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The Starling City Times: News and Media about Arrow


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He has yet to share a scene with Robbie, but that doesn't mean they're not in the same episode.


Campea was at a party at SA's house two weeks ago. 


There's a bottle of Nocking Point on the table.  Campea does a brief commercial, SA said he didn't know it was going to be there.


We end with fulsome praise of the show and how good it is, especially in comparison to SHIELD.


John Barrowman told him in season one that season 1 you're a guest in their living room, season 2 you're expected season 3 you're part of the family.  Talk of how wonderful Supernatural fanbase is.


Whew!  high fives ban1o.



What the hell does that mean? How does the Ted/villain relationship contrasting the Oliver/Roy relationship tie to the whole Oliver/Felicity/Cupid dynamic? I mean, we're supposed to believe that Roy turned out well because Oliver didn't abandon him (as opposed to Ted abandoning his protege), but is he implying that unless Oliver embraces Felicity as his love then she's going to turn into a crazy-ass stalker like Cupid? LOL!

Hee.   I wish!  Especially given that 

Ray is kissing Felicity


Maybe the fire of Roy thinking he killed Sara and knowing Oliver wouldn't abandon him strengthened their relationship. So something that happens in the next episode tests then strengthens Oliver's relationship with Felicity?


At the least, he said that within the next 3 episodes, there is the best Olicity scene we've had yet.  Hopefully he's right otherwise there are going to be some very angry Olicity fans.



Regarding money: I think that when it boils down to it, Oliver would rather use the millions he has for Arrow related work than for his personal comfort. Hero work comes first.

I think he would be happier with a hair shirt, he's really into martyrdom.


I hope he's paying Diggle and Roy at least.  Why couldn't he pay Felicity too so she didn't have to work at Tech Village?

Edited by statsgirl
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And speaking of which, this episode leaned much too much on Colton Haynes, and on Katie Cassidy, than what either has demonstrated the ability to pull off so far. Roy's been pretty marginalized this season, as if the creative team recognized what he can and can't do as an actor; here, we got tons of Roy angst and it was... not great. Ditto Laurel's ongoing turmoil — and especially her response to Roy's confession, which should have been a huge emotional moment but wasn't. We're in year three of the show trying to make Laurel happen — to the point where they killed off her much more compelling sister just so she'd be free to put on the Black Canary costume(*), and thus far it doesn't seem worth all the effort.

(*) The CW released the first promotional photos of Cassidy in costume yesterday, and my main reaction was "Why so many buckles?" I know in general we're not supposed to question how long it takes any superhero who isn't named Barry Allen to put on their costume, but this one in particular looks like Laurel is going to have to ask the bad guys to stand around for 40-odd minutes while she gets changed.



Alan Sepinwall reviews 3x06

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To compare, last week Arrow scored a 1.1 in the 18-49 demo, a 3 share and 2.73 viewers.


It's interesting in the comments to Sepinwall's article how many people don't think this season is working, and much of it's because of the shift from the core Team Arrow.. For example



I have yet to connect with the Hong Kong scenes. John Diggle has been essentially sidelined and brought out to be written completely out of character and it's painful to see happening. Add in the fact that my emotional investment in characters remains within Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity interactions. So to see that all but snatched away to introduce new dynamics that still feel unearned, merely adds to my disappointment. The message I'm receiving loud & clear - the original team is no longer as valued on the shows seemingly clear agenda of incorporating Oliver Queen's comicbook team. There's no other explanation for why John Diggle continues to be back-burned mask-less with a baby strapped to him and lacking the wisdom of prior seasons.
Edited by statsgirl
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Last week, there were so many tweets from TPTB about the ratings, and this week, nada. I know it's hard to spin a dip in the demo as a positive, but the silence is conspicuous after so much crowing last week.



Last week was a Season high, ton of folks came to see Felicity's episode. This week, it was normal so there's nothing to say.

I thought this review of "Guilty" was interesting...


Arrow Season 3 Episode 6 Review

by Logan Ludwig | in Reviews | Sat, 15 November 2014


I thought that was a really good article  that focussed on what the writers were probably thinking they were doing for Roy's story.  It's the first one I've read that saw this as an episode about Roy rather than a Laurel one, and what he lays out would have been good storytelling,. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to pull that off in less than 6 minutes of actual screentime.

