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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I'm new here but I just saw a replay of the episode where Janelle gives 101 reasons why she can't take Jace back before completely changing her tune and saying that she desperately wants to have full custody.  And the thing that pissed me off was that it was all about her, 'I want Jace back' 'I'm his mother' 'I've been clean and sober', absolutely nothing about Jace's wants or needs.  Barbs isn't going to win any 'Parent of the Year' awards but she has been raising her grandson at 60something with absolutely no support from his mother for five years, so points to her.  

Janelle just seems to think that Jace is a plant or something that she handed over to her mother to take care of and now wants back.  You don't get to hand over full custody of your child, bugger off for 4, 5 years, stay clean for a few months, pop out another kid and decide that actually you would quite like him back.  

Sorry about the rant, I just got so annoyed seeing Janelle make it all about her rather than Jace. 


Yeah that one drove me nuts, too. Or wait, was it only one? I think I've seen this rant multiple times now. I thought it was almost comical when Nathan tried to push for custody and she backpedaled so hard I thought she was going to hurt herself. She doesn't want the kid, except when it's cute for the cameras. Poor Jace. I'm glad he's got Barbara in his life - "mother of the year" or not at least she cares. I fear for what will happen to Kaiser. I also feel bad for Jenelle and Nathan's parents.I bet they didn't expect to be raising babies in their 60s. They've already each got one - Jace, and Nathan's daughter. It seems like Barb's also got another baby from ?? and I assume one or both will have Kaiser soon. Shows like this make me so mad that there are infertile couples out there aching for a baby.

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Yeah that one drove me nuts, too. Or wait, was it only one? I think I've seen this rant multiple times now. I thought it was almost comical when Nathan tried to push for custody and she backpedaled so hard I thought she was going to hurt herself. She doesn't want the kid, except when it's cute for the cameras. Poor Jace. I'm glad he's got Barbara in his life - "mother of the year" or not at least she cares. I fear for what will happen to Kaiser. I also feel bad for Jenelle and Nathan's parents.I bet they didn't expect to be raising babies in their 60s. They've already each got one - Jace, and Nathan's daughter. It seems like Barb's also got another baby from ?? and I assume one or both will have Kaiser soon. Shows like this make me so mad that there are infertile couples out there aching for a baby.

Pretty sure there have been more episodes, sadly,  And you can see Janelle think "Oh whoops, I'm on Teen Mom, better look like I want my kid back".  It creeps me out how much Nathan wants Jace actually,  especially since he doesn't seem to care about his own daughter nearly as much! 

And I agree, Barb isn't mother of the year material but someone had to step up for the poor kid.  I remember being horrified when Janelle came home, high as a kite, she and Barb were screaming at each other as Barb threw her out (for somethingth time) and it cut to six month old Jace sitting at the back door, entertaining himself with a spoon or something and looking heartbreakingly lonely.  Whenever Janelle has gone on about how much she loves him, I always think of that episode. 

I'm a bit younger than the girls and when I told my parents about how the grandparents were raising the kids, they were horrified at raising a toddler at their age. It isn't fair that the grandparents are having the pick up the slack and I can definitely see Kaiser going to Barb's or Nathan's parents.  It will be a case of, "should he be raised with his half-brother and his grandmother or his half-sister and her grandparents?".  Either way, none of those kids have been set up for good mental health in the future.  Out of all of the Teen Moms, Janelle just makes me so mad!

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I'm chuckling about that episode this season (toward the end of the season, I think) where Jenelle sat there telling Nathan with a straight face that they were much better parents to Jace than Barb because 'we don't yell,we have a calm discussion' or words to that effect.


Oh, and this...oyyy...



Edited by cheatincheetos
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I'm chuckling about that episode this season (toward the end of the season, I think) where Jenelle sat there telling Nathan with a straight face that they were much better parents to Jace than Barb because 'we don't yell,we have a calm discussion' or words to that effect.

Oh, and this...oyyy...


I had to spit out my coffee. What???

I hate when people reproduce and then don't take care of their kid. Every penny Jenelle makes should go to Jace and Barbara. Jenelle isn't a mother. I just hate the one episode when Jace called Barbra mom and Jenelle got upset and told Jace not to call her that. Well Barbara is his mom. Even if she yells and gets into arguments in front of Jace she does love him. She has his best interest at heart. Once teen mom ends and Nathan and Jenelle break up poor kaiser roll might not have a mom or even dad for long

Edited by Darknight
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I had to spit out my coffee. What???

