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S07.E28: Modern Families

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5 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I think it's  pretty much a given that Cate didn't get pregnant alone. Also, no one is absolving Tyler and like I said, he is mad at himself for  his part to play in making an already shitty situation much worse. 

I just can't get how Tyler has it so tough that he needs to "decompress".  He cares for his 2 year old and works on his house.  He doesn't have an outside job.  He marriage might not work so he takes part in having another baby.  He's as trashy as his whole family plus he's a whiner.  

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20 hours ago, Marisagf said:

That scene with Butch and Catelynn was actually kind of nice.  And it was good to see the flashback of how they used to be.  I'm pulling for Butch.  He seems to have gotten serious about recovery and making changes in his life.  He looks healthy.  RIP Butch's glorious mullet.  Cate could learn something from her father-in-law/ex-stepfather.

Agreed. Butch fucks up a lot. But I do think he genuinely wants to improve. His addiction is just SO entrenched. But I feel that he puts forth a much more genuine effort than Cate ever has. 


19 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

To be fair, there was a camera crew set up in the living room to record Bentley’s homecoming. It’s not like he got  dropped off at 5:15 pm on a Wednesday to a dark house, and the droper offer wasn’t sure if Maci and Taylor were held up st the office.

I just assumed there was communication Between Maci and Mimi Jenn beforehand? Like, "I'm bringing Bentley home now" - "Okay". *shrug*


2 hours ago, kicksave said:

FYI: Their new home was previously owned by a known pedophile.

Creepy. A pedophile tried to buy my sister's old home, but they declined the offer. 


21 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

WTH were all those M's on the wall by the stairway leading upstairs?  Surely it isn't for Maci??? 

It's for their last name - McKinney. 


15 hours ago, KittyKat133 said:

So maybe this wenf over my head or I forgot but did butch say “you’ve only been with TWO (had sex with 2) women you’re whole life.” 

Ummmm who was the second??!!?! I thought Tyler and Catelynn were it for each other. They were like 14 when they started dating! Did I miss something over the last 10 years?

I mentioned this already, but couldn't remember the specifics. So I looked it up. He was 9. It was his sister's friend. They engaged in "sex act after sex act for hours" according to Tyler. 

8 minutes ago, Lemons said:

I just can't get how Tyler has it so tough that he needs to "decompress".  He cares for his 2 year old and works on his house.  He doesn't have an outside job.  He marriage might not work so he takes part in having another baby.  He's as trashy as his whole family plus he's a whiner.  

I don't have an outside job. I care for my children at home. I definitely feel the need to decompress. And I'm not married to a needy sloth. 

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8 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I mentioned this already, but couldn't remember the specifics. So I looked it up. He was 9. It was his sister's friend. They engaged in "sex act after sex act for hours" according to Tyler. 

So butch and Tyler count sexual abuse as a sexual partner......

Wow. How totally fucked up.

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7 hours ago, KittyKat133 said:

So butch and Tyler count sexual abuse as a sexual partner......

Wow. How totally fucked up.


7 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Sounds like Tyler was raped.


3 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

Wow what the fuck.

I do hope Tyler isn’t counting being raped as sexual partner, weren’t he and Catelynn on a “break” when he went to NOLA? He could be referencing a woman from that time. 

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On 12/4/2018 at 2:25 PM, kicksave said:

I disagree...I think putting Leah on camera with the leg shaving was unnecessary and will be problematic for her with her peers. That is a private and personal hygiene issue that should not have been put on TV.  Don't these girls think about their kids and the crap they're going to have to put with in middle school and beyond? Like Maci discussing Bentley's bowel movements a few seasons ago...some things should be private and these kids need to be protected from so much exposure. 

AMEN to that! 

Imagine when Leah gets her period. Will Amber put that on camera?

Edited by Darknight
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I think Butch talks a good game.  He's fresh out of rehab the way you feel after a vacation..a long vacation.  Sorry but I don't see him sustaining that high.  He'll fall again.  That's his pattern. You just can't count on people like Butch!

You can pray for them and support them but you'll be disappointed over and over again!

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On 12/4/2018 at 1:50 PM, druzy said:

Cate posted this the other day:



Why do I imagine she took this while lurking outside in the bushes, stalking Ty? 

