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Yolanda Hadid: My Love, My Lemons, My Lyme Disease.

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I'll admit, I'm curious about the book because her wealth allows treatments that are beyond reach for most people. I can't fly to Korea and get stem cell treatments, or throw down weekly for a chiropractor to freeze me. And so I can't help but wonder, if the book is about what works and doesn't, if we'll be back to diet (cleanses), the same thing she started with.


Having no real intention to do the following I would rather read Theresa Gudices book as it's also fiction but at least it will be a more light hearted read.


The thing is Yoloony has so many back to back, overlapping treatments augmented by her weird lifestyle choices that she can never really know if any one thing actually worked. Well except for the leaking breast implant, she had the strength to get even more bitchier after that was removed, so that treatment may have actually helped. I wonder if sic vic selfies will make up more than two thirds of the book.

  • Love 8

I'm wondering if someone is going to suggest Yolanda might have hypochondria to one of the housewives. 

I'm not a medical professional (like Yolanda's nurse) though.  


Once I was giving a medical history for my family to a nurse practitioner and when we got to my mom's history, I simply said "She enjoys poor health."  The NP fell over laughing but I was serious.  I felt I couldn't really say what my mom's medical problems and history were.  Mom is still alive and kicking, mean as a snake, but I couldn't really tell you what is true and what is not about her health history.  It's a mess of refusing most medical care and self-diagnosing and fibbing. Thanks, MOM!

I too am a non medical profession and had to look up the difference between hypochondria and Munchausen's.  First off all these women love a good designer label-but don't you dare label them.  It seems the difference is Munchausen is all about seeking medical care to fulfill an emotional need (hmmm 106 doctors and 11 countries in her four year journey.)  As opposed to a hypochondriac who actually thinks they feel bad/sick.  A toss up.  So just for Yolanda a designer designation-Munch'ochondria.  It lends itself well to a little Leprechaun in a Lyme green outfit.  The only other thing I could come up with is instead of Factitious Disorder is Fosteritious Disorder.  Now Yolanda has gone and changed her name.

  • Love 13

I too am a non medical profession and had to look up the difference between hypochondria and Munchausen's.  First off all these women love a good designer label-but don't you dare label them.  It seems the difference is Munchausen is all about seeking medical care to fulfill an emotional need (hmmm 106 doctors and 11 countries in her four year journey.)  As opposed to a hypochondriac who actually thinks they feel bad/sick.  A toss up.  So just for Yolanda a designer designation-Munch'ochondria.  It lends itself well to a little Leprechaun in a Lyme green outfit.  The only other thing I could come up with is instead of Factitious Disorder is Fosteritious Disorder.  Now Yolanda has gone and changed her name.


Hadid Disorder.  Whatever the disease of the week is, Yo HadId.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 7

Several reasons why I don't think Yo's book will actually help anyone if they are looking for treatment (I won't even get into the clusterf*ck that is Yo's crazy doctor--Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt since that is next level crazy). Stop now if you are bored by medical talk (I realize it maybe very dry and boring to many people):


When Yolanda describes how she responds to a treatment you have to realize she isn't factoring in prior treatment(s) having a potential delayed benefit AND prior treatments affecting the response to subsequent treatments. For example if one gets infused with IVIG and then later undergoes plasmapheresis (or plasma exchange; PE) then that later treatment (PE) will clear out the immunoglobulins from the IVIG and effectively cancel out that treatment.


Also Yolanda lies and exaggerates.


Also the PLACEBO response needs to be factored in. Rule of thumb, the more invasive a procedure is, the higher the placebo response (where a person perceives an improvement or actually experiences and improvement in symptoms or overall health from the psychological effects of receiving the treatment rather than from the treatment itself). Most studies factor this in by having a control group. For example, if you are studying a medicine to abort (stop) migraines, then you take, for example, 50 patients with migraines and give them Drug X and 50 patients with migraines and give them a Placebo (sugar pill or some inert pill). About 1/3 of the placebo (or control group) group will response to the placebo (sugar pill). What the researchers are interested in is if the group that took Drug X had a statistically significant improvement compared to the placebo group. If so, then Drug X works due to the drug and not just because of the placebo effect. Basically you want randomized double blinded placebo controlled trials (account for bias and placebo effect) and NOT just some crazy lady's anecdotal opinion (in other words, not Yolanda's crazy "brain dead" opinions).



In case anyone is interested:


                                                                                    Signs & Symptoms

                                                                     Production                            Motivation

Malingering                                                 Conscious                            Conscious

Factitious disorder                                     Conscious                            Unconscious

Conversion disorder                                  Unconscious                         Unconscious

Somatization disorder                               Unconscious                         Unconscious

Hypochondriasis                                        Unconscious                         Unconscious


The DSM 5 now lumps Somatization disorder and Hypochondriasis together under the disorder: Somatic symptom disorder (SSD).

"The DSM-IV disorders of somatization disorder, hypochondriasis, pain disorder, and undirerentated somatoform disorder have been removed, and many, but not all, of the individuals diagnosed with one of these disorders could now be diagnosed with SSD. The DSM-IV diagnosis of somatization disorder required a specific number of complaints from among four symptom groups. The SSD criteria no longer have such a requirement; however, somatic symptoms must be significantly distressing or disruptive to daily life and must be accompanied by excessive thoughts, feelings, or behaviors."


edit: trying to align the table but unsuccessful :-(

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 5

Here is a story with lots and lots of photos about the Montecito horse ranch.  http://cotedetexas.blogspot.com/2014_03_09_archive.html According to this author it sold in 2011 for three million.  Oprah has a house in Montecito it is very, very, exclusive and not in the Potomac kind of way.  Usually it is a lemon grove not a an orchard.  It makes me laugh the author noticed Yolanda's kitchen was just like Mohamed's shown this last Christmas.  Not everybody updates the farm house.  The farm house with marble floors.


So the "farm house" is as nice as Erika's house....LOL. I found this interesting:

"Yolanda’s dream house in Montecito was located on a large horse farm with a grand stable.  The property was owned by the Monty Python star – John Cleese whose wife at the time and daughter – were both avid horse riders, as was Yolanda and her children.  The property had a series of riding paths that connected with neighbors.  From the property – you could ride your horses through the mountains or down to the nearby beach.  Yolanda’s house sat at the entrance to the horse farm, circled in red."


