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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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What makes this scenario hard to execute is that it also depends on how capable the person putting it in place is of letting Kim live her life. I know it sounds crazy but Kim probably wouldn't accept it if it means that whoever is implementing the set up also has a list of rules and regulations to follow. I know, I know crazy to just carry her and provide for her but hey people live off their parents or family members all the time. The desperate measures I would turn to would probably be provide the home, cover the basics, arrange for like a house manager that deals with the details and then done. Check in, get updates, make sure her basic needs are met and leave the rest of it up to the grace of God. There's a certain amount of detachment needed and an ability to get over the idea that "Kim's getting a free ride" is  necessary but other than that I would look at this set up as a great step towards my own sanity and letting go of some of the concerns that come with Kim being an addict.

Well of course she's going to lose a house if she's the one that's expected to maintain everything that goes with keeping up with a house. It's more than just giving her a house and bam she's cured and can manage. It's more about managing her life from afar. Not everyone would be in favor of that. Hard pressed to find someone willing to be that accomodating but if it would mean not wondering and worrying about at least some of the uncertainties that surround Kim then I'd seriously consider it if it were my family.

If I had the money? Yup I'd do it. Just for my own sanity.


However, Kim would obviously not have as much authority as all that. No borrowing on the house, not hers. Groceries provided, no money given directly to her for them. Car service for sure. But the idea that she would be getting money thrown at her non stop just cause. Not in the plan. That's where accepting a pouting, annoyed Kim Richards would be a very real truth. And one I think I'd be able to roll my eyes at without feeling bad at all.


I don't think Kim would accept any of that, honestly I don't. She is arrogant enough to believe she can handle it all on her own and just wants the cash/money to spend as she sees fit. Kim hasn't owned a house in a very long, long time, so she rented with no discernable income coming in at all outside child support and that ended a few years ago when Kimberly graduated HS and I am not sure she was getting it back then because Kimberly was living 50% of the time with her father then moved out of Kim's house entirely after season 1 or 2. So, I believe/suspect that Kathy and Kyle have been paying the rent, utilities, car payments and grocery bills for years and years. I don't think Kim would give up having her own car and driving it either, even if a driver/limo were at her beck and call full time, parked outside her home 24/7, she would be too paranoid that the driver would tell her sisters where she went, who she saw and if she was drinking/drugging when out.

  • Love 7

^ Kim would have to admit that she is not sober and that she has no intentions of getting sober. She still playing that "I had one glass of wine" bullshit. A plan like that would require some honesty that none of them are prepared for. For every Robert Downy Jr. there are thousands of addicts who never get sober.

  • Love 11

I agree.


What's happening now is all just more stress for everyone.  It's not as if her sisters do not have plenty of money, and families with much less make arrangements for family. 


They could offer to let her live in a nice house (not give it to her, just buy it, and allow her to stay there.)  Not a mansion, but a nice little house somewhere, maybe in the desert she loves, which is full of drunks anyway, seriously, I've never seen so much drinking in my life as I saw in Palm Springs.  Hire a housekeeper (caretaker) for her who can do the driving, maybe live in a guest house or just come in daily.  Set up limited accounts for food/booze/gas/clothes/taxi at stores, bills come to Kathy.  Call it a day.   Basically a high-end SSI conservator type thing.   No cash.  No car.  Make sure the caretaker has a car of their own.  Cover medical bills, with strict parameters. 


I know it sounds all wrong, but honestly?  How is it worse than what's happening?  Tell her that if she takes reality gigs, all of it goes away, avoid the embarrassment.  She gets arrested?  Let her serve time, when she's out, the deal is still in place, but you aren't paying for lawyers or bailing her out.

YES and YES! Hit it out of the ball park. Especially the bolded.

Imho, it is what they have been doing for years to some extent ,without cutting contact with Kim and it did not work whatsoever.

IMHO, it is incredibly cruel and it is both patronizing and depressing for the addict.

It sends the message that you have given up on them completely, which I don't think either Kyle, Kathy nor Kim's children are able to do.

We also do not know about all of Kim's periods of sobriety.(if they even exist)

Since she loves turtles so much, maybe she can work at a pet store???

volunteer at a turtle sanctuary???

  • Love 6

And of course nobody wants to be the one funding her when she Od's or drinks herself to death. That is going to be hard to live with.

I am currently watching the RHBH special with the Unshown footage of what went on before the limo scene . Kim was on a drunken rampage screaming about Kyle and got them kicked out of the hotel, that is the reason they were in the limo in the first place. Kyle really drew the short straw with the editing of all that.

  • Love 10

No, it says "I accept who you are, but I won't put up with the mess in my own life, and going on reality shows to pay your bills embarrasses me."  It doesn't tell her not to be sober, it says "your sobriety is up to you."  "I love you, I care about you, this is what I have to offer, your choice."


Basically it's what the state does for people with severe problems.  They give a certain amount of money, not to you, but to a responsible party, who makes sure there is food and shelter for that person. 


I don't think Kim will ever be sober, certainly not because any one is pushing her to be sober.  It's pointless.  It's not helping.  It may sound radical, and Kyle may very well wish Kim would just die so she wouldn't be troubled or embarrassed by her anymore, and then she could mourn and have a story line for years to boot!  In the mean time, you have a shit load of money, and so does your sister.  Deal with it.  Take the worry of not having a place to live, or money to eat away, take the worry of sobriety in exchange for love away.  Take the excuses to drink away, because Kim won't need them, she wants to drink, drink.  No need to lie.  Hell, in Palm Springs she will fit right in, they start drinking at breakfast there, drinks at the pool, drink at lunch, cocktails before dinner, wine with, and nightcaps later,  and they don't stop until the last toddy in bed.


