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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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Almost every picture she took from his birthday just seems like a staged photo. They do not even look like mother and son, she looks like a "celebrity" who showed up to his party. (And I know that they are just pictures, and what not, but it just feels ugh to me). It's almost like "Look at me, I showed up, I'm so great"

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Almost every picture she took from his birthday just seems like a staged photo. They do not even look like mother and son, she looks like a "celebrity" who showed up to his party. (And I know that they are just pictures, and what not, but it just feels ugh to me). It's almost like "Look at me, I showed up, I'm so great"


Great photos to have her attorney put into her case file.  I'd bet my lunch money that earlier in the day Jace had been treated to yet another Jenelle/Nathan screaming match.

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I'm shocked anyone is cruel to a Pharmacy Clerk! Why? This is news to me.

If I was said Pharmacy Clerk, as described above, I'd be slipping the Pharmacy Tech a Benjamin to fill those jerk customers bottles with some cyanide pills.


I can't count the times I've been in line behind some cretin who goes ape-shit at CVS, blaming the people in the pharmacy because their doctor didn't call in the right Rx, their insurance company denied payment, or their prescription was not filled immediately upon their arrival.  I wouldn't last three minutes working behind a pharmacy counter. 

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Almost every picture she took from his birthday just seems like a staged photo. They do not even look like mother and son, she looks like a "celebrity" who showed up to his party. (And I know that they are just pictures, and what not, but it just feels ugh to me). It's almost like "Look at me, I showed up, I'm so great"

No, I agree. The discomfort oozing from Jace is palpable. It scares me to think about what goes on off camera for Jace to be walking on eggshells 24/7.

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Ok, had to look at the cookies. Is that a joke? Who the hell would think a 6 year old would want a picture of their non custodial mom on their cookie? Most boys would want ninja turtles or dinosaurs or maybe their favorite athlete. Janelle is delusional, plain and simple.


I thought it had to be a joke as well. I thought, maybe they're in the pics together. Maybe there's a few of Jenelle, but cookies with Jace or Kaiser on them as well. Nope. All Jenelle all day long. What in the ever loving fuck? She just won the narcissist of the year award. That, right there, should prove to the courts she does not deserve that boy back. 

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I think they would taste like absolutely nothing, because that's what's inside Jenelle. 

Sometimes I can't help but think "Man you wear that people suit well"... And Jace is so empathic, it's like all the empathy she may have once had in her life ended up in that little boy. I hope his birthday was fun, he had a good time, and it wasn't ruined by his "mothers" bullspit. 

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I think Jace's cookies have his photo and a photo of his cake on them. Jenelle's cookies are all about her and one has a pic with her and Nathan and his exposed udders.

I was really REALLY trying to see what his cookie had on it, but that also made me sad. She should have gotten him the big pack with picture of him on them... and then the small one with her stupid head on it. But it shows who Jenelle has, and probably always will, put first.

I don't know about the rest of you but, I am going to contact SelfieCookie and give them a piece of mind. Why would they choose Jenelle, of all people, to promote their product? I think they could find better people to promote their product.


Babs has her own web show? This is interesting.


If you get a response, or any kind of indication that this company has received your feedback, let me know who to contact and I will do the same.


Then again, Jenelle pretty much IS the target audience for the kind of person who would be into "selfie cookies" so they may not see problem with her promoting their product. But keep us updated!

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Well, it could have been worse. She could have taken a page out of Farrah's book and put a picture of her girly bits on there.

I'll go hide in my corner now.


No, Jenelle has "morals" and worries about her reputation and doesn't believe in flashing her girly bits. At least that's her reason for turning down Vivid. I still maintain she was the one who couldn't pass the STD screening and Vivid let her say she turned them down to save face.

  • Love 3

I was really REALLY trying to see what his cookie had on it, but that also made me sad. She should have gotten him the big pack with picture of him on them... and then the small one with her stupid head on it. But it shows who Jenelle has, and probably always will, put first.

You know what. Now that I look at his little box more closely, Jace's photo looks like it's of him, Jenelle and one other adult who I can't make out. Damn. She completely bogarted his cookies too. Well Jenelle.

Did we ever find out who that little boy is who is always at Barb's house with Jace?

Charmed1, the other little boy is Gabriel, Jace's cousin. He's the son of Jenelle's sister who is a major fuck-up as well. The kid is there so much it appears Barb is raising both kids.

I don't know how to post links, but Jace did have a party with friends and a cake. Thankfully it wasn't just Jenelle, Babs and the selfie cookies.

Edited by BitterApple
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I think in real time Jenelle has said that she hasn't actually filed for Jace because with Kaiser and school, she'd never have any time for herself if she had Jace too.


Seriously? Jace isn't a frigging puppy or hobby that you don't have time for- he's your son! And what does she need time for herself for anyways? All she ever does is hang out on Instagram and read fan sites about herself.

