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S01.E09: Perspective

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9 minutes ago, debraran said:

I knew what you meant, but thanks. On another note, was it just me or Maggie fainting or being in pain and falling, it was just not shown again? She seemed fine on road trip and later. It seemed so dramatic, I wasn't sure what we were supposed to think.

Nash should just play Delilah as somewhat shallow or just shallow and let it go. As you said, no one has a group of coworkers or friends or acquaintances without a mix of personalities.

Either that have done zero research into breast cancer or just decided to ignore reality for the  sake of drama. Maggie’s “symptoms” have never made any sense for breast cancer. 

30 minutes ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

Yeah, they sort of glossed over that huge dramatic moment.  And we know it was *the next day*...unless, wait....I'm confused.

Last week, it was stated that Gary and Maggie had been together for 3 weeks, which meant Jon had been dead 4 weeks (about).

This week, which is supposedly the next day (unless Gary spent several weeks in Ashley's bed), Jon has been dead 7 weeks?  


The only explanation is that there was supposed to be a 3 week time jump between Gary and Maggie breaking up in episode 7 and the start of episode 8. That actually makes a little bit of sense when you consider that Maggie left her job and the restaurant was finished in between those episodes. 

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3 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Ashley's keychain was Jon's, obviously. Did he give it to her or did she take it after he died? If the latter, before or after her longing look at his dry-cleaning?


We've seen the keychain once before--when Ashley took it to open a post office box in what I think was an apartment building and dozens of bills came tumbling out.

3 minutes ago, Dani said:

The only explanation is that there was supposed to be a 3 week time jump between Gary and Maggie breaking up in episode 7 and the start of episode 8. That actually makes a little bit of sense when you consider that Maggie left her job and the restaurant was finished in between those episodes. 


(Re the time jump)

Okay, that makes sense, although if I remember in the last episode, it seemed like Gary and Maggie hadn't been broken up that long, more like a few days. But I could be misremembering that.

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35 minutes ago, HazelEyes4325 said:


It doesn't, is the problem.

Even the structure of a single day seems to overly confuse the writers. We have Gary NEVER GOING TO WORK. (Seriously, show, you don't have to show him at work, but couldn't you at least have him mention it? Being in a rush leaving Ashley's, being in "work clothes" when he meets her at the bar later, something?) We have Theo eating a leisurely breakfast like it's a weekend, except clearly it's not since Maggie wouldn't be giving the lecture on a weekend (presumably?). We have Hunter leaving work to baby-sit Theo, picking up his own son along the way (I assumed that was his kid? Otherwise it was a really odd insertion of a random "new" friend), then returning to work later (did he just leave his own son with Theo and Katherine's mom, or did he return him to wherever, and then pick him up again later when all four of them were making the Chewbacca noises?). Not to mention wherever Delilah's kids were supposed to be while she was driving Maggie and then attending Gary's party (I mean, I guess they were at school for most of that time, but the fact that they're never mentioned was kind of glaring).

On an unrelated note, if I was Gary, I don't think I'd want the picture that I stared at during months of chemo to be in my apartment afterwards. I mean, I get that it had significance, but I would think it would be an awful reminder, too. Why not just donate it to the hospital so that next patient has something pretty to look at?

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14 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Ashley's keychain was Jon's, obviously. Did he give it to her or did she take it after he died? If the latter, before or after her longing look at his dry-cleaning?

Ashley also had Jon’s phone after the funeral. Delilah seems to have left everything related to his work in Ashley’s hands. 


17 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Was the other kid Hunter's son, or just a friend of Theo's (he looked a little older, I thought)? (I left the room during a commercial and missed a bit when it came back, so I'm not sure if I missed something.)

They never said. She did tell her mom that she was going to arrange a play date for Theo so it could have been some random friend. 

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5 minutes ago, Dani said:

She did tell her mom that she was going to arrange a play date for Theo so it could have been some random friend. 

But she made it sound like a play date would take care of baby-sitting duties. If she arranged a play date with a random kid and then had Hunter baby-sit both kids, that's kind of weird. The way Theo introduced the kid to Eddie as his "new" friend made me think he'd just met the kid, and the kid belonged to Hunter. Plus the fact that the kid was still there much later when Hunter and Katherine were both there making supper. But yeah, it would have been nice to throw in a line to the effect that he was Hunter's son (or nephew, or whatever).

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7 minutes ago, dargosmydaddy said:

But she made it sound like a play date would take care of baby-sitting duties. If she arranged a play date with a random kid and then had Hunter baby-sit both kids, that's kind of weird. The way Theo introduced the kid to Eddie as his "new" friend made me think he'd just met the kid, and the kid belonged to Hunter. Plus the fact that the kid was still there much later when Hunter and Katherine were both there making supper. But yeah, it would have been nice to throw in a line to the effect that he was Hunter's son (or nephew, or whatever).

Yeah, when she was talking to her mom, it sounded like Theo was going to a playdate elsewhere and she just needed her mom to watch him after his playdate.  So, I think either that particular playdate didn't happen or it did and then Hunter came by with his son.  I can't see her asking Hunter, or Hunter agreeing, to watch Theo and some random other kid.

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How can any of these people believe that Delilah's baby is John's and not have any doubt at all, especially Katherine.  IMO it makes Delilah look more terrible in this whole affair thing, she was sleeping with both men.  When Katherine revealed to Eddie that she knew Delilah was pregnant  he almost looked like he wanted her to say that she knew it was his baby, seemed disappointed when she said I know it's John's.  I love how Gary puts the truth out there bringing them all back to reality.  Agree Katherine does not fit in with these people.  

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1 minute ago, LucyEth said:

How can any of these people believe that Delilah's baby is John's and not have any doubt at all, especially Katherine.  IMO it makes Delilah look more terrible in this whole affair thing, she was sleeping with both men.  When Katherine revealed to Eddie that she knew Delilah was pregnant  he almost looked like he wanted her to say that she knew it was his baby, seemed disappointed when she said I know it's John's.  I love how Gary puts the truth out there bringing them all back to reality.  Agree Katherine does not fit in with these people.  

I think Katherine might have a suspicion, but it's "easier" for her to believe that it's Jon's (instead of believing that it is her husband's and her husband ONCE AGAIN is lying to her).  Everyone else though?  I honestly don't think they even care.

