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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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That's the addiction, and I think all of us have had experience with addicts, how horrible they can be.


I'm talking more about who Kim might have been, who she never had a chance of being, and yes, I feel pity for that.  I don't feel she was emotionally strong enough for the life she was forced into.  I do wonder who she might have been, if given a chance at "normal." 

  • Love 2

I agree with you completely, WireWrap . I don't hate Kim, I just want her off of my screen. I don't have sympathy for her either. I did at one point but the more I learned the more disgusted I became.

Kyle OTOH has grown and grown on me every season save season 2. A person doesn't have to see Kyle as an amazing sister in order to see that Kim *constantly* treats her like shit. The difference is that people seem to think that Kim is right to treat her sister (and friends and family) the way that she does because she's a supposedly a victim of having been a child star.

Another HUGE difference to me between Kyle and Kim is that with Kyle, I can actually see examples of her being a nice person who is loyal and cares about people other than herself and who learns from their mistakes. The results in their lives speak for themselves really. There's a reason why Kyle has always had lots of friends well before the show. There's a reason why Kyle has been happily married for so many years. There's a reason Kyle was made the executor of Big Kathy's will. There's a reason Kyle was able to come back from Game Night in a way that Kim was not. There's a reason why Kyle made a success of being on the show and why she's been able to have so many other opportunities. There's a reason Kim and Kathy's children, particularly the girls, are close to Kyle much more so than Kyle kids being close with Kim. There's a reason why Kyle has that awesome house in Palm Springs that Kim is so jealous of.

I personally think the idea of Kim desperately wanting a "normal" life is what she said to save face after her adult acting career didn't work out. I know she tried to spin it this way on ET way back when, but to me it seems like Kim is thrilled with any time she gets to act again because she has such positive memories of her Hollywood period. Talking about her experiences as a child actor is one of the only things apart from her children and turtles that can get Kim to automatically light up.

I don't understand why Kim's choices are blamed on her upbringing when Kyle had a very similar upbringing with possibly even less supervision at one point. Meanwhile younger Kyle had the examples of both of her older sisters but she isn't decades long into addiction the way that Kim is. Kim had more opportunities in the beginning, she received more attention, she was considered to be prettier, and she married well once if not twice. At what point does Kim take responsibility for the person she has become and has ultimately chosen to be?

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 20

That's the addiction, and I think all of us have had experience with addicts, how horrible they can be.


I'm talking more about who Kim might have been, who she never had a chance of being, and yes, I feel pity for that.  I don't feel she was emotionally strong enough for the life she was forced into.  I do wonder who she might have been, if given a chance at "normal." 

I think that applies to everyone.  Would they be different if they had a different set of parents.  Being a child star definitely as its upside.  Kim liked being a child star.  She waxes nostalgic  about it at the drop of a hat.  Problem is all the famous adult actors she worked with are gone or a distant memory to most of the viewing audience.  I do think Kim wanted to be a mommy and to her that meant not working and a boatload of money.  By the time she found someone normal, she was living large off husband number 2's money and enjoying a normal guy.  Because of her mother's life of having to raise three daughters without a husband, some of the time, I don't think it was bad advice that Kim keep her hat in the acting arena-or get an education or other career path.  Kim was a single mom twice before the age of 30 and still is.  Say instead of being the star Kim had been the child of an actor or actress do you think her life would really be all that different?  I think addiction is something people are predisposed to and some people just can't get away from it.

  • Love 4

I just can't hate Kim.


I also REALLY don't like Kyle, or believe her suffering sainthood bullshit, or her "good sister" bull shit, or her (to me) obvious and incessant need to be "the GOOD sister, finally the BEST sister, even though one was more famous and the other landed a Hilton."  Kyle's a snake, and Kim's obvious destructive, addictive, and nasty qualities in no way excuse Kyle.  If anything, again, to ME, they explain some of Kim's issues.


If I had to compare Kim to a fictional character, I think the closest would be Blanche DuBois, emotionally at least.


I see Kim as a victim of child acting.  Her desire was flat out stated in many, many interviews when she was young.  She wanted NORMAL, she wanted to be a mother, she wanted to please her mother, so married the rich guys.  Would Kim have been an addict/alcoholic if she didn't work her childhood away, if the people she associated with the most on a day-to-day basis weren't adults in the Hollywood machine, or other child actors?  Without her mother pounding into her constantly the need for fame, for rich husbands, for "getting it ALL" would Kim have even given a damn about all of those things?


We will never know, but I think it's telling that she walked away from Hollywood fame the minute she was old enough to do so.  She wanted to be a mom, to be normal, to have a normal family, to escape it all.  Even then though, Big Kathy worship and the need to please mommy meant "marry RICH then, if you are going to throw all your fame away!"  Kim was so used to being taken care of on the set, that made sense, marry a rich guy, so she would never, ever, ever have to return to Hollywood machine.  She'd been there too long though, the drugs and booze had already taken hold, she was too weak to fight that off.  She wasn't one of the lucky ones who could take it of leave it.  Drugs and booze gave her confidence and made her feel stronger and that is a powerful thing, they also allowed her to forget, so doubly powerful.  Her sisters and mom drank and/or did drugs all the time, so what was the big deal if she did as well?  Another powerful element.


I think Kim was/is deeply insecure, and booze/drugs allow her to lash out, say what she thinks, something she isn't capable of while completely sober, appear (falsely) confident, another thing she didn't feel sober.


Who would she have been with a normal mother and father, instead of the hard drinking stage mother and a series of men traipsing through her life, including a convicted mobster?  Just a sober mom and dad in a suburb, checking homework, helping her understand math, or why some kids were mean, playing with kids her own age, staying in school with kids her own age K-12?  Going to slumber parties and school dances, to church, maybe a few trips to camp in the summer, or trying out for cheer leading or the soccer team instead of roles, a summer job working at the bakery or mall?


Would she be the mess she is today?  She would still have addiction tendencies, but would she have been exposed to all of that, or needed that confidence boost if she'd been a normal kid, and not on the cover of teen magazines?


We will never know, and neither will she.  I have pity for that, and I always will. 



I see Kyle's peacemaking conciliatory nature being rooted in her own insecurity and the need to justify and conciliate her own "failures" to herself. It's not good that she felt like a failure, but it's made her the best sister.

I can't hate Kim either. She ultimately "failed" but did so at a much later stage than Kyle, and she can't adapt. She wants to be a good person.


Agree on both counts ... and ...


No one has the same experience or perception of a single thing.  We come to that thing with different genetics, different wiring - which means different experiences, values, and world views.  Kx3 may have grown up in the same house with the same mother but it doesn't mean all three girls would be equal in how they see the world, handle life's challenges, or deal with relationships.  Same with any family.  


Kim and Kyle are not equal and can't be compared.   Each has their own story to tell. 


I agree that one of the main differences between the two is that Kim seems to want to be a good person whereas Kyle doesn't even comprehend how it is she might not be considered a good person. 


IMO, Kim is straight up lost about how to get help whereas Kyle is straigt up twisted and doesn't believe she needs help. These two are apples and oranges.  Probably a good thing they have separate lives.

