IDreamofJoaquin November 21, 2018 Share November 21, 2018 (edited) This episode was not as bad as they usually are. 3 out of 5 of the segments showed some sort of self reflection whether it be just for the cameras or not. Amber actually moved around and her talk with Andrew was deeper than Amber usually goes. She has seemed a little bit calmer and more stable with him. I think I've complimented her a few times this season. I don't know how this baby is going to turn out in the future but he is cute. Jenn and Larry acknowledging that it is difficult to share with Maci and it's not their place. I'm sure they would love to full on raise Bentley - not that they should. I appreciated Maci and Taylor describing parenting as a rewarding hell because it is. I still feel like I have to deal with a lot more than Maci because she sends them off to daycare. Cheyenne's segments still boring and her voice bothers me but at least she was not giving in to the pressure of some dude who wanted it to be all about him. He's going on and on about how he would put her first. Okay, so do that by putting your ego aside and letting the baby have a relationship with her dad instead of acting like a Jealous Jeannie. Bristol hahahahahahhahaha it's YOU, girl! Each episode shows her in a more horrible light than the last. She should not have come on the show. Really if Levi is so difficult how has he been able to marry and have a stable family of his own? Cate OMG I fucking hate you. You can go to counseling IN MICHIGAN. You do not need to go on another retreat. I'm begging you, please pay attention to your child. 21 hours ago, Dance4Life said: She is from Alaska. Levi and her family still in Alaska. She is the one that moved away to chase dick and eventually settled in Texas because benefits for VETERANS are great. She is thinking about her dick and not her son Tripp. Then she has the nerves to complain about Levi not paying for plane tickets! Perfect. Edited November 21, 2018 by IDreamofJoaquin 11 Link to comment
Calm81 November 21, 2018 Share November 21, 2018 12 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said: Ooooh. Ouch. Another new low I believe. 792,000 viewers. That’s the lowest it’s ever been. However, I’m sure MTV will ignore the recent numbers because of the football game. Either way, it should make things more interesting for when they all meet to discuss their contracts. The TM “cast” will have no legs to stand on as far negotiating extra perks and money. 7 Link to comment
Coffeewinewater November 21, 2018 Share November 21, 2018 (edited) 14 hours ago, druzy said: Here's the scene I thought both Cate and Tyler's therapist were working together. Why do they need to go to Arizona? I know it looks like it's a clip about Amber but it's not. I cringe rewatching that. Cate, is trying to talk Tyler out of his feelings. And ooof bringing up the daughter they gave up to guilt him into thinking that nothing is as challenging as that. I never understood why they got married. Tyler seemed somewhat checked out even back then. I think he hasn't been in love with Cate for a while. He let it go for so long , he just dislike everything about her now on top not being in love. Edited November 21, 2018 by Coffeewinewater 7 Link to comment
Jax7917 November 21, 2018 Share November 21, 2018 For some reason, Jen and Larry annoy me. Larry seems like a know-it-all loud mouth and Jen thinks she's owed every weekend.. why? Maci is the mother and Bentley's father is not involved. Yes, Maci should allow Jen and Larry to see Bentley often, but shouldn't expect to see him every weekend. Maci's trips with him are going to be a priority over theirs. 18 Link to comment
Popular Post Rebecca November 21, 2018 Popular Post Share November 21, 2018 11 hours ago, Dance4Life said: Totally agree. They are fuck-ups! But, they are not bad people. They genuinely love Carly. They just lack life coping skills because of their mental illnesses and upbringing. Which frustrates us watching the show. We want to see them succeed and doing fun things. All this moaning is not for entertainment. Carly has their DNA. Both parents have a tremendous amount of addiction and mental disorder in their families. Both also have big hearts and mean well. If they stay together until Carly is 18 it will be a plus. They also grew up seeing her with their open adoption process. Carly knows about Nova. It is not like other adoptions. I say, Carly will be a sympathizer. Hopefully, she will stay neutral to both set of parents. It is best for everyone. Carly doesn’t need to be a hater. She has the power to heal her birth parents. Hopefully, Cate and Tyler will not cross boundaries and expect more than Carly is willing to give. I am hoping for a happy ending! Carly wanting to be involved with Catelynn or Tyler isn’t a “happy ending” to me so that might be where we differ and are coming from different places. If Carly chooses to have a relationship with them, great and if not, also great, IMO. It should all be up to Carly and what she is comfortable with. The onus to provide healing for Catelynn and Tyler is NOT on Carly and never should be. She has no obligation to provide them with the ending they desire. If she chooses not to have a relationship with her birth parents it doesn’t make her a hater! They chose what was right for them (Tyler) and that was to place Carly for adoption. Later, it will be Carly who chooses what is right for her life and whether or not she will want them in it and to what extent if she does want them in her life. They should respect her decisions but we see how much they don’t respect the decisions her parents have made so I’m not convinced they won’t just alienate Carly in the end anyway. 26 Link to comment