Was I the only one, who when viewing the photo of Kyle and Yo on the stairs coming down from that area that she did the will scene, have the thought "push her Kyle". Ok, I'm a sociopath;-)


Those pictures are pure house porn! Her "farm" mansion and her Malibu mansion are gorgeous. I still don't get how she traipses up and down all those stairs when bedridden but I guess YoHo is to superior to develop muscle atrophy after 5, 7, 9, 12 months in bed. Hell, Kim had a more consistent time line since she stuck with 5, 7, 9 (like that store.....does that even exist anymore....).

  • Love 6

I watched it twice and I don't understand Yolanda's explanation for the inconsistencies.  She claims to be bedridden, but walks and hikes, because one day it will be the day?  Anyone having an explanation please share.

I don't have an explanation but I do have a reaction


  • Love 9

I'm wondering if someone is going to suggest Yolanda might have hypochondria to one of the housewives. 

I'm not a medical professional (like Yolanda's nurse) though.  


Once I was giving a medical history for my family to a nurse practitioner and when we got to my mom's history, I simply said "She enjoys poor health."  The NP fell over laughing but I was serious.  I felt I couldn't really say what my mom's medical problems and history were.  Mom is still alive and kicking, mean as a snake, but I couldn't really tell you what is true and what is not about her health history.  It's a mess of refusing most medical care and self-diagnosing and fibbing. Thanks, MOM!


Your mom and mine must be cut from the same cloth. I've stood in the same room while a doctor gave her a clean bill of help and she still insists she's ill. But that did bring me to eventually look into hypochondria. From what I understand, and this is the layman's terms, someone with hypochondria has a paranoid belief of suffering from chronic illness but doesn't actually seek medical attention. Since Yolanda allegedly has a "health advocate" on staff and is being treated by Dr. Kwack I don't think it applies. Unfortunately those two have found someone dumb enough to buy into their charade and perpetuate her symptoms. 

  • Love 2

I'm beginning to suspect Daisy or Dr Klingon is creating and reinforcing the definition and boundaries of Yolly's "chronic Lyme" and the alternate version of her health history, for financial gain.

Your mom and mine must be cut from the same cloth. I've stood in the same room while a doctor gave her a clean bill of help and she still insists she's ill. But that did bring me to eventually look into hypochondria. From what I understand, and this is the layman's terms, someone with hypochondria has a paranoid belief of suffering from chronic illness but doesn't actually seek medical attention. Since Yolanda allegedly has a "health advocate" on staff and is being treated by Dr. Kwack I don't think it applies. Unfortunately those two have found someone dumb enough to buy into their charade and perpetuate her symptoms.

I agree 100 percent. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 5

I'm beginning to suspect Daisy or Dr Klingon is creating and reinforcing the definition and boundaries of Yolly's "chronic Lyme" and the alternate version of her health history, for financial gain.

I agree 100 percent.


I wonder if down the line she'll realise it's a scam and then start a new instagram campaign, advocating against medical treatment #NeverSick #LiesForLymes

  • Love 2

Well this is a bunch of crap. In the leaked email Yo goes on and on about the privileged life they have had ( and this is how you repay me?!). So don't try to make it sound like they lived on a damn farm. They lived on a fully staffed, beautiful horse ranch. They didn't have to become models to " save" their family. I don't know what these girls are like or if they are humble. Gigi seems lovely and Bella seems troubled but what do I know , but don't try to sell me the humble origins load of BS

With Yo, nothing can just be what it is. Everything has to be exaggerated to the nnnnth degree. Her constant hyperbole drives me nuts. At this point, I don't believe anything this woman says. She has zero credibility.

I agree about the kids too. I have compassion for them because I can't imagine growing up with this woman as my mother. I'm sure they love her dearly. What she is, is their normal. But From my perspective, it is all just exhausting.

I don't think I will be able to watch the reunion as Andy will just kiss her butt. I'm going to just read here. You all are way more entertaining anyway.

  • Love 7

I'm beginning to suspect Daisy or Dr Klingon is creating and reinforcing the definition and boundaries of Yolly's "chronic Lyme" and the alternate version of her health history, for financial gain.

I agree 100 percent.

Isn't Daisy making $8,000.00 a month?  Most home health aids make about $20.00 an hour.  With Yolanda being in bed 21 hours a day, it would seem her work is rather limited.  I wonder if Blanca went with the Malibu house and refrigerator?

  • Love 2

Your mom and mine must be cut from the same cloth. I've stood in the same room while a doctor gave her a clean bill of help and she still insists she's ill. But that did bring me to eventually look into hypochondria. From what I understand, and this is the layman's terms, someone with hypochondria has a paranoid belief of suffering from chronic illness but doesn't actually seek medical attention. Since Yolanda allegedly has a "health advocate" on staff and is being treated by Dr. Kwack I don't think it applies. Unfortunately those two have found someone dumb enough to buy into their charade and perpetuate her symptoms. 


Hypochondriacs do go to the doctor a lot. I think of them as people who are preoccupied with normal bodily functions and misinterpret them as something wrong. That's just my own personal summary of it. It's been reclassified as Somatic Symptom Disorder. Here's an interesting description of hypochondriacs/SSD:


  • Love 7

I think my tolerance for Yolanda's BS plummeted even lower than I thought possible when I found out that Big Ang died of cancer this morning. Ang was a true fighter until the end without contradiction, condescension, or expecting her friends to be able to read her mind. Shut up Yolanda and go away.  

  • Love 9

I think my tolerance for Yolanda's BS plummeted even lower than I thought possible when I found out that Big Ang died of cancer this morning. Ang was a true fighter until the end without contradiction, condescension, or expecting her friends to be able to read her mind. Shut up Yolanda and go away.

Big Ang was in the Genovese family. A mob family. Mob meaning organized crime. Yolanda doesn't pay for her new age woo with blood money, I'm not so sure about Big Ang. Edited by Kokapetl

Isn't Daisy making $8,000.00 a month? Most home health aids make about $20.00 an hour. With Yolanda being in bed 21 hours a day, it would seem her work is rather limited. I wonder if Blanca went with the Malibu house and refrigerator?