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I just realized that when Maggie was speaking to the students she said that her brother died when she was 22 and she said that it took her 6 years to be able to talk about it. Are we supposed to believe that she is only 28? Somehow she got her doctorate, completed the licensing requirements, became prominent enough in her field that she is invited to be a guest lecturer and beat cancer once all in 6 years. It would be far more believable if they stuck closer to Allison Miller’s actual age. 

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1 minute ago, Dani said:

I just realized that when Maggie was speaking to the students she said that her brother died when she was 22 and she said that it took her 6 years to be able to talk about it. Are we supposed to believe the she is only 28? Somehow she got her doctorate, completed the licensing requirements, became prominent enough in her field that she is invited to be a guest lecturer and beat cancer once all in 6 years. It would be far more believable if they stuck closer to Allison Miller’s actual age. 


With the exception of Rome and Regina, whose ages we don't know, no one is playing their actual age.  Gary is 35 and Roday is 42, Eddie is 40 and Giuntoli is 38 and I'm making the assumption that Katherine is about 40 as well and Park is 44, Delilah is 43 and Szostak is "43"  I can buy all those (to a point, I do have a little bit of a hard time believing Gary is 35 and a very hard time believing Delilah is 43), but none of those actually matter.   None of those ages are nonsensical against what we know about their lives.  Maggie, though...really?  As you said, there really isn't a way for her to be 28 and be where she is in her life unless there is some sort of Doogie Howser thing going on.

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10 hours ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

Or maybe you SHOULD schedule meetings during that time? As in, please don't bother me I'm in an important "client" meeting right now. I've heard of people scheduling fake meetings before so they would have a block of time in order to work uninterrupted. Maybe she could do the same thing in order to spend time with Theo.


Heh heh...my husband has a "meeting" every morning from 8-9.  Seriously.

However, I'm not sure this would work in a law firm where she has to bill her hours.  If there are 10 hours a week when she is "busy" but not actually billing for them, it might raise a few eyebrows.

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The only things that I’m still not in bored with this show are a few things, the instant love affair with Maggie and Gary, I like them as a couple enough but seriously Gary’s in love with her? Sure, sure. The adding of Katherine when it seems like she has never had any real connection to any of them(seriously I wish the show would start building on that if they want it to be believable that she would want to hang out with them), and the fact that I feel like they want us to root for Delliah and Eddie to reunite at some point. Because I feel like they really want us to want that. 

Otherwise.. if the show keeps like this episode, I will like it. This was the most real reaction to anything that’s happened thus far.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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16 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Ashley joking about cuddling with Gary while they wait for a frittata to bake was the most I've liked her so far. 

This show shines when it balances snarky levity with authentic moments that deserve to be serious. This episode brought it with Ashley's deadpan delivery and combining it with Gary's very real breakdown at the end. 

Is the show trying to demonstrate that Delilah is supposed to be so attractive that she would catch the eye of a random good-looking guy at the next gas pump by doing nothing other than talk about Simon and Garfunkel and filling up her gas? Does this absolve Eddie in some way? 

Not sure if it's just because Ron Livingston is a familiar face or if it's the way they wrote Jon, but the scenes with him energize the story. The chemotherapy scenes were touching, and I liked that Jon and the nurse turned a difficult situation into something fun. I thought it was nice (and Gary-like) when Gary called Linda out for almost smiling, making her feel included in their banter. 

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17 hours ago, possibilities said:

In general, yes, you should turn off the water. But I have opened a drain pipe without doing that, so I wasn't bothered by that part. It's the faucets where you really HAVE TO turn the water off before you open things up.

100% agree that his excuse for not making the call was BS.


RE Delilah: I agree it was BS for her to excuse herself for the affair, but she did at least eventually admit that she should have either left or fought for her marriage, instead of cheating. Teeny twinges of conscience and growth... you have to start somewhere, I guess. Eddie hasn't even started, by contrast; in fact, he seems to be regressing.

Right about the pipes. The water is already there, you just don't put your face under it.

Also agree about Delilah admission and hoping that the writers will make Eddie become an adult soon. 

16 hours ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

So, Delilah's claim that Jon left her 2 years ago.  Bullshit.  If your spouse, of at least 14 years, all of a sudden becomes withdrawn, you try to figure out what is going on.  You don't just shrug and say, "Well, that's over!  Time to bang the neighbor!"  I'm so confused...are we supposed to feel sympathy or hate for Delilah?  Because it feels like they are trying to evoke one, but succeeding with the other.

If this is well written, it is valid. Even in long marriages, when something happens, it is not a given that one of them will do something. Human emotions are complicated. We see things falling apart and just go on living either by making ourselves believe everything will be fine, or by resenting the other and waiting for them to do something. I think Delilah's excuse is hindsight and that part didn't really bother me.


11 hours ago, debraran said:

I knew what you meant, but thanks. On another note, was it just me or Maggie fainting or being in pain and falling, it was just not shown again? She seemed fine on road trip and later. It seemed so dramatic, I wasn't sure what we were supposed to think.

I was annoyed that they didn't pick up where they left with Maggie. I was hoping that she decided to have chemo because she got scared after that moment, being alone. It would have been much better for the story, to show her conflict, the fear of seeing death approaching, the conflict of having her new friends close, known that somehow she is disappointing them, at the same time trying to have some control over her life. Instead, the writers decided to do the inspirational thing, Maggie will have chemo because poor Gary missed her unwavering supportive friend. 


For the first time Ashley didn't annoy me. I realized she is not a robot faking emotions. 

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13 hours ago, debraran said:

I agree, chemistry isn't liking each other, its good acting. Some actor's hate each other but you'd never know.  I'm sure in some last ditch effort to save her from being hated, they'll show Jon aloof and not helping her with pizza or something. Nothing will help this mess. If he lived, would she have kept the baby? Mute point, but I just can't see her pregant later, maybe a miscarriage, not uncommon at her age. And with Eddie off singing, not much help for her. Maybe she'll see the gas station guy again.