Rebecca November 21, 2018 Share November 21, 2018 1 hour ago, Calm81 said: That’s the lowest it’s ever been. However, I’m sure MTV will ignore the recent numbers because of the football game. Either way, it should make things more interesting for when they all meet to discuss their contracts. The TM “cast” will have no legs to stand on as far negotiating extra perks and money. *insert Amber couch joke* 8 Link to comment
Jax7917 November 21, 2018 Share November 21, 2018 11 hours ago, Dance4Life said: Totally agree. They are fuck-ups! But, they are not bad people. They genuinely love Carly. They just lack life coping skills because of their mental illnesses and upbringing. Which frustrates us watching the show. We want to see them succeed and doing fun things. All this moaning is not for entertainment. But they have a daughter who is presently in their lives. Tyler seems to be involved with her but Cate can't stay home with her daughter for longer than a week without going on the next retreat. She is always coming up with an excuse to take a break from parenting and her breaks are weeks long. I think they do care about Carly but i'm leaning toward it's more a storyline for the show. Pay attention to the daughter who is begging for your attention! 14 Link to comment
teapot November 21, 2018 Share November 21, 2018 8 hours ago, Dance4Life said: Seems like Nova has helped Tyler moved on. I think he understands now wanting to protect your child. Catelynn is still struggling. Probably because she carried her. Healing starts with forgiveness. She is going to need that from Carly. Carly might need the same from her birth parents. I just realized something. Know the way that almost *all* of the Teen Moms (Amber, Bristol, Farrah, Leah, Jenelle) throw out "I'M A GOOD MOM!" whenever anyone challenges them? Cate has *never* said that. Neither has Briana, hmm... Nor Chelsea and Maci, but those two kind of don't need to. 12 Link to comment
MaggieG November 21, 2018 Share November 21, 2018 Jeez Bristol, the guy said he wanted to read the contract before signing and you badger him. Then you see him and he says "I looked over it, all looks good, I'll sign it" and you continue to badger him. All you had to do was say "Great, thanks!" She really does not know when to let go. Of course Cate wants to go to another retreat in AZ. Why am I not surprised? 11 Link to comment
CaliforniaLove November 21, 2018 Share November 21, 2018 1 hour ago, MaggieG said: Of course Cate wants to go to another retreat in AZ. Why am I not surprised? I know, I can't get over this. Hey Cate? While Sedona is beautiful, I don't think looking at pretty rock formations is going to get Tyler to fall in love with you. 15 Link to comment
Popular Post eskimo November 21, 2018 Popular Post Share November 21, 2018 I do believe that putting their baby up for adoption was extremely painful so I don't want to be dismissive of how difficult that was for them. But what I think has happened since then is that Carly has come to represent the perfect life. But the truth is likely that if she'd kept Carly, she wouldn't have been given much more attention than Nova. She's been able to idealize the life they would have had with Carly for 10 years now. If she can't handle the life she has now, she wouldn't have been able to handle raising a baby in the life she had then. I think it's more than Carly herself that's being idealized, it's the life they would have had if they kept her that's being idealized. When she thinks back on the choices she made that bring her to where she is, she doesn't think 'I wish I had taken better care of my health' or 'I should have gotten an education', (things that she can still do, btw), like most people. She thinks only about the decision to place Carly for adoption. As long as she fixates on Carly's adoption as the thing wrong in her life, she won't address the things that are actually wrong in her life. 25 Link to comment
Mr. Miner November 21, 2018 Share November 21, 2018 On 11/20/2018 at 10:54 AM, Dance4Life said: I can’t believe this chick is pregnant again. I don't need to see anymore moping and whining from Tyler. I can't believe it either! 8 Link to comment
kicksave November 21, 2018 Share November 21, 2018 On 11/19/2018 at 11:30 PM, Chickabiddy said: a FEW things... I loved Catrlynn’s outfit while in the park in NYC . Yeah but no. 🙄 The whole ensemble looked like a Chico’s sakecrack reject from their new line “Mutton Trying to Pass for Lamb” With all the make up, dye jobs and salon talons, Catelynn still comes off as “Lamb mistaken for mutton.” Never underestimate the power of quality nutrition. I just can’t get over how poor her complexion is. I could almost feel sorry for her, but in her convo with the producer about communication problems with Tyler, she blames him for all of it. This heifer has no sense of responsibility and no sense of just how over it Tyler is. Second baby or no, he is halfway out the door. Anyone notice how he was the one doing the cleaning and the chores at home while they were chatting about their problems, and Little Miss Cate was Chillaxing in a chair while watching Tyler do all the work? He seems to do all the heavy lifting in the family/marriage. Being a single dad might actually be easier without all her trauma and emotional bullshit to deal with. Hey Bristol, here’s a thought: if you can’t get along with either of your baby daddies, maybe it’s YOU that is the problem. Maybe to avoid this thorny problem in the future you