In NYC i doubt they make more than $10-$12.50/hr if they're lucky. Actually most gave to take multiple shifts/ case to make a 40 hr work week. This is usually the case if they are paid through Medicaid being that the average ct will receive 3 days @ a max of 4 hrs per day. If u were to do the max @ 4hrs x 12.50 =$50 a day x3 days a wk which totals $150 weekly pre-tax. The only ppl i know who are making that much in the health profession would be registered nurses and above. YMMV

  • Love 1

One of the three covers of this years Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue is a beautiful, hot plus sized model! Finally!


Oh... Gigi is in the magazine somewhere too....but not on the cover!






Edited by Giselle
  • Love 2

Yo's suicide threat was, to paraphrase, that she would fling herself off of the balcony at David's condo were it not for her children, generally speaking. She did not reference the non-Gigi's cases of Lyme specifically . . . because, in my opinion, she had not yet decided to peddle the fiction they were suffering from it. She relayed all of this to Angie Simpson, the mom of Gigi's ex-boyfriend. Supposedly, Angie was slated to have Kathryn's full-time spot before she had problems with her work visa (the Simpsons are Australian nationals). In retrospect, maybe ol' Ang realized what a fucking nutcase her friend was and made like a tree for the nearest exit before Yo and Andy could rope her into humiliating herself like Erika on national tv.

How the hell does Cody Simpson even have a visa?
  • Love 1

Didn't get to watch on Tues, recorded it, so Wed. morning all set.  Bam!  Power goes out - all day!   Finally got to watch this morning. 


I hate YO.  I disliked her, but now I just hate her.  I'm sick of her "put it out in the universe" crap.   It's all about her integrity, and yet it seems her two "true" friends are Brandi & Kim.   Yep, that screams integrity.   At the bbq - and everywhere else for that matter - she just isn't interested in hearing anybody.  I'm surprised she didn't have Erica get her a podium and mic so she could just lecture the other women like a fired up preacher.  


I hate, without credentials, YO elevated herself to Interior Designer just as she has now elevated Daisy to the position of nurse!!!  That is an insult to the integrity of anybody who's had to actually go to school.   I'd really love to think that Daisy is filling Yo's pills with sugar, and benedryl (that's why Yo is always so tired), and I hope she's pocketing the big money Yo's forking out for all that junk.  


I do like that LisaV is looking like if she has to go to another bbq, she's going to go nuts.   She isn't going to mess up her friendship with Mohammad by going off on YO.   When she tried to explain to Yo the discrepancies, she just gave up.  Why bother.  


And lastly, how much do you think Erika pays those guys to fawn all over her?   If she wasn't paying them really well, you know she'd be the target of some seriously funny gossip.


Forgot . . . how fabulous would it have been when Erica admitted to telling YO, if Kathryn would have looked at her and said "That was a real "c$*%y move Erica"

Edited by notnowimbusy
  • Love 8

I hate YO.  I disliked her, but now I just hate her.  I'm sick of her "put it out in the universe" crap.


I hate, without credentials, YO elevated herself to Interior Designer just as she has now elevated Daisy to the position of nurse!!!  That is an insult to the integrity of anybody who's had to actually go to school.


I do like that LisaV is looking like if she has to go to another bbq, she's going to go nuts....  When she tried to explain to Yo the discrepancies, she just gave up.  Why bother.  

notnow, I just have to respond to a few things you mentioned.  I agree completely!


Yo's remarks about "da universe" drive me crazy.  Our universe dishes out gamma-ray bursts, quasars, massive black hole collisions and other awesome and/or scarier stuff.  It can more than handle whatever Rinna puts into it.  It can even handle all of Yo's horseshit.  Sure, I know that by "da universe" she probably means the Twitterverse, tabloid-verse or BH gossip-verse, but still: she's just not that important.  Egomaniacal cow.


JMO but only truly stupid, egotistical people think they can call themselves interior designers or nurses or whatever, just because they want to.  They don't understand or value education, training or true talent. Yo's a legend in her own mind so of course she's an designer if she says so.  Have any of you seen her decorating videos on YouTube?  They're cringeworthy.  Talentless cow.


I can only hope that LisaV is coming around to thinking that the best way to deal with Yolanda is to ignore her.  Pay no attention to her nasty, hectoring, superior ass and you'll starve her of oxygen.  i wish all the women would do the same; ditto for Kim or Brandi.


In addition to using the word "journey" on WWH - normal people are sick, but Yo is on a "journey" - another thing Yo said irritated the hell out of me :she wants to give a voice not just to people who have Lyme, but everyone who suffers from invisible illnesses.  Oooh, I could scream.  First of all, NO ONE IS ASKING YOU TO, you presumptuous fool.  Take a seat.  Secondly, JMO but remarks like that perpetuate victim culture.  People with invisible illnesses either cope with them well or they don't, they choose to tell others about them or they don't, but in any case human beings are more than their illnesses.  Yo can't recognize that because she's all about her illness 100% of the time now.  Ignorant cow.

  • Love 18

Yo needs to have Daisy build her a bridge so she can get the fuck over it. Then she can take several seats....    I am SO sick of her narcissistic bullshit and just can't take it anymore.  She claims she wants to bring awareness to LymeofthedayDisease, but in reality all she has accomplished is making a mockery of it and those that suffer from real Lyme Disease.

This is the heart of the matter. As much as I dislike Yolanda, I can't let go of this story because I want to see her finally be called out on her lies. I am incredibly sick of her, too, but she's getting away with it!  Why can't a real doctor be brought on to talk about this? Why is everyone in her world kissing her ass? Even the women she lashed out at for being giant meanies toward her are kissing her ass. Andy needs to facilitate calling her out on her bullshit or take her off the show. The last reward a self-absorbed manipulator needs is attention. God, I really dislike her.

  • Love 16

notnow, I just have to respond to a few things you mentioned.  I agree completely!


Yo's remarks about "da universe" drive me crazy.  Our universe dishes out gamma-ray bursts, quasars, massive black hole collisions and other awesome and/or scarier stuff.  It can more than handle whatever Rinna puts into it.  It can even handle all of Yo's horseshit.  Sure, I know that by "da universe" she probably means the Twitterverse, tabloid-verse or BH gossip-verse, but still: she's just not that important.  Egomaniacal cow.


JMO but only truly stupid, egotistical people think they can call themselves interior designers or nurses or whatever, just because they want to.  They don't understand or value education, training or true talent. Yo's a legend in her own mind so of course she's an designer if she says so.  Have any of you seen her decorating videos on YouTube?  They're cringeworthy.  Talentless cow.


