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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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Based on what we saw of Kim and Brandi's friendship it does seem like at this point Kim pretty much does only want to deal with people who back her up on whatever she wants to be backed up about. I don't know whether I'd say slave, exactly, but it did seem very co-dependent. Brandi seemed to validate all of Kim's grievances at least to her face. Plus, at least to me, it seemed like one of the main points of Kim's personality was she was always doing little things to establish that every relationship was about her. You called her--she didn't have to call you back. She kept her voicemail full. When asked to do anything she always said she couldn't give a definite answer so she wasn't committed. She was usually late. She showed up with dramatic stories about whatever was going on with her so that took precedence. Even her kids were centered around her issues.

  • Love 8

Flights of fancy? hhhhhmmm okay.


I think it's more questionable to use bits and pieces of edited footage that has ratings as an agenda to use and concrete evidence of  what EXACTLY went down with Kim, her addiction and her family for the decades it's been going on.


Like my post said I have no way of knowing but my life experience and what me, myself and I was able to pick up on over the seasons, things that are easily overlooked but are very present, things that I think are very relevant as well as things that weren't but are somehow considered valid tells me that Kim isn't the sole villain in all of it. I think taking a position that outlines the complexity of addiction and those who are suffering from it and with it addresses seems more productive that taking such a blanket black and white right and wrong approach to it. The former offers more consideration, the latter gives off a "stick a fork in it it's done", "giving up, lost cause" vibe to such a sad situation. I like the former and since my opinion won't matter either way in the life and times of Kim Richards. I'm more inclined to turn it over in my head in a more thoughtful way instead of taking the alternate depressing route that pretty much writes her off as not worth it. 


I guess it's that part of me that always tries to find the hope in every situation.


I don't think one can substitute one's own life experience and just ignore what the subject matter parties have stated what transpired in their lives. 

I am not referring to editing pieces.  I am referring to the words out of Kim and Kyle's mouths where they have both said that their mother handled problems by sweeping them under the rug.  There has never been any indication that Kim was made to suffer humiliation at the hands of her family.  Her most recent humiliations were of her own doing with the shoplifting and trespass at the Beverly Hills hotel.


I don't think they have handled it black and white at all.  Kim was given three seasons and interacted with several cast members who were all supportive of her getting help.  (Well except Brandi.)  She has continued to misrepresent her sobriety status.  It wasn't until last season when Kim who claimed she was sober pretty much systematically went around alienating people over their concerns about her sobriety and inappropriate behavior.  How can one ask for help and at the same time tell them to shut up?  It was a season of that last year to me.


Addicts are being done any favors by demeaning those around them for not doing enough.  No one owes Kim squat.  If she gets her job back I am sure every courtesy will be shown her.  You can't make someone like someone and as far as chances Kim has let it be known none of this cast known to her is worthy of her friendship.  They are boring and phony in Kim's words.  The big question is why does she want to be friends with these people anyway?




There was an episode where Kim was talking to Kyle and she was pretty much saying she was hoping Kyle could be a bit more interactive with her while they were within the group since she felt awkward around them. I don't know how to explain its like when my girlfriend introduces me into a group I may not be completely comfortable with or don't know she'll set the tone sort of mingles with me and gives off this inclusive vibe while she's talking to someone else and you know includes me in the chatter, sets it in motion and once she's see that things are jiving she may leave us and continue to mingle. She's good like that. And she does that frequently even with people who've met before. Since we are her friends and we are meeting each other through her she likes to stack the odds in favor of everyone getting along.  Made meeting new people in a new city a little less intimidating, its helpful and I'm 40 years old. LOL!

It was the first episode when they went to Sacramento.  On the plane Kim was rude to Kyle and then once they went to the game, Kim got her panties in a wad because the attention was directed to the hostess, Adrienne.  They were sitting courtside with the six of them in a row and Kim flanked one end.  The rest of the women were having fun, and it was unfortunate that Kim got tagged with an end-what should have Kyle done-ask someone to give up their seat?  How about not drinking during the game and maybe playing trying to get along?  It was a good time for Kim to make her mark-not snap at Kyle which makes everyone uncomfortable.

