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Brandi Glanville: Drinking and Tweeting - a book and a lifestyle!

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I haven't heard of too many 2 weeks on 2 weeks off custody arrangements, but maybe they are a thing now, and I just don't know about them?  Also, the whole shamed by the press thing, and Leann being a bitch does play in.


It's that every two weeks give your kids over to a woman that is sickening thing though.  Even if she wants to move past it, how do you?  It's present and will be for more than another decade.  At least Leann seems to be laying of the weird tweets lately, but then again, they did just have a (failed) reality show that was pretty much all about Brandi.

I think Eddie and Brandi have 5 days on and 5 days off.  It allows for both parents to have the joy of school and weekends.

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I haven't heard of too many 2 weeks on 2 weeks off custody arrangements, but maybe they are a thing now, and I just don't know about them?  Also, the whole shamed by the press thing, and Leann being a bitch does play in.


It's that every two weeks give your kids over to a woman that is sickening thing though.  Even if she wants to move past it, how do you?  It's present and will be for more than another decade.  At least Leann seems to be laying of the weird tweets lately, but then again, they did just have a (failed) reality show that was pretty much all about Brandi.

Shared custody is common now days when both parents are able to live in the same city. It is rare to see 1 parent only get every other weekend as more and more Judges/Social Services recognize shared custody is better for all, kids and parents. 


Brandi was equally guilty of ugly tweets to and about Leann, it was not a one way twitter battle and both got their respective fans involved with that ugliness. Sadly, those 2 boys paid a big price IMO because neither put them, the kids, first, neither!

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Those photos are terrible.  Man.  Who is that guy she's with?  Great friend, right there.


And cry me a river with how "tough" it is for Brandi that she's just like millions of other women around the world who have shared custody of her children.  Or like millions of other women who have been cheated on.  Acting like she's incapable of moving beyond that is not very empowering makes her a victim, for life.  She can get passed it, but she doesn't want to.  It's how she makes her money.  She makes money off being a victim.  Which, fine, I got no hate for that, really, you make that money, Brandi.  But I'm not about to extend any pity for her when she voluntarily puts herself in that position.  She's fucking herself over though, not Eddie and LeAnn, though she doesn't see that.     

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What I found very interesting about that whole thing, was that Kyle reached out to Brandi after that, and according to Brandi she was so grateful to her that they decided to bury the hatchet and get to know each other. Also, I think it is great that with all of the venom that Brandi spews towards the other women, not one of them brought it up. I think Joyce tried at the reunion and Andy shut her down.


If she had shown Kyle the same discretion with the pot thing in Amsterdam, I would have had a little bit of respect for her. 

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Brandi started sleeping with Eddie when Eddie was still living with Julianne Morris, right? I'm pretty sure that Eddie and Julianne were in a pretty serious relationship at that time. Also, IIRC Julianne Morris was fairly outspoken about being a virgin in the early days of her relationship with Eddie so I'd have to think that she was extra hurt since she thought they'd eventually get married. Does anybody else remember this? I swear she gave an interview in soap opera digest about being a virgin when she first got together with Eddie and made comments to the effect of feeling like the situation just wasn't funny anymore.


The virgin angle was often a topic of discussions in articles about Julianne.  I also recall reading that Julianne and Eddie lived together but Eddie and Brandi also lived together so I don't know what's up with that.  The Julianne-Eddie-Brandi triangle happened almost twenty years ago, but I feel like there's a juicy story there waiting to be told.

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From Brandi's blog:


Today is a good day, one of my favorite days: grocery shopping day! Yep, now you know my secret: grocery shopping is one of my favorites things to do. I would never let anyone do my shopping for me. I think of my boys the whole time, imagining dinners and what we will cook together. It's family happy thinking for me. I’ve got my coupons ready, and it’s the day to get the best deals (knowledge that is a benefit of having a father who worked in a grocery store for over 30 years). After this, I get to pick up my two hungry boys and make memories (cook dinner).



