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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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1 hour ago, gotta watch said:

Shoot, someone upthread mentioned Jenelle and the Soulmates being a good name for a band? But I read til the end before I posted and now I can't remember who it was, but they could definitely do good versions of More than a Felon and Can't Stop the Felon!

Lol, it was me.

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3 hours ago, Mkay said:

So she's putting her makeup on NOW? 

What a dumb post. 

3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I know I posted Barb should have held out for the trial, but I began to think perhaps there was something more to this case that we don't know about. Maybe Barb did push to go to court, but she was advised by her attorney it would be better for her in the long run to agree to a visitation since it would guarantee Jace would be in Barb's care more than Jenelle's whereas a judge might have ordered Jenelle would acquire more visitation days with Jace. Just a thought. 

She might have also wanted to just get it over with for Jace's sake. That poor child has been a bundle of nerves for YEARS over this custody BS. 


1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

How about Highway to Hell? 

You gotta work "stolen credit cards" into that somehow. 

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2 hours ago, gotta watch said:

Shoot, someone upthread mentioned Jenelle and the Soulmates being a good name for a band? But I read til the end before I posted and now I can't remember who it was, but they could definitely do good versions of More than a Felon and Can't Stop the Felon!

"Why am I a Guy" could be a great hit.  Followed by a smashing performance of "Stop it!" 




1 hour ago, Mitzi.B said:

Who wants to crash the wedding with me this weekend?!  I live a few hours away from  'The Land' and will volunteer to drive!!!

I'm in Texas but I'm so down for a road trip.  

Edited by Mkay
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Hi, first time poster but long time lurker. I just wanted to chime in and see if anyone thought creating a petition on change.org and addressing it to MTV to remove Janelle and David from the show permanently would get MTV's attention? If we got enough signatures, surely MTV would have to take notice. 

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1 hour ago, AmandaUnbidden said:

Hi, first time poster but long time lurker. I just wanted to chime in and see if anyone thought creating a petition on change.org and addressing it to MTV to remove Janelle and David from the show permanently would get MTV's attention? If we got enough signatures, surely MTV would have to take notice. 

There's already one out there stating the exact same thing. I posted the link to change.org's petition a few pages back. Once they get 500 signatures, it will be submitted to MTV.

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36 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

Also, Jenelle tacitly acknowledged that she knew Jace had a problem with UBT when Barb told her she didn't want to drop him off for Mother's Day if UBT was there and Jenelle responded that Jace had to be civil and deal because UBT was going to be around forever. She didn't say, "What are you talking about?! Jace loves UBT!"

I can only imagine the ugly scenes that take place in their house when the cameras and other adults aren't around. Jace and Doris reported (and neither Jenelle nor UBT denied) that UBT spanked Kaiser hard enough to leave bruises when Kaiser pulled down his shit-filled diaper. There are like nineteen things wrong with that story. I picture Jenelle and UBT locking themselves in the bedroom getting high for hours while Kaiser walks around in a shitty diaper for so long that he tries to change it himself, at which point UBT comes out of the bedroom to meet the pizza guy and flies into a rage when he sees what a mess Kaiser is. Jenelle, semi-conscious and/or completely absorbed in IG, hears Kaiser screaming and Jace comes into the bedroom looking upset, but she just tells Jace to get out and close the door behind him because the noise is stressing her out. UBT comes in a little later with the pizza and says, "You won't believe what that little bitch did. He pulled down his diaper and got shit all over the carpet!" Jenelle looks up to select a slice and says, "He knows better than that! What is wrong with him? He probably does that when he's with Nathan and they don't correct him." UBT agrees that he's just like his fag father and it probably is Nathan's fault. I'm not kidding at all. I think it was probably just like that or worse.

SPOT. ON. I can just see that like I was there!!! You know them very well. 

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Kudos to UBT's Baby Mama #2, who not only severed all ties with him after he choked her and threw her out of a moving car while she was pregnant, but also took legal steps to keep him away from her and their son, permanently thus far. Imagine how fucked up Maryssa's mom must be for him to get custody over her (I assume she never really tried). And, as much as I hate him, I actually think he'd be a better custodial parent to Ensley than Jenelle and I could totally imagine him getting primary custody once he demonstrates that he does 98% of Ensley's care when she's with them. His son is very lucky that his mom got her shit together and saved him from life in the swamp.

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2 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

There's already one out there stating the exact same thing. I posted the link to change.org's petition a few pages back. Once they get 500 signatures, it will be submitted to MTV.

