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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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10 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Totally. I felt a little sick for finding David pretty reasonable in this episode. He seemed bewildered as to why she *needed* to be with him to leave the mold-ridden house when a hotel AND another rental home were both available. 

I also didn't understand the "oh, go stay in a hotel with Kaiser, that'll be so much fun" thing. First off, poor Kaiser, but also...every second of your life has to be fun? You're just moving. It's not supposed to be a daily amusement park visit. So you'll be bored in a hotel room with a toddler and a TV and McDonald's for a few hours. Cry me a freaking river. 

The rental home was available up until 4 p.m. when the realtor's office closed. David asked Jenelle why she didn't go pick up the keys? Her response was that she had Kaiser and couldn't do it. Makes no fucking sense. Then again, anything Jenelle does or says makes no sense. Where is Mama Dawn? We need her voice-over during Jenelle's segments. After David says he told her all day to go get the keys, she responds back [paraphrasing] "What are we going to do now?!!!!" and says something about how she is going to suffer an attack or something to that affect. Seriously? Does she need David to help wipe her ass? Does David put her pizza slice in her mouth? Kaiser was running around with a shitty diaper. Was she expecting David to change Kaiser because she wouldn't? I hate people who act so damn helpless and clueless. I am the type of person who won't argue about a problem, as Jenelle loves to do. I am the type to think "What is the solution?" I have dealt with people like Jenelle. It is so damn annoying to hear them rattle on and on about how they are in a predicament, what should have been done, how so and so should have done this or that. Fuck that. What a waste of time and energy. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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She released the first chapter of her book. From what I skimmed, it's a love letter to her father. Cruel Babs kept her away from her daddy. Sounds like he drunkenly fell down the stairs with a 3-year-old Jenelle ("daddy's little girl")- and that was the last straw for Babs.  Once, he even drove up to the kids for visitation, glanced at them and then quickly drove off. BUT IT IS ALL BABS' FAULT. She didn't like his "carousing."  It's her mother's fault that he has only seen her once since he left. 

Edited by CofCinci
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2 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

She released the first chapter of her book. From what I skimmed, it's a love letter to her father. Cruel Babs kept her away from her daddy. Sounds like he drunkenly fell down the stairs with a 3-year-old Jenelle. He even drove up to the kids for visitation, glanced at them and then quickly drove off. BUT IT IS ALL BABS' FAULT. She didn't like his "carousing." 

Sadly, that's what often happens in those types of situations. The kids develop selective memory and romanticize their father while villifying the mother who was actually there and keeping a roof over their heads. My sister divorced when her kids were very young and the dynamics were quite similar until they got older and realized their father was a useless piece of crap.

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Did she explain specifically why she couldn't run an errand with Kaiser? How does she function on a daily basis if she can't go pick up a key with him? That sounds like one of the easiest errands you could run. How long does it take? You would basically have to just unbuckle him from his seat, carry him inside, get the key, and then go home.  Does she grocery shop? Or do anything else? I don't even understand what the issue was.

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7 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I also didn't understand the "oh, go stay in a hotel with Kaiser, that'll be so much fun" thing. First off, poor Kaiser, but also...every second of your life has to be fun? You're just moving. It's not supposed to be a daily amusement park visit. So you'll be bored in a hotel room with a toddler and a TV and McDonald's for a few hours. Cry me a freaking river. 

Jenelle's worst nightmare is being bored. She admitted as such to a therapist or drug counselor many moons ago. She needs to constantly be entertained, not be the one entertaining. 


1 hour ago, poopchute said:

Did she explain specifically why she couldn't run an errand with Kaiser? How does she function on a daily basis if she can't go pick up a key with him? That sounds like one of the easiest errands you could run. How long does it take? You would basically have to just unbuckle him from his seat, carry him inside, get the key, and then go home.  Does she grocery shop? Or do anything else? I don't even understand what the issue was.

The issue was she couldn't hover over David and make sure he was thinking of her and doting on her every second of his life. 