I know I wouldn't mind seeing Gas Station Guy again : )

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1 hour ago, alexvillage said:

If this is well written, it is valid. Even in long marriages, when something happens, it is not a given that one of them will do something. Human emotions are complicated. We see things falling apart and just go on living either by making ourselves believe everything will be fine, or by resenting the other and waiting for them to do something. I think Delilah's excuse is hindsight and that part didn't really bother me.

I think the big problem with the Jon/Delilah dynamic is that we've never gotten to really see it.  We've had just the one episode with the Friday pizza dinners where he comes off as a rather involved family man who warmly welcomes people into his home every Friday night.  

if they were smart, and wanted the audience to at least sympathize even a little with Delilah they would have sprinkled more flashbacks with Jon giving us glimpses of this supposed distance and neglect.  As it is, we get the rather self serving little statement from Delilah and are somehow supposed to believe it because no one and nothing is there to refute her. 

It doesn't help that I just don't find Delilah believable in any setting.  I don't know if it is the direction or the acting or what, but even her supposed deep love with Eddie doesn't feel like it is all that deep on her part.  I actually believe Eddie when he says it because Giuntoli sells it.  Eddie feels more authentic to me.  He's an asshole, but I feel like I can buy that he is a conflicted asshole.  He loves Delilah but he still has some unresolved emotional stuff still going on with Katherine.  Delilah, otoh, just doesn't sell any of that with Eddie.  She comes off as rather cold and studied.  Again, this may just be a limitation in the actress who can't quite convey all the complexities that character is supposed to embody or it may be a deliberate character choice.  Hard to tell at this point because I think they are making up Eddie and Delilah as they go along.

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20 hours ago, Dani said:

I find it telling that when Eddie talks about the affair it is all about Delilah but when Delilah talks about the affair it is all about Jon.

It's that exactly - she has  not, once, professed any great love (or even attraction) for Eddie.

14 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I laughed at the dog's head popping up there, too. He was probably just reacting to a sudden loud voice but it was so cute. I said it a couple episodes ago and I'm still going with Colin is my favorite character. (I also like pets with relatively normal/common people-names.)

I loved that moment - such a tiny thing can really make a scene enjoyable.

14 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

On an unrelated note, if I was Gary, I don't think I'd want the picture that I stared at during months of chemo to be in my apartment afterwards. I mean, I get that it had significance, but I would think it would be an awful reminder, too. Why not just donate it to the hospital so that next patient has something pretty to look at?

My take was that what Gary saw in the picture was the promise of spending time on the little boats with Jon, an aspiration rather than a reminder of his treatment.

12 hours ago, Dani said:

I just realized that when Maggie was speaking to the students she said that her brother died when she was 22 and she said that it took her 6 years to be able to talk about it. Are we supposed to believe that she is only 28? Somehow she got her doctorate, completed the licensing requirements, became prominent enough in her field that she is invited to be a guest lecturer and beat cancer once all in 6 years. It would be far more believable if they stuck closer to Allison Miller’s actual age. 

I stopped to do that math too - but then, I decided that the 6 years being able to talk about it didn't mean that this lecture was the first time. Given her profession, I think it would have come up in therapy, which is required, I believe, of those becoming therapists. I'm not sure how long it takes to get a doctorate and licensing requirements if you're on a straight path to it, or if Maggie decided on it later, but 28 would probably work in that timeline.

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Ugh, this show. I don't WANT to be hate-watching it, I want to like it, but it keeps trying my patience every episode. There are things I DO like, so I keep watching, but it just could be so much better. First off....we need more Ron Livingston. I know he's dead and all, but every scene he was in was brighter, sparklier, more alive and real, and I could listen to him white boy rap every day. If we are supposed to have any actual empathy for Delilah, tho, it doesn't help that he seems so warm and empathic and she seems smug and cold and superior. Yeah, people think you cheated on him because you did cheat on him. I hate her, seriously. And yes, why does nobody call her out on it? cuz she's a pregnant special delicate widow flower? Whatever. And of COURSE the hot guy at the gas pump is immediately smitten with the pregnant cheating widow, because sure.

Also, tho of course people of all ages listen to music of all eras, the 'best duo ' convo between Maggie and Delilah seemed inorganic. Hall and Oates and Simon and Garfunkel are great, sure, but way before Maggie's time, anyhow. And of course, Delilah smugly throws out '50 ways to leave your lover' as an S&G song, which: shut up Delilah, and then she challenges the hot gas station guy about naming an S&G song, as if that's an actual challenge, altho she can't even get it right? Seriously, I am probably unreasonable in my dislike of her, but it grows every episode.

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37 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:


I stopped to do that math too - but then, I decided that the 6 years being able to talk about it didn't mean that this lecture was the first time. Given her profession, I think it would have come up in therapy, which is required, I believe, of those becoming therapists. I'm not sure how long it takes to get a doctorate and licensing requirements if you're on a straight path to it, or if Maggie decided on it later, but 28 would probably work in that timeline.

I considered that because it would be more realistic but it doesn’t really match up with the show. Last week Maggie freaked out when Gary just mentions her brothers name and her ex didn’t even know that he was her brother.  I really think she is supposed to be 28. 

A psychology doctorate is a 4 year program and to be licensed in Illinois (I think Maggie is from Chicago) requires a minimum 1 year of supervised practice and passing an exam. I forgot that she would also need a masters which is a minimum of 2 years. 

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I thought for most of the episode that Gary had gone from the only character I liked outside of John and Katherine to thinking I didn’t like him either. Then his behavior was explained and it was believable and made sense and I cried.

Delilah and specifically her relationship with Eddie remain the weak part for me.

And thank you, show, for once again crapping on Katherine. Also, it was pretty established early in the show that she had to work hard, long hours to support the family. Now she’s all lah-di-dah..... who wants to work long hours? Not me! It’s annoying. It seems on tv, working moms who work long hours only do it for ambition- not out of need and then either they’re evil or they can have an awakening of how much they love their kid and stop. That’s not how it generally works.

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5 hours ago, alexvillage said:

Right about the pipes. The water is already there, you just don't put your face under it.

It's much easier to put a bucket underneath the pipes to catch the residual water draining out.  That makes it a lot easier to detach and replace the leaky pipes.  Of course, you don't want to take the bucket out and absentmindedly pour the water down the sink before replacing the pipes.  I've (ahem) heard of guy actually doing this.

