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Unpopular Opinions: Happily Ever After? Yeah, Right!

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I'm guilty of using Killy, but not as a "pet name" or anything like that. I'm just too darn lazy to write his full name. And yes, I'm too lazy to type two more letters. It's weird. I'm fine with Killy but roll my eyes every time some refers to the following: $Q, C$, h00k. Those sound even more childiish then "Killy?" Just spell it normally, people.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

If you saw these ($Q, C$, h00k) on tumblr, it's probably because the poster is trying to keep the post from being pulled up in tag searches. Tumblr search changed some setting, so a post gets pulled up even if that word is only in the body of the text, and not in the tags. I do the same thing if I post anything anti-. I don't wan't to get yelled at by rabid fans of the ship/character. :-p 


Oh--don't let us stop you from using Killy as you feel like it. ;-)


ETA: Jinx, Daxx! :-)

You can still do tag searches by clicking on the tag itself, or by changing search to tagged if you are searching from the search box. 

Edited by Rumsy4

Aaahh, that explains it. I knew they used them in the tags to help differentiate, but I didn't know that posts can get dragged up even if certain words only appear in the actual body of the post and not the tags. I just assumed they were all behaving like 2-yr olds. Lol.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

Ha! That's the same reason that I almost always use Hook and Snow when I post, no matter what point in the story I'm referring to.


Same here! It's why I always refer to him as Hook. Just so much easier to type. :) Also, Hook is easier to read. Killian is a bit of a mouthful, even it's just three syllables. I tend to say the words I read in my head (don't most people do?), and Killian just doesn't roll off my midwestern tongue very nicely.

Edited by pezgirl7
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Killian is a bit of a mouthful, even it's just three syllables. I tend to say the words I read in my head (don't most people do?), and Killian just doesn't roll off my midwestern tongue very nicely.

That's one of those things where you have to wonder if they knew what use they'd really be making of the character when they named him -- like, would they have given him something a little easier or at least easier to shorten (in a way more dignified than "Killy") if they'd known he was going to be a regular, main character and something of a romantic lead, and if they were going to ever want to call him something other than "Captain Hook." It's a great name for a one-off or sparsely recurring character or as the alter ego of a character usually known by another name, but it's a terrible name to actually call someone, and there's no good way to shorten it to a nickname. Did the positive network feedback or whatever happened that ended up making them bring him on as a regular before his first episode aired come after they'd already shot "The Crocodile," and did they want to kick themselves later after he'd turned himself around and they realized it was going to be hard to let people call him by his first name?


I also wonder why they gave him an Irish first name and hired an Irish actor to play him, and then made him talk in an English accent.

Killian is hard to say? I have a cousin named Jillian, so it's no problem for me.  I like Killy too (but, then I'm kili - from Kilimanjaro which I picked on an Amazing Race forum many years ago).


My UO - I don't care how awful Arthur is, I agree with him that Merlin should die.

Edited by kili


My UO - I don't care how awful Arthur is, I agree with him that Merlin should die.

Merlin, to me, represents the worst parts of Henry. He spews crap everyone takes seriously, he's a golden child, mostly just a plot device, and always make things worse instead of better. He's also very, very stupid. 


He made Arthur a monster just like Rumple did with Regina. I hate him as much as Jacob from Lost. #SympathyForBenLinus #SympathyForArthur

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Killian is hard to say? I have a cousin named Jillian, so it's no problem for me.  I like Killy too (but, then I'm kili - from Kilimanjaro which I picked on an Amazing Race forum many years ago).




After all my time in the X-Files fandom and saying/writing Gillian Anderson's name, plus being familiar with the beer Killian's Irish Red, I don't even blink at Killian or think it's difficult. I quite like the name, actually. (Though I also do tend to write Hook because it's shorter.) I will agree it doesn't lend itself well to a diminutive. Killy doesn't work for him IMO.

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I will agree it doesn't lend itself well to a diminutive. Killy doesn't work for him IMO.

