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Yolanda Hadid: My Love, My Lemons, My Lyme Disease.

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Also because she's underage I don't think the show will go there.

I agree, although I think Brandi probably would if she and Yo weren't friends and she wanted to wound her in some way. It looks like Yo is asking everyone to keep mum.


  • Love 2

Well the show never did anything about Kim's kid's breakdown.  The kids are not under contract on the show.


I think the HWs are playing with fire if they out another HW's kid's problems. First of all, it's bitchy.  And then there is Karma and all that.


BTW I think that article is wrong.  Bella tweeted that she got into the New School in NY.  Not NYU.  And I think Gigi attends the New School too, not NYU.

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 2

If Brandi and Yo weren't friends I think Brandi would find some underhanded way to bring up Bella.  For instance, I could see them staging an intervention to address Brandi's drinking.  And Brandi getting defensive, looking right at Yolanda and saying, "Well, at least I'm an adult and not driving."  Knocking back a shot of tequila and asking Yo for a lemon chaser, never losing eye contact.


Oh yeah.  I can totally see Brandi doing that.

  • Love 3

Our Lady of the Lemons/The Ice Queen just posted up her video of her participating in the ALS Ice Bucket challenge.


Oh, the irony, Yo...the irony of you being doused with a bucket of icy water.....


Here's the link if anyone wants to check it out (it's REALLY short):



  • Love 1

I felt at one point that Yo was spending way too much attention on Gigi, especially during the days before Gigi left for NY.  Remember the bedroom scene with Yo, Gigi and Bella?  Yo was lamenting Gigi's departure, and poor Bella just sat there with nothing to say?  Maybe the need for attention got to be a little too much for Bella.  I don't really fault Yo for this because it was an emotional time for everyone.  As a poster before me said, the only person I would anticipate slipping up and letting the cat out of the bag is Brandi.  If it happened, it could be used to pave the way for Brandi to get kicked off the show, but what a shame for Bella.  Leave it alone, Brandi.  Leave it alone!!!

  • Love 1

This. Oh, and MsRafaelBarba not only did your eyes roll down the street, they rolled half way across the country and landed in WI at my doorstep. I gave your eyes a rest, a glass of lemonade and fed-exed back to you just in time so you can pop them back in your head to view the new season.

I also read on TMZ? that Drake rented out Mohamed's mansion for a big LA party

Roseanne Barr lost a logt of weight recently. I saw her on a TV commercial for one of those competition shows and her make up looked really great. Dare I say she looked pretty? Roseanne could go on the RHOBH now. I would love to see her on there. Seriously.

I know this post is a bit old, but I want to add that I would too. From what I've read and interviews I've seen, she has tackled many personal issues regarding her health, looks really good lately, and campaigns heavily for LGTBQ rights - she has two gay siblings she seems close with. She's very outspoken and doesn't seem to have much patience for bullshit. I just get this feeling she'd never sign on, I can't say I blame her, she certainly leads an interesting life though.


I like Yolanda for the snark, too, but her eating habits have always disturbed me - even really early on there were tells - going on that stupid master cleanse while battling an immune disorder and for so long is very dangerous imo, (it can also follow the theory many have about Yolanda keeping herself unwell to tether herself to her king) I think I got some flack over that one, over on the other site long ago, before she carefully chewed a single almond and started giving out tips and tricks to her daughter. That's what really boiled my blood. I could be wrong, but I think the scene that showed a weak Gigi being given an almond was before Gigi was about to ride - if her daughter would have fainted on that horse? So long, modeling contract, almond or no. I really liked her on her first season though, despite her awkward moments.

Edited by Souvlaki
  • Love 3


That's what really boiled my blood. I could be wrong, but I think the scene that showed a weak Gigi being given an almond was before Gigi was about to ride - if her daughter would have fainted on that horse?

I don't think they actually showed a scene of Gigi during almond-gate. Yolanda was coming out of surgery. David gave her the phone saying that Gigi didn't feel well, she was nauseous or something - I think she was doing the master cleanse thing and it wasn't agreeing with her.


Anyway, Yolanda told her that if she was feeling nauseous she should eat some almonds, but chew them very very slowly. It all took place over the phone from Yolanda's side, so Gigi wasn't actually shown. I don't recall them mentioning her being about to ride, but I do agree that would be extremely dangerous if she were feeling lightheaded and then got on a horse.

