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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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So Kim doesn't want to go to rehab now because "it's not a good time".  Really? Really?  Show of hands:  Who thinks this is probably the BEST time?  As much disagreement as there's been here re Kim having a disease, being deserving of empathy, etc, I honestly can't imagine anyone not thinking that the very best time for Kim to deal with this issue is right now.  There is never going to be "a good time" for her.  There will always be a reason, there will always be an excuse.   Just like going into therapy with Kyle.  Oh yes, she'll do it.  But not now.  "Not now" for Kim means never, and I don't think she's in any position to be making this decision.  She's clearly dangerous to herself and to others.


It reminds me of a saying I saw recently:  The best time to plant a tree was a year ago.  The second best time is now.



I respectfully disagree.  Rehab, AA or whatever avenue you choose to use as a tool will not work unless you are ready.  You have to be ready.  It is not a magic bullet.  There are millions who cannot hack AA because it is religion based; that is another reason for failure.   I don't know about Kim's beliefs but rehab is archaic and not effective for everyone. 


ETA: It is Kim's personal journey and no one can help her.  She will not have the pride of accomplishment if driven there by other's desires for her to do it.  


To put it simply.  Who here would feel satisfaction in losing 30 pounds if they were hounded by their spouse to do so?  Would you feel pride in your resolve to eat less and exercise more if it was not your idea or plan?  No, of course not.  You would have felt pressured to do it for someone else.  


You would hear: Good for you I knew you would see my point.  You look great, aren't you glad I got you to do this.  See?  I was right.   And on and on and on. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 12

I've actually been wondering about Brooke's second wedding. What if the first, rushed one was mainly to give Kim sympathetic story and Brooke got roped into it with the assurance that she could still have her dream wedding later? I mean, Brooke and her cousins are very close by everyone's account, but Farrah and Paris (and Nicky, too, right?) didn't bother to interrupt their fun in the sun vacay to rush back and support Brooke at this bittersweet moment. On the other hand, all the cousins seem all in on the festivities for the upcoming blowout. Also, wasn't it fairly recently that Monty got the news that his situation has taken a turn towards the inevitable worst? And even so, he seems to be jetting around in style, not bed bound in hospice care.

I don't know, I kinda think the dad-is-sick story has some validity to it. Plus, maybe my memory is failing, but Kim planning Brooke's wedding was hardly a storyline this season. To be honest, I don't even remember the wedding scenes. Or a single scene of Kim talking about it. I only remember Brandi talking about it in terms of how "stressed" Kim's life is, with "all she has on her plate right now...."

  • Love 1

I respectfully disagree.  Rehab, AA or whatever avenue you choose to use as a tool will not work unless you are ready.  You have to be ready.  It is not a magic bullet.  There are millions who cannot hack AA because it is religion based; that is another reason for failure.   I don't know about Kim's beliefs but rehab is archaic and not effective for everyone.

Addicts like Kim are never "ready." Excuses, excuses. I've watched a lot of episodes of Intervention, and I can't tell you how many times the addict says: ok, but not now....I will, but I have to go home first and...feed the cat! Let me just do such-and-such first..." And the family and interventionist say no, it's now or never.

  • Love 10

Addicts like Kim are never "ready." Excuses, excuses. I've watched a lot of episodes of Intervention, and I can't tell you how many times the addict says: ok, but not now....I will, but I have to go home first and...feed the cat! Let me just do such-and-such first..." And the family and interventionist say no, it's now or never.



Yep, and those are the people who die from addiction and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it, sadly. 

I don't know how effective sober companions are but if that is what she wants it is worth a shot.  


ETA:  Interventions are not as successful as some claim for the reason I stated in my above post.  It does work for some though and that, too, is worth a shot.  But it has to be handled in an organized way with professional help.  There is a method to do it and there have been miserable attempts.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 6

If addicts like Kim are not ready, they are not ready.