Just give it a rest. 


I'll add that when/if I offered this to Kim (putting myself in place of one of her sisters here) I'd make sure there was a fully stocked bar in the house.  I'd say condo, but I wouldn't want to worry about that kind of thing, or neighbor problems. 


http://www.zillow.com/homes/for_sale/Palm-Springs-CA/pmf,pf_pt/house_type/18017708_zpid/46965_rid/2-_beds/2-_baths/any_days/swimming-pool_att/pricea_sort/33.932821,-116.28582,33.589169,-116.876335_rect/10_zm/?3col=true Asking $300,000, Maurico could get it cheaper.  Ha!


http://www.zillow.com/homes/for_sale/Palm-Springs-CA/pmf,pf_pt/house_type/18116604_zpid/46965_rid/2-_beds/2-_baths/any_days/swimming-pool_att/pricea_sort/33.932821,-116.28582,33.589169,-116.876335_rect/10_zm/?3col=true Strange little house but nice pool and view, only $200K. 


Just sayin' it could happen.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 3

I dunno, I just feel that they are all eventually going to have to dealing with the lesser of many evils. Nothing they do is going to be shiny and sweet. It seems like everything is still riding on that really unrealistic star of Kim Richards getting sober and ummm it's about that time they start figuring out some contingency plan for all of their sakes.  And if they haven't spun the wheel and bought a vowel by now someone needs to western union them a clue.

  • Love 3

Mauricio and Kyle can (now) easily afford to pay for Kim's living expenses, but they can't trust Kim to not spend any stipend on booze of drugs, or even to spend it wisely. If Kim's going to rely on their largesse, she needs to comply with their very reasonable demand that she not be drunk or high. Kim has the luxury of the opportunity to live in luxury without having to work for it. Mauricio and Kyle are dangling a gold plated, juicy and ginormous carrot in front of Kim.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 3

Mauricio and Kyle can (now) easily afford to pay for Kim's living expenses, but they can't trust Kim to not spend any stipend on booze of drugs, or even to spend it wisely. If Kim's going to rely on their largesse, she needs to comply with their very reasonable demand that she not be drunk or high. Kim has the luxury of the opportunity to live in luxury without having to work for it.

She can't maintain sobriety for her daughter's wedding and you expect her to do it for free rent?

I can't see it happening.

  • Love 9

No, it says "I accept who you are, but I won't put up with the mess in my own life, and going on reality shows to pay your bills embarrasses me."  It doesn't tell her not to be sober, it says "your sobriety is up to you."  "I love you, I care about you, this is what I have to offer, your choice."


Basically it's what the state does for people with severe problems.  They give a certain amount of money, not to you, but to a responsible party, who makes sure there is food and shelter for that person. 


I don't think Kim will ever be sober, certainly not because any one is pushing her to be sober.  It's pointless.  It's not helping.  It may sound radical, and Kyle may very well wish Kim would just die so she wouldn't be troubled or embarrassed by her anymore, and then she could mourn and have a story line for years to boot!  In the mean time, you have a shit load of money, and so does your sister.  Deal with it.  Take the worry of not having a place to live, or money to eat away, take the worry of sobriety in exchange for love away.  Take the excuses to drink away, because Kim won't need them, she wants to drink, drink.  No need to lie.  Hell, in Palm Springs she will fit right in, they start drinking at breakfast there, drinks at the pool, drink at lunch, cocktails before dinner, wine with, and nightcaps later,  and they don't stop until the last toddy in bed.


Just give it a rest. 

God how I love your reasoning! Completely understandable. It's not the "correct" answer but to me it seems like the answer Kim has been waiting for.  For the pressure to finally be the fuck off her shoulders.  And it makes absolute sense. It's pretty apparent that she isn't changing her tune so for love of all that is holy work around it and come to some resolution that doesn't revolve around being so goddamn victimized by Kim's addictions. Sheesh!

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 2
Basically it's what the state does for people with severe problems.  They give a certain amount of money, not to you, but to a responsible party, who makes sure there is food and shelter for that person.



But as others have said, isn't this somewhat what she has now? They could probably make a better arrangement, I guess, but Kim's not in a state where her basic needs aren't being met. She has a roof over her head and groceries, etc. Seems like the main things to add would be the cleaning service and the car--but she might really object to especially the car being taken away. It seems like at the level they all live at they're not worried about Kim being out on the street prostituting herself so much as worried about her just doing something dangerous because she's high. So she's already got a life where she can use without being destitute. 


The issue with the people in her family is that they're not committed to one side or the other on it, maybe. Like, either you cut her off completely and don't care if she stops or you fund her addiction and don't care whether she stops. (Though I do also think that given the whole public nature of their family there's also the additional requirements of covering up or not covering up.)

  • Love 5

Damn girl!

Palm Springs sound like paradise.,, j/k

A bit harsh, imo

I know, and it was just my experience visiting the place.  I stayed with a wealthy family, and visited many of their wealthy friends during that time, and I could not BELIEVE how much everyone drank.  Hell, I thought I could handle booze, but they put me to shame.  I'm not exaggerating that it was all day, every day, and into the night.  I forgot to mention the late night star-gazing hot tub drinks, and they even had special, and beautifully made non breakable hot tub and pool cocktail glasses.  It was endless!