What is the age difference between Tyler & his sister? It seems to me like they aren't very far apart...not that it makes the situation OK, but if Tyler was 9 & the sister's friend was 10, or 11, I wouldn't necessarily call that a "rape" situation so much as two kids engaging in acts that they really shouldn't. because they're too young. Now if the girl was 14, or 15, yeeeah, that definitely changes my opinion. 

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4 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I do hope Tyler isn’t counting being raped as sexual partner, weren’t he and Catelynn on a “break” when he went to NOLA? He could be referencing a woman from that time. 

I thought the speculation at the time was that if he was fooling around with anyone in New Orleans, it wasn't women.

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5 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I thought the speculation at the time was that if he was fooling around with anyone in New Orleans, it wasn't women.

Yeah, New Orleans didn't come to mind (and I do recall that speculation!). My assumption was it was maybe someone during the time Cate moved to Florida. She had a boyfriend out there, so I figured maybe Tyler wasn't just the ex pining back home & was having some fun of his own. 

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41 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I thought the speculation at the time was that if he was fooling around with anyone in New Orleans, it wasn't women.

Well it could’ve been both. I brought up NOLA because Cate didn’t go with him and they were on a break. If he had curiosity about other sexual partners (male or female) NOLA wouldve been an ideal time. 

I never got gay vibes from Tyler though (or bi), he could be a 2-3 on the Kinsey scale (only he really knows that). I think he’s a guy that has more “yin energy” than most guys, combined with being raised by a single Mom (I know a few guys raised by single moms, they were only children though, that seem more feminine that most because they grew up modeling a female communication style etc), his youthful looks and slim build, people make judgments. 

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48 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I never got gay vibes from Tyler though (or bi), he could be a 2-3 on the Kinsey scale (only he really knows that). I think he’s a guy that has more “yin energy” than most guys, combined with being raised by a single Mom (I know a few guys raised by single moms, they were only children though, that seem more feminine that most because they grew up modeling a female communication style etc), his youthful looks and slim build, people make judgments. 

I think he dresses like one of (or all of) The Village People , but otherwise I tend to agree. 

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On 12/5/2018 at 1:47 PM, ghoulina said:

Agreed. Butch fucks up a lot. But I do think he genuinely wants to improve. His addiction is just SO entrenched. But I feel that he puts forth a much more genuine effort than Cate ever has. 

I think Butch has done some heinous sh!t (especially with how he treated C&T with the adoption & hitting April).  I think that Butch is likely on the just-got-out-of-rehab (sober) "high" now and he is going to have to fight this battle every day.  He may fail again, but I wish him the best.  Unlike Cate, Butch does at least seem to have some self-awareness that he's profoundly hurt the people around him & his absence from his kids' lives was immensely damaging.  Butch knows he's been a sh!t person and I think feels guilt and remorse over it.  (Granted, with addicts, sometimes that cycle of guilt just pushes them back into addiction.)  I hope Butch can sober and in any case, I appreciate that he does realize he's hurt people, admits in, and has apologized/is working to be better. Keep working, Butch.  He has come a long way from early seasons Butch. 

He may not be a role model per say, but Cate could probably take note of how he is self-aware enough to admit that his absence from his kids' lives when they were young (among other awful things he did) and at least try to make some amends.  He may fall back into his addiction and old ways like many addicts do, but at least he knows/admits he's an addict who has messed up a lot and hurt many.  If only Cate could see, admit, and work on rectifying how her absences have hurt Tyler & Nova. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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On 12/5/2018 at 1:47 PM, ghoulina said:

I don't have an outside job. I care for my children at home. I definitely feel the need to decompress. And I'm not married to a needy sloth. 

Being a stay-at-home-parent is, IMO, the hardest job there is. I play one when I'm on semester breaks at work (I work in higher ed).  I enjoy spending time with my kids but after several days of staying home with them....It's exhausting, isolating, repetitive, and draining. I adore my kids (two toddlers) but I long to return to work after a few days so I can have some adult conversation and relative quiet in my office (and use the bathroom alone). I have a friend with small kids who says "Monday is the new Friday!" because she says the little bosses at home work her harder than her boss at her job - haha.  Stay-at-home-parents have my utmost respect because they do the hardest damn job and it's completely undervalued.  

If I was Tyler, I'd be seething with resentment if I was the stay-at-home-parent (also caring for the animals, house, clothing line, etc) while the other parent was gone for months/weeks at a time at the spa.  Reality tv show or not, I'd have left a looong time ago.