Yep, and those are the people who die from addiction and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it, sadly. 

I don't know how effective sober companions are but if that is what she wants it is worth a shot.  

Or they live with it. Not every life long addict dies from their addiction.

  • Love 3

So that TMZ story was really fishy just because of some of the inaccuracies about Kim blogging. I came across this from Tamara Tattles and she is saying that Monty doesn't actually live with Kim. I knew he had been pretty much using her place to crash but not actually living there, but according to the article, he is actually living with a palliative care team and his girflriend.



This is not true. Monty does not live with Kim. Kingsley lives with Kim. Monty lives nearby with a palliative care team and his current “significant other/girlfriend/whatever she is.”


Does anyone know any further details on whether or not this is true? 

  • Love 1

Andy has commented




Speaking to Ryan Seacrest in a KIIS-FM radio interview, Cohen, 46, admittedly wasn't totally up to speed on the details surrounding Richards' arrest at the Beverly Hills Hotel, but said he had extended well-wishes to Kim through her sister, Kyle Richards.


"I reached out to Kyle and the family is obviously very concerned. I don't know exactly what happened, but I'm thinking of her," Cohen told Seacrest. "I'm glad she wasn't hurt, and I hope it leads to some peaceful resolution for her and her family."



He reached out through Kyle of all people?  That says something right there I think - why would he not contact Kim himself?


Kim's toast.

  • Love 2

I don't know how effective sober companions are but if that is what she wants it is worth a shot.  


ETA:  Interventions are not as successful as some claim for the reason I stated in my above post.  It does work for some though and that, too, is worth a shot.  But it has to be handled in an organized way with professional help.  There is a method to do it and there have been miserable attempts.

Kim wanting a sober companion, if true, is ridiculous. She needs rehab and long-term therapy.

As for interventions, sure, sometimes they work, and sometimes they don't. After all, even when they're successful, they're just the first step in an addict's rehab. But often they're successful for the family and loved ones of the addict, even if the addict refuses to go, in that they finally learn how issue boundaries and repercussions and stop enabling.

  • Love 3

Kim doesn't want to be sober!  She resents having to be sober.  She wants to be left alone to be able to drink when she wants to without anybody lecturing her.  Her idea of sobriety would be to cut back when necessary - like when being filmed, and expecting Bravo production to edit out scenes that don't put her in a good light.    I think she could even manage to go out with her kids and not drink, but if she chooses to drink when she gets home, she wants to be able to.    She doesn't want judgement from other people, especially her family, and you could see from the reunion that she definitely doesn't want people to even discuss her drinking.    Why else would she choose Brandi as a friend?  Brandi allows her to be F'd up, because Brandi is F'd up.   If Brandi was such a "ride or die" friend, why wouldn't she have pulled Kim aside at poker nite, speak to her off camera.  Instead her "friend" allowed her to be filmed, in fact Brandi called attention to Kim during the poker game.  "I have your back boo"!  


Kim doesn't want to go to rehab, because it would all go away if nobody spoke about it.   Kim wants to live a pampered lifestyle, not be concerned about finances, have her sister's husbands support her, spend money the way she wants, party if she wants, and take no responsibility.    Her family (sister's & kids) spin in circles trying to "help" her, guide her, support her - but Kim doesn't want it.   She thinks she can control her drinking, so all this "fuss" goes in one ear and out the other - or in Kim's own words "blah, blah, blah"

  • Love 17


I don't think Kim really, deep down believes she has a disease.

This may seem to be coming from left field, but it is also something I have on occasion wondered about when I was in the SA industry. That it is not just that one has a disease, but the causative factor involved in developing the addiction.


Yolanda's Lyme disease, afaik, come from exposure to the deer tick that carries the disease. When someone is diagnosed with Lyme disease, the only 'cause' the person is involved in is to have been in an area where they became a host to a deer tick - for lack of a better word, it is a 'passive' method of contracting a disease - by which I mean the person who became ill did not knowingly engage in an activity they knew/could expect would result in contracting the disease. It is something for which I have never heard any blame placed on the patient.