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1 hour ago, poopchute said:

Did she explain specifically why she couldn't run an errand with Kaiser? How does she function on a daily basis if she can't go pick up a key with him? That sounds like one of the easiest errands you could run. How long does it take? You would basically have to just unbuckle him from his seat, carry him inside, get the key, and then go home.  Does she grocery shop? Or do anything else? I don't even understand what the issue was.

I follow Jenelle on snapchat (judge me, I don't care LOL). So many of her snaps are of work David is doing on the house/on the land and now it REALLY worries me. David is obviously the one doing the physical care of Kaiser. If Jace isn't there for visitation, Maryssa is at school now (she does year round school), and David is working on their property.....who is watching/caring for Kaiser while she's snapping David using a backhoe or tractor or whatever? I guess he's just in his crib crying. Poor baby. :( Jenelle, put that child in daycare! One thing I'll say, when she was with Nathan they had Kai in daycare (even though they weren't working). No judgement cause that's where he's better off. Spend your TM money on daycare for Kai and then you won't even have to bother with throwing him in his crib or making him a bottle (both of which he's too big for anyways).

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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It is SO sad that we are all rooting for him to be in daycare, but it honestly is way better than being home. If Chelsea, Kail, or even Leah had to get a job and daycare was the only option, I would think, at least a little, that it was too bad. Even Leah provides a mother's love for her girls, though I think at least some daycare could teach them manners and discipline. But with Jenelle, I absolutely think the worst thing for a child is to be in her care, ever. That is pretty bad!

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4 hours ago, CofCinci said:

She released the first chapter of her book. From what I skimmed, it's a love letter to her father. Cruel Babs kept her away from her daddy. Sounds like he drunkenly fell down the stairs with a 3-year-old Jenelle ("daddy's little girl")- and that was the last straw for Babs.  Once, he even drove up to the kids for visitation, glanced at them and then quickly drove off. BUT IT IS ALL BABS' FAULT. She didn't like his "carousing."  It's her mother's fault that he has only seen her once since he left. 

I knew it! Jenelle misses her dad and it is all due to Barb. Forget the fact he was an abuser. No wonder Jenelle doesn't see it as a problem to put her hands on other people. 

3 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I follow Jenelle on snapchat (judge me, I don't care LOL). So many of her snaps are of work David is doing on the house/on the land and now it REALLY worries me. David is obviously the one doing the physical care of Kaiser. If Jace isn't there for visitation, Maryssa is at school now (she does year round school), and David is working on their property.....who is watching/caring for Kaiser while she's snapping David using a backhoe or tractor or whatever? I guess he's just in his crib crying. Poor baby. :( Jenelle, put that child in daycare! One thing I'll say, when she was with Nathan they had Kai in daycare (even though they weren't working). No judgement cause that's where he's better off. Spend your TM money on daycare for Kai and then you won't even have to bother with throwing him in his crib or making him a bottle (both of which he's too big for anyways).

No judgments here. I appreciate you all taking one for the team and reporting back here. 

I agree, Kaiser is better off in daycare. Someone has to teach him social skills, manners, and how there is more to his world than being in a crib. 

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Yep! David's got his cash cow and he's not letting her go, but from the sounds of it I'm thinking they're both getting paid. He's getting one sum and she's getting another, and from what Jenelle was talking about the other night, it seems like David is digging into Jenelle's purse more than he himself is actually paying for things. I bet he's totally manipulating Jenelle by saying things like, "If you pay for the supplies, I'll do the work," or guilting her into buying extravagant gifts for him.  

Well, if he screws her out of money, it's her own fault.

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2 hours ago, Moogen said:

Long time reader, first time poster. Jenelle's segments in the season premiere episode left me cold, the treatment of poor little Kaiser as has been previously noted but also the strange, disconnected behavior displayed by both Maryssa and Jace terrified me. Neither of them ever say a word, and to me they both seem in a constant state of paralyzed fear around UBT and PBnJenelly. I'm no abuse expert, but to me they both display what I'd assume are classic behaviors of children who are subject or witness to abusive behavior. Most other 8/9/10 year olds I know are far more engaged, talkative and energetic than either of them. I'm sure they both realize it's safer to shut up and keep eyes downcast lest they incur the wrath of either of the nutcase adults with whom they've (unbelievably) been left.  Jenelle's behavior is unbearable to watch, dare I say the worst it's ever been. MTV should be ashamed. 

