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S06.E14: Sex, Lies & Facials

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Sonja slept with Russ In Cali? I can believe it. I'm not sure why Carole thought that was outrageous and not at all possible.


I found it interesting that she insisted Sonja wasn't Russ's type - not that Russ wasn't the type to cheat. From my experience, a "type" is more relevant to actual dating. But if a guy is looking for a quick lay, many "types" will do. 


Were Carole and Russ exclusive, though?



Montana looks like fun.


Montana DOES look fun! So far I am loving the little vacations this year, to down-to-earth places I can relate to. I could totally see myself kicking it with them in the Berkshires or on a dude ranch in Montana. 


3.  in her son's room (the bed did have clean sheets)


I would have been more concerned about whether the sheets were cleaned AFTER - for poor Harrison. 

  • Love 2

Andy the Driver is my new favourite person. He is not here for drunk Sonja and her babbling.

Loved Sonja ripping a deadly fart 2 minutes into the episode, and then just casually saying it's the cheese's fault.

Without disgusting pig George and his lies, Aviva has zero storyline. So happy Detective Ramona got to the bottom of the threesome that never was. Now I know disgusting pig George is all talk. The only thing he's banging is his gums.

One look at those wonky tits, and I knew who it was. Even in that 30 seconds Kelly was onscreen, she looked and sounded crazy.

I don't know what to make of Sonja's alleged tryst with Russ. It's possible, but I didn't see her actually confirm it.

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Former TWOP poster.  Been lurking here.  I wish it was more active here so I figured instead of lurking and wishing I'd do my share and post.  :)


Both my parents passed away from Cancer so if I was sitting at that lunch I would have told both, Heather and Aviva, to shut the hell up.  Freakin rude!


I loved Ramona going up to Miss USA and getting the real story. You can tell Miss USA was getting a little uncomfortable with all the questions but when Ramona told her the reason why she was asking Miss USA seemed to understand.  Ramona was not asking in a rude way.  She just wanted to get to the bottom of the story, which I believe she did.  Ramona was not buying pig George's tales in anyway.  You go girl!!


I'm so glad Luann spoke to Aviva.  She was calm and rational.   Aviva is the one that whenever there is a disagreement she starts screaming and acting like a lunatic.  And what's up with Sonja constantly sticking up for Aviva?  

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I don't know what point Aviva was trying to make about Victoria's art in relation to George.  Though talented, the art I've seen of hers does strike me as dark and/or sexual. If that's Aviva's point, I tend to agree.  Bravo used to have a gallery up of several of her pieces but it's 'not available' now.  This is the only one left up. Courtesy of Bravo. 


Yikes, that is a bit much for my taste, wonder what she was going thru when she painted it.

Does RaMOANa just have cases and cases of Pinot lying around?  She had one in her hand walking in and there were four more on the bar.  I guess that's one way to guarantee her not running out.

Keeping cases and cases of Pinot around are a surefire way to make sure the Moaner shows up for every event.


Luann is coming off really well. I'm still shaking my head that they dumped her when she's giving exactly what each episode needs IMO. Not saying she's the only lady doig this I just think it's funny that they dumped Luann and now she's getting all of this positive feedback. I hope they bring her back full time and admit that they made a mistake. That could be pretty satisfying for her.


I agree.  I love LuAnn.  I spend most of the episodes looking at what she's wearing, her jewelry, etc.  That woman has Style with a capital S.  Although I'm sure Aviva doesn't consider her a well-wisher or anything like that. 


I was horrified at the ladies laughing during the "my mother had cancer" speech.  Unbelievably rude and no excuse. 

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I am curious to know how many sexual partners Sonja has had. More than 150? Do her daughter's boarding school classmates ridicule the daughter about how promiscuous Sonja is?

It amused me that Aviva seemed to have a pleasant interaction with Kelly, when meeting her for the first time, but then later asks if she will getting a "fresh" dress versus the one that Kelly modeled.

The T-shirt Sonja wore during her walk-of-shame was cool.

