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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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So it's okay if Kyle cuts Kim off but not okay if Kim cuts her out?

What Kim is doing is not cutting Kyle out, she is playing that well-known game of passive-aggressive. Kim is angry at Kyle, but has no skills to communicate. How does she handle it? By not talking to Kyle. Kim is dismissing Kyle with this technique. However, over time, this behavior can turn into a vicious cycle: passive aggressive behavior begets anger and finger-pointing, which in turn begets more passive-aggressive behavior. Fear of conflict is one reason for passive aggressive behavior.  Being passive-aggressive and removing one's self from a person who is likely not clean and sober are two different actions.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 8

I think it is pretty telling that even Kim's greatest supporters would put nothing past her when she opens her yap in an orgy of deflection to cover up her addled addict actions. No blow is too low. Would anything she comes up with surprise you? Harry's health? Affairs with men or women? Well not dogs but children who break into rooms to stuff their appendages into an innocent puppy's mouth? 


Nothing I tells ya nothing. This chick is bad to the bone.


Run Kyle Run.




Edited by Trooper York
  • Love 12

Kimmy? Just go to the frickin' Psychiatrist already.  You seriously need it.

I can actually see this being a story for Kim if she were up for it but I don't think there's any way that she'd agree to lift that rock and certainly not on camera. Plus if they paired her up with some psychiatrist looking for his/her fifteen minutes I don't know that it would do her much good anyway.


In general I actually think Bravo probably would like to see Kim and Kyle in therapy together, I just don't know that either sister would be particularly willing especially not Kim. 


I know the idea of the sisters attending therapy together has been talked about by viewers for years but does anyone know if Kyle or Kim have ever been asked about it in an interview?


Did Kyle give her thoughts about therapy at all when it came up at dinner with Taylor where Ken made the comment about therapy being a kind of weakness? 

  • Love 2

Oh sweet Jesus. How damn nauseating it was to listen to Kim rattle on, "But she hurt ME!" Forget about Adrienne and Paul being upset and hurt, it is all about KIM!! Brandi hurt Kim more than anyone else!! Boo-fucking-hoo!


LMFAO!  Funny how she says "I've forgiven Brandi but..." Like she just enjoys to put Kyle in the hot seat for anything on camera!  And if   Brandi hurt Kimbo's feelings that much she should had never been friends with her.


How the hell is Kim gonna stay on this show if she can't make Kyle feel guilty anymore!  This was her strategy since the limo scene from season 1.  Be the innocent and make Kyle into the evil sister. - her claim to "fame" or being a fan favorite.  This season has been so damning for Kim on a lot of levels a lot of people see right through her now.  If she came back for a season 6, she would have no choice but to be Kyle's kiss ass (not saying she would be over her resentment over the house) but if Brandi were to be fired she would had no ally but Kyle. 

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 7

I know I'm in the very small minority here but that video, to me anyway, shows how frustratingly alike Kim and Kyle actually are.  It's like watching the same person argue with herself.  Feelings and camera time.


Does anyone definitely know that Kim has her dog living with her again?  Surely somebody would have notified the city (is it Encino?) about this, if true.  If I lived near Kim, I'd be calling animal control.

  • Love 3

The sad thing is that Kyle so desperately wants Kim to care about her and Kim just doesn't. Kim was a child star 30 some years ago, if she hadn't been, she probably would be the same mess she is today minus the lifestyle. Kyle was also a child actor and may have ended up where she is today anyway. The difference is Kim is just bat shit crazy. Kyle needs to cut her losses and walk away.

  • Love 13

Very passive-aggressive dig there in that tweet above.


Bringing this from the episode thread to here since it is not on topic there:


on the Hawaii trip they way she pronounced Maurice lead me to beleive it was not affectionate at all. She was just dripping with sarcasm and venon. I wish I could describe it better but it stuck with me all these years. Does anyone else remember this? Or better yet know where I could find the clip and I will post it.

I know what you are referring to. In that instance, I think she was pretty pissed and doped up on that trip (when wasn't she in that season?). Of course, she could have said his name perfectly, but with that tone and attitude, it still would have come out sounding like it was dripping in venom.  My memory is not always good, but I don't think she was saying his name with tone all of the time, just some of the time. The Hawaii trip is a good example of how she said his name in the way you refer.

  • Love 4

Here I will link it again so it doesn't seem weird: http://stoopidhousewives.com/2015/03/20/its-hagfacekyles-bravoblog-hfkyle-give-her-side-of-the-stolen-house-story/ Kim and her most famous, to date, it is all about me. First video.