  • Love 9

I don't think one can substitute one's own life experience and just ignore what the subject matter parties have stated what transpired in their lives. 

I am not referring to editing pieces.  I am referring to the words out of Kim and Kyle's mouths where they have both said that their mother handled problems by sweeping them under the rug.  There has never been any indication that Kim was made to suffer humiliation at the hands of her family.  Her most recent humiliations were of her own doing with the shoplifting and trespass at the Beverly Hills hotel.


I don't think they have handled it black and white at all.  Kim was given three seasons and interacted with several cast members who were all supportive of her getting help.  (Well except Brandi.)  She has continued to misrepresent her sobriety status.  It wasn't until last season when Kim who claimed she was sober pretty much systematically went around alienating people over their concerns about her sobriety and inappropriate behavior.  How can one ask for help and at the same time tell them to shut up?  It was a season of that last year to me.


Addicts are being done any favors by demeaning those around them for not doing enough.  No one owes Kim squat.  If she gets her job back I am sure every courtesy will be shown her.  You can't make someone like someone and as far as chances Kim has let it be known none of this cast known to her is worthy of her friendship.  They are boring and phony in Kim's words.  The big question is why does she want to be friends with these people anyway?


It was the first episode when they went to Sacramento.  On the plane Kim was rude to Kyle and then once they went to the game, Kim got her panties in a wad because the attention was directed to the hostess, Adrienne.  They were sitting courtside with the six of them in a row and Kim flanked one end.  The rest of the women were having fun, and it was unfortunate that Kim got tagged with an end-what should have Kyle done-ask someone to give up their seat?  How about not drinking during the game and maybe playing trying to get along?  It was a good time for Kim to make her mark-not snap at Kyle which makes everyone uncomfortable.

Wow, I think there's an episode of this show that I've never seen before. I might have missed a couple of episodes in the first season and this sounds like one of them. 


Kim changes the rules for things when it suits her. In Paris when Lisa asked her if she'd taken a sleeping pill or something, Kim was LIVID. Absolutely livid. How dare anyone imply that she'd taken a pill? That would mean, in Kim's own words, that she'd relapsed. Fast forward to Kim explaining that her behavior in Paris was due to mixing up her pills. (Pills she shouldn't have been able to mix up anyway if she were genuinely committed to her sobriety.) When Kim admits that she took something to help her with her 100% pain--suddenly in Kim's world this means that she hasn't had a relapse. 


It's exhausting to follow this woman's logic. 


Kim doesn't seem like she want to be friends with any of these women and I question whether she actually knows how to be a friend. 


Some of the women have tried with Kim but they got little but grief for their efforts. Lisa was nice to Kim in the beginning and she set her up with Martin, and she didn't blab about how wasted and out of it Kim was at various points. Kim blew multiple events of Lisa's at the last minute and didn't care. I still remember Lisa being polite to Kim and playing nice even after Kim kept coughing on her deliberately. Seriously, that's the kind of behavior that we've seen from Kim over the years. Everyone is supposed to understand why she can't make an event but she doesn't allow other women the same courtesy like when she gave Lisa hell for not attending Kimberly's graduation. (Not to mention Kim making no mention of the gift that Lisa and Ken sent.)


Yolanda also tried with Kim. She offered to be Kim's sober buddy when Kim was supposedly newly sober during season 3. Not only did Kim not appreciate this but she gave Yolanda grief when Yolanda had the nerve to mention Kim flaking on her not once, not twice, but three times. Ultimately Kyle ended up filling in for Kim and Kim refused to admit that she'd done anything wrong. 


Adrienne and Paul were very sweet with Kim and when Kim was invited to spend time with them she kept them waiting for ages and then acted like she was on something the entire time so that they were uncomfortable. 