How about Kyle as a diminutive? Maybe they picked the name on purpose, even if they knew he was going to be in the Captain Swan Thief triangle, they might not have had an idea about redeeming him yet, so his nickname would have been Killer or something.


UO: Wish someone would call him Jones. As long as Liam is dead and Davy isn't guest starring, it's not as though there's going to be a lot of confusion...

He made Arthur a monster just like Rumple did with Regina.

I don't really have a lot of sympathy for Arthur and I find it hard to blame Merlin for him unless there was a lot more tree communication than we know about. I don't really see how you get from "you can be the king and restore the kingdom by pulling the sword from the stone" to using magic to manipulate the entire kingdom and brainwash your wife.


However, I have a hard time seeing Merlin as a good guy. Maybe he was limited in what he could communicate when he was stuck in a tree and resorting to astral projection, or whatever, but once he was de-treed, what was stopping him from telling people things? Yeah, maybe telling them what he saw in prophecies would be risky because that sort of thing never goes well, but why not give practical advice like "avoid getting cut by Excalibur because that'll kill you" or "here are the potential consequences if you take Excalibur"? Or going further back in time, why not do something to protect the villages being attacked by the murderous lunatic? I really liked Merlin in his earlier appearance, but right now I think he needs to be taken out for the greater good.

Not sure if this is unpopular or not but I don't like Dark One Emma's new house. I don't think it really suits her or Killian (though I do think it's sweet that he chose such a large home with garden space, because it suggests that he'd like to have children with her in the future). Maybe that'd change if they redecorated it and gave it a bit more life and colour. But as it is, I don't think much of it.


Also, if there were large family houses available in Storybrooke why are David and Mary Margaret still hanging around a cramped two bedroom apartment with their adult daughter, new baby and occasionally their grandson? Have they ever spoken about moving? I can't remember. I know it was probably down to a lack of interest in the characters by the writers and a limited budget. But Snowing have started to become so characterised by their terrible decision making as a couple and as parents lately, that I can't help but think they just never bothered to look around for a new place. Maybe they even expected Emma to start sleeping on the couch once baby Snowflake needed a room of his own.

Also, if there were large family houses available in Storybrooke why are David and Mary Margaret still hanging around a cramped two bedroom apartment with their adult daughter, new baby and occasionally their grandson? Have they ever spoken about moving?

I believe they spoke about moving during season 2, when they were having the bit of strife over whether or not they'd go back to the Enchanted Forest.  Then, well, stuff happened and it was not brought up again.

Edited by Mari

I don't know why Emma wouldn't just steal Merlin's supposed house. Or would it be too awkward that Rumbelle spent their honeymoon their?

Anyways: don't know if this is unpopular, but I don't like Regina's longer hair. I mean, it's alright, but I preferred her season 3 hair, overall. There's something about how her long hair always feathers out that I'm constantly thinking that she has a ton of split ends.

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I don't know why Emma wouldn't just steal Merlin's supposed house. Or would it be too awkward that Rumbelle spent their honeymoon their?


*Shrug* I assume she just wanted the house she has because Hook picked it? She really could probably just take any unoccupied house she wants. She's the Sasha/Malia of Storybrook, what broker is going to turn down the daughter of Snow White? I'll bet she doesn't even have to put 10% down.

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I found a lot of the big supposedly great episodes underwhelming... "Birth", "There's No Place Like Home", even "A Land Without Magic".  All of them contained great moments that I did like, but were lacking in true character moments for the characters I was most interested in, which tend to be Emma, Snow, Charming, Henry and the supporting characters like Red, Granny, Blue, etc.  I like characters like Regina and Rumple, or relationships like Emma/Hook in moderation, and I do tend to enjoy the good stuff they're given, but if there's nothing for the other characters, the episode still leaves me with a hollow feeling inside.

My unpopular opinion is that I really don't care about characters like Granny, the dwarfs...I cared more about them back in season 1, when they were utilized, and were great support cast. Maybe I'd care more about them if the cast wasn't so bloated with new character every half season.


