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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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She's been in rehab 4 times, right?  What's the longest she's stayed in?    One more question: When is the wedding?  I'm sure she'll leave for the wedding, not only for her daughter but also for the booze she can sneak or the pill she can take in the bathroom.  If they let her leave only for the wedding and then come back, I have a horrible feeling she wouldn't return anyway.  If there were no wedding, I still can't imagine her doing three months of rehab.


Just had a thought.  What if her daughter cancelled/postponed her wedding?  She knows darned well that Kim will come to it and break her rehab program.  Why wouldn't she do that for her mother?  Who really cares when the wedding is?  Maybe that's the answer?  There must be a hitch I've forgotten because surely the family has thought of that, no?

The wedding is the week of the 23rd this month, I believe, and if Kim can't handle the wedding, she should not go or she needs to hire a sober coach to go along and babysit her. Brooke is already married and Kim was at that wedding so there is no need to postpone it again IMO. I am sure her kids have been through a lifetime of postponements, no shows and rescheduling's because of Kim's drunk/high behavior, a wedding should not be 1 of them. Time for Kim and her addictions to take a backseat to her daughters dream wedding.


Kim has been in rehab at least 3 times since the show started, 1 week after season 1 ended, 3 weeks after season 2 ended and now. It was reported that she was in rehab 2 other times before the show, years ago, but I don't know if she has ever completed a full rehab, we only know she has not since BH started (I doubt she has though).


Kim flatly stated that she would only do a 30 day program anyway but I agree with you, when she leaves for the wedding, she will not return to in-house rehab or any out-patient treatment program, but I don't think she will drink again right away. IMO, she will self medicate with pills/drugs first, like this time, then gradually start drinking again.

  • Love 10

I think she'll do 30, because if she doesn't, it won't look good when she goes to court.  She can't fall back on the "it was only once, or twice" anymore.


There is an article in Music Times that calls her out on blaming everyone else, especially Bravo:




"In the last month, fans of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills have had a front row seat to watch Kim Richards completely unravel. She sure seemed to be battling to stay sober on the most recent episodes of the show and while she screamed about being sober at the reunion, her DUI arrest the day after it actually aired told an entirely different story. Once finally caught, Richards admitted that she isn't sober and is also still smoking weed, but rather than take responsibility she blamed everyone else, including the Bravo show that writes her checks. Blaming them in the media may not have been her best move to ensure job security."


"We're now hearing that, while Richards did finally cave in and check herself into rehab, it was mainly to keep up appearances. The reality star is smart enough to know that she will look a whole lot better heading into her court date having a trip to rehab already under her belt. As far as having a real problem, many claim that she is still in denial. According to a report by Radar Online she is also locked in a battle with Bravo's producers. They want her to stay in rehab for 90 days because they think that she was filming while high last season. Richards wants to only stay for 30 days."


:Do you think that Richards really wants to clean up her act once and for all? Or do you think that this is just the best way that she knows how to duck out of trouble? Supposedly, not only has Bravo threatened to fire Richards but they are also looking a potential replacements for her. Do you think that her addiction problem could really get her fired from the show even though it does give her a good storyline? Fellow stars such as Lisa Vanderpump have already gone on the record to suggest that if she wants to blame the show then she should leave it."

  • Love 8

Great find, mwell345.


I wonder if she'll stay in rehab only until immediately after court appearance a week from now.


Since this was her first offense, and with her Hilton connections and "celebrity" status, I'm seriously doubting the court would order her into a program, so she might feel free to just bounce from rehab immediately after her appearance if there's no contingency in place.


I'm going to throw my hat into the ring and predict 15 days for this rehab stint before poor little Kimmie is on the loose again.  Since I haven't read a firm date about when precisely she checked into a rehab facility, I'm just guessing it will be only until the judge pounds his/her gavel on May 10th.

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 9

Brooke had her bridal shower-really for the bride to be?  She is married  https://instagram.com/p/2MpBampn0g/  I wonder if cousin Paris made it or if she was too busy at the Mayweather fight?

I don't think that was her bridal shower. I think I was....Francesca's shower.



Thank you my sweet gorgeous Brooke, love you soooo much #FrancescaLovesKevin

  • Love 3

OMFG Im dying!!