That said, I do think Tyler has more help than we're led to believe. (And he has time to work out, write poetry, take selfies, etc....when I'm home alone with my two toddlers it's all I can do to make dinner and do a couple of loads of clothes.)  I think Nova goes to daycare full-time.  I also think Granny April and probably Granny Kim also help a lot more than we see when the cameras are around, too (especially April).  Tyler's sister has also tweeted in the past about babysitting Nova, so she helps out (god help Nova and any kids she watches), too.  That said, I'd still be resentful even if my kid was in daycare all day and I had some breaks/help provided by family if I was still doing the majority of the care of the child for 6 weeks or so by myself while the other parent was at the spa.  (I'd understand if it was for work or a military deployment, obviously, but I'd be pissed if they were at the spa.)  Basically, even with help I don't blame Tyler for being resentful.

On 12/5/2018 at 9:07 AM, druzy said:

"Tyler came up with it. He was looking up different names, and he saw names like Leslie. We have Novalee and now Tezlee. We wanted to keep the names kind of similar," Cate recently revealed to MTV News, adding that Tezlee is not named after anyone and she plans to dress her daughters in matching outfits.

I KNEW Tyler came up with it.  This extra, stupid name-that's-not-a-name has Tyler the Poet written all over it. 

"Tezlee" sounds exactly like a name that a 7th grader who writes embarrassing poetry would think is an awesome name.  However, by the time someone is 26 (?) years old, they'd realize their poetry is lame and Tezlee isn't a name. 

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On 12/4/2018 at 4:54 AM, bounnatalie said:

He is over this marriage.  When he was speaking with Butch, saying how mad he was that he's only been with two women? 

Wow. I think Tyler is realizing all the missed hook-ups he could have had in the past decade (especially since he's a reality TV star) and that he missed out on all of those because he was in love/pretending to himself to be in love with the girl-who-placed-their-baby-for-adoption-at-his-urging (and who has TM$/fame).  Then he realized he doesn't even like this girl he's spent some of the best years of his youth with.  In fact, he kind of hates her (okay, he really hates her).

I think Tyler is going to be looking for some strange soon.  He obviously wants to see what he's missed by staying with this life-suck of partner.  He may also do it & let Cate find out as a way to finally get Cate to end their relationship so he doesn't have to (although I hope he is just upfront with her and leaves before exploring what he's missed).  I think the only thing stopping him from cheating may be that he doesn't want the public to find out and get "hate" on social media. Cate better get it together and work on herself (as they say) and keep a watchful eye on Tyler.  Some girl is going to roll up into his DMs and he won't say no this time. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Obviously, Cate didn't get pregnant on her own and they are both responsible for the pregnancy and the child, BUT, I believe that Cate claimed this baby was a "surprise," so I think she (allegedly) had an implant or some other type of birth control. I question whether she had the implant removed/stopped taking the pill/etc. in order to latch onto Tyler as she felt him slipping away with the talk of a trial separation, etc. Strictly speaking, sex is a "you play, you pay" proposition, but I can't say it's unreasonable to trust your spouse/partner since you were a child to be honest about being on birth control (or not). IF Cate lied to Ty about that, I do "blame" her and have more sympathy for him than a guy who trusted some random girl who claimed to be on birth control. I could also understand if Tyler suspecting/knowing that Cate "trapped" him into another baby was the final nail in the coffin of their relationship for him.

Edited by TheRealT
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I think butch is the biggest bull shitter I have ever seen.  He knows when to hold them and knows when to fold them!  I swear he knows how to lull you into a dream state with his sweet words!

Butch is all talk and no show!  He lives for rehab!  He says everything his family wants to hear.  He stays on the show.  They pay for another rehab.  Wash, spit, rinse!

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11 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Being a stay-at-home-parent is, IMO, the hardest job there is


11 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

It's exhausting, isolating, repetitive, and draining

I feel you.  I have a hardish job in the sense that I work at overnight position at a shelter.  The sleep deprivation and strange hours take a toll and I'm alone - sometimes with some creepy kids.  My husband gets worried about my health and safety.  Today he said he would be willing to work a second job so I didn't need to work.  I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  I like working, working for this type of organization, having something to myself outside of my family.   Being at home with my kids too much is so numbing. My brain felt like it was melting and I was desperate for any adult interaction.   It actually made me a little depressed and I just wanted to sleep all day and want them to go to sleep.  Staying at home might be for some people, but not for this lady. 

