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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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I read this recap/blog from TT and did Kim really say that Kimberly is THE favorite of her 4 kids on national TV? That poor kid, I hope her siblings realize that this is how their mother manipulates Kimberly into caring for her. http://tamaratattles.com/2016/03/02/the-mother-daughter-experiment-total-trainwreck/#more-20419

  • Love 3

So let me get this straight  - per Tamara's recap.


It's in Kim's contract that they can't talk about her alcoholism on camera?


In a therapy show?  Filmed when she was in the middle of being arrested multiple times for alcoholism?


But the problem is going to be how mean the housewives are to Kim, and the impact THAT has on her daughter?


Wow.  Okay.  That's cool.  Now I don't need to bother watching.  

  • Love 11

So let me get this straight  - per Tamara's recap.


It's in Kim's contract that they can't talk about her alcoholism on camera?


In a therapy show?  Filmed when she was in the middle of being arrested multiple times for alcoholism?


But the problem is going to be how mean the housewives are to Kim, and the impact THAT has on her daughter?


Wow.  Okay.  That's cool.  Now I don't need to bother watching.  

I think the rest of the cast talks about Kim's alcoholism.  So I do think it will be raised.  Kim's daughter may just not want to address it.  It seems like a pretty simple solution to me if Kimberly gets upset over the way her mother is treated on a reality show, her mother should either quit the reality show, not show up drunk to work or Kimberly should grow the hell up.  Same with the tabloids.  I can't believe Kimberly is only upset over the "lies" in the tabloids.  I believe her mother's behavior gave them plenty of fodder.

  • Love 10

Natalie Nunne (sp?) had a TH where she said something like "So is anyone going to bring up her history of alcohol abuse" or something like that. Natalie also had a TH about wanting some popcorn to watch the argument between momma and daughter Stodden. The show was bad but imo it was so bad it was funny (but not worth watching, lol)

  • Love 4

Natalie Nunne (sp?) had a TH where she said something like "So is anyone going to bring up her history of alcohol abuse" or something like that. Natalie also had a TH about wanting some popcorn to watch the argument between momma and daughter Stodden. The show was bad but imo it was so bad it was funny (but not worth watching, lol)

oh, I'm watching!  #noshame


I would have loved to have gotten Kim's take on Heidi's partying-til-she's-puking but no such luck!

  • Love 4

Natalie Nunne (sp?) had a TH where she said something like "So is anyone going to bring up her history of alcohol abuse" or something like that. Natalie also had a TH about wanting some popcorn to watch the argument between momma and daughter Stodden. The show was bad but imo it was so bad it was funny (but not worth watching, lol)

I am hoping there will be just clips of the Kim portion.  Watching drunk Heidi was pretty bad.  She sure is sensitive about her plastic surgery.  IIRC didn't she have to have some of it reversed? 

  • Love 5
Sadly, it appears that NOTHING has changed, NOTHING! She now claims she was 3 1/2 years SOBER before the BH incident. I can't, I just can't.


You've GOT to be kidding!!!  The woman is delusional.  How can she say that when the entire world knows otherwise?  Has she forgotten that every newspaper has carried her escapades worldwide?

  • Love 7
I don't think she should come back and give yet another phony performance and start blaming others.


I don't either.  Aside from the fact that a lot of people are tired of her, I think a return could be damaging to her, psychologically.  She's spent all this time adjusting to the fact that she's off the show, and now she may think there's hope for her to return again on a permanent basis.  Who knows how her mind works?  Of course, the people at BRAVO are not interested in being psychologists; they're interested in the ratings.


I can see Kim using the same phony act she used with Dr. Phil, smiling to beat the band, acting like everything is wonderful, and doing that fake cheerful act to try to show him she's fit to be back on the show.  Then, the disappointment all over again....  No good.

  • Love 5

At this point I'm curious, aside from people worrying about what alcohol does do a persons health over a period of time, why can't she be drunk? I mean all this energy spent on her HAVING to be sober. All the disappointments, all the hand wringing, the tears over her failing them, her anxieties over failing them, this, that and the other. I mean shit, fuck it. She drinks. If she ain't running into oncoming traffic or trying to buy babies off the black market... Put a fork in it. She's done. Of course, Target and police incident aside cause I truly think all this pressure and public shame is really causing her to crack to that level. But yeah, the bitch gets drunk. It's time for them to stop making a national case of it cause it doesn't seem to be helping.