I can only hope that LisaV is coming around to thinking that the best way to deal with Yolanda is to ignore her.  Pay no attention to her nasty, hectoring, superior ass and you'll starve her of oxygen.  i wish all the women would do the same; ditto for Kim or Brandi.


In addition to using the word "journey" on WWH - normal people are sick, but Yo is on a "journey" - another thing Yo said irritated the hell out of me :she wants to give a voice not just to people who have Lyme, but everyone who suffers from invisible illnesses.  Oooh, I could scream.  First of all, NO ONE IS ASKING YOU TO, you presumptuous fool.  Take a seat.  Secondly, JMO but remarks like that perpetuate victim culture.  People with invisible illnesses either cope with them well or they don't, they choose to tell others about them or they don't, but in any case human beings are more than their illnesses.  Yo can't recognize that because she's all about her illness 100% of the time now.  Ignorant cow.

  • Love 1

"Putting it out in the universe" is BRAVO wives speak for "announce it on this TV show," reaching over a million people, almost 2 million this week.



She's not allowed to say "broadcasting it on our TV show" because Bravo wants the conceit that these women are actually friends and would be talking/acting like this without a multi-member crew adjusting sound, lighting, and cameras, and getting paid for it.


I thought that was pretty obvious.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 2

Maybe I'm a dum-dum, but...if Yolanda's disease is invisible, then how can it be identified as chronic Lyme?


Also, why is she taking her healthy friends to do her various medical treatments, and not the ailing non-GiGis?


Her illness is not now and can never be invisible. For it to be invisible she'd have to stop posting pictures of herself sick in bed, with iv's and such. She'd have to do her hair and put on some make up and suck it up like millions of other women who are sick and tired but still have to go to work and be moms do everyday. She will never let that happen. 

  • Love 8

Hypochondriacs do go to the doctor a lot. I think of them as people who are preoccupied with normal bodily functions and misinterpret them as something wrong. That's just my own personal summary of it. It's been reclassified as Somatic Symptom Disorder. Here's an interesting description of hypochondriacs/SSD:



Thank you! This was how a therapist explained it to me many years ago. I haven't brushed up on the DSM-V. I know it has mixed reviews so I've been reading on a case by case version. Thanks for the link! Very eye-opening, but I'll refrain from TV diagnosing Yolanda for now ;)

  • Love 2

I have two hypochondriacs in my life - my daughter & husband.  My husband has complained for year that he has trouble sleeping.  Uh no.  It started when I was prescribed medication for sleep.  BTW I took it once, bad reaction, never again.  Anyway, he was adamant that he needed something.   So, every third night or so he tells me he needs something.  I go into my nightstand, get the prescription bottle, and give him a pill.  In the morning he says how great he slept.  He still doesn't know that it's baby aspirin. 


My daughter is constantly complaining about some health issue or another.  Just last night she sent several texts to her brother, a paramedic, urgently asking him to call.  He was working, but thought something was really wrong.  Turns out she was ladling some hot stew and singed her thumb!!!  She thought she was going to die.  He told her to ice it, take a tylenol and go bed.  Then texted me asking me why she was so dramatic. 


Yolanda is clinging to this illness like a life preserver.  I'm sure she had a mild case of Lyme, but it coincided with her breast implant leakage, menopause and failing marriage.  She would rather think it was a horrendous illness rather than age, not being able to keep yet another relationship together, and the vanity of not having the implants removed when she had them replaced 10 years ago.   So, she pays Daisy not for legitimate medical help, but just to have somebody who is paid to agree with her.  And her sacrifice to date seems to be not having botox, wearing makeup and "gasp", resorting to organic hair dye (which is a complete lie).     She is so full of herself, when it come to showing her marriage is over, she will be off the charts.

  • Love 12

Thank you! This was how a therapist explained it to me many years ago. I haven't brushed up on the DSM-V. I know it has mixed reviews so I've been reading on a case by case version. Thanks for the link! Very eye-opening, but I'll refrain from TV diagnosing Yolanda for now ;)


TV diagnosing is so much fun~please don't stop! I didn't know about Illness Anxiety Disorder until I looked it up today (I think Yo is giving people Illness Anxiety Disorder about Lyme Disease, lol). I can totally see Yo as having hypochondriasis mixed together with both histrionic and narcissistic personality traits/disorders (just guessing without looking up the criteria for those disorders). Basically she is crazy*. I do think that "crazy" doesn't protect from real disease but sometimes it's hard to separate what is real from what is just part of the craziness. It's like their mother never read them the story about the little boy crying wolf.


*imo based on this edited tv show and limited viewing of her social media

  • Love 5

Her illness is not now and can never be invisible. For it to be invisible she'd have to stop posting pictures of herself sick in bed, with iv's and such. She'd have to do her hair and put on some make up and suck it up like millions of other women who are sick and tired but still have to go to work and be moms do everyday. She will never let that happen. 

I concur, She should go it in a FN hospital and talk to some people who do have an 'invisible illness'. She is pretty disgusting and I am sorry to say that the day I hear she really is sick, will be the day that I get fucked up drunk to celebrate.


That probably makes me the scum of the earth, but I am willing to take that chance.

  • Love 5

This is the heart of the matter. As much as I dislike Yolanda, I can't let go of this story because I want to see her finally be called out on her lies. I am incredibly sick of her, too, but she's getting away with it!  Why can't a real doctor be brought on to talk about this? Why is everyone in her world kissing her ass? Even the women she lashed out at for being giant meanies toward her are kissing her ass. Andy needs to facilitate calling her out on her bullshit or take her off the show. The last reward a self-absorbed manipulator needs is attention. God, I really dislike her.

Be prepared, for I will elbow the fuck out of anyone to get that front row seat to watch that AH take a fall.


I am obsessed with watching this bitch take a dive and have no problem admitting it, posting about it, then laughing and pointing when it happens.


You reap what you sow, but be prepared when you have to do the whole field by hand.