OMFG! I have never, ever cared for Kyle but my god I feel bad for that woman having to deal with Kim for a lifetime.

It's stuff like this that explains why we never see Kim with any friends. Who the fuck besides family could ever stand to be around her? I feel for her kids. Can you imagine the fucked up life they lived because of her?

  • Love 11

Someone go get Kathy, Kim's good sister, to slap some sense into her.  Of course the house sale was taken care of fairly and legally!  Kyle doesn't need to explain that!  It is what you do when dividing an estate.  Jesus.  Kim is so much worse than Brandi in hijacking this season.   And your eyebrows are stupid, too.  

  • Love 12

Remember when Kim was disgusted with LisaV for implying Mauricio was cheating, and daring to make a joke out of it in front of Portia? In her Bravo blog she went on to say how Kyle should never have LisaV in her home again. Strange, Kim didn't have that reaction when Brandi mentioned Mauricio cheating at the gay mixer. Ohhhh that's right. Kim didn't hear it. But surely she would have seen the episode by now. Where is the anger and the outrage now, Kim? http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2013/11/kim-richards-slams-lisa-vanderpump-mauricio-umansky-kyle-richards-cheating-rumors/

  • Love 8

I'm not sure if this has been posted before, as I've heard mention of a clip where Kim is screaming "what about me", so apologies if it has. For me, this pretty much says it all when it comes to Kim. The conversation was not about her, it was about Faye and why she was saying the things she was saying about Brandi. Kim made it not only about her, but about the fact that Kyle didn't seem to understand how hurt she had been by Brandi, even though the events with Brandi had happened over a year ago. Oh, and despite the fact that Kim was the one who was primarily in the wrong in that situation. I wil imagine that scenes like this have played out over countless Thanksiving dinners, birthdays, goddamn housewarming parties, etc., as Kim reminds people of past slights and times when she wasn't properly protected. This was a supposedly sober Kim.


Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 9

Kim's relationship with Kyle has obviously changed since then.

 Remember, Kim is not that person from three years ago. She is now sober and has been for THREE years! Forget that pain pill, that was medically necessary. So much so, she couldn't get a legit prescription for one.


Kim and Kyle's relationship remains the same - bitter, jealousy, angry, passive-aggressive, no thanks to Kim who has not changed her ways.



For me, this pretty much says it all when it comes to Kim.

Yes, it was posted yesterday somewhere. So many threads. lol  I am glad you posted it again because it is clearly a great example of Kim, plain and simple. Word to your post.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 11

Remember when Kim was disgusted with LisaV for implying Mauricio was cheating, and daring to make a joke out of it in front of Portia? In her Bravo blog she went on to say how Kyle should never have LisaV in her home again. Strange, Kim didn't have that reaction when Brandi mentioned Mauricio cheating at the gay mixer. Ohhhh that's right. Kim didn't hear it. But surely she would have seen the episode by now. Where is the anger and the outrage now, Kim?

She even tried manipulating Mauricio on the beach in Puerto Rico when everyone tried pinning those tabloids on LVP. "They say they are friends. But are they?"

I hope Mauricio has some choices words Brandi this time on him not wanting his wife. She thought how he spoke to her at the Moroccan restaurant was disrespectful (which it wasnt) imagine what he could say. I know he wont out of respect for his wife but he oughta lay into Kim for claiming she didn't hear it. She knows she heard it - lying addict that she is. Kim sure heard that "F you" pretty good when Kyle said it to her face.

  • Love 14


I hope Mauricio has some choices words Brandi this time on him not wanting his wife.

I hope so too. I think, like LisaV, some people feel if you give too much attention to these whackos, you are giving them just what they need. If Mauricio lays it on Brandi, the peanut gallery will be upset because Brandi is a woman and shouldn't be talked to that way!! How dare he! Or, and this seems to be the favorite, he is protesting too much. He must be guilty. Whatever. I have read those comments countless times on the Bravo site.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5

I can't remember where I read this morning, somewhere on these boards, that Kim will be prepared at the reunion with evidence and so on, but also that she's prepared and on her game for going on the attack. Interesting. It was also mentioned elsewhere (sorry, I can't keep up with where these articles that get posted on the boards are) that it's taken 5 seasons, but she's finally comfortable and found her place among the women. I wonder how much of that has to do with her friendship with Brandi? I would wager that Brandi has coached her/encouraged her to stand up for herself and to basically take a page from her book and tell the women to STFU when she's had enough. Yeah, I think she is comfortable and we're seeing the real Kim now.

