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The Starling City Times: News and Media about Arrow

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This thing with the poster is ridiculous.  I don't understand how they can't seem to tell when it will actually come out.  The meme is the only upside in this crazy situation, other than to keep hearing "today!  no, tomorrow!"  I'm afraid it will be a let down after seeing what they pulled together for Supernatural (Jensen is now the same height as Jared, apparently).

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it seems odd but at the same time Arrow fans seem to be the only one asking for their poster.  I don't recall ever seeing fans so obsessed with getting the poster before.  Not even sure why they want it so badly.  Don't get me wrong, I like seeing them and stuff but it's not something I feel offended or insulted or developing conspiracy theories over the delay.

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I don't think anyone cares for the posters apart from olicity fans who are eagerly waiting to see how Oliver and Felicity are positioned on the poster and whether there will be an exclusive poster of these two. Otherwise on other Arrow sites, I don't see any such activity.

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I'm waiting to see the poster to see where Laurel is positioned.  If she's right next to Oliver, that could mean nothing or it could mean she has a more prominent role this season, which will worry me.


ETA:  OK, poster just added RIGHT as I typed this.  Cue worry now.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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This thing with the poster is ridiculous.  I don't understand how they can't seem to tell when it will actually come out.  The meme is the only upside in this crazy situation, other than to keep hearing "today!  no, tomorrow!"  I'm afraid it will be a let down after seeing what they pulled together for Supernatural (Jensen is now the same height as Jared, apparently).


It's an optical illusion(just kidding).   I think that poster for SPN is horrible. It's the same images from last year just moved around.  I've seen fanart posters that were 100% better.


RE the Arrow poster. I totally see why they delayed releasing it. Diggle in the back after Laurel who is equal to Felicity flanking Oliver? No Thea and Malcolm? Wow what a terrible poster. I swear CW marketing is the worst

Edited by catrox14
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I was excited about the poster because the CW used to put out fantastic posters that were really telling of the Season - TVD S4.


This just looks like a couple people photoshopped everything together (which they did) with no thought. 


Thea and Malcolm should be on there.

Edited by 10Eleven12
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Wow really? Thats the best they could do?


Flanked by Felicity and Laurel? Are they just trying to keep it boy girl boy? That better be it because Diggle should be right next to Oliver.

Yeah, I think they went for symmetry, Boy/Girl/Boy/Girl/Boy.  Just like S1 they have 3 men and 2 women on the poster, so they either have Oliver flanked by Felicity/Laurel or they're doing a copy of S1's poster (Thea/Diggle/Oliver/Tommy/Laurel - i might have Tommy/Diggle reversed).


It's a boring poster, so far the only one I've actually liked was (first) The Flash poster.. CW has been pretty bad this season.  Reign's poster wasn't too bad, I liked that they included Catherine but it was very similar to the S1 poster, just replacing Bash with Catherine.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Isn't that Laurel image from season 1, and Diggle's too (I think)? Well, it's cheesy lol, at least they're consistent. I don't think Diggle being in the back means anything, I feel like the poster looks symmetrical. They're supposed to release two images, so hopefully the next one will have Thea.

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Wow that photoshop is bad the light source doesn't even make sense the shadows are created by the moon's light but it ignores the giant spot light that is behind them and the character sizing is off, Diggle looks huge and Oliver looks tiny. Geez no wonder this took so long to come out.

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I didn't care much for the poster, but now that I am seeing it, I have to say it looks extremely cheap. I'm not surprised that Sara's missing. She's a recurring guest star and only regulars are featured on posters like this. Quentin, Malcolm and Thea should have been on it, though. Quentin in particular because he has been working with the Arrow for a while now.

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LOL that poster is so disappointing. I am honestly so disappointed. I did not call no Thea or Malcolm. I guess if they're reusing last years photos then it makes sense though. I odn't know if any of you follow Vampire Diaries (it's also on CW) but they released a poster yesterday and it's so good. Usually CW has really good posters. 