Mimosas or Bloody Mary's were the choice at every breakfast for most, although a few had "eye-openers" first, straight shots of something.  "Rammers" were tumblers of Gin kept in a special "Gin freezer" in the breezeway.  The only thing in there was chilled frosted glasses and great varieties of gin.  When someone shouted out "RAMMER!" everyone went and filled a frosted tumbler with the (great) gin of their choice.  That was in addition to whatever else people were drinking at the pool.

  • Love 3

Since I initially brought up the idea of them putting Kim in a paid for place and having someone else drive her around, I want to clarify to say that this would truly be a last resort as a way to keep Kim from killing someone with her car when she is on one of her binges. It also gives her kids the opportunity to move on with their lives and more easily decide the terms of their relationship with her - without having to become her caretaker. 


I would never recommend this solution for dealing with an addict if it weren't for the nature of how this family works. My uncle was a crack head for years. He started drinking and using drugs after he got out of the army and it came to a point where everyone just had to write him off as too far gone to come back. The most they could hope was that he didn't die alone in the streets. He has been completely clean for 10 years now. He owns his own limo service and is a deacon at his church. He wanted to get clean, it just took him losing everyone around him to make him see it and even then it wasn't over night. So, I know that addicts can beat their demons and move on with their everyday lives while living with the temptation every day. It simply isn't a road that everyone can take.


Kim is a truly hard case, not even because of how long she has been an active addict. She is a hard case because she truly believes that everything would be fine if they just didn't mention that she isn't sober. That type of belief system (I won't even call it denial at this point) is not one that will ever help her get and stay sober. Add how long she has been an active addict and the physical dependency that she has at this point, and she becomes an even harder case. 


So, my suggestion is really for the sanity of this particular family. They can go back to status quo and pretend there isn't a problem and only expect Kim to be sober for an hour or two at a family gathering, without worrying that she is going to kill a pedestrian because she is high/drunk and "no one knows what she goes through at night."


The fact that SOMEONE has to be supporting her means that she already has an enabler system in place. If it is a matter of keeping her from harming someone while still being able to live some semblance of their own lives, maybe this is the last option they have left.


Again, I also want to stress that I doubt very much that Kim would ever go for something like this. She would balk at having to admit that she is still actively using and just wants to keep using. She may also balk at having to be driven around - unless they could appeal to her narcissistic side and always have a limo or town car  waiting for her. 


As much as I disagree with enabling an addict's behavior, I do think that at some point, there has to be a contingency plan in play. Kathy and Kyle seem unable/unwilling to cut Kim off completely. So, maybe something like this is the next best thing they could do.

  • Love 2

Hey it sounds like they may as well plan the party.. I mean Kim will bring the booze.....


I guess, for me,  I'm just tired of the whole who will be the biggest victim in all this? Who will be left in the wake of hurricane Kim. I really feel bad for Kim and understand why she'd want to keep drinking and whatnot. Everywhere she turns she's failing someone, "victimizing" someone, being ungrateful to someone, isn't thanking someone enough, is embarrassing someone. Everything is such a big deal. I think this is where the whole "lets just not speak on it" tactic stemmed from. I mean when does it get old? When does it not have such shock value anymore? I would be annoyed that THE CONCEPT of  my addiction keeps getting revived as something newly worthy of gasp and stares and not just IS. LOL! Actually for some time now I've been wondering why Kim Richards being an addict is so damn sensational???? She got issues, not unique and at this point it's boring. I understand when it first came out but now? I mean people pretty much take it in stride that Ozzie Osburn is.... fill in the blank here...  So that's the part that would probably really annoy the crap outta me if I were Kim. Like really? Me being high or drunk or getting into shit is still that shocking or even interesting? I dunno it's just such old news.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 1
Everywhere she turns she's failing someone, "victimizing" someone, being ungrateful to someone, isn't thanking someone enough, is embarrassing someone.



Is this what Kim is supposed to be feeling underneath? Because actually Kim's pretty consistent in how everyone victimizing her and she only thinks about other people and she rarely has to thank people and never embarrasses or needs to apologize to anyone. Kyle certainly has tried to cry or get mad about how hard it is on her but for the most part Kim is not at all surrounded by people telling her she's doing these things, at least from what we see on the show. She's usually given sympathy. 

  • Love 5

Is this what Kim is supposed to be feeling underneath? Because actually Kim's pretty consistent in how everyone victimizing her and she only thinks about other people and she rarely has to thank people and never embarrasses or needs to apologize to anyone. Kyle certainly has tried to cry or get mad about how hard it is on her but for the most part Kim is not at all surrounded by people telling her she's doing these things, at least from what we see on the show. She's usually given sympathy. 

So you honestly believe that Kim isn't utterly humiliated by all of this?


And yes I would be completely shocked if that wasn't what she was feeling underneath all the denying. I feel that's the reason for her bravado and denial. Can't bare for all of the humiliation and shame to come to the surface which is what admitting to it would inevitably do. Seems rather obvious to me, ya know once you get passed  the superficial layer of it all.

  • Love 3

At this point I'm curious, aside from people worrying about what alcohol does do a persons health over a period of time, why can't she be drunk? I mean all this energy spent on her HAVING to be sober. All the disappointments, all the hand wringing, the tears over her failing them, her anxieties over failing them, this, that and the other. I mean shit, fuck it. She drinks. If she ain't running into oncoming traffic or trying to buy babies off the black market... Put a fork in it. She's done. Of course, Target and police incident aside cause I truly think all this pressure and public shame is really causing her to crack to that level. But yeah, the bitch gets drunk. It's time for them to stop making a national case of it cause it doesn't seem to be helping.


