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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


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16 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I'm not disagreeing with you at all (not a subject I am super knowledgeable about), but did anyone catch Nathan trying to mention last night something about Jenelle cutting her wrist? There was so much talking over each other, but I could have swear he tried to bring that up twice. 

I think he was saying that she did something to herself and then claimed it (to the police?) that it was him.

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56 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I'm not disagreeing with you at all (not a subject I am super knowledgeable about), but did anyone catch Nathan trying to mention last night something about Jenelle cutting her wrist? There was so much talking over each other, but I could have swear he tried to bring that up twice. 

I caught that, he mentioned it after saying something like "you tell people I abused you when you were abusing yourself". I got the impression that he was implying she would hurt herself and then tell others that Nathan had done it. Unsure though.

ETA @sconstant pretty much exactly what you said, sorry, I didn't see your post!

Edited by neatoburrito
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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I'm not disagreeing with you at all (not a subject I am super knowledgeable about), but did anyone catch Nathan trying to mention last night something about Jenelle cutting her wrist? There was so much talking over each other, but I could have swear he tried to bring that up twice. 

I couldn't really follow, honestly. I figure most of what they say to each other now is manipulation...I don't trust either of their stories. They're both pretending to not still be violent addicts and clearly are. Nathan could just as well be hiding his abuse of her. He's an alcoholic and I'm sure she still uses...and supposedly he himself has PTSD. I'm sure their fights got ugly and violent regularly.

BPD patients often have a long history of self harm. Many are highly emotional and sensitive, even childlike, while Jenelle's affect is flat and cold unless she's high or angry. I see some similarities with Jenelle's attachment issues and unstable relationships, but BPD is really complex and, like I said, up to 75% have a history of childhood sexual trauma and 90% were abused or neglected as kids. You'd have to deeply know the person and work with them extensively to diagnose BPD. That would be up to her and a therapist. 

My personal opinion is that her kids are more likely to have BPD or some kind of attachment disorder or PTSD than she is. 

Edited by Lm2162
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Thanks for the insights. I agree that they're both so crazy, you never know what to believe. I can totally see Jenelle doing something to herself and claiming someone else did it. For all of Barb's protestations about what a liar Nathan is, Jenelle wouldn't know the truth if it hit her in the face. But I can also see him getting physical with her. So who knows? With those two, I imagine it was the kind of fighting where you don't know where it began and where it ended. 

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20 hours ago, SneakyCentipede said:

YES. All of this!!

I can't imagine being her therapist;  if she actually was to go see a real therapist, not the VH1 employed kind.  I want to think everyone is capable of change; but Jenelle seems to be an exception. The best therapist I had was one I was seeing about 4 years ago to deal with the grief I was experiencing acres my fathers sudden death. Almost our 3rd or so session the gloves came over and she was practically in my face telling me what I'm doing wrong as a person, parent, family member, friend, and why my life had continued in this cycle. I remember storming out of there so mad swearing I'd never be back, she was supposed to be helping ME, I'm the one going thru something difficult I thought. But after a day or two I got to thinking about how right she was on a lot of things; and that by me storming out and never coming back I was continuing the pattern of basically being a big flake who can't fully commit to anything. So I went back and she was immensely helpful. But the thing with Jenelle is I don't think she has the self-reflection or ability to take constructive criticism. She wants to be surrounded by yes-men; like her boyfriends all start out singing the same song that Barb is terrible and she's keeping Jace from Jenelle. The minute these guys stop being her echo chamber and stand up to her is when the dramatic fights and cop calling antics start up. So I dunno what to even hope for with her 

Agree. It recently occurred to me that as much as I resent that bitch for all the money she has and how she's been rewarded for being a truly awful person, Jenelle will probably never be happy. She, like Leah, will have brief moments of highs (generally brought on by the guy in her life blowing smoke up her ass), and a whole lot of lows. Sure, she can hop a plane to the Caribbean when she wants and not be plagued by that pesky guilt for abandoning her kids, but how often is she really happy? Probably next to never. Other than her mother, there is no adult that truly loves her. Her friends are all hanger ons looking to get something out of her. Her boyfriends are all violent criminals or deadbeats who will be a threat to her mental, if not physical, health at all times.