"...bbbbbut she's changed..."

welcome, moogen! I agree with all that. It's also eerie to contrast it to the first few scenes we saw with jenelle and David, where they were in the honeymoon period and the kids seemed more natural. Something has definitely happened since then!

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On 7/20/2017 at 4:12 PM, leighroda said:

But seriously... I'm not one to talk about anyone's eating habits, but all we ever see her eat is pizza. Yeah we only see a small portion of her life laa dee da, but still that's a lot of pizza.

I wanna know how the girl always looks so fit and toned with all of that pizza she eats. After each and every pregnancy she's back to looking toned and fit literally two weeks later. Lol. I know she has good genes and all but damn her. Even Maci and Leah can't touch Jenelle because Maci is skinny but you can tell she doesn't workout and Leah is too boney.

I wanna go on the pizza diet. It took me two years to get my body looking close to Jenelle's after my third pregnancy and it took the keto diet and CrossFit...did you see her book cover? Such a nasty girl can be granted a nice body pisses me off. ?

Edited by Calm81
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5 hours ago, Moogen said:

Long time reader, first time poster. Jenelle's segments in the season premiere episode left me cold, the treatment of poor little Kaiser as has been previously noted but also the strange, disconnected behavior displayed by both Maryssa and Jace terrified me. Neither of them ever say a word, and to me they both seem in a constant state of paralyzed fear around UBT and PBnJenelly. I'm no abuse expert, but to me they both display what I'd assume are classic behaviors of children who are subject or witness to abusive behavior. Most other 8/9/10 year olds I know are far more engaged, talkative and energetic than either of them. I'm sure they both realize it's safer to shut up and keep eyes downcast lest they incur the wrath of either of the nutcase adults with whom they've (unbelievably) been left.  Jenelle's behavior is unbearable to watch, dare I say the worst it's ever been. MTV should be ashamed. 

Welcome, MOOGEN! Great post, I agree 100%. Aaaaand, because of your reason for editing, I know you will fit in perfectly around here. 

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10 hours ago, Moogen said:

Long time reader, first time poster. Jenelle's segments in the season premiere episode left me cold, the treatment of poor little Kaiser as has been previously noted but also the strange, disconnected behavior displayed by both Maryssa and Jace terrified me. Neither of them ever say a word, and to me they both seem in a constant state of paralyzed fear around UBT and PBnJenelly. I'm no abuse expert, but to me they both display what I'd assume are classic behaviors of children who are subject or witness to abusive behavior. Most other 8/9/10 year olds I know are far more engaged, talkative and energetic than either of them. I'm sure they both realize it's safer to shut up and keep eyes downcast lest they incur the wrath of either of the nutcase adults with whom they've (unbelievably) been left.  Jenelle's behavior is unbearable to watch, dare I say the worst it's ever been. MTV should be ashamed. 

I'm super happy that you've decided to go from lurker to contributor as I can tell you are going to be bringing some good insight and snark. I welcome you to the PTV family. ??

And I agree with your entire post. Marisa and Jace look like petrified kids with no joy in their eyes. Emotionless. They don't act like happy young adolescents exploring the world around them, instead, exploited by the adults around them.

Jace is lucky, he gets a break with Barbara, who isn't the most calm lady (she yells way too much, but probably only when around Jenelle the beast), but truly loves her grandson and wants what's best for him.

I feel so much sadness for baby Kaiser. His mother should be engaging with him to keep his brain and curiosity stimulated in a healthy manner and not thrown into his crib to keep him out of his parents hair.

That crib should only be for naps and bedtime - not a timeout. And he should be transitioning to a toddler bed. I guess they don't want to have to keep an eye on him if he has a choice to get in and out of bed.

He should be put to bed with fresh water not milk. His teeth are going to be effected from milk sitting on his teeth all night, but it could be worst, I've seen parents give their kids juice and soda at bed. ?

