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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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Hell she was probably on a dating site trying to find some guy to hang out with her in the ER while she waited for care for her child. ugh.

Remember last time that she broke up with Nathan and went on the personals sites,  she was insisting that she would only date men with advanced degrees?

Janelle recently posted "revenge" beach pictures of her boobs hanging out

It's almost like even her boobs want to get away from her.

  • Love 4

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I wouldn't put it past Jenelle to fabricate the part about him falling at daycare, just to take the heat off of herself. Obviously, kids get hurt and things can happen in an instant, no matter who is watching them. But I think Jenelle knows that if he got hurt badly on her watch, she would never hear the end of it. She wouldn't specifically say at Doris' house if it wasn't true, because she could be called out on it. This is the first I've heard of Kaiser being in daycare, (assuming this is Kaiser we're talking about) and it's easier to blame the nameless daycare than anyone else.

Edited by truelovekiss
  • Love 4

Jenelle mentioned day care before on the episode when she was late for her meeting with the attorney.  She said she dropped the roll off at daycare.  His bottles are also clearly labeled with his name in at least 1 scene which is done for daycare.  Since neither Jenelle nor Nathan work it is just for them to have more free time, but I'm glad he may be getting some time where he isn't given a bottle on his own.  Maybe the daycare interacts with him and gives him a break from listening to his parents argue.

  • Love 6

The Roll was most likely in daycare while Jenelle was in school. Although why Nips wasn't watching him then, he had no job to go to I guess we'll never know. I guess sleeping in and going to the gym takes priority. As for Jenelle, she's done with school and doesn't have a job to go to, so why doesn't she take care of her child all day like a normal mother would do. Because she doesn't want to be a mother. The Roll was just a pawn in her scheme to keep a boyfriend but now that Nips is out of the picture, she wants time to focus on herself. Translation: Pumping out selfies/tweets all day and checking out all the texts/tweets from her pathetic band of misguided minions following her. It's best for both her kids to see her as little as possible.

Edited by Miss Chevious
  • Love 7
The Roll was most likely in daycare while Jenelle was in school. Although why Nips wasn't watching him then, he had no job to go to I guess we'll never know. I guess sleeping in and going to the gym takes priority.


Going by Jenelle's voiceovers, Nips lives at the gym. I'm going to hazard a guess that "gym" has become his code word for the side-piece's house. 

  • Love 7

Really funny sidestory. I have a cousin who could be Jenelle's twin. Drug addict since her teens, first baby at 17, followed by another four by three different men, all of whom have been dumped on various relatives. Her latest baby is by her drug dealer. My mother was recently at my uncle's house to visit and when I asked about the baby my mother replied, "she's adorable, but chubby, I mean really, really chubby. I think Laura just shoves bottles in her mouth all the time to shut her up and keep the kid out of her hair." Sounds awfully familiar to another trainwreck we know of....

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 3

That whole story was a lie. There was no business meeting. He didn't even go to ATL, as far as I can tell. He was likely lodged in some local motel with some dumb girl, doing a bunch of drugs and fucking with Jenelle's head the whole time.

Yeah that was what I guessed too. "Stakeholders and investors" just sounded like something he googled before he walked in the house. And old lady faced friend of Jenelle's should've bolted as soon as crazed Nathan walked in smiling after sending that text message. I would've. Even if I were a member of the crew.

And we better damn well see Nathan screaming "Jenelllllle!" from the back of that squad car next week. I've been teased all season, and I demand satisfaction. Has someone been keeping a tally? That's how many men now who've been locked up while dealing with Jenelle? Four?

  • Love 9
Yeah that was what I guessed too. "Stakeholders and investors" just sounded like something he googled before he walked in the house.


Haha, totally. The whole thing was so odd, yet hysterical. He's all acting so superior to Jenelle, like she'd have no idea what he's talking about. "It's all about phone calls, Jenelle. It doesn't just happen. Duh."

Barb's talking about Janelle's graduation




Love Barb throwing shade at Nathan for bringing the roll in his pajamas guess it took him too long to dress himself in long sleeves to change Kaiser

  • Love 7

Barb's talking about Janelle's graduation




Love Barb throwing shade at Nathan for bringing the roll in his pajamas guess it took him too long to dress himself in long sleeves to change Kaiser

And, her outing him for driving without a license!

  • Love 6

Barb's talking about Janelle's graduation


Love Barb throwing shade at Nathan for bringing the roll in his pajamas guess it took him too long to dress himself in long sleeves to change Kaiser

The mixture of genuine motherly pride and shade in this video is perfection. Between "naaay-thun," roll in jammies, no license, and spilling the beans that Jenelley failed the first time around, I was dying.

