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  1. I don't think that coming back this quickly is the smartest move. He doesn't understand why people are upset and why they have a right to be, he doesn't want to. He’s choosing ignorance over education and that's just sad to me and it upset me.
  2. I'm really dissapointed and I don't know how to feel about him anymore. He made it so much worst. I hope he take a step back and try to understand where people are coming from and apologize. I'm seeing this screenshot of his father in law going around, media will move on but he really took a hit in the fandom.
  3. Oliver Queen | The Hero's Journey by PoupaKG
  4. @heroesfanfest GUEST ANNOUNCEMENT – Katie Cassidy / @mzkatiecassidy (Black Canary, Arrow) will be joining us for #HeroesFanFest! (x)
  5. I think the fans talked about it in their accounts without @ which is what people should always do. There's nothing wrong with not shipping Olicity but I wouldn't say it's because one doesn't deserve the other or they're not healthy, especially when you have on the same show relationships based on swapping sisters, cheating and stalking.
  6. Katie with Emily and her friend, Fanta in Vancouver hanging out. There's also this video of Fanta answering question from Emily's fans, she talks about the Arrow cast a few times. She talks about meeting Stephen outside her apartment, saying every time he sees her he rans across to say hello, she also told the story of how she met Emily, she didn't really know her until they had an acting class together and when she said a joke only Emily laughed, their friendship started form there and she also mentioned that she doesn't ship Olicity, it's her least favorite couple of the show because she thinks that's not the kind of relationship that is healthy for Felicity.
  7. I think the journalist should have been more diplomatic. Emily is not responsible for the writting and it was rude to say to her face that many think Felicity ruined the show. I definitely think the questions should have been directed to Marc. However, reading what fans have been saying on social media, I think some are overly protective when it concerns her and try to silence any kind of criticism against her character or storylines, even though the writting for Felicity in S3 wasn't so good.
  8. That's what make it hard for me. I fail to see why she pick/like Ray the way she seem to do after we saw their relationship in our screen. During that arc, Felicity was reduced to a love interest and there was a lot of proping up going on to sell his spin off at her expense. So, I don't get how that life (very Ray centred) was any better than the one we got around Oliver and the team in the past. Not saying she doesn't want more for Felicity, cause she talks about that often but I also think she just has a preference for Ray for some reasons.
  9. I think Emily generally likes Ray, and kind of prefers him over Oliver for Felicity. Just my opinion and perception based on the stuff I've seen since I've been in the fandom.
  10. I think there's valid criticisms out there about Felicity's character, she's not perfect, she has flaws, just like everyone else, and it's not fair to put all of those people/comments in the same group like "fanboys" or to brush them inside by saying they're coming from "haters". She definitely took a hit this season and I blame the writers. Instead of writing for the characters, they wrote the characters around the story. I love Felicity and I want them to do it right next for her and her fans like myself.
  11. He singled out O/F fans but when you look at the replies, many people corrected him even Laurel fans.
  12. IA. It wouldn't matter that much to me if it wasn't a pattern we've been seeing for a while now: pushing aside Arrow in favor of the other superhero shows.
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