Everyone with children know that kids beeline to the ornaments when putting up a Christmas tree. There was no fun and joy when they did that tree. No including the kids - nothing. When my family trims the tree we play Christmas music, eat cookies and laugh as we toss the tinsel around while fantasizing about the gifts we want to get our loved ones. That scene with their tree was ice cold. 

Edited by Calm81
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Thank you for the warm welcome peeps! Calm81 totally agree with the observation of decorating the Christmas tree - don't think I've ever seen such a misery fest! PBnJenelly could barely look up from her phone and muster a "oh that's so cooool" when the tree lights went on. And we all know what happened to poor Kaiser for accidentally dropping a plastic freaking bauble from the dollar store...

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Welcome @Moogen!



On ‎7‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 11:13 AM, Calm81 said:

I wanna know how the girl always looks so fit and toned with all of that pizza she eats. After each and every pregnancy she's back to looking toned and fit literally two weeks later. Lol. I know she has good genes and all but damn her. Even Maci and Leah can't touch Jenelle because Maci is skinny but you can tell she doesn't workout and Leah is too boney.

I wanna go on the pizza diet. It took me two years to get my body looking close to Jenelle's after my third pregnancy and it took the keto diet and CrossFit...did you see her book cover? Such a nasty girl can be granted a nice body pisses me off. ?

Maci is on the beer diet. She ingests more beer than food.

Edited by GreatKazu
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12 hours ago, Christina said:

Drugs, and not just marijuana.

That would make her super skinny and gross looking. She's got a lot of muscle tone. I don't doubt she's on tons of shit but I think she is one of those types that muscles come easy for. Lol.

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Jenelle does bounce back well from pregnancy. One of the few times I genuinely felt sorry for her was when asshole Nathan made that comment at the reunion that she was getting fat. I don't ever recall her being the slightest bit overweight. Even when she's been a little thicker she's always toned and muscular. 

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11 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Jenelle does bounce back well from pregnancy. One of the few times I genuinely felt sorry for her was when asshole Nathan made that comment at the reunion that she was getting fat. I don't ever recall her being the slightest bit overweight. Even when she's been a little thicker she's always toned and muscular. 

That's because being fat is the worst thing you can say about a woman (besides "slut") even when it's got no basis in truth- which is why Nathan said that just to hurt her. 

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1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

Just MHO, but I think Jenelle has a weird body. To each her own I guess.

Really? Lol. I've always hated her crescent moon face and creepy eyebrows but her figure is super cute.

It's Kailyn's body that gives me nightmares. She's 5'8" like me and so I understand we'll never look cute and petite but girlfriend is losing her femininity due to those implants. They just don't sit right on her boxy figure.

Edited by Calm81
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I've always hated her crescent moon face and creepy eyebrows

Same here. I think her face is ugly because she is an ugly person on the inside. It is true how a person's true character makes them ugly. 

2 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Just MHO, but I think Jenelle has a weird body. To each her own I guess.


I think her height and the style of clothes she wears just don't mesh. The fake tits sure don't help any. 

I am not sure if she ever got some butt implants but, she was hawking butt pads on her Instagram, and I swear I thought I saw her wearing them in an episode or two back when she was with Nathan.

Frankly, I don't care if these girls hawk things on their social media. It doesn't bother me. If it gets them more money and people choose to throw their money away, that's their business. What does bother me are the items they choose to hawk. If you want to hawk baby or children's items, fine. More power to you. I know Jenelle was advertising some ice chest cooler and other related items. However, she and Kail hawk those waist-trainers and the diet pills. Those are a danger. Is Jenelle ingesting those pills? She was also going to the gym. Not sure if she still goes. Maybe UBT put a stop to that. 

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2 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Really? Lol. I've always hated her crescent moon face and creepy eyebrows but her figure is super cute.

It's Kailyn's body that gives me nightmares. She's 5'8" like me and so I understand we'll never look cute and petite but girlfriend is losing her femininity due to those implants. They just don't sit right on her boxy figure.