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23 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

He may not be a role model per say, but Cate could probably take note of how he is self-aware enough to admit that his absence from his kids' lives when they were young (among other awful things he did) and at least try to make some amends.  He may fall back into his addiction and old ways like many addicts do, but at least he knows/admits he's an addict who has messed up a lot and hurt many.  If only Cate could see, admit, and work on rectifying how her absences have hurt Tyler & Nova. 

Maybe I'm not paying as much attention but I thought Cate was going to mental health facilities.  Where else did she go and for how long?

18 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I think butch is the biggest bull shitter I have ever seen.  He knows when to hold them and knows when to fold them!  I swear he knows how to lull you into a dream state with his sweet words!

Butch is all talk and no show!  He lives for rehab!  He says everything his family wants to hear.  He stays on the show.  They pay for another rehab.  Wash, spit, rinse!

He's a grifter, the worst kind, the kind who takes advantage of their own children.  It looks like Tyler's family is trying to get as much of Cate and Tyler's money as they can whether it's free housing or free rehab.  Pure trash.

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I am a real estate agent, so I have odd hours. Weekends, week nights, whenever someone calls to see something, but for the most part I am home with two kids 3.5 and 14 months. Being a SAHM and the only break you get is to go to work is absolutely the hardest thing imaginable. I wouldn’t trade it for the world and I am lucky because one sale could mean (and does sometime mean) making 20k-30k in one deal. So I consider myself lucky to be able to do what I do and do it well and also be a kick ass mother who teaches her kids the RIGHT way to be and to treat others. Not to brag but everyone always says how good my kids are. 

Caitlyn has nothing but rehab and counseling. That’s her work. Her work is all about HER! It’s not contributing anything to society. It’s working on herself. Then she comes home to be an inattentive mother and a lazy unsupportive partner. So all that “working on herself” has not benefitted her to being a better person to anyone but her. I don’t blame Tyler for being completely totally and utterly fed up. He is a good father, he at least works in his homes, works with his hands, and tries to run that stupid business on his own. He’s basically a stay at home dad and Caitlyn’s caregiver and barnyard help. He is always cleaning up caits messes. He’s not perfect but I do not blame him for one second if he chose to divorce her and I almost admire his candor in saying having this new baby is not ideal. He’s not trying to play happy fucking family for the camera and I think that speaks volumes to who he is as a person 

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On 12/7/2018 at 11:14 PM, KittyKat133 said:

Caitlyn has nothing but rehab and counseling. That’s her work. Her work is all about HER! It’s not contributing anything to society. It’s working on herself. Then she comes home to be an inattentive mother and a lazy unsupportive partner. So all that “working on herself” has not benefitted her to being a better person to anyone but her. I don’t blame Tyler for being completely totally and utterly fed up. He is a good father, he at least works in his homes, works with his hands, and tries to run that stupid business on his own. He’s basically a stay at home dad and Caitlyn’s caregiver and barnyard help. He is always cleaning up caits messes. He’s not perfect but I do not blame him for one second if he chose to divorce her and I almost admire his candor in saying having this new baby is not ideal. He’s not trying to play happy fucking family for the camera and I think that speaks volumes to who he is as a person 

When someone is mentally ill then rehab and counseling is their whole life.  That's not unusual.  I don't know anything but what I've seen on TV but it appears that she has pretty debilitating depression and anxiety.  As for "Ty" being a good father, he probably is.  I would assume he's fine and there doesn't seem to be any issues with neglect or abuse by either of them.  But I don't get the "admiration" for him.  He's an idiot and poor Cate is basically simple.  In my opinion neither have done anything for a person to admire or hate them.   They are both what you'd expect based on their upbringing.  

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I thought the myth for shaving creating darker thicker coarser hair was long gone.  It only seems coarser because you're chopping off the hair mid way instead of letting it grow out to the natural end of hair.  It certainly doesn't give you more hair follicles to shave, so it's not thicker.  And it only seems darker when you first shave because you're noticing the replacement hairs change as you go through puberty.


I also thought at first that this might be something Leah wants to keep to herself instead of have on TV, but then again so many kids these days think it's fine to put their life on show for others.  Additionally, I wonder if kids she hangs with have been talking about the hair on their legs which is a reason Leah is self conscious of having hers, but because the kids have spoken about as well as having talked about shaving already she's not self conscious about it.  I've noticed that there are puberty related things that were still taboo when I was a kid that just don't seem to be as much of a taboo to talk about these days, plus are spoken about in more public ways and in mixed company.