She wants us to think that she's so great and that this is the real her that we don't get to see. For me this blog seems so manipulative like she's trying to remind viewers that she isn't all bad and that she does things like cook amazing meals for her boys. It's not that I don't believe that she's incapable of this stuff it's more that I feel like she's mentioning it to score points. Making the coupon shout out so she can sound like an everyday mom even though she supposedly spends like $1000 a week on groceries or whatever it was. 


Then of course there's the fact that we know that she's dropping all of these lines about cooking because of the new cookbook and wine deals that she wants to make happen. I realize that she at least admits that she's a wannabe chef but the idea of her coming out with a cookbook when I think of the kid's pancakes comment and I think is this really the project that makes the most sense for her? The wine I suppose I understand but the cookbook I don't really get. 


I'd rather see a cookbook from LisaV personally if I had to get a cookbook from one of the women of RHBH. 

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From Brandi's blog:



She wants us to think that she's so great and that this is the real her that we don't get to see. For me this blog seems so manipulative like she's trying to remind viewers that she isn't all bad and that she does things like cook amazing meals for her boys. It's not that I don't believe that she's incapable of this stuff it's more that I feel like she's mentioning it to score points. Making the coupon shout out so she can sound like an everyday mom even though she supposedly spends like $1000 a week on groceries or whatever it was. 


Then of course there's the fact that we know that she's dropping all of these lines about cooking because of the new cookbook and wine deals that she wants to make happen. I realize that she at least admits that she's a wannabe chef but the idea of her coming out with a cookbook when I think of the kid's pancakes comment and I think is this really the project that makes the most sense for her? The wine I suppose I understand but the cookbook I don't really get. 


I'd rather see a cookbook from LisaV personally if I had to get a cookbook from one of the women of RHBH. 


Full disclosure: I have never read any of her books or her blog,


Holy hell, she is a terrible writer!  I hope she pays her ghostwriters well for the feats of magic they perform every time they have to arrange her scrambled thoughts into a readable book.   


I don't even think I can comment on the actual content because it's all so LOL and weirdly "Dear Diary" sounding. 

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Another reason I think Brandi has a ghost writer is that there's always an easy, breezy " what I've been up to" intro that sounds nothing like Brandi. Brandi is sullen, self pitying and not easy, breezy in the least.

I find it so funny that Brandi who a year or so ago said she would rather write full time than be RH.  It may just be me but I would think that Brandi would immerse herself in some grammar classes or get a tutor instead of a co-writer.  At some point these ghosts and co-writers get expensive. 


She was taking photos of her shopping cart for her Twitter account.  I guess we were suppose to be in awe of her full cart.  I didn't see $100.00 worth of weekly groceries let alone a $1,000.00.


I would be curious to see how much of what she buys actually makes it way to a meal cooked by her. 

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Re: the gawd awful drunk pictures upthread. For anybody that hasn't already seen it, ...the one showing the exposed tampon string is part of the same incident that night. Anybody bold enough to post it? 


Wirewrap, good detective work showing the same dress worn in Palm Springs last year. Dang she was schnockered, toasted, soused, blottoed, d-r-u-n-k  !

She Calls Him Her Gaygent = Gay Agent

She Claims He Likes The "NickName" She Has Given Him <:O/



Holy hell! Those are beyond embarrassing!

I've seen them before but wow! They lose nothing with time.

Speaking of drunk Brandi. She told Eileen, that nobody ever called her a mean drunk, I'm pretty sure Joyce did last season.

Oh yeah I forgot Brandi is a liar.

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Holy hell! Those are beyond embarrassing!

I've seen them before but wow! They lose nothing with time.

Speaking of drunk Brandi. She told Eileen, that nobody ever called her a mean drunk, I'm pretty sure Joyce did last season.

Oh yeah I forgot Brandi is a liar.