  • Love 2

I think Yolanda definitely has some food issues. I think her self worth is so tied up in how she looks and not necessarily in how she feels. My doctor has said repeatedly that doing things like the master cleanse can be very damaging to your body, especially your adrenals, a key component in your immune system health. I feel bad for her girls, I can only imagine the damage to their body image from all of this hypervigilance regarding food. Good food is a very important part of your health. Eating food is a necessary part of being alive...I have never really seen Yolanda eat anything. She just pushes her food around her plate, it is really very sad.

Edited because sometimes I cannot spell. In spite of my best efforts! :-)

Edited by sunflowers83823
  • Love 1

I think I've finally figured out how Yolanda can afford to buy an expensive Father's Day painting for David.  It has to be due to the savings that she and the girls make on their grocery bills.  The lemons for the Master Cleanse are free, and Yolanda and the girls don't eat the equivalent of one adult meal at the table.  David, essentially, only has to put out cash for his own meals and a whisper of extra for the girls.  It's all due to the One Bite Rule.

Edited by Lura
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I've wondered the same thing, cooksdelight.   I've also wondered about Barbara Bush.  After it was announced that she had Lymes, she disappeared from sight for a long time.  I wonder whether she found a cure -- or at least something that would lessen the symptoms.  I remember the news accounts reporting that she was pretty miserable, but I never read anything more about it.  Why doesn't Yo contact her to find out how hers was treated?  It seems that would be easier than going to Mexico.  (I'm not being critical of Yo because she's really had a rough time.)

  • Love 1

I woke up and turned on my TV in the bedroom, and an old episode of Dr. Phil is on. Guess who's a guest? Yolanda and her fiance, David. I tuned in right as they were explaining "The King" thing. In fact, David asked her to tell people why she calls him that. She said she just feels that he is the lord and master, and maybe it's a European thing. The original air date was 3/13/11 if you can find it online. The subject of the show is whether or not men are better than women, vice versa, with Dan Abrams book "Man Down" being the point of the conversations.

  • Love 1

I woke up and turned on my TV in the bedroom, and an old episode of Dr. Phil is on. Guess who's a guest? Yolanda and her fiance, David. I tuned in right as they were explaining "The King" thing. In fact, David asked her to tell people why she calls him that. She said she just feels that he is the lord and master, and maybe it's a European thing. The original air date was 3/13/11 if you can find it online. The subject of the show is whether or not men are better than women, vice versa, with Dan Abrams book "Man Down" being the point of the conversations.

Ha, I don't think it's a European or Dutch manner of gender relations. I think Yolanda positions her regressive views on gender roles as having a universal truth because she cannot bring herself to see they stem from her choice to organize her life and livelihood around first her physical appearance and then marriage to wealthy and fickle men with egos the size of Mount Shasta. Her questionable views serve to validate her questionable choices.

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 5

Ok I got some inside scoop on David but it was not what I expected. My hubby was a concert pianist in his early life and knows David personally. According to him David is very gracious and generous. He is a mentor to many young musicians and is very well loved in the music community. Well color me shocked.i told him how David came across on the show and he said he is nothing like that. As for those who say Yolanda looks bored when David starts at the piano let me say having a husband that plays at the drop of the hat is a pain in the ass. When my husband and I were first together I loved when he would play but that wears thin after a few years.

  • Love 12

I think Carlton was talked into pushing the witchcraft and picking someone to feud with when all she really wanted was to sell some of her families expensive spec homes. She was in over her head and couldn't see how she could be edited to look as badly as she did. Most of her nonsense was phony and I suspect she's really pretty average and probably more boring than edgy.

Edited by Almost 3000
  • Love 3

I know this post is a bit old, but I want to add that I would too. From what I've read and interviews I've seen, she has tackled many personal issues regarding her health, looks really good lately, and campaigns heavily for LGTBQ rights - she has two gay siblings she seems close with. She's very outspoken and doesn't seem to have much patience for bullshit. I just get this feeling she'd never sign on, I can't say I blame her, she certainly leads an interesting life though.


I like Yolanda for the snark, too, but her eating habits have always disturbed me - even really early on there were tells - going on that stupid master cleanse while battling an immune disorder and for so long is very dangerous imo, (it can also follow the theory many have about Yolanda keeping herself unwell to tether herself to her king) I think I got some flack over that one, over on the other site long ago, before she carefully chewed a single almond and started giving out tips and tricks to her daughter. That's what really boiled my blood. I could be wrong, but I think the scene that showed a weak Gigi being given an almond was before Gigi was about to ride - if her daughter would have fainted on that horse? So long, modeling contract, almond or no. I really liked her on her first season though, despite her awkward moments.