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12 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

In case it gets lost in the reunion thread, here is a sample of Jenelle fat-shaming people on social media:


Clearly, Jenelle considers "fat" to be the worst insult ever. Who cares if someone thinks you're a lazy worthless shitbag of a person, as long as they concede you are physically attractive. If Nathan had called her white trash she probably would have just rolled her eyes and brought up his own trashtastic qualities.

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I forgot to add--BPD patients are definitely equally capable of empathy and love as anyone else, and desperately long for it, even if they don't know how to show it depending on how severe their disorder is (many are very high functioning) and push people away because they have been repeatedly, usually VERY severely abused, often by a parent. I think Jenelle is in pain, but I don't know that she is truly capable of any empathy...It's impossible to tell, I guess, but Jenelle doesn't really seem to *love* anybody. People with BPD often love people too much and have accepted a great deal of abuse (not that Jenelle hasn't been abused; she has, but I've never really seen real emotion from her). They're certainly not sociopaths/uncaring/lacking in emotion. I could be totally wrong, obviously, and it could just be very deeply buried in her. I don't like to think someone has no hope. She's still young and could get treatment.

But she might just be a huge asshole.

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3 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

But she might just be a huge asshole.

My sister was married to a real dickhead for a long time, til he left her for a younger woman. Over the years she comes up with various different explanations for why he was such a dickhead. He was bipolar. He had ADHD. He was a sex addict. Blah blah blah. Whatever. To me, he was just an asshole. Bottom line. This is what I think about Jenelle.

Edited by lidarose9
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3 hours ago, Darknight said:

How difficult is it to treat BPD? I've heard even therapists don't like these sort of clients because it's so difficult 

It's incredibly challenging.  It's a struggle that is basically one step forward, two steps back...basically forever.  

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6 hours ago, Darknight said:

How difficult is it to treat BPD? I've heard even therapists don't like these sort of clients because it's so difficult 

Anyone with a great deal of past trauma (PTSD, BPD), whether from childhood abuse, war, etc., is very difficult to treat. 

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Just popped over to Nathan's Facebook. He is bragging about having a driver's license and motorcycle license and wants to get his pilot's and boating license too...more vehicles for him to endanger others on. Whoever Noah Griffith is (brother?) says, you can't drive a car, let alone a plane...I won't be a passenger. 

These TM dads (Adummmmm) love doing dangerous shit with vehicles. 

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14 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I forgot to add--BPD patients are definitely equally capable of empathy and love as anyone else, and desperately long for it, even if they don't know how to show it depending on how severe their disorder is (many are very high functioning) and push people away because they have been repeatedly, usually VERY severely abused, often by a parent. I think Jenelle is in pain, but I don't know that she is truly capable of any empathy...It's impossible to tell, I guess, but Jenelle doesn't really seem to *love* anybody. People with BPD often love people too much and have accepted a great deal of abuse (not that Jenelle hasn't been abused; she has, but I've never really seen real emotion from her). They're certainly not sociopaths/uncaring/lacking in emotion. I could be totally wrong, obviously, and it could just be very deeply buried in her. I don't like to think someone has no hope. She's still young and could get treatment.

But she might just be a huge asshole.

Woman with diagnosed BPD 13 years ago and many years of Dialectical Behavior Therapy under my belt here.  Based on my personal experience, I think that Jenelle displays some very classical symptoms of BPD.  She can't stand to be alone and rushes from one relationship to the next.  She clings to whatever man she's with with the vengeance of 1,000 suns.  It might not be "love", but in her mind she absolutely NEEDS the man-of-the-month in her life.  Then she does the very typical "I hate you; don't leave me" behavior at the first perceived act of abandonment or slight from her partner (either real or entirely imaginary).  Her boyfriends are never decent guys who did something bad at a certain time.  They're either the best boyfriends on earth with no faults whatsoever, or the most vile, disgusting human beings on the planet (same goes for most of her "friends").  She vacillates between those extremes, "loving" and fighting with her partner until the relationship dissolves due to the craziness.  And while it's true that the majority of BPD patients have had horrible childhoods riddled with sexual abuse, I'm living proof that predisposition, insecurity, and parents that are unable to nurture or show emotion but otherwise were "good" parents (not sexually abusive or even what many would consider physically abusive), can definitely produce a BPD child.  Add the fact that Nathan has accused Jenelle of self-harm, she('s) abuses(d) drugs, and has extremely unstable relationships with everyone around her and my armchair diagnosis is BPD.  Again, I am NOT a psychiatrist; just someone who can recognize a lot of my former symptoms in Jenelle.

