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8 minutes ago, Aliconehead said:

Based on my 16 year old nieces instagram, the white dad sneakers are fashionable. 

Interesting.  It seemed way too VSCO girl for someone like Jane who's always dressed to the nines.

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Biphobia is definitely a thing (and a shitty thing!) but I'm annoyed they brought Adena back just to be biphobic (and worse, to lie about it and make it sound like the other friends at the party were the biphobic ones). It was a valid point for the show to make, but it seemed like the writers were saying, "We know Kat/Adena is a popular ship and many of you have been waiting for Adena to return, so how about we put Kat with a guy and make Adena a total dick about it instead?" I'm not a hardcore "Kadena" shipper myself by any means, but it still left a bad taste in my mouth.

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I actually liked Jane this episode. When she found the lump, i expected her to not stay anything to Ryan and take the girls. Her telling him outloud, letting him be the one to go to the doctor with her, spending the day with him and then opening up to him first about her decision all of I didn't expect. Showed growth on her part.

Sutton acted like a child and even talking about her Instagram and how its a mess was silly.


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Adena took a real sharp tun into asshole-ville this week, who knew that she was such a biphobic jerk? Biphobia is definitely a thing in some queer circles, that are often especially based around gender (bi women are just straight girls experimenting, bi men are just gay men who arent ready to be gay) and all that sucks and is a decent idea to explore, but it seems like they really had to make Adena a real jerk, who not only got pissed at Kat for being bi, but lied to her about her other friends being against bi people, and tried to exclude her from her own community. It did allow Oliver to have another good plot at least, he really is the best, super supportive, but also always professional and classy. 

I feel like a jerk, but when Jane announced that she found a lump in her breast, my first thought was "for fucks sake" which is probably not what they were going for! Better safe than sorry and all that, but its just another reason for Jane to be the center of a never ending parade of drama. Didn't she just have a health scare last week when she mistook her yeast infection for some kind of serious illness? And of course we all know that her ranting about her personal stuff for the 30 under 30 interview will end up making her the biggest story and she will be worshiped for her "bravery" for making yet another thing all about herself. Also, did Jane say that she "pulled the curtain out from the wellness industry" or something? Alright Jane, you ranted about your vagina in front of a dozen people and gave the verbal equivalent of a bad Amazon review for one product. That doesent exactly make you Woodward and/or Bernstein. 

Sutton making some bad choices this week. Her Instagram obsession feels increasingly desperate, and I still dont quite know how her becoming an influencer is going to get her a promotion at work. I guess because it will make her seem more desirable as a hire? She has already done so much, and Oliver already said that he would promote her if they had the money, so what is the end goal? 

I dont like them taking all of Jacqueline's marital problems and making them about her husband not supporting her career. Its way too easy, and we dont know him or their relationship well enough to really know if thats true, or if there were other issues.  


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Why is Adena back? Why is she wearing enough makeup for 3 people? WHHHHHYYYYY??????

A Jane double mastectomy plot is going to last forever, I really wish they weren't doing it.

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30 Under 30 is meaningless, but there's no way Jane would be in there. The media section is a smattering of very high profile writers (ie big on Twitter) and people who have high-up positions (editor or whatever) at media companies before turning 30, and then like 85% is people who've founded media startups no one has ever heard of but somehow have a billion dollars in venture capital. Methinks Jane would need her "vertical" on the "dot com" before she'd be noticed at that level. 

Why is Adena still here?


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Yeah he probably has a health problem going on but didn’t want to burden Miss Narcissism about it since it’s always about her. Or it’s the typical he got his one night stand pregnant storyline. 

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Maybe it's that he already got a deal for his next book, but it's about a guy who is dating the most self-centered human being in history but can't break up with her because she'll just write about it for the rest of their lives. 

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Don't love Jacqueline or the show blaming the breakup on her husband resenting her career... The episodes i saw made it seem he was always supportive and actually put his career on hold.. And when she was let go the plan was she step back and he gets back out there... She went back on that and had even less time for him than before

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3 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Don't love Jacqueline or the show blaming the breakup on her husband resenting her career... The episodes i saw made it seem he was always supportive and actually put his career on hold.. And when she was let go the plan was she step back and he gets back out there... She went back on that and had even less time for him than before

I agree. I know we have seen Jacqueline's kids, but do we know their ages? That seemed to be the reason why they both could not have careers at the same time. I am surprised they did not hire a nanny. If they get a divorce I would assume there would be some childcare involved somewhere if they both were working, but what do I know except I hate this storyline.