Edited because of misinformation, for some reason I thought it was before Gigi rode that I thought that almond situation had happened. Thank you to MatildaMoody, who's memory I know is surely better than mine for these things. Danke. =)

  • Love 1

I saw on Reddit that David did an AMA today. They usually get several thousand questions/comments but his only had 150 or so. Now I'm going to let you in on a personal secret.....I suffer from severe second hand embarrassment . I mean it's bad folks, I can't watch American Idol or hidden camera shows at all. Seeing anyone embarrassed gives me such anxiety. I felt so bad I wanted to write a few thousand questions myself.

  • Love 7

Sad, really sad. You can feel Yolanda's pain but I do not understand how she is more worried about the car being messy than finding booze and pills on her car! That is messed up IMO.



Why did Bella have access to a car when her license is suspended? A teen with a messy car? The horror! She is lucky the police didn't search and find the stimulants. I'm sure she was probably using them to stay skinny.

  • Love 3

This is a sad, painful e-mail that Yolanda sent Bella after the DUI. I find it even sadder because Yolanda seems more concerned that Bella's car was messy/filthy inside but not about finding booze cans/bottles and pill bottles in her car! SMH




To Yolanda, a person's surfaces are the same as their interiors. It's no wonder she seemed more concerned about the "filthy clothes" and "mess" of the car than the stimulants and vodka bottles strewn throughout it. It's as if, had they been arranged in canisters neatly, she wouldn't have cared so much.


Okay, maybe that's a little mean. It could also be like my friend's grandmother who, after breaking her hip, was more concerned that she broke her nails in the process.

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 4

Why did Bella have access to a car when her license is suspended? A teen with a messy car? The horror! She is lucky the police didn't search and find the stimulants. I'm sure she was probably using them to stay skinny.

In her email, Yolanda says she found beer cans and vodka bottles as well as the pill bottles! I really think she, Yolanda was more upset about the police seeing the inside of the car messy than the things most parents find frightening! She really fears someone judging her parenting skills because of a messy teen's car, not for a DUI on an already suspended DL or that she had alcohol and pill bottles/cans in her car!

  • Love 1

Like many young women in the 80s, I was fascinated by model culture.  Does anyone remember the tragic story of Gia Carangi?  This candid-ish photo of Bella, though I'm sure it's just bad lighting, angle, etc. reminds me of images of Gia when she was crashing and burning.  I hope that Bella isn't heading down that path. I want to believe that she has enough support from her family not to, but sometimes that's not enough. If that email is authentic, pills AND booze. Gosh, she just looks strung out.



ETA:  the link will only take you to the series of 10 pics of Bella.  The one I'm referring to is the selfie in the pink leather, midriff-baring suit.


This is Gia at the end of her career.  Angelina Jolie played her in the critically acclaimed HBO biography/movie.  It won some Golden Globes and I believe a couple Emmys. Worth a watch.  I AM NOT comparing Bella to Gia.  Just that the picture above reminded me of that whole, fascinating, dark culture and how it ends badly for some.


Edited by ryebread
  • Love 3

This is a sad, painful e-mail that Yolanda sent Bella after the DUI. I find it even sadder because Yolanda seems more concerned that Bella's car was messy/filthy inside but not about finding booze cans/bottles and pill bottles in her car! SMH



Shocking Wire-This is the real Yolanda-not the cool, calm collective oh so concerned Yolanda-who would write an email like that to her daughter?  I assume Bella's car was in impound not the pond.  Much like the judge in Teresa Giudice's case. . . for a minute I considered Yolanda to be a good person and then I read something like this and wonder-what kind of pressure is the girl under and what kind of parental supervision is truly present?  Modeling isn't the end all to a successful life.


A better question might be-why is her minor daughter driving on a suspended license?  Bella seems to have far bigger problems that "using poor judgment one night".

  • Love 4

In her email, Yolanda says she found beer cans and vodka bottles as well as the pill bottles! I really think she, Yolanda was more upset about the police seeing the inside of the car messy than the things most parents find frightening! She really fears someone judging her parenting skills because of a messy teen's car, not for a DUI on an already suspended DL or that she had alcohol and pill bottles/cans in her car!