I hate when people reproduce and then don't take care of their kid. Every penny Jenelle makes should go to Jace and Barbara. Jenelle isn't a mother. I just hate the one episode when Jace called Barbra mom and Jenelle got upset and told Jace not to call her that. Well Barbara is his mom. Even if she yells and gets into arguments in front of Jace she does love him. She has his best interest at heart. Once teen mom ends and Nathan and Jenelle break up poor kaiser roll might not have a mom or even dad for long

I don't understand what kind of judicial system can hear how much MTV pays Jenelle for her...whatever she does to 'earn' it... and yet doesn't order her to pay generous child support to her mother, who is slaving away at a Walmart job near retirement age.

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I know why Nathan is pushing so hard for Jace. The paycheck. And the ability to throw it back in Barb's face, because he does all he can to push her buttons. They can't stand each other! Barb hates him cos she can see right through his con, and that's exactly why he hates her. Lucky for him Jenelle is an idiot, and blinded by whoever is professing his love at the moment. Jace? Jace who? Oh.. right.


I have never been an advocate for children to run away from home, but honestly I might make an exception with this family. Run far and run fast boys!!!


I was feeling feisty tonight, so I changed my avatar to the many mugshots of Jenelle. I thought it was a cute collage.

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I was feeling feisty tonight, so I changed my avatar to the many mugshots of Jenelle. I thought it was a cute collage.

How does anyone get her to close her yelly mouth long enough to take these shots? My favorites are the ones where she's just beaming, not upset about the umpteenth arrest at all. "Nice seeing you guys again."

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I know why Nathan is pushing so hard for Jace. The paycheck. And the ability to throw it back in Barb's face, because he does all he can to push her buttons. They can't stand each other! Barb hates him cos she can see right through his con, and that's exactly why he hates her.

*grabs all the flipflops off the wall hangers and throws them at Nathan's "genuinality" *

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"Jenelle frequently gets made fun of during Teen Mom 2 episodes for her thin lips.  If you follow any of the Teen Mom 2 threads online during the episodes, people mention it during every one of her segments.  Anyway, Jenelle decided to do something about it and had some lip injections.  She might have also landed herself a new job in the process because the plastic surgeon’s office apparently told her that she could work there after she graduates as an externship.  She would also be guaranteed one free surgery each year that she works there."

Edited by cheatincheetos

Posting with the caveat that they'll probably make up and break up three more times by next week...unless he met a sugar daddy through his guyswithiphones photo posts, Jenelle is sadly Nathan's meal ticket. And... posting soapy nudes on snapchat.




And he claims to be listening to Gayaneh on Pandora. Okayyy.



Edited by cheatincheetos
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'Cause you know, if it's on Twitter, it's official. According to them. But, yes, saw it and came running over. Give 'em 12 hours or so. If not...Barb, better start getting a bedroom ready for Kaiser Roll to move into.


ETA: That was fast. It's already deleted.


That part about it being public on Twitter was kind of hilarious. I wish there weren't kids involved in all of this because I'd be laughing hard if it was only the "adults." I can't even imagine Barb having to take on another kid. She's already got Jace and that mystery cousin, right? I don't think she'd leave Kaiser Roll out to dry, but damn, that's a lot of kids to take on in your retirement years. Please just put this poor baby up for adoption. He still has a chance for a stable life.

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Is that where he's mostly been? I was wondering. I figured odds of Jenelle and Nathan having him most of the time were extremely slim, but I hadn't heard where he's been.

Is Nathan's mother the minister who also believes in watching porn while babysitting? Must be an interesting denomination.




excerpt: "Just the past 3 months I’ve been modeling. Only have had. 2 shoots.

My mom was and is a minister. My family is religious and I’m not trying to be a hater but God burned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Um sodomy is against my religion sorry to disappoint you. And why the hell do I have to make three incomes if I did stuff like that. If it was me I don’t know why I’m not getting paid for it, I guess since its probably a porn industry (even though I couldn’t be a underwear model because that’s in the third paragraph of my contract and any clothed models contract NO PORN OR PROMOTIONAL PICTURES) I wish someone would try to find their number so I can at least ask why I’m not getting paid for it."


(*three* incomes?--??--wha????)

Edited by cheatincheetos



I'm assuming he means disability/veterans benefits, MTV money, and then the third income would be this mystery porno that he may or may not be in?


As long as that's not the porn his mother is allowing to play while Kaiser is present...title was either 'Real Marine First Time Amateurs volume 87' or 'See the Genuality in Me...and Everything Else'

Edited by cheatincheetos

Gah, Nathan's hands and fingers represent the Lollipop Guild.