I missed that the first time around. Went back and found it and signed it. 

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6 hours ago, gotta watch said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I *think* we can all get valid excuses from work to attend Jenelle's wedding. It's like a Ke$ha concert, right? 

You bet it is!! Why do you think i have these feathers in my hair?!?!?!?!?

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1 hour ago, druzy said:

Oh no!


This is what gets me about Jenelle and UBT. When tons of people post on SM criticizing them for how obviously misshapen their baby's head is, they don't think, "OMG! We haven't taken Ensley to the doctor in months because... reasons. Family members gave us those baby books/sent us those links, but we've been too... busy... to read them. Maybe we should be doing more to ensure our precious baby girl's health and well-being?! Let's make an appointment for UBT's mom to take her to the doctor!"

Instead, their response is, "OMG, I can't believe these fucking haters! Are they jealous of how happy and successful we are?! Barb probably put them up to this! That fucking bitch! If we're such bad parents, why do we have custody of 3 kids?! Ooh, snap! Even if all 3 of them have CPS files, at least we have custody (for now)! Bite it, haters! And fuck you, Barb (and Doris)! We'll just put a hat on her in IG posts to shut everyone the fuck up." #cpssucks #ifyouhavecustodyyoucantbethatbad #babiesneedtobemoreindependent #ifyouthinkmybabysheadismisshapenyouretheasshole

Edited by TheRealT
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5 hours ago, TheRealT said:

Kudos to UBT's Baby Mama #2, who not only severed all ties with him after he choked her and threw her out of a moving car while she was pregnant, but also took legal steps to keep him away from her and their son, permanently thus far. Imagine how fucked up Maryssa's mom must be for him to get custody over her (I assume she never really tried). And, as much as I hate him, I actually think he'd be a better custodial parent to Ensley than Jenelle and I could totally imagine him getting primary custody once he demonstrates that he does 98% of Ensley's care when she's with them. His son is very lucky that his mom got her shit together and saved him from life in the swamp.

Do you remember a few months ago Jenelle was posting about how his ex was going to drop the no contact order and that they would have visitation and some sort of custody of the son soon? I think it was in October when the no contact order was due for renewal. I sure hope that woman NEVER lets UBT near that little boy. 

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11 hours ago, Mkay said:

And so it begins 



So not to be a nit picker because at least she has something as far as a floatations device on that kid but this kind of flotation device is actually super dangerous for a child his age. It can actually easily "capsize" him and if no one is in there with him or watching 24/7 there's no way he could get himself back up. 

An active child his age and size either needs swimmies (if he has some swimming experience) or he needs to be in a puddle jumper!!!!! 

She's just such an asshole and thus pool is making me so upset and so nervous. Of course I see no gate around this pool either. 

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1 hour ago, KittyKat133 said:



here is the most recent example of the dangers of that florid he has on that  I can find. Warning!! Not for the faint of heart!! 

That video scared the ever loving crap out of me and as soon as I saw the picture of Kaiser wearing the same thing, my first thought was "won't be long until that happens to him." I pray that child survives long enough to get into Doris's custody.

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Soooo....mark my words-something terrible is going to happen to one of those kids in the pool, most likely Kaiser as I've stated before.  That's a pretty big pool, and if they don't screen it in, will get filthy pretty quickly with all those pine needles and debris blowing around 'The Land.'  I don't see them putting in a fence, either.  I wonder if it's heated...our community pool closed 2 weeks ago and I thought it was too cold to go into over Labor Day (I live 2 hours from these losers).  The point being, if it's not heated, she won't be able to use it much longer because of the weather, so it will have 5-6 months of getting yucky because you know they are too lazy/high to clean the pool.

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2 hours ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

That video scared the ever loving crap out of me and as soon as I saw the picture of Kaiser wearing the same thing, my first thought was "won't be long until that happens to him." I pray that child survives long enough to get into Doris's custody.

Oh I know me too. A week later a literally saw a video of my friend putting her 2 1/2 year old in the pool with that same thing on and literally within 30 seconds he almost flipped all the way over if his dad didn't pull him back. 

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1 hour ago, druzy said:

Some tweets from Jenelle:


I can't imagine the therapy with Jace is beneficial. There's no way he can be honest with his thoughts and feelings while Jenelle is there to question and invalidate everything he tries to share. 

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15 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

I can't imagine the therapy with Jace is beneficial. There's no way he can be honest with his thoughts and feelings while Jenelle is there to question and invalidate everything he tries to share. 

And you just know she is telling him shit as soon as they leave the office, "Why did you say that to her????"