Does Dakota have a job in Austin?  I know he gets disabililty from the military.  What is keeping him there, instead of KY where the rest of his family seems to be?

Edited by Eater of Worlds
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Hair becoming longer and coarser after shaving is a myth. I don't have a problem with Leah shaving at 9 but it's pretty gross how Amber thinks swooping in and "being there" for her daughter for 1 day of shaving makes her a "damn good mom". If you have to say you're classy, you aren't, and the same thing goes for parenthood. If you need to insist that you're a good parent, you definitely aren't. 

I'm intrigued by Catelyn and Tyler's relationship. They still have sex? She has libido even with her trauma? As someone mentioned upstream, I don't blame Cate for not wanting to watch the episodes. It would devastate her and exacerbate her anxiety and depression. I think deep down she knows she's been selfish and that she does not enjoy being around her daughter. I think she also knows her PPD will be horrible this time around too but was hoping a son would be an adequate relationship bandaid. 

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On 12/9/2018 at 3:17 PM, Lemons said:

When someone is mentally ill then rehab and counseling is their whole life.  That's not unusual.  I don't know anything but what I've seen on TV but it appears that she has pretty debilitating depression and anxiety.  As for "Ty" being a good father, he probably is.  I would assume he's fine and there doesn't seem to be any issues with neglect or abuse by either of them.  But I don't get the "admiration" for him.  He's an idiot and poor Cate is basically simple.  In my opinion neither have done anything for a person to admire or hate them.   They are both what you'd expect based on their upbringing.  

Not when you have children. No matter what state you are in you put your children first and she continues to traumatize that child. Most people with depression and anxiety do not have the time or funds to leave to go to a retreat for months on end as much as they want. Even if they did most mothers put their kids first and yes get help, but still take care of their families first and foremost. She does not do that. She has no business having another baby. 

I dont “admire” Tyler as a whole. But I admire that he’s not putting on the happy family facade. That takes courage in a private setting much less national TV 

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47 minutes ago, KittyKat133 said:

Not when you have children. No matter what state you are in you put your children first and she continues to traumatize that child. Most people with depression and anxiety do not have the time or funds to leave to go to a retreat for months on end as much as they want. Even if they did most mothers put their kids first and yes get help, but still take care of their families first and foremost. She does not do that. She has no business having another baby. 

I dont “admire” Tyler as a whole. But I admire that he’s not putting on the happy family facade. That takes courage in a private setting much less national TV 

People with mental illness, whether they have children or not, need to go into the hospital whenever they have breakthrough symptoms and can't function.  I have a relative with a serious mental illness and three children.  When she is hospitalized we step up and help.  Just like if anyone is hospitalized with an illness.  It's tough enough having a mental illness vs any other illness because of ignorance.  People think if you could only step up!  Be strong!  Just ignore those voices in your head!  Etc.    

I think it bothers people because she goes out of state and to what they consider "luxury" hospitals as opposed to the local shit hole that everyone else gets stuck at.  

I don't admire Tyler for not putting on a happy family facade, why would he?  He loves looking like he's taking care of everyone and everything and if it wasn't for him everyone would fall apart.  He's made this his whole life as a choice.  He chose not to get a higher education or a trade.  He chose not to work.  He chose not to be part of the bigger world, to get away from the family problems at least for a few hours a day.  

If he was a decent guy he would stop whining.   He just got a little luckier in the genetic dice throw.  He didn't get the addiction gene like his sister or the depression gene like Cate did.     He actually repulses me.  And what is he doing about that child's speech defect if he's so wonderful?  

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On 12/7/2018 at 3:24 PM, Lemons said:

Maybe I'm not paying as much attention but I thought Cate was going to mental health facilities.  Where else did she go and for how long?

He's a grifter, the worst kind, the kind who takes advantage of their own children.  It looks like Tyler's family is trying to get as much of Cate and Tyler's money as they can whether it's free housing or free rehab.  Pure trash.

I agree!!!! Hes a bum

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she continues to traumatize that child.

Not only by leaving, for therapy, seperation (“reflection”), also by talking about subjects right in front of the child. A child needs to feel secure. I don’t think Nova has that. Conversations between Cate and Tyler, throw Tyler’s mother in, etc.. No wonder Nova always seems to look bewildered.