I didn't get this impression at all. To me she seemed equally appalled by the mess and the booze and drugs. Her begging Bella to consider whether she would want her younger brother to make these types of choices, her begging her to think about cleaning up her life. This is way beyond her being upset about a dirty car. And, I'm sorry there is a huge difference between a dirty car and a car littered with blood and used tampax. That is way beyond dirty and points to some majorly poor life decisions. And since she says that she picked the car up, I assumed she was talking about picking it up from the police impound after the DUI, not that Bella had access to the car after the DUI.

  • Love 10
Shocking Wire-This is the real Yolanda-not the cool, calm collective oh so concerned Yolanda-who would write an email like that to her daughter?



If I were Bella, I'd write back, "Oh, so now you pay attention to me?" 


Bellas' been living in Gigi's shadow as far as Yolanda is concerned.  I'm sure that has a role in Bella's distancing herself from the white "perfection" at home.

  • Love 7

Shocking Wire-This is the real Yolanda-not the cool, calm collective oh so concerned Yolanda-who would write an email like that to her daughter?  I assume Bella's car was in impound not the pond.  Much like the judge in Teresa Giudice's case. . . for a minute I considered Yolanda to be a good person and then I read something like this and wonder-what kind of pressure is the girl under and what kind of parental supervision is truly present?  Modeling isn't the end all to a successful life.


A better question might be-why is her minor daughter driving on a suspended license?  Bella seems to have far bigger problems that "using poor judgment one night".

Is there more to the email that I am not seeing? Because to me it reads like a woman desperate to get her daughter to see just how close she is to making that one major mistake that will ruin or possibly even end her life. Her begging Bella to consider her sister and younger brother, was kind of heart breaking. I didn't read anything in that email that suggested that she was focused on modeling being the only way to have a successful life.


The girl is driving around with blood and used tampax in her car, her mother obviously sees this as a cry for help. Plus, Yolanda was picking up the car - I assume from the police impound, so why would  the assumption be that Bella was driving on a suspended license?

Seriously, there is only the screenshot at the link posted above, so if there is more to the email that I am missing, please point me to it, because I totally see a woman who is afraid for her daughter. And, I second the opinion that I really wish this had never been made public. That type of pain isn't entertaining and should be off limits no matter if they are on television or not.

  • Love 18

Shocking Wire-This is the real Yolanda-not the cool, calm collective oh so concerned Yolanda-who would write an email like that to her daughter?  I assume Bella's car was in impound not the pond.  Much like the judge in Teresa Giudice's case. . . for a minute I considered Yolanda to be a good person and then I read something like this and wonder-what kind of pressure is the girl under and what kind of parental supervision is truly present?  Modeling isn't the end all to a successful life.


A better question might be-why is her minor daughter driving on a suspended license?  Bella seems to have far bigger problems that "using poor judgment one night".


Perhaps she stowed away her car somewhere on their 4-acre estate amidst the lemon groves. Or at a friend's house. It boggles the mind that Bella's license was suspended previously and she still had access to a car. In California, could you get your license suspended as a 17-year old for taking too many passengers in a car? It is that way in NY, NJ, and PA, but I don't know about elsewhere.


Although I don't begrudge Yolanda flying from Spain to California out of concern or think Yolanda was unconcerned, I'm surprised the whole situation came as such a surprise to Yolanda (and presumably David and Mohamed). I also am hoping Bella's underwear was only bloodied due to menstruation.


What bothered me about the e-mail most was Yolanda saying that Bella should be leading a "clean and conscious" life, making all the right choices, because she's observed Yolanda so closely. It's as if Yolanda has always thought about herself as the paragon of human perfection and this dashes it. Of course, I wouldn't view it so unsympathetically if Yolanda didn't act so (defensively) narcissistic in general, and particularly in relation to her daughters. What Yolanda has said about Gigi - "She's like me, but better. And she's wonderful!" - in this past episode and in general is a bit odd in my book. Parents (particularly parents of multiple children) will say certain aspects of a child remind them of themselves, but saying, more or less, that your kid is great because they're a better version of you - not their own great person - is sort of screwed-up.


I'm guessing Bella forwarded the e-mail to a friend, who then sent it along and it leaked.

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 4

I didn't notice more concern about the mess than the drugs and alcohol in Bella's car. It was all mentioned in the context of the absolute lack of respect Bella has shown. My kid has seriously messed up too, and trust me, it makes you question everything you have ever done. When you are talking with them about it, you bring up all transgressions, big and small.