Throwback from StevieTV


Hysterical! She's got the wonky eye down pat.  Is this a throwback?  It goes to show that the more things change, the more they stay the same. 


Maybe the could update with a RichardsRules for sobriety.

1) It doesn't count if the pills are prescribed to you.

2) It doesn't count if the pills aren't prescribed to you but you have a really, good reason.

3) Being seen drinking is very wrong; not being seen drinking is ok.

4) If you are in so much pain that you should be seeing a physician but you would rather be doing something else, like going out to dinner with your family, then it is ok to self-medicate.

5) Driving while drunk is ok if you are going to a safe place, like a bar.

6) Drinking and drugging are ok if they are not used on a daily basis.

Edited by rehoboth
  • Love 12

Hysterical! She's got the wonky eye down pat. Is this a throwback? It goes to show that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Yep! Same shit, different season. The date shows 2yrs ago on youtube which would be after season 3 of RHOBH and Kim was high as ever on prescription drugs in Paris.

Stevie nails it! And the actress who played Kyle was perfect and the lines were on the money.

  • Love 7

Hysterical! She's got the wonky eye down pat.  Is this a throwback?  It goes to show that the more things change, the more they stay the same. 


Maybe the could update with a RichardsRules for sobriety.

1) It doesn't count if the pills are prescribed to you.

2) It doesn't count if the pills aren't prescribed to you but you have a really, good reason.

3) Being seen drinking is very wrong; not being seen drinking is ok.

4) If you are in so much pain that you should be seeing a physician but you would rather be doing something else, like going out to dinner with your family, then it is ok to self-medicate.

5) Driving while drunk is ok if you are going to a safe place, like a bar.

6) Drinking and drugging are ok if they are not used on a daily basis.


7) Drinking and drugging are ok if someone STOLE YOUR GODDAMNED HOUSE!!!


(On dear lawd, I just realized that Stevie even has on a Bow Tie Blouse similar to Kim's!)

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 8

What does it even matter when Kim Richards bugs on outta rehab? She doesn't want to be there. A brief detox, which is what I suspect the 5,7,9 day stay actually was, will do jack all to straighten out her thinking - it's just a sort of sober intermission between the 2nd and 3rd acts of her tragedy.

Edited by Found A Peanut
  • Love 10

Hysterical! She's got the wonky eye down pat.  Is this a throwback?  It goes to show that the more things change, the more they stay the same. 


Maybe the could update with a RichardsRules for sobriety.

1) It doesn't count if the pills are prescribed to you.

2) It doesn't count if the pills aren't prescribed to you but you have a really, good reason.

3) Being seen drinking is very wrong; not being seen drinking is ok.

4) If you are in so much pain that you should be seeing a physician but you would rather be doing something else, like going out to dinner with your family, then it is ok to self-medicate.

5) Driving while drunk is ok if you are going to a safe place, like a bar.

6) Drinking and drugging are ok if they are not used on a daily basis.

 You've forgotten the most important parts, Rehoboth.   If no one knows what you go through at night!!, and have Kyle in your life (as everything is her fault).   Just wanted to help your post, as it was spot on!

  • Love 11

I like Kyle but I've always thought that Kyle could have shut all this down by just quitting. Bravo would not have brought Kim back. I know Kyle has some messed up sense that Kim needs this job but Kim doesn't need THIS job. As Dr Phil would say, "how's that workin' for ya..."

Kim has the problem; Kyle does not. I don't see why Kyle should fall on her sword in the faint hope Kim will decide to get serious about her sobriety. She had a problem before the show. The show may or may not be aggravating it, but there is no certainty that being off the show will change anything. If Kim feels the show is her big problem of the moment, then SHE should be the one to leave.

  • Love 11

Kim has the problem; Kyle does not. I don't see why Kyle should fall on her sword in the faint hope Kim will decide to get serious about her sobriety. She had a problem before the show. The show may or may not be aggravating it, but there is no certainty that being off the show will change anything. If Kim feels the show is her big problem of the moment, then SHE should be the one to leave.