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I am not a fan of the whole shaving thing being on tv, were I in Leah's shoes, I wouldn't have wanted it filmed.  Though, there does seem to be a lot more stuff that was super private when I was a kid that isn't a huge deal now, and, I guess to be fair, I'm one of those people who doesn't see a huge deal if a guy were to see tampons in my bag or my bra strap.  I kind of feel like most people assume I'm wearing a bra and get a period because I'm a woman and out of high school.  At 9, I didn't feel that way, but by like 16? I didn't care.  That said, I don't really see a huge issue with Leah shaving at age 9.  Kids mature at different ages and rates and shaving, deodorant use and other similar rites of passage strike me as the type of thing that you do on an "as needed" basis vs an arbitrary start age.  If I was 10 and had dark hair under my arms and was told I wasn't allowed to shave until I was 13 simply because "You don't shave until you are 13 in this house" I'd have pretty much died.  As it is, I have no idea when I started shaving, I suspect it had something to do with me wearing a tank top and one of my parents noticing hair and saying, hey, it's time you deal with that.  On the other hand, if Leah didn't have dark hair that needed to be shaved until she was like 16, there's no point in shaving at 13 just because she IS 13, so, I just see it as one of those things you do if/when needed.  If you smell bad, it's time for deodorant, regardless of age.  If you have hair and it bugs you, time to shave.  Starting to develop? Time for a bra.  

I also don't see an issue with Bentley being dropped off in the driveway.  But, I grew up walking a fair distance to and from school by myself starting in first grade and even when I lived in towns that had buses, I went to and from the bus stop by myself and it was farther than the driveway.  No one was looking out of the window to make sure I got on the bus or made it in the house.  If I were Jen or Larry, I would have waited until I saw him go in the house, but, I also do that when I drop anyone off, even a fully grown adult.  

I think it would be irresponsible if Cate didn't seek treatment for her mental illness, just having kids doesn't mean that you let a problem go untreated.  In some ways, it's like saying, well, she's a mom so it doesn't matter if she's diabetic, no time for her insulin, buck up and get the kid off to school!  Her particular situation requires a fair amount of intense initial treatment and then regular, ongoing participation in some sort of program of therapy to keep her on the right track.  If inpatient therapy is what was needed to keep her from being suicidal, then that's what she needed to do, and she should have done it.  I do think, though, that she also has to balance out the rest of her life with the needs and realities of the treatment.  In a lot of ways, it seems like she expected to come back from being gone for 2 extended stays and for it to be like nothing happened, like she wasn't gone at all.  That's where the main problem lies, for me.  Sure, she shouldn't be penalized, so to speak, for needing or getting the treatment, but, at the same time, she has to get that it also has an impact on Tyler and Nova.  And, she has to deal with the reality of that impact, she can't just expect that they say, oh, no, it's totally fine.  Right now she appears to be basically either ignoring that it was a thing that affected them or standing in a place of "but, it was treatment I needed"  And, the fact that she needed it is true, but, she can't use that to hide from the feelings Tyler has about it and his right/need to address it in the couples counseling.  If she was saying, I needed to do this because I was in a bad place, and I appreciate that you were there for me and I'm sorry that it impacted you/us so much, bear with me, because things are a bit raw, but I'm willing to do what I can to hear your side and get stuff back on track, I think that would go a long way to making the whole situation better.  Instead, she's pulling the Ryan triggered card, "I have trauma issues and this is a trigger, I can't fill out the couples counseling paperwork today"

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The driveway......my point was only Taylor got up off his ass to see it was Bentley being dropped off. Maci sat there and barely even looked at him when he walked in. She was too busy, I guess. Personally, I would not drop any child off without making sure they were greeted by an adult. Yes, I know it was being filmed, it’s just the way it made me feel.

One of my daughters is 26. I dropped her off at work today, she does home care, so it was at a house. I waited until she got in the door to drive away. That’s just me.

I watched the video, couldn’t get sound. I did not see the scene other than that. 