Thankfully, therapy and plain old growing up and maturing did wonders for my BPD.  I'll never say I'm "cured", but my symptoms have been so stable for so many years that no one would know I have a BPD diagnosis.  I work in a fulfilling career, am happily married to a great guy for 5 years, have a 2 year old little girl with another on the way, and my illogical emotional "outbursts" happen once a year (if that) and are self-managed once I use my skills to realize my reaction is not typical for the situation.  I REALLY hope Jenelle matures and is able to lead a stable life, if only for Jace's and Kaiser's sakes.

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Just now, SlothLoveChunk said:

Woman with diagnosed BPD 13 years ago and many years of Dialectical Behavior Therapy under my belt here.  Based on my personal experience, I think that Jenelle displays some very classical symptoms of BPD.  She can't stand to be alone and rushes from one relationship to the next.  She clings to whatever man she's with with the vengeance of 1,000 suns.  It might not be "love", but in her mind she absolutely NEEDS the man-of-the-month in her life.  Then she does the very typical "I hate you; don't leave me" behavior at the first perceived act of abandonment or slight from her partner (either real or entirely imaginary).  Her boyfriends are never decent guys who did something bad at a certain time.  They're either the best boyfriends on earth with no faults whatsoever, or the most vile, disgusting human beings on the planet (same goes for most of her "friends").  She vacillates between those extremes, "loving" and fighting with her partner until the relationship dissolves due to the craziness.  And while it's true that the majority of BPD patients have had horrible childhoods riddled with sexual abuse, I'm living proof that predisposition, insecurity, and parents that are unable to nurture or show emotion but otherwise were "good" parents (not sexually abusive or even what many would consider physically abusive), can definitely produce a BPD child.  Add the fact that Nathan has accused Jenelle of self-harm, she('s) abuses(d) drugs, and has extremely unstable relationships with everyone around her and my armchair diagnosis is BPD.  Again, I am NOT a psychiatrist; just someone who can recognize a lot of my former symptoms in Jenelle.

Thankfully, therapy and plain old growing up and maturing did wonders for my BPD.  I'll never say I'm "cured", but my symptoms have been so stable for so many years that no one would know I have a BPD diagnosis.  I work in a fulfilling career, am happily married to a great guy for 5 years, have a 2 year old little girl with another on the way, and my illogical emotional "outbursts" happen once a year (if that) and are self-managed once I use my skills to realize my reaction is not typical for the situation.  I REALLY hope Jenelle matures and is able to lead a stable life, if only for Jace's and Kaiser's sakes.

Regardless of whether she has BPD or bipolar disorder (which also fits well) or something else, or just general codependency, anxiety, and addiction, she needs treatment she won't get while still on MTV. And that's the real tragedy here. And yes, prolonged emotional abuse leads to BPD in some cases too, especially the slightly less severe ones (less self harm etc)...the 90% statistic is about any kind of abuse, the 75% is sexual abuse. We know Jenelle was at least emotionally abused and has now been physically abused repeatedly. I assume she was in childhood as well though commenting on that feels exploitative or weird on my part.

I feel like I might be contributing to the horrible stigma surrounding BPD by commenting about it any further, which stops a lot of people from getting treatment, so I'll stop there. I'll just say I really hope that Leah and Jenelle both get treatment off screen for whatever mental illnesses they have, and that the people around them encourage them to do so. Beyond that, not my business. 

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I was watching a season 6 episode this morning, and my mum who has barely even seen the show looked at Jenelle and said, "She's meeting with her lawyer AGAIN? Does she meet with her lawyer every day?" I explained to her that you kinda need to when your favourite hobbies are taking drugs and hitting people with mason jars.

It's kind of funny how Jenelle and everyone in her life seem to be so excessively litigious, too. They constantly press charges for minor things to spite each other. Jenelle and Nathan used to press charges in a kind of tit-for-tat manner and then have them all dropped when they wanted to get back together. In the episode this morning Jenelle came out of jail (again) and said she wished there was a no contact order against Nathan because she didn't want to speak to him anymore. Like she thinks she's entitled to a restraining order because she doesn't feel like talking to him. She's such a ridiculous person, it'd be hilarious if she didn't have kids and was the only person affected by all her bullshit. 

