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S04.E02: Super Girl Groups, Henny

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Very happy with this episode/better that the first one IMO. A entertainning group/lip sync number (I liked when they at least allow the queens to work on their lines/harmonies/character etc, so its not one of those unfair challenges when some queens get signed with lame characters/lines) and a fairly good runway for a episode that the main focus is on the lip sync challenge. Different from last week, I agree with the tops and bottoms (personal opinion, would have Naomi on that top two instead of Monet and Gia at the bottom 3 instead of Manilla but it was very close, I can see why Monet got the edge over Naomi with her humor and rap and why judges were more disappointed on Manilla).

Nice lip sync, it was clear Valentina would win by the editing.. While I´m not blow away with her lip sync yet (its very similar to what she did last week), the song fit it and she sold more what the song is about.

Very happy that they wont drag the Gia X Farrah any longer because these queens have way more to offer to have their focus taken away by the two weakest links on the show that are only getting airtime because of this ´´drama``. Yep, Gia is sort of a obsessed bitch/she makes sure to point out someone as the weakest hopping people wont notice she is limited aswell.. But, at least, shes not very loud like Phi Phi and to be honest,  with or without Gia ´´bullying`` Farrah, she was out of her dept and despite Monique still having her messy moments, I would rather having her a couple more weeks serving us some funny talking heads instead of Farrah moaning over and over again while keep struggling to show her talent.

Next week will be interesting,,, From the preview, Trinity talking about it being clear who should leave , I guess we have a obvious contestant in the bottom 2.

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Manila has always been my all-time favorite, and seeing her finally in her glory on the runway made my heart smile.

I don't keep up on the queens much outside of RPDR, but is Valentina transitioning? It looked like during both the girl group performance and LSFYL they blurred out her chestal area, but I feel like I've seen boy-nips on this show before. Either way, it was good to see her lip sync so well after the debacle of her first season. Though given her super-popularity on SM, I started wondering tonight if she does start to flounder*, will another queen hesitate to cut her for fear of the online fallout?

*Speaking of fish, why does Gia Gunn compare herself to tilapia? Not really what I think of as a money fish. ("Now honeydew - that's the money melon.")

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Unpopular opinion: I actually like Farrah and think she's a stunning queen.  That being said, I understand why she was eliminated this episode.  Similar to her first season, she was a bit green for this competition (though she has made significant progress).  I wouldn't mind seeing her again a few years down the road (maybe All Stars 9 or 10).

  • Love 22

So does Gia work at a law office where they showed up in the middle of the day drunk, or more likely wasn't this a night club where drinking is the norm and she just pulled out this nothing story in a baldly transparent attempt to create drama?  I did find it hysterically funny watching her dumb ass walking over and saying with no irony "I don't mean to interrupt" when you so clearly do, bitch.   Part of me hopes she keeps doing that without realizing how stupid she looks. 

I was surprised that Latrice wasn't top 2, I wanted it to be her and Valentina, who I really thought was going to send Monique home regardless of how out of it Farrah has been.  Manilla was out of this world on the runway, which is likely what kept her safe.  Highlighting past queeens for one episode while keeping them out of the competition is probably the way they could bring back other past winners who don't want to go all in like Bebe did.

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11 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

Gia is a jerk.

In fairness, if she hadn't desperately been trying to create drama, she would have been in the bottom this week and gone home.  She, Farrah, and Monet were clearly cast as filler queens this season.  (I love Monet but she tends to be sloppy.)  Eliminations are going to get tough!

I want to like Valentina, but she does seem to be doing some Telenova acting as Manila said.  I wish she would relax and enjoy it.  That's why I prefer Naomi Smalls, if we are comparing the "model" type queens.  I think Ru might choose Naomi over Valentina if it came down to it.  Also, it already seems like Latrice is not getting the winner's edit.  She should have been in the top both weeks.

Also, apparently WOW+ accidentally streamed Episode 3 last night if you want to seek it out.

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When the Queens do the "pick the lipstick" walk, I usually think it's silly, but Valentina turned it into a catwalk and I thought "Oh, that's how to make this scene work".


My Top Two : Valentina and Latrice (her Laverne L was accidentally timely)

My Bottom Two: Gia and Farrah


Top : Manila (and almost everyone, it was a killer runway)

Bottom: Monique

Valentina gave a mesmerizing lipsync, so much so that Monet seemed to give up.

Gia's determined bitchiness definitely grates, yet I still find Monique the most overbearing person there. Although, Monique redeems herself when she gets genuinely excited for other queen's performances.

[Damn it! I have Wow + and was on it last night, and still missed the third episode.]

Edited by 7-Zark-7
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Valentina did nail that performance, and the lip sync. I’m reluctant to feel positively about her given what she did her season, but as long as Gia is around, all my distaste is used up elsewhere. Yeah, Monet either threw that or gave up. Throwing it was probably easy, and good game play b/c she had to know that Val would put it all out there to prove she can. 

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1 hour ago, Mayberry said:

Farrah is very much style, beauty and makeup (and her burlesque show when she isn't falling over.) She seemed a bit too soft and vulnerable for this competition.

Farrah is pretty, but she strikes me as more of a fragile Gen Z Instagram queen than a hard-working, performance-based queen. She lives for likes and stranger validation online, but collapses when presented with any real world task or standards. She also bursts into tears at the slightest criticism. The extent of her drag viability is basically endless selfies and outfit posts with the occasional makeup tutorial. 