should - a. Find better men to sleep with b. Use some form of protection. It is the 21st century for fuck sake. c. Not push out two babies in two years with a guy who is patently unstable d. Once you have moved on from your anointed baby daddies, treat them with a little respect and quit with the dime store manipulations to try to cone off as the long- suffering hero mommy. Despite your half assed attempts at PR via Teen Mon, we all see you, Bristol. The internet is forever and the most cursory of net searches reveals how you and your Wasilla hillbilly family tried to bully Levi and freeze him out of his son’s life. Ugh, these people, these fucking people... Couldn't have said this better myself! I was thinking the same thing when Tyler was cleaning up the kitchen and she was just sitting on her ample ass checking on her manicure. You're right...he might be better off being a single Dad at this point...he practically is anyway. If he split and got physical custody he wouldn't have to put up with Cate's selfish, self absorbed drama all the time. Thing is, if he were to tell her he wants out she would go into full drama mode and pull out the suicide card. She would guilt him into staying like she's done before. Bristol is such a whiner! All she does is whine about her baby daddies...ugh...she's the ex from hell. And she employs her entire family in the complaining and whining about both Levi and Dakota. I remember what she and her mother/sisters did to try and squeeze Levi out of Tripp's was shady as hell. And the nagging about the "contract" to Levi was annoying as hell...Why is this kid doing a dance competition for money anyway? Shouldn't he be out playing with other kids and doing team sports and bonding with other boys his age? How about you get normal job Bristol and save up money to create your own savings account for his college instead of dragging him LA for a reality dance show. She is the worst...only her mother is even more worse. 4 hours ago, MaggieG said: Jeez Bristol, the guy said he wanted to read the contract before signing and you badger him. Then you see him and he says "I looked over it, all looks good, I'll sign it" and you continue to badger him. All you had to do was say "Great, thanks!" She really does not know when to let go. Of course Cate wants to go to another retreat in AZ. Why am I not surprised? YES! He said he would sign it and she continued to berate him in front of his wife and son! She is a total ballbuster. 11 Link to comment
kicksave November 21, 2018 Share November 21, 2018 I just have to say something about Andrew...he fits the profile of the Teen Mom baby daddy...lard ass slacker who seems to have conned Amber (not too hard to do) into thinking that he was some successful wheeler dealer. This boxing benefit seemed very scripted to me...the whole thing just irritated me. Andrew who does absolutely nothing but sit on his ass while surfing the Internet...lobbying Amber to box someone when she just gave birth four months ago was odd. And another plane trip to LA presumably paid for by MTV...this guy is such an annoying loser...I will say that he seems to be more hands on with the baby than Amber. She is displaying the same kind of behavior she had when Leah was an infant. Gary did everything while she sat on her bed or the couch. 12 Link to comment
Mothra November 21, 2018 Share November 21, 2018 5 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said: But they have a daughter who is presently in their lives. Tyler seems to be involved with her but Cate can't stay home with her daughter for longer than a week without going on the next retreat. She is always coming up with an excuse to take a break from parenting and her breaks are weeks long. I think they do care about Carly but i'm leaning toward it's more a storyline for the show. Pay attention to the daughter who is begging for your attention! This is one of the things that drive me craziest about these two. They moon on and on over wanting more contact with Carly when Catelynn at least seems to want to have less and less contact with Nova! I'm guessing Catelynn doesn't watch her eps--how could she even think of going away so often when Nova so clearly wants and needs her mother at home? And why indeed not take Nova with her? And I resisted the idea that Nova's speech was delayed/impaired until the last few episodes, when I found it difficult to understand what she was saying (except "Mama don't go"); now I'm thinking she not only could use some professional intervention but also that she might be self-infantilizing to try to keep her mom with her. It's good to be reminded of just how awful Catelynn's situation was when she became pregnant, and I believe she continues to need therapy to deal with her younger life. But she does not need to leave home to get worthwhile help with her demons; I've seen too many episodes when one thing or another prevents her from getting to the therapist's office, on time or at all, to believe that she is serious about getting substantive help. I suspect that consciously or unconsciously she is using her mental illness to keep Tyler at her side, and I think it's sunk in that going away for residential treatments/spa days is no longer going to cut it. If she truly wants to get better and to save her marriage, she needs to stop invalidating Tyler's complaints and concerns and work *with* him in therapy. She's shooting herself in the foot right now. 18 Link to comment