I mean I don't see anything wrong with not writing her off and accepting the situation for what it is. Bitch her out when she creates situations that deserve a bitch out (which is what we do with folks when they aren't a drunk), live guilt free regarding her antics and for shit that doesn't affect anyone else but her shrug and move on. I get that her state of being affects those around her but so. My brother's fucked up life stresses me out too but he's gonna live the way he's gonna live so how I manage my emotions about the crazy way he lives his life is not his problem. I also get that she has kids but they are getting older and at some point they are going to have to figure out how to handle how THEY want it to affect THEIR emotions and lives moving forward. At this point it's up to THEM not Kim because, well, it's obvious she's just not able to deliver that for them so its time that everyone that has been a "victim" of big bad Kim needs to eventually figure out how to shed that uniform and live a life that doesn't depend on Kim Richards sobriety. Tell you what, removing that albatross from around Kims neck would probably do her some good in her struggle as well. Just saying.

  • Love 6

I personally don't care whether kimmie drinks, pops pills, snorts cocaine, etc. I do care that she defiantly and relentlessly lies about it as that is a major insult to all the folks who are honest in their pursuit of sobriety. Drunk, high, sober, or whatever her status has been on the show, she has proven herself to be one very nasty arrogant piece of crap that I do not care to watch anywhere, anytime. I used to enjoy BH and all the petty squabbles but kimmie took it to a whole different level while ruining my viewing pleasure. I skipped most of the last episode because she was going to be on it and in the future I'll either surf away when she's on or find something entirely different to watch. I'm close to having the same feeling for yoyolemons - she's crossed the line from being a ridiculously self-important, braggard of a trophy wife to a shrewishly close second to kimmie - just not quite as nasty yet.

  • Love 14

At this point I'm curious, aside from people worrying about what alcohol does do a persons health over a period of time, why can't she be drunk? I mean all this energy spent on her HAVING to be sober. All the disappointments, all the hand wringing, the tears over her failing them, her anxieties over failing them, this, that and the other. I mean shit, fuck it. She drinks. If she ain't running into oncoming traffic or trying to buy babies off the black market... Put a fork in it. She's done. Of course, Target and police incident aside cause I truly think all this pressure and public shame is really causing her to crack to that level. But yeah, the bitch gets drunk. It's time for them to stop making a national case of it cause it doesn't seem to be helping.


I mean I don't see anything wrong with not writing her off and accepting the situation for what it is. Bitch her out when she creates situations that deserve a bitch out (which is what we do with folks when they aren't a drunk), live guilt free regarding her antics and for shit that doesn't affect anyone else but her shrug and move on. I get that her state of being affects those around her but so. My brother's fucked up life stresses me out too but he's gonna live the way he's gonna live so how I manage my emotions about the crazy way he lives his life is not his problem. I also get that she has kids but they are getting older and at some point they are going to have to figure out how to handle how THEY want it to affect THEIR emotions and lives moving forward. At this point it's up to THEM not Kim because, well, it's obvious she's just not able to deliver that for them so its time that everyone that has been a "victim" of big bad Kim needs to eventually figure out how to shed that uniform and live a life that doesn't depend on Kim Richards sobriety. Tell you what, removing that albatross from around Kims neck would probably do her some good in her struggle as well. Just saying.

IMO, had Kim just stayed off the show no one would be commenting about her but she keeps putting herself in the spotlight and she keeps lying. If Kim wants to drink and or get high, that's her decision and she has to live with it but I don't have to accept the lies she spews or the stories she spins to cover it up. Had Kim actually said something like, "Yea, I fell off the wagon a few times but I got back on and I am working to stay on" I wouldn't be so quick to comment but she just can't be honest about it, she just has to lie and that is really what it boils down to. The lies just keep coming and coming from her.


If the pressure is too great for her, being on TV/the HW show, because people, she has never met/seen, comment about her then she needs to remove herself from it for good, find another way to support herself or at the very least, stay away from social media, simple, its that simple. She chooses to put herself out there, no one is forcing her and no one is forcing her to lie either. Maybe she should just own it, own that she can't stay clean/sober, own that she F'ed her own life up and stop blaming others for HER decisions. She is mean and nasty, be it drunk/high or sober IMO.