  • Love 9

OMG that video makes me crazy.   I worked hard to get a degree, intern, and start my own business of over 25 years, and to have this woman think design comes from having money makes me nuts!!!!  She shops - end of story!!!!  I have had clients just like YO.  They have hired me, while they are out of town skiing on Thanksgiving, to go to their homes and create the "perfect" Christmas for their family.  I would go in with a team, decorate, redo everything from the tree to seasonal bedding, and yet they take the credit.   She is a joke!!!   Design is more than going with your designer to select furniture.  It's more than arranging flowers, or putting lemons in a bowl.   When she was showing off the Malibu house and saying she did the drawings I went through the roof!   NO, No you did not.  You are not qualified to do all the drawings for a house.  You don't have the knowledge to do electrical drawings, structural drawings, HVAC drawings, go to planning commission meetings, get approvals, and yes, have you LICENSED stamp on those drawings!    Just like everything else in her life, her various careers - design, medical advocate, etc, is built on ego not knowledge, talent or expertise.   Phew. 

  • Love 19

Yolanda's nearly 12 minute speech accepting an award-oh the contradictions. 


I had to stop at 2:30 when she makes a dig at her fellow HWs. I at least made it though her description of lyme warriors battling in darkness against this lethal disease. But YoHa, is it really lethal and are you sure you have it? Not that I want her to die or anything like that but I can't listen to this woman anymore. She makes me ill.

It's no wonder she doesn't push education on her children...." Gigi you are now a nuclear engineer, Bella you are looking very much like a neurosurgeon, Anwar you can be an astronaut as soon as you graduate high school"


Well if she can make Daisy a nurse (I wonder if she is an LVN or RN) then she can do anything. Seriously, was Daisy in nursing school or something? I thought she was a ex-call girl who now is YoHa's personal assistant, I mean health advocate (wtf).

  • Love 5

TV diagnosing is so much fun~please don't stop! I didn't know about Illness Anxiety Disorder until I looked it up today (I think Yo is giving people Illness Anxiety Disorder about Lyme Disease, lol). I can totally see Yo as having hypochondriasis mixed together with both histrionic and narcissistic personality traits/disorders (just guessing without looking up the criteria for those disorders). Basically she is crazy*. I do think that "crazy" doesn't protect from real disease but sometimes it's hard to separate what is real from what is just part of the craziness. It's like their mother never read them the story about the little boy crying wolf.


*imo based on this edited tv show and limited viewing of her social media

I think it safe to say Yolanda is a carrier of Illness Anxiety Disorder.  Maybe even patient zero.

I had to stop at 2:30 when she makes a dig at her fellow HWs. I at least made it though her description of lyme warriors battling in darkness against this lethal disease. But YoHa, is it really lethal and are you sure you have it? Not that I want her to die or anything like that but I can't listen to this woman anymore. She makes me ill.


Well if she can make Daisy a nurse (I wonder if she is an LVN or RN) then she can do anything. Seriously, was Daisy in nursing school or something? I thought she was a ex-call girl who now is YoHa's personal assistant, I mean health advocate (wtf).

I was hoping you would listen.  She claims she was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome stateside.  It was only went she went to Belgium and had a tissue biopsy Dr. Crackpot, (who spoke her native language) told her she had chronic Lyme Disease.  She also claims, in spite of complaining of sleeplessness and loss of energy during the day, she was incorrectly diagnosed with depression.  She could not possibly have depression because she led such a charmed life.  Obviously Yolanda doesn't know beans about depression.  Plus she would later have to top Kyle's depression.

  • Love 8

Funny how she paints herself into a corner.  I just hope someone smart enough that can confront her on camera also notices.  Most people who suffer from a debilitating illness end up facing depression of some sort.  It is hardly as if you can't be sick with more than one thing at time.  YoYo of all people should know that.  In her attempt at making sure she has the right illness and debunks a diagnosis that may well have not been complete but hardly means was inaccurate.  If she had what she claims and it had all the affects she claims, I would think depression would be almost automatic. 


And I think Vanderpump should study that speech and when YoYo goes off at the reunion about her struggle, Vanderpump can lean over pat her hand and say "but no matter what you aren't depressed.  You are sick.  But you are a happy sick*, right?  So smile and shut the fuck up."


*slightly hyperbolic approach; not meant to trivialize depression into flat happy or sad states of mind

  • Love 6

I think it safe to say Yolanda is a carrier of Illness Anxiety Disorder.  Maybe even patient zero.

I was hoping you would listen.  She claims she was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome stateside.  It was only went she went to Belgium and had a tissue biopsy Dr. Crackpot, (who spoke her native language) told her she had chronic Lyme Disease.  She also claims, in spite of complaining of sleeplessness and loss of energy during the day, she was incorrectly diagnosed with depression.  She could not possibly have depression because she led such a charmed life.  Obviously Yolanda doesn't know beans about depression.  Plus she would later have to top Kyle's depression.


But chronic lyme disease doesn't exist (lyme disease exists and post-treatment lyme syndrome exists but chronic lyme and chronic neurological lyme don't IIRC). Plus wasn't it shown that the Belgium doctor was just as much of a charlatan as "Dr." Dietrich Klinghardt? Also this touches on a hot button of mine---rich people who lead glamorous life still can be miserable/depressed/addicts/etc.... look at how many self medicate with booze and drugs, etc... Being rich or appearing to have a glamorous life doesn't mean they are happy or nasty stuff isn't going on in their lives. Even if they don't have abuse or other bad things going on, it doesn't mean they are happy. She maybe in denial about her feelings or rationalize them away (I can't be depressed since a, b, c...yet she can't get out of bed, can't sleep, can't eat, no interest, no energy, etc...all red flags for depression INCLUDING SUICIDAL IDEATION!!!). Often depressed people unconsciously manifest their depression in physical symptoms. I've tried to explain it to patients with examples, like you know how you feel before a public speech or job interview or first date....you get butterflies in your stomach, may have diarrhea, your voice can tremble (public speaking)....see, the mind can cause physical signs. In those cases you are aware of the anxiety. However anxiety and depression can manifest itself physically and due to various reasons (defense mechanisms, etc) you may not be consciously aware of your emotions or have rationalized it for so long.


pretty people, rich people, glamorous people can have depression yet when the world looks at them they see someone who has everything going for them. Look at Kurt Cobain or Robin Williams or so many others. Even Kyle has depression--which is common and nothing to be ashamed of but YoHa wouldn't see it that way (bitch)


I'm not saying all of YoHa's started due to depression but it is a viable possibility in my mind since it sounds like she blew off those doctors (she disagreed with them) and I doubt she was compliant with the antidepressants. They may take weeks to work and even then they may need dosage adjustments and may require more than one antidepressant.