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On 12/6/2018 at 8:34 PM, TheRealT said:

Obviously, Cate didn't get pregnant on her own and they are both responsible for the pregnancy and the child, BUT, I believe that Cate claimed this baby was a "surprise," so I think she (allegedly) had an implant or some other type of birth control. I question whether she had the implant removed/stopped taking the pill/etc. in order to latch onto Tyler as she felt him slipping away with the talk of a trial separation, etc. Strictly speaking, sex is a "you play, you pay" proposition, but I can't say it's unreasonable to trust your spouse/partner since you were a child to be honest about being on birth control (or not). IF Cate lied to Ty about that, I do "blame" her and have more sympathy for him than a guy who trusted some random girl who claimed to be on birth control. I could also understand if Tyler suspecting/knowing that Cate "trapped" him into another baby was the final nail in the coffin of their relationship for him.

But I remember a scene were Tyler told Cate to "surprise" him. Last season he told her he did not want to know when she removed the birth control.   That was for the supposed miscarriage pregnancy.  He wanted to be surprised.   So he is the once and future idiot.  

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3 hours ago, SuzWhat said:

But I remember a scene were Tyler told Cate to "surprise" him. Last season he told her he did not want to know when she removed the birth control.   That was for the supposed miscarriage pregnancy.  He wanted to be surprised.   So he is the once and future idiot.  

I'm pretty sure that they renegotiated their agreement around getting pregnant since then. Cate did the "Surprise, I'm pregnant!" thing, then she had a miscarriage, which led to her going back to rehab, which led to Tyler (at least) rethinking their relationship/having another child. Tyler said, on camera, that he definitely didn't plan this pregnancy and Cate described the pregnancy as a surprise or ordained by God or something because she was (supposedly) on birth control. Neither of them claims that the pregnancy was planned or "agreed upon, but meant to be a surprise for Ty."

I believe that Ty's "Get pregnant when you want to and let it be a surprise for me" thing was a way of him avoiding taking responsibility for moving to the next level in their marriage/family. I think he was, at best, conflicted about having another child with Cate/staying with Cate in general, but he couldn't bring himself to even broach the subject with her, much less say he didn't want to have another baby or that he was thinking about breaking up. They had always talked about having a big family, so as Nova got to be a couple years old it was an obvious time to start planning Baby #2, but Cate was depressed and (secretly) hating motherhood and Ty was depressed and (secretly) thinking about what life without Cate might be like. So Cate was kind of like, "So, do you want to have another baby?" (because she thought she was "supposed to" be in that place and she was worried about where Tyler's head was) and Tyler was like, "Sure, if you want to, do whatever you want..." (because he couldn't bring himself to commit to a a big lie like, "Yes, let's have another baby! I'm more in love with you than ever and being (real) parents has worked out really well so far!" He was probably secretly relieved (and felt really guilty for it) when Cate miscarried. I can't imagine that after Cate went to rehab because she was contemplating suicide he was like, "Feel better! If you think having a baby will help, go ahead with that without consulting me. I love surprises!"

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On 12/5/2018 at 3:14 AM, AhFillAck said:

LOL!!! A uterus!!! I found it to be more reminiscent of an enormous Ring Pop.


Eww! Now that pic of Butch with the watermelon looks so much different now. 

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Bristol grillling Tripp like that was so extreme & hard to watch. Dakota, Tripp is a child and doesn’t just “know” you are there for him if he needs you ! Smh. In saying that, so much between those 2 would be resolved if they only communicated. 

Leah is too young to shave her legs imo & the spectacle amber made of it with her entourage was ridiculous, as evidenced by Leah’s EPIC look at the circus on its way in.

I almost wanted to hug Tyler and tell him many in his position would have given up on that marriage by now. I’m glad he’s trying but I don’t know if it can be recovered from what we have seen. 

Maci making signs like “I like her butt” , inappropriate much for her son nearing adolescence, that’s the thinking you wanna teach him ??! 

Edited by BARISTA
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On 12/3/2018 at 9:08 PM, druzy said:

Why all the initial M's on the wall going up the stairs in Maci's house? It can't be because Maci's name starts with an M or can it? 

ETA: I just realized their last name is Mckinny. I always think of her as Maci Bookout. I still think it's overkill. 

Especially seeing that Bentley's last name is Edwards. Wouldn't he always feel left out? I would.  

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Am I bugging? If Amber still thought it was too young for Leah to shave, why couldn't they use Nair? Is that not an option in Indiana? She's so annoying. Pick a lane! Better yet, pick a couch and let the adults handle this. I seriously can't stand how she treats Kristina, Gary and most of all Leah. 

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