Kim, and every other addict that I can think of or imagine, engaged in actions (snorting, drinking, shooting up, whatever) that carried the potential of addiction and, as they became addicted, chose to continue engaging in those actions.


For those reasons, I regard diseases such as Lyme as 'opportunistic' (the deer tick either jumps on you, does the deer, or it does not - lucky you) and the disease of addiction to alcohol/drugs/substances as 'deliberate'. I do not mean that anyone sets out to become addicted to alcohol/meth/coke/whatever, but that once they (as human beings) realize they have become/are becoming hooked, do little to nothing to put an end to the behaviors that encourage/reinforce/cement the addiction.


Then comes denial - which is the place where kimmie is wallowing and does not seem to have any desire whatever to leave.

  • Love 2

If addicts like Kim are not ready, they are not ready.

Or they live with it. Not every life long addict dies from their addiction.

Maybe so but Kim seems to be a ticking time bomb and I think people have the right to be concerned. 


It's disturbing to me that Kim such a practiced and inveterate liar that there are still people who basically think that she was sober this season save Poker Night. Even when she's going around making it crystal clear that she has no idea what day it is there's still this implication that Kim's behavior hasn't been "that bad" this season or that people are making a big deal over behavior that would seem innocuous if it were coming from anybody else. IMO Kim is counting on people to have these sorts of reactions to the crap that she continues to try to sell as her truth. As long as there's someone around to give Kim the benefit of the doubt she's going to continue take advantage of it. I hope her family wises up eventually. 

  • Love 8

Kim needs a goal. Something to strive for. This show isn't doing it because she's not the star. I vote that she markets her hand-made chicken salad to Whole Foods or Trader Joe's and sell the hell out of it.

Hand-made! Love it. I hear it pairs nicely with a Chardonnay....

Andy has commented.


"I reached out to Kyle and the family is obviously very concerned. I don't know exactly what happened, but I'm thinking of her," Cohen told Seacrest. "I'm glad she wasn't hurt, and I hope it leads to some peaceful resolution for her and her family."

I think Andy's statement is fine. What else is he going to say?

I agree that Kim is toast. I thought she would be anyway because of the dog lawsuit, but this just seals her fate.

  • Love 6

Kim needs a goal. Something to strive for. This show isn't doing it because she's not the star. I vote that she markets her hand-made chicken salad to Whole Foods or Trader Joe's and sell the hell out of it.


Her kids.  How about her kids?


eta:  I'd think she'd want to be alive for them -- maybe to be a grandparent.  

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 6

notnowimbusy. I could not agree more with what you said.

Recovery rates in general are very low so rehab, AA etc are great, but they aren't going to "fix" anything. They just provide tools for "fixing" that the addict has to employ. You are so right that Kim just wants to be left alone to drink and indulge in her sad, pathetic pampering of herself.

As for the sober companion -- Kim wants this person to live with her ...... AND with Kingsley?

Iknow, I know. OFF LIMITS!

Edited by Stinamaia
  • Love 5


I think Andy's statement is fine. What else is he going to say?


Oh, his statement is fine.  I just found it surprising that he did not say that he contacted Kim directly or tried to contact her directly.  I thought the part about reaching out through Kyle was odd, since he  (and everyone else) knows they're estranged.


Is he still the Executive Producer of the HW shows?  If he is, that may be the reason he is not speaking to Kim directly.  He may not want to have a conversation with her just yet.

  • Love 3

I don't mean to speak for CD, but maybe a goal as in a daily goal. Or a project or activity. Or job. (not a reality show). Kim's kids are all grown and on their own now.

That is exactly what I meant. She needs something to get up for each day, and it can't be anything too taxing. She's a long way from having a book out, but I could see her doing that one day also, when she's truly sober. One step at a time.

