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When Bo rode in and kidnapped Hope, was that the wedding when Howie Hofstedder(?) came down the aisle in Hope's dress? Also, even though Hope did finally marry Larry, I am sure she did not ever sleep with him, she gave up her virginity to Bo on the plantation outside New Orleans. Remember Bo on his motorcycle at the end of that long driveway "I'm Holding Out For A Hero"?

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Yes, Annabel, the wedding where Bo kidnaps Hope is the one where Howie Hofstedler was disguised as Hope, and you're correct, Hope never slept with Larry.  They had a mutual dislike for each other after their forced marriage.  Hope claimed that she was pregnant with Bo's child to keep Larry away from her, even though she was still a virgin. 


Those New Orleans location scenes were fantastic especially the ones with Bo and Hope at Oak Alley where they had a symbolic marriage and made love for the first time.  Good stuff!

That's what I thought too....I don't remember drugs coming into it before.  Wish the writers weren't playing it down since it ties into Brady's arc.

...or is EJ only now getting into it because of Mr. Hick?


The show is a more than a bit cavalier when it comes to "the drug business." JJ's a dealer but he just has to clean the park. Victor was a drug kingpin but how he's just curmudgeonly. EJ is in the drug business with an emphasis on "business." Only Clyde is depicted as being a skeevy drug dealer. 


As for Brady, he's substance abuse problems are just another convenient plot point. 


I'm not expecting Days to deliver on socially responsible story telling but they could at least nod in the direction of social niceties. 

Edited by JaneDigby

Supposedly after the reveal that John/Hope are married storyline a couple of years ago, both couples re-married off screen.  Since John and Marlena's divorce is or almost finalized the implication is that they got re-married after Hope and John were granted a divorce.  The same is implied for Bo and Hope since they have referred to themselves as being married afterward. 


It would be interesting if the writers used that technicality to help transition Hope into a new relationship.  Some mention of her and Bo were planning on getting re-married after she and John divorced but never got around to it before he went undercover, etc. 


For all intents and purposes Bo and Hope as of now are a married couple.

Was it ever mentioned how Kristin survived her car wreck last year?  Did she explain how she evaded capture or survived her injuries?


And also, how exactly did Kristin not get charged with assault and attempted murder for taking a box cutter to Dr. Tan, the holy savior of Salem?  So what if there were no witnesses - he clearly had injuries....

Was it ever mentioned how Kristin survived her car wreck last year?  Did she explain how she evaded capture or survived her injuries?


And also, how exactly did Kristin not get charged with assault and attempted murder for taking a box cutter to Dr. Tan, the holy savior of Salem?  So what if there were no witnesses - he clearly had injuries....

No explanation was needed about Kristen's instant recovery from her horrific car wreck. She had her Dimera Magical Pharmaceutical Case next to her on the passenger side and she grabbed the vial of Car Wreck Survival Elixir and dribbled it into her mouth. Her physical injuries healed instantly and then she drank some of the Disappearing Villain Serum and was transported from the wreck to her hideaway villa.  Done and done!


Beats me why she wasn't charged for her crimes against Dr SuperDan except that maybe the cops find him as tiresome as we all do.

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Wow - they really didn't even TRY to attempt to explain how she escaped??  Too much effort I guess.


Here's another question - I knew squat about Jennifer back in the day, but now that I watch YT videos and hear Marlena accusing Kristin of hurting Jenn and Jack as well (just prior to getting locked up in the secret room) I have to ask: why on EARTH would Jennifer have become friends with Kristin upon her return two years ago?




I think Jennifer for all her nagging would really like to see the good in people.  Her and Kristen were best friends and they were a big part of each others lives as well as sister in laws.  I think with Jennifer's first hand knowledge of mental illness, she can recognize that Kristen really did have a mental breakdown and lose touch with reality. 


I can see how Jennifer would probably be willing to give Kristen a second chance a year ago considering she "supposedly" has gotten therapy and is a changed person from the events fifteen years ago.  I'm sure Jennifer had Laura in the back of her mind in those instances.


I liked that they had Jennifer and Kristen get close again the first time around just to show that the characters aren't in fact robots and there are nuances to them being actual human beings.  It also was nice to see someone acknowledge that Kristen was a really great person back in the day who would always bend over backwards to help others, especially children.  I think there was a part of Jennifer that remembered how close Kristen and Alice were as well.  That Alice would of wanted her to give Kristen a second chance.