I am not a Ramona fan, but I love that she decided that it was her responsibility to find out what actually happened with Miss USA. Maybe that moxie is what her friends actually like about her.

"It's not like I let just anybody touch my face [i.e., only this exceptional facialist]," but "I will let anyone with a pulse & a penis touch my every oriface."

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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I liked the piece of Victoria's art they showed last night, but I LOVE that piece shown above. I'm no art critic, but it looks to me like she's got some real, raw talent.


I also agree with the posters who say that ALL of the women were behaving inappropriately at the Look Good, Feel Better event.  I'm sure Bravo edited it somewhat to make it seem like they were all laughing and talking super-loudly when Bonnie was giving her speech, (at least I HOPE so). However, I do put the onus as Aviva as the ringleader, being that she was the one who introduced the topic in the first place.  Like, she could not have waited an hour or so to let that piece of gossip (aka: BIG FAT LIE) slip out? 


Speaking of Her Haughtiness, man, her clothing and hair choices just seem to get worse and worse as the season progresses.  That awkward "hair pulled back in the front" 'do she was sporting at the cancer luncheon + that hideous Little Bo Peep dress were a tragic combination.  While Lu continues to look flawless, natch. 

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Aviva and George are dreadful.   She needs to be institutionalize and he needs to be incarcerated.


I thought you said incinerated at first. It won't be too long now until he is.


I think, although I would never have done it, Ramona did the right thing with Miss America. Now we know, not that we didn't anyway, that George is full of shit. What a complete piece of shit he is.


Kristin needs a bra. They are hanging to her waist. She is one of those women, as was I, who thought that because they had small breasts, they wouldn't sag. Then I had children and they did. I would never leave the house with the ladies hanging. Maybe when she sees herself on film she will take a trip to VS and hike those ladies up.

Edited by psychnurse
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Speaking of Her Haughtiness, man, her clothing and hair choices just seem to get worse and worse as the season progresses.  That awkward "hair pulled back in the front" 'do she was sporting at the cancer luncheon + that hideous Little Bo Peep dress were a tragic combination.  While Lu continues to look flawless, natch.




Little Bo Peep.  Perfect description!  She looked horrible!  I did, however, like her top that she wore at her art party.  She almost looked pretty.  Almost.


I thought Luann had several big misses this episode, I loved the fit and flare red dress that she wore to the luncheon, but geez, does she have to wear a huge necklace with EVERYTHING?  Can't the woman wear a bracelet?  The neckline of that dress was not compatible with that necklace, it was off and too distracting.    Luann's got the tight dress/huge necklace thing down pat, but she doesn't do much else well IMO.  That top/jeans combo she wore with Carole was terrible.  I don't see style, I see repetition. 


Sonja needs to cover her "juicy" self up, that dress she wore to the art party was beautiful but it looked tragic on her (and yes, it did look like the dress that she claimed the guy ripped off of her).  If you are going to wear a backless dress that is open on the sides, you need to have a beautiful back.  Sonja does not.  Did anyone else see something looking like a liposuction scar and saggy skin on her lower back?  Weird.


Poor Ramona, she's trying to hide that tummy in flowy tops and short shorts, it's a smart concept but she fails in the execution.  That white top she wore to the art party made her look way too boxy and big.  The waddle doesn't help.   Pinot Potbelly is her new nickname.


Continue to love Kristin and her style, between the pink dress she wore for the facial appointment and the outfit she wore to the art party, she continues to bring it and I continue to love it,but yeah, she could use a bra.  Please, Kristin!! 

Edited by shoegal
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OH yeah I forgot about Sonja's backless dress and Ramona's weird "balloon" top at the art party.  Yikesville! 


I mean, Sonja is a tiny woman with a great figure who looks great in many outfits (when she covers up, that is).  But that dress was made for somebody 20 or 30 years younger than her.  Or, at a minimum, somebody built like Kristin. 


And Ramona ... double yikes.  Again, a top like that only looks good on a very small percentage of the female population... and Ramona ain't one of 'em!