  • Love 3

I agree with both sides regarding whether or not Kim needs to feel ready or whether she needs a good push because she'll never be ready.  So complicated, these issues are and hard to determine what is helpful and what is not when it comes to supporting someone.  Do you let them drown or do you pull them out of the water whether they want to be rescued or not?  I know I've resented being forcibly "help" before, but also, I know there were times I needed it, and then there were times that I needed to do my own thing and help myself.  Never an easy situation.  


LotusFlower, daily goals are wonderful things.  But Kim needs to be in therapy, at least, for that to work.  She needs not only the guidance but the tools to know what reasonable goals should be and how to go about achieving them.  Bottom line, she needs professional help.  Not a snark, but a truth. 

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 3

Oh, his statement is fine.  I just found it surprising that he did not say that he contacted Kim directly or tried to contact her directly.  I thought the part about reaching out through Kyle was odd, since he  (and everyone else) knows they're estranged.


Is he still the Executive Producer of the HW shows?  If he is, that may be the reason he is not speaking to Kim directly.  He may not want to have a conversation with her just yet.

Maybe because she was in jail? No, I know what you mean. I agree with your last sentence - I don't think he has anything to say to Kim right now, nor does he want to. (And yes, he's still one of the Exec. Producers of the show).

  • Love 1

I don't know, I kinda think the dad-is-sick story has some validity to it. Plus, maybe my memory is failing, but Kim planning Brooke's wedding was hardly a storyline this season. To be honest, I don't even remember the wedding scenes. Or a single scene of Kim talking about it. I only remember Brandi talking about it in terms of how "stressed" Kim's life is, with "all she has on her plate right now...."

In my opinion, what Kim thought/hoped/planned for her storylines - doting, proud mother of the bride and devoted carer for the dying love of her life - hardly had time to take off before she derailed herself by showing up to Poker Night lit like a sparkler.

So that TMZ story was really fishy just because of some of the inaccuracies about Kim blogging. I came across this from Tamara Tattles and she is saying that Monty doesn't actually live with Kim. I knew he had been pretty much using her place to crash but not actually living there, but according to the article, he is actually living with a palliative care team and his girflriend.

Does anyone know any further details on whether or not this is true?

The drama with Monty might really be bullshit fodder for Kim's storyline? Wow. That would be low. Low like subterranean depths. Lower than living "deep in the Valley". Anybody have an opinion on how reliable Tamara Tattles is?

Edited by Found A Peanut
  • Love 4


They might keep her on as a friend like how they did with Alexia on Miami so that she's basically apart of the cast but doesn't have to commit to things like the blog or showing up at a certain number of functions or filming an opening, etc.

Oh HELL NO!!!!!


I want her gone!  No more accommodations for her shitty, intoxicated behavior!!!! The situation with Alexia on Miami was completely different....if widdle kimmie can't do the whole nine yards, she needs to be gone and (hopefully) tucked safely (for the rest of the world) tucked into rehab.

  • Love 4

The drama with Monty might really be bullshit fodder for Kim's storyline? Wow. That would be low. Low like subterranean depths. Lower than living "deep in the Valley". Anybody have an opinion on how reliable Tamara Tattles is?


I actually hope that this isn't true.  If it's true, then, well I don't even know what.  But it's bad. 

  • Love 3

I vote that she markets her hand-made chicken salad to Whole Foods or Trader Joe's and sell the hell out of it.


Hand-made! Love it. I hear it pairs nicely with a Chardonnay....

How about Unfiltered Blonde Chardonnay?


Bonefish Grill sells Bang Bang shrimp; we'll call this wine/sald pairing "Fingerbang Combo."

  • Love 7

LotusFlower, daily goals are wonderful things.  But Kim needs to be in therapy, at least, for that to work.  She needs not only the guidance but the tools to know what reasonable goals should be and how to go about achieving them.  Bottom line, she needs professional help.  Not a snark, but a truth.