ghoulina November 21, 2018 Share November 21, 2018 22 hours ago, Rebecca said: When Catelynn said she was sure Tyler was happy with “some things” and he paused and then said yeah, he was totally thinking “yeah, I’m happy with MYSELF.” Ha, yup. He's like, "I'm happy with my house flipping and my poetry and my kid and my boss fashion sense; but anything that has to do with YOU? Not. Happy." 20 Link to comment
Rebecca November 22, 2018 Share November 22, 2018 @ghoulina I forgot about his poetry!!! Fuck, how could he not be impressed with himself? He’s a sonneteering rhymester! 13 Link to comment
Rebecca November 22, 2018 Share November 22, 2018 (edited) This reminds me of Tyler’s poetry.. Has Tyler dropped some words of wisdom lately? I’d love to read a poem of his about Catelynn..if there are any. Every episode it’s jarring how little passion there is between them..and Tyler is clearly full of passion for everything else. Edited November 22, 2018 by Rebecca 17 Link to comment
MerryMary November 22, 2018 Share November 22, 2018 Bristol speaking about her son's trust fun produced bile in my mouth. I was really liking Bristol, she seemed insightful at times and self-critical. But good gawd MTV, this girl represents no one. It took years for the other girls to get financially solid. Problems with paper work for your kid's trust fund? Who has that problem? None of us, I'd guess. Money "can't pay the bills" problems and trust fund problems are two different things. I can't relate. 13 Link to comment
kicksave November 22, 2018 Share November 22, 2018 (edited) I'm not liking Maci and Taylor this season. Maci seems a little like a control freak when it comes to Bentley. I think she could have allowed Bentley to go to Atlanta to see his blood relatives instead of going to Texas to see Taylor's family with whom he has no bio connection. He looked bored there anyway. And Taylor...talking about how when he first "disciplined" Bentley how Bentley didn't show him respect....gee, why not Taylor???? Because YOU AREN'T HIS DAD and were just some other guy screwing his mom! Even now that they're married Taylor should not be discipling Bentley unless Ryan gave him permission to do so. If you're not the bio Dad, then back's up to Maci to do the disciplining and Ryan when he has visitation. Taylor seems like a nice guy but if you scratch under the surface he's more of a wolf in sheep's clothing. Looking at his tweets from a few years ago you can see what a racist, misogynistic douchebag he is. Just because you married Bentley's mom you don't have the parental right to discipline Bentley. I hope it's just been verbal and not physical/corporal punishment...Ryan might want to investigate exactly what has been going on between Bentley and Taylor besides the "I coach him in baseball" stuff. And furthermore...talking about Ryan on national TV in a hostile and demeaning way is not cool at all Taylor. He's still Bentley's dad and you are openly slamming him in a way that is hurtful to Bentley. Stop sending out mean tweets about Ryan and saying anything about him in a public forum...put yourself in Bentley's shoes...for once...and shave or trim that pubic hair mess of a beard. Edited November 22, 2018 by kicksave 5 Link to comment
Blissfool November 22, 2018 Share November 22, 2018 10 hours ago, kicksave said: I'm not liking Maci and Taylor this season. Maci seems a little like a control freak when it comes to Bentley. I think she could have allowed Bentley to go to Atlanta to see his blood relatives instead of going to Texas to see Taylor's family with whom he has no bio connection. He looked bored there anyway. And Taylor...talking about how when he first "disciplined" Bentley how Bentley didn't show him respect....gee, why not Taylor???? Because YOU AREN'T HIS DAD and were just some other guy screwing his mom! Even now that they're married Taylor should not be discipling Bentley unless Ryan gave him permission to do so. If you're not the bio Dad, then back's up to Maci to do the disciplining and Ryan when he has visitation. Taylor seems like a nice guy but if you scratch under the surface he's more of a wolf in sheep's clothing. Looking at his tweets from a few years ago you can see what a racist, misogynistic douchebag he is. Just because you married Bentley's mom you don't have the parental right to discipline Bentley. I hope it's just been verbal and not physical/corporal punishment...Ryan might want to investigate exactly what has been going on between Bentley and Taylor besides the "I coach him in baseball" stuff. And furthermore...talking about Ryan on national TV in a hostile and demeaning way is not cool at all Taylor. He's still Bentley's dad and you are openly slamming him in a way that is hurtful to Bentley. Stop sending out mean tweets about Ryan and saying anything about him in a public forum...put yourself in Bentley's shoes...for once...and shave or trim that pubic hair mess of a beard. I'm pretty sure he's talking about verbal disciplining. And I disagree with you. I think Taylor has a right to discipline Bentley when necessary, as does a teacher, a coach, or any other adult that is a part of Bentley's life, biological relative or not. Fortunately, Bentley is a good kid that doesn't need discipline too often. On another note, as soon as I saw Amber's trainer at the boxing ring, all I could think of was Maci in 20 years...the reddish blonde hair, the tattoos, the body type. 18 Link to comment