Sonja slept with Russ In Cali? I can believe it. I'm not sure why Carole thought that was outrageous and not at all possible.


LuAnn should have been mad at the entire table, not just Aviva. The beauty queen was gorgeous and handled Ramona's interrogation well.


Kristin brings nothing.


You know if you say it really fast it does sound like an STD.


Man, I just got over this vicious case of Russincali, thank god for penicillin!

  • Love 3
I mean, Sonja is a tiny woman with a great figure who looks great in many outfits (when she covers up, that is).  But that dress was made for somebody 20 or 30 years younger than her.


Sonja thinks she's 20-30 years younger than she is.  Otherwise, she'd be focusing on meeting men her own age instead of hitting on every guy in her vicinity that's under 25.  And she'd be focusing on getting her financial and home life in order instead of on banging as many young men as will have her.

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"It's not like I let just anybody touch my face [i.e., only this exceptional facialist]," but "I will let anyone with a pulse & a penis touch my every oriface."

Refuse to watch so I'm getting my fix with this thread. Who said this? Sonja?


I'm very curious about the interactions between Aviva and Kelly. Does crazy recognize crazy in others?

Kristin needs a bra. They are hanging to her waist. .

She's keeping them within reach of the likes of George.

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No mask can disguise Kelley for me. Not with that physique. I'd recognize Kelly Bensimon's mean tuck game anywhere.


I hate the phrase walk of shame because I feel it is only ever used to describe women going home after a tyrst. So I loved Sonja calling it a victory lap!


Luann was glorious. I loved her whole "Bitch, I am not the one!" demeanor and attitude with Aviva without actually having to say the words. Technically Aviva probably didn't 'invite' her, Bravo production did. However, Aviva told them this tall tale and therefore, introduced the storyline. Luann wasn't here for Aviva's semantics which was where all the 'I am not stupid' stuff was coming from with Luann. Get it girl!


Damn, even when George is not on, he is and his sexual predilections are still being discussed. Give me a damn break!


I usually hate Ramona's trifling meddling ways, but not this time. Loved that she immediately got the scoop and sniffed out the lies Aviva was trying to sell about a George/Cody/Miss USA threesome. Why would a gorgeous woman like Miss USA go for an old broken down lizard like George? She has got the tools, so if she were to go out golddigging I think she could do way better than that.


I couldn't believe that damn facialist. Is she for real or an actress?!?! If she is a real facialist how does she expect to keep clients if she is shown so freely spreading all kinds of gossip. I imagine a facialist is much like a hair dresser where clients just shoot the shit, talk about their lives and gossip about people they know. Just dumb!


Victoria's art was amazing. I wouldn't mind that work of art in my place.  So much better than the fleur de lis seen on RHOOC which passed for art. LOL!

I don't think Sonja was late for the fashion show. She showed up just in time not to have to bid on any of the dresses. LOL!


Aviva in the promo? I wish she couldn't stay on planet Earth due to her allergies.


Kristin looked amazing at Aviva's art show. Loved the hair and even the dress which seemed both art deco and contemporary all at once.

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Apparently she cancels out on the trip to Montana starting next week, and the rest of the gals are rolling their eyes at her excuses. And I bet the producers are, too. I think that's why they took her out of the opening montage during the Saratoga episodes as well. I think she's not only such a diva, but one that refuses to film. The two most potent HW ingredients to get fired.

I haven't watched this episode yet, but have enjoyed reading everyone's comments.

LotusFlower, your post had me smh not because of you but because of Aviva, she clearly is desperate to be on RH. She subjects us to that old nasty lizard she calls a father, so she can have a storyline. And yet she refuses to film. The times she has been absent are IMO pretty important for these women. Aviva not filming at these times makes no sense to me. Don't get me wrong less Aviva the better. She really is just a puzzle, isn't she?

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I am still at a loss why LuAnn is only a friend of the housewives this year.  I thought LuAnn looked foolish and petty going on and on with Aviva over inviting Miss USA 2012.  I see Luann has since abandoned this accusation since Bonnie Fuller was the inviter-not Aviva.  The crime was talking about the woman while she was at the luncheon.