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 2

I think that one of Kyle's problems is that she's constantly trying to be someone that she isn't. She was the youngest in her family of show biz people, so she didn't grow up in a normal household. Instead, the others had show biz in their blood, and she grew up trying to be like they were. I don't care for Kyle, and a lot of what I don't like are her pretentions. She's immature, trying to act mature. She can be so normal, laughing with the girls, and so immature, wearing a gown at her barbecue. She has many good qualities, and I would like her much better if she were more natural.

I think that Kyle has probably spent most of her life being told she is funny, pretty, and adorable. I think she is fairly easy going, isn't one to hold a big grudge, and for the most part is just a happy person. She was raised among dysfunction, but acts like a person who had a model upbringing. She holds nothing against her mother, and reflects fondly on her childhood. She is reflective enough to have regrets (not going to college), but holds no one responsible. I would imagine that in social situations, folks knew the party had started when Kyle started flipping her hair and doing the splits. They probably laughed and in their drunken state thought it was hysterical. The one constant that I have heard from every HW, including Brandi, is that Kyle is just a ton of fun to be around (OK, Carlton probably never said that). Like Lisa, I don't think that Kyle has many problems. Her main problem is her family, which she cannot control. The things she seems to have control over - her appearance, the family she made, her friendships, etc., seem to be on track. I think this is at the root of all the Kim shit. Not about jealously over who got the better acting roles or who mommy loved the best. But about the fact that Kim and Kyle were raised in a similar environment and Kyle faced her own set of issues that could have led her to make poor decisions. A teenage pregnancy has derailed more than one young woman. Yet Kyle is the responsible one, the one left in charge of her mother's estate, the sober one, the one helping Kim find a place to live, giving advice about jackass boyfriends, or helping out financially. Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 10

Agree on both counts ... and ...


No one has the same experience or perception of a single thing.  We come to that thing with different genetics, different wiring - as well as different experiences, values, and world views.  Kx3 may have grown up in the same house with the same mother but it doesn't mean all three girls would be equal in how they see the world, handle life's challenges, or deal with relationships.  Same with any family.  


Kim and Kyle are not equal and can't be compared.   Each has their own story to tell. 


I agree that one of the main differences between the two is that Kim seems to want to be a good person whereas Kyle doesn't even comprehend how it is she might not be considered a good person. 


IMO, Kim is straight up lost about how to get help whereas Kyle is straigt up twisted and doesn't believe she needs help. These two are apples and oranges.  Probably a good thing they have separate lives.

I disagree with the bit in bold so much that I almost feel like we're talking about different people.

I've never seen this side of Kim that supposedly wants to be a good person. She doesn't seem to have empathy or sympathy for other people. If anything demonstrated that it was her reaction to her many dog bite victims including her own niece. Good people or people who are at least making an attempt to be good are capable of apologizing. Take Kim's attitude when she's informed that she didn't apologize for acting like an ass at Eileen's. First she claims that she apologized (because instinctively she knows that's what she should have done) then when told that she's wrong and that she didn't, she doesn't give a damn and proceeds to insult Eileen further in the nastiest manner possible.

She's inconsiderate of other people's time no matter what her state of sobriety. She guilt trips her children and family on a regular basis.

With Kyle OTOH there's a lot of actual evidence that she attempts to be a good person and is pretty successful at being one for the most part. Again, there's a reason that Kyle is well liked by many people and is somebody who still gets hired whereas most people don't want to deal with Kim.

  • Love 23

Agree on both counts ... and ...


No one has the same experience or perception of a single thing.  We come to that thing with different genetics, different wiring - as well as different experiences, values, and world views.  Kx3 may have grown up in the same house with the same mother but it doesn't mean all three girls would be equal in how they see the world, handle life's challenges, or deal with relationships.  Same with any family.  


Kim and Kyle are not equal and can't be compared.   Each has their own story to tell. 


I agree that one of the main differences between the two is that Kim seems to want to be a good person whereas Kyle doesn't even comprehend how it is she might not be considered a good person. 


IMO, Kim is straight up lost about how to get help whereas Kyle is straigt up twisted and doesn't believe she needs help. These two are apples and oranges.  Probably a good thing they have separate lives.

Kim has had an abundance of wealth in the help department.  There is a big difference between being lost about getting help and refusing to get help or not complying with treatment. What does Kyle need help with?  Is it dealing with her sister?  Kyle has wisely chosen to make her family, daughters, nieces, nephews, career, charity the focus in her life.  No amount of help is going to make Kim want to be a part of Kyle's life.  Because being a part of Kyle's life might mean accepting Kyle's prioritizing in her life and Kim not being the priority focus in Kyle's life.   


Maybe Kyle is just the best person she can be.  Sure she would seem better to others if she shit all over her mother's memory because Jerry Oppenheimer wrote a gossipy book to tear down her niece and sister so it has to be the gospel.  Maybe Kyle is a good person because she sees being raised by a challenging mother a blessing instead of a burden.  She has obviously placed emphasis on education with her daughters over acting or marrying young and well.  Kim and Kyle don't have to have the same memories or feel the same emotions about growing up.  Most likely neither is 100% accurate, but requiring one of them to change their views is a little ludicrous. 


Exactly when has Kim ever expressed a desire to be a good person?  All I ever see from Kim is her wanting sympathy and being very, very mean.  Kim doesn;t care who she hurts with what comes out of her mouth.  As long as she is the center of attention. 

  • Love 15

I just saw a commercial for her new reality show. There was a brief clip of her all up in someone's face in all her screechy, finger pointy glory. Nice to see nothing's changed.

It looked like it was her daughter she was screaming at. It was a quick clip ao I don't know for sure, but it looked like Kimberly to me.

  • Love 2

Kim is definitely full of jealousy and envy, no doubt about that. I can see why she should be full of regrets but I'm not convinced that she is because in order to have regrets, I think one has to be able to acknowledge things like poor choices, bad decision making, and other behavior that Kim refuses to acknowledge. She sees herself as having done anything wrong so I don't know what she would regret exactly since she always blames others for when things go wrong.

Kim's irrational behavior towards Eileen ("I don't like your hair or your face!") seemed steeped in jealousy in addition to Kim typically not being welcoming to newbies in general. She was probably "nicest" to Dana and she couldn't even be counted on to remember Dana's name.

She was only nice to Dana because from the minute they met, Dana stuck her nose up Kim's ass.

I agree, Kim has no regrets because she never does anything wrong. She probably regrets that everybody else has ruined her life while she was an innocent victim but that's about it.

I can't believe I worshipped her when I was a kid. If a movie or TV show had her in it, I was the first one there. I wanted to be her and I coveted her hair.

What the hell was I thinking?!

  • Love 7

She was only nice to Dana because from the minute they met, Dana stuck her nose up Kim's ass.

I agree, Kim has no regrets because she never does anything wrong. She probably regrets that everybody else has ruined her life while she was an innocent victim but that's about it.

I can't believe I worshipped her when I was a kid. If a movie or TV show had her in it, I was the first one there. I wanted to be her and I coveted her hair.

What the hell was I thinking?!

Its all ok Maharincess, she still has nice hair so you got that part right.

  • Love 5

So when does the first episode of High Hollywood Harpy air?