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Did anyone see her loving tribute to Dave yesterday on IG? She thanks him for being a father figure to her TWO boys. She claims he's taught Jace more in 9 months about "being a boy" (because apparently that requires lessons) than any man ever has. Kaiser can't wait to see him when he gets home from "work". Maryssa loves to spend every second with him. And then she goes ahead and just assumes that Kaden (the son he's not allowed to see) misses his abusive self. Ha, okay then. 

She really is delusional. 


They're apparently all in Orlando for some theme park fun. Must be nice, the way these people travel and blow through money. 

Edited by ghoulina
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2 hours ago, TeeMo said:

She had a second post about how "to our family you are the world" and the first comment I saw read "to your kids he is just random guy seven." I laughed out loud. 

You need to invite that person to the forum. 

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On 6/15/2016 at 2:31 PM, neatoburrito said:

 I explained to her that you kinda need to when your favourite hobbies are taking drugs and hitting people with mason jars.


I just snorted so hard I hurt myself.

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On 6/20/2016 at 4:44 PM, butterbody said:

Just read "breaking details" that uncle Bad Touch was married for seven years. That's 21 years in teen mom time.

Read this so fast I thought you posted SEVEN TIMES. I was thinking he must be related to Matt.

On 6/20/2016 at 9:21 AM, ghoulina said:

Did anyone see her loving tribute to Dave yesterday on IG? She thanks him for being a father figure to her TWO boys. She claims he's taught Jace more in 9 months about "being a boy" (because apparently that requires lessons) than any man ever has. Kaiser can't wait to see him when he gets home from "work". Maryssa loves to spend every second with him. And then she goes ahead and just assumes that Kaden (the son he's not allowed to see) misses his abusive self. Ha, okay then. 

She really is delusional. 


They're apparently all in Orlando for some theme park fun. Must be nice, the way these people travel and blow through money. 

Hoping Jenelle and Dave go swimming in an alligator-infested lake.

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Look at this old gem I found.  Jenelle is bitter that her sister, Ashleigh is pregnant with a second baby.


Jenelle wrote on Facebook saying, “Congrats to my sister she is having a baby girl and happy she got pregnant with all her 101 diseases she made up herself.”

Jenelle you currently have 101 diseases you made up yourself, too. 
quoted from (2015)

Edited by iheartla
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41 minutes ago, iheartla said:

Look at this old gem I found.  Jenelle is bitter that her sister, Ashleigh is pregnant with a second baby.

Jenelle you currently have 101 diseases you made up yourself, too. 
quoted from (2015)

Ahhh that is why Jenelle played the Yolanda Foster hypochondriac card. She screamed at Barb for helping Ashleigh. Jenelle needed to fake being sick to get herself some nourishment. 

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On June 21, 2016 at 9:01 AM, ghoulina said:

Damn, what the hell? Who could tolerate him for that long? Was this to Maryssa's mom? And how old is he???

Nobody, that's who. I'd bet my bank book that they seperated fairly quickly. The divorce just didn't happen for several years. Some people don't want to spend the money on it so they don't get around to it soon. There could be a bunch of reasons. I imagine in this case it took a while because they felt the benefit of being able to say they can't get married again because they are still legally married to their ex, was very convenient in shutting down any future marriage talks with someone else. 

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On June 21, 2016 at 9:01 AM, ghoulina said:

Damn, what the hell? Who could tolerate him for that long? Was this to Maryssa's mom? And how old is he???

It's very hard for victims of domestic violence to leave their abusive partner. 

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4 hours ago, MissMel said:

Nobody, that's who. I'd bet my bank book that they seperated fairly quickly. The divorce just didn't happen for several years. Some people don't want to spend the money on it so they don't get around to it soon. There could be a bunch of reasons. I imagine in this case it took a while because they felt the benefit of being able to say they can't get married again because they are still legally married to their ex, was very convenient in shutting down any future marriage talks with someone else. 

Man, these people have more marriage prospects than I ever have!

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5 hours ago, MissMel said:

 I imagine in this case it took a while because they felt the benefit of being able to say they can't get married again because they are still legally married to their ex, was very convenient in shutting down any future marriage talks with someone else. 

Hugh Hefner had that one down to a science until his kids turned 18 :).