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4 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

I agree. I know we have seen Jacqueline's kids, but do we know their ages? That seemed to be the reason why they both could not have careers at the same time. I am surprised they did not hire a nanny. If they get a divorce I would assume there would be some childcare involved somewhere if they both were working, but what do I know except I hate this storyline.

The kids appeared to be teenagers. Which kind of surprised me, because how old is Jacqueline supposed to be? She was on A Million Little Things playing the mother of a 30-something.

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7 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

The kids appeared to be teenagers. Which kind of surprised me, because how old is Jacqueline supposed to be? She was on A Million Little Things playing the mother of a 30-something.

Well Melora is 52, so if she had Maggie (on A Million Little Things) young but waited a little longer until her late 30’s or even 40’s to have kids after establishIng her career, the numbers work. 

Edited by Aliconehead
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Okay, someone's gotta explain to me what this "vertical" is that Jane so desperately wants. I gotta be honest, when she first mentioned it thought it was just a full-page article. (You know,vertical...all the way to the bottom of the page).But my Google searches tell me that it's often an off-shoot of the major publication. That doesn't make sense-why would JANE get her own mini magazine? So what am I missing, folks?


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12 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Okay, someone's gotta explain to me what this "vertical" is that Jane so desperately wants. I gotta be honest, when she first mentioned it thought it was just a full-page article. (You know,vertical...all the way to the bottom of the page).But my Google searches tell me that it's often an off-shoot of the major publication. That doesn't make sense-why would JANE get her own mini magazine? So what am I missing, folks?


I think it just means she is spotlighted on Scarlet's website. I think she wants that because it gives her more readers and makes her more known.

Why she would GET one? That I don't know. If Scarlet thinks it will help get them more readers they would give it to her. If her writing is better than how she comes across in person, maybe they'd think she is worth spotlighting.

They mentioned in this past episode Jane was 26. Weren't they all 26 when this show started? How much time has passed show time?

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I don't buy magazines that have a horoscope section, so the astrology theme running through this episode was kinda BS to me. But I know that, sadly, Astrology and Astrology apps are a very popular thing for Millenials and Gen Z-ers at the moment, so I am not surprised they chose to incorporate it in the show.

Poor Ryan getting caught between a rock and a hard place. Jane is going to ride the guilt wave till the very end, won't she? I am Team Pinstripe on that one.

So after the last big finale where they fired Jaqueline only to restore her in the least exciting 1 epsiode twist we can now expect Sutton to move to California? Except she won't because Oliver will magically offer her a stylist position at Scarlett while she walks down the aisle, she will tell Richard at the altar and he will be totally fine with her doing another 180 to stay in NYC. Meanwhile Jane will ditch Pinstripe for a night of wild rides with Andrew. You heard it here first, folks!

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11 hours ago, Aulty said:

Poor Ryan getting caught between a rock and a hard place. Jane is going to ride the guilt wave till the very end, won't she? I am Team Pinstripe on that one.

Same here. It wasn't up to him to tell Jane her brother was separated. At least the brother told Jane sooner rather than later.

They mentioned the 30 Under 30 thing again, so of course Jane will be in it. As if there was ever any doubt. Ugh.

Edited by dubbel zout
belated spelling fix
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14 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

They mentioned the 30 Under 30 thing again, so of course Jane will be in it. As if there was every any doubt. Ugh.

Haven't seen the epi yet... Does Alex even show up for this one? 

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Man the guy who plays miles always gives me Dbag vibes... Lol at the initial meeting of Jane's brother and Pinstripe.. Adena proclaiming how difficult it was for her to be at Kat's after she was the one who came asking for help had me ready to throw hands... Like for real that's the first thing you say??... Jaq still not really taking any responsibility for her breakup.. Saying schedules and work is a copout... That said Jaq's nails were awesome... Smh at Jane getting shitty with Alex when all he did was recap what Jane dead ass wrote about when it comes to pinstripe kissing someone else... Didn't love Sutton wanting to run.. Just because she's had her first real fight with Oliver 

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Nice to see that being a dick runs in Jane's family.  

