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Hardball With Chris Matthews - General Discussion

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Chris is just tickled at the idea of Trump thugs trying to intimidate voters. He thinks it's just hilarious because black and brown people are tough enough to withstand it. And, as always, speaking over his guests to talk about how funny it is. 

There's nothing funny about it. I really can't stand him sometimes. 

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One of the women was trying vainly to explain that what would happen is that even if the thugs didn't actually stop voters, they could delay them for up to several hours. Cranking voting time from minutes in line to get to a booth up to hours standing up with no relief or certainty about the time involved would turn many people away. People who can't stand that long painlessly or need to be somewhere after voting would have to get out of line and leave by the second hour. Tough has nothing to do with it, Chris. Life does.

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21 hours ago, car54 said:

I'm not sure why Chris had Michael Moore on just to try to pick a fight with him---Michael wasn't having it--he said "I don't want to fight...I'm happy to be here"

I don't regularly watch HB but I was thrilled that MM was on for so many segments. I don't remember that often happening.

Chris seems to just need to get shots in but at least he did let MM talk long enough to get his points across.

Edited by NewDigs
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I think it is time for Chris Matthews to retire or be retired.  I loved him back-in-the-day but now he is painful to watch.  Interrupting, talking over, braying laugh.  I'm done.  I would love if a guest would forcefully tell him to shut it.  Nicely.  Forcefully.  He does get good guests.

The problem with "retiring" him would be who his replacement would be.  The awful Jacob-something or a reject from The Network Who Shall Not Be Named.  Take the 6 o'clock hour.  Please.

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Chris Matthews is a scurrilous and worse waste of space.  One of his guests in the first segment talked about the 19.5% mystery sale of the Russian state-owned oil company Rosneft to a group of mystery buyers.  




By Katya Golubkova, Dmitry Zhdannikov and Stephen Jewkes | MOSCOW/LONDON/MILAN

More than a month after Russia announced one of its biggest privatizations since the 1990s, selling a 19.5 percent stake in its giant oil company Rosneft, it still isn't possible to determine from public records the full identities of those who bought it.

The stake was sold for 10.2 billion euros to a Singapore investment vehicle that Rosneft said was a 50/50 joint venture between Qatar and the Swiss oil trading firm Glencore.

Unveiling the deal at a televised meeting with Rosneft's boss Igor Sechin on Dec. 7, President Vladimir Putin called it a sign of international faith in Russia, despite U.S. and EU financial sanctions on Russian firms including Rosneft.

[more at link]






According to allegations in the Steele Dossier, former Trump adviser Carter Page allegedly acted as the go-between between Trump and the Vladimir Putin run oil company, meeting with Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin, who proposed arranging a transfer of the shares to Trump in exchange for removing the United States economic sanctions, which were put in place under former President Barack Obama as retaliation for Putin and Russia’s annexation of Crimea and proxy war against Ukraine.

[More at link]

These two stories are linked, yet Dummkopf Chris didn't let his guest continue, but went on to his next guest.

Edited by navelgazer
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On 2/27/2017 at 6:21 PM, Kemper said:

The problem with "retiring" him would be who his replacement would be.  The awful Jacob-something or a reject from The Network Who Shall Not Be Named.  Take the 6 o'clock hour.  Please.

Joy Reid, Joy Reid, Joy Reid!  

As for the network who shall not be named, Shep Smith would be a good fit for MSNBC, but being the token sane person on TNWSNBN, he does more good staying where he is.  However, I'm pretty sure that if they do put CM out to pasture, one of the blond bimbos jumping off the Titanic will be given the slot.

On 3/9/2017 at 8:30 PM, Kathcart said:

I can't figure out why they have guests on this show -- Matthews has never let a single one of them EVER finish a sentence. It is unwatchable.

And I can't figure out whether his producers are that incompetent as to not keep him in check, or if he just rolls over them, too.  Why anyone agrees to guest on the show when they know they'll have to fit their thought into half a sentence, who knows.

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On 3/16/2017 at 7:48 AM, spiderpig said:

Keeping this thread alive.  I think Tweety's a riot.  He was having all kinds of fits Wednesday night. 

I agree. Sometimes I stop by for a hit of Chris, he makes me laugh, a rare occurrence in the news these days. I like the guy but a steady diet can drive me nuts.  I love his analogies and off hand bat shit crazy comments.  

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Tonight's segment with Chris M., Joy Reid, and John Feehery was totally fascinating because between Matthews and Reid they knocked down all of poor Feehery's fake-news talking points with seemingly effortless ease.  This segment was delightful to watch, squee-worthy even.  

(Not sure how long this link will live, but while it's up, enjoy.  Good stuff starts around 6:15.)


Edited by navelgazer
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Ned Ryun, CEO of some RW think tank, tried to sneak a desultory "Democrat Party" past CM, who interrupted him saying [paraphrasing] I call them the Democratic Party.  You used the wrong adjective.  

I'm all verklempt, a combination of shocked and happy.  

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As a proud grammar Nazi, I appreciate his little language hang-ups.  He doesn't like the term "infrastructure" either -- the guy can't be all bad.

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On 6/2/2017 at 6:57 PM, car54 said:

Monday- Carter Page interviewed by Chris Matthews.    Must see TV.