I can't remember what Joyce said that preceded this but I loved the line she had about Brandi just being tacky.
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Today is a good day, one of my favorite days: grocery shopping day! Yep, now you know my secret: grocery shopping is one of my favorites things to do. I would never let anyone do my shopping for me. I think of my boys the whole time, imagining dinners and what we will cook together. It's family happy thinking for me. I’ve got my coupons ready, and it’s the day to get the best deals (knowledge that is a benefit of having a father who worked in a grocery store for over 30 years). After this, I get to pick up my two hungry boys and make memories (cook dinner).

This is a joke, right?  This one takes 105% of her daily caloric intake in alcohol.  As for cooking dinner, my bet is she could burn cornflakes.  'Make memories'?  Bleccchhh.  Sooner or later those poor kids are gonna be forced to see the tampon-string pic of their mom.  That'll make a memory or two...

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Brandi's blog was typically eye-roll worthy, but what really stuck out to me is her repeated attempts to paint herself as a victim of LisaR's "assault".  LisaR put her hands on Kim, not Brandi.  LisaR assaulted the table with her glass, not Brandi.  Brandi wasn't even part of that fight, at that point I don't think LisaR had any problem with Brandi.  But suddenly she's a victim of this assault?  How?  I get what her angle is - trying to paint herself as a victim in order to overshadow her own inappropriate behavior.  Sorry, Brandi, not buying it. 

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Brandi's blog was typically eye-roll worthy, but what really stuck out to me is her repeated attempts to paint herself as a victim of LisaR's "assault". LisaR put her hands on Kim, not Brandi. LisaR assaulted the table with her glass, not Brandi. Brandi wasn't even part of that fight, at that point I don't think LisaR had any problem with Brandi. But suddenly she's a victim of this assault? How? I get what her angle is - trying to paint herself as a victim in order to overshadow her own inappropriate behavior. Sorry, Brandi, not buying it.

Yes, and I think she said in her blog something like, "she never thought to slap Lisa V, until Lisa herself mentioned it."

How dare LV mention slapping around Brandi, doesn't she know Brandi has no self control, and is controlled by others suggestions?

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Sometimes I think Brandi is completely aware of her need to be this show's villain and everything she does and says that is so awful is purposeful because it's all she has to offer to stay on this show. Sort of her version of what Yolanda said about prostituting herself to feed her children if she needed. But then I see those pictures and I think...no she really is just a very messed up, horribly out of control person. Or could it be that she's grown to hate herself because of the role she feels forced to play? Either way...yikes.

Somehow Eddie, despite the cheating, seems like a stable caring person in comparison.

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Sometimes I think Brandi is completely aware of her need to be this show's villain and everything she does and says that is so awful is purposeful because it's all she has to offer to stay on this show. Sort of her version of what Yolanda said about prostituting herself to feed her children if she needed. But then I see those pictures and I think...no she really is just a very messed up, horribly out of control person. Or could it be that she's grown to hate herself because of the role she feels forced to play? Either way...yikes.

Somehow Eddie, despite the cheating, seems like a stable caring person in comparison.

Eddie gets it. No matter what the real deal is with him, if he shuts up, stays off twitter and keeps his shit together he'll always look massively more together than Brandi.


It says something about him that he got with her in the first place, but, as long as he keeps his mouth shut and lets Brandi act the ass, he engenders "I get it" comments.

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Here's where I don't understand you.


If Lisa says, I went to far, I can't believe what happened, blah blah blah, what exactly are her friends supposed to say to her? 

If Kyle is confronted by the others about Brandi's scratch and she says, It wasn't intentional, my bracelet has spikes, what exactly are her friends supposed to say?


Why is Kyle's unintentional damage to Brandi's arm such an issue, when Brandi unintentionally pushed Kyle off a step which easily could have caused more damage.  I bring that up because Lisa's glass toss damaged absolutely nothing, and yet that also it seems is unacceptable to you.


I think we have a vast difference of opinions in the part I bolded above. I think you respond better to Brandi because she's shitty all the time, so seems more authentic to you. To me, the other girls, who can have fun and get along, but also be bitchy and sometimes go to far is much more in line with people I know in real life. Most people aren't 24/7 terrible. Fits of anger don't make you an unstable psycho who is lying to the world about their true personality.