Yeah, I've always found Jenelle's body quite cute, both when chubbier and thinner. She makes her face look hard with the way she does her makeup. It would be better if she was hideous because she wouldn't attract so many dudes.

Kailyn has a tall, boxy, could-look-athletic body for sure. I think those kinds of bodies can totally be attractive. She just dresses as if she's Jessica Rabbit or a slip of a thing instead, and then plants those curvaceous implants on herself like they'll make her look girly and bodacious! It would be so much better for her to just work out and get muscle tone, to look thick and natural and athletic and dress for that body type. She looks completely ridiculous now.

The TM2 girls as a whole are more attractive, I think, than the TM girls. None of them are stunning beauties or anything. Leah, though she's rail thin, cleans up well when she's not on drugs, Chelsea is attractive, and Kailyn and Jenelle both have their moments IMO (or did before surgery). I find Catelynn, Maci, Amber, and Farrah all exceedingly unattractive. I thought Farrah was quite pretty, even beautiful, before her surgeries, but now she often looks like a caricature.

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2 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, I've always found Jenelle's body quite cute, both when chubbier and thinner. She makes her face look hard with the way she does her makeup. It would be better if she was hideous because she wouldn't attract so many dudes.

Kailyn has a tall, boxy, could-look-athletic body for sure. I think those kinds of bodies can totally be attractive. She just dresses as if she's Jessica Rabbit or a slip of a thing instead, and then plants those curvaceous implants on herself like they'll make her look girly and bodacious! It would be so much better for her to just work out and get muscle tone, to look thick and natural and athletic and dress for that body type. She looks completely ridiculous now.

The TM2 girls as a whole are more attractive, I think, than the TM girls. None of them are stunning beauties or anything. Leah, though she's rail thin, cleans up well when she's not on drugs, Chelsea is attractive, and Kailyn and Jenelle both have their moments IMO (or did before surgery). I find Catelynn, Maci, Amber, and Farrah all exceedingly unattractive. I thought Farrah was quite pretty, even beautiful, before her surgeries, but now she often looks like a caricature.

I agree with you. Regarding god given beauty I think Farrah had it in spades (and ruined it with plastic surgery), Chelsea is pretty- some of her makeup is too harsh etc but that's her style. Leah does look nice when she's clean and put together, Kailyn dresses horribly for her figure. She is tall and was naturally evenly proportioned but she's not Jessica-Rabbit-esqe although she wants to be. 

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On 7/22/2017 at 6:02 AM, Moogen said:

Long time reader, first time poster. Jenelle's segments in the season premiere episode left me cold, the treatment of poor little Kaiser as has been previously noted but also the strange, disconnected behavior displayed by both Maryssa and Jace terrified me. Neither of them ever say a word, and to me they both seem in a constant state of paralyzed fear around UBT and PBnJenelly. I'm no abuse expert, but to me they both display what I'd assume are classic behaviors of children who are subject or witness to abusive behavior. Most other 8/9/10 year olds I know are far more engaged, talkative and energetic than either of them. I'm sure they both realize it's safer to shut up and keep eyes downcast lest they incur the wrath of either of the nutcase adults with whom they've (unbelievably) been left.  Jenelle's behavior is unbearable to watch, dare I say the worst it's ever been. MTV should be ashamed. 

Welcome to the snark board!

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11 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, I've always found Jenelle's body quite cute, both when chubbier and thinner. She makes her face look hard with the way she does her makeup. It would be better if she was hideous because she wouldn't attract so many dudes.

Kailyn has a tall, boxy, could-look-athletic body for sure. I think those kinds of bodies can totally be attractive. She just dresses as if she's Jessica Rabbit or a slip of a thing instead, and then plants those curvaceous implants on herself like they'll make her look girly and bodacious! It would be so much better for her to just work out and get muscle tone, to look thick and natural and athletic and dress for that body type. She looks completely ridiculous now.

The TM2 girls as a whole are more attractive, I think, than the TM girls. None of them are stunning beauties or anything. Leah, though she's rail thin, cleans up well when she's not on drugs, Chelsea is attractive, and Kailyn and Jenelle both have their moments IMO (or did before surgery). I find Catelynn, Maci, Amber, and Farrah all exceedingly unattractive. I thought Farrah was quite pretty, even beautiful, before her surgeries, but now she often looks like a caricature.