I'm watching it now. This is one time where Chris constantly interrupting his guests came in handy. He absolutely nailed Page to the wall. Page was tripping over his words. Chris pulled no punches and asked the hard questions. I cackled loudly throughout. I enjoy Chris interrupting and steamrolling when it's against people I don't like.

Page is supposedly this big adviser and character in all the Trump intrigue, but he comes off as a total wimp onscreen. Or maybe it's just Chris's usual big personality dwarfing his guests.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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Chris was really ramped up.    When Page was on Chris Hayes--Hayes let him kind of meander  and hang himself up that way--and showed what a goofball he is, but I had a feeling Matthews is so impatient in interviews that he would not stand for it.      I thought it was a good interview!

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I think that lately, Chris has been more hyper and interrupts more than ever.  I love his passion and political persuasion, but I am not sure I can watch him anymore.  Just once, I wish he would ask the question, PAUSE, and let the guest answer.  He interrupts after what seems like the first sentence his guest speaks.  When even my husband notices, it is pretty bad.  We have been watching Erin Burnett during that time period more often; I think we may switch to watching her full time.  And this kind of breaks my heart.  It  is frustrating enough to listen to politicians pontificate and spout; when we have to listen to a formerly liked tv host blather on and not listen to anyone else, it gives one a double dose of helplessness and anger.  Who needs it?  I really wish they would move Chris's time slot to earlier and give his to someone else...Joy Reid, maybe?  Hopefully the 4:00 slot will open up and Matthews can take that.  Or give him a weekend slot.  

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On 4/3/2017 at 8:02 PM, suomi said:

"They think they are the Romanovs, Russia's last royal family." Amen. Thank you for saying it, Chris.

I liked it too, the first time he said it...but now he does it almost daily. It's like when fox news sends out their vocabulary list for anchors to use all day. Chris find another comparison please

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The guest on today's (8/17) show - Brandy Daniels - uttered more "ums" per minute than I have heard in my life.  Tweety must have suspected prior to introducing her, because he said he was not going to interrupt and just let her talk.

Thanks, Tweet.  What did we ever do to you?

I'm sure the guest is a very nice person - she went to Charlottesville to support a peaceful opposition - but she has a doctorate in Divinity, and all I could think was that if I had to listen to her talk any longer I'd be banging my head on a pew.

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I got to watch Hardball tonight on a big screen rather than my tiny laptop.  I thought my eyes were deceiving me, but Chris has let his Tweety yellow hair go and has gone Mika B. platinum.  

I give it a thumbs up, but "Tweety" might not be as fitting anymore and we may need a new nickname for him.  

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7 hours ago, navelgazer said:

I got to watch Hardball tonight on a big screen rather than my tiny laptop.  I thought my eyes were deceiving me, but Chris has let his Tweety yellow hair go and has gone Mika B. platinum.  

I give it a thumbs up, but "Tweety" might not be as fitting anymore and we may need a new nickname for him.  

Oh shoot.  I find him cute as hell and hate to give up the Tweety appellation. But is there something platinum related we could use to substitute?  I'm not into Marvel comics.

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Last night, when Chris was trying to dance around the ***hole comment, he actually said caca-hole!  lol   Honestly, sometimes you just have to love him.  But most of the time he annoys.  

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Loved the interview with Lanny Davis.  It was good to hear on the TeeVee someone chastise Comey for the October 28, 2016 letter to Congress that ostensibly cost HRC the presidency.  I put Lanny's book on my WishList and will buy it posthaste. 

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Well, that was a clusterfuck.  Chris has on John Braebender, a talking-point-spewing conservo-wackadoodle, and boy, was that a bad idea.  Braebender got his talking points across -- no collusion by Trump with Russia, the Russian actions had no impact on the outcome, etc., etc. -- and when one of the other two panelists tried to say something to counter him, he talked over them, interrupted them, and just made a complete ass of himself.  And Chris was zero help in reining Braebender in as Braebender was following the patented Matthews model of conduct on a political talk show to a tee. 

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Someone referred to CNN, Fox, MSNBC, etc as "cable shout shows".  Wow...how true.  
Many of the hosts just talks over the guest, talk on and on....
Matthews, Hannity, (O'Reilly), Carlson, etc all practice this technique. 

I believe there is a gold mine idea buried here:  start a cable network that deals with calmly examined FACTS, addresses opinions in a professional manner.
Gee...I would tune in to that network. 

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Here's the sad part:  ALL of these "cable TV shout shows" are focusing on the latest shiny object.  They are ignoring the REAL issues:
1) Cabinet corruption and their profligate spending;
2) Regulatory rollbacks that damage our air, water, and safety, but benefit corporations.
3) Tax policies that benefit the uber-rich while driving our national debt beyond the stratosphere.
Sadly, the cable shows are just chasing the latest outrage in an effort to get more eyeballs on their shows.  

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10 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Tonight, he kept calling Lara Trump, Laura Bush.  He's lost his mind.

I think he stumbles a lot.  I wish he and Joe S would co-host a show.  A battle of the titanic blowhards. 

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4 hours ago, Kemper said:

I think he stumbles a lot.  I wish he and Joe S would co-host a show.  A battle of the titanic blowhards. 

They used to, kinda.  Joe and Tucker Carlson used to appear on Chris's show frequently in the early 2000's.

Edited by izabella
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I felt like tonight was Omarosa's MSNBC commenter audition.   Her video reveal was worthless.

I read somewhere that CNN will not book her at all so it's MSNBC or nothin.   

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