They could try and use Shady more, especially since she's shady AF. Where has her ass been since the first episode? Any opinion on what's going on?

Edited by YaddaYadda
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It's good for viewers whose "things you don't care about" align with the things A&E don't care about.  No worries about having to suffer through characters like Granny or the Dwarves when they have one line and are standing in the background.  Ditto for viewers who only care about one or two characters/relationships, whether they be CS-only fans or Regina fans, since those types of viewers get targeted writing.

Edited by Camera One
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It's good for viewers whose "things you don't care about" align with the things A&E don't care about.


That's a bit unfair. My non caring comes from these characters being pulled out for something like yelling at Snow because there's no power, or being whipped into a frenzy over Elsa, calling for her head, or the whole shattered sight situation. They pull them out for the most outlandish crap, make them unlikable, then we don't see them until they need them again for some plot point that makes them look stupid.

I almost feel like I should whisper this, but I find the season 3 time travel finale just okay.

I found it entertaining, but it didn't earn a lot of its points. Emma no longer being the grumpy cat of OUaT? That's a sudden switch. Emma's catharsis about how she's actually a Disney princess all along? Too late. Even Captain Swan was like...I've been shipping them since Neverland, but where was the buildup to that really? And Snowflake getting Neal's name isn't closure, it's awkward.


Passable finale, awful half-season. I don't blame you. That said, if you had the opinion that it outright sucked, you wouldn't have to whisper that. It was awfully fanficcy.

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To be totally honest, there are very few entire episodes of this series that I would consider to be good. There are good scenes. The best episodes have a higher percentage of good scenes. But especially after season one, even the best episodes tend to either somewhat ruin what came before or are somewhat ruined by what came afterward, or they were set up badly.


So while I enjoyed much of the season 3 finale and there are so many good scenes within the time travel adventure, it's somewhat hampered by the terrible setup to create the time travel plot, Emma's arc makes no sense, the emotional consequences are completely skipped (really, Emma watches Regina burn her mother at the stake and comes home ready to be all buddy-buddy with Regina?), the Marian stuff sets up the dumbest plot arc ever and the emotional consequences of that are completely skipped (really, Robin finds out what happened to his wife and still prefers her would-be murderer?), then they double down on the dumb and make it be Zelena that Emma takes back, and then there's the naming of the Snowflake, plus the quickie wedding in the woods in the middle of the night with the fake dagger as an engagement ring. And then there's the fact that it kind of ruins "Snow Falls," which I consider one of the actually good episodes of the series.


And there are a lot of episodes like that, where they're good if you watch certain things and don't think about what came before or what came afterward.

  • Love 5

I love the CS movie, but I too resent the way it messed with Snow Falls. 



And there are a lot of episodes like that, where they're good if you watch certain things and don't think about what came before or what came afterward.


That's pretty much the whole show.

Edited by Rumsy4
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I almost feel like I should whisper this, but I find the season 3 time travel finale just okay.  There are definitely moments in it I loved, and a few parts I rewatched for squee or for huh reasons, but I did not love it.   At all.  Lots of it I didn't even particularly like strongly.

Not just you. Unless one is googoo-gaga for Captain Swan, there's very little of interest.

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I don't hate the 3B finale, but it was a little too detached for me. It's got good scenes, but we had already seen much of it before. (Just not with Hook and Emma watching with us.) Both of the cliffhangers were out of left field and didn't exactly leap from the season's build-up. Emma's resolution was contrived and not setup well either. The two-parter doesn't conclude as much as it just throws more stuff in your face.


Some viewers might've appreciated a short bookended story, but the time spent on a story that's not relevant to the present is too much for me at the end of the season. The focus was on fixing Snow Falls, not Emma's quest for home, Marian, or Elsa. So while there are tie-ins, they don't matter until the last few minutes. I have the same issue with the 4B finale, but even more so. Even less plot moves there.


I'm not a screaming Captain Swan fan, so maybe I'm biased.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Lots of unpopular opinions.