It reminds me of the Marlena/Kate friendship that for all intents and purposes seems to exist in a different dimension than Salem, but considering everything that has happened between them in the last twenty-five years, for them to still have a friendship is amazing.

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Yeah, I actually think she looks great. For a few years, she looked a little scary to me (maybe a combo of thinness and having some work done that wasn't great), but these days I think she's very pretty.


I mean, this is what she looked like 30 years ago. People change, and a lot of the differences in her face come down to weight loss and natural fat loss in the face that comes with aging.

Edited by Carrie Ann

I agree with shesajar and Hey Carrie Ann (what's your game now can anybody play). 


She has pretty, silky hair and I can't imagine what they had to do to get the big hair back in the 80's. She definitely set out to reinvent herself with the weight loss and must have had professional training to do the cop voice 24/7.  If you listen to her as an 18 year old she sort of had a high pitched whine. 


She's not quite as scary-thin as she used to be and I pretty much like her casual wardrobe. I heard once along the lines of you either diet for your face or eat normally for your butt. I'd settle for either one.

Edited by QuelleC
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Yeah, I think there are flashes of a Jennifer I would like (and I like MR's portrayal of her)--I find her unusual friendships (Kristen, Nicole for 5 minutes) to be the most interesting thing about her these days, but they seem to exist only for the inevitable screwup and judgment-fest. So that's a bummer. I wish they would make her a "good" character but not self-righteous. I wish she would learn something from this thing with Daniel and Nicole, and try to stay out of other people's business. I wish she would stop telling other people how to live their lives, especially when she's so hypocritical about it.


I just think, you look at characters like Alice and Caroline, and I wish I could see some of the female characters on this show filling that matriarch role someday. Hope is the only one of the old guard who is good but still tolerable, and tends to stay in her lane. Eh, they'll probably eff her up soon enough.

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Basic Black miraculously appeared after John figured out he wasn't Roman, in order to make him as rich as everyone else but he was an Alamain so there's the money.  Not sure exactly what they were up to but to my knowledge it never involved the drug business that the Kiriakises and Dimeras are handing back and forth.


Countess Wilhelmina was a cosmetics company named after Kate's daughter Billie.  They are still rivals with Mad World.  Sami and Kate have worked for each. 

Billie Reed won a cosmetics formula in a poker game. (Not kidding. Billie and Jack were trying to win money to pay back some drug dealer or some other nonsense.) Billie decided to use the formula to start her own business. This business involved a small laboratory convenient for hiding her loathsome hitman father returned from the dead. Entrepreneurship has its benefits. When Billie left Salem after Bo & Hope reunited, I think Victor purchased the business for Kate. 

Actually I think that Countess W became a part of the Dimera fold because Tony Dimera was a huge investor and possibly a big shareholder so when Billie closed the company it sort of reverted to a Dimera company.  Kate while she was Stefano's wife re-booted the company but it was and still is under the Dimera umbrella.


Kate also ran Basic Black which was more of a rival for Titan.  I think it specialized in Publishing.  Kate actually mentored Brady when they worked their together.  I thought it was a nice little nod to history that when Madison died, Brady wanted Kate to run Mad World.

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I don't remember the specific details now, but when Kate first came to town, she got Countess Wilhelmina from Billie somehow - Billie felt Kate stole it from her, and hated her for it...typical soap setup for the reveal that Kate was her mother.


Eventually Billie got Countess W back, and Tony helped her by investing in it as JBC344 notes. This is a large part of why Billie was so angry with Kristen when she caught Kristen cheating on a blind Tony with John. And it was a pretty ugly scene, Billie and Tony walking in on Kristen and John, and the latter two having to get dressed while Billie glared at Kristen and poor blind Tony had no idea what was going on. Before that, Tony had paid for Billie's legal defense after she was arrested for her father's murder. So Tony and Billie had had a friendship too. I've said this before, but I really liked the sixsome of that time - Billie/Bo, Peter/Jen, Kristen/Tony and the way the various friendships and familial relationships among them meant that anything that happened to one of them affected all of them.

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I don't remember the specific details now, but when Kate first came to town, she got Countess Wilhelmina from Billie somehow - Billie felt Kate stole it from her, and hated her for it...typical soap setup for the reveal that Kate was her mother.