10 hours ago, Aulty said:

Poor Ryan getting caught between a rock and a hard place. Jane is going to ride the guilt wave till the very end, won't she? I am Team Pinstripe on that one.


5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Same here. It wasn't up to him to tell Jane her brother was separated. At least the brother told Jane sooner rather than later.

Also on Pinstripe's side!  No matter what he did, Jane would have found a way to make it his fault because she's never really forgiven him and has been waiting for him to "betray" her again.  If he had told her, she would have either accused him of lying and trying to get back at her brother for what he said at the dinner or for betraying her brother's trust.  This was definitely a lose-lose for him, even though he did the right thing and stayed out of it.  

Gosh, she's insufferable.  

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Pinstripe should really just break up with Jane and get it over with, its clear that either she hasn't really forgiven him, or that she is just lording this over his head to make him feel guilty and win arguments. Or, knowing Jane, its both. I am totally on his side on this one, it wasnt his place not to tell Jane that her brother is getting separated, thats on him to do, its way too personal a conversation to hear second hand, especially involving her family. He didnt even lie to her, he just didnt tell her a thing until the person that it actually involves did. That little crack about how "easily you lied to me" accomplished nothing, especially when she passive aggressively said how she wasnt mad and left the room, was such an enormous dick move. Not looking forward to her inevitably becoming the cover girl for the 30 under 30 issue. 

At least Alex is actually getting some decent plots lately, and he is even going to try again with the cool doctor! If it was anyone else I would say that him cracking about someones relationships problems to win a rather pointless argument is a low blow...but its Jane, who wrote a whole big article about her boyfriend cheating on her, so she really shouldn't be so pissy. 

I loved Kat basically telling Adena to screw herself when she asked for her help after what an ass she was to her, even if she did go back when Jacqueline conveniently told her the whole tragic story Adena was working on. I think I am still annoyed with Adena after last week (who fights tirelessly for the rights of LGTBQ people everyone...except for that B, because fuck those guys) and that hurt my enjoyment of the plot, even though I am glad that she apologized. So who wouldn't let them publish the story? An evil exec for everyone to fight against near the season finale perhaps? 

Oh yeah, I am so sure that Sutton will move to California. They couldn't keep Jacqueline out of her big office for an episode, and I think Jane's tenure working at a different building in the same city lasted about two episodes, so I dont exactly imagine Sutton will be leaving anytime soon. 

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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

I loved Kat basically telling Adena to screw herself when she asked for her help after what an ass she was to her, even if she did go back when Jacqueline conveniently told her the whole tragic story Adena was working on. I think I am still annoyed with Adena after last week (who fights tirelessly for the rights of LGTBQ people everyone...except for that B, because fuck those guys) and that hurt my enjoyment of the plot, even though I am glad that she apologized. So who wouldn't let them publish the story? An evil exec for everyone to fight against near the season finale perhaps? 

I am glad to see something not work out for these girls. But I am curious why legal would still be against the photo. I agree they are setting up a bigger story there.

So Jane's brother asked Ryan not to tell Jane he was separated, but then turned around and told her himself, and said that Ryan knew? That is kind of shady. I do think he should have said something, but Jane would probably have made him the bad guy there too. It was kind of a no win situation.

No way Sutton is moving to San Francisco. The question is whether she actual gets married before that plan blows up.

If "Stylist" is a job at Scarlet, how come every time Oliver is away, Sutton is doing everything? Wouldn't someone with the higher title stand in for Oliver?

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1 hour ago, KaveDweller said:

So Jane's brother asked Ryan not to tell Jane he was separated, but then turned around and told her himself, and said that Ryan knew? That is kind of shady. I do think he should have said something, but Jane would probably have made him the bad guy there too. It was kind of a no win situation.

I think the brother said don't tell her until I do.. And when he finally did Pinstripe said  glad he finally told you.. And Jane caught feelings as she does... 