ITA but I will take it 1 step further, Kim was an addict/alcoholic for years/decades before this show and has been to rehab (2x) before ever joining this show, yet here we are, this is the 3rd rehab in 5/6 years since filming began and no rehab, show or no show, has lasted longer than a few months. This show has made little to no difference in the length of or commitment to her sobriety when she leaves rehab. There is nothing anyone, I do mean anyone, can do to keep Kim sober/clean if she does not want it. She is the one that needs to leave the show, not Kyle.

  • Love 12

Kim has the problem; Kyle does not. I don't see why Kyle should fall on her sword in the faint hope Kim will decide to get serious about her sobriety. She had a problem before the show. The show may or may not be aggravating it, but there is no certainty that being off the show will change anything. If Kim feels the show is her big problem of the moment, then SHE should be the one to leave.


Agreed!  And oh how I wish Kathy tells Kyle she has to go because Kim wouldn't be able to handle her being on a show without her.  And I hope Kyle response to Kathy "Does Kim feel that way when your on LeToya Jackson's show?"

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 4

I'm going to go with the 20th of May. I figure she'll arrive on the 22nd so she'll say she needs at least two days to prepare. What I'm curious about is whether or not she'll have a handler traveling with her and accompanying her during the entire wedding. (Yikes, imagine drawing the short straw for that gig? Or better yet imagine if it's some poor soul who doesn't really *know* how Kim is and doesn't quite know what they're in for not only in dealing with Kim at an event like this but having to deal with her family. I can't imagine that any sane person would volunteer for that job even if it's only for a few days.) Kim seemed like she was embarrassed at the idea of having to have a sobriety escort to the wedding so I wonder how that will factor into everything. 


Hysterical! She's got the wonky eye down pat.  Is this a throwback?  It goes to show that the more things change, the more they stay the same. 


Maybe the could update with a RichardsRules for sobriety.

1) It doesn't count if the pills are prescribed to you.

2) It doesn't count if the pills aren't prescribed to you but you have a really, good reason.

3) Being seen drinking is very wrong; not being seen drinking is ok.

4) If you are in so much pain that you should be seeing a physician but you would rather be doing something else, like going out to dinner with your family, then it is ok to self-medicate.

5) Driving while drunk is ok if you are going to a safe place, like a bar.

6) Drinking and drugging are ok if they are not used on a daily basis.

7) Drinking and drugging are ok if someone STOLE YOUR GODDAMNED HOUSE!!!

8) If no one knows what you go through at night!!, and have Kyle in your life (as everything is her fault).

9) Frequent pill mix ups are A-okay and are *not* a sign of a relapse.

10) If it's only wine it's not as bad.

11) Somebody talking about a relapse is worse than actually going through a relapse. 

12) Lying about not relapsing is a sign of good parenting.


I wonder if Kim tried using her 100% pain line in her dealings with the nurses. 


Imagine a genuine, full on intervention with Kim where everyone has their list of grievances over the shit she's put them through because of her drinking and using over the years? I have no problem imagining that the scene could escalate to something worthy of the intervention scene from The Sopranos that I and a few other posters have referred to this season. In fact, at least the character from The Sopranos had a better understanding of recovery and sobriety in general even if he didn't always stick to it. 


With Kim I frequently get the vibe that she thinks she's 100% special and that the normal rules and ways of doing things simply shouldn't have to apply to her because she 100% has her Very Important reasons.


Want to see Kim light up? (No, not in that way.) Compliment her, let her get away with things that the average person isn't allowed to get away with, and constantly find ways of reminding her that she's better different from the hoi polloi.  

  • Love 7

Kim had a slip during the interview. I can't recall the specifics but she was basically going to blame something on drinking. She says as if to justify "well, I was drinking..." and then she backtracked or made it seem like she'd misspoken or something. Anybody recall this?

One of the slips that I thought was extremely telling was when she said 'I put my purse down in the booth that I always sit at'. Not 'used to sit at'.

  • Love 6

The winner should get free drinks at the Polo Lounge. 

Dibs on Kim's booth.  My guess is May 18th.

One of the slips that I thought was extremely telling was when she said 'I put my purse down in the booth that I always sit at'. Not 'used to sit at'.