I mean I don't see anything wrong with not writing her off and accepting the situation for what it is. Bitch her out when she creates situations that deserve a bitch out (which is what we do with folks when they aren't a drunk), live guilt free regarding her antics and for shit that doesn't affect anyone else but her shrug and move on. I get that her state of being affects those around her but so. My brother's fucked up life stresses me out too but he's gonna live the way he's gonna live so how I manage my emotions about the crazy way he lives his life is not his problem. I also get that she has kids but they are getting older and at some point they are going to have to figure out how to handle how THEY want it to affect THEIR emotions and lives moving forward. At this point it's up to THEM not Kim because, well, it's obvious she's just not able to deliver that for them so its time that everyone that has been a "victim" of big bad Kim needs to eventually figure out how to shed that uniform and live a life that doesn't depend on Kim Richards sobriety. Tell you what, removing that albatross from around Kims neck would probably do her some good in her struggle as well. Just saying.

Kim is the one who claims to want to be sober so there's that. 


Kim is unpleasant to be around when she's drunk and high. She's unpleasant sober too but she's about a thousand times more obnoxious when she's on something. It doesn't do her or anybody else any good. 


There are some people who are cool to be around when they're drunk or high. There are some people who are sweet and nice even when they're on drugs. That is not Kim Richards. When she's on drugs and alcohol she is a danger to herself and other people. 


I could almost deal with Kim and her bullshit if she could just be upfront about wanting to be wasted and in a state where she can always relieve her 100% pain. Instead she wants to be able to force people to play along with her false narrative. She wants to force everyone to play her game and she thinks that people (and viewers) should pretend that they aren't seeing what they're seeing.


It's extra frustrating when a person not only insists that the sky is green but also insists that everyone be forced to play along and say that the sky is green. The people who don't play along with the idea that the sky is green are accused of being mean, cruel, and insensitive in addition to being attacked for not playing Kim's stupid game. 


I think the idea that Kim is hurting anybody or isn't harmful to people would be laughable if it weren't so serious. 


It's sickening that she still seems to have a job on this show based on the way she's behaved. I'm completely serious too when I say that I don't think she should be allowed to drive until she's legitimately sober. She's had way too many chances and she's still regularly "getting away with" shockingly bad behavior. 


Dr. Phil got her to admit that she was driving under the influence but she never once clued in that she'd done anything wrong. She was driving and was completely blasted when she pulled into the Beverly Hills Hotel yet she's still being treated as though it was just some minor hiccup. 


Every time Kim is given another chance and let back on to the show, it's out of the control of these women. They want their paycheck the same as Kim. It's not the fault of any of the other women that Kim continues to be allowed on the show. That decision ultimately comes down to the showrunners and Kim. I don't think that LisaR, Kyle, LisaV, or anybody else should have to quit the show because Kim Richards is incapable of staying sober. 


I agree that Kim should be bitched out when she deserves it. In Kim's world though, it's never warranted because she always sees herself as a victim. 

  • Love 11

I don't think Kim will ever be sober, certainly not because any one is pushing her to be sober.  It's pointless.  It's not helping.  It may sound radical, and Kyle may very well wish Kim would just die so she wouldn't be troubled or embarrassed by her anymore, and then she could mourn and have a story line for years to boot!  In the mean time, you have a shit load of money, and so does your sister.  Deal with it.  Take the worry of not having a place to live, or money to eat away, take the worry of sobriety in exchange for love away.  Take the excuses to drink away, because Kim won't need them, she wants to drink, drink.  No need to lie.  Hell, in Palm Springs she will fit right in, they start drinking at breakfast there, drinks at the pool, drink at lunch, cocktails before dinner, wine with, and nightcaps later,  and they don't stop until the last toddy in bed.



  • Love 12

I had the TV on for some background noise and once I finished the stuff I was doing in which I was investing the major portion of my brain functions, I realized that the kimmie & others show had come on....there was a scene at a table where kimmie, seemingly in all sincerity/and-or somewhat decent script recitation remarked how she was there because she had not been able to spend quality time with her daughter...which caught my attention as I could not for the life of me think of ANYTHING kimmie has had in her life in the last several years that would prevent her from 'quality' time with any/all of her kids....it also seemed to me that her daughter was doing a rather credible job of trying to NOT roll her eyes at kimmie's speech....bottom line for me is kimmie needs to be totally cut loose and left to cope on her own....I believe that is the only way she will ever face that thing the rest of the world copes with in their everyday lives as 'reality'...she is as fake on this show as anything I have ever seen of her ( barring the ultra nasty outbursts, of course) on BH. And since BH and this snippet are all I have ever seen of kimmie, it is one seriously fucked up picture of selfish, arrogant entitlement. I would not have thought my opinion of kimmie could get any worse, but I've been proven wrong.

  • Love 6

The idea of Kim being given a house that's completely paid for, all groceries and incidentals taken care of would be a disaster waiting to happen in my opinion. First of all, she has a knack for attracting lowlifes--I can easily see her having some dude worm his way in there and next thing you know the house is a mini drug den. Even if she isn't given cash, she's given enough nice things where she'd be able to dig some up if she really wanted. 


God how I love your reasoning! Completely understandable. It's not the "correct" answer but to me it seems like the answer Kim has been waiting for.  For the pressure to finally be the fuck off her shoulders.  And it makes absolute sense. It's pretty apparent that she isn't changing her tune so for love of all that is holy work around it and come to some resolution that doesn't revolve around being so goddamn victimized by Kim's addictions. Sheesh!