I hope so too. I think, like LisaV, some people feel if you give too much attention to these whackos, you are giving them just what they need. If Mauricio lays it on Brandi, the peanut gallery will be upset because Brandi is a woman and shouldn't be talked to that way!! How dare he! Or, and this seems to be the favorite, he is protesting too much. He must be guilty. Whatever. I have read those comments countless times on the Bravo site.

Well we know Ken won't interject and come to Brandi's defense this time, lol. He's finished with her bullshit.

  • Love 8

I hope so too. I think, like LisaV, some people feel if you give too much attention to these whackos, you are giving them just what they need. If Mauricio lays it on Brandi, the peanut gallery will be upset because Brandi is a woman and shouldn't be talked to that way!! How dare he! Or, and this seems to be the favorite, he is protesting too much. He must be guilty. Whatever. I have read those comments countless times on the Bravo site.


How dare he that evil man defending his marriage with his wife!  The nerve!  LOL.  I like Lisa V but some of her hardcore fans who were also Brandi Bunchers then would say this craziness because of where Lisa V/Kyle were back in that season.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

It is very tough for a man to get involved in a fight among women. You can't win. I mean I know Mauricio doesn't want to come off like Peter of Atlanta. He should keep it simple:


"I just want to state it plainly. I love my wife. I would never cheat on her. She would never cheat on me. Brandi knows nothing about a committed marriage. By her own admission she welcomed third parties into her marriage bed. She couldn't keep a husband and has no chance of ever getting another one. So consider the source. Now excuse me while I go meet my friend Mr. Joyce as we go off for dinner and drinks while we count our money. Toodles."

"Oh and one more thing...Kim......lose our number bitch."

Edited by Trooper York
  • Love 24

It is very tough for a man to get involved in a fight among women. You can't win. I mean I know Mauricio doesn't want to come off like Peter of Atlanta. He should keep it simple:


"I just want to state it plainly. I love my wife. I would never cheat on her. She would never cheat on me. Brandi knows nothing about a committed marriage. By her own admission she welcomed third parties into her marriage bed. She couldn't keep a husband and has no chance of ever getting another one. So consider the source. Now excuse me while I go meet my friend Mr. Joyce as we go off for dinner and drinks while we count our money. Toodles."

"Oh and one more thing...Kim......lose our number bitch."


Catch that dirt!  LOL.

  • Love 3

There have been speculations that Kim's childhood spent working is what is causing her present day problems and other posters have posited that bad things happened to her on the casting couch but I don't think that Kim or anyone around her has supported these notions.  My own little brain keeps going back to the Davis gravy train that she got on in her mid-twenties and is still on today as being the worst thing that has happened to her.  After her $23,000 per month for life was locked in, she could do anything she wanted with her life.  More importantly, she didn't have to do anything she didn't want to.


When RHOBH viewers first met her, she was lonely, no friends that we could see.  She was anxious around people she didn't know.  We now know how needy and soul-sucking she can be.  She hadn't worked for over ten years.  One of the reasons that Kyle wanted her on the show was to meet people (which sounded a bit strange to me at the time).  When Kim is on the Davis gravy train, she doesn't have to do any hard work on these problems.  (One can take  pill, however!)  She doesn't have to force herself to work to put food on the table.  She doesn't have to make herself learn how to meet new people and keep new friends.  She doesn't have swallow her pride and put up with things that the rest of us have to on a daily basis.  She can afford to be continually affronted by slights that happened years ago.  That's a rich man's problem.  Being on the Davis gravy train means never having to say you're sorry.

  • Love 23

There have been speculations that Kim's childhood spent working is what is causing her present day problems and other posters have posited that bad things happened to her on the casting couch but I don't think that Kim or anyone around her has supported these notions.  My own little brain keeps going back to the Davis gravy train that she got on in her mid-twenties and is still on today as being the worst thing that has happened to her.  After her $23,000 per month for life was locked in, she could do anything she wanted with her life.  More importantly, she didn't have to do anything she didn't want to.


When RHOBH viewers first met her, she was lonely, no friends that we could see.  She was anxious around people she didn't know.  We now know how needy and soul-sucking she can be.  She hadn't worked for over ten years.  One of the reasons that Kyle wanted her on the show was to meet people (which sounded a bit strange to me at the time).  When Kim is on the Davis gravy train, she doesn't have to do any hard work on these problems.  (One can take  pill, however!)  She doesn't have to force herself to work to put food on the table.  She doesn't have to make herself learn how to meet new people and keep new friends.  She doesn't have swallow her pride and put up with things that the rest of us have to on a daily basis.  She can afford to be continually affronted by slights that happened years ago.  That's a rich man's problem.  Being on the Davis gravy train means never having to say you're sorry.

