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S07.E32: Reunion Part 2

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53 minutes ago, Mothra said:

And did you see Amber once again make Kristina's "miscarriage" all about her?  "I know how you feel"--bullshit.  Kristina didn't have a miscarriage; she had a life-threatening (and I'm amazed that she survived--*four months*--she must've been in dreadful pain--medical emergency that resulted in a surgical abortion of a fetus which if allowed to continue much more would 100% have killed her

I wonder If Amber kept mentioning it because nobody really gave a rats ass about her miscarriage (unlikely that it Happened is my reasoning for lack of attention), she was probably thinking “this is my fucking show and they are still talking about Kristina’s mother ducking miscarriage when I TOLD THEM I HAD ONE TOO!!! They need to show me some respect!!” All served on a platter with that butthole face she makes when angry. 🍑 


I mean, come on, Amber. I mean, say she did have a miscarriage, it’s nothing compared to having a four month fetus inside of you growing in the wrong location causing the mother pain!!! 

What’s even more sad for Kristina, she found out during their trip to LA where Amber conned her into babysitting the entire time where she also ditched her medi/pedi idea - gosh, what a horrible trip to LA that was for Kristina!!! 

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5 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I wonder If Amber kept mentioning it because nobody really gave a rats ass about her miscarriage (unlikely that it Happened is my reasoning for lack of attention), she was probably thinking “this is my fucking show and they are still talking about Kristina’s mother ducking miscarriage when I TOLD THEM I HAD ONE TOO!!! They need to show me some respect!!” All served on a platter with that butthole face she makes when angry. 🍑 


I mean, come on, Amber. I mean, say she did have a miscarriage, it’s nothing compared to having a four month fetus inside of you growing in the wrong location causing the mother pain!!! 

What’s even more sad for Kristina, she found out during their trip to LA where Amber conned her into babysitting the entire time where she also ditched her medi/pedi idea - gosh, what a horrible trip to LA that was for Kristina!!! 

Yes, I had forgotten about that! Poor Kristina.

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7 hours ago, Mothra said:

And did you see Amber once again make Kristina's "miscarriage" all about her?  "I know how you feel"--bullshit.  Kristina didn't have a miscarriage; she had a life-threatening (and I'm amazed that she survived--*four months*--she must've been in dreadful pain--medical emergency that resulted in a surgical abortion of a fetus which if allowed to continue much more would 100% have killed her.  No, Amber, you *do not* know how Kristina feels.

Amber got pretty pissed off, too, when she realized she had missed the opportunity to have a sex talk with Leah.  Leg-shaving is *nothing* compared to "the talk."  And just think of the Gift Pak Amber could've put together for that one!  Crotchless panties, flavored condoms, Aqua-Glide with "lasting" additives, Plan B; the mind boggles.  "You haters think I'm a bad mom--would a bad mom do something this serious in front of a national audience?"  She could have gone on and on about the importance of sexual hygiene and birth control.  And good on Gary for saying that they've been having conversations about sex for several years now, which imo is the right way to do it.  Less traumatizing for parent *and* child.

Agreed. The first time my kids asked how babies were made (thanks to a homeschooling lesson about Henry IIIV), I told them. Very basically. Over the years, I add more and more. There shouldn't be just ONE sex talk. You should have an ongoing conversation with your child over the years. Sounds like Gary is on top of things. I bet they wanted to hurry up and broach the subject on the downlow, before Amber could get any ideas about doing it on air. Because you know she would.

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I had to mute my TV during Amber's segments on the post-season shows after she used the word "like" about 2828844 times before the first commercial break. In addition to that horribly sized hoop in her nose (so ugly!), I find it increasingly painful to hear her speak because she has the vocabulary range of a first grader. (No offense to anyone's little ones who are much more literate than Amber!) She also struggles to finish a sentence when speaking. 

It. Is. So. Painful.

I hope NuMatt has seriously thought about how great a subscription to Highlights Jr. magazine would be for both Amber and James. Talk about a 2-for-1 bargain! He can read to both of them at night!

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Amber always looks like she A. is on something B. gives a rats ass to be there and C. thinks she's above them all - And I'm going to say all of the combined. 

Her attitude at the reunions drives me crazy. I thinks she's trying to act laid back but it comes off as very hoity toity. 

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12 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Amber always looks like she A. is on something B. gives a rats ass to be there and C. thinks she's above them all - And I'm going to say all of the combined. 