Brandi's push was a result of Kyle putting her hands on Brandi so I don't hold that part of the altercation against Brandi. She was getting someone off of her and it happened to be beside some stairs. Don't want to go flying then don't get grabby with someone. This is what I mean about waving away what Kyle did and Brandi's act was so heinous. These women see what they want to see as if ALL of Brandi's behavior happens in some vacuum and stacks it all up when in all actuality the Lisa slap in my opinion goes in the same stupid, inappropriate behavior as Brandi throwing that glass of wine at Eileen and even her stupid outburst outside of the pot shop. That's pretty aggravating behavior to have to be subjected to and definitely grounds to completely be resistant to future interactions but Brandi pushing Kyle off of her.  Not backing down to Kyle when she was in her face to me aren't strikes against Brandi. She did what I would have done because she was being confronted. The rest is about Brandi's annoying. Point blank and I really can't get up in arms about someone who's annoying like these women do. I get that they are having pretty basic reactions but it's the degree they have them. If you want to engage in the petty and put in a significant amount of energy being just as catty and petty then accept where that all takes you. Don't engage, escalate and throw shade then act like the only ugly one present in that display was Brandi or this one or that one. I like Eileen as well as Lisa R but this whole "let's only focus on Brandi's actions" mantra these women cackle about is just so small minded.

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Brandi's push was a result of Kyle putting her hands on Brandi so I don't hold that part of the altercation against Brandi. She was getting someone off of her and it happened to be beside some stairs. Don't want to go flying then don't get grabby with someone. This is what I mean about waving away what Kyle did and Brandi's act was so heinous. These women see what they want to see as if ALL of Brandi's behavior happens in some vacuum and stacks it all up when in all actuality the Lisa slap in my opinion goes in the same stupid, inappropriate behavior as Brandi throwing that glass of wine at Eileen and even her stupid outburst outside of the pot shop. That's pretty aggravating behavior to have to be subjected to and definitely grounds to completely be resistant to future interactions but Brandi pushing Kyle off of her.  Not backing down to Kyle when she was in her face to me aren't strikes against Brandi. She did what I would have done because she was being confronted. The rest is about Brandi's annoying. Point blank and I really can't get up in arms about someone who's annoying like these women do. I get that they are having pretty basic reactions but it's the degree they have them. If you want to engage in the petty and put in a significant amount of energy being just as catty and petty then accept where that all takes you. Don't engage, escalate and throw shade then act like the only ugly one present in that display was Brandi or this one or that one. I like Eileen as well as Lisa R but this whole "let's only focus on Brandi's actions" mantra these women cackle about is just so small minded.


 But if they didn't do this, there would not be a show for us to discuss. ; )

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Brandi's push was a result of Kyle putting her hands on Brandi so I don't hold that part of the altercation against Brandi. She was getting someone off of her and it happened to be beside some stairs. Don't want to go flying then don't get grabby with someone. This is what I mean about waving away what Kyle did and Brandi's act was so heinous. These women see what they want to see as if ALL of Brandi's behavior happens in some vacuum and stacks it all up when in all actuality the Lisa slap in my opinion goes in the same stupid, inappropriate behavior as Brandi throwing that glass of wine at Eileen and even her stupid outburst outside of the pot shop. That's pretty aggravating behavior to have to be subjected to and definitely grounds to completely be resistant to future interactions but Brandi pushing Kyle off of her.  Not backing down to Kyle when she was in her face to me aren't strikes against Brandi. She did what I would have done because she was being confronted. The rest is about Brandi's annoying. Point blank and I really can't get up in arms about someone who's annoying like these women do. I get that they are having pretty basic reactions but it's the degree they have them. If you want to engage in the petty and put in a significant amount of energy being just as catty and petty then accept where that all takes you. Don't engage, escalate and throw shade then act like the only ugly one present in that display was Brandi or this one or that one. I like Eileen as well as Lisa R but this whole "let's only focus on Brandi's actions" mantra these women cackle about is just so small minded.