Edited by ban1o
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I now believe that Arrow reserves its budget for the stunts. And some times casting - I think BR was probably expensive (should have gone cheaper and gone bigger with Ra's). I'm okay with that if that is the case. 


However, it does annoy me a bit because I want Arrow to get treated with the same respect that TVD does.

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Wow. I know it's only a poster and I wasn't expecting much but NO WAY should Laurel be next to Oliver. The original three Team Arrow should be front and centre. And their perspectives are all weird. Seriously disappointing. Ugh.

Edited by Guest
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Prediction: the second poster will be the "villains" and will include Thea and Malcolm.

But besides Malcolm and Thea, what villains could they include?   I doubt they'll put Ra's on there. Do you predict like a 2 person poster or something? 

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If its a villain poster, then they would have to do a new shoot.


I really hate - and they did this for S2 too - that Felicity is dressed so differently then how she actually dresses on the show. Maybe they should have cut a hole in the sweater.

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Wait, Suzanne did say they are releasing 2 posters right? 

that Felicity is dressed so differently then how she actually dresses on the show. Maybe they should have cut a hole in the sweater.

lol you are hilarious. 

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Yeah that's my assumption, maybe the second poser is all LoA: Malcolm Thea (Sara/Nyssa?) and a shadowy Ra's? I wasn't expecting Sara on the poster, I just was hoping they wouldn't group Laurel in with Team Arrow. 

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One thing is if the reason Malcolm and Thea aren't on it is because they reused season 2 pictures, how did the get a pic of Roy in his costume?

They probably photoshopped a pic of him in the costume in there.

Is Laurel conjuring a one-woman windstorm? Jeez. This almost looks fan made (although to be fair I've seen more professional looking fan made posters).

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Roy's head looks photoshopped. I doubt they did that, but thats how cheap it is



At first I thought it was the hoods. Roy and Oliver's heads look out of proportion. But then I looked again and so do Laurel and Felicity's. Diggle seems to be the only one who looks right. It's not a huge thing but it does throw the perspective off.

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Yes, I understand it's old pictures which is why I mentioned shoddy lazyass workmanship. It's still communicating something about Felicity though compared to Laurel. And even worse is though is the placement of Diggle in the back. It should absolutely have been Ollie, flanked by Felicity and Diggle and then Roy and Laurel followed by Thea and Malcolm off to the side. 

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I now believe that Arrow reserves its budget for the stunts. And some times casting - I think BR was probably expensive (should have gone cheaper and gone bigger with Ra's). I'm okay with that if that is the case. 


However, it does annoy me a bit because I want Arrow to get treated with the same respect that TVD does.

Arrow's budget has nothing to do with the promotional material, that comes out of the CW's pocket.  TVD is The CWs flagship it has been for the past 5 years and the only show to actually knock TVD off of it's pedestal is SPN not Arrow...so you know if anyone deserved the new photo shoot...


I'm actually very disappointed that they didn't include Lance/Merlyn/Thea on the poster but i guess Malcolm/Lance not being there makes sense since no new photo shoot.

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Well I really hate Felicity's picture - seriously, she doesn't look at all like herself. And I hate the demure schoolgirl look next to businesslike Laurel. And Roy looks like some weird zombie. Laurel and Diggle look fine, but I agree, those are season one pics.

ETA: I agree with catrox14 about the positioning. If they're really trying to highlight "Team Arrow", Laurel and Diggle should be switched with Thea, Malcolm, Quentin (and possibly Sara) in the background.

Edited by Starfish35
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lol the poster is pretty much indicative of what they do on the show. Shoe-horn Laurel in where she doesn't belong. I know that was catty and I still want them to fix Laurel but omg I'm very protective of my original Team Arrow and I seriously don't like Digg out on the side like that. 