  • Love 8

I didn't get this impression at all. To me she seemed equally appalled by the mess and the booze and drugs. Her begging Bella to consider whether she would want her younger brother to make these types of choices, her begging her to think about cleaning up her life. This is way beyond her being upset about a dirty car. And, I'm sorry there is a huge difference between a dirty car and a car littered with blood and used tampax. That is way beyond dirty and points to some majorly poor life decisions. And since she says that she picked the car up, I assumed she was talking about picking it up from the police impound after the DUI, not that Bella had access to the car after the DUI.


Yeah, I'm no Yolanda fan, but she did seem really concerned about Bella and just very distraught.

  • Love 5

I think what bothered me was the line, "what did I do to deserve this?" And the, "poor Anwar his life is going to be miserable."


It she be about Bella and the disappointing choices she has made not about Yolanda and her parenting.  I did appreciate Yolanda professing her love to Bella and that it was unconditional.. 

  • Love 5

I saw a comment on another site that summed it up after getting the phone call on the yacht- "If it had been Gigi, Yolanda would have swam home."


Then again, I'm sure perfect little Gigi would never do such a thing. Ya know, since she reminds Yolanda so much of herself.


She might want to be careful. The Lemon Queen might get a phone call about Gigi one day too. She's hanging with people like Cara D and Justin Bieber's crew. We know how that group rolls.

  • Love 1

Is there more to the email that I am not seeing? Because to me it reads like a woman desperate to get her daughter to see just how close she is to making that one major mistake that will ruin or possibly even end her life. Her begging Bella to consider her sister and younger brother, was kind of heart breaking. I didn't read anything in that email that suggested that she was focused on modeling being the only way to have a successful life.


The girl is driving around with blood and used tampax in her car, her mother obviously sees this as a cry for help. Plus, Yolanda was picking up the car - I assume from the police impound, so why would  the assumption be that Bella was driving on a suspended license?

Seriously, there is only the screenshot at the link posted above, so if there is more to the email that I am missing, please point me to it, because I totally see a woman who is afraid for her daughter. And, I second the opinion that I really wish this had never been made public. That type of pain isn't entertaining and should be off limits no matter if they are on television or not.

This was the only e-mail shown. Who gave it to the press is unknown, at least they do not mention it at all in the article. When Bella was arrested for the DUI, they also reported she was driving on a suspended license at the time, no article ever said why the license was suspended in the first place.


I do think Yolanda loves Bella, very much, but her priorities are/seem to be mixed up. As a parent, I would have been more concerned with the alcohol and pill containers found inside her car far more than how messy it was. I would also be more inclined to keep her home, attending a local college instead of whether or not getting her an apartment over dorm life as reasonable punishment. There just seems to be some disconnect here IMHO.

  • Love 3

I didn't get this impression at all. To me she seemed equally appalled by the mess and the booze and drugs. Her begging Bella to consider whether she would want her younger brother to make these types of choices, her begging her to think about cleaning up her life. This is way beyond her being upset about a dirty car. And, I'm sorry there is a huge difference between a dirty car and a car littered with blood and used tampax. That is way beyond dirty and points to some majorly poor life decisions. And since she says that she picked the car up, I assumed she was talking about picking it up from the police impound after the DUI, not that Bella had access to the car after the DUI.

She says in the email that the panties/underwear found in the car were bloody, as if her period started and hence the tampons. Yolanda went on about the mess far more than the alcohol/pill bottles than the mess which I found sad. As a parent, the mess would have upset me but the pill/alcohol containers would have scared the life out of me and would have raised a big red flag. I also did not get the impression Yolanda thought Bella was influencing Anwar but more that she, Bella, was an embarrassment to Anwar, Gigi and Yolanda. 

A lot of people, not just teems, have messy cars. I too was bothered by the what did I do to deserve this. Look, kids make bad choices sometimes. She is lucky she got caught. Hopefully, she learns her lesson and luckily nobody was injured. I too would be more worried that she may be abusing stimulants to maintain an unrealistic bodyweight. Also, why didn't Yolanda know she was driving without a license? Who was paying attention?

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I don't think Yo is mad at the car being a mess I think she sees it as a reflection of Bella's poor mental health. I tend to agree.



Yeah, I didn't take it as "Your car is such a mess!" type thing. It was the combination of empty beer cans, bottles, pills and tampons, blood etc. The trash isn't just distasteful, it's part of a whole picture of someone self-destructive. The pills and the tampons seemed very much connected to me.

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