I know!!  And didn't she make it sound like she just likes to go in there to soak in the atmosphere and people watch but never to actually order something.  From the Bar.  That's normal.

7) Drinking and drugging are ok if someone STOLE YOUR GODDAMNED HOUSE!!!

    8) If no one knows what you go through at night!!, and have Kyle in your life (as everything is her fault).


9) Frequent pill mix ups are A-okay and are *not* a sign of a relapse.

10) If it's only wine it's not as bad.

11) Somebody talking about a relapse is worse than actually going through a relapse.

12) Lying about not relapsing is a sign of good parenting.


How about 13) If anyone questions your behavior, tell them you are ACTING. (wink/wink)


Too funny, you guys!

Edited by rehoboth
  • Love 2

So with all of these Kim dramas now and discussions on this forum, I felt compelled to go back and rewatch part of season 2.  I can't believe I forgot how crazy Kim was that season!  I think it was more mystifying to me then, because the show had not been on so long, but now I see scenes that seemed weird then but now just seem like classic Kim behavior:  lies, deflection, aggression, and then this disturbing cutesy/innocent facade that she puts on in interviews/confessional scenes.  I was shocked to rewatch the final Hawaii dinner scene, when Brandi spoke up about no one thinking Kyle was crazy and that Kim could not be helped until she wanted it and that Ken was not helping the situation.  It was odd to hear her speaking coherently, without dropping endless insults or screeching like she does, and sounding mature about substance abuse.  #shocker


As for Kim's performance on Dr. Phil, her lies-deflection-aggression-innocent act (I'm so sorry, kids, and I am beating myself up so harshly here, you shouldn't feel the need to call me to task for anything) was in full force. I think that what I found most shocking was how Kim talked to her kids after she left the interview and they were trying to convince her to accept the treatment offer.  She used that scary mean Kim voice on them and just said, "GET OUT!"  You know the voice I mean.  If she is talking to her kids like that on camera (at this point the camera was in the hotel room with them and not loitering outside the closed door), I can only imagine how she gets when there are no audiences.  I believe that she loves her kids (almost as much as her dog), but she has subjected them to and treated them with a lot of cruelty and genuine insanity over the years.  But no matter how much she loves them or Kingsley, she loves codependency more.  Even while looking directly at her kids during the Phil interview, she couldn't bring herself to say that she'd get the help they were begging her to accept.  And poor Kingsley, Kim clearly preferred having a creature who loved her and was so protective of her that she chose repeatedly not to manage a fucking pit bull properly, and knowingly encouraged patterns and aggressive behavior that repeatedly have proven dangerous to others.  He bit like 5 people!  I'm sorry, but I would never keep an animal in my house that I thought for one millisecond might be dangerous to my own children or to others'.  I find that inexcusable, and not just because of poor Kingsley.

Edited by M1977G
  • Love 7

The fact that he didn't seem to linger around really said a lot, IMO. Because her failing to take his offer is not only rare on his show, it is a "loss" for him because he failed in his goal. It's not a good look.


I don't agree it is not a good look on Dr. Phil's part. It is not a good look for Kim. If anything, it paints Kim in a worse light than before the interview, if that is even possible. Dr. Phil has the brains to know not all addicts are going to be receptive to wanting help. He and his staff do their homework and he had to know from talking to Kim's kids, what has really been going on throughout the years with Kim. He knows addicts lie and he is well-versed in dealing with them.  Kim made it loud and clear she wasn't going to return to the interview and all her "Fuck him" talk, was clear she wasn't having any of it.



I have thought that Kimmy was jealous of the two newbies from the minute they showed up

I have a feeling Kim was also being fed all this hate and negativity from her drinking buddy, Brandi. Brandi is the one who actually has issues with any female who has a loving husband and a great life. I could see Kim and Brandi having drinks and talking shit about the "new girls".


One of the slips that I thought was extremely telling was when she said 'I put my purse down in the booth that I always sit at'. Not 'used to sit at'.

Kim pretty much stated the Polo Lounge  is her "go to" place. It wasn't as if she was lying to Dr. Phil about not going there on a regular basis.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

Kim's mind is clearly still set in "old Hollywood" when the place to be seen was the Polo Lounge or around the pool.  If you didn't show at one or the other, you hadn't made it yet.