I don't want Kim back on RHBH. That being said, I'd be lying if I didn't admit to being curious about this new show. That show is right up my trash TV alley and I feel like there's potential for new territory to be covered regarding the family dysfunction of the original K sisters. 


The main thing that tests my resolve for watching the show is the fact that Courtney Stodden is going to be a part of it. 

  • Love 7

^ omg that made me laugh, people are always talking about the bachelor or survivor and I have no idea what they are talking about.....but I watched the hell out of Flavour of Love 1 and 2! I have weened myself down to only RHoBH and RHoNY, I feel like watching this will be a relapse. Although it will stop me from reading/fretting about ISIS and Trump.....which could lead to actual drinking so it's a toss up. We would all have to pinky swear to go the new forum thread together because that's more than half the fun.

  • Love 8

I don't want Kim back on RHBH. That being said, I'd be lying if I didn't admit to being curious about this new show. That show is right up my trash TV alley and I feel like there's potential for new territory to be covered regarding the family dysfunction of the original K sisters. 


The main thing that tests my resolve for watching the show is the fact that Courtney Stodden is going to be a part of it. 


I was just curious as to when it airs.  I'm not interested in watching an old drunk, stoned, dysfunctional Hollywood harpy and her brood. I had my fill of that on RHoBH and it took years to get her off my TV screen. Might take a small peep out of curiosity.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 2

I agree with you completely, WireWrap . I don't hate Kim, I just want her off of my screen. I don't have sympathy for her either. I did at one point but the more I learned the more disgusted I became.

Kyle OTOH has grown and grown on me every season save season 2. A person doesn't have to see Kyle as an amazing sister in order to see that Kim *constantly* treats her like shit. The difference is that people seem to think that Kim is right to treat her sister (and friends and family) the way that she does because she's a supposedly a victim of having been a child star.

Another HUGE difference to me between Kyle and Kim is that with Kyle, I can actually see examples of her being a nice person who is loyal and cares about people other than herself and who learns from their mistakes. The results in their lives speak for themselves really. There's a reason why Kyle has always had lots of friends well before the show. There's a reason why Kyle has been happily married for so many years. There's a reason Kyle was made the executor of Big Kathy's will. There's a reason Kyle was able to come back from Game Night in a way that Kim was not. There's a reason why Kyle made a success of being on the show and why she's been able to have so many other opportunities. There's a reason Kim and Kathy's children, particularly the girls, are close to Kyle much more so than Kyle kids being close with Kim. There's a reason why Kyle has that awesome house in Palm Springs that Kim is so jealous of.

I personally think the idea of Kim desperately wanting a "normal" life is what she said to save face after her adult acting career didn't work out. I know she tried to spin it this way on ET way back when, but to me it seems like Kim is thrilled with any time she gets to act again because she has such positive memories of her Hollywood period. Talking about her experiences as a child actor is one of the only things apart from her children and turtles that can get Kim to automatically light up.

I don't understand why Kim's choices are blamed on her upbringing when Kyle had a very similar upbringing with possibly even less supervision at one point. Meanwhile younger Kyle had the examples of both of her older sisters but she isn't decades long into addiction the way that Kim is. Kim had more opportunities in the beginning, she received more attention, she was considered to be prettier, and she married well once if not twice. At what point does Kim take responsibility for the person she has become and has ultimately chosen to be?

Avaleigh, this is a superb post. You have formulated (a)sound logical premise and analyses. Your deductions are insightful, also.

The world did not rest upon Kim's shoulders during her youth, adolescence, nor adulthood. Kim didn't have some horrific childhood--a spoiled one, yes. Furthermore, most significantly, Kim has been 'of age' for THREE DECADES.

And, Kyle should not bear the hideous burden of ramifications from Kim's selfish decisions to disregard responsible behaviors and sound decisions during her (Kim's) ADULT life.

  • Love 6
I'm always amused at what Kim "gets away with". Being rude? Being late? Making people feel uncomfortable? I mean is the only  way to NOT let her get away with stuff is to constantly tell her she's an addict?



Probably. I mean, rather than go on and on about how much they care or are worried about Kim. Imagine, for instance, if when Adrienne and Paul were waiting so long for Kim and then called her and heard about how her power went out so she couldn't blow dry her hair yadda yadda yadda she's 3 hours late and not at home, just say, "Kim's not here because of something to do with drugs" and go without her. When Kim gives a long excuse about whatever thing just say you don't believe her or tell someone else "she's not here because drugs" or whatever and move on. If she doesn't return your phone call, don't call her again--no loss.


Kim herself made it pretty clear that the biggest sin you could commit in her presence was, indeed, to call her out on not being sober. 


That's probably what's happened with most people in Kim's life. People just know she's undependable and they cut her out of their lives.


This is totally unrealistic to expect from Kyle, obviously, but with everybody else you can see that the people Kim has interactions with are those who agree upfront to see her as a victim in all things--a mostly sober victim.

  • Love 11

Probably. I mean, rather than go on and on about how much they care or are worried about Kim. Imagine, for instance, if when Adrienne and Paul were waiting so long for Kim and then called her and heard about how her power went out so she couldn't blow dry her hair yadda yadda yadda she's 3 hours late and not at home, just say, "Kim's not here because of something to do with drugs" and go without her. When Kim gives a long excuse about whatever thing just say you don't believe her or tell someone else "she's not here because drugs" or whatever and move on. If she doesn't return your phone call, don't call her again--no loss.


Kim herself made it pretty clear that the biggest sin you could commit in her presence was, indeed, to call her out on not being sober. 


That's probably what's happened with most people in Kim's life. People just know she's undependable and they cut her out of their lives.


This is totally unrealistic to expect from Kyle, obviously, but with everybody else you can see that the people Kim has interactions with are those who agree upfront to see her as a victim in all things--a mostly sober victim.

Simple! (Referring to the bolded above)


My thing is there does come a point where you either accept it or move on. If you're not a part of Kim's family and you've decided to accept what is then I'm not understanding the outrage. It's my personal choice to accept what comes with Kim addictions and all. It's my choice to either interact or not interact with Kim. At some point in life a decision is made to just let it be and pray for the best. Now I'm not talking about family I'm talking about acquaintances and friends etc. etc. (even though I think that approach can be useful even for family) At some point you just leave it be and if its something that hits a raw nerve then it's up to the person to decide whether or not to be a part of Kim Richards life. I don't get all the theatrics about it all. I mean yeah, reality show and all that I get it but it's the internal fight and angst that i see from some of these woman who for the most part don't exactly have an invested interest in her or when things get to be too much are pretty able to cut ties if need be or regulate interaction to minimal superfical encounters.


I can't get on board with the need to sensationalize upon this womans already sensational battle with addiction and treat it like their own personal burden to bear. I'm mean shit Kyle's ridiculousness over it annoys me and SHE'S family.  I'm just completely confused about what motivates someone to cling to all things wrong with Kim Richards and then be so offended by it all. Then fucking disengage. Simple as that. Sheesh. All this manufactured grievances with the woman over having to endure flakiness, awkwardness, lateness, odd and stressful behavior completely baffles me. I know some of the interactions were no walk in the park, as is with a lot of cast member throughout the franchises, but to harbor all this ill will for this person for what? Someone explain why the hell is it such an entitlement to these women? I can't imagine a coworker taking things to such levels because of whatever. In reality if it's that much of a thorn in someone's side they wouldn't "suffer" in silence so I don't buy all this turmoil inflicted on the cast because they were subjected to the antics of addict Kim Richards. Handle it or don't but the aftermath of trauma is just too much for me to watch with a straight face is all.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 3
Kim didn't act like an asshole and treat people like shit 100% of the time, or even 50% or 25%. She was mostly endearing in her loopy way.



