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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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Do we have any North Carolina hatters here? We know from the DV 911 call that UBT wasn't charged because swamp bitch refused to press charges. If the victim in the truck incident won't press charges, does the state of NC have the authority to do so? Because this happened on public property, not private property (like the gun pulling incident), I'm wondering if the authorities have more power to press charges? North Carolina really needs to change some laws to protect its people. If this latest round of bullshit, the DV or the gun pulling incident had happened here in WA, the state of Washington would have charged someone whether the victim wanted to or not. The truck towing incident would have allowed for several charges. Malicious mischief, destruction of property and either auto theft of illegal possession of a vehicle come to mind. The second he hooked that cable to that man's truck, he took possession of it from a legal standpoint. If the time limit hasn't passed, I really hope the man presses charges! 

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, TexasGal said:

That article says this happened in June, but just got posted on YouTube.  The poor guy called the police at the time but clearly nothing came of it, but now the police are investigating because the video was posted?  And, why would UBT suddenly decide it was a good idea to post the video?  

I'm wondering what the time limit is for pressing charges? If it's six months for this type of crime, six months is up and the swamp monsters know the guy can't press charges now. It doesn't seem like the state of North Carolina has much authority to charge someone for a crime if the victim declines. They had Jenelle on film following someone home, pulling a gun on them and damaging their property. But, the victim said they weren't going to pursue it, so the authorities are all Okey dokey then?

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, TexasGal said:

That article says this happened in June, but just got posted on YouTube.  The poor guy called the police at the time but clearly nothing came of it, but now the police are investigating because the video was posted?  And, why would UBT suddenly decide it was a good idea to post the video?  

He's a click whore like everyone else who makes a living off their social media accounts. 

Exhibit B:

8 hours ago, citychic said:

Another one of David's family members claiming that Jenelle is pregnant again so they can get back on the show.

Remember when women had babies because they wanted them and not because they wanted to continue to create content?

I would assume that UBT, at least, is on some kind of local law enforcement "watch list," at minimum. Local cops and government workers (like CPS) should be warned that he has a lot of guns and is crazy and paranoid if when they end up going on calls/visits to The Land. If he killed some unknowing local cop who was stopping by to inquire about an illegally parked vehicle (or whatever) because the cop had no idea what he was dealing with and treated it as a routine inquiry, I would think that would be a big problem. After his latest incident tagging Trump and Pelosi in a video of him shooting a gun, which he explained to the SS as a perfectly reasonable way to express his concerns over their threatened bump stock ban (which has now come to fruition), I assume he is on federal lists as well.

  • Love 11

I just did some reading and from what I gathered, the state of NC can prosecute anyone, whether a victim wants to or not. They do however have the option of not charging someone if the victim doesn't want charges filed. Since this stupid stunt has garnered so much attention from the local media, the Wilmington police may charge the asshole with something (unless it's too late).

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, TresGatos said:

Hill said he has no intentions to press charges against Eason, because of the costs and court time.

“I thought, ‘The man’s crazy. He is crazy,’" said Hill.

Amen said almost everyone else on this Forum.

Come on, PRESS CHARGES. We’ll pay for it.

3 hours ago, akr said:

I don't consider that a reliable source - the watch list isn't public - but I did wonder a bit when they decided to drive cross country to get home whether one or the other of them hadn't been kicked off a plane or something.

Didn’t she claim flying makes her vomit nonstop or something?

2 hours ago, TheRealT said:

I would assume that UBT, at least, is on some kind of local law enforcement "watch list," at minimum. Local cops and government workers (like CPS) should be warned that he has a lot of guns and is crazy and paranoid if when they end up going on calls/visits to The Land. If he killed some unknowing local cop who was stopping by to inquire about an illegally parked vehicle (or whatever) because the cop had no idea what he was dealing with and treated it as a routine inquiry, I would think that would be a big problem. After his latest incident tagging Trump and Pelosi in a video of him shooting a gun, which he explained to the SS as a perfectly reasonable way to express his concerns over their threatened bump stock ban (which has now come to fruition), I assume he is on federal lists as well.

If I were a CPS worker I would be terrified to visit the Land!

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Treehugger9 said:

CPS worker here. There would definitely be a worker safety note in their file here in jersey and there is no way I'd go there without a buddy and police escort. 

I feel like a whole SWAT team might be needed! And remember that Jenelle outright lied when she called 911 recently and said that UBT was not armed.

  • Love 21
7 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Didn’t she claim flying makes her vomit nonstop or something?

She did but I think most people were skeptical, since she flies a lot and has never complained about it before.  Some speculated that if it was true, she was describing withdrawal symptoms. I don't buy the notion that they were buying drugs and then driving them cross country, a theory I've also seen floated, because why would you take the chance of being pulled over with a bunch of contraband when you can buy stuff closer to home?  I'm sure they have a west coast contact for when they're out there, though.

16 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

He's a click whore like everyone else who makes a living off their social media accounts. 

Exhibit B:

Remember when women had babies because they wanted them and not because they wanted to continue to create content?

Sounds so sick when you say it like that but they're certainly not the first idiots to reproduce for fame and money. Reminds me of a couple I knew back in '99 who deliberately got pregnant to see if they could have the first baby of the new millennium in 2000. 

There are a lot of yahoo's where I live that stay on their land and play with fire and blow things up for fun. Honestly the cops don't do much about it, they just figure eventually  they'll get drunk enough and blow themselves up. I imagine the cops in David's area probably think the same thing and are just sitting and waiting to get that call to come clean up the remains.  


  • Love 2
50 minutes ago, monicageller said:

Jenelle burning Kail's gift:

A screenshot for if/when she deletes the post:



As much as it pains me to defend Kail, why would she be jealous  especially of Jenelle. Kail is actually employable to a degree and has good enough sense not to procreate with psychos.