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18 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

So the woman gives up her dream career for the sake of her child (I know Katherine's still a lawyer, but she's giving up her dream of being partner), and the guy gets to go live his dream, and we're supposed to be like, OK, cool? I mean, I liked Katherine sticking to her guns, and her smile afterwards seemed genuine, but to me it seems like Eddie's conversation with her had something to do with her decision, and even if it didn't, Eddie cheating on her and them separating definitely did. Don't get me wrong, it's her decision and if she's genuinely had an epiphany that she'll be happier this way, good for her, but the way it was framed was pretty awful to me. I hope she freaks the hell out on Eddie when he tells her about going on tour and that she makes him foot the bill for the baby-sitter/ nanny they're going to need if he's gone for awhile.

Katherine's storyline combined with Maggie seemingly going to chemo because of Gary's breakdown (I know it could also be because of other things that happened that day, but again, framed to make it seem like Gary was the deciding factor) combined with Regina still having no screentime whatsoever, and I am fed up with the writing for the women on this show. And I just actively dislike Delilah and Ashley.

You just made me realize my main problem with Katherine’s work storyline. I want to see her actually like her job rather than it being some grand sacrifice to support her family. She can have regrets over missing time with Theo and still love being a lawyer. It is presented as though Katherine became a lawyer to support her family when Eddie’s career flamed out. That is ridiculous because she had to have been a lawyer before all of that happened. Putting Katherine sacrificing partnership in the same episode where Eddie decided follows his dream just highlights the problem. Surprisingly Big Bang Theory did a working mom guilt story better. 


The women’s storylines are completely dependent on men.

Katherine is forced to work long hours because her husband refuses to grow up. She realizes that she needs to figure out why she put up with Eddie and then immediately jumps into another relationship.

Maggie is repeated pressured to get treatment by Gary. Then her logical reason for refusing treatment is taken away and it becomes all about her brother. 

Regina’s is given her dream restaurant by Jon after she fails on her own. 

Ashley is trying desperately to handle the aftermath of Jon’s suicide. We only see a glimpse of her personality after she sleeps with Gary. 

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2 hours ago, luna1122 said:

Ugh, this show. I don't WANT to be hate-watching it, I want to like it, but it keeps trying my patience every episode. There are things I DO like, so I keep watching, but it just could be so much better. First off....we need more Ron Livingston. I know he's dead and all, but every scene he was in was brighter, sparklier, more alive and real, and I could listen to him white boy rap every day. If we are supposed to have any actual empathy for Delilah, tho, it doesn't help that he seems so warm and empathic and she seems smug and cold and superior. Yeah, people think you cheated on him because you did cheat on him. I hate her, seriously. And yes, why does nobody call her out on it? cuz she's a pregnant special delicate widow flower? Whatever. And of COURSE the hot guy at the gas pump is immediately smitten with the pregnant cheating widow, because sure.

Also, tho of course people of all ages listen to music of all eras, the 'best duo ' convo between Maggie and Delilah seemed inorganic. Hall and Oates and Simon and Garfunkel are great, sure, but way before Maggie's time, anyhow. And of course, Delilah smugly throws out '50 ways to leave your lover' as an S&G song, which: shut up Delilah, and then she challenges the hot gas station guy about naming an S&G song, as if that's an actual challenge, altho she can't even get it right? Seriously, I am probably unreasonable in my dislike of her, but it grows every episode.

That bugged me too. I am of the age where I would consider those the "best" duos (though S&G would be my choice), and it sort of seemed strange that these two would have that argument. On the other hand, we raised our kids on our favorite music - and Tom Petty is one of their favorites because of it (they're in their mid-20's, early 30's).

1 hour ago, Dani said:

I considered that because it would be more realistic but it doesn’t really match up with the show. Last week Maggie freaked out when Gary just mentions her brothers name and her ex didn’t even know that he was her brother.  I really think she is supposed to be 28. 

A psychology doctorate is a 4 year program and to be licensed in Illinois (I think Maggie is from Chicago) requires a minimum 1 year of supervised practice and passing an exam. I forgot that she would also need a masters which is a minimum of 2 years. 

Those are good points - but she only said it was the first time she said it out loud - not who she said it to, or that she told anyone else about it. So I still think it goes either way - but I am tired of working out details because the show isn't interested in them.

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39 minutes ago, Dani said:

The women’s storylines are completely dependent on men. 



And this presents a problem for me.  I want to see women represented in shows and I generally don't have much interest in shows that are basically a bro-fest.

However--with this show--I think they need to go the bro-fest route.  I think this episode shows that the heart of the show really is the friendship between the 3(4) men and the actors are more than capable of really telling that story well.  The women are somewhere between an afterthought or utterly and completely unrealistic.  I'm to the point of preferring to have the women relegated to supporting roles, there to support the men in their story, than watching them becoming more and more absurd thanks to the writing of someone who has no clue about women.

There, I said it.  I guess I have to renounce my feminist status now...

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11 hours ago, HazelEyes4325 said:


And this presents a problem for me.  I want to see women represented in shows and I generally don't have much interest in shows that are basically a bro-fest.

However--with this show--I think they need to go the bro-fest route.  I think this episode shows that the heart of the show really is the friendship between the 3(4) men and the actors are more than capable of really telling that story well.  The women are somewhere between an afterthought or utterly and completely unrealistic.  I'm to the point of preferring to have the women relegated to supporting roles, there to support the men in their story, than watching them becoming more and more absurd thanks to the writing of someone who has no clue about women.

There, I said it.  I guess I have to renounce my feminist status now...

At this point I’d prefer the same thing. I’m fine with a show that focuses on a group of male friends as long as it is well done. I actually can’t think of a male friendship focused drama along the lines of Sisters. I’m sure there has been one but nothing is coming to me.  

ETA: I just thought of one - Big Shots. It had a stellar cast with a lot of similarities to this show but was short lived.  

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I haven't watched this for weeks, and I see they're still going the Saint Jon route - so I wonder what they're going to have for him, that makes the bottom fall out of that. 