The other faux pas of LuAnn's last night was the attacking the art patron, in her own home, when she is considering purchasing her daughter's art.  Art patrons are hard to come by, Victoria doesn't need mom messing with the patrons.  LuAnn was also off base with her incorrect statement that Aviva mentioned George and her daughter in the same sentence.  Sorry but Victoria's art does have a sexual theme running through them.  If the patron is okay with the subject matter don't chastise her.


I like LuAnn because she is so good at her pretend offense at the acts of others.  I now know sex is a topic never to be discussed at a CANCER charity luncheon. 


Laughable was Carole accusing Aviva using sex to amp her personality up.  No one brings up sex more than Carole.  I love the hypocrisy in this group.

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I don't think Sonja was late for the fashion show. She showed up just in time not to have to bid on any of the dresses. LOL!




Yep, but not so late that she misses the free lunch. 


I really loved Carole driving up the bid for the dress Aviva bought, that's the way to be passive aggressive!  Win win indeed!

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 7

Little Bo Peep.  Perfect description!  She looked horrible!  I did, however, like her top that she wore at her art party.  She almost looked pretty.  Almost.

Aviva has a definite style this season.  From head to her five toes. Even that yellow wallpaper. The hair, make-up, clothing is all late 50's, early 60's vibe ala Mad Men's first couple of seasons.  Last night she delved into the mid-60s with the Nancy Sinatra hair and make-up. I think she has great style but it's not to my taste. (although I kind of loved her doggy funeral look) 

Even her Century21 realtor blazers - all over the place at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week last year.


Yikes.  A recent pic of Kelly and Aviva.


And yet she refuses to film. The times she has been absent are IMO pretty important for these women. Aviva not filming at these times makes no sense to me. Don't get me wrong less Aviva the better. She really is just a puzzle, isn't she?



The "trips" are the most strenuous part of the filming for the housewives which is why the women do rightfully get pissed when a housewife doesn't show up unless there is a really valid excuse.


According to Alex McCord, you are essentially being shot 24/7 for the duration of the trip which is quite different than the shooting schedules when they are at home when they can more or less control the schedules don't have to go to bed and wake up with cameras in their faces recording everything.


So Aviva has essentially cancelled out of the most strenuous portions of the production.


I've always enjoyed Luanne even at her haughtiest because she always exhibited behavior that I found normal in an adult woman in terms of interactions and I have no idea why she was demoted this season because the season without Luanne would have been even more unwatchable. Kadooz to her for really being the only housewife to call Aviva on her flaunting her disgusting father's behavior. Of course, you can't control what another person does but you sure as hell can refrain from having it broadcast to the world for posterity; engaging in conversation with a parent about their disgusting sex habits and enabling the behavior by approving it. 


LuAnn was also off base with her incorrect statement that Aviva mentioned George and her daughter in the same sentence.  Sorry but Victoria's art does have a sexual theme running through them.  If the patron is okay with the subject matter don't chastise her.



I disagree as Aviva was attempting to equate *serious* art which might have nudity and/or sexual themes with vulgar discussions of three way and other stuff that George does. There is quite a bit of difference between George's lechery and vulgar talk and actions and art. I don't think Luanne was being a prude - or attempting to bowdlerize the world but making a valid point about how George is not someone who should flaunted in *polite* society - and I am deliberately using the arcane terminology.

Edited by amarante
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Victoria's art was amazing. I wouldn't mind that work of art in my place.


Here it is on her website.  It's priced at $2000: 


I like it except for the head.  It's interesting, to me, that all the women, within the body, are headless but the actual head is not curvy like the bodies but severely angular.


A few of her pieces contain headless women.  Wonder what that's about?



  • Love 1

Aviva has a definite style this season.  From head to her five toes. Even that yellow wallpaper. The hair, make-up, clothing is all late 50's, early 60's vibe ala Mad Men's first couple of seasons.  Last night she delved into the mid-60s with the Nancy Sinatra hair and make-up. I think she has great style but it's not to my taste. (although I kind of loved her doggy funeral look) 

Even her Century21 realtor blazers - all over the place at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week last year.