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Yes, I understand it's old pictures which is why I mentioned shoddy lazyass workmanship. It's still communicating something about Felicity though compared to Laurel. And even worse is though is the placement of Diggle in the back. It should absolutely have been Ollie, flanked by Felicity and Diggle and then Roy and Laurel followed by Thea and Malcolm off to the side.

Yeah, but anything that the poster is communicating about Felicity vs. Laurel is irrelevant by virtue of the fact that the network was too cheap to do a new shoot. They pieced together old ones, so they're not intentionally portraying Felicity one way and Laurel another.

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I swear I don't know what they were thinking on that poster.  Like you don't have the lead character pronounce in the season finale,  "It started with the three of us. That's what we need to get back" And then have the three of them as a unit on the island as the penultimate scene of the episode and then ignore that for the s3 poster.  Surely Oliver didn't change his mind during the hiatus.


Even SPN's lameass poster reflects the season arc coming up. They have Sam and Dean in the front with Cas and Crowley flanking behind.  And even the placement of Sam and Dean reveals a little something.  Not much but a little. 


Weaksauce CW...Weaksauce



Yeah, but anything that the poster is communicating about Felicity vs. Laurel is irrelevant by virtue of the fact that the network was too cheap to do a new shoot. They pieced together old ones, so they're not intentionally portraying Felicity one way and Laurel another. Yeah, but anything that the poster is communicating about Felicity vs. Laurel is irrelevant by virtue of the fact that the network was too cheap to do a new shoot. They pieced together old ones, so they're not intentionally portraying Felicity one way and Laurel another.



I'm not sure that I agree that it means nothing. They may have used old pictures but the placement still communicates something about Laurel more than any one else. She said in the clip from the preview that her and Oliver are partners. So that means she is part of Team Arrow. Felicity wore skirts and tops and flats in s1 but it was all casual business attire not cutesy schoolgirl outfits.

Edited by catrox14
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The poster just sucks. I don't believe its trying to imply anything. If it was a brand new poster then we could analyze every detail, but this just looks like an afterthought. 


Someone mentioned the symmetry and I think thats right on. 

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Arrow's budget has nothing to do with the promotional material, that comes out of the CW's pocket.  TVD is The CWs flagship it has been for the past 5 years and the only show to actually knock TVD off of it's pedestal is SPN not Arrow...so you know if anyone deserved the new photo shoot...



lol I guess that makes sense That's why TVD get's new photo-shoots every year and pretty cool posters while Arrow reuses season 1 and 2 pictures and leaves out half the cast. lol. 

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Yeah, that poster is terrible. Most of the CW's posters are bad. Fandom makes much better stuff. 


Cheap and badly photoshopped seems to be the going theme with a lot of companies lately. Every time Marvel releases the posters for the MCU, I see a hundred better fan made work. Why is it so difficult to release competent artwork?

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These websites both interpret the Season 3 poster as confirmation that Laurel has joined Team Arrow (in addition to Roy who joined end of last season)...


New ARROW Season 3 Promo Art


Arrow Season 3 Poster Highlights the Fortified Team Arrow


To compare and contrast, here's a link to an article about last year's Season 2 poster:




And here's Season 1:



Maybe the CW didn't put much thought into each season's poster  - who knows?  But we're (meaning, fans) not the only ones who pay attention to cast placement on the poster.

Edited by tv echo
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The poster is disappointing for a lot of reasons:

  • Diggle has been moved to the back, what happened to the original team arrow?
  • This makes me fear that Diggle will be put on the backburner yet again
  • Laurel next to Oliver, she's the female lead, I get it, but I'm not looking forward to her arc this season, also more Laurel screen time? Eh. Not interested
  • Felicity looks so un-felicity like and her outfit is terrible
  • The positions are weird, they look too far away from one another
  • Terrible lighting
  • Laurel looks more like Thea

I am properly, and thoroughly underwhelmed an possibly even disapppointed. 

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