I think it took a turn when her son turned 18 and she lost and additional 20K per month in addition to the 23K support for alimony she receives for life, or until she marries (which is NEVER going to happen).  Who is stupid enough to sign a divorce agreement like that?  Well, my brother was so anxious to get a divorce from his 1st wife, he made the same alimony agreement (not for that amount, but enough).  That was over 30 years ago, and still every month he writes her a check.

  • Love 5

Remember when Kim was disgusted with LisaV for implying Mauricio was cheating, and daring to make a joke out of it in front of Portia? In her Bravo blog she went on to say how Kyle should never have LisaV in her home again. Strange, Kim didn't have that reaction when Brandi mentioned Mauricio cheating at the gay mixer. Ohhhh that's right. Kim didn't hear it. But surely she would have seen the episode by now. Where is the anger and the outrage now, Kim? http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2013/11/kim-richards-slams-lisa-vanderpump-mauricio-umansky-kyle-richards-cheating-rumors/


Kim's relationship with Kyle has obviously changed since then.

Kim and Kyle's relationship may have changed but it isn't like Kim is owning that as a reason when Kyle calls her on the way she didn't give a damn when Brandi made the dig about Mauricio. Kim isn't saying that she doesn't defend Kyle because their relationship has changed. Instead, Kim's instinct is to pretend that she didn't know that the comment was made. IMO this indicates that Kim knows that it would be very crappy and not exactly sisterly behavior to not care when Brandi makes those sorts of comments. When Kim's behavior isn't right she'll deny that the misbehavior has even happened. We've seen it over and over again. 


Meanwhile of course Kim expects for Kyle to defend her all day long. 


If I've learned anything about the Richards sisters from this show it's that Kyle is a better sister to Kim than Kim is to Kyle. 


I found Kim's comments about wanting Kyle to treat her like an older sister to be interesting especially when I consider Brandi's comments that she feels like she has to be a big sister to Kim. I wonder what Kim made of that comment? Or does it not bother her because it's Brandi and she doesn't want to burn her last bridge until she's fixed things with Kyle? 

  • Love 11

I personally dont care if Kim blogs this season. After her blog about her having hernia and bronchitis I was like "The hell. Please Kim. No more." Now what I wouldn't mind if she was on WWHL. Kyle and Brandi been picking up a lot of slack on the interview front. Kim is due for a one on one with good ol Andrew.

Kim opted out and has had plenty of opportunities to go back on and has either passed or been passed over.  I just wonder if when Andy did the Reunion this year he sat there thinking (as he claimed to do about Carlton and Joyce last year) this is her last season.  No more having to deal with working around Kim's absences, lack of ability to support any PR appearances, inability to consistently write blogs or realistic blogs.  Bravo has to keep this franchise alive and Kim will never be lead material. 


Brandi is on WWHL Monday night followed by Kyle on Tuesday.

  • Love 4

If Kim is not asked back, I'm sure she will be kicking herself for returning this season at all. At the end of last year she had her redemption arc. She seemed to be in a good place with Kyle and her sobriety and her only beef (however odd ) was with Lisa over the graduation party. For a few hundred thousand dollars (or whatever amount she is paid) she has completely imploded, her sobriety looks shakey, she and Kyke aren't speaking and she has shown herself to be a overall horrible person. I'm sure she's praying for one more year so she can pull a Camille and rehab her image.

  • Love 8

If Kim is not asked back, I'm sure she will be kicking herself for returning this season at all. At the end of last year she had her redemption arc. She seemed to be in a good place with Kyle and her sobriety and her only beef (however odd ) was with Lisa over the graduation party. For a few hundred thousand dollars (or whatever amount she is paid) she has completely imploded, her sobriety looks shakey, she and Kyke aren't speaking and she has shown herself to be a overall horrible person. I'm sure she's praying for one more year so she can pull a Camille and rehab her image.

Gee how unfair, viewers should be worried not embarrassed over Kim's behavior and she has done nothing that requires she defend herself.  Just read her final two blogs, there is absolutely nothing she would do different and how dare these other women make her the center of attention.


I am thinking come late May Kim will be stalking Kyle trying to make up because she will need that infusion of Bravo money she  has gotten use to the past five years.  I guess her "SLUT PIG" T-Shirt idea didn't provide her with income for the rest of her life.  She may even pursue Lisa Rinna-I think she takes Yolanda for granted.