The Gia/Farrah feud is not fun to watch, so I'm glad it's over. 

I liked when Latrice pointed out this week that Monique has ditched her wig twice (last week and season 10).  I also laughed when they asked Farrah if she had singing experience and she said she used to be a phone sex operator.

Artist in residence is a cool title and a cool role for a queen.

My favorite looks were Manila (that vintage slouch!), Valentina (love Hydrageas), and Monet X Change (just beautiful). 

Farrah Moan doesn't seem to have as much experience working as a queen as the other girls.  I would guess she had/has a day job that she either needs for reasons or she was/is not doing drag full time for some reasons. 

I didn't think Monet threw the lip sync, I thought Valentina destroyed her. 

It's interesting that both of them have already had their redemption moments. Monet finally won a challenge (that was her thing, right? I tend to forget her), Valentina proved she can perform when she wants to. I guess both can now go, unless new stories appear for them. 

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I remember in AS2 there was scuttlebutt about Katya throwing lip-syncs vs. Alaska and she denied it. Monique did a fine job, but the song (even it it weren't sung by Ariana) was just way more Valentina's speed.

I love Farrah for accusing Gia of just wanting airtime and the producers for showing it. I hate on Real Housewives shows when everyone has to verbally dance around the concept that they're on TV.

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I was never a huge Farrah fan (I think she gives beautiful face but she's still a little green for this competition), but watching Gia pick on her in the workroom made me Team Farrah, if for no other reason than I don't like to see bitches like Gia attack someone, especially right before something like a performance. All the girls (including Farrah) had Gia's number. She was clearly just trying to get under Farrah's skin in the hopes of undermining her and upsetting her on camera before she went onstage.

All of her "I just want to try to clear the air now in case Farrah is eliminated tonight" was total bull shit. If she really cared about patching things up, she wouldn't have walked over and started the conversation with, "Your team just said you're the weakest link." And if she really wanted to try to get some closure on what happened, she could have done that off camera when they were back in their rooms, so clearly this was all about the trifecta of getting more camera time, trying to take down Farrah, and the guise of pretending she was oh so generously trying to mend their relationship.

I have known manipulative bitches like Gia who think they're SO smart but don't really know how to respond when they get even a little bit of snapback (like when Farrah flat out said that Gia was being opportunistic by bringing this up in the workroom while she was trying to get ready and Gia said, "Call it what you like.").

I was really glad that Farrah didn't play into Gia's drama and told her to go away. I also loved when Monique intervened and asked Gia to respect Farrah's boundaries and GO AWAY. That's the thing with assholes though - you can be as logical and polite as you like, but they will just keep getting in your face because they want a reaction.

I see it a both a pro and a con that Farrah's performance was not at all affected by Gia's machinations. She is not a great dancer so the messiness of her performance was NOT due to anything that Gia said. And that's why I was okay with Farrah going home (even though part of me wanted her to stick around just to spite Gia).

I don't know the details of what actually happened between Farrah and Gia, but at this point, I don't really care because all I saw was Gia being a jerk and Farrah very calmly responding.

Manila was by far the most gorgeous on the runway. Her face was so beautiful, her dress was glamorous, and everything else from her hair to her shoes worked perfectly. But I agreed with the judges about her performance during the girl group song. Her vocals were weak while they were recording and her performance was boring (from the hair to the costume to the dancing). I also loved Monet's runway look - so classic!

As much as I like Monique, I was totally with Ciara when she said that as a performer, you can't make excuses - you just have to get on the stage and do your thing. Didn't we already cover this last week when Farrah fell? Shit happens, even in the middle of performances. The audience doesn't want excuses. They want to see you work it. I don't care what was going on with Monique's jacket. That was really not a reason for why her performance was just okay. She wasn't horrible, but she was definitely using her jacket as an excuse.

Naomi wasn't my favorite performance or runway look but I loved that she was fangirling over Ciara.

I was totally cracking up over Trinity's assessment of Valentina as a telenovela star drama queen. It's funny because it's true.

Hahaha, the look on Latrice's face when Gia decided to interrupt Farrah's talk with Monet was hilarious. Farrah nailed it when she referred to Gia's FAKE ASS APOLOGY because that's exactly what it was.

I didn't totally agree with the judges' decision because I thought Latrice did better than Valentina in the performance and the runway. I also thought Gia should have been in the bottom because her performance was weak and her runway was fine but nothing great.

Valentina redeemed herself with her lip sync so hopefully that's the last we will have to hear about that.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Hahaha, the look on Latrice's face when Gia decided to interrupt Farrah's talk with Monet was hilarious. Farrah nailed it when she referred to Gia's FAKE ASS APOLOGY because that's exactly what it was.


You had Latrice and Manila side by side giving full WTF faces when Gia went over to 'I don't mean to interrupt' and it was magnificent. Serious side eye from those two and absolutely deserved.

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Farrah has never done anything for me, but I gained newfound respect for her because of the way she handled Gia's obvious pot stirring.  You go, Christina Aguilera!


Maybe it was the nature of the song, but I found the lip sync lackluster.  Monet was just kind of clomping around for most of it while Valentina made wild motions with her arms.  Neither of them appeared to even be mouthing the words for part of it.


"The fit of that pant was so disrespectful to Aaliyah."  Omg, I was crying laughing. 

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