Edited by statsgirl

Ask Matt on TV Guide:

 Full link - http://www.tvguide.com/News/Ask-Matt-How-Get-Away-Murder-Parenthood-Longmire-Supernatural-NCIS-Big-Bang-Theory-1089308.aspx


The Arrow stuff:


Question: What gives with Arrow this season? It feels like so much of what made the show work for me — Oliver/Felicity/Diggle working together as the core team, Oliver/Felicity, Quentin Lance, etc. — has been pushed aside for some very scattered focus. I'm not sure how all the pieces are supposed to fit together in the big murder mystery (obviously I'm not supposed to yet), but I had solid dynamics I could look forward to each week. I get that shows have to evolve and change, but it feels like Arrow changed everything and now it's just ... missing something. What do you think of the new feel of the season so far? (P.S. Love Face Off! It's one of the only "reality" based shows I watch and look forward to with every new season.) — Jane


Matt Roush: I'm still enjoying Arrow — the Felicity-and-her-mom episode (demonstrating that Charlotte Ross is still a knockout) was a special treat — but it's true I'm more enamored with The Flash these days, which I tend to watch the night it airs, while I often find myself playing catch- up with Arrow (also a testament to the amount of Wednesday TV I'm consuming). I can see where some elements this season could be off-putting: the death of Sara, a stronger focus on the polarizing character of Laurel, a less compelling flashback framework now that Oliver is off the island, a less urgent sense of menace with Slade no longer around (something's obviously brewing, but so far it's a slow boil), and I'm still not over the loss of Moira (Susanna Thompson), so there's that. But I figure the season is building toward something, so I'll stick with it. Now Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., that's a show I wouldn't be able to muster an argument for these days. (And always glad to hear from another Face Off fan. To watch it is to love it.)


I agree with his assessment!

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Yeah, Matt Roush is a good voice of reason.  (I couldn't do his job, he must get so many e-mails from the truly crazies and he handles it all with calm.)  It's too soon to give up on the show even if they are focusing on a number of elements that are questionable.


It's funny how many reviewers still mourn the loss of Moira.  (As well they should, there was so much potential left with her.)

This is a pretty interesting podcast that talks about Arrow this season. Goes from (00:48:20 - 01:00:55)





My concern is that they are now sort of locking themselves into you know here’s a character from the comic books so we have to do something with them at the expense of the characters who made this into a good TV show in the first place. Like the, the trio of Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity that was the show, that was the moment when Arrow went from being sort of competent to being really good.

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Wow, I love everything what Alan Sepinwall said.  They should have put Sara  on a bus instead of killing her.


They also said that maybe too much of the creative juices have been focuses on The Flash to get it off the ground.


Not a fan of Colton Haynes ("Colton Haynes should never be asked to recite dialogue"), but he does do better than Katie Cassidy does.


If you let Stephen Amell emote and Emily if you let Emily Bett Richards emote, good things will happen... Willa Holland did good work last year on the death of her mother.... There are some people who you can trust emotional heavy lifting to and others who you can't and maybe parts of this season have required too much of people who can't.


Edited by statsgirl
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I pretty much agreed with most of what was said on that podcast, even what they were saying about Laurel. Although I think one of the guys gives the writers/EP's too much credit where Laurel is concerned. No way was her journey plotted from the beginning. I honestly think she was written more as love interest than hero in s1 but they had to take steps to change that when no one bought KC's non-existent chemistry with SA. 


Also CH is not bad bad but I wouldn't put a whole episode on his shoulders, that's for sure.



That TMNT look is not cute though.


Hahaha omg that is what it reminds me of but I couldn't put my finger on it. Thank you! Haha. 



Seems John Campea might be done with Arrow.


Well, he's been saying it for a while now, so I'm not that surprised.


I like the show more than I dislike Laurel, so her becoming the BC isn't a dealbreaker for me, although if it were I'd hesitate to definitively quit until I saw at least one episode that gave me an indication of where they were going with it.

I feel bad for Stephen Amell, too.


It's very telling, perhaps, that a show can lose a high profile podcast that the lead recently was a guest star on because of the direction the show is taking. Even after SA suggested that everyone trust the writers.  John Campea doesn't trust the writers, much like many fans don't.


If John Campea is still walking away after having a long chat with SA, then I have even less faith in what the show is planning to do.

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 I have a feeling they talked after the show, too, so that doesn't bode well for the future of Arrow for me.

If Laurel was one of the ones who did not reach her comic book character, Amell would have told Campea to keep him watching. Since Campea is walking away, Laurel+BC is probably here to stay.