LisaR was very nice to Kim in the beginning. When they agreed to meet at Lisa's, Kim came in the condition that she was in and they had the crazy car ride. Not only was LisaR nice to Kim during that car ride and did her best to hand with the crazy it wasn't enough for Kim. She continued to be rude to LisaR the entire night *before* any mention of the crazy car ride was made. Even after Kim treated LisaR like shit, LisaR still tried to be nice to her. Kim was rude at every opportunity and LisaR didn't reach her limit until they got to Amsterdam. 


I can't recall specific interactions with Kim and Camille right now. I do vaguely recall Kim and Carlton maybe bonding over squirrels. 

  • Love 12

It was the first episode when they went to Sacramento.  On the plane Kim was rude to Kyle and then once they went to the game, Kim got her panties in a wad because the attention was directed to the hostess, Adrienne.  They were sitting courtside with the six of them in a row and Kim flanked one end.  The rest of the women were having fun, and it was unfortunate that Kim got tagged with an end-what should have Kyle done-ask someone to give up their seat?  How about not drinking during the game and maybe playing trying to get along?  It was a good time for Kim to make her mark-not snap at Kyle which makes everyone uncomfortable.

I was going to post about this very thing. I seem to remember Kyle trying to be inclusive of Kim and Kim giving her grief over it (it had something to do with Kyle being overbearing in trying to "force" her to interact with everyone when she didn't want to). And then, Kim was upset that people were actually lauding their hostess. Wasn't there even a point where Kim purposefully turned her back to the others in order to not engage with them? Kyle got all kinds of grief from Kim for not including her, but Kim seemed intent on making sure she was on the outside.

  • Love 6

Well, it is ridiculous. REAL Housewives ridiculousness. Kyle is usually pummeled into positions of 'She can't win for losing, and 'Damned if she does; damned if she doesn't'. Therefore, Kyle should cease any and all efforts to curtail Kim Konversations by others. Kyle gets battered, berated, and condemned if she dares to mention Kim, ergo, Kyle should not be damned if she does not hinder, obscure,... these conversations by others. So, Disengage. Although, more's the pity, I am certain that Kyle WILL continue to be blamed for arsehole Kim's Klashes and Klunks as well as Kim's general bitchitude and bitchery.


I also hope that some part of her wonders why the RHBH gig was such a different experience for Kyle than it was for her. Kyle made the most of the opportunity and Kim let another one slip through her fingers. 


Me too. Although those who self-sabotage seldom have enough self-awareness to realize, let alone admit, what they do. Her brain is fried and her conscience is fairly crispy as well.

Edited by suomi
  • Love 5

Am I the only one who remembers when Andy was either on WWHL or the reunion with Kyle and her questioned Kyle on the way she interacted or engaged with her sister on the 1st or second season with Kim. I mean this was before Kim started showing her claws and we actually felt sorry for her and Kyle said something to the effect of dont be fooled by Kim she either was far from a shrinking violet or she was capable of advocating for herself. What we didnt know at the time was it was one of those only time will tell situations,truer words have never been spoken...

  • Love 5

I don't think one can substitute one's own life experience and just ignore what the subject matter parties have stated what transpired in their lives. 

I am not referring to editing pieces.  I am referring to the words out of Kim and Kyle's mouths where they have both said that their mother handled problems by sweeping them under the rug.  There has never been any indication that Kim was made to suffer humiliation at the hands of her family.  Her most recent humiliations were of her own doing with the shoplifting and trespass at the Beverly Hills hotel.


I don't think they have handled it black and white at all.  Kim was given three seasons and interacted with several cast members who were all supportive of her getting help.  (Well except Brandi.)  She has continued to misrepresent her sobriety status.  It wasn't until last season when Kim who claimed she was sober pretty much systematically went around alienating people over their concerns about her sobriety and inappropriate behavior.  How can one ask for help and at the same time tell them to shut up?  It was a season of that last year to me.


Addicts are being done any favors by demeaning those around them for not doing enough.  No one owes Kim squat.  If she gets her job back I am sure every courtesy will be shown her.  You can't make someone like someone and as far as chances Kim has let it be known none of this cast known to her is worthy of her friendship.  They are boring and phony in Kim's words.  The big question is why does she want to be friends with these people anyway?