Yikes.  A recent pic of Kelly and Aviva.



Aviva was going for Mad Men and she mistakenly landed at Golden Girls.  I expected her to start slapping the ladies with a ruler during the doggy funeral, she had the schoolmarm look down to a T.  She may wear clothes that are current in the fashion world (as in, you can currently buy them), but she doesn't wear them well.  That outfit in the photo with Kelly....what...the...hell?

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 5

There is a fashion cliche which states - If you were old enough to wear it the first time, don't wear it when it comes around again.


I think this is true of Aviva. While the clothes might actually be bought in the year she is wearing them, they are not particularly flattering to a woman in her forties. The old marm fashion look is best worn by young things where it is a contrast versus being worn by someone who looks like they just dragged it out of storage from the time they last wore it.


There is a way to dress well for one's age without looking matronly or being a slave to fashion. I think Lulu for the most part always looks great - not dressed as mutton disguised as lamb nor does she look matronly.


I think Ramona also dresses poorly - she needs to rethink all of those unforgiving tight satin mini-dresses which look like they were picked up at a store catering to prom queens or disco impersonators.

  • Love 4

Sonja throw tantrums for attention. But when they ignore her, she stops with the drama queen antics. I kinda like that strategy.

Aviva drops the 411 on Miss USA having a threesome with her father and the fake fiancé. Yea right. She's a friigin' beaury queen - what on earth would she be doing with a disgusting 85 year old geezer and a famewhore with tacky nails? Totally contrived b.s. story from Aviva. I bet George and Cody don't even show up - more proof that Aviva just uses her pervert father as a storyline prop. I hate that family and want them off my tv!

Yeah, Sonja's like a little kid.


While the clothes might actually be bought in the year she is wearing them, they are not particularly flattering to a woman in her forties. The old marm fashion look is best worn by young things where it is a contrast versus being worn by someone who looks like they just dragged it out of storage from the time they last wore it.

I think you hit the nail on the head for the disconnect for me when it comes to Aviva's style.   What she wears, including the school marm funeral attire, is very Paris Fashion Week 2013.  But who we're seeing it on, on the runways and on the streets is a younger customer.  So while I like and "get" the clothing, it probably seems odd to mainstream America and it doesn't always look great on her.


ETA:  amarante, I think this could apply to certain things Luann wears, too.  3 or 4 years ago her head wraps looked kind of trendy and Hyannis Port.  But as she gets older, they're looking more babushka-like and may be better left to the Taylor Swift generation.  During her picnic with Sonja she had a neckerchief (sp?) on and she kept tugging at it.  Again, another one of those items that looked great on her a few years ago but looks uncomfortable and a little too 'precious' now.

Edited by ryebread
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I like LuAnn because she is so good at her pretend offense at the acts of others.  I now know sex is a topic never to be discussed at a CANCER charity luncheon.


I can't speak for Luann, but the issue for me was that they were discussing it loudly, while another woman was speaking. After the runway show and the speeches, if the women chatted casually amongst themselves, it would not have been a big deal. But this woman is up there sharing her story and they are laughing and passing a phone around and drawing a lot of attention to themselves (and away from the cause). JMO



There is quite a bit of difference between George's lechery and vulgar talk and actions and art. I don't think Luanne was being a prude - or attempting to bowdlerize the world but making a valid point about how George is not someone who should flaunted in *polite* society


Agreed. Art doesn't force itself on you. You can choose what to buy. If you don't like art with sexual overtones, move on to the next painting and don't buy it. George, on the other hand, foists himself on you and makes you feel incredibly uncomfortable. It's expected that he will act that way and you should just laugh it off. Yes, you could leave - but HE should be the one to leave, IMO. Yet everyone just tolerates him. 