  • Love 2

Charmed1, the other little boy is Gabriel, Jace's cousin. He's the son of Jenelle's sister who is a major fuck-up as well. The kid is there so much it appears Barb is raising both kids.

I don't know how to post links, but Jace did have a party with friends and a cake. Thankfully it wasn't just Jenelle, Babs and the selfie cookies.

Thank you! I've always wondered who that child belonged to. Edited by charmed1

OMG: “I was like, I want to do part-time because I’m so busy with Kaiser during the week and I want to spend time with him,” Jenelle explained. “And then on the weekends I have Jace, so I’ll never have a break from anything. So I really just want to take that time to just spend time with Kaiser.”


Yeah, working full time is a bitch. I suppose the rest of us full time working parents have our kids in daycare full time, and squeeze all our chores, hobbies, sleep, and family time into the evenings and weekends because we all love working 40+ hours each week and wouldn't want to give that up.


Seriously, how delusional is this bitch? It reminds me of that guy from Real World: Paris who was always complaining that people were too stressed out from working all the time and he was the "only one" who had figured out that you don't have to work 50 hours a week to feel fulfilled. No numbnuts, people work 50 hours a week to pay bills, because unlike you, they don't have their Grammy subsidizing all their living expenses, thus enabling them to cut back on paid work so they can have more time for fun.


And by the way Jenelle, good luck getting a job in any medical facility at any capacity. Even if they could overlook your arrest record, who's going to want to be a patient at any clinic that employs Jenelle? On top of her unprofessional behavior, I imagine this isn't a chick who has a lot of respect for HIPAA laws. I can just see her tweeting about someone's embarrassing medical condition for kicks.

  • Love 6

I can't count the times I've been in line behind some cretin who goes ape-shit at CVS, blaming the people in the pharmacy because their doctor didn't call in the right Rx, their insurance company denied payment, or their prescription was not filled immediately upon their arrival.  I wouldn't last three minutes working behind a pharmacy counter. 

All. The. Time.  

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“And then on the weekends I have Jace, so I’ll never have a break from anything. So I really just want to take that time to just spend time with Kaiser.”

And that sentence right there just makes me want to vomit. I mean, even Kail had the decency to be like "I just don't want Issac to think Lincoln is special" When he couldn't go on family vacation with them (Though seriously Kail... fathers day? You want Isaac to NOT spend fathers day with his dad).... Anyways... That is obviously her favoring Kaiser... 

You don't want to be Jace's mom... then stop throwing it in Barbs face, and reminding her that she is a grandmother... ect ect. UGH!

  • Love 5

OMG: “I was like, I want to do part-time because I’m so busy with Kaiser during the week and I want to spend time with him,” Jenelle explained. “And then on the weekends I have Jace, so I’ll never have a break from anything. So I really just want to take that time to just spend time with Kaiser.”


Yeah, working full time is a bitch. I suppose the rest of us full time working parents have our kids in daycare full time, and squeeze all our chores, hobbies, sleep, and family time into the evenings and weekends because we all love working 40+ hours each week and wouldn't want to give that up.


Seriously, how delusional is this bitch? It reminds me of that guy from Real World: Paris who was always complaining that people were too stressed out from working all the time and he was the "only one" who had figured out that you don't have to work 50 hours a week to feel fulfilled. No numbnuts, people work 50 hours a week to pay bills, because unlike you, they don't have their Grammy subsidizing all their living expenses, thus enabling them to cut back on paid work so they can have more time for fun.


And by the way Jenelle, good luck getting a job in any medical facility at any capacity. Even if they could overlook your arrest record, who's going to want to be a patient at any clinic that employs Jenelle? On top of her unprofessional behavior, I imagine this isn't a chick who has a lot of respect for HIPAA laws. I can just see her tweeting about someone's embarrassing medical condition for kicks.

So basically she just says she don't want to put in the time for Jace.  So she'll just stick to "raising" Kaiser.  Because we all know she really isn't spending that time with him, either.

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Wow, how fucked up is that? She just stated that one child is more important than the other. "I can't handle both kids so I choose the newer, shinier model over the used goods." Does she realize Jace is going to read this one day? Then she has the nerve to act butt hurt when Jace is evasive about moving in to Casa de Nips. I just can't with this broad.

  • Love 10

I dont watch this show (so what do I know?) but from reading these posts alone I can infer that a kids party is not the place you would expect to find Janelle. Dancing naked as entertainment at an adult party...now that's the kind of party you'd expect to find Janelle. Plus cookies with her face on it sounds dirty.....

  • Love 2

I can't count the times I've been in line behind some cretin who goes ape-shit at CVS, blaming the people in the pharmacy because their doctor didn't call in the right Rx, their insurance company denied payment, or their prescription was not filled immediately upon their arrival. I wouldn't last three minutes working behind a pharmacy counter.