Preaching to the converted, SQ! I not only think she needs therapy, but long-term therapy - and by that I mean longer than the typical 28 days or even 90 days. She probably needs months away, followed by a strict post-rehab program. But there's no indication she's even remotely interested.

LotusFlower, it could be a salad kit. A bag of lettuce, a bag of chicken, other bagged ingredients and a baggie of dressing. Combine with your hands. She really was proud of that salad the time she made it for one of her daughters' graduation party.

I'd buy it! If Brandi is selling wine, and Kandi is selling sex toys, and every third-or-so HW is selling undergarments, and Bethenny is selling every product under the sun, then Kim needs to get into the entrepreneurial spirit and sell something!

  • Love 1

I have a few thoughts on this mess, and will try not to ramble.

When the news broke yesterday, when I first read it my mouth dropped open. I immediately wanted more details, and was fascinated. I wish I could say I felt bad for Kim, but I didn't (more on that below). I had this weird feeling - not happy, not satisfied, not vindicated (the word of the season!), but....something. Like "yes, OK, I was right, she's not 100% fine in her sobriety, I'm not seeing things that were never there". Hell, that sounds like vindicated, but it wasn't that strong of a feeling.

I became addicted to this board, on all threads, and all of the feelings and opinions and jokes, and I couldn't get enough. Then I became kind of disgusted with myself, because this is a real person, but reality TV has changed my view of people on TV, for better or worse. Because they do tend to feel real to me, however scripted this all is, and however much I protest feeling that. Then I found myself wanting to know the aftermath, who was going to come out with which version of what happened and what drove her to do this stupid, thoughtless thing. There is no doubt in my mind that Brandi was the "close source" for that bullshit article blaming LSV, but that was just funny, because I don't take Brandi seriously as a "real" person.

Right now, I just feel horrible for her kids. Because it's not just what their mom did. That's enough to deal with. But imagine having your mom fall off the wagon, and getting arrested for it. Terrible. Now imagine that it's suddenly all over the internet, all over social media, and blogs, and E news, and everywhere. I can't imagine how much that would suck. Yes, she's a celebrity, and yes, that's the world we live in, and I'm guilty of reading these blogs and articles, and all of it. But I think it's getting to be a bit too much.

As for Kim? I do not feel sorry for her. Because 1) I find her to be an asshole. I think she lies, and is selfish, and is (sorry) mean, and extremely manipulative. I've found her to be a total bitch to Kyle and an irritating person in general, but really, when she was willing to "expose" something about her teenage neice, just because she felt backed into a corner about her damn dog on a reality TV show? Yeah, I was done with her, so have no ability to empathize, or sympathize, or anything. 2) Nothing tragic happened to her. She got drunk, she got beligerent, she got arrested, and she spent the night in the drunk tank. That's it. Thankfully she did not drive, thankfully no harm came to any others. Now, I get as an addict having this kind of 'slip' has to be devastating to her family. Hell, maybe even for her. But it doesn't make me feel sorry for her.

Yeah, I may have rambled a bit.

Edited by Katesus7
  • Love 19

I was close to someone who was a mother to three children, and she was both an alcoholic and a pill user. I watched those kids walking to school, obviously had dressed themselves and carrying a brown bag lunch that they made for themselves. It was hard to watch, knowing their mother wasn't capable of caring for them. But she never would admit she needed help. And sadly died from complications of her drinking years later. I think Kim believes that because she's Kim Richards, none of that will happen to her. I pray she wakes up and asks for help.

  • Love 5

Kim's so maddening because she takes zero responsibility for her actions, always blaming others (just like Brandi). I understand why people are fed up with her. You can't help someone if they don't think they need help because they don't think they have a problem. Kim may...eventually...again admit she has a problem with alcohol. But I don't see her ever addressing the personality issues that have come up again and again with her.


She has other problems, alcohol is more a symptom of them, imo, than the cause.