I’m a ride or die shipper, so nothing Hook or Emma does will make me stop wanting them together


I don’t care how, why or when Hook comes to his senses as long as he comes to them.  If Hook has to be worthy of Emma then girlfriend has to be worthy of him and stuffing him with dark goo ain’t the way to be worthy.  If she can’t understand why he was the way he was after all this is over, then I need Hook to give her the deuces.  I’ll cry with her, but it’s not like he got to this point on his own.  He told you he was weak, you put the darkness in him anyway.


I don’t need Hook and Emma to have a hearts and flowers, woobified romance because neither of them were hearts and flowers woobies to begin with.    


I don’t need Hook to be perfect for Emma even though she’s my girl.  I don’t like perfection in my favorite characters, because that’s not realistic.


I don’t need Emma to be perfect either.


I don’t think Hook’s redemption is ruined.


Not a fan of Emma being the Savior.


Didn’t like Hook’s lovesick puppy persona, so I’m glad that’s done for now.  IMO, he’s the loves-hard-and-messy type, not the loves-so-sweet-he-makes-you-roll-your-eyes type.  And those sweet moments are nice, don’t get me wrong, but I need to do more than squee. 


I’m enjoying the angst, I am thoroughly entertained.  Their love is true and real and gritty and worth fighting for.  It could be better written, better plotted, make more sense, but it is what it is.  Hook spit some truth at Emma and I’m sure she’ll spit some truth at him. 


I’ll still want Hook and Emma together after they’re done being ugly to each other and breaking each other’s hearts. 


Here for all of this angst.


I'm glad Merlin's dead.  I hope he stays dead.  Unless he has the cure for the dark goo.  Then I need him to fix his and Nimue's mess then they both can die.

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I'll reserve my final judgement until next Sunday, but I'm not fawning over 5A. My reactions are mixed, really. Some sections are mildly enjoyable (like Dark CS, Arthur, Zelena), but others make me angry. (Merida, Merlin, the crazy amount of plot holes) Overall, it's too tense and dark for what the show is supposed to be imo. Heroes are punished for good deeds, there's no time to chill, most of the guest stars are either stupid or vicious, and there's been very little victories for the side of the angels. The situation has a hopelessness engraved in it.

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Just curious--do you mean decent as in "good person" or decent as in "well-written?" I won't be snarky or argumentative either way, I'm just wondering.  Or maybe it's both.  Is it both?


Well written mostly.   I find most if not all of the male  characters boring.    I don't care if they are "good people."  Hell one of my favorite characters on the show is Regina.  (I know one this site that is another unpopular opinion - on both counts actually,)  

I have two up

1) if zelena is killed I will really miss her!

There a way the R. M play her that I find really fun to watch, and that surprise me because I was men on the character and the actress before 5a. I will add I have more more fun watching her than Regina and the actress seems to really have fun with her scene.

The last sneak peak (QH) illustrate it for me. I laugh at the zelana Hook scene last episode and found Rebecca absolutely stunning. But I felt a repeat with the sneak peak and honestly Lana beauty greatly exaggerate. But, beauty is in the eye of the beholder

2) I am hoping killian will be back on the good side the sooner for me, it just regresses the character. Sure, it can be fun for a little bit (because Hook as vilains was fun) but it will rapidtly be tiresome and repetitive just like it is with Rumple and Rrapidme.

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I thought Regina was shortchanged in 5A, used only as a prop for the Dark Swan arc. She represented a viewpoint (doing anything necessary with no crying) instead of a character in Emma's life. That stuff about her being Storybrooke's leader in 5x02 went nowhere and meant nothing. Even in most of 4B, she was just a plot device for A) putting the stupid Author plot in motion that turned out to not be related to her at all, B) getting information about Rumple's Angels, and C) reacting to the Zarian drama. Her only real development was in 4x20, but that was it.


I hope in 5B she gets more material to work with, especially interacting with Cora or her Evil Queen victims.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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