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2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

If "Stylist" is a job at Scarlet, how come every time Oliver is away, Sutton is doing everything? Wouldn't someone with the higher title stand in for Oliver?

Sutton does everything when Oliver is away because she's one of the main characters.  Since when is the show all that concerned with accuracy in the publishing business? Heh.

("Stylist" isn't a masthead title—they're usually fashion editors or contributing fashion editors. You get a styling credit for the shoot, though, which is a big deal. It says you came up with the idea and found the clothes.)

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What has to happen for Adena to be gone forever? Why is she still on this show? Is the actress who plays her dating a producer or something?

16 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Same here. It wasn't up to him to tell Jane her brother was separated. At least the brother told Jane sooner rather than later.

Unless I missed it (and I admit my attention was not exactly focused on this less than interesting episode) we didn't actually hear him tell Jane he was separated, & Jane never said anything about him being separated. They just kept talking about why Ryan didn't tell her. I'm wondering if her maybe her brother told her something completely different & if maybe he only came up with that separation story because Ryan caught him with that woman at the bar.

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9 hours ago, GaT said:

Jane never said anything about him being separated.

Jane said she was sorry things weren't working out between her brother and his wife, or something similar that made it clear that the brother told her.

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17 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I am glad to see something not work out for these girls. But I am curious why legal would still be against the photo. I agree they are setting up a bigger story there.

I can't see why legal would've ever been against the photo. He was photographed in a public place. And so long as the sister was on the record about the conversion therapy and they went to the parents for comment, it would've been sound. If the sister wasn't on record and it seemed like what they wrote was blaming the parents for his death because they sent him to conversion therapy, I can see legal not being thrilled (though, yknow, you could probably get the same stuff by interviewing his friends). But that is a text issue, not a photo one. 

I mean, clearly they are setting up some larger corporate issue, but I think in the real world, Kat and Adina would've known there was no legal issue with the photos and fought back. 

On 3/12/2020 at 6:40 PM, KaveDweller said:

I think it just means she is spotlighted on Scarlet's website. I think she wants that because it gives her more readers and makes her more known.

Yeah, the term is usually at least a specific section with the broader publication -- like for New York Magazine, Grub Street (food) and The Cut (fashion) and Vulture (culture) would all be verticals -- but the way they talk about it on the show suggests they mean almost like a column. Like her articles would maybe have a page and her photo would run alongside them or something. 

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1 hour ago, retrograde said:

I mean, clearly they are setting up some larger corporate issue, but I think in the real world, Kat and Adina would've known there was no legal issue with the photos and fought back. 

Yeah, knowing how everything works in this show, probably half of the board in the pocket with some politician or billionaire who supports these programs.  So then there will be some big investigation, half of the board resigns and they beg Richard to take his job back - which will conveniently take place at the same thing when Sutton finally gets her promotion - thus keeping everyone in NYC.

If any of this happens, I will be laughing nonstop. 

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35 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Yeah, knowing how everything works in this show, probably half of the board in the pocket with some politician or billionaire who supports these programs.  So then there will be some big investigation, half of the board resigns and they beg Richard to take his job back - which will conveniently take place at the same thing when Sutton finally gets her promotion - thus keeping everyone in NYC.

If any of this happens, I will be laughing nonstop. 

You, in the near future


Edited by GaT
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1 hour ago, zenithwit said:

Yeah, knowing how everything works in this show, probably half of the board in the pocket with some politician or billionaire who supports these programs.  So then there will be some big investigation, half of the board resigns and they beg Richard to take his job back - which will conveniently take place at the same thing when Sutton finally gets her promotion - thus keeping everyone in NYC.

If any of this happens, I will be laughing nonstop. 

You forgot the part where Jane will write "a verticle" exposing the whole operation and lands on the 30 under 30 list as a result.

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3 minutes ago, Karen885 said:

You forgot the part where Jane will write "a verticle" exposing the whole operation and lands on the 30 under 30 list as a result.

And she'll quote Alex for reference because he wrote a similar article years ago but nobody cared because it was the WSJ... And reasons

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Ryan doesn't deserve to get the heat for this one, wasn't his place especially when the brother wanted to tell her himself.  Had Ryan said  he probably still would be in trouble.