Eventually Billie got Countess W back, and Tony helped her by investing in it as JBC344 notes. This is a large part of why Billie was so angry with Kristen when she caught Kristen cheating on a blind Tony with John. And it was a pretty ugly scene, Billie and Tony walking in on Kristen and John, and the latter two having to get dressed while Billie glared at Kristen and poor blind Tony had no idea what was going on. Before that, Tony had paid for Billie's legal defense after she was arrested for her father's murder. So Tony and Billie had had a friendship too. I've said this before, but I really liked the sixsome of that time - Billie/Bo, Peter/Jen, Kristen/Tony and the way the various friendships and familial relationships among them meant that anything that happened to one of them affected all of them.

I loved that part of Days history. There was an equal amount of attention on friendships as well as couples.  Billie and Tony were really good friends, she had a great friendship with Jack as well.  Hell, when Billie and Hope weren't fighting over Bo they were really good friends as well.


I'm glad that the Tony was revealed to be Andre storyline because the one false note in the "Stan storyline" was Tony taunting Billie with Georgia's "death".  As much as Tony may have gone after the Brady's he loved Billie she would have been off limits in his revenge.  So glad that it was revealed to be Andre. 

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Hell, when Billie and Hope weren't fighting over Bo they were really good friends as well.


Yes, it wasn't until Krista Allen's Billie started that Billie and Hope's friendship ended. All through Lisa Rinna's original stint, things sometimes got strained between Billie and Hope, but they always stayed friends and wouldn't get into fights over Bo.


As much as Andre became a get-out-of-jail-free card for the writers, I couldn't bring myself to mind it because I really liked Tony. So I welcomed every time his descent into darkness was revealed to be Andre instead. I had loathed the way he was sacrificed to make John the winner of the triangle. And like you said, he would never have hurt Billie.


It's weird to think that JER was responsible for that period of time (Bo/Billie/Tony/Kristen/Peter/Jen), because even though his hallmarks like repetitive dialogue and scenes were already evident, at least back then he also showed a lot of interconnecting relationships. In his later years the characters became completely islanded, only ever appearing with their love interest and whatever interloper was making up the third part of the triangle. No friendships, no scenes with family, nada. I remember when he left for good - even if I hadn't already known about it, I would've been able to tell just from the fact that Sami and Belle suddenly had a scene together as sisters.

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Austin and Carrie have a daughter.  She was born off screen after they left Salem in 2012.


Sami does not know EJ is dealing drugs, or that he was involved in dealing drugs in the past.  I'm not sure how relevant that is though since just about everyone in Salem is now a criminal who has gotten away with one crime or another.

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Austin and Carrie have a daughter.  She was born off screen after they left Salem in 2012.


Sami does not know EJ is dealing drugs, or that he was involved in dealing drugs in the past.  I'm not sure how relevant that is though since just about everyone in Salem is now a criminal who has gotten away with one crime or another.

I didn't know they finally mentioned Austin and carries kid lol.For some reason always thought they would have a boy lol.


I came across scenes of Marlena after finding out her son dead of SIDS.Whens the last time marlena even mentioned DJ?

Who is Benjy?  I remember Benjy being a deaf boy who Kayla took care of?  Did I dream this? 

No, they are the same Benjy.  Benjy is Stefano's biological son.  Shortly after Kayla and Steve were taking care of him and wanted to adopt him he was revealed to be the biological son of Stefano.  They went back and forth with him for a while, (Remember when Stefano kidnapped Carrie and Benjy when they were kids to hurt Roman, Kayla, and Steve?) and Benjy ended up going to live with his maternal grandmother.


Benjy came back for a short stint during the Colleen/Santo storyline. He was killed by Andre.  While he was in town Celeste was urging him to stay away and to go into hiding with his family so they would be safe.  Yes, Benjy does have a wife and child (daughter?) out there, whom I would love to see make an appearance.

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Holy cow, another Stefano kid?! When they finally cancel Days, are we gonna find out that every single person was somehow Stefano's kid?  Stefano was in the wrong business, he should have been a fertility doctor.  

Yeah Stefano's kids are as follow











Honorable mention: Andre (Nephew)


Only Peter, Kristen, EJ, and Chad are alive.

Edited by JBC344
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