Popular Post Mothra November 22, 2018 Popular Post Share November 22, 2018 13 hours ago, kicksave said: shave or trim that pubic hair mess of a beard. Totally with you on this one. Does he have a chin? Is he hiding something under there? But I disagree about Taylor's family not being as important as biological relatives on Ryan's side of the family. Jenn and what's-his-name see Bentley fairly often and feel free to offer their views about how he's being raised, but Taylor's parents are the bio grandparents of Bentley's siblings and have apparently made the effort to make Bentley their grandson, too. Speaking as a non-biological grandma, I truly appreciate the efforts made by my daughter-in-law-to-be to let us be close to her sons. Plus, you really can't have too many grandparents! 25 Link to comment
kicksave November 22, 2018 Share November 22, 2018 3 hours ago, Blissfool said: I'm pretty sure he's talking about verbal disciplining. And I disagree with you. I think Taylor has a right to discipline Bentley when necessary, as does a teacher, a coach, or any other adult that is a part of Bentley's life, biological relative or not. Fortunately, Bentley is a good kid that doesn't need discipline too often. On another note, as soon as I saw Amber's trainer at the boxing ring, all I could think of was Maci in 20 years...the reddish blonde hair, the tattoos, the body type. Discipline away but personally, I think it is something that deserves a discussion with the bio father first out of respect. He could have talked to Ryan about some issues with Bentley's behavior and asked how they could work together to discipline Bentley with some congruency. Any bio parent would appreciate a stepdad or step mom communicating to them about ways to work together constructively in a way that everyone is in agreement with. Taylor does not have "the right" to discipline Bentley and neither does a teacher, coach or any other adult in his life! Explaining why a behavior is unacceptable is one thing but to act as though "any" adult has the right to actually discipline a child that isn't theirs is wrong. Taylor did not adopt Bentley, he is a step dad...he needs to have meaningful, sincere dialog with Ryan and stop bad mouthing Ryan on Twitter and elsewhere...Ryan is sick and could use some compassion right now, not social media bashing that for sure gets back to Bentley... and Maci needs to encourage the "Dads" to come together as a unit to parent Bentley. And furthermore...if Taylor was discipling Bentley when he was just shacking up with Maci, that is totally off limits. 5 Link to comment
kicksave November 22, 2018 Share November 22, 2018 1 hour ago, Mothra said: Totally with you on this one. Does he have a chin? Is he hiding something under there? But I disagree about Taylor's family not being as important as biological relatives on Ryan's side of the family. Jenn and what's-his-name see Bentley fairly often and feel free to offer their views about how he's being raised, but Taylor's parents are the bio grandparents of Bentley's siblings and have apparently made the effort to make Bentley their grandson, too. Speaking as a non-biological grandma, I truly appreciate the efforts made by my daughter-in-law-to-be to let us be close to her sons. Plus, you really can't have too many grandparents! I didn't say Taylor's parents were unimportant...but how often does Bentley get to spend with his extended bio family? Maci could have been a little more flexible. I seem to recall Maci and Taylor taking the kids to see Grandma and Grandpa in Texas for several Christmases and other events. Maci seems to play hardball with Jen and Larry when it comes to this...wouldn't be the end of the world if he spent a few days with Ryan's family. That's all. 3 Link to comment
ghoulina November 22, 2018 Share November 22, 2018 4 hours ago, Blissfool said: I'm pretty sure he's talking about verbal disciplining. And I disagree with you. I think Taylor has a right to discipline Bentley when necessary, as does a teacher, a coach, or any other adult that is a part of Bentley's life, biological relative or not. Fortunately, Bentley is a good kid that doesn't need discipline too often. I agree. I don't have a problem with it. I think a step-parent's level of involvement is dependent on many things. But most importantly, they need to be on the same page. If he doesn't have any qualms about disciplining Bentley and Maci wants him to, then why not? Ryan is largely MIA. Maci travels sometimes. Taylor has been living with them for years. It makes sense to me. 21 Link to comment
jumper sage November 23, 2018 Share November 23, 2018 (edited) On 11/21/2018 at 8:37 AM, Jaclyn88 said: For some reason, Jen and Larry annoy me. Larry seems like a know-it-all loud mouth and Jen thinks she's owed every weekend.. why? Maci is the mother and Bentley's father is not involved. Yes, Maci should allow Jen and Larry to see Bentley often, but shouldn't expect to see him every weekend. Maci's trips with him are going to be a priority over theirs. Me too. 4 hours ago, kicksave said: I didn't say Taylor's parents were unimportant...but how often does Bentley get to spend with his extended bio family? Maci could have been a little more flexible. I seem to recall Maci and Taylor taking the kids to see Grandma and Grandpa in Texas for several Christmases and other events. Maci seems to play hardball with Jen and Larry when it comes to this...wouldn't be the end of the world if he spent a few days with Ryan's family. That's all. I disagree. Larry and Jen have not proven to put Bentley first. He is an extension of their son and it shows. They still have not come to grips with Ryan and still make excuses even to Bentley. They have let Ryan over there when he was using. They see their grandson more than most regular grandparents. I don't know many kids who stay with their grandparents on a regular basis without it being childcare or a night out for the parents. Let's see what happens when the next child is born. Cate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell is wrong with you? Edited November 23, 2018 by jumper sage 14 Link to comment