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Yeah, I'm 100% on Ryan's side in this one. Evan -- who he wanted to get along with because it's so important to Jane -- asked him to keep a secret, and this secret wasn't one that would harm Jane in any way. It wasn't his place to tell her and it would have put him on Evan's bad side if he had. She actually seemed to understand that part but was more upset that it was "easy" for him to lie to her, which no, it clearly wasn't; he looked uncomfortable and acted shifty when she asked him about his evening with Evan. I don't really care whether she forgives him for cheating and lying or not, but if she's going to claim she has, she needs to mean it and not keep bringing it up as an example of his untrustworthy nature forever.

No way Sutton's leaving (at least not for more than an episode). I wonder whether she and Richard will break up or whether he'll magically get a perfect job in NYC. The former would give Meghann Fahy more dramatic material to work with, but would the writers upset the many "Suttard" (awful portmanteau, btw) shippers in that way?

Well, they backtracked on Adena's biphobia pretty quickly, didn't they? I'm not mad, though; I didn't buy that coming from her in the first place. I thought the writers handled the conversion therapy topic pretty well.

Astrology is garbage and I'm annoyed that everyone but Alex seemed to believe in it. That smug astrologer at the end, twisting it around so that her predictions were actually correct because Jacqueline was supposed to do the opposite all along (a win for the astrologer no matter what Jacqueline did)... I hate her. I could go on a big rant about how people (especially in the lesbian community) are using astrology as a lesser form of discrimination, refusing to date or even be friends with people with the "wrong" sign, but this isn't the place so I'll spare you. But ugh, show. A more balanced perspective at the very least would have been nice.


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13 hours ago, Cranberry said:

I thought the writers handled the conversion therapy topic pretty well.

I don't think we've heard the last of it, given the problems Adena and Kat are having with that story.

13 hours ago, Cranberry said:

A more balanced perspective at the very least would have been nice.

I think the balanced perspective is that millennials are really into it and the rest of us know better or don't know what we're missing? It's a bit muddled. But I have to say, I do some freelance work at a well-known magazine aimed at this demographic, and there are a LOT of astrology articles.

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I'm on the older end but technically a millennial, and I don't buy it at all. Just for "fun," I even did that full chart with your exact place and time of birth, down to the minute, which is supposed to be the most accurate. I sent it to a friend who knows me very well, and she said it was remarkable how wrong it was in almost every way. The idea that someone would write me off based on a chart that doesn't even describe me pisses me off.

The conversion therapy topic is definitely continuing, yeah. Hopefully they continue to handle it well. I actually could have handled a bit more talk about the common techniques used by those places, because I think a lot of people still don't understand what exactly goes on there. 

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Congratulations Jane - on making 30 under 30 and your brandnew vertical. And on getting one over on Pinstripe again. I am torn about the whole lying Ryan story, mainly because Jane is so annoying and he really seemed sorry for whatever happened and tried to be better. Just let the poor lad go and make Jane someone else's problem.

Kat probably should start looking up apartments in SF. That story is going to get nasty.

It was sweet seeing Oliver getting all excited about being part of Sutton's wedding. The rest of Sutton's story was SO cringeworthy. And of course she'll get a job offer at Scarlet.

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6 hours ago, Aulty said:

It was sweet seeing Oliver getting all excited about being part of Sutton's wedding.

That was the best part of the episode, IMO. I loved him offering to walk her down the aisle and then, "Too much? No. Yes, it's too much, okay." So adorable.

And duh Jane gets the 30 Under 30 and her vertical. I wish they'd throw a few more professional roadblocks in her way. Or have her fail spectacularly and not be able to fix it in a timely fashion.

All the women have rather charmed lives, which I know is status quo for a show like this, but at least make a bit of trouble for them that they have to dig themselves out of.

We all saw the breakup with Pinstripe coming. I feel like he should eventually be relieved he's no longer part of Jane's drama. She's exhausting. It's always all. about. her. How can I enjoy Tiny Jane so much and hate the rest of her? Heh.

I want to know more about this artisanal sandwich workshop.