So if I'm reading you right, one can meet violence with violence but it's unacceptable to meet verbal harassment/annoyance with violence. 


To move on from that, I don't really see where the girls are only focused on Brandi.  I think it's natural for people who have issues with someone to talk about that person. KIM is actually the one most people are talking about but somehow, Brandi has inserted herself into it. I read her blog, somehow Lisa throwing the glass at Kim(which didn't happen) turns into throwing the glass at Kim AND BRANDI. Nobody was even speaking to Brandi at the table, but hear her tell it, she was the victim of something, as opposed to just being a bystander.

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Responding to posts / discussion topic from the S05.E17: Amster-Damn Slap thread.


To me Lisa R's throat grab / glass smash combo was the single worse act this season of RHoBH and I won't be surprised if, once all episodes of all franchises air this year, it will be at the top of my list.  Brandi's "playful" slap of Lisa was very egregious as well, not only because of the slap but the predatory / Chester the Molester aspect of her behavior,* and because it represents a pattern of behavior For these reasons, I think  / hope that Brandi's act will have much more far-reaching repercussions.

Brandi is not the first HW who has some kind of anger/impulse/rage issue, she shares that "label" with Teresa Giudice, NeNe Leakes, Porsha Williams, Adriana de Moura, Joanna Krupa, Kyle Richards, Lisa Rinna and probably some others I overlooked.  What sets Brandi apart is that her acts of menacing and physical aggression has become a pattern, and another very disturbing element is that the behavior is escalating.  During her first season on the RHoBH, Brandi threatened to kill Kyle and/or Kim, and for the most part people were nonplussed by it because of the circumstances and she was given the benefit of the doubt.  Fast forward 3 years and she is still threatening and menacing people, and now she is throwing wine and slapping.  Teresa Giudice and NeNe Leakes have engaged in some of the worse behavior is terms of being menacing, threatening and outright violence, but they were able to put the kibosh on that behavior, Brandi has not and seems to have gotten worse.


* Brandi holding the back of Lisa's head was just ewww and ick(!)

Edited by quinn
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Responding to posts / discussion topic from the S05.E17: Amster-Damn Slap thread.


To me Lisa R's throat grab / glass smash combo was the single worse act this season of RHoBH and I won't be surprised if, once all episodes of all franchises air this year, it will be at the top of the list.  Brandi's "playful" slap of Lisa was very egregious as well, not only because of the slap but the predatory / Chester the Molester aspect of it... Brandi holding the back of Lisa's head was just ugh and ick(!), but because it represents a pattern of behavior and because of that, I think  / hope that Brandi's act will have more far-reaching repercussions.


Brandi is not the first HW who has some kind of anger/impulse/rage issue, she shares that "label" with Teresa Giudice, NeNe Leakes, Porsha Williams, Adriana de Moura, Joanna Krupa, Kyle Richards, Lisa Rinna and probably some others I overlooked.  What sets Brandi apart is that her acts of menacing and physical aggression has become a pattern, and another very disturbing element is that the behavior is escalating.  During her first season on the RHoBH, Brandi threatened to kill Kyle and/or Kim, and for the most part people were nonplussed by it because of the circumstances and she was given the benefit of the doubt.  Fast forward 3 years and she is still threatening and menacing people, and now she is throwing wine and slapping.  Teresa Giudice and NeNe Leakes have engaged in some of the worse behavior is terms of being menacing, threatening and outright violence, but they were able to put the kibosh on that behavior, Brandi has not and seems to have gotten worse.

 Brandi is proud of the fact that she has not developed any self restraint in the course of 4 years, none! There has been no personal growth in this woman, she just reaches lower and lower levels IMO.

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Brandi is proud of the fact that she has not developed any self restraint in the course of 4 years, none! There has been no personal growth in this woman, she just reaches lower and lower levels IMO.

It's how she rolls...she keeps it real...((flashes faux gang signs)).