I'm all for friendship, I love it when friendship is shown as being just as important as other relationships (instead of romantic ones taking precedence), but I was actually bothered by Gary being offended by them missing a game. They do have families, one guy is separated from his wife and still has his son, and the other one is taking medication for depression, and might actually want to go on a date with his wife. While it was all a cover-up for a party, I don't know... people have their own sh*t to deal with. I'm surprised Jon didn't make a special ghostly appearance, to save the day. 

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So, I finally watched the episode. And yeah, I can agree that this was their best episode yet.

See, show? When you actually focus on Ashley more than her being a plot device, she isn't so bad! I actually liked her scenes with Gary. And ok, I like them together way more than Gary with Maggie. I think it's because Ashley can keep up with his snark while Maggie's pretty humourless, even when she's given comedic lines. I like Allison Miller, but she's definitely portraying Maggie more seriously. And I know Miller can do comedy; her short lived comedy Go On with Matthew Perry was where I really grew to like the actress.

Yeah, I totally get Gary's reaction this episode. Eddie and Rome should have tried to put Gary's mind at ease more when they saw he was upset. They kind of were jerks. I get they might have had plans....though we saw Eddie go from their old home to Katherine's work, so he could have spent a couple of hours more with Gary, and Rome could have invited Gary over to his place...They knew how important that day was, they saw how Gary was upset, and they still thought waiting all day to surprise him was a genius idea. No wonder he broke down.

I actually liked Gary in this episode. His breakdown was definitely one of the best moments of this show so far. It was so good. Finally, FINALLY we see someone break down about Jon's suicide. Apparently it only took seven weeks (the timeline with this show is still wonky because wasn't it five weeks since Jon's suicide last episode?) but it finally happened. I don't count Delilah crying every episode. I should, but I don't.

And I did like Maggie's stuff and it did feel like she made the choice to fight for herself, so that was nice. 

I think the return of Jon was just what this show needed. You don't cast Ron Livingston in the main mystery and then don't have him in multiple episodes. His scenes with Gary were so great. It makes me bitter that he's dead in the present timeline. I'd rather live in the flashback scenes. I don't even care if Jon turns out to have shady business dealings down the line. He's been shown to be a good friend and good dad. So he wasn't a perfect husband. With Delilah's victim blaming, I don't blame him.

I did like Rome's stuff with his father. I have family members who are like Rome's dad so I empathized with him.

Yes, show. We get it. Delilah's pregnant. She doesn't need to mention it EVERY EPISODE. However....gotta admit, I didn't hate her in this episode. She's certainly not great but when she's not with Eddie, she's more likable. But Delilah already has another man flirting with her? Seriously, between Jon, Eddie, and now James Tupper's character, she's getting real lucky...unless there's a twist, James Tupper is playing a guy who knows Delilah and had some shady dealings with Jon. That twist I could get behind. 

I can't blame Katherine for choosing to ask Hunter to babysit. I can see that her pride was on the line if she asked Eddie to watch Theo as if she couldn't handle it. Her issue has been not being there for Theo and with them split up, not much has changed, so she does have to find other ways when she is working. I like that she asked her bosses for that time to be with Theo. It's not even an unrealistic request and one that is very manageable. Too bad they went the cliche route with having the partners as unreasonable asshats.

Eddie....fuck off. I hated that he stormed into Katherine's work place. I do get his point, but he shouldn't have gone to her work place to confront her. At least call her and ask to talk to her.

3 hours ago, Anela said:

I haven't watched this for weeks, and I see they're still going the Saint Jon route - so I wonder what they're going to have for him, that makes the bottom fall out of that. 

To be fair, when you likely stopped watching was the last time they showed Jon (he last appeared in...episode four, I believe?). They've already hinted at Jon not being saintly, but the issue is that they ignored Jon and his story for five episodes so it feels like they're unraveling it at a snail's pace.

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I think Gary was upset because it was also the day if his one year remission.

And I don’t see them being st Jon. Delliah is saying he disappeared from her and started to care about other things two ears ago, his friends, whatever that secret secret secret thing that Ashley sort of knows is, I mean.. we know there’s something coming. And this is coming now from someone who adores this is us but if any show saints someone who has died, it’s Jack on that show. And I love Jack and Milo still but seriously, Jack will never not be perfect and the show tries to give him flaws and show them but.. it still makes him look perfect. With Jon it’s not as bad, maybe because we don’t see him that ouch but it’s interesting that his appearances don’t cause me to roll my eyes whenever a Jack flashback does of late on TIU.

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14 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yeah, I totally get Gary's reaction this episode. Eddie and Rome should have tried to put Gary's mind at ease more when they saw he was upset. They kind of were jerks. I get they might have had plans....though we saw Eddie go from their old home to Katherine's work, so he could have spent a couple of hours more with Gary, and Rome could have invited Gary over to his place...They knew how important that day was, they saw how Gary was upset, and they still thought waiting all day to surprise him was a genius idea. No wonder he broke down.


Are you talking about Gary's first outburst?  When he came back and told Eddie and Rome he had slept with Ashley?  I will admit I found that scene sort of strange when I watched it.  Eddie and Rome's reaction didn't seem to match Gary's behavior and I wasn't sure if it was because they were shocked to see him acting that way or if they were so used to it that it didn't raise any flags for them.  But, after the episode was over, I realized it was because the remission party had already been planned and they were trying to play it cool to keep up the surprise (but I agree with Gary...they should have scalped the tickets!)

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1 minute ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

Are you talking about Gary's first outburst?  When he came back and told Eddie and Rome he had slept with Ashley?  I will admit I found that scene sort of strange when I watched it.  Eddie and Rome's reaction didn't seem to match Gary's behavior and I wasn't sure if it was because they were shocked to see him acting that way or if they were so used to it that it didn't raise any flags for them.  But, after the episode was over, I realized it was because the remission party had already been planned and they were trying to play it cool to keep up the surprise (but I agree with Gary...they should have scalped the tickets!)

Yeah, the first outburst. I know, I know, they were doing something nice for him.

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1 hour ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

Are you talking about Gary's first outburst?  When he came back and told Eddie and Rome he had slept with Ashley?  I will admit I found that scene sort of strange when I watched it.  Eddie and Rome's reaction didn't seem to match Gary's behavior and I wasn't sure if it was because they were shocked to see him acting that way or if they were so used to it that it didn't raise any flags for them.  But, after the episode was over, I realized it was because the remission party had already been planned and they were trying to play it cool to keep up the surprise (but I agree with Gary...they should have scalped the tickets!)

