a hunk of his finger at work a few weeks ago, and his chef was hassling him to come back to work the next day, because "the first time I chopped a chunk of my finger I was at work the next day". Its a macho thing, all chefs have a story or two about dire injuries to their digits and how they manfully kept working. Dude, the folks in the dining room want you and your copiously bleeding self out of the damn kitchen. He works in a hotel, though, and the GM told him to stay out till he got the OK from his doctor. 

  • Love 1
On 1/27/2019 at 3:54 AM, novhappy said:

I feel like the challenges are so weakly conceived this season. I guess cuz they are so corporate sponsored as long as the sponsor got their airtime the judges don’t really care about the challenge. This was particularly egregious.  Use a corset. We are giving you one to use. But most of them didn’t even use it. Wasn’t shown really how they did or didn’t use the actual corset and the judges didn’t seem to comment if the dress did have a corset. (Maybe I didn’t watch closely enough). 

This season it feels like the designers are told the challenge is XYZ and the judges are told that the challenge was something else. Because I'm feeling cranky, I went back to see exactly what the challenge was. Did I just imagine that they were told they had to have the corset visible?

What the Adore Me lady told the designers: "At Adore Me, our goal is to create lingerie that makes women feel sexy without sacrificing comfort. We understand that every woman has a unique body type and we celebrate this by designing styles to fit all women."

Alyssa then said, "Underwear as outerwear is a real fashion trend. One of the most popular is the corset. Historically, it was used as support under a garment to create a fashion silhouette. Nowadays the corset has come out from under clothes to be a fashion statement itself. Your challenge is to celebrate a woman's figure by incorporating a corset into a high fashion look. You will each be given a standard corset. You can redesign it however you want but its silhouette must be fully visible in your finished garment."

  • Love 4
On 1/24/2019 at 1:42 PM, HurricaneVal said:

Yet again, another challenge where the judges ignored the requirements of the challenge.  Half of the looks last night more or less hid the corset, and didn't celebrate it visibly.  These inconsistencies in judging are driving me crazy.  But at least they're consistently inconsistent!

I hated Dmitry's look.  Haaaaaaaaaated.  I was sure he was brought up there as one of the bottom three.  Nope.

I know he's not everyone's cuppa tea, but I liked Anthony Ryan's look.  I thought it was a neat way to actually feature the corset while integrating it into a red carpet gown suitable for the MTV movie awards, or some other more whimsical awards show.

Yeah, I completely agreed with Michelle - I love Dmitry but that look was bad.

And I too really liked Anthony Ryan's look and agree with your assessment. 

On 1/25/2019 at 7:49 PM, TiredMe said:

I think every season there is so much bitchiness that I fail to understand why Michele is so much worse than everyone else. Oh well

I liked Evans design but the color brought it down I thought. I honestly didn’t really have a clear favorite this week like I usually do. Anyas was terrible and I’m surprised she wasn’t in the bottom.

i love Dimitry and he could put out crazy after crazy and I’m still gonna root for his win. I refuse to see anything bad, no no no! 

Lastly poor deluded Jasper. He could have had the best look on the runway and I’d have wanted him offed for his stupid antiquated view. I had to struggle not to barf, behind every man .... Get outta here with that shit.

Completely agree about Michele, her talking head bitchiness is no worse than any other designer's, in fact she is much more entertaining. Her zings are usually clever and spot-on.

And hahaha, my sister totally agrees about Dmitry - she just said to me today that he could put out nothing but straight fug from now on and she would still want him to win!

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

This season it feels like the designers are told the challenge is XYZ and the judges are told that the challenge was something else. Because I'm feeling cranky, I went back to see exactly what the challenge was. Did I just imagine that they were told they had to have the corset visible?

What the Adore Me lady told the designers: "At Adore Me, our goal is to create lingerie that makes women feel sexy without sacrificing comfort. We understand that every woman has a unique body type and we celebrate this by designing styles to fit all women."

Alyssa then said, "Underwear as outerwear is a real fashion trend. One of the most popular is the corset. Historically, it was used as support under a garment to create a fashion silhouette. Nowadays the corset has come out from under clothes to be a fashion statement itself. Your challenge is to celebrate a woman's figure by incorporating a corset into a high fashion look. You will each be given a standard corset. You can redesign it however you want but its silhouette must be fully visible in your finished garment."

And I don’t think many of them had the corset at all. Which wasn’t shown as an issue in their decision making process, the  critique from Anne or the judging. 

Make an hourglass silhouette is what it ended up being

On 1/24/2019 at 5:47 PM, seacliffsal said:

I am just stumped!  They barely showed Anya working on her outfit during the show, and then...the runway.  I could not believe how horrendous her design was.  Nothing about it made sense and it looked like it was just thrown together.  Then Alyssa called six people forward, including Anya, and I was sure it was the top and bottom looks.  But, NO!!!! Anya was safe.  Unbelievable.  No wonder they barely showed her outfit.  I just do not understand why they are so in love with her and her designs!  I was also shocked that Dimitre was in the top (I thought he would be in the bottom along with Anya).  I just had no idea why the judges thought his design was so "fresh."  I just have no idea what the judges are thinking or looking for in a "top" designer.

Really. I've noticed how she is barely shown, never talks about her "design" or even gets much in the way of a critique from the "mentor." She never should have made it to the finale of the season of regular PR she was on much less won. There's something funny going on with her. And now they have all of these other interesting international designers and they're getting rid of them and leaving her here. They should be forced to make something one week that proves how incapable she is of constructing a garment, like a snow suit or a coat. I know she'd pull out the "we don't wear coats where I come from" excuse but they need to get back to calling her out from her lack of creativity to her poor construction. I can't remember if they ever closely examined the looks on the models on All Stars they way they now do on regular PR, but I"m sure they're not doing it this season because it would be too obvious that her stuff is falling apart. 


On 1/25/2019 at 4:08 PM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

This is the scene I always remember when I think about corsets:


For me it's the scene in Gone With the Wind where Scarlett is trying to get into her clothes after having a baby, "Mammy, you've just got to make it 18 again."

On 1/24/2019 at 10:29 PM, Marmiarmo said:

And can someone also tell Alyssa that you don’t ask people to step “foe-word”.  That drives me crazy!

That drives me crazy too. I wonder if Alyssa's over and strange enunciation are due to learning to get rid of her original NY accent? I find it really annoying but at least you can understand her. Still don't know what qualifies her to be a host/judge on this show, though. She's never been one who was associated with fashion (inn a good way.)

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