Her attitude at the reunions drives me crazy. I thinks she's trying to act laid back but it comes off as very hoity toity. 

D. She always looks smelly.  Like a granny’s dresser drawer.

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15 hours ago, Calm81 said:

What’s even more sad for Kristina, she found out during their trip to LA where Amber conned her into babysitting the entire time where she also ditched her medi/pedi idea - gosh, what a horrible trip to LA that was for Kristina!!! 

Which means that, even beyond being disappointed that she got stuck with (more) babysitting instead of mani/pedis, Kristina was most likely not feeling well and possibly had to cancel whatever fun plans she might have managed to eke out of the trip Amber ruined to go to the hospital to find out that she was 4 months pregnant with a fetus that had to be aborted. There's a 0% chance that she and Gary were able (or willing) to call Amber to say, "Hey, Kristina has to go to the hospital for an emergency. Can we drop Leah and Emi off with you?" (Even though she had gotten stuck watching Amber's infant for most of the trip). And the fact that Amber didn't even know what happened showed that Gary and Kristina know not to bother sharing their troubles with Amber because 1) she's useless and guaranteed not to help in any way; 2) she will inevitably try to turn things around to make herself the victim/center of attention; and 3) they are probably worried about her inappropriately revealing their business on SM/to Leah/to whomever else.

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On ‎1‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 4:24 PM, gunderda said:

Her attitude at the reunions drives me crazy. I thinks she's trying to act laid back but it comes off as very hoity toity. 

That's because Amber and Sasquatch are both fucking posers and they are lame AF.

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On 12/31/2018 at 9:07 PM, ghoulina said:

It's also painfully obvious that Cheyenne is in love with Corey. But Corey just wants to play the field. And why should be commit? She gives him the emotional support, sleeps with him on occasion, lets him see his kid whenever. He's happy as a clam. 

Not to mention the asskissing way she acts like he’s some kind of savior. You’re totally correct, why the hell would a guy, especially like him, commit? It actually probably turns him off to hear her say she’ll keep on waiting, Cory is exactly the type who is all about the chase. Plus, if they did get together he couldn’t possibly maintain his position on the pedestal that Cheyenne has put him on. By stringing her along he gets it all and can fuck whoever else comes along on top of it.

On 1/2/2019 at 3:00 AM, Caseysgirl said:

Wish I could see what attracts all these women to Corey but I don’t. Besides being on multiple reality shows, does he actually have a job? Did he just happen to live in Cheyenne’s home town or did he just relocate to make sure he doesn’t miss a chance to have his face on TV. 

Cheyenne is from Los Angeles and Cory is from somewhere in Michigan. I’m guessing he was already moved to LA, like so many other famewhores before him, because he thought he’d get “more opportunities” there after being on The Challenge. Or he just jumped at the chance to move to LA “for Ryder” because he wanted to be there anyway and that gave him a solid reason. I wonder if Cheyenne was from like, Tupelo, Mississippi (or, even worse, middle of nowhere WV, like Leah) if he’d have moved there? I’m guessing hell no. Having Ryder has been 100% win for him - someone else does the heavy lifting but he still gets a ton of praise and gets to be known as the father of an adorable little girl, he has Cheyenne waiting in the wings to sleep with him or settle down with him whenever he decides, he “has” to live in LA now because of Ryder, which is THE place for famewhores anyway, he can continue to be an ass on The Challenge and any other show and say he’s doing it “for Ryder” and he can bang whoever he wants because he’s technically single...there’s probably more. Before I consider Cory a “stand up guy/father” in any sense, I’d need to see how he’d be if he got another woman pregnant - one who didn’t kiss his ass and allow him to do whatever the hell he wants, isn’t on a reality show and doesn’t live in LA or another desirable area he’d want to move to anyway. What they have going now isn’t exactly representative of a typical “one night stand resulting in pregnancy” situation and I don’t know that Cory would come across so great in any other “baby mama” scenario. I question how involved he’d be.

On 1/3/2019 at 1:00 AM, Bridget said:

On the Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant reunion, Angela Simmons (host) was joined by Dr. Joy Bradford. Where has Dr. Joy been hiding for the last 10 years?