Jenelle drives home and tells UBT, "OMG dude, Jace said this this and that to the therapist. I'm like, what the FUCK?"

UBT: angrily staring at Jace "Why are you saying that shit to the therapist?! You know, that is your mom. Barb is not your mother! You better remember who your mother is queer boy!!" 

I feel the need to beat someone up, and that someone is Jenelle. 

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1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

I can't imagine the therapy with Jace is beneficial. There's no way he can be honest with his thoughts and feelings while Jenelle is there to question and invalidate everything he tries to share. 

Also, does it really work to do joint therapy with someone with significant untreated mental illness (like Jenelle), someone who constantly lies (like Jenelle), or someone who is determined to keep the family pathologies/dysfunction secret (like Jenelle)? I'd think it would be unproductive, even traumatic, for an adult to be in that situation, much less a child. Wouldn't a competent/ethical therapist see how fucked up the whole thing is?

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17 minutes ago, druzy said:

Sorry if this was mentioned before, but I just saw that Jenelle and David live on "Money Hole RD".

Yep. Hahaha I think it was a few pages back.  That along with Ransom, NC! Lolol

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37 minutes ago, druzy said:

Sorry if this was mentioned before, but I just saw that Jenelle and David live on "Money Hole RD".

Kail needs to move there stat! 


All babies and toddlers are different. I don't think Endtable is undernourished. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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15 minutes ago, druzy said:

Did I miss something. I don't understand this tweet.


I think she is referring to Barb not being invited to the wedding and Barb spilling her guts to tabloids about David. Janelle seems to find it funny that Barb is hurt by the lack of invitation.

Edited by crazychicken
Fat fingers meant I didn't finish
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1 minute ago, crazychicken said:

I think she is referring to Barb not being invited to the wedding.

So Jenelle is basically taunting Barb by vague tweeting about her. Jenelle is an ungrateful piece of trash!

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I don't think Jenelle is in a place where therapy in general is helpful, and I especially don't think she should be going alone with Jace. I am a huge fan of therapy, but it's work, and if you aren't willing to empathize or see that you aren't always the victim I just don't see it as beneficial. I've been in therapy most of my adult life, and my mom even came once (she is a large chunk of my issues) but only once because it was absolutely not helpful... I was in therapy and willing to do the work, but she wasnt. She spent the whole time talking about herself and her issues and didn't once bring up me or why we were there (I had attempted suicide a few weeks before this) but any time my therapist mentioned me or even how her behavior could effect me (she was very low key in her approach I didn't even realize that was what she was doing until after the fact when just my therapist and I were talking) my mom deflected to how she was wronged. Anyway, my point is I actually wish Jenelle wasn't so involved in Jace's therapy. I do think she needs therapy but she needs to learn empathy before she should be involved in anyone else's therapy process. She had already proven that she will take what's said and use it later to interrogate Jace... jace needs a safe place to talk and with Jenelle involved it's not therapy.

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I hope Jenelle is lying about her and Jace going to therapy, or at least that it's not a regular thing. I think she said they're going to therapy as a way to "one up" Barb (since Barb is sending Jace to therapy) and to advance the narrative that Barb is the unfit parent and Jenelle is doing everything she can to counteract Barb's mistreatment of Jace. I'm sure Jenelle was royally pissed that Jace's therapist "took Barb's side" in court and she probably thinks she can find a therapist who will be on "her side." Obviously, there's no chance that she even considers the fact that the therapist should be on Jace's side, or that she is remotely interested in anything Jace or the therapist might have to say that doesn't support her delusions about who she is as a mother and a person. Once the therapist realizes that Jenelle's therapeutic goal is to get Jace to open up about what a bitch and unfit parent Barb is and that Jace is already seeing another therapist under more appropriate circumstances, surely s/he will put an end to what amounts to psychological abuse of a child. Right? Even if she is/was taking Jace to a therapist, I'm sure she'll lose interest very quickly (it requires showing up somewhere outside of her house regularly at an appointed time) and/or UBT will get tired of spending the money and hearing that Jace didn't say what he was supposed to. 

Also, Jenelle shouldn't be able to make unilateral decisions about healthcare for Jace, right? She said that the custody agreement stipulates that she should have access to Jace's medical records, but that's not the same as making medical decisions for him. What if she took him to a doctor who gave him medication Barb didn't approve? I think that in custody agreements such as theirs, usually one parent has medical decision-making power. So she was probably lying or it was a one-off. 

Edited by TheRealT
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