I think they are also used to seeing him act that way. He lashes out at those around him when he is upset and his friends just watch and wait for him to cool down. Included the flashbacks he had three or four in this episode alone. 

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I still just can't buy the immediate and deep friendship that Maggie has with everyone.  Delilah driving her to Western Mass for a guest lecture was a huge deal.  It also involved waiting for the lecture to finish.  But, of course, they are such good and deep friends that Delilah was happy to do so.  I also found it weird that Maggie was at Gary's party.  They all knew that they were "broken up" or however a few week relationship ends (especially when it was accepted as just a casual thing for the first weeks).  They should have realized that it would be awkward for Gary (especially as the two guys knew that Gary had slept with Ashley).  I just don't understand the immediate and deep bonds she apparently has with everyone.

I cringed when Delilah named "50 ways to leave your lover" as surely the writers would research for just a moment and realize that was after Simon and Garfunkel had gone their separate ways.  I think that they are writing Delilah too casually as she should be concerned with her children, trying to figure out finances, work on the restaurant, etc.  

Every week when I watch this on my DVR I really question whether I will keep recording it or not.  I'm still on the fence about it.  But, I have to say that James Roday owned this episode with his breakdown at the end.

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I loved this episode so much that I have now officially watched it three times. One for each day after it aired, isn't that weird? I will probably watch it again tomorrow. Gary is still my favorite, but please don't ask me why. Although, his attitude lately was finally explained in this one. I want to like Ashley, but I don't at the same time. She seems very mysterious and secretive, or is that just me who thinks that? I love Maggie too, and I was beyond happy when she finally decided to do chemo; which I think she was going to tell Gary that if he had texted her back at the end. I feel for Rome though, even though I can't really relate because my family is all supportive. I don't really know what to say about Gina, Eddie, or Delilah. I have seen comments that Katherine shouldn't of been at that party mainly because Gary didn't like her, but I think he was starting too at the end of episode 7 when he told her that she deserved to be happy. Maybe that's just wishful thinking. 

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34 minutes ago, Shorty2007 said:

I want to like Ashley, but I don't at the same time. She seems very mysterious and secretive, or is that just me who thinks that? 

I liked her better this episode because she actually had a bit of personality. She is all mysterious and secretive, and it felt like she was doing something shady that would hurt Delilah, but the preview seemed to be hinting that she's actually trying to protect her from whatever Jon was involved with, so I guess we'll see. I still don't quite understand why she's hanging out with Jon's friends, though. She doesn't really seem to be friends with them.

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14 hours ago, luna1122 said:

of COURSE the hot guy at the gas pump is immediately smitten with the pregnant cheating widow, because sure.

In my experience, there are plenty of guys who will hit on any random woman out in the world. I've had it happen to me and I'm not even vaguely interested nor conventionally fetching nor heterosexual nor a television Mary Sue. So I don't find it unrealistic that Modern Bar Guy took an interest. What will bother me is if he suddenly becomes a member of the group after their first date, and is unfazed by the revelation that she's a recent widow with two kids, and is pregnant with the product of the affair she had with dead hubby's best friend.

Western MA is 2 to 3 hours from Boston. It's not that far. I didn't catch that was where they were going-- I thought I heard them say they were going to Chicago! And that is a seriously long drive, and seemed like a really big deal, and way too long to leave Delilah's kids without any explanation. Of course, if they HAD gone on a multiple day road trip, I'm sure Gary would have watched the kids.

I also get confused about what day it is on this show, but have decided not to care. I don't think it's impossible to imagine Katherine and Hunter were working on the weekend, and I did hear Katherine say Hunter was just watching Theo until her mother arrived. When I was in college, there were sometimes guest speakers we were required to go listen to outside of regular class, so I also think it's possible Maggie's gig was a weekend, or a weekday-- either way, it's not the biggest stretch. Sophie is old enough to babysit her brother, too. It does seem weird that Gary never works, but we also haven't heard whether Katherine is paying Eddie alimony, or what is going on, because we never see him teaching guitar lessons, either. It's all just TV and kind of sloppy. This show has basically decided to just show  us the stuff it wants us to see, and pretend none of the other stuff is important. I find it hard to get over that sometimes, but when the stuff they actually show is working, I am much more willing to handwave the omissions.

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They really don't seem to have put any real research into breast cancer at all. Like, at all. 

And what's annoying is that the things that they get wrong (like, for instance, calling it remission when it almost certainly is NOT "remission" in Gary's case - they used it interchangeably with "cancer-free" when they are far from the same thing) are things that lots of people get wrong...but they get them wrong because popular culture always lazily gets it wrong.  I'd say 99% of the incorrect usage of the word remission in the real world comes from it being what TV shows use all the time. 

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4 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

They really don't seem to have put any real research into breast cancer at all. Like, at all. 

And what's annoying is that the things that they get wrong (like, for instance, calling it remission when it almost certainly is NOT "remission" in Gary's case - they used it interchangeably with "cancer-free" when they are far from the same thing) are things that lots of people get wrong...but they get them wrong because popular culture always lazily gets it wrong.  I'd say 99% of the incorrect usage of the word remission in the real world comes from it being what TV shows use all the time. 

I don't' get that at all. It's pretty easy with "google" or any medical advisor. ER years ago did a pretty good job, a few missteps but nothing too big and other shows have done it well. It's not like it's a medical show with a lot of research or that breast cancer is hard to find info on. I tried to find the brusing angle and people in my family had that with chemo and after but before? The terminology is wrong and irritating.

I know some people say "so what" it's a show, it's not a documentary, it's a soap opera of sorts, but it's no excuse. You show cancer on TV, at least have the terms right. You want to show a beard during chemo, fine, but know what side effects are there, what remission is, etc.

This show wanted to help with info about suicide they said, don't show a guy chasing a therapist/friend to be his counselor. Show repercussions of that or why it's not good. I like that Rome's dad is iffy about it since that's very real. I hope they show a slow realization his son's better with medication and it's like taking blood pressure meds, his body needed it.