What pressure? If it's the pressure of her sobriety--that's never going to go away because Kim is the one who claims that she wants to be sober. This is all on her. Nobody is pressuring Kim to be anything other than what she is. Her family is still toeing the party line. They're *still* covering for her ungrateful ass and it seems like it hardly means anything to Kim. 


Kim can't even admit that she'll never change her tune. If anyone in her family were to say that, she'd go from zero to bitch in a freaking heartbeat.  


She can go around victimizing people but somehow it's never her fault. It's everyone else's fault for having the bad luck to be involved with this woman for whatever reason.


I wonder if the people on the Mother/Daughter show have any idea what they're in for? It's definitely not going to be pretty and it's already funny that Kim sees herself as being above the other participants. 

  • Love 8

Hey it sounds like they may as well plan the party.. I mean Kim will bring the booze.....


I guess, for me,  I'm just tired of the whole who will be the biggest victim in all this? Who will be left in the wake of hurricane Kim. I really feel bad for Kim and understand why she'd want to keep drinking and whatnot. Everywhere she turns she's failing someone, "victimizing" someone, being ungrateful to someone, isn't thanking someone enough, is embarrassing someone. Everything is such a big deal. I think this is where the whole "lets just not speak on it" tactic stemmed from. I mean when does it get old? When does it not have such shock value anymore? I would be annoyed that THE CONCEPT of  my addiction keeps getting revived as something newly worthy of gasp and stares and not just IS. LOL! Actually for some time now I've been wondering why Kim Richards being an addict is so damn sensational???? She got issues, not unique and at this point it's boring. I understand when it first came out but now? I mean people pretty much take it in stride that Ozzie Osburn is.... fill in the blank here...  So that's the part that would probably really annoy the crap outta me if I were Kim. Like really? Me being high or drunk or getting into shit is still that shocking or even interesting? I dunno it's just such old news.

Kim can thank herself for this perception. She's certainly not the only reality TV personality with substance abuse issues. Kim's constant lying, contradictions, hypocrisy, and bad attitude are what forever keep her in the line of fire. People are willing to forgive, forget, move on but in order to do that, steps have to be taken that Kim just doesn't feel that she needs to take. She doesn't want to admit to the truth. She scorns the truth right and left but still wants the benefits that come with truth telling. 


She wants to be forgiven, she wants to be trusted, she wants to be able to move on but she doesn't want to work for any of it. She wants it to be handed to her the way she's always been handed things in life. She isn't willing to lift one tiny finger towards her sobriety nor does she want to take responsibility for anything that she's done wrong. It's too much like work and it feels too difficult and overwhelming from her perspective. 


It seems old because it's the same song but Kim gives us a fucking remix every month and as usual she hasn't learned a damn thing. 


I also think it's nonsense to pretend that she hasn't victimized and deliberately hurt people with her behavior. This isn't perception. We're talking about a long list of things that actually happened in real life that Kim has *never* once taken responsibility for but she's the one who's deserving of sympathy because her story is old and she's never going to change so everyone should just get over it? 

  • Love 10


Yes.  When you know it's probably going to end up with someone dead anyway, sometimes you can think of is "at least if she/he just died, I won't keep worrying about when it will happen, or what new chaos awaits, or if she/he will take someone out with them."  (Like drunk driving and killing a mom and kids.)  I have absolutely no "like" whatsoever for Kyle, not much for Kathy either, and Kim's a piece of work, but she still makes me sad, because she is an addict, and I do think that is a disease, and I do think she became addicted from her exposure to both her drunk of a mother, Hollywood sets and prevalent drug use there, her insecurity causing her to "need" uppers and booze to feel confident, and a host of childhood issues.


Like her?  No.  Think having some security and getting away from the limelight/spotlight might allow her to normalize a bit?  Yes.  This is a long term addiction and long term denial, there is no magic fix.  She took that ridiculous mother/daughter show for money.  She took the RHNY gig for money.  How is her exposure of all her many faults helping anyone in her family?  It isn't.


Other than of course, Kyle's redemption, poor little me, so put upon, so hard on ME, storyline.

  • Love 1

At this point of her life, it seems that Kim's brain is no longer functioning correctly and she senselessly repeats the same cycle.

However, she appears to feel remorse and feels bad for hurting her family just like an emotional toddler who can't contain herself.

Her daughter Kimberly must want to hop on the easy reality tv money train, this mother daughter show is beyond tacky.

How much can they make off that mess?

  • Love 2

A couple of things that seem to be reoccurring is this idea that because Kathy and Kyle are successful it would be far easier just to placate Kim put her in a house and essentially put her under a conservatorship.  There are legal ramifications that come with providing Kim with a house, see Kingsley bites 1-4.  The property owner in California is responsible for torts occurring on their property. Kim is a double edge sword with not only Kim but her son with his specific mental health issues.   


I think the baton has been passed and it is time for the oldest daughters to take over.  Kim has shown repeatedly that she does not care at all about Kyle and absence of her support is meaningless.  The other thing about a de fact conservatorship is Kim does have some money coming in from residuals and is probably able to draw from her retirement if needed.  I believe what has happened in the past is Kim would get $20,000.00 a month in support, which has not been available to her for about five years, and she would run up a lot of bills.  Granted many of these were for the kids.  Not necessities of life stuff but fun stuff.  