I don’t watch Y&P, is Angela Simmons the same Angela Simmons from Run’s House, aka the daughter of Rev Run? (I loved that show, it was like the only reality show ever where I didn’t think most of the cast were assholes. Actually, I don’t think there was ANY asshole on that show. And the kids were privileged but actually did some stuff, far more than anyone on TM has done and they don’t have trust funds like the Simmons kids must...) I remember she was into trying to be a host and things back in the day. How did she do? She must be better than Nessa regardless! And why the hell does the Y&P reunion get a real professional and TM is stuck with Drew the Fool?!

On 1/4/2019 at 6:10 AM, Mothra said:

I believe they get a bonus ($2500?) to appear on a reunion show.  So there's plenty of motivation on Butch's part.  TLC's motivation is the puzzle to me.

Do you mean the network paying them, which is MTV? Or does TLC mean something else here than the network TLC?

Edited by Rebecca
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Stop making Kristina talk about her medical issues and loss, mtv. Fuck off, Amber. It’s all about her. I don’t buy her shit. I just don’t. She’s only a little half step up from Jenelle status to me. And that’s only because I don’t think Amber is a sociopath, like I do with Jenelle, so there’s a shred of hope for her, however small. I’m glad for Gary that he’s potentially gaining new family members. His dad seems like a decent guy, I just question all the excitement about him being “Gary from Teen Mom,” within the rest of the family. I really want Gary to have the family he’s never had. I’m convinced his mom is somewhat of “an Amber” herself.

Dakota’s hair grossed me out. PLEASE, PLEASE GET TREATMENT FOR PTSD, DAKOTA! Please!!! 

More asskissing of Tyler, regardless if he does deserve some of it or not, is annoying. I get his issues with them all but maybe everyone wants to bitch slap him not for wanting to take care of himself but because he acts like a snarky dick about it? I wonder if Tyler is getting even more bitter because it seems like his family is shaping up and he might not be able to coast on being the savior anymore. And if Tyler isn’t “saving” all the wrecks around him what is he doing? What defines him?

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On 1/7/2019 at 12:03 PM, Rebecca said:

I don’t watch Y&P, is Angela Simmons the same Angela Simmons from Run’s House, aka the daughter of Rev Run? (I loved that show, it was like the only reality show ever where I didn’t think most of the cast were assholes. Actually, I don’t think there was ANY asshole on that show. And the kids were privileged but actually did some stuff, far more than anyone on TM has done and they don’t have trust funds like the Simmons kids must...) I remember she was into trying to be a host and things back in the day. How did she do? She must be better than Nessa regardless! And why the hell does the Y&P reunion get a real professional and TM is stuck with Drew the Fool?!

It's the same Angela Simmons.  I'm not sure she's better than Nessa.  She's under the impression that the plural of "you" is "you guys" and it drives me so crazy I tend to FF through her questions.  She also did a previous reunion and responded to every answer with "Got it."  Argh. 

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20 hours ago, Mothra said:

My bad.  Of course I mean MTV.

I wasn’t trying to be snarky if it sounded that way, there just have been a lot of acronyms thrown around in the past that I didn’t know, haha.

24 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

It's the same Angela Simmons.  I'm not sure she's better than Nessa.  She's under the impression that the plural of "you" is "you guys" and it drives me so crazy I tend to FF through her questions.  She also did a previous reunion and responded to every answer with "Got it."  Argh. 

Well that’s a bummer. Is it really THAT hard to get a good host? I still don’t understand where Nessa came from or why she’s still around - surely she has to be the partner or family member of someone big up at mtv or Viacom? Otherwise I don’t get it at all. 

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9 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

I wasn’t trying to be snarky if it sounded that way, there just have been a lot of acronyms thrown around in the past that I didn’t know, haha.

Well that’s a bummer. Is it really THAT hard to get a good host? I still don’t understand where Nessa came from or why she’s still around - surely she has to be the partner or family member of someone big up at mtv or Viacom? Otherwise I don’t get it at all. 

Nessa dates Colin Kapernick. 

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2 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

Nessa dates Colin Kapernick. 

Ding, ding, ding! It all makes more sense now. I have, collectively throughout my life, watched about 6 minutes of football and even I know who that is. That makes sense, I always knew there had to be a reason she was employed despite lacking in any skills. Thanks for that info!

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Amber is so stupid and self centered it defies logic. The very last people I would want to piss off is the people who film me and the producers of my show. And yet... here comes Ambies... flipping the bird and chewing out the BTS people who could actually help her to “change her image “. Has she learned nothing from 10 years on RTV? 