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13 hours ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

Are you talking about Gary's first outburst?  When he came back and told Eddie and Rome he had slept with Ashley?  I will admit I found that scene sort of strange when I watched it.  Eddie and Rome's reaction didn't seem to match Gary's behavior and I wasn't sure if it was because they were shocked to see him acting that way or if they were so used to it that it didn't raise any flags for them.  But, after the episode was over, I realized it was because the remission party had already been planned and they were trying to play it cool to keep up the surprise (but I agree with Gary...they should have scalped the tickets!)

I didn't really find it strange after thinking about it. The gang had this long standing arrangement that in all the years they've known each other, was missed once - for Theo's birth. So missing it for the lame excuses they came up with (which would work for "normal" arrangements, but not they way they've described this one), is a more complicated set of emotions/reactions from Gary's perspective. Such as, their traditions are crumbling very shortly after Jon's death, the game would have been a celebration of his anniversary (whether or not they actually remembered it), and he is angry (as we find out later) that Jon's dead and that's all wrapped up in both of those things. The game, in other words, was more than a game, and they came up with lame assed excuses for the surprise party. That ill conceived plan was more cruel than kind.

4 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

They really don't seem to have put any real research into breast cancer at all. Like, at all. 

And what's annoying is that the things that they get wrong (like, for instance, calling it remission when it almost certainly is NOT "remission" in Gary's case - they used it interchangeably with "cancer-free" when they are far from the same thing) are things that lots of people get wrong...but they get them wrong because popular culture always lazily gets it wrong.  I'd say 99% of the incorrect usage of the word remission in the real world comes from it being what TV shows use all the time. 

I don't know a lot about the symptoms and terminology when it comes to cancer, but there is one thing that struck me. When my friend was going through her chemo, she  had a port inserted in her chest, which I think is where the treatment went through rather than her arm. I don't know if that's always done - she had two very long courses of chemo and then radiation (fortunately, she seems healthy now, two years later).

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5 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

They really don't seem to have put any real research into breast cancer at all. Like, at all. 

And what's annoying is that the things that they get wrong (like, for instance, calling it remission when it almost certainly is NOT "remission" in Gary's case - they used it interchangeably with "cancer-free" when they are far from the same thing) are things that lots of people get wrong...but they get them wrong because popular culture always lazily gets it wrong.  I'd say 99% of the incorrect usage of the word remission in the real world comes from it being what TV shows use all the time. 

1 hour ago, debraran said:

I know some people say "so what" it's a show, it's not a documentary, it's a soap opera of sorts, but it's no excuse. You show cancer on TV, at least have the terms right. You want to show a beard during chemo, fine, but know what side effects are there, what remission is, etc.



I'm not, by any stretch of the imagination, a medical professional, but even I rolled my eyes at a lot of the medical speak on this show.

In more wider terms, though, this is something that really bugs the hell out of me about entertainment, especially broadcast TV.  They are just so damn unaware of the impact they are having on society.  Here, we have some really basic things that, in the real world, nearly everyone has at least some contact with and many of those people have some pretty strong misunderstandings because of stuff they had on TV.  In this case, yeah--two minutes with Dr. Google could have cleared all this up.  I mean, this show presents itself as one that is trying to "portray real life" and they can't get some basic facts right?  I really do think that entertainment/popular culture has a responsibility to at least not snowball already existing misconceptions and problems.

I guess on the up-side is that there are many, many more harmful ways TV shows fuck up on things like this (I still can't believe the consent violations I see in shows, even around and after #metoo!).  So, I guess I'm glad it is cancer and not sexual assault?  God, that is a horrible thing to say.

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4 hours ago, debraran said:

I don't' get that at all. It's pretty easy with "google" or any medical advisor. ER years ago did a pretty good job, a few missteps but nothing too big and other shows have done it well. It's not like it's a medical show with a lot of research or that breast cancer is hard to find info on. I tried to find the brusing angle and people in my family had that with chemo and after but before? The terminology is wrong and irritating.

I know some people say "so what" it's a show, it's not a documentary, it's a soap opera of sorts, but it's no excuse. You show cancer on TV, at least have the terms right. You want to show a beard during chemo, fine, but know what side effects are there, what remission is, etc.

I find it annoying that a show based on real life conditions chooses to ignore reality in favor of a dramatic moment. I really think the bruising thing comes from it being a symptom of leukemia and just assuming it’s true for all cancers.  That was really irritating because it was presented as a normal part of breast cancer. Many people confuse the side effects from chemo with the symptoms of cancer and I’d really like to see a show get it right. 

3 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I didn't really find it strange after thinking about it. The gang had this long standing arrangement that in all the years they've known each other, was missed once - for Theo's birth. So missing it for the lame excuses they came up with (which would work for "normal" arrangements, but not they way they've described this one), is a more complicated set of emotions/reactions from Gary's perspective. Such as, their traditions are crumbling very shortly after Jon's death, the game would have been a celebration of his anniversary (whether or not they actually remembered it), and he is angry (as we find out later) that Jon's dead and that's all wrapped up in both of those things. The game, in other words, was more than a game, and they came up with lame assed excuses for the surprise party. That ill conceived plan was more cruel than kind.

I don't know a lot about the symptoms and terminology when it comes to cancer, but there is one thing that struck me. When my friend was going through her chemo, she  had a port inserted in her chest, which I think is where the treatment went through rather than her arm. I don't know if that's always done - she had two very long courses of chemo and then radiation (fortunately, she seems healthy now, two years later).

I don’t understand why they didn’t just say they were going to the game and take him to the party instead. It would still have been a surprise. This way was more cruel then it needed to be and very poorly thought out. How were they planning on getting Gary to the party since Ashley did not appear to be in on it until she got the phone call?

Putting in a port for chemo varies. Some chemo drugs require it but often it is just more convenient but not a necessity. My mom’s doctor recommended one but it was ultimately her decision. 

3 hours ago, HazelEyes4325 said:


I'm not, by any stretch of the imagination, a medical professional, but even I rolled my eyes at a lot of the medical speak on this show.

In more wider terms, though, this is something that really bugs the hell out of me about entertainment, especially broadcast TV.  They are just so damn unaware of the impact they are having on society.  Here, we have some really basic things that, in the real world, nearly everyone has at least some contact with and many of those people have some pretty strong misunderstandings because of stuff they had on TV.  In this case, yeah--two minutes with Dr. Google could have cleared all this up.  I mean, this show presents itself as one that is trying to "portray real life" and they can't get some basic facts right?  I really do think that entertainment/popular culture has a responsibility to at least not snowball already existing misconceptions and problems.