Well then Andy doesn't like Brandi.  He is letting Kyle get the last word.

I m surprised he is letting Brandi have a fourth shot-my guess is she was not the center of attention in the finale.  All I can say is YEAH. . I won't be staying up to watch her.

  • Love 5

I am pretty sure Kim thinks she is golden with all the people who watch the show, instead of the small fraction that really do support her in the evil world against poor, victim Kim thing she has going on. I am also willing to bet that Muricio is so damn glad she is out of the picture and hopes it continues for a long time.

  • Love 9

I think their dad died in Arizona.  ??

Ken Richards died in a Las Vegas hospital. He and his wife moved in with her daughter, in LV, his final days. They had tried to stay at Kim's house in Cali. when he was getting treatment there arranged by Kyle's MIL but Kim was as high as a kite, she and her children would bounce on his bed despite the pain it caused him so they left and went back to LV. Kim went to LV the day he died but she was out partying, getting high/drunk, instead of being at the hospital and never saw him. Neither daughter, or Kathy, saw much of their father/step father after their parents were divorced.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 1

With regard to Kingsley - I have 2 now elderly pit bull mixes who are angels. Last fall I adopted a staffordshire terrier who was adorable and I loved. After a few months he started picking on one of my older dogs. After a couple weeks of that he went back to the (no kill) shelter I got him from with the warning he needed to be an only dog and he needed a strong owner. I had spoiled him from the day I had brought him home and he did not respect me as the boss.

It was heartbreaking for me, but I wouldn't put my other dogs at risk. I can't fathom keeping a dog that has attacked people.

  • Love 7

In Lisa Rinna's thread, someone posted a series of tweets which included a statement that Chad is in the hospital.  Does anyone know if it's true?


With regard to Kingsley - I have 2 now elderly pit bull mixes who are angels. Last fall I adopted a staffordshire terrier who was adorable and I loved. After a few months he started picking on one of my older dogs. After a couple weeks of that he went back to the (no kill) shelter I got him from with the warning he needed to be an only dog and he needed a strong owner. I had spoiled him from the day I had brought him home and he did not respect me as the boss.

It was heartbreaking for me, but I wouldn't put my other dogs at risk. I can't fathom keeping a dog that has attacked people.


One of the things that bothers me most, is the fact that to those who have never had a pit bull, or known someone who has, Kingsley is a "typical" pit bull.   When I adopted my Am Staff (similar to a pit bull), the shelter coordinator told me that every time we're out in public, my dog will be an ambassador to the breed.  I took that to heart, and I've never forgotten it.  The woman who founded and ran the Am Staff/pit bull specific shelter had six pit bulls, and also ran a daycare for a time.  Her business card was a picture of all six of them, standing in formation like a troop of soldiers.  She trained them with love and kindness, and some of them were therapy dogs, and all were canine good citizenship certified.  All of them came from troubled backgrounds.  It takes hard work and dedication to turn a pit bull vicious.



  • Love 9

In Lisa Rinna's thread, someone posted a series of tweets which included a statement that Chad is in the hospital.  Does anyone know if it's true?



One of the things that bothers me most, is the fact that to those who have never had a pit bull, or known someone who has, Kingsley is a "typical" pit bull.   When I adopted my Am Staff (similar to a pit bull), the shelter coordinator told me that every time we're out in public, my dog will be an ambassador to the breed.  I took that to heart, and I've never forgotten it.  The woman who founded and ran the Am Staff/pit bull specific shelter had six pit bulls, and also ran a daycare for a time.  Her business card was a picture of all six of them, standing in formation like a troop of soldiers.  She trained them with love and kindness, and some of them were therapy dogs, and all were canine good citizenship certified.  All of them came from troubled backgrounds.  It takes hard work and dedication to turn a pit bull vicious.

I believe it was a ROL story but there has been no official word from Kim, her PR team or the family.


IMO, just mine, at this point in time, Kim should not own any dog.

  • Love 5

Monty posted this today on his instagram.  Sad.  Seems like he's ready to call it quits.


7 hours ago
Another day has come and gone away, but i want to go home. Maybe surrounded by a million people i still feel all alone just want to go home. Another airplane another sunny place im lucky i know. Let me go home. I feel like im living someone else' life. Its like i just stepped outside when everything was going right. Ive had my run, it will all be alright. Much love to everyone. #Saying #quote #life #friends #family #love #heart #blessed #thankful

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