It was the first episode when they went to Sacramento.  On the plane Kim was rude to Kyle and then once they went to the game, Kim got her panties in a wad because the attention was directed to the hostess, Adrienne.  They were sitting courtside with the six of them in a row and Kim flanked one end.  The rest of the women were having fun, and it was unfortunate that Kim got tagged with an end-what should have Kyle done-ask someone to give up their seat?  How about not drinking during the game and maybe playing trying to get along?  It was a good time for Kim to make her mark-not snap at Kyle which makes everyone uncomfortable.

Well Kim explained what she would hope Kyle would do. I for one felt it wasn't that outrageous of a request. Not drinking during the game...??  See. Every grievance  the woman has seems to be met with some oh well don't be a drunk then resolution.  The girl can't even share how she felt with her sister without her being soooo out of line. I thought it was a pretty average type of thing for sisters to be discussing actually especially if you manage to take out the detail that Kim's and addict and Kyle's such a victim. That's exactly why I'm not all that shocked at the way Kim handles other people.


What has been stated by both of them doesn't mean that's the only thing that happened over decades of dealing with this. Just because none of them went "oh yeah and by the way once in a while when I was really fed up with Kim's shit I made it clear that ME and Mauricio pretty much carried her pathetic ass and I've practically raised her children because she's be lying in her own vomit more often than I can count". I mean I'm pretty sure they aren't going to transcribe their nasty bouts of "I can't take Kim and her fucking addiction anymore, let me at her" moments for the public. 


That outburst of Kyle's in the Limo the end of season one. I'm guessing it wasn't a one time thing where Kyle's been pushed to the brink and decided to hit below the belt and let the disdain drip off her words. Hey, it's actually not uncommon for those of us who've been bombarded with the life to lose it and hatefully rip into someone.  Sometimes you just break and I'd be surprised if that wasn't the case with the Richards sisters. All that sorta stuff factors into things so all I'm saying is that I can understand why Kim is such a mess and defensive when dealing with people around her and the topic of her addiction. I mean it's not like I'm trying to convince the world that the earth is flat or anything. LOL!


I remember feeling that the conversation Kim had with Kyle about the game didn't seem to be odd because I remember thinking the dynamics and the interactions were a bit off so I thought it was okay for Kim to share her feelings about it with Kyle. I mean I didn't take it as some crazy, nasty imposition on Kyle or anything just Kim sharing how she felt about it with Kyle. I also remember thinking that Kyle was being so damn dismissive and it annoyed me. But of course now we know what "Kim has put her through" so "of course" Kyle's going to be frustrated she has every right to yada yada but I don't let that change my original perception of how that conversation went. Addict or no addict. But that's just me.

  • Love 2

When Kim signed up she was an alcoholic.   She had been to rehab twice, kicked out of the Waldorf Astoria and had some tough love applied. The idea behind Kim working, and it is just such an example of family and friends not understanding the disease was that when Kim works she is responsible.  At the time they started Season 1, Kyle and Mauricio were having to manage her money, John had Kimberly living with him fulltime, Brooke was out on her own, Whitney was going to college in Boston and Chad was at loose ends going back and forth between Texas and California.  Kim moved four times within a year.  In her defense I think Kim failed to do the homework on what the shows consisted of and probably thought it would be just cameras visiting the darling, all grown up child star.  I don't think either Kim or Kyle realize how they talk to each other when they are upset.  No excuse they just are short with each other.


Kim did not want to be around the other women.  I think it was their agent that told Kim she needed to start showing up for work.  Why is it Kyle's job to make Kim like the other women?  If she doesn't know by now how to socialize that is on her. Kim was pretty upset, and I can see why, that she was with a group of married, wealthy women and they just weren't that impressed by her.  Even the first trip to Palm Springs, Kim insisted on this giant container of margarine and would not listen to Kyle that the guests would prefer butter.  The two of them were terrible in the store and at the house.  Kyle was mad that Brooke had used the house and left it dirty, Kim thought it was her house, and Ken and Lisa were smart enough to get a hotel room.