I completely disagree. I can't even think of one scene last season where she was kind or endearing. She isn't in full blown asshole mode 100% of the time but I'd say it's somewhere in the eighties or nineties lol. She was constantly rude and obnoxious at all of the major events on the show. She's been a pill on every single one of the trips the ladies have taken. She's rude to new people; she's rude to people she's already acquainted with. She's a hypocrite and holds other people to a higher standard than she holds herself. She's unpredictable too and her intense dislike for someone can come out of nowhere. Since she never apologizes for anything she does it's always up to other people to get over it if they don't want to make waves. 


She did? She was allowed? Like was it in the contract?  And whose fault is that, cause addict or no addict treating me like shit ain't on the table unless I'm okay with it and the minute I'm not okay with it is when I handle my concerns like an adult and address it without using the addiction as some validation for being unhappy with the treatment I'm receiving. We are talking about capable adults for crying out loud. Like I said it's amazing how hard it is for these women to handle themselves like the grown women they are. Just saying.



We've seen what happens when people speak to Kim as an adult. LisaR was saying in a straight forward way that it wasn't okay for her to talk to people the way that she was talking to people. LisaR didn't raise her voice she just told Kim that her behavior wasn't okay. In the very next moment Kim makes the anorexia dig. 


Kim sidetracks people to deflect from her own behavior. She was high on Game Night during season 2 but she focused on Brandi making the meth comment so that Brandi would have to apologize. Meanwhile Kim doesn't have to apologize for acting like a drugged out asshole. When Lisa questioned Kim in Paris she made it so that Lisa wished she'd never said anything. With Lisar, Kim puts the focus on Lisar talking about her when she shouldn't be as opposed to accepting the fact that she's being talked about because of her own behavior. If she hadn't acted like an ass all night long and then denied it on top of that, then the women wouldn't have had anything to talk about. With Kyle the focus was on Kyle being a traitor for supposedly revealing to the world that Kim was an alcoholic when many viewers had pieced together Kim's addiction issues for themselves. Instead of Kim focusing for a moment on how she exposed herself, she wants to put it all on Kyle and Kyle has been trying to make up for it ever since. 


Kim flakes or shows up late. Her excuse is not believable. She acts out of it. How does that harm people? Being "forced" to accept lies injures a person how?



It's simply rude to waste other people's time. Multiple housewives have confirmed how they've had to wait on Kim. On top of being late, Kim would lie about why she was late and treat the others like they were stupid. 


Being forced to accept lies is frustrating because it's like asking a person to deal with a person who wants to make their own false reality that's totally contrary to what is actually going on. That is what Kim would expect from people. She wanted everyone to pretend that they weren't seeing what was right in front of them. She always does this when she's loaded. 


It also goes back to Eileen's point. They're supposed to pretend that Kim is fine but God forbid something happens and they're wondering if they ought to have said something or should have done something. By pretending that everything is fine it feels like it's going against common sense so I can see how that would be not only frustrating but alarming as hell. 


Kim would make filming hell for anyone who didn't swallow her lies. That's what I'm talking about regarding the women being forced to go along. Until last season they had to film with her and sometimes it was just easier to just accept Kim's lie of the moment.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 14

Simple! (Referring to the bolded above)


My thing is there does come a point where you either accept it or move on. If you're not a part of Kim's family and you've decided to accept what is then I'm not understanding the outrage. It's my personal choice to accept what comes with Kim addictions and all. It's my choice to either interact or not interact with Kim. At some point in life a decision is made to just let it be and pray for the best. Now I'm not talking about family I'm talking about acquaintances and friends etc. etc. (even though I think that approach can be useful even for family) At some point you just leave it be and if its something that hits a raw nerve then it's up to the person to decide whether or not to be a part of Kim Richards life. I don't get all the theatrics about it all. I mean yeah, reality show and all that I get it but it's the internal fight and angst that i see from some of these woman who for the most part don't exactly have an invested interest in her or when things get to be too much are pretty able to cut ties if need be or regulate interaction to minimal superfical encounters.


I can't get on board with the need to sensationalize upon this womans already sensational battle with addiction and treat it like their own personal burden to bear. I'm mean shit Kyle's ridiculousness over it annoys me and SHE'S family.  I'm just completely confused about what motivates someone to cling to all things wrong with Kim Richards and then be so offended by it all. Then fucking disengage. Simple as that. Sheesh. All this manufactured grievances with the woman over having to endure flakiness, awkwardness, lateness, odd and stressful behavior completely baffles me. I know some of the interactions were no walk in the park, as is with a lot of cast member throughout the franchises, but to harbor all this ill will for this person for what? Someone explain why the hell is it such an entitlement to these women? I can't imagine a coworker taking things to such levels because of whatever. In reality if it's that much of a thorn in someone's side they wouldn't "suffer" in silence so I don't buy all this turmoil inflicted on the cast because they were subjected to the antics of addict Kim Richards. Handle it or don't but the aftermath of trauma is just too much for me to watch with a straight face is all.

It is not like the other HWs had a choice about interacting with Kim, it was part of their job. They couldn't avoid her or couldn't just flat out ignore her because she was their co-worker. Why does everyone have to bow to Kim's needs/wants/lies when she is getting a paycheck to do HER job, just like they are. Why does Kim get to call the others nasty names, lie to them and no one is allowed to call her out on it OR call her out on her addictions? She put it out there, why does everyone need to pretend it doesn't exist or that it didn't effect them?


I completely disagree. I can't even think of one scene last season where she was kind or endearing. She isn't in full blown asshole mode 100% of the time but I'd say it's somewhere in the eighties or nineties lol. She was constantly rude and obnoxious at all of the major events on the show. She's been a pill on every single one of the trips the ladies have taken. She's rude to new people. She's a hypocrite and holds other people to a higher standard than she holds herself. She's unpredictable too and her intense dislike for someone can come out of nowhere. Since she never apologizes for anything she does it's always up to other people to get over it if they don't want to make waves. 



We've seen what happens when people speak to Kim as an adult. LisaR was saying in a straight forward way that it wasn't okay for her to talk to people the way that she was talking to people. LisaR didn't raise her voice she just told Kim that her behavior wasn't okay. In the very next moment Kim makes the anorexia dig. 


Kim sidetracks people to deflect from her own behavior. She was high on Game Night during season 2 but she focused on Brandi making the meth comment so that Brandi would have to apologize. Meanwhile Kim doesn't have to apologize for acting like a drugged out asshole. When Lisa questioned Kim in Paris she made it so that Lisa wished she'd never said anything. With Lisar, Kim puts the focus on Lisar talking about her when she shouldn't be as opposed to accepting the fact that she's being talked about because of her own behavior. If she hadn't acted like an ass all night long and then denied it on top of that, then the women wouldn't have had anything to talk about. With Kyle the focus was on Kyle being a traitor for supposedly revealing to the world that Kim was an alcoholic when many viewers had pieced together Kim's addiction issues for themselves. Instead of Kim focusing for a moment on how she exposed herself, she wants to put it all on Kyle and Kyle has been trying to make up for it ever since. 