As for Andy, I think he's the devil incarnate, I really do. He has the nicest most innocent and concerned face and solicitous voice--but will lead women on all his shows into emotional conflict wherever he can. After the second (or was it first?) season of this show, anyone with a shred of decency would have realized being on reality tv was bad for Kim and bad for her and Kyle together. But I don't think Andy Cohen cares about these people's real lives at all. He is a master of exploitation and its no coincidence that so many friendships and family relationships are destroyed in the course of appearing on his shows.

  • Love 12

Preaching to the converted, SQ! I not only think she needs therapy, but long-term therapy - and by that I mean longer than the typical 28 days or even 90 days. She probably needs months away, followed by a strict post-rehab program. But there's no indication she's even remotely interested.

I'd buy it! If Brandi is selling wine, and Kandi is selling sex toys, and every third-or-so HW is selling undergarments, and Bethenny is selling every product under the sun, then Kim needs to get into the entrepreneurial spirit and sell something!


Oh, I know you already know these things, Lotus!  You're no RumRaisin.  ; - )   


You know, I feel like whatever we suggest for Kim is just way beyond her abilities, now or ever.  Most of us here have been through a lot of shit, and because of the successes and failures that have come from it, we understand the hard work it takes to accomplish our goals.  We also know that we can't always do it alone.  But I honestly don't know what it will take for Kim to get to that place because she has always been carried and rescued.  She does need to feel some consequences from her actions but I'm not sure that's even going to make a difference.  This is why I have to give up supporting her and thinking that she's sincere in her desires to "love her life".  Same with Brandi, I don't know where to begin because there's like zero desire for change and growth.  There's no helping or supporting someone like that, unfortunately.  

  • Love 4

The drama with Monty might really be bullshit fodder for Kim's storyline? Wow. That would be low. Low like subterranean depths. Lower than living "deep in the Valley". Anybody have an opinion on how reliable Tamara Tattles is?

TT lives in Atlanta, so her "scoops" on RHOA are usually pretty accurate. As for other stories, I have no idea, but frankly, this one on Monty sounds pretty consistent with what our own zoeysmom keeps "reporting" via her sleuthing and such. For a guy as sick as Kim kept making him out to be, he sure has travelled a lot. And since when is Kim a reliable caregiver? Especially since she was pretending to be in recovery, and Monty, a terminally ill cancer patient, needed availability to strong meds. The story never made sense from the get-go.

  • Love 6

I think that Yolanda and Brandi are closer to the chopping black than Kim, actually I waffle on Yolanda because if she can convince the producers that her Lyme Munchhausen Disease is / will be in remission for the filming months, she may keep her diamond, otherwise I think she will be demoted to Friend.

With Brandi she's in jeopardy because Lisa V and Kyle are done with her, Eileen is too. Brandi will not be invited to Kyle's White Party, Lisa V's tea parties or restaurant openings or events sponsored by Eileen, so she is an island and does not even have family members to film with.


With Kim, her castmates may find her exasperating and other unpleasant things, but I don't think people they are done with her like they are done with Brandi.   If she and Eileen return they will have a sit down and agree to "move on" like what happened at the beginning of this season with Kyle and Lisa V, Yolanda and Lisa V and like what happened with Adrienne and Lisa V. a couple seasons ago, and from there she will show up and if she acts out she will not be handled with kid gloves like she has in the past.


I think that losing three HWs in one shot may be a bigger risk than the show is willing to take especially given that the New York and New Jersey franchises took such big hits when they had cast turnovers of a similar magnitude.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 1

Maybe so but Kim seems to be a ticking time bomb and I think people have the right to be concerned. 


It's disturbing to me that Kim such a practiced and inveterate liar that there are still people who basically think that she was sober this season save Poker Night. Even when she's going around making it crystal clear that she has no idea what day it is there's still this implication that Kim's behavior hasn't been "that bad" this season or that people are making a big deal over behavior that would seem innocuous if it were coming from anybody else. IMO Kim is counting on people to have these sorts of reactions to the crap that she continues to try to sell as her truth. As long as there's someone around to give Kim the benefit of the doubt she's going to continue take advantage of it. I hope her family wises up eventually. 