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8 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

Ding, ding, ding! It all makes more sense now. I have, collectively throughout my life, watched about 6 minutes of football and even I know who that is. That makes sense, I always knew there had to be a reason she was employed despite lacking in any skills. Thanks for that info!

I don’t know anything about Nessa, but Colin is FINE! So props to her for that!

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

It's the same Angela Simmons.  I'm not sure she's better than Nessa.  She's under the impression that the plural of "you" is "you guys" and it drives me so crazy I tend to FF through her questions.  She also did a previous reunion and responded to every answer with "Got it."  Argh. 

“You guys” is the non-Southern version of “y’all.”

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1 hour ago, Rebecca said:

I wasn’t trying to be snarky if it sounded that way, there just have been a lot of acronyms thrown around in the past that I didn’t know, haha.

No snark taken.  I'm clearly spending way too much time watching things I shouldn't be watching, and it's bound to catch up to me now and then.

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6 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

“You guys” is the non-Southern version of “y’all.”

I live in NYC and you’s is a common way of saying you guys or all of you .. it drives me nuts 

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On 1/7/2019 at 2:03 PM, Rebecca said:

Cheyenne is from Los Angeles and Cory is from somewhere in Michigan. I’m guessing he was already moved to LA, like so many other famewhores before him, because he thought he’d get “more opportunities” there after being on The Challenge. Or he just jumped at the chance to move to LA “for Ryder” because he wanted to be there anyway and that gave him a solid reason. I wonder if Cheyenne was from like, Tupelo, Mississippi (or, even worse, middle of nowhere WV, like Leah) if he’d have moved there? I’m guessing hell no. Having Ryder has been 100% win for him - someone else does the heavy lifting but he still gets a ton of praise and gets to be known as the father of an adorable little girl, he has Cheyenne waiting in the wings to sleep with him or settle down with him whenever he decides, he “has” to live in LA now because of Ryder, which is THE place for famewhores anyway, he can continue to be an ass on The Challenge and any other show and say he’s doing it “for Ryder” and he can bang whoever he wants because he’s technically single...there’s probably more. Before I consider Cory a “stand up guy/father” in any sense, I’d need to see how he’d be if he got another woman pregnant - one who didn’t kiss his ass and allow him to do whatever the hell he wants, isn’t on a reality show and doesn’t live in LA or another desirable area he’d want to move to anyway. What they have going now isn’t exactly representative of a typical “one night stand resulting in pregnancy” situation and I don’t know that Cory would come across so great in any other “baby mama” scenario. I question how involved he’d be.

All of this! I have wasted a few posts on previous pages failing to convey what I meant and here it is. Thank you!

This is exactly what has been going on inside my head since King Cory came on TMOG (hell, when he first had Ryder and wouldn’t shut up about “I’m doing this for Ryder” or telling his new hook ups “I can’t believe I just found out I’m a father” while getting ready to raw dawg a new random while thousands of miles from new daughter).

I bet if we ask Cheyenne she will agree that she only sees Cory during the filming of teen mom OG because he’s too busy on “business trips” for “the challenge” and “ex on the beach” and “are you the one” trying to earn that coin to give Ryder and Cheyenne the life he never had. Stand up guy there. 🙄

ETA: Meanwhike, Cheyenne Reality TV opportunities are now limited to TMOG (a show she can bring her kid) because she’s left to do all of the heavy lifting involved in parenting. Cory got it MADE!!! 

Edited by Calm81
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10 hours ago, Calm81 said:

All of this! I have wasted a few posts on previous pages failing to convey what I meant and here it is. Thank you!


I’m so glad someone else understood what I was trying to say, I felt like I was writing a book that no one cared to read, lol! I just have spent more time thinking about Cory than I have thinking about most people from TM (aside from Amber and Jenelle) because I’m a huge Challenge fan and he’s rubbed me the wrong way the whole time he’s been on that show. Like, he basically skyrocketed to my 2nd most hated male cast member on that show, ever, and I have watched all 33 seasons! I also happened to watch his Real World season when it aired (even though I hadn’t watched it for about 10 years prior and haven’t watched another since) plus a few episode of his Ex on the Beach season, so I’ve seen him in other contexts than TM. I think Cory is often full of shit and gets away with a lot because he can appear to be a “nice guy” and “polite” and that fools people and allows him to keep being a cad and low key asshole. He’s just a different kind of asshole than Adam, David, Jenelle, Amber, etc who are more upfront with it and not so controlled. It’s just nuts that on TM he’s probably actually towards the bottom of the list as far as shitty people on the cast. You know a cast is full of swine when Challenge cast members look good compared to them. 