It's simply rude to waste other people's time. Multiple housewives have confirmed how they've had to wait on Kim. On top of being late, Kim would lie about why she was late and treat the others like they were stupid. 


Being forced to accept lies is frustrating because it's like asking a person to deal with a person who wants to make their own false reality that's totally contrary to what is actually going on. That is what Kim would expect from people. She wanted everyone to pretend that they weren't seeing what was right in front of them. She always does this when she's loaded. 


It also goes back to Eileen's point. They're supposed to pretend that Kim is fine but God forbid something happens and they're wondering if they ought to have said something or should have done something. By pretending that everything is fine it feels like it's going against common sense so I can see how that would be not only frustrating but alarming as hell. 


Kim would make filming hell for anyone who didn't swallow her lies. That's what I'm talking about regarding the women being forced to go along. Until last season they had to film with her and sometimes it was just easier to just accept Kim's lie of the moment.

I agree, Kim lied that Lisa/Ken were the cause of her being "tired" and oversleeping (aka passed out) in Paris and when Lisa said that was not true, she came at Lisa hard the rest of the season and at the reunion. In fact, I don't think Kim has ever gotten past Lisa defending herself and IMO, Kim has gone out of her way to make Lisa look bad since then even in interviews after her arrests. 

  • Love 11

Simple! (Referring to the bolded above)


My thing is there does come a point where you either accept it or move on. If you're not a part of Kim's family and you've decided to accept what is then I'm not understanding the outrage. It's my personal choice to accept what comes with Kim addictions and all. It's my choice to either interact or not interact with Kim. At some point in life a decision is made to just let it be and pray for the best. Now I'm not talking about family I'm talking about acquaintances and friends etc. etc. (even though I think that approach can be useful even for family) At some point you just leave it be and if its something that hits a raw nerve then it's up to the person to decide whether or not to be a part of Kim Richards life. I don't get all the theatrics about it all. I mean yeah, reality show and all that I get it but it's the internal fight and angst that i see from some of these woman who for the most part don't exactly have an invested interest in her or when things get to be too much are pretty able to cut ties if need be or regulate interaction to minimal superfical encounters.


I can't get on board with the need to sensationalize upon this womans already sensational battle with addiction and treat it like their own personal burden to bear. I'm mean shit Kyle's ridiculousness over it annoys me and SHE'S family.  I'm just completely confused about what motivates someone to cling to all things wrong with Kim Richards and then be so offended by it all. Then fucking disengage. Simple as that. Sheesh. All this manufactured grievances with the woman over having to endure flakiness, awkwardness, lateness, odd and stressful behavior completely baffles me. I know some of the interactions were no walk in the park, as is with a lot of cast member throughout the franchises, but to harbor all this ill will for this person for what? Someone explain why the hell is it such an entitlement to these women? I can't imagine a coworker taking things to such levels because of whatever. In reality if it's that much of a thorn in someone's side they wouldn't "suffer" in silence so I don't buy all this turmoil inflicted on the cast because they were subjected to the antics of addict Kim Richards. Handle it or don't but the aftermath of trauma is just too much for me to watch with a straight face is all.

The cast does not have a choice whether or not to interact with Kim.  They are contractually obligated to do so.  When LVP did not show up at Kimberly's graduation party-Kim made a federal case out of it.  Same with Yolanda and LVP not showing up at her insipid painting party.  What Kim's lack of sobriety and basic consideration does is delay the others from spending time with their family or other pursuits.  I think the theatrics were pretty simple and they worked-the women (probably not Kyle) got fed up working with her.  When it came to Brandi and Kim they basically said that it was no longer realistic they would film with Kim or Brandi.  it is like watching a bad employee get chance after chance and finally management listening to the co-workers.


Families of addicts worry 24/7 about using addicts overdosing, getting behind the wheel, becoming violent, getting arrested.  It is not just a button that can be turned off.   I don't think anyone on the cast wanted to be Kim's sister.  So even if they ignored Kim they still had Kyle in their midst and empathized with her situation. In the case of Kyle, especially with Kim's oldest daughter, she had to be there for her as both parents were incapacitated and Kathy is basically absent.  They are not manufactured grievances-we saw them and Kim's behavior and how it affected others.  Look what happened at dinner in Amsterdam-filming was cut short, the conversation stopped.  There were x number of hours to film in Amsterdam and Kim was making things pretty difficult.  Rinna and Brandi added to the mess as well.

  • Love 15
Thank you! Life went on ya know.... she kept digging her grave season by season so I hardly take all those instances as her getting away with anything.   I mean there's footage and everything. Embarrassing footage. As well as alienating cast members/ acquaintances. Noone's managed to get her to break from her delusions on camera. Noone's managed to get her to cop to anything ON CAMERA. That's the big injustice. That's her getting away with something. I never could get that. Who fucking cares?  The secrets out, there's no hiding it. It's like apparently she's supposed to come on the show and sit in the corner with a pointy dunce... uhhhh DRUNK hat on while thinking about what she's done. LOL...



That isn't what it is for me at all. For me it's seeing someone who clearly doesn't learn from their mistakes and is always going to be a problem for others to deal with wherever she goes. When I say that she gets away with things, I think the fact that she doesn't have to make apologies or alter her behavior in any way to be a big part of that. That's suggesting that her past bad behavior was okay and why she continues to be offensive season after season. Her upcoming appearances don't make it seem like she's changed at all.  


Kim was allowed to not have to participate as a full cast member the way that the other women were and she was still asked back season after season until she finally fucked up one time too many, but even now I doubt that she'd see her no longer being on the show as anything that's actually her fault. 

  • Love 11

Wow, that's a lot of energy to waste on someone who really shouldn't matter in the big scheme of things. Tell you who I blame if all that comes close to what these women were feeling during Kim's time on the show. The other women for being ridiculous enough to "endure" it. LOL. Cause, I don't see not one tied hand in any of those examples. Speak up, don't speak up all decisions and choices available to ALL of them. Lisa addressed, Kim didn't apologize. Oh well. Lisa caved? Weak and corny. Hey I'm not giving Kim a pass but shit I ain't giving the other women a passes either. Shit was ridiculous. The outcome is Kim gets ridiculed for her behavior and rightly so and the other women have their not so nice memories of Kim. What else is there is what I'm continuously curious about. It goes in circles at this point so I'm always wondering what on earth is supposed to come out of this old story?

For people who care for Kim I hope that she'll one day eventually be able to become a better person. A person who cares about others, a person who takes responsibility, a person who can admit to being wrong, a person who be supportive for a change, a person who can be honest, a person who can learn to make friends, a person who can learn how to apologize, a person who can sometimes put other people's needs first. 


I don't think it's a bad thing if any of this make Kim reflect on her behavior. 