Brandi does love that she has not developed any self restraint, loves it!

Re- the slap, it was the control factor that bothered me. Brandi was trying to control the situation, period. She was trying first to kiss, then pushing and slapping LisaV. Lisa is done with Brandi and Brandi is desperate to be in inner circle again.

Brandi would love to be the naughty girl to Lisa's playful mummy, but that ship has sailed.

Now she has to hold up the mess that is Kim. And nobody cares about all her naughty little sex or drug stories. I would be sad for Brandi except I'm not.

Edited by imjagain
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To me Lisa R's throat grab / glass smash combo was the single worse act this season of RHoBH and I won't be surprised if once all episodes of all franchises air this year, it will be at the top my list as the worst RH act of 2015. Brandi's "playful" slap of Lisa was very egregious as well, not only because of the slap itself, but the predatory / Chester the Molester aspect of her behavior,* and because it represents a pattern of behavior. For these reasons, I think / hope that Brandi's act will have much more far-reaching repercussions.

* Brandi holding the back of Lisa's head was just ewww and ick(!)

Moving full response to Brandi's thread, not sure if it is episode-centric enough:


You hit on something I was trying to figure out. It's not that the slap was that bad and it's not that Lisa under or overreacted (I personally think she overreacted but I don't want to get into a whole thing) -- it's that people close to Brandi have all told her she is too aggressive and/or takes things too far when she's had a few, and she keeps doing it expecting that true friends will continue to put up with her jokes and brush it off as Brandi being Brandi, when maybe instead she could consider that a true friend wouldn't continue to perpetuate a cycle that makes people uncomfortable. Yes, the RHOBH are snooty, uptight, and selective about what they choose to be shocked and appalled over, and for screen time and given her personality I understand the urge to knock them down a peg, but her method NEVER, EVER WORKS and she no longer has LVP to keep the dogs at bay. She doesn't learn. It reminds me of Jax on VPR (who, because Lisa likes him, is allowed to continue to perpetuate his disgusting predatory behaviors cuz he's just a naughty lil puppydog at heart). Don't underestimate the power of the Pump to keep people in favor.

I have said it before and it still applies. It's not that Brandi's perceptions are wrong, it's that she's the worst fucking messenger on Earth...and now that she's lost Lisa and is in the process of losing Yo she is well and truly fucked.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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 Brandi is proud of the fact that she has not developed any self restraint in the course of 4 years, none! There has been no personal growth in this woman, she just reaches lower and lower levels IMO.

This may be the best explanation of all as to how Brandi went from being a sympathetic favorite to being one of the most hated women on television.. I know I made excuses for her. Poor Brandi, she has been through the public humiliation of the Eddie/Leann affair. Poor Brandi, she doesn't really know how to maneuver in these social situations but, bless her heart, she'll learn. Except she doesn't and she won't.


The racist comments to Joyce last year were the final straw for me. By the time she turned her venom on Lisa V (BTW, how's that working out for you, bitch?) I had already given up.


Brandi doe snot have one ounce of self awareness. I know there are still some losers telling her how wonderful she is on twitter or whatever, but if she's capable of using the internet, which we all know she is, then she knows how much she is hated and how many people want her fired. I think that is why she has started dropping little hints about quitting. Pre-emptive strike.


Personally, I hope BRAVO gives her a show of her own. Then just like that Manzo crap, or the disaster that is Kim from Atlanta, I don't have to watch it and hopefully will never see the bitch again.   

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I am respond to a post from the episode thread:

She doesn't get a pass. My point was that the other women contradict themselves.  They have these standards that are not being met by Brandi obviously and Brandi doesn't try to filter it while filming which means a lot of it gets caught on camera. With some of the others because they are more stealth in how they come across on camera they aren't taken to task as much as Brandi is because for the cameras sake it's reigned in. From the times the others behaviors do fall below standard (by standard I mean behavior they clutch pearls about when Brandi exhibits it) and it is caught on camera there seems to be this Teflon routine that makes the same or similar behavior somehow different or more understandable or not as inexcusable.