That makes four of the more mainstream sites/reviewers coming down harder than I expected anti-Laurel as BC (Campea, Hitflx podcast, comments on Matt Roush and TV Line).  There's still time to re-structure the last third of s3;  I wonder if they will or leave it unless the ratings start to drop.

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Schadenfreude is, by its very nature, mean-spirited and cruel. But I won't lie, I'm wallowing in it right now, as these critics are becoming more vocal in their criticisms of the show, and the creative choices made.


I've already gone from being an avowed viewer to not watching at all, and it's nice to see that other people really do feel the same. And it's not just my fellow crazies on this forum. I don't know who this Campea dude is, but when you've got someone who loved the show enough to run a weekly podcast about it, and even he is saying, 'no more. I've had enough', then those in charge of the show really have to sit down and look at what they're doing.


I do adhere to Joss Whedon's philosophy of giving people what they need rather than what they want, but it's not an easy thing to do. Television shows excite the emotions of those avid viewers like few other pop culture mediums, and if you get too caught up in your own ambitions and your own plans for the stories you want to tell, you can really, really abuse that love. And then you deserve it when those fans leave you.

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That makes four of the more mainstream sites/reviewers coming down harder than I expected anti-Laurel as BC (Campea, Hitflx podcast, comments on Matt Roush and TV Line).  

Not so sure about TvLine, they seem neutral on the matter, just occasionally willing to stirring the pot..or maybe have I missed something? (I really hope I did).  :)

If Laurel was one of the ones who did not reach her comic book character, Amell would have told Campea to keep him watching. Since Campea is walking away, Laurel+BC is probably here to stay.


That makes four of the more mainstream sites/reviewers coming down harder than I expected anti-Laurel as BC (Campea, Hitflx podcast, comments on Matt Roush and TV Line).  There's still time to re-structure the last third of s3;  I wonder if they will or leave it unless the ratings start to drop.

No way in hell would an actor tell an uber fan that hates Laurel...oh don't worry she doesn't become BC!  You think the shit storm surrounding the cameraman leak was bad? Imagine what would happen if that slipped out because Campea went off on a rant about having to suffer through her episodes when she's not even going to be BC in the end anyway?


I'm not saying what's going to happen one way or the other, I don't know or care, I stopped watching this train wreck (IMO) awhile ago.  However, there is no way a plot reveal of that magnitude would be given to a fan or media or anyone outside of the EPs/writers.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I follow TV critic Ryan McGee on Twitter and he's hilarious. I nearly choked when I saw this last Wednesday:




I'm dying to hear him and Mo Ryan discuss this season on their podcast. Ryan's been open about enjoying The Flash more than Arrow so far. And Mo was the one who told the EPs she felt like the show got back on track at the end of last season when it re-focused on original Team Arrow. I can only imagine how she feels about the lack of Team Arrow so far this season.

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I'm dying to hear him and Mo Ryan discuss this season on their podcast. Ryan's been open about enjoying The Flash more than Arrow so far. And Mo was the one who told the EPs she felt like the show got back on track at the end of last season when it re-focused on original Team Arrow. I can only imagine how she feels about the lack of Team Arrow so far this season.


Yup, Mo wrote a "how to fix" Sleepy Hollow recently, spelling out what worked last season and what's missing now. So I've been really curious on her take on this season of "Arrow." I'd love to hear what she thinks of the current team dynamics, because she's a huge, huge fan of the core three. And Ryan live tweets "Arrow" so I have a pretty god idea how he feels, LOL!

Yup, Mo wrote a "how to fix" Sleepy Hollow recently, spelling out what worked last season and what's missing now. So I've been really curious on her take on this season of "Arrow." I'd love to hear what she thinks of the current team dynamics, because she's a huge, huge fan of the core three. And Ryan live tweets "Arrow" so I have a pretty god idea how he feels, LOL!


Yeah, I posted an excerpt from her Sleepy Hollow review in the Quiver, because she could swap out the names and write essentially the same review about Arrow. After she told the EPs the show works best with Team Arrow at the forefront and they claimed to understand that as well, it's got to be even more baffling to her that they've strayed so far away from that this season. I miss her live tweets about the show. I don't think she's tweeted about this season at all, beyond the premiere.

I think the fact that Mo really doesn't talk much about Arrow at all anymore tells me everything, but I would love a deeper dive into it. Because, yeah, I think she and Ryan McGee are both disappointed, and I think the writers need to hear these things. I mean, none of it should shock them--they went against critics' and fans' prevailing interests in every single area--but they need to know that it didn't work.

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