  • Love 16

IMO, had Kim just stayed off the show no one would be commenting about her but she keeps putting herself in the spotlight and she keeps lying. If Kim wants to drink and or get high, that's her decision and she has to live with it but I don't have to accept the lies she spews or the stories she spins to cover it up. Had Kim actually said something like, "Yea, I fell off the wagon a few times but I got back on and I am working to stay on" I wouldn't be so quick to comment but she just can't be honest about it, she just has to lie and that is really what it boils down to. The lies just keep coming and coming from her.


If the pressure is too great for her, being on TV/the HW show, because people, she has never met/seen, comment about her then she needs to remove herself from it for good, find another way to support herself or at the very least, stay away from social media, simple, its that simple. She chooses to put herself out there, no one is forcing her and no one is forcing her to lie either. Maybe she should just own it, own that she can't stay clean/sober, own that she F'ed her own life up and stop blaming others for HER decisions. She is mean and nasty, be it drunk/high or sober IMO.

I was actually talking about her family and inner circle.


And speaking for myself I could care less if she's lying or not, owns it or not, puts it all on TV or not. The woman is not accountable to me so I'm not invested in her making things right for my sake. At this point I think even those close to her should stop making it about their sake as well. It ain't happenin'. Sometimes you have to live with disappointment.


If she chooses to stay in the fishbowl for whatever crazy logic then, to me, all that is is sad. Nothing more, nothing less. Just sad.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 5

I don't understand why Kim can't do what many childhood stars have had to do and that is find a career.  She has two BILs in the  real estate business, two daughters attached to Fatburger and two sisters with retail stores.  So I would think if she wants to be out of the limelight because of her drinking issues she could pick any of five places to get a start on being self sufficient.  This is me being nice and realistic, reality TV extracts too large a toll on Kim and she needs to step away.  It is the reality part she cannot deal with.  I am sure at this point she cannot get series work and I think the other roles are too few and far between to pay the bills. 


The last thing people want or need to see is Kim and Lisar going back and forth.  I get it, Kim is a drunk, excuse me addict, with a nasty, nasty temper and Lisar is a huge blowhard that feels the need to show the world she knows about addicts.  Right about now I think Lisar is running out of family members she can designatean addict. 


My fingers are crossed when Kim comes on the Reunion that Lisar just zips her lips or in the alterative just states she has moved on.

  • Love 7

I was actually talking about her family and inner circle.


And speaking for myself I could care less if she's lying or not, owns it or not, puts it all on TV or not. The woman is not accountable to me so I'm not invested in her making things right for my sake. At this point I think even those close to her should stop making it about their sake as well. It ain't happenin'. Sometimes you have to live with disappointment.


If she chooses to stay in the fishbowl for whatever crazy logic then, to me, all that is is sad. Nothing more, nothing less. Just sad.

How Kim's family is handling her now really is unknown to us other than Kim/Kimberly putting themselves on a "therapy" show that is. I hope for their sakes, they (kids/family) don't read or take any advice from any social media site and if they do, I hope they realize that BH viewers are in THEIR corner and hoping the best for them/their lives and that most DON'T blame ANY of THEM for Kim's choices (that includes Kyle/Kathy/families as well as Kim's kids). The ONLY one we should shake our heads at is Kim herself IMO. That said, if Kim feels the need to go on TV and spout her tales of woes/lies, she willingly opens the door to viewer comment, be they to her liking or not and no one is forcing her to do so. I also have no "investment" in Kim, I just want her OFF of the BH show for good.

  • Love 6

so Kim is sticking with her story that alcohol is her problem, huh? As long as she continues to put herself on TV, people will continue to talk about her and her sobriety or lack thereof. All choices have consequences and that is the price she will have to pay. I don't like to be taken for a fool as a viewer and be lied to, I don't like it when Yo does it and I don't like it when Kim does either. If Kim doesn't want that scrutiny then she shouldn't be on TV. Easy.

  • Love 11

On Dr Phil she said she was with Kimberly all day, checked out some of the stuff on-line while Kimberly went to class , left and picked up Brooke at the airport, went to her place - and had the infamous ONE drink.     On WWHL she said she was taking care of her son who was "Ill", went to Brooke's apt.   No Kimberly, no airport. 


Still downplaying any actions.   No responsibility.  

  • Love 10

On Dr Phil she said she was with Kimberly all day, checked out some of the stuff on-line while Kimberly went to class , left and picked up Brooke at the airport, went to her place - and had the infamous ONE drink.     On WWHL she said she was taking care of her son who was "Ill", went to Brooke's apt.   No Kimberly, no airport. 