Awhile back, Zoloft use to have commercials that were quiet informative...it mentioned chronic pain and how that can be a symptoms of depression. Obviously chronic pain can lead to depression but also depression can led to chronic pain.


I'll check out the rest of the video later...I just get so frustrated with her bullshit that I end up skimming her written stuff or turning off her speeches. 

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 9

Despite being able to go out to Erica's bbq (and she only went to lay into the other women), and being on WWHL, she absolutely refuses to say she's feeling better.   When anybody says she's looking good, she goes on the defensive.  If she loses her illness, her quest for over the top alimony will go out the window.  She should go back to Holland and get some dairy cows - she's an expert at milking things.

  • Love 17

Another highlight after being treated with pharmaceuticals she ended up with yeast pouring out of every part of her body.  I think it was the post-port antibiotic treatment. 


It sounds to me if she would have stuck with presumably Effexor she probably would have kicked it.  She just seems to have flitted from one thing to another.  Also she said she was in the Florida Wellness Center-I remember at the time all these pics from the private plane taking her for four weeks and during that time while she was in the Wellness Clinic she was up in New York City doing something with Gigi and getting her ready for college.  The Gala was in the Spring of 2013.


Amazing in spite of all her issues she was back with a vengeance for Season 4 of RHOBH.  And Season 5.    

Despite being able to go out to Erica's bbq (and she only went to lay into the other women), and being on WWHL, she absolutely refuses to say she's feeling better.   When anybody says she's looking good, she goes on the defensive.  If she loses her illness, her quest for over the top alimony will go out the window.  She should go back to Holland and get some dairy cows - she's an expert at milking things.

Da calf gave her Q Fever from kissing it on the lips when she was 12 years old..  (I am not making this up.)  It was diagnosed by Dietrich when she was 52 years old.

  • Love 7

I still think Yo calculated this all somehow or miscalculated it.  She knew her King was ready to leave.  Due to the prenup, she gets chump change.  Gigi is an adult legally or was close at the time, plus she only had (then) a few years at most of the non-Gigi's pulling in child support from Mo.  That leaves her with whatever she had squirreled away throughout the years, certainly not enough to live as she had become accustomed.  If she's incapacitated in some way, I think the prenup can be overlooked.  So she gets herself a little more money.  She also gets a storyline as the patron saint of Lyme, the suffering, but smiling (not depressed) Yo, the brave one.  She then can write (or have it ghost written) a book about how she overcame that silent disease.  She could even market her own brand of natural remedies, of course with the disclaimer that it may help, not that it will help absolutely.  She could even get her lifestyles show she apparently covets.  It could have started innocently as she wasn't feeling 100% and then got the idea.  Seems like she doctor shopped until she found a doctor/quack who told her something she wanted to hear (or something she could spin to fit her needs).


She's been such a manipulator her whole life, is my opinion.  She never thought anyone would dare question her 'disease'.  She was not smart enough to be vague about it, so there's no variances.  Keep it simple, stupid.  Don't give out specific dates, or if you do, stick to the damned dates.  Memorize it.  Write it down.  Don't go driving around, then say you haven't or can't drive.  Don't go bicycling in Holland for miles.  Be smart about it.  The thing is she thought she was smarter than everyone and could dazzle us with her BS.  


She started bringing in real money, according to her, with her family in Holland almost being destitute.  I think because she was chosen and worked as a model, she still thinks she's the best thing since sliced bread - so of course, she could bamboozle the entire world or universe, and no one would dare question the great and wonderful Yo.


From the confrontation with LisaR, she's a very conniving person still. She did not seem to have any Lyme brain or Lyme fog.  It seems to come and go when it suits her needs.  


She never planned on anyone questioning her, so now she's in constant spin or defensive mode.  I cannot wait to see this bitch go down in flames.  She got in so deep, she cannot possibly dig herself out now.


I had the last show on in the background, and when it came to her preaching to LisaR, I muted the sound.  I couldn't stand the sound of that sanctimonious, fake bitch.  And why does everyone back down?  I think they are afraid of her - she looked vicious, plus they don't want to be labeled as the one who was mean to the "sick" woman.  Well she makes me sick - for real sick to my stomach.

Edited by hoosier80
  • Love 8

I had the last show on in the background, and when it came to her preaching to LisaR, I muted the sound.  I couldn't stand the sound of that sanctimonious, fake bitch.  And why does everyone back down?  I think they are afraid of her - she looked vicious, plus they don't want to be labeled as the one who was mean to the "sick" woman.  Well she makes me sick - for real sick to my stomach.

I think LisaV just doesn't want to alienate Mohammad, so why bother arguing with her.  Kyle is scared to death of what Kim has told her.  LisaR has had a taste of the venom YO can spew, Erica's main job is to support and not question (and why should she, she's nothing more than a casual acquaintance of Yo's and if this gig doesn't work, she never has to see her "friend" again), Kathryn has no dog in this fight, and that leave Eileen, who seem to want everyone to get along.     It still has to come where she reveals she's separating from David, so who wants to look bad going against someone who claims they are at death's door and their husband is leaving her.   

  • Love 5

Yolanda's nearly 12 minute speech accepting an award-oh the contradictions. 



I think it safe to say Yolanda is a carrier of Illness Anxiety Disorder.  Maybe even patient zero.

I was hoping you would listen.  She claims she was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome stateside.  It was only went she went to Belgium and had a tissue biopsy Dr. Crackpot, (who spoke her native language) told her she had chronic Lyme Disease.  She also claims, in spite of complaining of sleeplessness and loss of energy during the day, she was incorrectly diagnosed with depression.  She could not possibly have depression because she led such a charmed life.  Obviously Yolanda doesn't know beans about depression.  Plus she would later have to top Kyle's depression.


I managed to finish the video. I already posted about the first couple minutes of it. She then talks about how great she is and what a strong yet long suffering warrior she is (the usual shit she says about herself). Next she talks about migraines which have NOTHING to do with lyme since migraines are a Primary Headache Disorder (not due to some other underlying disorder; ex: tension type headaches, cluster headaches, migraine headaches) and NOT a Secondary Headache Disorder (headaches due to some other underlying disorder like headaches due to brain tumor, headaches due to subarachnoid hemorrhage, headaches due to meningitis or lyme, etc).


she continues on with her "can't think, can't talk" BS but then mentions calling someone an asshole at the same time....maybe she does this on purpose so that we all get confused and now can empathize with her "lyme brain"....naw, she is just full of shit and hence the need for the colonics. The constant contradictions and constant hyperbole really make it painful to listen to her speech.