  • Love 3

I think it's pretty clear that George and Cody met Miss USA at a party and the disgusting old lizard made a pass at her and suggested she come to his daughter's house for a three-way with him and Cody.  Miss USA had no intention of doing so.  She did not come over to the house.  From then I assume Cody slipped George whatever drug she uses to knock him out so he keeps his nasty old claw-like hands off of her and, in his drug-addled state, he fantasized about a three-way in which he was able to satisfy these two women (something that would only happen in his dreams).  Aviva was the only one stupid enough to believe that his hallucinations were real.  

  • Love 10
I get your point but, Aviva is not old enough to have lived during the Mad Men era. She wasn't born for at least 10 years after that era.



It's actually not particularly Mad Men and much more like the corporate looks women wore in the 1970's and early 1980's when we were all supposed to look like men. Dress for Success advised suits and blouses with bows.


Mad Men era for women was a much more sexualized look for women.

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I get your point but, Aviva is not old enough to have lived during the Mad Men era. She wasn't born for at least 10 years after that era.

I've only watched part of one Mad Men episode. I don't remember what it was about, but  I was uncomfortable with the way the women were treated so I never tuned in again.

It's set in the 60s; but early or later 60s? Fashion changed a lot that decade. I don't remember anyone dressing like Aviva from later 60s. 

Someone help me out here. 

Kristin needs a bra.


Dammit, she really does need a brahr.  Where's dat Jillzy when ya need huh anyways, eh?


I mean, Sonja is a tiny woman with a great figure who looks great in many outfits (when she covers up, that is).  But that dress was made for somebody 20 or 30 years younger than her.  Or, at a minimum, somebody built like Kristin.


I kinda liked that dress, but it looked incredibly dated.  Looked like the kinda thing Ann-Margret woulda worn before she fell off the stage in Vegas in the early '70's.  Didn't Ann-Margret wear the same dress when she was getting chocolate poured all over her in Tommy?  Yup, another dress old man Morgan got for her in 1995, Sonja has held onto & wrapped in plastic.  How many of these things does she have?  Ah, that Sonja.  Trotting out her 1995 wardrobe for us to look over.  Thanks for the chuckles & giggles, Sonja.


No mask can disguise Kelley for me. Not with that physique. I'd recognize Kelly Bensimon's mean tuck game anywhere.


I'm impressed, Kells.  Where'd ya learn to hide your dick so well?  Um, so anyone really didn't recognize that John Wayne walk of hers?  Mmmm, oh yeah, dat's hot.

Here's a little piece from the New York Daily News from last summer about that lunch and Miss USA.




Interesting ... Props to Ramona for finding out from MIss USA that nothing happened with George. And that was Kelly?  Whoever would have guessed!


Sonja is just a hot mess. I agree she had white panties on when she fell on Luann. But I think she was commando when she was getting changed in her bedroom after her walk of shame. There's a term we use in England for a woman who'll sleep with anyone - a slapper. Sonja is without doubt an old slapper. It's not becoming at all.


And did you hear her say to the limo driver that she needed her phone in case she got a booty call?  The guy's face - a mask of 'not-a-single-fuck-is-given' - was perfection. I hope having to deal with these crazy women all the time makes him appreciate the fat, frumpy wife he's been married to for 25 years that he probably has at home in Queens.





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...being worn by someone who looks like they just dragged it out of storage from the time they last wore it.


I would apply this to the light green vest with silver zippers(?) that Lulu wore to the Berkshire bar.  It looked dated and like it was something she might have had in storage from an earlier time.  Who knows? Maybe Lulu is now on a budget.  If anyone can pull off recycled clothing it will be her.

Bravo used to have a gallery up of several of her pieces but it's 'not available' now.  This is the only one left up. Courtesy of Bravo.


I really like that piece posted above.  Curious what the so-called art experts & pros would think of her work.  So much of the art scene seems like such bullshit to me.  Bottom line is really about what sells.  Not sure if NYC galleries would like the publicity of being connected to this show or would want to aviod her like the plague cuz of it.


I didn 't watch either ---- thought the perv was going to be on.