Moreover, only the very top stars and studio moguls had their own booths in the Lounge.  Every time that Kim said that she "grew  up in that booth," I questioned it.  Her mother was by no means important enough to have her own booth unless she didn't go in there until it was pretty much empty.   I suspect all of that business about the Polo Lounge was fantasy -- translation: a lie.


Furthermore, if her mother dragged Kim into the Polo Lounge to sit there by the hour watching glamorous people drink, what does that say about Big Kathy's mothering?  It stuns me to think that any mother would teach her child that this was the way to spend your spare time.  Is it really such a surprise that Kim followed her adored mother's example and wound up the way she is?  Not making excuses for Kim, who could have broken the cycle long ago, but just saying ....

Edited by Lura
  • Love 5

So with all of these Kim dramas now and discussions on this forum, I felt compelled to go back and rewatch part of season 2.  I can't believe I forgot how crazy Kim was that season!  I think it was more mystifying to me then, because the show had not been on so long, but now I see scenes that seemed weird then but now just seem like classic Kim behavior:  lies, deflection, aggression, and then this disturbing cutesy/innocent facade that she puts on in interviews/confessional scenes.  I was shocked to rewatch the final Hawaii dinner scene, when Brandi spoke up about no one thinking Kyle was crazy and that Kim could not be helped until she wanted it and that Ken was not helping the situation.  It was odd to hear her speaking coherently, without dropping endless insults or screeching like she does, and sounding mature about substance abuse.  #shocker


As for Kim's performance on Dr. Phil, her lies-deflection-aggression-innocent act (I'm so sorry, kids, and I am beating myself up so harshly here, you shouldn't feel the need to call me to task for anything) was in full force. I think that what I found most shocking was how Kim talked to her kids after she left the interview and they were trying to convince her to accept the treatment offer.  She used that scary mean Kim voice on them and just said, "GET OUT!"  You know the voice I mean.  If she is talking to her kids like that on camera (at this point the camera was in the hotel room with them and not loitering outside the closed door), I can only imagine how she gets when there are no audiences.  I believe that she loves her kids (almost as much as her dog), but she has subjected them to and treated them with a lot of cruelty and genuine insanity over the years.  But no matter how much she loves them or Kingsley, she loves codependency more.  Even while looking directly at her kids during the Phil interview, she couldn't bring herself to say that she'd get the help they were begging her to accept.  And poor Kingsley, Kim clearly preferred having a creature who loved her and was so protective of her that she chose repeatedly not to manage a fucking pit bull properly, and knowingly encouraged patterns and aggressive behavior that repeatedly have proven dangerous to others.  He bit like 5 people!  I'm sorry, but I would never keep an animal in my house that I thought for one millisecond might be dangerous to my own children or to others'.  I find that inexcusable, and not just because of poor Kingsley.

I am now of the opinion that Kim, not so secretly, loves when Kingsley bites someone, it is proving his love/complete devotion to her without her asking him to. This sad vicious dog gives Kim the type of companionship she craves and asks nothing from her in return, other than food and scratches. He doesn't tell her not to drink, not to do drugs, to grow up, to pay bills, to act like the adult/parent she is supposed to be but adores her the way she is. Kingsley is the only living being that doesn't question Kim. That he may someday rip her throat out, never, ever, enters Kim's pickled brain because she can not see past "ME, ME, ME".

  • Love 10

Ya think... Kim even told Kyle she wanted to tear Eileen's head off because she was upset Eileen was "talking about the people she care about."

Yep. And, it  wasn't even true, but that sounded so much like something Brandi would throw out there to deflect something. Kim became Brandi's mouthpiece.



I believe that she loves her kids (almost as much as her dog), but she has subjected them to and treated them with a lot of cruelty and genuine insanity over the years.

Oh no doubt. I even commented on this at least once before. When Kim gets to that finger-pointing thing that she does to the people on the show, you know she is doing that to her kids. Being that they are no longer little -although she referred to her daughters as "little girls" - she has likely been told many things by her kids over the years as they grew up and stood their ground. I can see her pointing that finger at them, cussing them out, yelling and berating them. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 2

Does anyone know or have any credible evidence that Kim has actually gone to and stayed at any rehab facility? Even one of those "spa" kinds of places?