Next she mentions spending 2 weeks in Cedar Sinai Hospital with many doctors and tests done—she says she had “swelling in her frontal lobe and all kinds of viruses” but was sent out with a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome. Bullshit. Seriously that is bullshit. Even if she had that and the doctors couldn't determine the etiology of it they would still list it as a diagnosis such as cerebral (brain) edema or frontal lobe edema (swelling) or frontal lobe encephalitis (infection of the brain) or viral encephalitis (most likely what they would have diagnosed it as IF she really had swelling of her brain and "all kinds of viruses". Oh the lies. There is no way they would just say she had chronic fatigue syndrome if she had viral encephalitis or encephalitis (brain infection) or cerebral (brain) edema.


she then goes on an on about not being able to read, write, watch tv, and says that she stared at ceiling for many months and she can still remember every light bulb in it (hmm, so her memory was working well). Earlier she said her memory wasn't working during this time.


Then she says she saw a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome specialist (not lyme specialist) in Belgium and he said he had never seen an as extensive of a work up as she had received in the USA. but it didn’t give him the answers he needed.

Once back at home (6 weeks later) they Skyped and he diagnosed her with lyme neuroborreliosis (sp?) based off a tissue culture. No mention of what tissue was cultured. I think the word "tissue" is misleading since it makes me think brain biopsy but if it was done then maybe it was cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from a LP (lumbar puncture, spinal tap). 

  • False positive results are common. In particular, a positive CSF PCR is likely to be a false positive result in patients who are seronegative for Lyme disease.
  • PCR testing of specimens of CSF or synovial fluid for B. burgdorferi DNA in a reliable laboratory can add confirmatory information in seropositive patients. However, a positive PCR result by itself is likely to be a false positive result, and a positive result does not prove that the patient has active infection, since spirochetal DNA may persist long after spirochetal killing has occurred. PCR identifies DNA in the specimen; it does not differentiate between infection with a live organism and the presence of remnant DNA from a prior, but cured infection.


I don't see much out there about cultures and CSF but what I found: B. burgdorferi has been isolated from skin biopsy specimens, blood, and CSF. Culture is not available in most clinical laboratories. In a study of 65 adults with erythema migrans, the yield of blood cultures increased from 46 percent using traditional blood culture methods to 71 percent when quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed on blood culture samples following incubation. Of the 46 patients with a positive PCR assay, 42 (91 percent) had a positive PCR result within seven days after the cultures began incubating. An important limitation of this study is that negative control samples were not included, so it is not possible to determine whether the additional positive samples were true positives."  


Next, Yo had a port implanted and had 90 days of continuous (24 hours x 7d x 3m) of IV antibiotics and she still not cured.

LOL she next mentions Suzanne Summers and going to one of her centers or something like that. I started to tune her out now.


she says there is no protocol for proper treatment of chronic her lyme…well, it doesn’t exist.


If it was anyone but Yo I would ask if maybe someone consider retesting and if anything in the testing suggested lyme then consider that she may have an antibiotic resistant strain and to try different antibiotics. 


  • Love 12

I still think Yo calculated this all somehow or miscalculated it.  She knew her King was ready to leave.  Due to the prenup, she gets chump change.  Gigi is an adult legally or was close at the time, plus she only had (then) a few years at most of the non-Gigi's pulling in child support from Mo.  That leaves her with whatever she had squirreled away throughout the years, certainly not enough to live as she had become accustomed.  If she's incapacitated in some way, I think the prenup can be overlooked.  So she gets herself a little more money.  She also gets a storyline as the patron saint of Lyme, the suffering, but smiling (not depressed) Yo, the brave one.  She then can write (or have it ghost written) a book about how she overcame that silent disease.  She could even market her own brand of natural remedies, of course with the disclaimer that it may help, not that it will help absolutely.  She could even get her lifestyles show she apparently covets.  It could have started innocently as she wasn't feeling 100% and then got the idea.  Seems like she doctor shopped until she found a doctor/quack who told her something she wanted to hear (or something she could spin to fit her needs).


She's been such a manipulator her whole life, is my opinion.  She never thought anyone would dare question her 'disease'.  She was not smart enough to be vague about it, so there's no variances.  Keep it simple, stupid.  Don't give out specific dates, or if you do, stick to the damned dates.  Memorize it.  Write it down.  Don't go driving around, then say you haven't or can't drive.  Don't go bicycling in Holland for miles.  Be smart about it.  The thing is she thought she was smarter than everyone and could dazzle us with her BS.  


She started bringing in real money, according to her, with her family in Holland almost being destitute.  I think because she was chosen and worked as a model, she still thinks she's the best thing since sliced bread - so of course, she could bamboozle the entire world or universe, and no one would dare question the great and wonderful Yo.


From the confrontation with LisaR, she's a very conniving person still. She did not seem to have any Lyme brain or Lyme fog.  It seems to come and go when it suits her needs.  


She never planned on anyone questioning her, so now she's in constant spin or defensive mode.  I cannot wait to see this bitch go down in flames.  She got in so deep, she cannot possibly dig herself out now.


I had the last show on in the background, and when it came to her preaching to LisaR, I muted the sound.  I couldn't stand the sound of that sanctimonious, fake bitch.  And why does everyone back down?  I think they are afraid of her - she looked vicious, plus they don't want to be labeled as the one who was mean to the "sick" woman.  Well she makes me sick - for real sick to my stomach.



Preach, sister, Preach! I'm with you 100% :-)

Andy better not protect her during the reunion and at least one (or more) of the HWs better call out Yo on her bullshit!

I think LisaV just doesn't want to alienate Mohammad, so why bother arguing with her.  Kyle is scared to death of what Kim has told her.  LisaR has had a taste of the venom YO can spew, Erica's main job is to support and not question (and why should she, she's nothing more than a casual acquaintance of Yo's and if this gig doesn't work, she never has to see her "friend" again), Kathryn has no dog in this fight, and that leave Eileen, who seem to want everyone to get along.     It still has to come where she reveals she's separating from David, so who wants to look bad going against someone who claims they are at death's door and their husband is leaving her.   