Popular Post Rebecca November 23, 2018 Popular Post Share November 23, 2018 (edited) I have no idea why Taylor, who has been more of a father to Bentley than Ryan (regardless if we like Taylor or not) ever should have to have any kind of conversation about parenting Bentley with Ryan. Ryan has never parented Bentley, his parents have. Because Ryan never did his job. Ryan is the biological father, that’s it. I don’t see Taylor overstepping his position at all, but Jen and Larry are doing it all the time. If anyone needs to have a sit down about Bentley and boundaries it’s Maci needing to sit Jen and Larry down and tell them to back off in some instances. Further, if it was important that Bentley go on Jen and Larry’s trip with them they should’ve given Maci some damn notice and asked much sooner and then it all could’ve been planned out. They asked at the last minute and Taylor and Maci had already made plans. I think it would only be hurtful to Bentley to be left out of visiting Taylor’s family with his siblings. Edited November 23, 2018 by Rebecca 30 Link to comment
kicksave November 23, 2018 Share November 23, 2018 4 hours ago, jumper sage said: Me too. I disagree. Larry and Jen have not proven to put Bentley first. He is an extension of their son and it shows. They still have not come to grips with Ryan and still make excuses even to Bentley. They have let Ryan over there when he was using. They see their grandson more than most regular grandparents. I don't know many kids who stay with their grandparents on a regular basis without it being childcare or a night out for the parents. Let's see what happens when the next child is born. Cate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell is wrong with you? We’ll just have to agree to disagree...Maci has had no problem all these years dumping Bentley off when she wanted to party, go to MTV events or vacation with her girlfriends...she also would leave Jayde with Jen and Larry all the time too and she wasn’t even Ryan’s child. But heaven forbid they ask if he can go on a short trip to see his relatives. Bentley probably likes being there instead of being the babysitter, housekeeper, etc. at home with T&M. 7 Link to comment
eskimo November 23, 2018 Share November 23, 2018 (edited) 14 hours ago, Rebecca said: I have no idea why Taylor, who has been more of a father to Bentley than Ryan (regardless if we like Taylor or not) ever should have to have any kind of conversation about parenting Bentley with Ryan. Ryan has never parented Bentley. This. Taylor should have to consult the guy who doesn't see Bentley for weeks or months at a time to come to an understanding? The guy who's high as a kite on heroin and who-knows-what else? The guy that 'goes to the bank' for 3 hours a day, and puts everybody on the road at risk because he drives while high to the point of almost blacking out? I don't care if it's one of his sperm that fertilized Maci's egg or not, he is no father. Now if Ryan was like Cory or Gary, then yes, absolutely the sets of parents and step-parents should come together. But Ryan isn't a parent. Actions make you a father or mother, not having an orgasm once ten years ago. Edited November 23, 2018 by eskimo 23 Link to comment
Rebecca November 23, 2018 Share November 23, 2018 1 hour ago, kicksave said: We’ll just have to agree to disagree...Maci has had no problem all these years dumping Bentley off when she wanted to party, go to MTV events or vacation with her girlfriends...she also would leave Jayde with Jen and Larry all the time too and she wasn’t even Ryan’s child. But heaven forbid they ask if he can go on a short trip to see his relatives. Bentley probably likes being there instead of being the babysitter, housekeeper, etc. at home with T&M. Source for that? I think we saw them watch Jayde like once, maybe twice and it’s pretty clear Jen loves babies and small children and probably offered. As for the rest? Maci isn’t perfect but she has been a regular, involved parent to Bentley for his entire life. Where has Ryan been? Shooting cats and shooting up. And if Jen and Larry want to take a child that isn’t theirs on a trip they should communicate that to his parent with ample notice to see if its possible for him to go with them, as Maci may already have plans for HER family, which she did this time. I don’t really like defending Maci but to suggest that somehow she and Ryan are equals when it comes to involvement in Bentley’s life is absurd to me based on everything we’ve seen and read in the last 10 years. 21 Link to comment
jumper sage November 23, 2018 Share November 23, 2018 2 hours ago, kicksave said: But heaven forbid they ask if he can go on a short trip to see his relatives. Bentley probably likes being there instead of being the babysitter, housekeeper, etc. at home with T&M. Well they have ragged on his mother who has full custody of him and he is in a stable home. I too am shocked to see that Maci, since marrying Taylor, has a stable home. When the bad acting person is in your own family you have to give the other family the benefit of the doubt and be happy you have contact at all. We have had the bad person in the family and it is easier to take a wait-and-see attitude and be grateful for the relationship that is not entitled by law. Our family has been on both sides of the fence so I know how to placate for the child's best interest. 7 Link to comment