This keep her comfortable kind of flies in the face of addiction specialist.  The idea is you are not suppose to enable the addict.  Although it may seem humane to provide with the necessities in life, the major necessity in life Kim needs is self-sufficiency.  Cover the basic needs in life of an addict and viola you have given them 16 hours a day to figure out how to score a drink or drugs.  It is not as if Kim is going to spend the time doing her community service or going to meetings.


What I heard from Kim when she and Kyle were last fighting is that Kim wants Kyle to call her several times a day like she claims Kathy does and wants Kyle to take her out to dinner weekly.  Too bad.  Kyle has an at home family and a couple of jobs.  I think Kim needs to realize to want others to spend time with her she needs to be more likeable. 

  • Love 8

I'm very curious as to how much they get paid. I'm sure Kim gets paid more for doing RHBH, but I am curious as to what the magic number is to want to be willing to go into such painful territory. 

Well, Jill Zarin and Brandi implied strongly it was a boatload of money for both Kim and her daughter to do this latest one.  Apparently Jill was offered either this one, or a similar one and tried to talk her daughter Allie into doing it, but Allie, wisely, turned it down.  Jill then tried to sell the show on using Jill and HER mother, but they said nope.

  • Love 2

Yes.  When you know it's probably going to end up with someone dead anyway, sometimes you can think of is "at least if she/he just died, I won't keep worrying about when it will happen, or what new chaos awaits, or if she/he will take someone out with them."  (Like drunk driving and killing a mom and kids.)  I have absolutely no "like" whatsoever for Kyle, not much for Kathy either, and Kim's a piece of work, but she still makes me sad, because she is an addict, and I do think that is a disease, and I do think she became addicted from her exposure to both her drunk of a mother, Hollywood sets and prevalent drug use there, her insecurity causing her to "need" uppers and booze to feel confident, and a host of childhood issues.


Like her?  No.  Think having some security and getting away from the limelight/spotlight might allow her to normalize a bit?  Yes.  This is a long term addiction and long term denial, there is no magic fix.  She took that ridiculous mother/daughter show for money.  She took the RHNY gig for money.  How is her exposure of all her many faults helping anyone in her family?  It isn't.


Other than of course, Kyle's redemption, poor little me, so put upon, so hard on ME, storyline.

I think you probably stand in a very small circle of people that hope  loved one addict dies so you don't have to worry when it happens.  Clearly, Kyle has never expressed this sentiment.  They worry about the damage Kim's continued use of rink and drug is doing to her body and mind.  It was Kim who said in Season 3 her treatment team had expressed physical she was close to death. 


I don't recall Kim or Kyle or Kathy ever saying their mother was an alcoholic.  Taking a page out of the House of Hilton is poor fodder for this debate.  Kim's mother has been dead for almost 15 years, Kim  hasn't been on any set as a child actor in 40 years and when she was she was with her grandma.  Kim has never said she got into drink and drugs while a child actor.  And she quit acting at about age 21.  If you want to point some fingers it seems her partying started when she was started hanging with Monty and she married  Monty.  In the end it really doesn't matter why Kim drinks or uses drugs she is powerless over them.


Kim feels she has to make a living and at this point the next stop is granny porn.  I don't think Doug Ross wants her back for any meaningful role any longer as there are interesting women, with glamorous trappings who are ready for the role.  She is good for a spike here and there but serves very little purpose at this point.


Kim will never come clean what she has done while drinking or about her drinking I just question when the producers are going to see it really isn't entertaining to wtch and support an addict in denial about their past or present.

  • Love 7

Well, Jill Zarin and Brandi implied strongly it was a boatload of money for both Kim and her daughter to do this latest one.  Apparently Jill was offered either this one, or a similar one and tried to talk her daughter Allie into doing it, but Allie, wisely, turned it down.  Jill then tried to sell the show on using Jill and HER mother, but they said nope.

Brandi at one point said $100,000.00.  But that is Brandi talking.  Taxes, agent, hopefully she paying for her health insurance. I believe the kid was getting $30,000.00.   I believe she also gets $15,000.00 a day for filming RHOBH.  To put thing in perspective, Kim when telling a reporter that accounts of her were laughable, like the one where she is homeless, she threw out there she was staying in a Santa Monica hotel for $400.00 a night, so she certainly wasn't homeless..  Last time I checked that is about $12,000.00 a month and that is before she eats. 

  • Love 2

I think the eldest daughter has stepped up to help Kim, or to "help"/enable Kim but I don't really think it's her job. It would probably be better for her kids to not bail her out either and possibly better for her in the long run.


I fogot about the scummy boyfriend; yes, give her a house and she'd move in losers, enablers and dealers.


When we packed up my brother's apartment because he was in jail again for drinking and driving, his druggie girlfriend and her friends had moved in. Someone took the plastic silver ware holder, we joked/guessed they sold it to buy drugs. So, also, give Kim a house and she'd sell everything in it eventually. She'd find someone who could turn sheet rock into pills or alcohol and the house would end up stripped to the studs.

Edited by Cosmic Muffin
  • Love 8

Yes Zoeysmom, and I already know you'll defend Big Kathy and her creepy spawn to the death, other than Kim of course, but I do believe the many reports about Big Kathy, and the people in House of Hilton who knew her well, and described her drinking and bar hopping and trolling for men, married or not, anyone who could pay the bills, or give her money to spend.  I think it damaged Kim, and I think it's obvious. 


YMOV  (your mileage obviously varies.)  ;)


As for whether or not I "stand alone" in sadly thinking sometimes that death would be easier?  Nope, not alone.  Many family members admit to having those feelings occasionally when dealing with an alcoholic, drug user, especially a violent, mean one, which Kim is.  They feel guilty about it, and it's covered in counseling. 