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Everything about Jane, her character, and her storyline are so fucking exhausting.  Oh my goodness, she is not as awesome as they keep trying to tell us.  


If I was her boss, what would have impressed me was if she did the article she said she was going to write, and then also turned in a second article based on her new inspiration.  That way, I would have had a choice and if there were other things related to the first article already in motion, we wouldn't be screwed.  But it's Jane, so nothing else matters but her feelings. 

And she never wanted to forgive Pinstripe.  She never really trusted him.  I said episodes ago that she should just go ahead and dump him because she would never get over it.  And I don't care what montage the writers create or how they reframe what happened with that girl, they are never gonna convince me that Pinstripe was wrong for staying out of her brother's relationship and keeping the brother's confidence because he was ASKED to.  Notice how she left that part out when she was telling the girls about it.  Run free Pinstripe or you'll keep paying for that mistake and getting it thrown in your face consistently for the rest of your life with her.  (And damn you Jane for making me side with a cheater!)

Sutton should never dance in public again. 

Kat's totally gonna lose her job.  

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I cant even be mad at Ryan for sleeping with this random book tour chick, Jane is just so insufferable. Its clear that not only will Jane never really forgive him, but she is going to hold this over his head forever, and she is going to love doing it. Jane is probably secretly thrilled that Ryan slept with her, that way she gets to play the victim even more than usual and get to lord this over him about everything forever. "Hey Jane, could you pass the salt?" "Oh, like you passed your dick to that other woman?" "...I can get my own salt, sorry." 

Like, of course she just rambling on about her own crap during Sutton's Bachelorette party. Of course she makes the 30 under 30 list because of her "honestly and vulnerability" and didnt get blown off for going on some weird rant about her never ending health problems. Of course Jacqueline loves her article and praises her for how personal it is (literally everything Jane writes is about herself, but whatever) even if it has nothing to do with what Jacqueline asked her to write. Of course Ryan actually slept with that other women, it allowed Jane to angst more and look like the long suffering victim. This show could practically be Jane's self insert fanfic at this point.   

Just as I also suspected, the head guy at Scarlet's publishing house is eviiillllll and supports this pro conversion therapy guy and is trying to hide it. What a coincidence! Yeah, Kate and that assistant are so freaking fired, at the very best. Of course, it wont stick, but this is going to get real ugly real fast. Kat must be secretly happy though, now she gets a cause to fight with her ex girlfriend she is so not over and an evil old rich white guy villain to fight against! And because its this show, it will all work out. 

Oliver getting super excited to officiate Sutton's wedding was the highlight of the episode, Oliver is, as always, the best. "Too much? Its too much." The rest, well the Bachelorette party stuff looked fun, even if her chasing after the influencer and it all working out seemed a bit much, but this all seems pretty pointless because we all know that Sutton isnt really moving. I am going with the idea that Richard gets a promotion when the evil guy is ousted, he comes back to NYC, Sutton gets her dream job at Scarlet, and everything is settled. 

"Thank you for your service."

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7 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

That was the best part of the episode, IMO. I loved him offering to walk her down the aisle and then, "Too much? No. Yes, it's too much, okay." So adorable.

And duh Jane gets the 30 Under 30 and her vertical. I wish they'd throw a few more professional roadblocks in her way. Or have her fail spectacularly and not be able to fix it in a timely fashion.

Well, to be fair, Jane did quit Scarlet to work at that other magazine and then get fired. And then it was a whole season before she got rehired at Scarlet. But I agree that it has been too easy for her since then. It actually seems to easy for all of them.

I mean, Sutton was texting this woman who was ignoring her. Instead of acting like a normal person and giving up, she stalks her, sort of trespasses at whatever that place was, and somehow talks the woman into being impressed? And not just taking the job, but getting Sutton her promotion. That seems really unbelievable.

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I totally missed the plot line that Pinstripe supposed only "kissed" the book tour girl.  I thought they had slept together this whole time so the "big secret reveal" wasn't that surprising.  Then again, this is the Bold Type where they think Kat coming out as bisexual is a big reveal.