  • Love 8

When Kim signed up she was an alcoholic.   She had been to rehab twice, kicked out of the Waldorf Astoria and had some tough love applied. The idea behind Kim working, and it is just such an example of family and friends not understanding the disease was that when Kim works she is responsible.  At the time they started Season 1, Kyle and Mauricio were having to manage her money, John had Kimberly living with him fulltime, Brooke was out on her own, Whitney was going to college in Boston and Chad was at loose ends going back and forth between Texas and California.  Kim moved four times within a year.  In her defense I think Kim failed to do the homework on what the shows consisted of and probably thought it would be just cameras visiting the darling, all grown up child star.  I don't think either Kim or Kyle realize how they talk to each other when they are upset.  No excuse they just are short with each other.


Kim did not want to be around the other women.  I think it was their agent that told Kim she needed to start showing up for work.  Why is it Kyle's job to make Kim like the other women?  If she doesn't know by now how to socialize that is on her. Kim was pretty upset, and I can see why, that she was with a group of married, wealthy women and they just weren't that impressed by her.  Even the first trip to Palm Springs, Kim insisted on this giant container of margarine and would not listen to Kyle that the guests would prefer butter.  The two of them were terrible in the store and at the house.  Kyle was mad that Brooke had used the house and left it dirty, Kim thought it was her house, and Ken and Lisa were smart enough to get a hotel room.

It's not but I dunno if it were my sister......


Look I agree with your assessment of their (mis)understanding of what being on the show would entail. I also agree that they didn't realize how badly they come across with each other. My assessments are based on general ideas of family, being sisters, average things and basic interactions. Families accommodate each other from situation to situation even if it's maybe a pain and to me expecting Kyle to help Kim get a leg up with her friends because she knows how socially awkward Kim is (and then some) seems like a pretty reasonable expectation to have from sisters is all.  When I make these observations I don't factor in all the baggage that we all know of the Richards sisters.


Sometimes it's just a simple bitchy, annoying interaction between sisters and at the end of the day, no matter how much of an imposition it may be on me I give in. Why, cause she's my sister that's why.  Now this particular sentiment has nothing to do bigger issues of stealing houses, rehab, pills, limo rides, broken wine glasses, gay innuendos, financial dealing, etc. . This is solely about that scene in the closet where Kim opened up to Kyle about something that to me seemed like an easy enough issue for sisters to handle without it being all about the scandal of addiction. I found it sad that something like that is such an overly dramatic point of reference about how unreasonable Kim is of poor put upon Kyle and yet another example of how addict Kim is always imposing her needs on Kyle. I just saw it as sisters being frustrated with each other and not really seeing eye to eye.

  • Love 2

I don't think Kyle owed it to the other women to make Kim like them.  At some point it is on Kim to get along.  What I think Kim objected to was having to work with amateurs.  Bette, their agent/manager was a round trying to get Kim to fulfill her contract.   I would be curious to see what Kim honestly, with out any teambuilding thought of the new ladies.

  • Love 6

It's not but I dunno if it were my sister......


Look I agree with your assessment of their (mis)understanding of what being on the show would entail. I also agree that they didn't realize how badly they come across with each other. My assessments are based on general ideas of family, being sisters, average things and basic interactions. Families accommodate each other from situation to situation even if it's maybe a pain and to me expecting Kyle to help Kim get a leg up with her friends because she knows how socially awkward Kim is (and then some) seems like a pretty reasonable expectation to have from sisters is all.  When I make these observations I don't factor in all the baggage that we all know of the Richards sisters.


Sometimes it's just a simple bitchy, annoying interaction between sisters and at the end of the day, no matter how much of an imposition it may be on me I give in. Why, cause she's my sister that's why.  Now this particular sentiment has nothing to do bigger issues of stealing houses, rehab, pills, limo rides, broken wine glasses, gay innuendos, financial dealing, etc. . This is solely about that scene in the closet where Kim opened up to Kyle about something that to me seemed like an easy enough issue for sisters to handle without it being all about the scandal of addiction. I found it sad that something like that is such an overly dramatic point of reference about how unreasonable Kim is of poor put upon Kyle and yet another example of how addict Kim is always imposing her needs on Kyle. I just saw it as sisters being frustrated with each other and not really seeing eye to eye.