Yes! I've always thought that the TMOG crew were more homely looking than the TM2 girls, and not because they're *gasp* the older chicks. They're all sloths that sit around picking at their skin or chugging too many bud lights while coming one with the sofa.

Farrah had so much potential before the surgery, I agreed with her need for braces and was okay-ish when she got the "c's you can see" implants but she took the rest too far.

The TM2 girls are prettier because they're more into their looks. 

Leah's comes a little bit easier when she is off the drugs and picks up a Makeup brush.

Chelsea has a stunning smile and a beautiful personality (a little mean girl side to her but still...). Gorgeous hair when not ratted up. Ditch the grayish brown lipstick, though!

Jenelle is dead inside but can fix herself up real nice except for some outfits she chooses are meant for the taller girls just like tall girls can't wear some clothes meant for the shorter types. 

Kailyn, I've only found her attractive one time!!! That was the episode where she started crying because Isaac fell asleep on her -- she was pregnant with Lincoln at the time.

She looked absolutely stunning when a "mothers love" was shining through, even Javi was in awe of it.

That's it for Kailyn. I've always found her to be awkward looking especially when sitting at the after show/reunions with the other, more petite girls.

And not because she's 5'8" because that is my height, it's the way she carries herself. She carries herself like an ogre as Farrah is just an inch shorter and looks more "organized" with her body on stage. I didn't know how else to put it because I didn't want to say attractive because the surgery has ruined it but she does carry herself in a more feminine way. Lol.

Edited by Calm81
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In Evans’ memoir Read Between The Lines: Diary of a Teenage Mom, she explained how she relapsed on heroin and got pregnant twice during her whirlwind relationship with Rogers.

After reconnecting online, Evans, 25, went on a date with Rogers after recovering from an addiction to heroin. When she asked him for marijuana to help with her withdrawals, he bought two bags of heroin instead.

“It was a hard relapse,” she wrote. “I took more than I did before. Courtland was not only taking heroin, he started dealing it.”

They moved in together after only a month of dating and tied the knot in December 2012. Soon after, she discovered she was pregnant with their child.

While she stopped abusing drugs because she “wouldn’t poison” their baby, Rogers continued.

“He also became very verbally abusive,” she wrote. “His favorite thing to do during arguments was tell me that our child wasn’t his because I was a whore.”

The verbal abuse soon turned physical when he found messages between her and another man.

“Courtland slapped me around a few times, then started punching me in the gut,” she chillingly penned.

She managed to call a friend who notified the police of their fight. When the police arrived, she sent them away because she feared MTV would find out about her relapse if cops found drugs in their home.

“I packed a bag and went to spend the night with my mother,” she wrote. “I woke the next morning to a pool of blood between my legs. My mother rushed me to the emergency room, where they explained to me that I had suffered a miscarriage due to my recent altercation with Courtland.”

Rogers was charged with assault and battery of an unborn child, she claimed.

But by April of 2013, they were back together. Although he promised he had quit using, she suspected Rogers snorted the Percocet pills she was prescribed after dental surgery.

“I showed him the bottle and asked where the pills went,” she wrote. “As expected, he attacked me, throwing punches and grabbing me.”

When police arrived, she was arrested for heroin possession and trafficking.

But things got worse, as she learned she was expecting again when she was admitted to the hospital for bronchitis days after the arrest.

“I was pregnant, with that crazy, drug-dealing, abusive man’s child,” she wrote. “I decided not to have the baby. Instead, I had an abortion.”

The couple divorced in 2014.

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25 minutes ago, poopchute said:

This is new information to me. Did we already know this and I just missed it??

It is news to me as well.

Reading the article, it mentions Jenelle went back with Courtland after that so-called incident. It may be that Jenelle didn't want to press charges or refused to cooperate. Seeing that this is Jenelle, her credibility is at zero.

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30 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Now we know where that awful book cover picture came from: 


Is she spelling it "hatters" to be funny because we do that, or does she not know how to spell HATERS???