Finally some-one in the cast has some GUTS!    GO CAROL!!!!!!! Get George off!  Excerpt from her Blog : "George isn't a pedophile, (still I wouldn't want my teenage daughter anywhere near him). He might be a necrophiliac; he's definitely a pervert, and also a liar."



Here is an aritcle on the Miss USA incident http://www.examiner.com/article/miss-usa-nana-meriwether-long-denied-she-had-threesome-with-aviva-drescher-s-dad  . I do hope she sues. Maybe she can get some of George's and Aviva's millions--- and we will be rid of them!


Heather's blog http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-6/blogs/heather-thomson/heather-wont-be-played-by-aviva?page=0,1.

Edited by LovetoSnark
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I think you hit the nail on the head for the disconnect for me when it comes to Aviva's style.   What she wears, including the school marm funeral attire, is very Paris Fashion Week 2013.  But who we're seeing it on, on the runways and on the streets is a younger customer.  So while I like and "get" the clothing, it probably seems odd to mainstream America and it doesn't always look great on her.





I'm fairly well versed in the fashion world (I'm related by marriage) so I "get" the clothes, and I don't even think that Aviva is too old to be wearing them, she's about the same age as Cameron Diaz.  I think it's that Aviva has the sex appeal of a dried up houseplant.  She isn't too old, she just can't pull it off, which is shame, because she has the body.  It's the attitude.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 3
It's set in the 60s; but early or later 60s? Fashion changed a lot that decade. I don't remember anyone dressing like Aviva from later 60s.


Rhetorica: The show evolves from the very late 50s, I believe, to 1968ish.  So the fashions went from buttoned up school marmy to swingin' 60s.  I think this is why Aviva's fashion choices don't faze me that much because I love that era. I've seen Aviva copy all of these looks:



This: http://molempire.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/mad_men_season_2_fashion_6-594x418.jpg

This:  http://ris.fashion.telegraph.co.uk/RichImageService.svc/imagecontent/1/TMG9167689/k/Mad-men-cover_2177867a.jpg

Edited by ryebread

I've only watched part of one Mad Men episode. I don't remember what it was about, but  I was uncomfortable with the way the women were treated so I never tuned in again.

It's set in the 60s; but early or later 60s? Fashion changed a lot that decade. I don't remember anyone dressing like Aviva from later 60s. 

Someone help me out here. 


The first season of 'Mad Men' was set in 1960 so the fashion then was still very much of the 1950's.  And, sadly, the treatment of women in the show was accurate, especially of those in the work place.

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Reported to Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.

Reported to duty with 5,000 thread count sheets!  What happened to shopping at Bed Bath and Beyond for college?  Too common for the Singers?


I found it interesting that she insisted Sonja wasn't Russ's type - not that Russ wasn't the type to cheat. From my experience, a "type" is more relevant to actual dating. But if a guy is looking for a quick lay, many "types" will do. 


Were Carole and Russ exclusive, though?


Thought Carole had said last year that they were not.  She's such a free spirit and all.


Loved Sonja ripping a deadly fart 2 minutes into the episode, and then just casually saying it's the cheese's fault.


Sonja has been such a gas this season.  Literally.  So I was going to give Sonja the benefit of the doubt thinking she might have a lactose problem (if so, stop eating dairy!) but in this instance did she figuratively cut the cheese before she did it literally?


Yikes, that is a bit much for my taste, wonder what she was going thru when she painted it.

I posted a link on the former housewives thread.  Prior works by Victoria were all about pot.  Now it's about naked headless women.  Maybe it's a beheading by a Pirate?  Teens be so dramatic.


 Speaking of Her Haughtiness, man, her clothing and hair choices just seem to get worse and worse as the season progresses.  That awkward "hair pulled back in the front" 'do she was sporting at the cancer luncheon + that hideous Little Bo Peep dress were a tragic combination.  While Lu continues to look flawless, natch. 