This is my fear and then the reunion will be the biggest let down ever! I think you are right but I am hoping you are wrong ;-)

  • Love 5

Thank you Vicki for the breakdown.  I am thinking there might have been a fair amount of squirming going on at the dinner/gala. 




I managed to finish the video. I already posted about the first couple minutes of it. She then talks about how great she is and what a strong yet long suffering warrior she is (the usual shit she says about herself). Next she talks about migraines which have NOTHING to do with lyme since migraines are a Primary Headache Disorder (not due to some other underlying disorder; ex: tension type headaches, cluster headaches, migraine headaches) and NOT a Secondary Headache Disorder (headaches due to some other underlying disorder like headaches due to brain tumor, headaches due to subarachnoid hemorrhage, headaches due to meningitis or lyme, etc).


she continues on with her "can't think, can't talk" BS but then mentions calling someone an asshole at the same time....maybe she does this on purpose so that we all get confused and now can empathize with her "lyme brain"....naw, she is just full of shit and hence the need for the colonics. The constant contradictions and constant hyperbole really make it painful to listen to her speech.


Next she mentions spending 2 weeks in Cedar Sinai Hospital with many doctors and tests done—she says she had “swelling in her frontal lobe and all kinds of viruses” but was sent out with a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome. Bullshit. Seriously that is bullshit. Even if she had that and the doctors couldn't determine the etiology of it they would still list it as a diagnosis such as cerebral (brain) edema or frontal lobe edema (swelling) or frontal lobe encephalitis (infection of the brain) or viral encephalitis (most likely what they would have diagnosed it as IF she really had swelling of her brain and "all kinds of viruses". Oh the lies. There is no way they would just say she had chronic fatigue syndrome if she had viral encephalitis or encephalitis (brain infection) or cerebral (brain) edema.


she then goes on an on about not being able to read, write, watch tv, and says that she stared at ceiling for many months and she can still remember every light bulb in it (hmm, so her memory was working well). Earlier she said her memory wasn't working during this time.


Then she says she saw a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome specialist (not lyme specialist) in Belgium and he said he had never seen an as extensive of a work up as she had received in the USA. but it didn’t give him the answers he needed.
Once back at home (6 weeks later) they Skyped and he diagnosed her with lyme neuroborreliosis (sp?) based off a tissue culture. No mention of what tissue was cultured. I think the word "tissue" is misleading since it makes me think brain biopsy but if it was done then maybe it was cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from a LP (lumbar puncture, spinal tap). 

  • False positive results are common. In particular, a positive CSF PCR is likely to be a false positive result in patients who are seronegative for Lyme disease.
  • PCR testing of specimens of CSF or synovial fluid for B. burgdorferi DNA in a reliable laboratory can add confirmatory information in seropositive patients. However, a positive PCR result by itself is likely to be a false positive result, and a positive result does not prove that the patient has active infection, since spirochetal DNA may persist long after spirochetal killing has occurred. PCR identifies DNA in the specimen; it does not differentiate between infection with a live organism and the presence of remnant DNA from a prior, but cured infection.


I don't see much out there about cultures and CSF but what I found: B. burgdorferi has been isolated from skin biopsy specimens, blood, and CSF. Culture is not available in most clinical laboratories. In a study of 65 adults with erythema migrans, the yield of blood cultures increased from 46 percent using traditional blood culture methods to 71 percent when quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed on blood culture samples following incubation. Of the 46 patients with a positive PCR assay, 42 (91 percent) had a positive PCR result within seven days after the cultures began incubating. An important limitation of this study is that negative control samples were not included, so it is not possible to determine whether the additional positive samples were true positives."  


Next, Yo had a port implanted and had 90 days of continuous (24 hours x 7d x 3m) of IV antibiotics and she still not cured.

LOL she next mentions Suzanne Summers and going to one of her centers or something like that. I started to tune her out now.


she says there is no protocol for proper treatment of chronic her lyme…well, it doesn’t exist.


If it was anyone but Yo I would ask if maybe someone consider retesting and if anything in the testing suggested lyme then consider that she may have an antibiotic resistant strain and to try different antibiotics. 

Just think of the lucky publisher who gets to listen to all this for hours and hours.  Again these hospitalizations-they never seem to last quite as long as Yolanda claims.

  • Love 7

I think LisaV just doesn't want to alienate Mohammad, so why bother arguing with her.  Kyle is scared to death of what Kim has told her.  LisaR has had a taste of the venom YO can spew, Erica's main job is to support and not question (and why should she, she's nothing more than a casual acquaintance of Yo's and if this gig doesn't work, she never has to see her "friend" again), Kathryn has no dog in this fight, and that leave Eileen, who seem to want everyone to get along.     It still has to come where she reveals she's separating from David, so who wants to look bad going against someone who claims they are at death's door and their husband is leaving her.   

I suspect that LisaV knows from Mohamed that no one can reason with Yolanda, NO ONE, and that is why arguing with her is futile! LOL

  • Love 7

There's room on the couch for both of us, DosEquis! I'll bring the lemons.

This is crazy, funny, AND creepy. How does she do it?

All I kept thinking is -it is a really wide dining room table and what kind of numbnut puts fresh cut lemons and flowers on a finished piece of furniture unprotected.  To keep a timeline on this -it would have been the Christmas post Lyme Disease diagnosis.  I guess it was another good day during her eight month looking at the ceiling, unable to move. 

I suspect that LisaV knows from Mohamed that no one can reason with Yolanda, NO ONE, and that is why arguing with her is futile! LOL

I agree Wire-I think these conversations about the non-gigis not having Lyme Disease were a continuation of years of Yolanda BS.  I will always remember Mohamed shutting her down when she went after LVP. It is almost as good as Yolanda accusing Ken Todd of having his birthday party early so as not to have to invite her.  I believe she said, "all one had to do was Google Ken Todd and see his birthday was August 24, 1957,"  problem was-it was the wrong Ken Todd.  The party was actually on Ken Todd's birthday and the reason no Yolanda or Mohamed- David's daughter was getting married at Mohamed's house.  It was a classic Yolanda blog chuck full of crap.

  • Love 5

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