Still downplaying any actions.   No responsibility.  

1 Thing hasn't changed, it isn't/wasn't Kim's fault. Her son was/is ill, the viewer comments were to much for her, Monty was dying and the other HWs were too mean to her, Oh and lets not forget, she had a drink because she didn't want to "write her blog" (something she rarely did to begin with).  Lies, deflection and more lies, it always happens TO Kim but never BY Kim.

  • Love 16

I say if Kim wants to be intoxicated that is on her. What is not cool though is the fact that she drives while under the influence. She drove to the hotel where she proceeded to kick a cop. She drove to Target where she shoplifted and was arrested. If the consensus is that she should just be allowed to live her life intoxicated with no judgement, then arrangements need to be made by someone to make sure she is not driving around LA where she could kill someone or herself while drunk/high. 

I would also suggest that if she doesn't want to be subjected to viewer comments about her lack of sobriety, that she not go on television and claim to be sober when she isn't. If the commentary from reality television viewers is so harmful to her mental state, she should remove herself from being commented upon by not going on television.


She appears to have family that is willing to support/enable her. So why not buy her a place, hire her a driver, and have someone come in to check on her a few times a week to make sure she has food and a clean house? Kim seems to be actively choosing to live in the fishbowl so that she condemn it as the source of her succumbing to her addictions and that is all on her. 

  • Love 15

I say if Kim wants to be intoxicated that is on her. What is not cool though is the fact that she drives while under the influence. She drove to the hotel where she proceeded to kick a cop. She drove to Target where she shoplifted and was arrested. If the consensus is that she should just be allowed to live her life intoxicated with no judgement, then arrangements need to be made by someone to make sure she is not driving around LA where she could kill someone or herself while drunk/high. 

I would also suggest that if she doesn't want to be subjected to viewer comments about her lack of sobriety, that she not go on television and claim to be sober when she isn't. If the commentary from reality television viewers is so harmful to her mental state, she should remove herself from being commented upon by not going on television.


She appears to have family that is willing to support/enable her. So why not buy her a place, hire her a driver, and have someone come in to check on her a few times a week to make sure she has food and a clean house? Kim seems to be actively choosing to live in the fishbowl so that she condemn it as the source of her succumbing to her addictions and that is all on her. 

I wonder about this too. I know it goes against "principle" and all that but shit sometimes if you have the means then fuck it. Making "arrangements" for that out of sorts family member isn't such a far fetched idea. Shit I would do it in a heartbeat for a couple of hot mess family members in my family if I could. That's always one of my first orders of business when I talk about "if I ever hit it big in the lottery" This one gets a house, that one gets a house and that one's getting a straight jacket. LOL.  Managing the crazy somewhat is a shitload better than trying to reverse the crazy, especially when those not happy with the crazy have their own dose of crazy flowing through their blood too. Sometimes the best course of action is damage control and general preventative measures. Just sayin' 

  • Love 5

I wonder about this too. I know it goes against "principle" and all that but shit sometimes if you have the means then fuck it. Making "arrangements" for that out of sorts family member isn't such a far fetched idea. Shit I would do it in a heartbeat for a couple of hot mess family members in my family if I could. That's always one of my first orders of business when I talk about "if I ever hit it big in the lottery" This one gets a house, that one gets a house and that one's getting a straight jacket. LOL.  Managing the crazy somewhat is a shitload better than trying to reverse the crazy, especially when those not happy with the crazy have their own dose of crazy flowing through their blood too. Sometimes the best course of action is damage control and general preventative measures. Just sayin' 


I wonder if Kim is the reason no one has done this. It seems it would be something Kathy would have thought of immediately as the "good sister" especially since she is fine with pretending Kim doesn't have a problem. Unless, Kathy doesn't want to be responsible for her either. The only reason i can see that this hasn't been done for her is either Kim refuses or Kathy is refusing to foot the bill. We know that Kyle wants Kim to get sober. Kathy doesn't seem to mind as long as no one speaks of it publicly. So as Kim's biggest enabler, she should be willing to put this in play for her - unless Kim is out and out refusing.  