IMO, the ONLY thing that would have made Kim happy was if Kyle turned her back on the other HWs, ignored them, refused to film with them and only spent time with Kim. Either that or she, Kim, would have been as happy as a pig in mud had the other HWs disliked Kyle but LOVED with Kim and froze Kyle out. There is NO winning with Kim, NONE. JMO

  • Love 10

Did anyone here really think that she wouldn't try to pull this shit?


Her entitlement never ends. She hasn't learned a damn thing.

Exactly. As usual, Kim doesn't think that she's done anything wrong and she should be able to get out of her community service. Meanwhile there's some doctor who will likely play ball. It's disgusting that she's learned absolutely nothing from two arrests. 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 13

Did anyone here really think that she wouldn't try to pull this shit?


Exactly. As usual, Kim doesn't think that she's done anything wrong and she should be able to get out of her community service. Meanwhile there's some doctor who will likely play ball. It's disgusting that she's learned absolutely nothing from two arrests. 

Kim better be careful what she wishes for-the alternative is jail.  They have infirmaries in jail.  She can park her pampered ass there for a few weeks.


What is with this family?  First Paris famously violates probation, then the little asshat Conrad-who I think will end up in prison, he has already failed several drug tests and had his federal probation extended three years, and now Kim.  Just do the 30 days.

  • Love 12

Kim will say that she told Kyle 5, 7, 9 times that she couldn't wear heels on the red carpet, but Kyle stole her goddamned flats...



I need to sell shirts or bumper stickers....if you're running a scam, don't instagram. Yo that goes for you too.


ROFL.  Both comments need more than a 'thumbs up'.   Thank you.

  • Love 8

The same thought went through my head. She's still getting away with her nonsense as usual. What could be a more sobering experience than jail? It certainly helped Robert Downey Jr. among others. 

Wasn't the only thing that helped Robert Downey Jr. and I don't think jail was the defining moment of his recovery.




Interesting insight into the mind of one addict.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 3

Wasn't the only thing that helped Robert Downey Jr. and I don't think jail was the defining moment of his recovery.




Interesting insight into the mind of one addict.

If prison is like a film set then Kim should feel right at home, lol. j/k


RDJ seems to understand why he ended up in jail and even expresses his amazement that it didn't happen sooner. I'm not sure that Kim understands why she was arrested and guess that a large part of her thinks she's being unfairly singled out.  

  • Love 6

If prison is like a film set then Kim should feel right at home, lol. j/k


RDJ seems to understand why he ended up in jail and even expresses his amazement that it didn't happen sooner. I'm not sure that Kim understands why she was arrested and guess that a large part of her thinks she's being unfairly singled out.  

NOW he does. That's the point. The being in jail, the public humiliation didn't seem to be the catalyst. Once whatever it was finally clicked is when he was able to be in awe about his wrongdoings and reflect in the way that has him finally succeeding in his sobriety. If Kim ever reaches a similar moment and is finally able to tackle her recovery successfully I would think that clarity of mind and spirit would lfinally let her reflect on her behavior accurately and have it make sense to others. That's the whole thing about addiction. It's destructive behavior (which includes lack of admission) until it isn't. Expecting Kim's behavior to reflect sanity at this point in her struggle is pretty futile.


I believe Kim's problem is she's not strong enough for whatever reason to succeed. At least not at this particular juncture. I don't attribute it to some selfish, mean-spirited, arrogant display. It saddens me that her battle with addiction is considered in such a one dimensional way. The consequences can't be escaped of course and that's just the way it is but the reasoning for the behavior isn't just about right or wrong, bad or good. My empathy gets me way in over my head a lot of times and has me troubled for others more often than not. It's one of those blessing/curse thingys in life. <shrug>

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 4

The best thing about jail for her might be the forced sobriety, since she won't take rehab seriously or even half ass a real rehab facility. And coming ouf of decades of addiction to find yourself in jail...it might be the change she needs. She can't point her finger at anyone or threaten to share their secrets. She's in jail, going through the routine just like everyone else. But due to overcrowding and a high profile I don't think she'll ever serve any real jail time either.