I believe she went to Betty Ford the last time for either a 60 or 90 day program but left after 21 days. The time before, I don't know where she went but she only stayed 1 week then walked out. As for the 2 times before the show began, no facility name was ever mentioned that I remember reading.

Kim said when she got there the Polo Lounge was closed.   But she was there for an hour and a half!  The Polo closes at 1:30 - the time the police were called.   So, the bar was in fact open when she arrived.    No way did she waltz in, park her ass in "her booth", drunk, and order nothing for an hour and a half.    They probably did ask her to leave, and the police report said she became "unruly", but they were also closing.   Can't you just hear her "I'm not going anywhere".   "Ma'am, we're closing and you have to leave", "Don't you know who I am", "I want another drink", "Ma'am if you don't leave we're calling the police, you're trespassing", "Google me, it's Kim Richards".    Security comes in, to "escort" her out, and she heads for the bathroom.  


What's the likelihood of her, or anybody, being able to sit there, drunk without ordering anything?   I don't think so.   Plus she said she spent some time in her car.   She was probably in there smoking a joint.  

  • Love 5

Kim is damn lucky she wasn't caught driving because if she had, she would have been tested and cocaine likely would have been found in her system.

Chad saying, "And you do this" when he told his mom behind that closed door that she drinks and smokes pot, leaves me believing Kim is also a cokehead.

Brandi eluded to such at last year's reunion when she and Joyce was going at it over her drinking and her liking Lexapro.

"I dont smoke weed in my car and coke in the bathroom. I love my wine."

But thats your friend Kim!!! Dropping nuggets on you!



Went and did some research to a throwback interview Brandi did with Buzzfeed shortly after filming the season 3 reunion. Some of her answers, especially why Kim does the show and Kyle "outing" Kim as an alcoholic are interesting and worth reading.






Edited by BlackMamba

Brandi eluded to such at last year's reunion when she and Joyce was going at it over her drinking and her liking Lexapro.

"I dont smoke weed in my car and coke in the bathroom. I love my wine."

But thats your friend Kim!!! Dropping nuggets on you!



Went and did some research to a throwback interview Brandi did with Buzzfeed shortly after filming the season 3 reunion. Some of her answers, especially why Kim does the show and Kyle "outing" Kim as an alcoholic are interesting and worth reading.






The most interesting part is the end where she essentially throws the others under the bus for not supporting Lisa and by the very next season Brandi was so resentful of Lisa and being treated as a side kick.   


As to the Kim stuff-amazing she has moved passed what Brandi has said about her-she obviously stills feels the pain.

  • Love 3

That's some good stuff you have there, Black Mamba.  It took some looking to find it, I'll bet.  Brandi is a talker, no doubt about it, and she shines an interesting light on Kim and Kyle.  Wherever she is, I hope that Kim really is doing well.  IMHO, she's so stubborn that I feel she could lick this alcohol/drug problem if she put her mind to it.  I hope she gets mad at herself over what she's done and disgusted enough to just stop it NOW.  That's the only way I can see her beating this.  Thanks for putting all that conversation in!

  • Love 1

Might I ask how does one go about working out their demons in a spa-like environment?  Last I checked life isn't one big spa day. . . or at least not for me anyway.  


And, crap, if life is one big spa day, how come I didn't get the memo? 


I just don't see how one can work out their problems in an environment that is not realistic.

  • Love 4

I am now of the opinion that Kim, not so secretly, loves when Kingsley bites someone, it is proving his love/complete devotion to her without her asking him to. This sad vicious dog gives Kim the type of companionship she craves and asks nothing from her in return, other than food and scratches. He doesn't tell her not to drink, not to do drugs, to grow up, to pay bills, to act like the adult/parent she is supposed to be but adores her the way she is. Kingsley is the only living being that doesn't question Kim. That he may someday rip her throat out, never, ever, enters Kim's pickled brain because she can not see past "ME, ME, ME".

Perfect. I believe you have absolutely nailed it. Bitch is crazy.