KittyKat133 November 23, 2018 Share November 23, 2018 (edited) 3 hours ago, Rebecca said: I have no idea why Taylor, who has been more of a father to Bentley than Ryan (regardless if we like Taylor or not) ever should have to have any kind of conversation about parenting Bentley with Ryan. Ryan has never parented Bentley, his parents have. Because Ryan never did his job. Ryan is the biological father, that’s it. I don’t see Taylor overstepping his position at all, but Jen and Larry are doing it all the time. If anyone needs to have a sit down about Bentley and boundaries it’s Maci needing to sit Jen and Larry down and tell them to back off in some instances. Further, if it was important that Bentley go on Jen and Larry’s trip with them they should’ve given Maci some damn notice and asked much sooner and then it all could’ve been planned out. They asked at the last minute and Taylor and Maci had already made plans. I think it would only be hurtful to Bentley to be left out of visiting Taylor’s family with his siblings. I was just about the write the same thing. Could you imagine Taylor calling Ryan to discuss how to discipline Bentley? Ryan didn’t even have the decency to let maci OR his kid know he was going to rehab AGAIN. Especially if we are to believe it was “his idea” to go. He doesn’t really care about Bentley’s upbringing in that way. If Taylor called he probably would’ve said “talk to my parents” just like he has shirked all his parenting responsibilities on them since Bentley’s birth. Edited November 23, 2018 by KittyKat133 16 Link to comment
Calm81 November 23, 2018 Share November 23, 2018 18 hours ago, Mothra said: , I truly appreciate the efforts made by my daughter-in-law-to-be to let us be close to her sons. Plus, you really can't have too many grandparents! Before I even married my husband, his mom was soooo welcoming to my first child from a previous marriage - it made me love her so much more than a mother-in-law. She IS my second mom. She deserves the right to see my daughter just as much as she deserves to see her biological grandchildren I’ve given her - family doesn’t have to be blood. With that being said, Jen sees Bentley nearly every weekend and from what it sounds like, they rarely visit with Taylor’s parents so they deserved to see Bentley for this trip versus him going to Atlanta. Taylor’s mom is Bentley’s third grandma. It’s nice hearing from the mother in law perspective about how my mother in law feels about me due to my openness for her to be close with my child. ❤️❤️😊 13 Link to comment
AirQuotes November 23, 2018 Share November 23, 2018 On 11/20/2018 at 7:16 PM, Rebecca said: Who says she will want to have anything to do with them even once she’s 18? She’s going to see and hear all the shit they’ve said about her parents and all the trashy things they’ve done, not to mention the whole family. She will also see how they raised Nova. She will be able to see so much and little of it is flattering. And she might just not care that they are biologically related to her, some adopted people never care to have a relationship with their birth parents. And she doesn’t have to wonder anything about them or contact them to learn things about them because they’ve let mtv film it all for a decade at least. I know catelynn and Tyler think she will come running to them but I’m not so sure. Maybe watching all the footage will be enough. This. All this. I've posted before about my situation being adopted at birth by my parents, and I was raised probably much like Carly (raised in a nice, clean home by loving attentive parents; stable marriage between my parents; productive, law abiding, sober parents, grandparents and aunts and uncles, etc). People like the Baltierras werent even on my radar and I would have been scared to death if someone like Butch came around pawing at me and talking crazy shit about being my "family" or whatever. I can positively say with everything that has been filmed and aired about T&C and all their trashy family, I would be horrified to be expected to have anything to do with people like them. They are gross people the entire lot of them and on multiple levels. Merely the single clip of Nova handing dog shit to Dawn the social worker would be plenty for me to see, and as we all know, that clip is a good example of how disgusting they are. Poor little Nova playing with dried up dog shit and grazing/scrounging cheetos off dirty carpet. There is plenty for Carly to see and satisfy any curiosity she may have about her bio family, and I'm sure adult Carly's reaction would be much like ours around here. Catelyn doesnt see this though because she doesn't know any different. The only thing I can see happening is if this shit show is still on when Carly turns 18, I can see her being harangued into (reluctantly) having something to do with them. 19 Link to comment
druzy November 23, 2018 Author Share November 23, 2018 23 hours ago, kicksave said: Taylor did not adopt Bentley, he is a step dad...he needs to have meaningful, sincere dialog with Ryan and stop bad mouthing Ryan on Twitter and elsewhere...Ryan is sick and could use some compassion right now, not social media bashing that for sure gets back to Bentley... and Maci needs to encourage the "Dads" to come together as a unit to parent Bentley. And furthermore...if Taylor was discipling Bentley when he was just shacking up with Maci, that is totally off limits. Ryan would fall asleep. 19 Link to comment