"You know what they say about men with small hands..."


Not sure about her other men. Can't quite tell from this rogue's gallery linked here, but they seem rougher in the after pictures. Is it from drugs, or is it after having dated Jenelle?



Edited by cheatincheetos
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I also love how proud she is of her scrubs. I'm convinced she wears them on days she feels that slight ambition. She actually said she gets more respect when she wears them. For reals.

Anything that disguises her as Not-Jenelle would increase the respect that she gets.


N.J. Griffith @GroundLevelUp  ·  Jan 27

Hate give me motivation


"Grrrr! Jellus hatterz!! Nathan smash hatters with his tiny handz!"

Edited by cheatincheetos
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Is that just for her school or in general? I actually am a medical asst ( however I'm currently in school to be an RN) but I had no problem getting a job. Honestly, I doubt even if she gets a job that it'll last, you don't make very much, and it's at times a dirty job... Giving shots, cleaning poop, bathing patients... I can't imagine she would be down with that long.

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Is that just for her school or in general? I actually am a medical asst ( however I'm currently in school to be an RN) but I had no problem getting a job. Honestly, I doubt even if she gets a job that it'll last, you don't make very much, and it's at times a dirty job... Giving shots, cleaning poop, bathing patients... I can't imagine she would be down with that long.

Zero has to be some kind of anomaly caused by incorrect coding. That was my impression too, that while nursing can be a very tough grueling job, there's plenty of demand for it and that should only increase with an aging population. I think Jenelle's chances are pretty bad but because it's Jenelle, not the profession.

Would you mind screen grabbing that and linking it by imugr here?  I want to save it before she deletes it.

Which one? the quote that her program has zero placement?

That only refers to that school's program. And it also says fewer than 10 students completed the program in 2012-13, so it's a tiny program. There could have been one graduate; if they failed to place that person, or he/she chose to pursue a different kind of employment, 0% would be accurate.

That's what I figured, too small a sample size. Still made me giggle.

Have they announced they're back together on Twitter yet? It's been, like, two whole days. That's like, you know, like a record. Maybe Nipples' feelings really did drop - until he needs some money. But, two days is plenty long enough for Jenelle to fall in love with someone else.

'course she'll fall out with the new guy in two days or less as well. I want to see a reality show where Jenelle and Leah compete for who can go through more guys in a week. Double points if they go back to someone they already broke up with. They could even go after each other's bfs for bonus points. The advertising sponsors could be contraceptives and condoms, pregnancy tests, Valtrex, Lysol...

Edited by cheatincheetos
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Kaiser really does look like Nathan in that shot of him next to their pet pitbull. (It looks like a pit, I admit that I'm not a dog expert)


Someone did one of those aging projections for Jenelle and Nathan. Probably will take about ten years for them to look 40 years older:



Edited by cheatincheetos

I also love how proud she is of her scrubs. I'm convinced she wears them on days she feels that slight ambition. She actually said she gets more respect when she wears them. For reals.

I always felt kind of proud of my scrubs too. I dunno, there seems to be a certain amount of respect to those who wear them. Nurses and doctors are generally treated as intelligent and competent people. People in the medical field are usually regarded as important. It is similar to a military uniform in that as soon as someone sees it they know what you are. But I still don't see Jenelle getting and keeping any kind of medical assistant job. Even if she does manage to land something I am sure she will crash and burn. Extra points for fist fights on the job!


Is that just for her school or in general? I actually am a medical asst ( however I'm currently in school to be an RN) but I had no problem getting a job. Honestly, I doubt even if she gets a job that it'll last, you don't make very much, and it's at times a dirty job... Giving shots, cleaning poop, bathing patients... I can't imagine she would be down with that long.

I didn't have much trouble getting a job either as an MA. But then again I do not have the same criminal record as Jenelle. I can see a lot of offices being hesitant or flat out refusing to let her in because of her known drug charges. When I worked as an MA I didn't think the job was all that dirty (germy, yes), but I worked in a family practice first, then later in a GI specialty in the records area, and later as an MA (though it was more data entry really) at a large hospital's doctor's office building. I took a "medical break" for awhile cos my health has gone to hell.. but I still don't think Jenelle's future in medicine is going to be realistic.The tech school might be promising her a future, but they will tell all their students that because they want them to keep paying tuition. It's not really good business to tell your paying students they're doomed to fail and will never be able to find work. And Jenelle is too delusional to understand they're just stringing her along.

Edited by fliptopbox
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Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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