Why do I get the feeling that once they stopped recording, those two idiots ran over to inhale the fumes because of they thought they could get high  off of CDB oil in the product?

  • Love 19
11 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

I feel like a whole SWAT team might be needed! And remember that Jenelle outright lied when she called 911 recently and said that UBT was not armed.

Well, I bet the local, county and state police know he has an arsenal now!😊 If he thinks no trespassing signs and a gate is all he needs to be able to open fire on law enforcement or any government entity, he's sorely mistaken. I guess he's never watched Live PD. I'd love to see an entire SWAT team descend on THE LAND and use a battering ram to enter the house (when the kids are gone, of course). I'd spring for Pay Per View to watch some bigass cop grab his nasty beard and throw him to the ground. He'd probably pee all over himself if confronted by a man. He only menaces and beats up womem, children and handicapped people. I hate both of them with the fire of a thousand suns and wish they'd both just vanish from the face of the earth.

  • Love 23

Can anyone tell what the gift is?  lol.  That said, I don't really normally defend Janelle or Kail, but honestly Kail shouldn't be doing what she does on social media and then sending her a gift.  I kind of understand Janelle's point even though I don't condone her behavior, ever.  Also Kail sending a gift is more about making it about herself than giving a gift.  She is basically trying to get the upper hand, and think to herself, oh look at what a nice thing I did!  And she knows it will annoy Janelle--so she is rewarding herself twice.

Edited by alexa
  • Love 8
41 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

News flash Jenelle. NO ONE is jealous of you, your psychotic husband, your moldy, sinking prefab trailer or your unusable swamp acreage. Kail followed through with launching a product and sent you (and probably all of the cast) some. If you'd ever followed through on your many failed business ventures and pulled your head out of your drug addled ass, you'd get it. It's called marketing. 

Kail is a train wreck in her own selfish way. But, she has custody of ALL of her kids and they're not in danger 24/7 of being beaten, seeing her being beaten, being verbally abused or accidentally shooting themselves or a sibling from unsecured weapons in every room in the house and vehicle in the driveway. 

Yeah, no fan of Kail here, but compared to Jenelle she's OK, and Chelsea is frickin' Mary Poppins (Julie Andrews version)!

  • Love 16
On 12/20/2018 at 7:24 AM, citychic said:

This showed up in the comments section about the truck towing video.  Another one of David's family members claiming that Jenelle is pregnant again so they can get back on the show.


If what this person is saying about David and Jenelle planning on another baby in order to get David back in MTV is true, then that is really sick. And shame on MTV if they cave and allow this guy back on so they can have a story line...MTV is all about the money and getting viewers. Nothing wrong with that but if they take David back due to another baby being brought into this mess, then I have zero respect for them and will protest this as vigorously as possible and will stop watching. I am of the opinion that Jenelle should be fired and probably should have been fired when David was fired. This madness must stop.

  • Love 8
21 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Of course Jenelle is too ignorant to understand that "handicapped" doesn't always mean obviously physically incapacitated.  

Yup. If there's no cane or wheelchair, he must by lying. 

My mother has degenerative disc disease. She's had two back surgeries. She was given a handicap thing to hang from her windshield if she wants to use it. She rarely does. But, once in a while, if her pain is at its max; she will use it. She doesn't LOOK handicapped at all. 

3 hours ago, TeeMo said:

I can see why Kail would think that Jenelle would be freaking psyched to receive something named Pothead Haircare though. 

Should've sent it to Kieffer instead. 

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, kicksave said:

If what this person is saying about David and Jenelle planning on another baby in order to get David back in MTV is true, then that is really sick. And shame on MTV if they cave and allow this guy back on so they can have a story line...MTV is all about the money and getting viewers. Nothing wrong with that but if they take David back due to another baby being brought into this mess, then I have zero respect for them and will protest this as vigorously as possible and will stop watching. I am of the opinion that Jenelle should be fired and probably should have been fired when David was fired. This madness must stop.

MTV wouldn't dare take him back, would they?  I honestly don't think they could pay any of those crew enough money to risk their lives to be around him again, filming Jenelle is probably bad enough.   I can totally see David selling Jenelle on the idea of another baby to see how it plays out and her just agreeing. He's go some hold on her right now, that's what's so sick. I would protest right alongside you, it wouldn't be right to bring him back.

  • Love 15

What a wonderful Christmas miracle to come home to after a marathon of shopping for all the last minute stuff!! Please, sweet baby jebus, let him FINALLY be held accountable and make it a felony so he can't have any guns! Not to be greedy about Christmas wishes, but maybe the guy Jenelle followed home will follow suit and press charges, too! If he's convicted of a felony, Jenelle can't have firearms, either😂

  • Love 19
1 hour ago, hoosiermom said:

Wasn’t Janelle carrying her handgun under her her seat when she pulled it on that guy? That is illegal in North Carolina. They could arrest her for that if they watch that video of her.

It looked like it was in her side door.  I put mine under my seat once and when I tried to reach it I couldn’t.  Especially if it had been an emergency.  Thankfully, I didn’t need it. But when it is with me it’s in the side door after realizing under the seat was impossible to reach. 

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 4
25 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Why am I not optimistic? They are the teflon twosome. Some way, somehow, they always get away with this shit!! That said, Terry is still my hero.

I'm skeptical, too. But, the morons filmed the entire thing and have since bragged about getting away with it all over the internet. Swamp dick admitted he knew what he did was illegal on FB and laughed about it. Jenelle making fun of Terry and saying he isn't handicapped won't help, either. 

  • Love 16

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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