druzy November 23, 2018 Author Share November 23, 2018 12 hours ago, Rebecca said: Source for that? I think we saw them watch Jayde like once, maybe twice and it’s pretty clear Jen loves babies and small children and probably offered. As for the rest? Maci isn’t perfect but she has been a regular, involved parent to Bentley for his entire life. Where has Ryan been? Shooting cats and shooting up. And if Jen and Larry want to take a child that isn’t theirs on a trip they should communicate that to his parent with ample notice to see if its possible for him to go with them, as Maci may already have plans for HER family, which she did this time. I don’t really like defending Maci but to suggest that somehow she and Ryan are equals when it comes to involvement in Bentley’s life is absurd to me based on everything we’ve seen and read in the last 10 years. Ryan's new thread title? 12 Link to comment
Rebecca November 23, 2018 Share November 23, 2018 18 minutes ago, druzy said: Ryan's new thread title? Haha, I didn’t even think of that but if the shoe-t fits, shoot it. 7 Link to comment
heatherchandler November 23, 2018 Share November 23, 2018 (edited) 15 hours ago, Rebecca said: Further, if it was important that Bentley go on Jen and Larry’s trip with them they should’ve given Maci some damn notice and asked much sooner and then it all could’ve been planned out. They asked at the last minute and Taylor and Maci had already made plans. I think it would only be hurtful to Bentley to be left out of visiting Taylor’s family with his siblings. I figure it went something like - Bentley was at Jen and Larry's for the weekend, they were discussing plans for the trip and Bentley asked if he could go, so Jen asked Maci. I only imagine this scenario because I have a 9 year old son who adores his grandparents (my parents) and whenever they are talking about a trip or outing, he asks to go too. Jen and Larry do see Bentley a lot, but I think it is because Bentley wants to see them, too. I feel for Jen and Larry - having an addict child is hell, pure hell. There is no handbook for how to deal with it. It is a tough, sad road for everyone involved. Edited November 23, 2018 by heatherchandler 3 Link to comment
jacksgirl November 23, 2018 Share November 23, 2018 See both sides of Jen/Larry and Taylor's extended fam. Bintley is lucky to have so many grandparents who love him. A thought for Cate and Tyler. Have some sort of visual schedule or calendar for Nova. You stick it on the fridge. Have the day when Cate leaves marked and the days she is gone and then the day she comes home marked with a cute pix. Now Nova can go in every day and count and mark off the day she is gone. It will reassure her and it is good Left Right progression and math skills, plus naming days the week. 10 Link to comment
FozzyBear November 23, 2018 Share November 23, 2018 On 11/20/2018 at 7:06 AM, Caseysgirl said: Boy, Jen and Larry have learned to manipulate their on screen personas. So reasonable and long-suffering. Have to say, Maci has adorable kids. Yeaaaaaah, that was interesting. Jen and Larry are getting good at the passive aggressive shade. Every weekend? The fuck? Even if Ryan wasn’t a giant fuckup they probably wouldn’t be getting that much time with Bently. And speaking of Ryan being a giant fuck up, if they are upset that Maci has full custody and therefore calls the shots then they have only Ryan to blame. He could have fought to be a more involved parent, but choose to hide from his problems instead. I think they really screwed themselves with the private school thing. Whatever the back story is with that argument, it seems to have been some sort of breaking point for Maci. 5 Link to comment
kicksave November 24, 2018 Share November 24, 2018 4 hours ago, heatherchandler said: I figure it went something like - Bentley was at Jen and Larry's for the weekend, they were discussing plans for the trip and Bentley asked if he could go, so Jen asked Maci. I only imagine this scenario because I have a 9 year old son who adores his grandparents (my parents) and whenever they are talking about a trip or outing, he asks to go too. Jen and Larry do see Bentley a lot, but I think it is because Bentley wants to see them, too. I feel for Jen and Larry - having an addict child is hell, pure hell. There is no handbook for how to deal with it. It is a tough, sad road for everyone involved. Thank you. 2 Link to comment
Mothra November 24, 2018 Share November 24, 2018 On 11/23/2018 at 7:20 AM, Calm81 said: family doesn’t have to be blood. This, times a million. 14 Link to comment
ShaNaeNae November 26, 2018 Share November 26, 2018 On 11/20/2018 at 10:21 AM, Dance4Life said: Dakota’s scene was hilarious. He was about to brush his daughter’s hair and then got cut off. Scene over. I bet Dakota started on his September 8th PTSD Loop and MTV finally more! We already heard it 100 times! It is cute seeing Tripp with Bristol’s old face. Bristol’s chin implant makes her look witchy. I needed that laugh, thank you. "On September 8, 2009...." Every time I see Tripp, I'm like, "aww he looks like teen Bristol". She was so cute before. 4 Link to comment
CandysWrapRoom November 28, 2018 Share November 28, 2018 On 11/22/2018 at 2:31 PM, kicksave said: Discipline away but personally, I think it is something that deserves a discussion with the bio father first out of respect. He could have talked to Ryan about some issues with Bentley's behavior and asked how they could work together to discipline Bentley with some congruency. Any bio parent would appreciate a stepdad or step mom communicating to them about ways to work together constructively in a way that everyone is in agreement with. But Ryan doesn't parent... 8 Link to comment
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