Edited by Rebecca
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On 1/7/2019 at 1:35 PM, ghoulina said:

Thank you. He is just not attractive. At all. 

Uneducated too!  He thinks he's all that when he starts talking over everybody!  What did she ever see in him and now she's tied to him and Texas for 18 years!  Uggg!

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1 hour ago, Rebecca said:

I’m so glad someone else understood what I was trying to say, I felt like I was writing a book that no one cared to read, lol! I just have spent more time thinking about Cory than I have thinking about most people from TM (aside from Amber and Jenelle) because I’m a huge Challenge fan and he’s rubbed me the wrong way the whole time he’s been on that show. Like, he basically skyrocketed to my 2nd most hated male cast member on that show, ever, and I have watched all 33 seasons! I also happened to watch his Real World season when it aired (even though I hadn’t watched it for about 10 years prior and haven’t watched another since) plus a few episode of his Ex on the Beach season, so I’ve seen him in other contexts than TM. I think Cory is often full of shit and gets away with a lot because he can appear to be a “nice guy” and “polite” and that fools people and allows him to keep being a cad and low key asshole. He’s just a different kind of asshole than Adam, David, Jenelle, Amber, etc who are more upfront with it and not so controlled. It’s just nuts that on TM he’s probably actually towards the bottom of the list as far as shitty people on the cast. You know a cast is full of swine when Challenge cast members look good compared to them. 


Especially noted was the infamous pasta fiasco. He literally kicked a man down to the concrete ground because the dude tossed his pasta out the window of the bus they were on. Yes, Tony was a jerk for tossing his leftovers but Cory couldve paralyzed the dude over fettuccine!!!

I wished assault charges were given, as the punishment Tony received didn’t fit the crime.

Also, we heard more about Johnny bananas saying “you should be home mourning your father instead of being here” to Devin (who MILKED it, Btw! He’s been piggybacking off of JB popularity for his entire duration of the challenge) during their reunion episode than what we did of the assault on Tony, but I digress.

Cory doesn’t fool me one iota. He’s a pretty boy in control of his narrative and getting away with a lot of things because of his cute smile and “politeness”.

Edited by Calm81
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1 hour ago, Calm81 said:

Especially noted was the infamous pasta fiasco. He literally kicked a man down to the concrete ground because the dude tossed his pasta out the window of the bus they were on. Yes, Tony was a jerk for tossing his leftovers but Cory couldve paralyzed the dude over fettuccine!!!

I wished assault charges were given, as the punishment Tony received didn’t fit the crime.

Also, we heard more about Johnny bananas saying “you should be home mourning your father instead of being here” to Devin (who MILKED it, Btw! He’s been piggybacking off of JB popularity for his entire duration of the challenge) during their reunion episode than what we did of the assault on Tony, but I digress.

Cory doesn’t fool me one iota. He’s a pretty boy in control of his narrative and getting away with a lot of things because of his cute smile and “politeness”.


We need to hangout and watch The Challenge! I totally agree. I’m still dumbfounded that MTV put Cory on the big freaking Times Square billboard advertising that season despite all that and the fact he was only on for about a second before getting kicked off. That, and their constant casting of his ass on different programs, shows that Mtv, for some reason, really wants to make Cory happen. There’s no way Cheyenne would’ve even been on this show without the Cory connection. I never saw Cheyenne’s AYtO so maybe she was amazing TV on that but she was basically forgettable on The Challenge...except now people know she had a kid with Cory. That’s literally her only “noteworthy” Challenge related fact.

This article is just repeating what Cory and Cheyenne said at the reunion but this part made me say DUH, obviously you’ll want to be on if there’s another season, attention whore, Cor. Is the new season usually filming already based on the past? Should we get our hopes up for a cancellation based on the fact they’re not filming yet? From 2 days ago:


“We want to return,” Cory told Radar Online. “Hopefully there is another season.”  He also confirmed that filming has yet to start for the upcoming season.