10 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

It is news to me as well.

Reading the article, it mentions Jenelle went back with Courtland after that so-called incident. It may be that Jenelle didn't want to press charges or refused to cooperate. Seeing that this is Jenelle, her credibility is at zero.

It also says she was charged with trafficking!?  Did we know about that?  

Edited by heatherchandler
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1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

Is she spelling it "hatters" to be funny because we do that, or does she not know how to spell HATERS???

It also says she was charged with trafficking!?  Did we know about that?  

I had forgotten about it but, when I read that part it pinged my memory a bit.

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I thought courtlands baby was aborted... right before Nathan. I hate to say I don't believe the miscarriage story, but I really don't... if he was charged with abuse of an unborn child wouldn't we know that? isn't it public record? I thought it was but I definitely could be wrong. I have completely lost track of her pregnancies, does this add to the count? (1. Jace 2. Alleged miscarriage 3. Abortion 4. Kaiser 5. Alleged miscarriage 6. Endsley).

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You find all kinds of goodies scrolling through twitter. This is one of the "miscarriages" Jenelle claims to have had while with courtland. And yes, she posted this picture when it happened and it's making its rounds again.  That is not blood. 


Also, David goes to court for violating that protective order with his son on Aug 7th. I think that's what it is for. Someone on twitter posted the picture from a NC court site.  


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Good lord. Thought she woke up to a pool of blood. Did she sleep in the shower that night? And who the fuck takes a picture like that and saves it for 5 years. I swear she is so gross and trashy. Oh yeah Jenelle those are not transition lenses David is wearing either. Just like the shit in her book about Barb. All she does is fucking lies then cries how she is sooooo alone and has no friends. Well bitch YOU LIE and tell stories to suit yourself all in an effort to get sympathy.

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1) I am willing to bet my cat that is not blood. There is nothing on her legs, did she just stand there straddle-ing letting the "blood" drip out?

2) I'm with @toodywoody who the hell just stands in the shower in a pool of "blood" and takes a picture, then holds onto it for 5 yrs? 

3) this is Jenelle, there is no way she would let the press opportunity go by with this gem 

4) I still want to know (from Jenelle, I don't expect y'all to have an answer) is this a new pregnancy? Does she think we forgot that she had an abortion (just like she forgot that we saw her abandon... so many questions.

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She just makes shit up. Just like all these charges and shit that no one has ever heard about or that she has said a damn thing about. Have some class and yes I know this is Jenelle we are talking about. But good Lord just stop with the drama. Drama with Tori, drama with her mom, drama with this dude, Nathan, David, a light post, a parking garage, a swimming pool. This bitch has trouble with anything and anyone. 

But her mom was beaten by her dad and she thinks her dad is the greatest thing since sliced bread but she gets beat up by her ex and he is the devil. Shouldn't she hold her father to the same standard? And be more sympathetic to her own mom because she suffered from it too. But no she is too busy hating her mom. Just a grade a bitch.

Edited by toodywoody
Because this bitch makes my head spin and I can't think straight
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My husband and I are going to Wilmington this weekend. I'll be keeping an eye out for a lurching, hairy dude wearing sunglasses inside with a pint size, John Lithgow busy on her phone with a gaggle of kids at any pizza place we pass. If I see Barb, I'll buy her a glass of wine.

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We did know about the trafficking charge. The charges were reduced and we guessed that she named names and that is why she moved to South Carolina and couldn't move closer to Jace way back then, even though we also recognized that she didn't actually want Jace.

We also knew about the two pregnancies; at least, I did. It did take place during the off season, though. The miscarriage was first followed by the abortion later. That happened when filming had started again, and Barb took her to the clinic. Then she got pregnant with Kaiser and didn't know who the baby belonged to, according to her.

There was a police report on one of the tabloid sites about Courtland's arrest, and he was charged with whatever they called inducing the miscarriage. The language of the law was oddly worded, which is why I remember discussing it somewhere. I'm going to wander off to find the police report, probably forget what I was doing, and be back in a few hours. I'm also in a Hold'em Tourney and not multitasking very well at the moment.