I don't remember anyone thinking she was sober. The thing is yes, there is reason to be concerned but in the end, it's up to her and if she choses to continue using either constantly or intermittently, there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it. It's her life.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 3

Oh, I know you already know these things, Lotus!  You're no RumRaisin.  ; - )   


You know, I feel like whatever we suggest for Kim is just way beyond her abilities, now or ever.  Most of us here have been through a lot of shit, and because of the successes and failures that have come from it, we understand the hard work it takes to accomplish our goals.  We also know that we can't always do it alone.  But I honestly don't know what it will take for Kim to get to that place because she has always been carried and rescued.  She does need to feel some consequences from her actions but I'm not sure that's even going to make a difference.  This is why I have to give up supporting her and thinking that she's sincere in her desires to "love her life".  Same with Brandi, I don't know where to begin because there's like zero desire for change and growth.  There's no helping or supporting someone like that, unfortunately.

Her family's been through so many drunken escapadas with her, but maybe this one is different because she was arrested and everything was so public. Maybe this will force them to draw the line with her, like telling her she can't come to the wedding unless she agrees to rehab. Wait - what am I saying? I forgot what family we're talking about here. Paris Hilton and her coke arrests and stint in jail. The brother, Barron, also a drug addict enabled by the family. Oh well. I hope Kyle and Mauricio stay strong, and stay away.

  • Love 7

I have a feeling that Kim will blame seeing how she came off on the reunion (aka..."How I was portrayed") and I think Bravo should be thinking really hard about this--if the stress of being on the show sent her back to drinking (if indeed she blames that).

Russell Armstrong was terrified of how he was going to come across on the next season of RHBH when he committed suicide--among what I'm sure are many other stresses he had in his life.

When things get this messed up Bravo needs to step back and get them the hell off tv.     

  • Love 5

There really shouldn't be any stronger motivation than her children considering how often Kim stresses how important they are to her. 


Again, as a narcissist*, her kids are only there to serve as a mirror image of herself. She only cares that others THINK that she's a good mom. I'm pretty sure Kyle has been a better mother to those kids. 

*Mya diagnosed 

  • Love 12

     The problem with forcing a person into treatment or AA is that it sucks for the people who really want help.


I am thinking of creating a new treatment facility. It would be a beautiful house on a beautiful serene beach. The people who get to stay are the family members of the addicts. The addicts have to stay home and deal with reality. Im telling you, treatment has been backwards all these years.

  • Love 15

Brooke's mother-in-law is paying for this second wedding, throwing out all the stops to give her a dream wedding. Maybe that's what did it to Kim....she cannot do this, she saw herself at the reunion and maybe wondered what these people must think of her. I could see something big like that triggering a drinking binge.

I think what triggered it was.... her whole family (and the TV audience) seeing her threaten Kyle with be uninvited to the wedding and mostly going after Alexa. I was so infuriated when Kim went after Alexa that I was speechless. Could you imagine how mad Kim's children were at her for going after Alexa? From all accounts these children are close, Kim's kids could have said "ok mom, you are going after Alexa we are done with you". Geez Alexa and Kimberly are only one year apart.


Many people have commented on how lucky Kim is that Kyle and Mauricio did not sue Kim, actually Kim is lucky Alexa did not sue her, she is over 18, also there is  two year statue of limitations in California. Good luck Auntie Kim.

  • Love 5


Thanks for the link!  


I keep flashing back to the reunion and how often (and violently) she would stand up to readjust her dress; I'm sure that's exactly what she was doing when the police officer walked into her foot.  She would never purposefully kick an officer of the law, so it must be 100% his fault...

  • Love 7

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