  • Love 6

I don't know if Kim would accept that, although if they offered it I don't know if she really has any other alternatives. And I think she'd insist that she was being supported/taken care of this way because...because of anything that kisses her narc child actor ass, instead of any reason that acknowledges that she's an addict who has damaged every relationship she has. She needs someone to take care of her while she shakes her finger in their face and uses her evil voice to tell them how they've failed her.


First and foremost in her priorities is blaming everyone else for her trainwreck life.

  • Love 8

I think that somehow both Kathy and Kyle are still hoping against all odds that Kim will become sober.

It is not really about money or making it easier for Kim (and preventing her from doing more damage) but rather they want her have a bit of dignity and hope left, IMO.

From what I have seen, she will die an active addict.

It sucks for her kids.

  • Love 7

Kim was given a house.  She had one in Palm Springs that her mother gave her.  She lost that house.  Kim also had a share in their mother's Palm Springs house, which she also lost when she needed money and was bought out by Kyle and Mauricio (you stole my goddamn house!).


I can't imagine that family would ever give her another house she would lose.  Maybe they could buy a house as an investment property and let Kim live there, but I'm sure she would be pissed that it's not a mansion-level home like Kathy or Kyle's Palm Springs house.  The more you give to people like Kim, the more they feel entitled to receive it while bitching at you the whole time.


Not to mention, if she has NO income, then how would she be able to pay bills and buy her clothes and have a make-up artist and all?  Kathy and Kyle are supposed to pay for that, too?  For the rest of her life? 


Not seeing why they have to pretend she is their drug and alcohol addicted child to take care of in perpetuity.

  • Love 12

Kim was given a house.  She had one in Palm Springs that her mother gave her.  She lost that house.  Kim also had a share in their mother's Palm Springs house, which she also lost when she needed money and was bought out by Kyle and Mauricio (you stole my goddamn house!).


I can't imagine that family would ever give her another house she would lose.  Maybe they could buy a house as an investment property and let Kim live there, but I'm sure she would be pissed that it's not a mansion-level home like Kathy or Kyle's Palm Springs house.  The more you give to people like Kim, the more they feel entitled to receive it while bitching at you the whole time.


Not to mention, if she has NO income, then how would she be able to pay bills and buy her clothes and have a make-up artist and all?  Kathy and Kyle are supposed to pay for that, too?  For the rest of her life? 


Not seeing why they have to pretend she is their drug and alcohol addicted child to take care of in perpetuity.

I agree! Other than child support, before the show, she had no income of her own and she spent the support like there was no tomorrow, which IS why she lost that house her mom bought her and why she had to borrow against her 1/3 ownership of her inheritance. I think Kathy/Kyle have been paying her rent and making sure the utilities were paid and groceries on the table for the kids FOR YEARS. Then she gets this job and still expects her sisters and their spouses to keep paying her tab. IMO, Kim is a bottomless pit of wants/needs/demands that drain not only her sisters bank accounts but their souls. Now I suspect it is Brooke/husband and Kathy that are paying for everything and have set limits on how much they are willing to pay now days. Which is why she is coming back to the show she claims helped propel her back into drinking and doing a "therapy" show with her youngest daughter, because no amount is EVER enough for Kim.

  • Love 10
Not to mention, if she has NO income, then how would she be able to pay bills and buy her clothes and have a make-up artist and all?  Kathy and Kyle are supposed to pay for that, too?  For the rest of her life?



Yeah, I think that's the idea. If they give her a house she owns she'll wind up selling it/borrowing on it. So she would get a house owned by somebody else that she calls her own, presumably a monthly allowance that covers groceries, whatever she wants to buy, whatever vacation she wants to take and drugs and alcohol If she goes over that allowance she lets them know and they give her more money. Car service on call 24/7. Maybe also pay a cleaning service. Money if she wants to redecorate. (Basically treating it as if this is all her own money.) Check on her every few days to make sure everything is going well (maybe instead of a grocery allowance someone shops for her?). Cover any fines or bail money or lawyer bills. Hospital bills. And don't offer any opinions on what or how she's doing except positive ones or a sympathetic ear. 

Edited by sistermagpie
  • Love 4

I wonder if Kim is the reason no one has done this. It seems it would be something Kathy would have thought of immediately as the "good sister" especially since she is fine with pretending Kim doesn't have a problem. Unless, Kathy doesn't want to be responsible for her either. The only reason i can see that this hasn't been done for her is either Kim refuses or Kathy is refusing to foot the bill. We know that Kyle wants Kim to get sober. Kathy doesn't seem to mind as long as no one speaks of it publicly. So as Kim's biggest enabler, she should be willing to put this in play for her - unless Kim is out and out refusing.  