Edited by Rebecca
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3 hours ago, Rebecca said:

I’m so glad someone else understood what I was trying to say, I felt like I was writing a book that no one cared to read, lol! I just have spent more time thinking about Cory than I have thinking about most people from TM (aside from Amber and Jenelle) because I’m a huge Challenge fan and he’s rubbed me the wrong way the whole time he’s been on that show. Like, he basically skyrocketed to my 2nd most hated male cast member on that show, ever, and I have watched all 33 seasons! I also happened to watch his Real World season when it aired (even though I hadn’t watched it for about 10 years prior and haven’t watched another since) plus a few episode of his Ex on the Beach season, so I’ve seen him in other contexts than TM. I think Cory is often full of shit and gets away with a lot because he can appear to be a “nice guy” and “polite” and that fools people and allows him to keep being a cad and low key asshole. He’s just a different kind of asshole than Adam, David, Jenelle, Amber, etc who are more upfront with it and not so controlled. It’s just nuts that on TM he’s probably actually towards the bottom of the list as far as shitty people on the cast. You know a cast is full of swine when Challenge cast members look good compared to them. 

Interesting. I've never seen Cory on The Challenge, but that was totally the impression I had of him. I actually felt bad for feeling like his "devoted father" thing was an act for the cameras since it seemed that Ryder's reactions to him proved that she was genuinely bonded with him. But still, I'm not shocked to learn that he spends considerable time away from Ryder famewhoring and fucking random chicks.

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On 1/8/2019 at 3:39 PM, Wednesday-Addams said:

I don’t know anything about Nessa, but Colin is FINE! So props to her for that!

When I found out Nessa and Colin were a couple, I just thought that there must be something to Nessa that we don't see on these shows. Maybe in real life she is a kind and intelligent woman with depth. I can't see Colin, who, love him or hate him, is a deeply principled and courageous person, being involved with a shallow flibbertigibbet. Just me?

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16 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Especially noted was the infamous pasta fiasco. He literally kicked a man down to the concrete ground because the dude tossed his pasta out the window of the bus they were on. Yes, Tony was a jerk for tossing his leftovers but Cory couldve paralyzed the dude over fettuccine!!!


so (some of you will know WTF I'm talking about) it's safe to say that in this case it WAS about the pasta????

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On 1/9/2019 at 6:55 PM, Calm81 said:

Especially noted was the infamous pasta fiasco. He literally kicked a man down to the concrete ground because the dude tossed his pasta out the window of the bus they were on. Yes, Tony was a jerk for tossing his leftovers but Cory couldve paralyzed the dude over fettuccine!!!

I wished assault charges were given, as the punishment Tony received didn’t fit the crime.

Also, we heard more about Johnny bananas saying “you should be home mourning your father instead of being here” to Devin (who MILKED it, Btw! He’s been piggybacking off of JB popularity for his entire duration of the challenge) during their reunion episode than what we did of the assault on Tony, but I digress.

Cory doesn’t fool me one iota. He’s a pretty boy in control of his narrative and getting away with a lot of things because of his cute smile and “politeness”.

Cory retweetd this. He has no shame.

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After reading the lion's share of the comments on this thread I'm becoming aware that I didn't even see this episode.  The one I saw was all backstage stuff.  Is that a whole other separate episode or was I just drinking too much wine?

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11 hours ago, A-Lo said:

After reading the lion's share of the comments on this thread I'm becoming aware that I didn't even see this episode.  The one I saw was all backstage stuff.  Is that a whole other separate episode or was I just drinking too much wine?

Right, there were 2 reunion episodes and then a totally unnecessary Backstage Pass episode. 

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On 1/10/2019 at 10:04 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

When I found out Nessa and Colin were a couple, I just thought that there must be something to Nessa that we don't see on these shows. Maybe in real life she is a kind and intelligent woman with depth. I can't see Colin, who, love him or hate him, is a deeply principled and courageous person, being involved with a shallow flibbertigibbet. Just me?

I’m surprised to learn that Nessa is nearly 38!! She looks great. Even more shocking? She actually has a BA in Mass Communications from BERKELEY. You might be on to something. They’re also both vegans. She’s Muslim and spent time in the Middle East, during the Gulf War, for her dad’s job. She definitely has more depth than I ever imagined. She must dumb it down for this audience (especially the cast). https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-6154755/amp/Who-Nessa-Diab-Colin-Kaepernicks-girlfriend-revealed.html

On 1/10/2019 at 10:55 AM, teapot said:

so (some of you will know WTF I'm talking about) it's safe to say that in this case it WAS about the pasta????

Yep. This time it was really just pasta. Lol! This fight was actually dumber than the VR fight, truly.

Edited by Rebecca
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