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This Daily Mail article discusses the trafficking charge, but almost everything on my quick search about the miscarriage is recent. Still looking for the police report now that I've learned it was in 2013. 

This US Magazine article is every bit as bad as reading Radar Online, but it tells more about him being arrested for assault on an unborn child, even though it doesn't include the police report.

Edited by Christina
Added paragraph
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35 minutes ago, leighroda said:

1) I am willing to bet my cat that is not blood. There is nothing on her legs, did she just stand there straddle-ing letting the "blood" drip out?

2) I'm with @toodywoody who the hell just stands in the shower in a pool of "blood" and takes a picture, then holds onto it for 5 yrs? 

3) this is Jenelle, there is no way she would let the press opportunity go by with this gem 

4) I still want to know (from Jenelle, I don't expect y'all to have an answer) is this a new pregnancy? Does she think we forgot that she had an abortion (just like she forgot that we saw her abandon... so many questions.

It's a picture Jenelle posted way back when this "miscarriage" happened. Someone on twitter saved it and now that Jenelle wrote about it in her book, the people who saved the book reposted for the people who missed it the first time. 


Sorry. Sometimes I can't write exactly what my brain is thinking so it doesn't always come out so clear. 

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49 minutes ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

My husband and I are going to Wilmington this weekend. I'll be keeping an eye out for a lurching, hairy dude wearing sunglasses inside with a pint size, John Lithgow busy on her phone with a gaggle of kids at any pizza place we pass. If I see Barb, I'll buy her a glass of wine.

this is awesome!

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This US Magazine article is every bit as bad as reading Radar Online, but it tells more about him being arrested for assault on an unborn child, even though it doesn't include the police repor

Thanks for digging this up.

My head hurts real bad now after reading the article three times just to try and figure out the timeline there. 

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1 hour ago, leighroda said:

1) I am willing to bet my cat that is not blood. There is nothing on her legs, did she just stand there straddle-ing letting the "blood" drip out?

2) I'm with @toodywoody who the hell just stands in the shower in a pool of "blood" and takes a picture, then holds onto it for 5 yrs? 

3) this is Jenelle, there is no way she would let the press opportunity go by with this gem 

4) I still want to know (from Jenelle, I don't expect y'all to have an answer) is this a new pregnancy? Does she think we forgot that she had an abortion (just like she forgot that we saw her abandon... so many questions.

I'm willing to throw my dog in with that bet too. And I love my puppy (aka the Crown Princess of Capitol Hill) beyond reason. I've bled plenty of times (alas born clumsy) and I don't recall it being that pinkish. Especially blood that comes from my vagina. Sorry to be gross - but I'd expect some clotting...

For kicks I downloaded the sample of her book from Amazon today. She loves her Daddy (who abandoned her at age 11 never really to be heard from again and apparently beat the shit out of Barb). I'm actually shocked he hasn't reappeared to suck up for some easy MTV $.

Oh - and besides anxiety, she suffers from PTSD.  Yes - she really says that. Bitch please. From being yelled at by Barb? Again - really bitch? My mother has been yelling at me for 40 years (including several times in the past two weeks I just visited). From what we've seen of Jenelle over the years - IMO the only one who potentially needs PTSD therapy is Barb (and I mean from Jenelle not even the DV).

1 hour ago, toodywoody said:

She just makes shit up. Just like all these charges and shit that no one has ever heard about or that she has said a damn thing about. Have some class and yes I know this is Jenelle we are talking about. But good Lord just stop with the drama. Drama with Tori, drama with her mom, drama with this dude, Nathan, David, a light post, a parking garage, a swimming pool. This bitch has trouble with anything and anyone. 

But her mom was beaten by her dad and she thinks her dad is the greatest thing since sliced bread but she gets beat up by her ex and he is the devil. Shouldn't she hold her father to the same standard? And be more sympathetic to her own mom because she suffered from it too. But no she is too busy hating her mom. Just a grade a bitch.

I just had to quote cause of your reason for edit. Funniest shit I've heard all day. 

I also see editing in my future...

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