For me, the interesting thing about this dynamic is that Brandi has had multiple opportunities with all of the women to have her bad behavior overlooked or be given a pass. And, yet she burns those bridges as though her very life depends on it. I get having poor impulse control, but she seems to have something more than just that going on.

I mean, I think back to Poker Night and how well she and Kyle were getting along on the ride over. Why did she feel the need to insert herself into the fray when Kim became unraveled? I mean I get that she didn't know that Kim of her own volition freely admitted to taking Monty's meds, or that Kyle even tried to get her to cover her mic when she did. But she knows that now as she has watched the show. She knows that when Kyle was talking about being embarrassed that she was talking about how bad she was at poker and it had nothing to do with Kim. But, her blog makes no mention of it.
Not just that. Look at the incident with the pictures.

Until they were posted in another thread, I have never seen any of Brandi's "pictures from that night." As much as I dislike Kyle, I have always appreciated the fact that those photos were the reason that she reached out to Brandi and tried to understand her as a person.

Those were Brandi's words as expressed in her blogs and interviews. Brandi would only allude to the events of that night but she had nothing but praise for Kyle in how Kyle reached out to her. It makes me wonder why Brandi would go from praising her to seeming to despise her.

I don't understand why Brandi would go out of her way to make an enemy of her. Brandi and Kyle were in a good place. They weren't true friends, but they were working towards getting to know each other. Brandi and Kyle talking to each other on way to Poker Night was something I never expected to see.

They had both been recipients of Kim's behavior at that point, so I am still shocked at the way Poker Night went down when we consider the way it could have gone down.

Edited by MatildaMoody
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And Lisa R smashed a glass, Kyle grabbed and initiated physical aggressive contact with Brandi... and yet not the same level of outrage. Those women were downright aggressive with bad intentions behind those physical decisions where as as bad as Brandi is and she is definitely hard to defend but Brandi's behavior comes from a very ridiculous, stupid and insecure place. Not condoning it but more excuses are made for Kyle's arm grab, Lisa R's wine smash and I don't get why they can have "excuses" its not "common" behavior for them (which I don't actually agree with that sentiment anyway) so it's understandable. Uh-uh doesn't fly with me. I really wish Brandi would just shut the fuck up so that people can really focus on the nasty that comes from the rest of the women and they can actually get called out on it once in awhile.

The part in bold is the only part I can agree with you 

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She doesn't get a pass. My point was that the other women contradict themselves.  They have these standards that are not being met by Brandi obviously and Brandi doesn't try to filter it while filming which means a lot of it gets caught on camera. With some of the others because they are more stealth in how they come across on camera they aren't taken to task as much as Brandi is because for the cameras sake it's reigned in. From the times the others behaviors do fall below standard (by standard I mean behavior they clutch pearls about when Brandi exhibits it) and it is caught on camera there seems to be this Teflon routine that makes the same or similar behavior somehow different or more understandable or not as inexcusable.


That's the imbalance I'm not on board with. Basically behavior thats considered reprehensible when Brandi displays it isn't as reprehensible when its present in the other HW's behavior. There are traits and mannnerisms, lack of good judgment and pettiness that doesn't escape me with the others. It's more discreet and not put out there with a bullhorn like Brandi does it. It may not be as frequent but it's still there. With all of them and I guess the fact that they take the position where they are throwing stones when their houses have seriously strong glass architecture is where I see the hypocrisy and like to point it out.

True, which makes me less inclined to be so entwined in who's right who's wrong who should be alienated and who shouldn't. Ain't nobody a saint in this cast and they have to film together so the whole drawn out thing is just so unnecessary.

I don't consider the other ladies stealth I consider them smart, they recognize that they are national tv and try their best to be shown in a positive light (although they often fail) but Brandi seems incapable of conforming her behavoir to fit the circumstances. I don't know if she is unable, unwilling,or just drunk. I'm guessing that she believes this worked for her in the past so she continues....but it's not working now. Frankly she comes across as morose, bitter and maybe even mentally ill.