10 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Just as I also suspected, the head guy at Scarlet's publishing house is eviiillllll and supports this pro conversion therapy guy and is trying to hide it. What a coincidence! Yeah, Kate and that assistant are so freaking fired, at the very best. Of course, it wont stick, but this is going to get real ugly real fast. Kat must be secretly happy though, now she gets a cause to fight with her ex girlfriend she is so not over and an evil old rich white guy villain to fight against! And because its this show, it will all work out. 

Looking into my Bold Type crystal ball...  Do we know if Stafford is a public or private company? If it is public, Kat will probably leak the info online, there will be some big public uproar and an investigation into RJ which in him being removed from the board.  Then Kat miraculously saves her job, Richard is offered his old job back (because of course the legal guy got fired too) and Sutton gets her promotion (and my theory from a prior post holds strong).

If the company is private, RJ (and/or his family) probably has the majority share and he won't be removed.  In this case, I could see Jacqueline somehow spinning Scarlett off into its own company (or being acquired by an even bigger company?).  Then of course, Stafford will go under because we all know that Scarlett is its biggest magazine, Kat is hailed as a hero, Jacqueline begs Richard to join the new company and Sutton gets a new promotion.

And in both scenarios... Jane continues to wallow in her own misery and only write stories about herself.


Side note: aren't political contributions above a certain amount public information?  Shouldn't that be easily accessible information?  Or did I miss something in RJ's ties with the politician dude?

Edited by zenithwit
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14 hours ago, zenithwit said:

Do we know if Stafford is a public or private company?

Public, I think, but I'm not 100 percent certain.

14 hours ago, zenithwit said:

Side note: aren't political contributions above a certain amount public information?  Shouldn't that be easily accessible information?  Or did I miss something in RJ's ties with the politician dude?

They are, and I was confused about that, too. Though maybe RJ donated to a PAC and not the individual? I'm too lazy to look into campaign-finance laws, not that it matters to the show's universe, heh. The only think Kat might be in trouble for is accessing RJ's bank records. Digging around in public records, though? Nope.

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10 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

They are, and I was confused about that, too. Though maybe RJ donated to a PAC and not the individual? I'm too lazy to look into campaign-finance laws, not that it matters to the show's universe, heh. The only think Kat might be in trouble for is accessing RJ's bank records. Digging around in public records, though? Nope.

Yeah, it was super confusing.  If his political contributions are public information, why would Kat need his bank records?  Maybe I'm thinking wayyyy too much into this.

Ooo what if we get a super "twist" and TJ and political dude are secret lovers?

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Leave it to Jane to be the buzzkill at Sutton's wedding. At least she finally broke up with Pinstripe. She'd never let him forget he cheated on her, no matter what she said.

I had to laugh that "the board voted" to fire Kat. That's Jacqueline's job!

I genuinely laughed out loud when Sutton kissed each of Jane's boobs goodbye.

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The writing of this show is anything but fresh. Its a bunch of done before storylines embazzled with some zeitgeist. And its one of the few shows where I actually can't root for the 'meant to be' pairings that were teased in the first season.

  • The soppy Jane and Pinstripe breakup didn't trigger any emotions on my side - glad that Jane is now her own problem and I hope we'll never see Pinstripe again (for his own sake).
  • Sutton and Richard are cute, as was him walking himself down the aisle. Nothing about the back and forth with the stylist job felt interesting because Sutton moving away was never going to happen.
  • So much drinking before the wedding even started ....
  • Wouldn't it have made more sense to find some over eager Jane type journalist to work on the RJ relevations instead of just dropping the files?
  • Kat looked very pretty at the wedding. The actress has amazing hair.
  • Kat will be back at Scarlett before the end of the next series
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Maybe I missed something, but what law did Kat break? My recollection is the assistant gave her access to the tax documents (right?)— she didn’t steal them. And releasing the documents isn’t against the law— she’s covered by the first amendment on that one. I get the board wanting to fire her for embarrassing the company, but honestly it makes them look even worse to fire her for revealing Scarlet’s hypocrisy. I don’t think she’ll have trouble finding a new job at a place that admires integrity. 

Please correct me if I’m forgetting some scene where Kat hacked into RJ’s personal files or broke into his home or something. 

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