I also hope that some part of her wonders why the RHBH gig was such a different experience for Kyle than it was for her. Kyle made the most of the opportunity and Kim let another one slip through her fingers. 

  • Love 8


It is not like the other HWs had a choice about interacting with Kim, it was part of their job. They couldn't avoid her or couldn't just flat out ignore her because she was their co-worker. Why does everyone have to bow to Kim's needs/wants/lies when she is getting a paycheck to do HER job, just like they are. Why does Kim get to call the others nasty names, lie to them and no one is allowed to call her out on it OR call her out on her addictions? She put it out there, why does everyone need to pretend it doesn't exist or that it didn't effect them?


I agree with you to an extent that they couldn't totally disengage from Kim because they worked with her. At the same time, being on the show is about interacting with people you don't like. I admit that Kim came with a particularly erratic set of problems--namely that she was likely to be intoxicated and that meant she would probably be aggressive and/or hyper (poker night, the plane with Adrienne and Paul), and they either didn't call her out or made excuses. However--and I get these are not equivalent situations, but IMO they are similar--they knew Taylor was being beaten by Russell, and that the two of them were allegedly running scams. If it wasn't for Camille, that would have possibly remained unaddressed.


They filmed with Brandi, who they hated, but between being LVP's best friend and privy to secrets that she would expose if she felt wronged, they couldn't/didn't call her out. Adrienne and Paul were presenting themselves as the lovable "Bickersons" while the cast knew that marriage was tanking, and according to Adrienne's allegations Paul had been abusive towards her. That wasn't brought up. They knew Kelsey Grammer was having an affair and they all pretended everything was fine with them until after the season aired. Taylor, IMO, is the most applicable example to compare to Kim because here was another situation where them remaining silent could mean that Taylor could be seriously harmed or zip herself into another suitcase. Not only did they not say anything, they attended anti-domestic violence charity lunches. 


So, again...Kim is perpetually late and aggressive, and doesn't apologize, and is very annoying, and calls LVP fake (FWIW, LVP *IS* fake), and doesn't admit she isn't sober. I don't see why this is on another level so high that she has to be called out repeatedly on camera, admit her wrongdoings on camera, be called names, have it inferred that she threatened Lisa Rinna's life, etc., as though she is responsible for devastating psychological trauma.

  • Love 3
So, again...Kim is perpetually late and aggressive, and doesn't apologize, and is very annoying, and calls LVP fake (FWIW, LVP *IS* fake), and doesn't admit she isn't sober. I don't see why this is on another level so high that she has to be called out repeatedly on camera, admit her wrongdoings on camera, be called names, have it inferred that she threatened Lisa Rinna's life, etc., as though she is responsible for devastating psychological trauma.



My guess is that they just really don't like her. Claims that they focus on her because they're worried about alcoholism etc. probably aren't really true. I suspect it's more that she's just such an unpleasant person to be around that everyone can get interested in telling Kim stories, whether it's the time she was being crazy in the car or a hostile drama queen at the party or challenging anybody to not buy her story about being sober or glaring at somebody in silence. It's probably actually less easy to get emotionally worked up a year later over something like Taylor or Adrienne's marriage problems because it didn't cause personal frustration for them in the moment. With Kim I could easily imagine that any time they think about her, imagining her looking smug and sulky and insisting she's a big victim, or when they're sitting across from her saying that in person, they get mad again. Plus for somebody like Lisar it's probably doubling galling because she feels like a fool--numerous times she chose to play the "compassionate" role and didn't get rewarded for it and that just made her position even less stable when she did decide to get mad at her. 


In some ways they'd all truly prefer it if she wasn't an addict who was in such a bad way because it's not really the addiction that bothers them about her--except in so far as it's often tied up in whatever she's doing.

  • Love 12

I agree with you to an extent that they couldn't totally disengage from Kim because they worked with her. At the same time, being on the show is about interacting with people you don't like. I admit that Kim came with a particularly erratic set of problems--namely that she was likely to be intoxicated and that meant she would probably be aggressive and/or hyper (poker night, the plane with Adrienne and Paul), and they either didn't call her out or made excuses. However--and I get these are not equivalent situations, but IMO they are similar--they knew Taylor was being beaten by Russell, and that the two of them were allegedly running scams. If it wasn't for Camille, that would have possibly remained unaddressed.


They filmed with Brandi, who they hated, but between being LVP's best friend and privy to secrets that she would expose if she felt wronged, they couldn't/didn't call her out. Adrienne and Paul were presenting themselves as the lovable "Bickersons" while the cast knew that marriage was tanking, and according to Adrienne's allegations Paul had been abusive towards her. That wasn't brought up. They knew Kelsey Grammer was having an affair and they all pretended everything was fine with them until after the season aired. Taylor, IMO, is the most applicable example to compare to Kim because here was another situation where them remaining silent could mean that Taylor could be seriously harmed or zip herself into another suitcase. Not only did they not say anything, they attended anti-domestic violence charity lunches. 


So, again...Kim is perpetually late and aggressive, and doesn't apologize, and is very annoying, and calls LVP fake (FWIW, LVP *IS* fake), and doesn't admit she isn't sober. I don't see why this is on another level so high that she has to be called out repeatedly on camera, admit her wrongdoings on camera, be called names, have it inferred that she threatened Lisa Rinna's life, etc., as though she is responsible for devastating psychological trauma.

Not everyone knew about Russell abusing Taylor until she tried to go after LisaV and then it started to come out and because no one had seen any bruises or injuries to Taylor, some, Adrienne/Paul, questioned if Taylor was being truthful. No one "knew"  about Russell/Taylor scams or that Kelsey was cheating on Camille during filming either. Yes, they do avoid talking about things that happen off camera or each others children/families unless the HW brings them up themselves but Kim's problems happened every time she was ON camera with the others. She could NOT be avoided and IMO, she was a danger to herself, her fellow cast members and to the crew. Kim IS THE reason that production pays for limos/drivers for most of the HWs. LOL There was NO tip toeing around Kim and her addictions for any of the other HWs, NONE IMO.

  • Love 7

Why shouldn't the cast members do this? Why shouldn't they be able to do that? Why?? Cause it's unpleasant and negative and drags something ugly around in the dirt and I for one take no pleasure in hearing about it at all. Who does?? That's what's curious to me.

Contractual obligations always makes me laugh. They may have sold their souls to devil Andy but that doesn't mean they can't regulate their own demons once in awhile and that's all I got on that subject. Free will is just that. Contracts and all..

Kim doesn't have to make any apologizes or alter her behavior and is allowed to cause problems...? Sure she should make apologies try to change her destructive ways and not be a continuous problems to others around her but she doesn't and she is. Now what? Accepting shit for what it is isn't the same as saying her behavior is ok it's just acknowledging that going on and on about it doesn't produce any different results. Continuing to do so has taken another meaning at this point and to me it's not something that I find acceptable, understandable or justified. I just find it repulsive.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 1

Not everyone knew about Russell abusing Taylor until she tried to go after LisaV and then it started to come out and because no one had seen any bruises or injuries to Taylor, some, Adrienne/Paul, questioned if Taylor was being truthful. No one "knew"  about Russell/Taylor scams or that Kelsey was cheating on Camille during filming either. Yes, they do avoid talking about things that happen off camera or each others children/families unless the HW brings them up themselves but Kim's problems happened every time she was ON camera with the others. She could NOT be avoided and IMO, she was a danger to herself, her fellow cast members and to the crew. Kim IS THE reason that production pays for limos/drivers for most of the HWs. LOL There was NO tip toeing around Kim and her addictions for any of the other HWs, NONE IMO.