I guess on the up-side is that there are many, many more harmful ways TV shows fuck up on things like this (I still can't believe the consent violations I see in shows, even around and after #metoo!).  So, I guess I'm glad it is cancer and not sexual assault?  God, that is a horrible thing to say.

There was actually bustle article after the almost abortion that called the shows handling of so inaccurate that it was dangerous. 

The thing that bothers me most is that it feels like they not even trying for accuracy. 

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I’m mostly confused why Regina asked Rome if he wanted her to call “the super” and then later his father said he was a “home owner”.  Are they in a condo or house?  If it’s a condo, do condos have “supers”?  I really don’t know. We’ve only ever owned a single family home. 

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2 minutes ago, Whimsy said:

I’m mostly confused why Regina asked Rome if he wanted her to call “the super” and then later his father said he was a “home owner”.  Are they in a condo or house?  If it’s a condo, do condos have “supers”?  I really don’t know. We’ve on,he ever owned a single family home. 

I thought that was strange as well as I didn't think condos had "supers."  None of my condo-owning friends have supers in their buildings/complexes, but we live in a different part of the country.

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17 minutes ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

I thought that was strange as well as I didn't think condos had "supers."  None of my condo-owning friends have supers in their buildings/complexes, but we live in a different part of the country.

Nope. I've lived in a condo, there is no 'super'.  It would've made more sense if they'd talked about calling a plumber.

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43 minutes ago, Whimsy said:

I’m mostly confused why Regina asked Rome if he wanted her to call “the super” and then later his father said he was a “home owner”.  Are they in a condo or house?  If it’s a condo, do condos have “supers”?  I really don’t know. We’ve only ever owned a single family home. 

Yeah, I had written a comment about that while I was reading at work the other day but then I never posted it when I got home (this site won't let me log in on another device for some reason so I sometimes write my thoughts in an email draft as I read and post them later). I own a condo and if I need something done I find someone to do it (usually my dad, but that's neither here nor there 😉). My complex has an onsite office and a community manager, but they only handle maintenance of the grounds and outside of the buildings; the most they can do otherwise is maybe provide names of local companies who do whatever (not even sure what info they have, but we get a reminder every however-long to get our dryer vents inspected, and we have to submit proof that it was done, and they include a list of companies, which is really just ones some residents have used in the past). I had wondered if maybe it was different because their building seems to be more like an apartment building (my community is townhouses and some single-floor units and every unit has an outside entrance; no hallways or elevators here)....but I thought probably unlikely in reality.

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On 12/5/2018 at 11:57 PM, yourdreamer said:

I figured Gary convinced Maggie to go to treatment when he had his meltdown/outburst at his party. I cried when it showed they were there for his remission party though. Gary is my favorite, and it’s partly that he says stuff nobody else will say out loud but also because I am enjoying seeing Shawn Spencer’s serious side. 

Gary's outburst was probably the best part of the episode, it felt the most real, it made sense that Gary would reach that point on his anniversary because of how Jon helped him through treatments so he should have been there to celebrate to.  And he absolutely nailed the meltdown; he held nothing back but managed not to go over the top either.  

On 12/6/2018 at 11:25 AM, DoubleUTeeEff said:

So, are we forgetting that Maggie fell at the end of last episode? Okay then...moving on.

I thought I missed the first few minutes, I had to rewind to confirm they didn't address it at all.  Only thing I can think of is, as other suggest, there was a time jump or they're going to use her waking up and what happened just after she collapsed as a flashback in a future episode to highlight why she decided to get treatment.  But it was an unnecessarily confusing way to end one episode and start another.

On 12/6/2018 at 6:20 PM, dargosmydaddy said:

So the woman gives up her dream career for the sake of her child (I know Katherine's still a lawyer, but she's giving up her dream of being partner), and the guy gets to go live his dream, and we're supposed to be like, OK, cool? 

I think I have to disagree on this one - I don't think it's Katherine's "dream" to be a partner and that's another reason why she was so happy to be turned down in the end.  She said in the first or second episode she had to be the big money maker in the family.  I think part of that dynamic is she was convinced it meant she also had to pursue bigger and better, to get to the top of her profession or at least as far as she could get in that company and I imagine that represented more job and money security for her.  But I don't think she really wanted that high powered, high pressure partnership as much as thought it was something she HAD to do.  If she expressed any interest in being partner as something that defined her or she was a long time goal I'd be upset she gave it up too but I think she just realized she was OK where she was, happy with what she has and could stop moving up if she wanted to and that I don't have a problem with. 

I like Eddie, or at least I like to dislike Eddie.  I think it's because of David Giuntoli - if he were played by an actor I hate or one who always played the jerk I'd be thinking I hate watching this guy or oh they're typecasting him again.  But watching an actor I like in such a different role is sort of fun to me.  That said my hope for future plot lines is that Eddie does not have relapse from going on the road (hopeful for that since his former band mate pretty much said they didn't want him if he wasn't straight) and that Delilah's pregnancy ends.  As cruel as that sounds the show is so far OK with the specter of the baby hanging over it but the show dynamics are really established adults and their issues plus a few teens and Theo (who is young enough).  It's not about just starting out in life adults and it seems like a baby would either drag things down by being thrown into the various scenes or would end up being one of those TV babies who is talked about but never seen and magically either sleeps all the time or is "with a babysitter". Honestly I'd rather see Delilah's two existing kids a little more instead.

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11 hours ago, Whimsy said:

I’m mostly confused why Regina asked Rome if he wanted her to call “the super” and then later his father said he was a “home owner”.  Are they in a condo or house?  If it’s a condo, do condos have “supers”?  I really don’t know. We’ve only ever owned a single family home. 

Some NYC condo buildings (usually high-rises) have supers and a full staff. The place Regina and Rome owns seems fairly upscale, so I wouldn't be surprised if they had some kind of in-house maintenance team. It was kind of a funny moment when Rome showed his Dad his all-in-one toolkit, as many condo owners could probably relate. 

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