Eddie Munster or 763468286402068365.png


Kristin needs a bra. They are hanging to her waist. She is one of those women, as was I, who thought that because they had small breasts, they wouldn't sag. Then I had children and they did. I would never leave the house with the ladies hanging. Maybe when she sees herself on film she will take a trip to VS and hike those ladies up.

Josh bought her those implants.  Some women mistakenly think that implants (of any size) don't need to be supported.  Not true.  Your breast should not be hanging out by your elbows.


Victory Lap!

It was funny.  Except why is it a victory?  How hard is it to find some guy to screw in NYC?

From Heather's blog:


Did we discuss on TWOP how the ratings are affected negatively when people DVR?  Is that true?  Do you think this is why Heather wrote that?

Nielsen takes that into account.  What's impacted is commercial viewing as people FFW those scenes.

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I think it's pretty clear that George and Cody met Miss USA at a party and the disgusting old lizard made a pass at her and suggested she come to his daughter's house for a three-way with him and Cody.  Miss USA had no intention of doing so.  She did not come over to the house.  From then I assume Cody slipped George whatever drug she uses to knock him out so he keeps his nasty old claw-like hands off of her and, in his drug-addled state, he fantasized about a three-way in which he was able to satisfy these two women (something that would only happen in his dreams).  Aviva was the only one stupid enough to believe that his hallucinations were real.


The thought of Cody using forget-me-nows on George, and convincing him the next morning that they had crazy sex the night before, is making me giggle.


I look forward to Aviva's absence from the Montana episodes.

Here is an aritcle on the Miss USA incident . I do hope she sues. Maybe she can get some of George's and Aviva's millions--- and we will be rid of them!


When you go on a reality show, you clearly take the risk of being torn apart.  Um, isn't Miss USA owned by Trump?  Good chance this gal is yet another fame ho.  They're probably all required to sign an agreement not to sue, otherwise they're not permitted to appear on the show.  But those agreements can easily be broken.  Ah, but they never ever are -- cuz whoever breaks 'em, would pretty much be blacklisted by every other reality show.  And I'd lay odds this gal is lookin' to hit the reality show circuit -- real hard.


Reported to duty with 5,000 thread count sheets!  What happened to shopping at Bed Bath and Beyond for college?  Too common for the Singers?


Sorry, but Avery is a fuckin' spoiled brat.  What college kid needs a $500 throw pillow?  Hope some random drunk kid rips it to shreds.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Heather's blog absolves her of all blame:

"Unfortunately, I get prodded into opening a ridiculous text...." "When Aviva nudged me to read what she had sent, and I finally read it..." I hardly think she was forced. If I remember correctly, didn't she ask several times if she should read it?

Then, "Vivie's got to owe someone for her behavior and antics, turning a beautiful luncheon into a comedy show..." I do think Heather enjoyed the moment as much as Aviva and think she dost protests too much. I do think, however, Aviva & George should be off this show asap! 

Carole is vilifying Aviva & George on her last two blogs. Where was her revulsion last year when giggling at him or last episode asking him about his fiancee's squirting orgasms?

No one on this show is worth saving.

When you go on a reality show, you clearly take the risk of being torn apart.  Um, isn't Miss USA owned by Trump?  Good chance this gal is yet another fame ho.  They're probably all required to sign an agreement not to sue, otherwise they're not permitted to appear on the show.  But those agreements can easily be broken.  Ah, but they never ever are -- cuz whoever breaks 'em, would pretty much be blacklisted by every other reality show.  And I'd lay odds this gal is lookin' to hit the reality show circuit -- real hard.



Until I see more, I don't think Miss USA *consented* to be on a reality show. I think she  - and every other woman who was attending the luncheon - signed a standard name and likeness consent which is quite a bit different than consenting to being slandered as part of a storyline on the show. 

There have been a lot of people who show up in episodes of these shows because they were at an event and don't become part of the storyline unless they deliberately insert themselves into the storyline. Miss USA did nothing to become part of the *show" although she did respond to Ramona's questions and it seemed as though she was genuinely puzzled. If the woman had indeed had a threesome with the old goat, I think she would have looked nervous rather than completely confused.

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