IMO, they all knew about the so-called secrets.

First of all, they are all gossipy and LVP has been around the block once or twice and is super savvy when it comes to other people's situation.

  • Love 1


They filmed with Brandi, who they hated, but between being LVP's best friend and privy to secrets that she would expose if she felt wronged, they couldn't/didn't call her out. Adrienne and Paul were presenting themselves as the lovable "Bickersons" while the cast knew that marriage was tanking, and according to Adrienne's allegations Paul had been abusive towards her. That wasn't brought up. They knew Kelsey Grammer was having an affair and they all pretended everything was fine with them until after the season aired. Taylor, IMO, is the most applicable example to compare to Kim because here was another situation where them remaining silent could mean that Taylor could be seriously harmed or zip herself into another suitcase. Not only did they not say anything, they attended anti-domestic violence charity lunches.


I feel like there are some things being glossed over here.


The women were never clear on whether or not Russel was abusing Taylor because Taylor's story kept changing. Part of Camille's big reveal of her "now I've said it" was because Taylor had been telling different stories to the women separately. That tea party was the first time they could all compare notes on what Taylor had said and and when Taylor tried to backtrack, Camille called her out. It wasn't until the end that the women just accepted that what Taylor was saying was true because they had no proof that she was lying. 


The domestic violence lunch was because it was Taylor's charity and at that lunch she made it clear she had survived and abusive relationship and was now living the good life in Beverly Hills. So it again contradicted the stories that Taylor was telling the women off camera.


I don't think any of the women have ever said they knew that Paul and Adriane were having marital troubles. And none of them claimed to know that Kelsey was cheating on Camille. In fact they all agreed they would have been more forgiving of Camille's insecurity if they had known what was going on at the time. 


As for the domestic violence allegations against Paul, Adriane was very careful to cover her ass by having her chef Bernie put those out there. Adriane never commented on them. So again, this wasn't some situation that the women were well aware of but just accepting for the sake of the camera.

  • Love 8

IMO, they all knew about the so-called secrets.

First of all, they are all gossipy and LVP has been around the block once or twice and is super savvy when it comes to other people's situation.

Hearing rumors or gossip outside the show is different than having the HW in question tell you there is problem in her life. Not to mention if you believe said rumors/gossip or even the HW saying it. As MatildaMoody just said, when that person (HW) tells differing stories to the women, no one will know where the truth lies.

  • Love 3

The Taylor thing is different than the Kim thing because Kim relapses have been obvious and right there for everyone to see. The stuff with Taylor was a lot murkier. On top of that Taylor was more of a kiss ass and was easier to get along with in general so I'm sure that helped. 

Why shouldn't the cast members do this? Why shouldn't they be able to do that? Why?? Cause it's unpleasant and negative and drags something ugly around in the dirt and I for one take no pleasure in hearing about it at all. Who does?? That's what's curious to me.

Contractual obligations always makes me laugh. They may have sold their souls to devil Andy but that doesn't mean they can't regulate their own demons once in awhile and that's all I got on that subject. Free will is just that. Contracts and all..

Kim doesn't have to make any apologizes or alter her behavior and is allowed to cause problems...? Sure she should make apologies try to change her destructive ways and not be a continuous problems to others around her but she doesn't and she is. Now what? Accepting shit for what it is isn't the same as saying her behavior is ok it's just acknowledging that going on and on about it doesn't produce any different results. Continuing to do so has taken another meaning at this point and to me it's not something that I find acceptable, understandable or justified. I just find it repulsive.

So the other ladies should refuse to honor their contracts and mess up their standing with production because they don't want to have to deal with Kim? LisaR should have passed on going to Amsterdam once Kim started treating her like shit on the way to Calgary? 


LisaR *is* acknowledging what the situation is. She's being very straightforward about it and has been since the beginning which is what Kim doesn't like. She also isn't expecting anything different from Kim. She sounds like she's accepted the idea that Kim is an asshole and it's only changed behavior from Kim that is going to convince her otherwise. 


I'm not going to sit here and say that LisaR isn't justified for having her own reaction to the multiple situations that she was in because of Kim's substance abuse issues and her response to them. To me that's basically saying that she isn't allowed to say how she feels or that she's wrong for feeling the way that she does. 


I think it's also skipping over the larger issue of why Kim would be talked about in the first place (therefore absolving her of responsibility for why she's left negative impressions on most of the people she worked with) and how these are natural consequences. 


Years ago I worked with a person who was fired for substance abuse issues and because this person didn't make any friends during her short time with the company, every once in awhile her name will come up in 'Remember when' sessions and multiple people have funny stories of how crazy this chick was. I mention this because it just doesn't seem unnatural to me or repulsive or evil to talk about somebody after they've shown their ass multiple times. 


If Kim were a nicer person I could maybe see wanting to shield her more but I don't see why these women have any reason to be loyal to her. 


I'll repeat though that I don't think LisaR should bring it up on her own or that she should spend all day long talking about it. But to say that the car ride was some scaryfreaky shit? I give her a big old pass. 

  • Love 8


Shouldn't they have loyalty toward Kyle then?

If she says it bothers her to talk about Kim ad nauseam, then they should drop it after a while, IMO.

If I'd been LisaR I would have dropped it rather than have Kyle leave the table. I don't have a problem with LisaR saying how she feels about Kim though if somebody asks her even if Kyle has to see it. That being said, there's no point in calling Kim names like "rabid dog". She should just stick to how Kim is a rude, insensitive, lying, a hypocrite, etc. And even then, only if somebody asks her.


Kyle does not live by the rule 'don't say anything nice if you don't have anything to say at all'. She doesn't live by it with her sister or any of the other ladies on this show. I understand though why she's saying that now considering how hard her family has come down on her lately. I don't think there's anything wrong with her saying it just that this is a recent rule that she's putting out there for the other women to follow. I'm not implying that she was fine with the women talking shit about Kim before just that she didn't necessarily take a stand before about the women saying anything bad. I remember Kim being all complaining and ridiculous because she didn't think Kyle was defending her enough and that Kyle didn't understand the pain that Brandi supposedly put her through with the meth comment. 

  • Love 5

During the reunion, Kim went on the attack against everyone for questioning her sobriety, and she said the only thing she had done was to take one of Monty's pills.   The other issue was the dog bite.   Everyone left it at that.  Kyle & Kim weren't speaking, Kim was mad at everyone.   If filming of this season took place last summer, that's pretty much when all hell broke loose with Kim.  The Polo Lounge arrest, rehab, the rumor that spread about her going nuts at her daughter's wedding in Mexico, then going MIA, the Dr. Phil interview, the pics of her trying to score drugs at the vape shop, and the Target shoplifting.     I seriously doubt that these women see much of each other outside of filming, so when they got back together, I think it's only natural to ask Kyle about Kim, and to discuss what had taken place over the summer.   LisaR got ripped up one side and down the other by Kim at the reunion, so it seems LisaR feels justified in talking about Kim - in an I told you so way.   