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7 hours ago, MissMel said:

Nobody, that's who. I'd bet my bank book that they seperated fairly quickly. The divorce just didn't happen for several years. Some people don't want to spend the money on it so they don't get around to it soon. There could be a bunch of reasons. I imagine in this case it took a while because they felt the benefit of being able to say they can't get married again because they are still legally married to their ex, was very convenient in shutting down any future marriage talks with someone else. 

Ahhh, yea, that makes a lot more sense. Just because he was married to someone for 7 years, that doesn't mean he was actually WITH them. 


Has Maryssa's mom ever spoken out that anyone has seen? I know the mother of his son is the one he threw out of the car while pregnant and sent to the hospital. I'm just curious if his other baby mama had a similar experience. He still sees that child, so it makes me wonder. 

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8 hours ago, CofCinci said:

It's very hard for victims of domestic violence to leave their abusive partner. 

Exactly. DV was mentioned having occurred in that relationship. It is never easy to just get up and leave. Seeing how controlling David is, I am sure he made it difficult for her to leave him. He comes off very threatening. 

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From another thread:


What about Jace's sperm donor? Has he got any more kids? Does he not have to pay Barbara child support? I know this isn't the Jenelle thread, but I'm a nosy cow and wanna know. lol 

I do think Jenelle at some point went after him for child support because I think Andrew tried to claim Jace wasn't his and Jenelle had a paternity test done. Andrew is the biological father. If there was ever a support order in place it was likely pretty low because I highly doubt he's ever had a job, unless you count his "modeling" career in China. Anyways, I think he's been in and out of jail on drug charges and moves around a lot so I am certain Barb has never seen a dime from him.

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IIRC, (and I doubt it, lol) his name was on some court documents (along with Jenelle's) Barbara filed at some point or received and was shown reading, which I thought was surprising as I would have thought he'd have signed his rights away. So, what about his paternal grandparents and family? There is no indication they're involved in Jace's life. Not even a mention of them simply not wanting to be shown on this shit show. 
I feel horrible for Jace. Neither parent gives a shit. :(

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It makes me really sad that it seems there's no one - not an aunt, cousin, grandparent, etc from Andrew's side that is in contact and able to give Barb a break sometime. You better believe if Jace was my nephew's son (I have an adult nephew), I'd be reaching out to Barb to get to know him and offer to have him come visit us to give the woman raising him (Barb) a break. 

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That's a good point. What does it say about that family? Not ONE person wants to get to know Jace? My husband is the result of a one night stand, and his bio father never wanted to be in his life. Ever. But his bio grandparents did reach out to my MIL and were involved in my husband's life as he was growing up, to a degree. Andrew's family has got to be whacked.

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3 hours ago, TonAmi said:

Wow I honestly couldn't even get halfway through this... A collection of the best of her worst moments.


Annnnnd she thinks she's stable.

Seriously, that just screams (pun intended) mental illness. That girl needs serious, intensive, long-term counselling and medication if she ever wants to truly be stable. 

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I thought maybe we all exaggerated the amount that she says "LEAVE ME ALOOOOONE!!!!!!" but we really don't, do we? Jeez... my ears hurt. 

The clips of her filming herself singing and/or dancing gave me a much-needed laugh though. 

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When I watched that video, all those scenes where Jenelle is screaming in Barb's face, following her around screaming at her, just about putting hands on her.... I thought to myself, "Jenelle grew up watching that, so that's how she treats her mother." Barb has probably had someone treating like that all her life, so it doesn't strike her as unusual.

You can almost see Barb mentally processing that this is her daughter, not her husband, and she can stand up for herself, so she does so in the only way she knows how: by yelling back. So sad Jace is learning the same thing. 

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watching that video, I was shocked to see those scenes. I guess I had wiped them from my memory. I swear before God if a child i shat out bucked up at me in my own damn house, MTV would be pulling me off of her. I don't know how Barb has never straight whupped that girl's ass like a bitch in the street. You're grown enough to try to fight me, you're grown enough to get beat like a hoe I don't know. 

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I'll also add that this is 4 segments long. The user also created one about Farrah which was filled with her usual bitchiness, delusions, michaellllls, ugly crying, and Farrahness. 

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Someone needs to reupload those clips under a title like "The Best of Jenelle" then tweet them at her, praising her for what a wonderful and kind person she is and how she's such a great and attentive mom. Maybe even cut the clips to show her contradictions ("Oh I never yell" then 10 clips of her yelling)

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