What makes this scenario hard to execute is that it also depends on how capable the person putting it in place is of letting Kim live her life. I know it sounds crazy but Kim probably wouldn't accept it if it means that whoever is implementing the set up also has a list of rules and regulations to follow. I know, I know crazy to just carry her and provide for her but hey people live off their parents or family members all the time. The desperate measures I would turn to would probably be provide the home, cover the basics, arrange for like a house manager that deals with the details and then done. Check in, get updates, make sure her basic needs are met and leave the rest of it up to the grace of God. There's a certain amount of detachment needed and an ability to get over the idea that "Kim's getting a free ride" is  necessary but other than that I would look at this set up as a great step towards my own sanity and letting go of some of the concerns that come with Kim being an addict.

Kim was given a house.  She had one in Palm Springs that her mother gave her.  She lost that house.  Kim also had a share in their mother's Palm Springs house, which she also lost when she needed money and was bought out by Kyle and Mauricio (you stole my goddamn house!).


I can't imagine that family would ever give her another house she would lose.  Maybe they could buy a house as an investment property and let Kim live there, but I'm sure she would be pissed that it's not a mansion-level home like Kathy or Kyle's Palm Springs house.  The more you give to people like Kim, the more they feel entitled to receive it while bitching at you the whole time.


Not to mention, if she has NO income, then how would she be able to pay bills and buy her clothes and have a make-up artist and all?  Kathy and Kyle are supposed to pay for that, too?  For the rest of her life? 


Not seeing why they have to pretend she is their drug and alcohol addicted child to take care of in perpetuity.

Well of course she's going to lose a house if she's the one that's expected to maintain everything that goes with keeping up with a house. It's more than just giving her a house and bam she's cured and can manage. It's more about managing her life from afar. Not everyone would be in favor of that. Hard pressed to find someone willing to be that accomodating but if it would mean not wondering and worrying about at least some of the uncertainties that surround Kim then I'd seriously consider it if it were my family.

Yeah, I think that's the idea. If they give her a house she owns she'll wind up selling it/borrowing on it. So she would get a house owned by somebody else that she calls her own, presumably a monthly allowance that covers groceries, whatever she wants to buy, whatever vacation she wants to take and drugs and alcohol If she goes over that allowance she lets them know and they give her more money. Car service on call 24/7. Maybe also pay a cleaning service. Money if she wants to redecorate. (Basically treating it as if this is all her own money.) Check on her every few days to make sure everything is going well (maybe instead of a grocery allowance someone shops for her?). Cover any fines or bail money or lawyer bills. Hospital bills. And don't offer any opinions on what or how she's doing except positive ones or a sympathetic ear. 

If I had the money? Yup I'd do it. Just for my own sanity.


However, Kim would obviously not have as much authority as all that. No borrowing on the house, not hers. Groceries provided, no money given directly to her for them. Car service for sure. But the idea that she would be getting money thrown at her non stop just cause. Not in the plan. That's where accepting a pouting, annoyed Kim Richards would be a very real truth. And one I think I'd be able to roll my eyes at without feeling bad at all.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 4

I agree.


What's happening now is all just more stress for everyone.  It's not as if her sisters do not have plenty of money, and families with much less make arrangements for family. 


They could offer to let her live in a nice house (not give it to her, just buy it, and allow her to stay there.)  Not a mansion, but a nice little house somewhere, maybe in the desert she loves, which is full of drunks anyway, seriously, I've never seen so much drinking in my life as I saw in Palm Springs.  Hire a housekeeper (caretaker) for her who can do the driving, maybe live in a guest house or just come in daily.  Set up limited accounts for food/booze/gas/clothes/taxi at stores, bills come to Kathy.  Call it a day.   Basically a high-end SSI conservator type thing.   No cash.  No car.  Make sure the caretaker has a car of their own.  Cover medical bills, with strict parameters. 


I know it sounds all wrong, but honestly?  How is it worse than what's happening?  Tell her that if she takes reality gigs, all of it goes away, avoid the embarrassment.  She gets arrested?  Let her serve time, when she's out, the deal is still in place, but you aren't paying for lawyers or bailing her out.

  • Love 7

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