  • Love 3

Yes.  When you know it's probably going to end up with someone dead anyway, sometimes you can think of is "at least if she/he just died, I won't keep worrying about when it will happen, or what new chaos awaits, or if she/he will take someone out with them."  (Like drunk driving and killing a mom and kids.)  I have absolutely no "like" whatsoever for Kyle, not much for Kathy either, and Kim's a piece of work, but she still makes me sad, because she is an addict, and I do think that is a disease, and I do think she became addicted from her exposure to both her drunk of a mother, Hollywood sets and prevalent drug use there, her insecurity causing her to "need" uppers and booze to feel confident, and a host of childhood issues.


Like her?  No.  Think having some security and getting away from the limelight/spotlight might allow her to normalize a bit?  Yes.  This is a long term addiction and long term denial, there is no magic fix.  She took that ridiculous mother/daughter show for money.  She took the RHNY gig for money.  How is her exposure of all her many faults helping anyone in her family?  It isn't.


Other than of course, Kyle's redemption, poor little me, so put upon, so hard on ME, storyline.

Yes, addiction IS a disease but it is treatable and Kim refuses to get treated and stick to the treatment plan PERIOD! It is HER choice and like it or not she chooses to stay as she is for whatever reason she has and to place the responsibility of HER choice on anyone else is wrong IMO. No one is or should be responsible for the ramifications Kim has brought upon herself other than Kim, PERIOD.


I really find it odd when viewers feel bad for Kim but not the people SHE has hurt, that viewers are so willing to forgive all the nasty things she has said/done to people but heaven help anyone that reacts to that pain that she so willingly, gleefully inflected on them sober/drunk and or high. I just don't get it, she is an adult woman that continues to make horrid choices in her life that affect a number of people yet Kim is the poor, poor victim to some. I just don't get it, when is it time for Kim to face the music, face reality and make better decisions/choices, when is it time for Kim NOT to place her own selfish and dangerous needs before others?

  • Love 6

Because it's a disease and you can't just will it away.


That's a myth.


I feel horrible for Kim's children and what it's done for them, but I do also feel bad for her, because just look at her life.  It's a mess, no matter how much she tries to cover it up and put a pretty face on it like mommy taught her.


(Oh, and those words about dear sainted mommy are directly from Kyle.)

  • Love 2

Because it's a disease and you can't just will it away.


That's a myth.


I feel horrible for Kim's children and what it's done for them, but I do also feel bad for her, because just look at her life.  It's a mess, no matter how much she tries to cover it up and put a pretty face on it like mommy taught her.


(Oh, and those words about dear sainted mommy are directly from Kyle.)

First, Kim speaks about their mother in glowing terms, not just Kyle. In fact, Kyle admitted that their mother handled Kim's addiction wrong to Brandi, which shows she realizes their mother was NOT perfect.


No, you can't "just will it away" and I never said or implied that, it takes hard work and commitment and Kim refuses to do both. That is her CHOICE, bottom line, she CHOOSES to not follow any treatment plan for more than a few months. For goodness sake, she is a middle age adult, not some kid that took a wrong turn, she CHOOSES to do as she pleases and expect, no DEMANDS, that everyone allow her to do it. IMO, she is the one in control of them, NOT the other way around.


Oh, and IMO, Kyle didn't use Kim for a storyline, Kim forced HER own storyline ON Kyle and the other HWs. Kim made it all about Kim, that was NOT Kyle's doing.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 6
The idea of Kim being given a house that's completely paid for, all groceries and incidentals taken care of would be a disaster waiting to happen in my opinion. First of all, she has a knack for attracting lowlifes--I can easily see her having some dude worm his way in there and next thing you know the house is a mini drug den. Even if she isn't given cash, she's given enough nice things where she'd be able to dig some up if she really wanted.

ICAM, Avaleigh.  According to what transpired in the famous limo fight, Kyle and Maurico were basically subsidizing Kim in this way for years, paying her bills, caring for her children etc.  We all saw how well that worked out.  I believe it's called enabling.  What worries me is Kim on her own, using, driving around fucked up, stealing stuff and eventually buying a new dog.  She's a menace!

  • Love 9

It is Kim's choice to be an addict or not. It's everyone else's choice as to  put up with it or not. Kim wants everybody to accept her, on her terms. It is everybody else's right to say "no, not anymore" and disengage cutting off completely if need be..


If it were me I'd disengage. She wouldn't be allowed at the house especially if I had children and she had better call someone else when she fucks up or lands in the hospital. Because just like anything done for Yoyo one is damned if you do, damned if you don't.  I'd take "damned if I don't " it's the healthier choice.

  • Love 10

Is she answering his questions? I've never caught the whole BH unseen footage episode. I caught a few minutes today, including unseen reunion footage with Andy Cohen saying "Kim just said 18 times she doesn't want to talk about it", and I think she literally said that 18 times, so she can refuse to answer questions until the cows come home.

Edited by Cosmic Muffin
  • Love 1

I imagine Kim would brew up a huge vat of resentment if Kathy and Kyle paid entirely for her lifestyle if it wasn't as "good" as theirs.  "There you are in your fancy mansions and Palm Springs houses and you stick me in this hovel?  I don't even have a pool!" 