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From the times the others behaviors do fall below standard (by standard I mean behavior they clutch pearls about when Brandi exhibits it) and it is caught on camera there seems to be this Teflon routine that makes the same or similar behavior somehow different or more understandable or not as inexcusable.

The thing is that Brandi has been given multiple passes over the seasons by the women and the audience. And each time she has received one, she acts out even worse than the time before. She has burned through friendships on this show so often that the only person she has left is Kim, she of the chicken salad and watching her laundry dry.


Lisa V, Kyle, LisaR all of these women went out of their way to give Brandi a pass. Brandi had the opportunity to share that teflon routine countless times and each time she burned it in favor of - I'm not even sure what it is she is trying to accomplish anymore. If she hadn't gone out of her way to hurt so many people I would totally feel sorry for her because she is so obviously damaged.

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That's the imbalance I'm not on board with. Basically behavior thats considered reprehensible when Brandi displays it isn't as reprehensible when its present in the other HW's behavior. There are traits and mannnerisms, lack of good judgment and pettiness that doesn't escape me with the others. It's more discreet and not put out there with a bullhorn like Brandi does it. It may not be as frequent but it's still there.


You know, at lot of us have, at one time or another, done something small at work that is technically against the rules.  Taken home a pencil from the supply cabinet, surfed the web on the company laptop, made a personal call from our desk phone.  For the most part, as long as you do your job well, no one cares.  But when you mess up and the company decides to fire you, they will also pull out that phone log and cite it as one of the reasons.  You could fixate on that one thing, and say "Everyone makes personal calls, and you aren't firing any of them!"  But that just not relevant.  It probably isn't why you are being fired. 


I see the same sort of thing wth Brandi.  She has been fired from everyone's inner circle.  She has been fired because she is not a trustworthy ally.  She has betrayed and damaged Adrienne, Lisa, Kim, Kyle and even Yolanda. On her pink slips, some mention may have been made of "vulgar and innappriopriate behavior", and so she is asking how can you still be OK with vulgar and innapproriate behavior of others?  She just doesn't get that it isn't the real problem, and if that were her only issue, she would not be on the outs. 

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Eddie gets it. No matter what the real deal is with him, if he shuts up, stays off twitter and keeps his shit together he'll always look massively more together than Brandi.

It says something about him that he got with her in the first place, but, as long as he keeps his mouth shut and lets Brandi act the ass, he engenders "I get it" comments.

Right. The goal for Eddie is for Brandi to dig her own grave and she surely has been doing one hell of job. Even though he was wrong for cheating, Brandi too opened Pandora's box by being ok with having threesomes. When the boys get old enough they will most definitely read into their parents history and I truly believe they will lean more towards their father since he doesn't trash her as a parent as she tends to do on the show, books and interviews.

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There's actually some ghostwriter gossip on Tamara Tattles about Harper Lee Brandi having hired and possibly fired a ghostwriter/superfan by the name of Kristine F. who is posting in Brandi's defense on various gossip sites. TT seems a bit over invested in this without much proof but even so it's kind of fun to imagine warring housewife ghostwriters. http://tamaratattles.com/2015/03/12/brandis-ghostwriter-is-obsessed-with-lisa-rinna/

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Brandi has been boasting her new BFF is Leeza Gibbons.  I saw this tweet and decided to follow the conversation:  https://twitter.com/LeezaGibbons/status/576167873892192257


It made me laugh all the people warning Leeza Gibbons off of Brandi.  Never really though too much about Leeza and I do question the wisdom of going into business with Brandi.  I was also surprised to learn Leeza has been married four times.

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Has their business been revealed, yet?

Leeza is not blind I'm sure she has seen Brandi's behavior, I'm surprised she'd want to do any business with her. Maybe Leeza figures Brandi will bring attention to what ever they have going on.

I would rather deal with anyone else, than unpredictable, childish, inappropriate, mean girl Brandi.

Edited by imjagain
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