  • Love 5

The best thing about jail for her might be the forced sobriety, since she won't take rehab seriously or even half ass a real rehab facility. And coming ouf of decades of addiction to find yourself in jail...it might be the change she needs. She can't point her finger at anyone or threaten to share their secrets. She's in jail, going through the routine just like everyone else. But due to overcrowding and a high profile I don't think she'll ever serve any real jail time either.

Yeah the kind of time she would need for a routine to finally take hold of her is probably never going to be a sentence she'll ever receive and popping in and out of jails for a couple of weeks here and a couple of weeks there is only going to get her spinning even more out of control. I mean I'm not saying that she SHOULDN'T be put in jail for crimes that deserve jail time just that it isn't something that is a "real" treatment option. Jail isn't help, jail is just jail so I don't really look at it as any true option for recovery.


The only way jail really works isn't because it's designed to assist addict in their journey. Some addicts are able to use it as a springboard cause they have no choice but to detox and some take that opportunity to run with it since to some addicts one of the hardest parts is the withdraw and jail takes care of that part IF the stint is long enough. With a long sentence, there's forced detox, consistency, routine and continuous accountability as well as consequence. I can agree that could be a great recipe for addicts but I doubt Kim Richards would ever be doing a stint that long so yeah I doubt the jail angle would make any progress in Kim's sobriety.


Didn't work for Robert Downey Jr.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 2

Here are some comments from the show Kimberly on her mom-  http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/kim-richards-housewives-problems-mother-daughter-experiment-recap/


I am not sure if Kimberly is being realistic. She is a cheerleader, sorority girl and must understand that when coming into a group of people-no one is owed a boatload of concessions.  Kim whining about the others not being nice to her is absurd-does she ever take responsibility for her own actions? 

  • Love 3

Here are some comments from the show Kimberly on her mom-  http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/kim-richards-housewives-problems-mother-daughter-experiment-recap/


I am not sure if Kimberly is being realistic. She is a cheerleader, sorority girl and must understand that when coming into a group of people-no one is owed a boatload of concessions.  Kim whining about the others not being nice to her is absurd-does she ever take responsibility for her own actions?

The perpetual victim and the daughter who feels it's her responsibility to take care of her mother instead of the other way around - typical npd mother/daughter stuff. I really feel for that poor kid!
  • Love 2

Why won't Kim stay under her rock?


With a poor record of Kim successfully staying sober it will be the same old, same old. The sister dynamic is tired and tedious. Kim will fuck up, Kyle will get pissed and hurt, they'll hurl accusations, old unresolved crap that is never dealt with and always swept under the  rug briefly see the light of day then be swept back under. They'll screech like alley cats at each other at the reunion, then Kim gets drunk and doped up off season.


I'm done watching addicts.

  • Love 12

That tells me she is not really practicing sober thinking with all that deflecting responsibility.

It is typical Kim, she doesn't want to have the conversation publicly.  Don't blame her but don't claim there are too many people in the conversation when you frequently release your attack dog Brandi to go after your sister, your BIL.

  • Love 7

I guess this isn't just Super Tuesday in the political world - it's Super Tuesday for RHOBH with Yolanda on Dr. Oz, tonite's episode and Kim's new show! I'm going to try to watch this mother/daughter thing but it'll be hard to watch Kimberly having to be in this situation with her mom.

Good observation, RHBH Super Tuesday indeed.


Children love their parents because they love their parents.  What Kimberly either doesn't understand or has not developed the maturity to understand, thanks to being raised by an alcoholic, is in most situations alcoholics are notoriously bad friends and are even worse new friends.  Kimberly needs to ask herself why mom's show friends didn't show up at her graduation party.  She should also learn how to write a thank you note.   


I am certain Kim was quite vocal about her co-stars.  If I am not mistaken I don't think any of Kim's daughters have quite forgiven Brandi. 

  • Love 7

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