Or there's my situation yesterday where I'm on the phone trying to fill my mother's desperately needed prescription and the dipshit pharmacy tech is telling me he can't help me because I'm not pronouncing the name of the medication correctly. She only has two meds. I was only trying to refill one. I correctly pronounced the name of the one I was NOT filling. But that wasn't good enough for him, and I absolutely lost my shit at that moment. But this was Walmart, I should add. Where customer service and people without a brood of feral children are not welcomed.

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That is obviously her favoring Kaiser...


Eh, I think she's an equal opportunity deadbeat parent. She might spend slightly more time with Kaiser than Jace just because she lives with him, but I bet most of her "parenting" involves chucking a bottle at him while she walks by and sticking him in one of those rocker/bounce things for hours while she sits on her phone and gets in twitter wars with random people.


I think her wording is awkward, but I think she actually saying that she wants to work part time so she can spend more time with Kaiser during the week and then take Jace on weekends. In other words, she's choosing time with Kaiser over time working, not time with Jace.


Which we all know is bullshit. I am sure most of her interaction with Kaiser is prompted by either Nathan or the MTV filming. She only says she wants to spend time with him because there aren't miles of footage proving otherwise, as with Jace.

  • Love 4

No, Jenelle has "morals" and worries about her reputation and doesn't believe in flashing her girly bits. At least that's her reason for turning down Vivid. I still maintain she was the one who couldn't pass the STD screening and Vivid let her say she turned them down to save face.

Yeah, they probably did that so they could "work together in the future" or something. Jrnelles bits are already out there so realistically why would she reject them? She's a narcissist who loves easy money!

And seriously lets be honest... Kaiser is rather easy to please. Babies, though sometimes a bit hard, are much easier than a walking, talking child with opinions. Who doesn't mind letting you know he cares that meme is all alone. 

Plus, as crappy of a person as she is, she has probably bonded with Kaiser, where as when Jace was born she was too busy wanting to go out and be 16. You can see it in the way she interacts with Kaiser, as opposed to how she interacted with Jace when he was a baby. And that is heartbreaking. 

  • Love 5

watched the sneak peek of Janelle screaming at Barb over a teacher conference. Barb tells her when the conference is scheduled and Janelle is all ME ME ME. Tells Barb she told her when she had school and Barb says she had to schedule the conference on HER day off and Janelle goes off on her. My god, the world does NOT revolve around you Janelle. Your mom who TAKES CARE OF YOUR KID 24/7 when she's not working her shitty Walmart job can't call off work and risk losing her job when you don't even pay child support and instead blow your money on trucks and engagement rings and vacations just so you can attend proly the first ever school related event in Jace's entire life. And you conveniently want to do it only after you've filed for custody just like every other deadbeat parent who never sees their kid on a regular basis for years then files for custody and tries to look like parent of the year. Burns me up how STUPID and self centered Janelle is. She literally can not understand and takes it as a personal insult that Barb didn't rearrange her work schedule and the teacher's schedule (Janelle was complaining she couldn't be there by 3:30 because she got of class at 3 and had a 1.5 hr drive.) I doubt the teacher wants to hang around for hours after school for a meeting with a parent.


and then she's screaming at Barb about how when she gets custody of Jace she's going to keep him away from Barb. I hope a judge sees this footage where Janelle is threatening to remove the only "mom" Jace has ever known from his life even though she raised him for six years!! and refused to grant her custody.

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Kira28, it just make you stabby, doesn't it? I can see Barb jumping through hoops to rearrange her work schedule, find coverage and re-schedule the teacher conference only to have Jenelle call the morning of and tell her she can't make it. Or Jenelle would just blow it off and not even bother to call. Her interest in Jace waxes and wanes with the moon.

Not to mention, what the hell is the point of even having her there? Jenelle has absolutely nothing to do with Jace's schooling or daily routine. It would be like having the kid that bags your groceries attend parent/teacher night with you. Totally random and unnecessary.

Edited by BitterApple
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So.. is Jace gluten free? Seriously, everything about those cookies are so tacky. She must have been able to choose the cookies and she didn't even choose pictures with Jace in them. What a loser.


Also, looking at her instagram.. there's a photo of Kaiser eating chicken nuggets dunked in ranch? I'm pretty sure he's under a year, and while it's totally ok to expose infants to a variety of foods, but I don't think chicken nuggets and ranch are quite the best first food options. But I think it also goes with the (joking) speculation about the Kaiser's rolls. 

Now every time I hear/read that I think of that video Chelsea posted on her Instagram of Aubree holding a bear with a recording of Barb saying that her mouthing it. It was one of the cutest things.

There are 4 sneak peeks up on MTV... I watch the sneak peeks as soon as they are out lol

I actually went to find this...and I was not disappointed. "Have fun out there with ya booooyfrieend!" And Aubs is cute as hell, as always. My boyyyyfrieeend and I are pretty staunch non-kid people and both of us would abscond with Aubree in a second.

  • Love 1

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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