I don't think there's any good approach to take with Kim.  Every approach just creates a different set of issues to deal with.  If I were them, I might offer the paid lifestyle on the condition that she attend therapy three times a week with a real, accredited psychiatrist for as long as she needs this paid lifestyle or she gets better, whichever comes first.  I suspect that would never happen, though, because Kyle and Kathy would need to recognize that they all need therapy and that's the only thing that might truly change anything.  Maybe not, I don't know.  Maybe they're all too far gone to unravel their unhealthy dynamics.

  • Love 2
So you honestly believe that Kim isn't utterly humiliated by all of this?



Oh, sure, I think she's humiliated. Most of all when she senses (or is told) she’s not coming across the way she’s trying to come across. (And I think she's genuinely blames other people when this happens.


But her being humiliated underneath doesn’t mean she doesn’t also believe on some level the story she’s been telling for years where she supporting her family entirely as a child and then gave her entire life to her children and only ever thought of other people and still has too many people relying on her all the time. How much did she believe her own story when she said choosing that Ken guy over her kids was the first time in her life she'd ever done anything just for herself and how much was she aware she was hurting her kids to justify what she wanted to do in that moment? I don't know. On Intervention addicts usually seem very genuinely dedicated to that story about themselves.


I don’t now how much removing the pressure is going to help because the pressure doesn’t really seem that huge. I don't think she'd have a reason to stop using just because people stopped telling her they knew she wasn't sober. Anything's probably a good reason for her to use. Who in her life is really pressuring her at this point? She barely speaks to Kyle. She got angry at Lisa Rinna in the limo, it seemed, when Lisa was being sympathetic.


It seems like this is kind of a good argument for the traditional ideas about taking responsibility and admitting you’re an addict etc. Because if she’s drinking because she feels so badly about being confronted by all these people she’s let down and are judging her (even if they’re not saying that) she’d be happier if she was able to apologize and start fresh instead of always being angry at other people because she’s covering up being angry at herself.  I assume that’s the idea behind that kind of therapy—break the cycle that makes the addict miserable anyway.


I might offer the paid lifestyle on the condition that she attend therapy three times a week with a real, accredited psychiatrist for as long as she needs this paid lifestyle or she gets better,



I think conditions are made to be resented and gotten out of, though. This is like community service--Kim doesn't do that even if the other two were willing to go to therapy themselves.

Edited by sistermagpie
  • Love 5

Is she answering his questions? I've never caught the whole BH unseen footage episode. I caught a few minutes today, including unseen reunion footage with Andy Cohen saying "Kim just said 18 times she doesn't want to talk about it", and I think she literally said that 18 times, so she can refuse to answer questions until the cows come home.

She answered the questions she wanted to answer. Wouldn't comment on Target because it's still pending legal action - according to her anyway. She gave her spin on the Beverly Hill Hotel incident. My personal favorite was that, in this version, after that happened she was BEGGING to go to rehab because she just needed to get away. Except, did she forget that Dr Phil shit where she literally walked off camera when he offered to send her to rehab?

  • Love 8

She answered the questions she wanted to answer. Wouldn't comment on Target because it's still pending legal action - according to her anyway. She gave her spin on the Beverly Hill Hotel incident. My personal favorite was that, in this version, after that happened she was BEGGING to go to rehab because she just needed to get away. Except, did she forget that Dr Phil shit where she literally walked off camera when he offered to send her to rehab?

Well, lets be honest, Dr. Phil offered her real rehab with Psych help and Kim only wanted a VACATION! LOL


ETA... AND to add, she ran away from THAT vacation!

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 7

Part of the problem is that Kyle and Kathy are not on the same page when it comes to Kim. Kathy appears to be more of an enabler. Kyle finally is putting up boundaries which makes her an easy target. Kim doesn't appear to be all that employable for TV. She is getting older and IMO, has brain damage. Substance abuse has taken a toll. Her gigs will be far and few between after she finishes this series with her daughter. Kim needs a guardian that is not one of her sisters. 


I think it is disgusting that these mothers are exploiting aspects of their relationships with their daughters on TV. I indulge in all kinds of trash TV but I have to draw the line on this mother/daughter reality show. 

  • Love 3

All I've got on Kim's WWHL appearance tonight was a distinct impression Donald Trump's spray tanner got his/her mitts on Kim.  Girl was orange.  Andy, otoh, dropped the ball big time.  No mention of Dr. Phil.  No mention of the shennaanigans at the wedding in Mexico (was it Mexico? wherever that daughter's wedding took place).  Just a willful acceptance of BS. 

  • Love 6

Whether sober or not Kim is not a likable person.   She wants and has done what she wants to do, and only claims remorse when she's caught.  Her wailing and gnashing over "hurting her kids" never seems to come out in real actions.   Kyle seems to have finally gotten the message and distanced herself, both emotionally and financially - the financial part is the only thing Kim understands.     Kathy just wants to put Kim in some house, keep her out of the press, and call it a day - pay for her "upkeep", and go on with her life.    Kim goes on TV because she needs it - it's just another drug to her.   She feels she deserves it, and you bet she resents Kyle's sudden notoriety.  She uses her kids as leverage against Kyle.  Seems like Kyle really does care about Kim's kids, and God knows how many messes she's has cleaned up because of them.  


I'd love to know who paid for her current one bedroom condo.  I suspect it was Kathy.  I doubt Kyle or Mauricio were willing to shell out more money for yet another rental. 


On WWHL she fell back on lies, trying to be "cute" (the giggle and the "my booth" comment), and despite her erratic behavior she NEEDS to be in the public eye - bad press or not - she feels it's her right and people just don't understand.  Sad.

  • Love 5

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