"And guess who showed up?!"

  • Love 3

Yeah that was what I guessed too. "Stakeholders and investors" just sounded like something he googled before he walked in the house. And old lady faced friend of Jenelle's should've bolted as soon as crazed Nathan walked in smiling after sending that text message. I would've. Even if I were a member of the crew.

I thought the same thing. 

Why was she sitting there? He walks in, clearly spoiling for a fight, and she argues with him about the driving distance to Atlanta?

Nope nope nope.  Time to go bye bye!

That whole story was a lie. There was no business meeting. He didn't even go to ATL, as far as I can tell. He was likely lodged in some local motel with some dumb girl, doing a bunch of drugs and fucking with Jenelle's head the whole time. 

The traffic around Atlanta metro alone should have added an hour or more assuming the mythical meeting wasn't completely outside the 285 loop. Internet search says the drive time from Jenelle's area to Atlanta is about 5.5 hours each way  (maybe assuming ideal conditions the whole trip), but one didn't even need to look it up to figure Nathan was full of it.

The traffic around Atlanta metro alone should have added an hour or more assuming the mythical meeting wasn't completely outside the 285 loop. Internet search says the drive time from Jenelle's area to Atlanta is about 5.5 hours each way  (maybe assuming ideal conditions the whole trip), but one didn't even need to look it up to figure Nathan was full of it.

So, are we to assume he drove to Atlanta with no license? Or did he get them back.  I bet he went nowhere and was in the area the entire time.

  • Love 3

So, are we to assume he drove to Atlanta with no license? Or did he get them back.  I bet he went nowhere and was in the area the entire time.


Ha, I forgot about the license. It would be just like him not to get that taken care of.

He astrally projected to Atlanta? Maybe with some special 'spiritual herbs'. That's one way to skip traffic.

  • Love 1

Barb's talking about Janelle's graduation




Love Barb throwing shade at Nathan for bringing the roll in his pajamas guess it took him too long to dress himself in long sleeves to change Kaiser


The first part where she talks about how proud she is and what a rough road it was, you can tell how much she cares about Jenelle. It's really sweet to see that.


And it pisses me off that Dr. Drew brings up shit about Barbara needing to do X or Y for Jenelle during the specials, and doesn't really acknowledge everything she already does. 


Has Jenelle passed her state certification by now? She says that people are asking her to work for them but she's not certified yet?

  • Love 3

If the roles were reversed Jenelle would not be proud of her mother. Jenelle can blame Barb foe so much but she is old enough to get her shit together. Not all the blame should go on Barb. Yes she worked and probably wasn't home much because of trying to keep food and a rood over her kids' heads. I work two jobs and am not home much. I feel guilty for having to miss things and for being stressed and yelling when I am. The past couple episodes Barb has tried to start a conversation with Jenelle and if Jenelle doesn't like one thing she is saying she starts yelling. Jenelle needs anger management. She has fought with everyone she has a relationship with. Jenelle needs to work on herself and not jump into another relationship with a loser. She is past old enough to have a civil conversation with the people that are important to her but she eggs it on and harps and harps and won't let shit go. Jenelle needs to learn how to calm down and quit going over the same things over and over

  • Love 9

Then what's the purpose of a certification?

I have three friends that are MAs. Only one is certified and that isn't even offered anymore. She owes about $15,000 more in student debt than the other two. Being certified pays about $1 more an hour so, she gets passed up often. The turnover rate is high any way.

None are employed in that field any longer. It's that bad here in our area.

  • Love 1

Sometimes being not certified just means more supervision. You can also get hired with the idea that you will eventually pass.

Where did Jenelle go to school? Just curious if it was for profit, because yeah, her job prospects are slim.

Miller-Motte Technical College.  Definitely for-profit trade school.





  • Love 2

Miller-Motte Technical College. Definitely for-profit trade school.



I've read some faculty reviews on Glassdoor, and a lot of them had negative things to say. A lot of them were basically saying that many students were passed through the course because they paid, even if they were unqualified. They also said that the administration cared only about making money, not training students. So all the qualities of for-profit diploma mills.

  • Love 2

The money these private schools charge for what the students get out of them is a real tragedy.  People don't seem to realize the student loans that are paying for tuition, etc. will have to be paid back -- by them!  The school "counselors" promise they'll have great jobs when they finish, but many of them end up jobless AND in serious debt.  If they try to go to a real college, they'll find out their class credits are not transferrable.  Very sad.

  • Love 12

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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