  • Love 1

So much of resistance to treatment is fear based. What will I do without (insert drug?). I take this from my own former nicotine addiction. What will I do with my hands? What will I do when I feel nervous? How can I drink coffee without a cigarette? How can I have a glass of wine? It goes on and on. Bonnie Raitt said in an interview that her reason for not giving up alcohol was that she wanted to be able to have a glass of white wine on the Riviera. She laughed because her alcoholism had nothing to do with that vision. I had a friend who likened her cigarettes to having a best friend who was there for every exigency and helped her. All of that is just the addicted brain lying to you, and somehow you have to break through those lies. I'm guessing Kim is a very anxious person, and these fears are even more frightening for her.

I have sympathy for her because it's not easy to give up a crutch that she mistakenly believes is propping her up -- something she needs to stregthen her. And, let's not forget that Kim likes the way the substances make her feel momentarily. She's in the grip of this addiction/dependency, and it's not a simple thing, The low success rate of rehab programs attests to that.

  • Love 15

Might I ask how does one go about working out their demons in a spa-like environment?  Last I checked life isn't one big spa day. . . or at least not for me anyway.  


And, crap, if life is one big spa day, how come I didn't get the memo? 


I just don't see how one can work out their problems in an environment that is not realistic.

I agree, but I would be willing to check it out and get back to you.  If only I could get Dr. Phil to foot the bill...

  • Love 7

I am now of the opinion that Kim, not so secretly, loves when Kingsley bites someone, it is proving his love/complete devotion to her without her asking him to. This sad vicious dog gives Kim the type of companionship she craves and asks nothing from her in return, other than food and scratches. He doesn't tell her not to drink, not to do drugs, to grow up, to pay bills, to act like the adult/parent she is supposed to be but adores her the way she is. Kingsley is the only living being that doesn't question Kim. That he may someday rip her throat out, never, ever, enters Kim's pickled brain because she can not see past "ME, ME, ME".

Great theory. She probably also makes on the personality of the dog too.

  • Love 1

I haven't looked back on the previous pages to see if it was posted, but you all stay on top of the latest gossip on Kim. Pretty amusing that Ken 2.0 calls out Kim's "acting" on the Dr Phil show. He definately has her number, yet, just like Kim, he uses her family as an excuse for her addiction.

Gay Bull Mastiff, indeed.

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 4

I haven't looked back on the previous pages to see if it was posted, but you all stay on top of the latest gossip on Kim. Pretty amusing that Ken 2.0 calls out Kim's "acting" on the Dr Phil show. He definately has her number, yet, just like Kim, he uses her family as an excuse for her addiction.

Gay Bull Mastiff, indeed.

Right. Addicts know each other best.

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According to the Inquisiir Dr. Phil is paying for a rehab staff member to accompany Kim to her daughter's wedding.



Ummm, Why would he pay for a SC/staff member to travel with her when she went to a different rehab from the one he approved of, that does not make sense. More than likely either Brooke and/or Kathy are paying for it, not DP. He may have wished her luck at the end of his show but he also sounded done with her IMO.

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Sounds like Dr Phil is paying for a sober companion to keep an eye on Kim. I dont know if thats gonna work. Kim will be around hundreds of guests whos going to be indulging in alcohol. Shes bound to sneak a few drinks or sneak into the bathroom and have prescription pill(s) on her. Im just very skeptical with her at this point. Once she escapes rehab Im doubting shes going to go back. I can just feel the "I feel great" statements coming soon from she and Kathy.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Sounds like Dr Phil is paying for a sober companion to keep an eye on Kim. I dont know if thats gonna work. Kim will be around hundreds of guests whos going to be indulging in alcohol. Shes bound to sneak a few drinks or sneak into the bathroom and have prescription pill(s) on her. Im just very skeptical with her at this point. Once she escapes rehab Im doubting shes going to go back. I can just feel the "I feel great" statements coming soon from she and Kathy.

How does a sober companion work at an event?  If I was Kim's sober companion (and I never thought I'd be typing those words), I would go to the event with her and say "Go and have a good time.  Just know at the end of the night you will be peeing in a cup for me. And again tomorrow for good measure."  And then I'd go have fun too - dancing with those Richards and Hiltons and Fatburger people.  Does it have to be more complicated than that?

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