Kyle got flack from her sister Kathy for airing dirty laundry, as filming progressed Kim was in rehab, and staying, so Kyle just doesn't want to rock the boat.  I don't think she's that emotional (despite the tears) talking about it - she just doesn't want to be the one in her family that isn't "supporting" Kim.    But, it seems ok for Kyle to bring it up with Bethanney, Adrianne, Faye, etc and that seems to be ok.   But double standard when it comes to the women who were subjected to her sister's erratic/angry behavior first hand.  

  • Love 10

During the reunion, Kim went on the attack against everyone for questioning her sobriety, and she said the only thing she had done was to take one of Monty's pills.   The other issue was the dog bite.   Everyone left it at that.  Kyle & Kim weren't speaking, Kim was mad at everyone.   If filming of this season took place last summer, that's pretty much when all hell broke loose with Kim.  The Polo Lounge arrest, rehab, the rumor that spread about her going nuts at her daughter's wedding in Mexico, then going MIA, the Dr. Phil interview, the pics of her trying to score drugs at the vape shop, and the Target shoplifting.     I seriously doubt that these women see much of each other outside of filming, so when they got back together, I think it's only natural to ask Kyle about Kim, and to discuss what had taken place over the summer.   LisaR got ripped up one side and down the other by Kim at the reunion, so it seems LisaR feels justified in talking about Kim - in an I told you so way.   


Kyle got flack from her sister Kathy for airing dirty laundry, as filming progressed Kim was in rehab, and staying, so Kyle just doesn't want to rock the boat.  I don't think she's that emotional (despite the tears) talking about it - she just doesn't want to be the one in her family that isn't "supporting" Kim.    But, it seems ok for Kyle to bring it up with Bethanney, Adrianne, Faye, etc and that seems to be ok.   But double standard when it comes to the women who were subjected to her sister's erratic/angry behavior first hand.  

I agree with all of this. 


I'd add too that other women have come down on Kim in the past and Kyle has given them a pass for the most part. I think she's mostly giving LisaR a pass too but she wants to be seen as officially taking a stand. She doesn't want Kathy or Kim to be able to say that she isn't defending Kim like a "real" sister. That comment burned Kyle and instantly reduced her to tears. It has to be so frustrating when it simply isn't true. I do think she wants to show that she's loyal. 


I actually think that Kyle has demonstrated again and again that loyalty is a quality that is important to her and is something that she tries to practice on a regular basis. 

  • Love 5

I completely disagree. I can't even think of one scene last season where she was kind or endearing. She isn't in full blown asshole mode 100% of the time but I'd say it's somewhere in the eighties or nineties lol. She was constantly rude and obnoxious at all of the major events on the show. She's been a pill on every single one of the trips the ladies have taken. She's rude to new people; she's rude to people she's already acquainted with. She's a hypocrite and holds other people to a higher standard than she holds herself. She's unpredictable too and her intense dislike for someone can come out of nowhere. Since she never apologizes for anything she does it's always up to other people to get over it if they don't want to make waves.

We've seen what happens when people speak to Kim as an adult. LisaR was saying in a straight forward way that it wasn't okay for her to talk to people the way that she was talking to people. LisaR didn't raise her voice she just told Kim that her behavior wasn't okay. In the very next moment Kim makes the anorexia dig.

Kim sidetracks people to deflect from her own behavior. She was high on Game Night during season 2 but she focused on Brandi making the meth comment so that Brandi would have to apologize. Meanwhile Kim doesn't have to apologize for acting like a drugged out asshole. When Lisa questioned Kim in Paris she made it so that Lisa wished she'd never said anything. With Lisar, Kim puts the focus on Lisar talking about her when she shouldn't be as opposed to accepting the fact that she's being talked about because of her own behavior. If she hadn't acted like an ass all night long and then denied it on top of that, then the women wouldn't have had anything to talk about. With Kyle the focus was on Kyle being a traitor for supposedly revealing to the world that Kim was an alcoholic when many viewers had pieced together Kim's addiction issues for themselves. Instead of Kim focusing for a moment on how she exposed herself, she wants to put it all on Kyle and Kyle has been trying to make up for it ever since.

It's simply rude to waste other people's time. Multiple housewives have confirmed how they've had to wait on Kim. On top of being late, Kim would lie about why she was late and treat the others like they were stupid.

Being forced to accept lies is frustrating because it's like asking a person to deal with a person who wants to make their own false reality that's totally contrary to what is actually going on. That is what Kim would expect from people. She wanted everyone to pretend that they weren't seeing what was right in front of them. She always does this when she's loaded.

It also goes back to Eileen's point. They're supposed to pretend that Kim is fine but God forbid something happens and they're wondering if they ought to have said something or should have done something. By pretending that everything is fine it feels like it's going against common sense so I can see how that would be not only frustrating but alarming as hell.

Kim would make filming hell for anyone who didn't swallow her lies. That's what I'm talking about regarding the women being forced to go along. Until last season they had to film with her and sometimes it was just easier to just accept Kim's lie of the moment.

ITA! With all of the above. Kim and Yolyingda could be interchangeable. Both of these "ladies" are cut from the same cloth, they just happen to be different textures :-\

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Or, you know, they'd rather gossip about people who aren't there.  Kim, Brandi, and Yo.  Yo's been almost as absent as the two former wives.


They don't have anything good to bring, so they talk about the women who did.  Bravo knew they had bupkis this season, or for most of it.  Now that Erika is really showing her ass (and I don't just mean THE BOSS) she might bring them some story, but until now?  Let's talk about people who aren't here!  Woo!


How exciting for viewers.


Meanwhile I feel that Yours Truly has made excellent points.  Grow the fuck up (to the other wives.)  Kim is already paying, has anyone noticed her life now?  Kids abandoning her, not enough money, dog probably dead, tawdry TV shows, lawsuits, public humiliation, and addiction problems she is unable to fix, demons from her past as well.  Just what does Lipsa want to do here?  Nail her to a fucking cross?  She's on it already, and not by choice, by weakness, and sad sad things.  Pretending concern is really sickening.


Kathryn though?  I believed, and I really liked her last show, it's a tragedy, not fodder for your fucking storylines Bravo and especially you Rinna.  Yeah, let's all just push Kim completely over the edge she's barely hanging on to by her home-polished fingernails.  After all, Russel offing himself brought ratings right?  Let's go for number 2!  Storyline for AGES with that!

Edited by Umbelina
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Not everyone knew about Russell abusing Taylor until she tried to go after LisaV and then it started to come out and because no one had seen any bruises or injuries to Taylor, some, Adrienne/Paul, questioned if Taylor was being truthful. No one "knew"  about Russell/Taylor scams or that Kelsey was cheating on Camille during filming either. Yes, they do avoid talking about things that happen off camera or each others children/families unless the HW brings them up themselves but Kim's problems happened every time she was ON camera with the others. She could NOT be avoided and IMO, she was a danger to herself, her fellow cast members and to the crew. Kim IS THE reason that production pays for limos/drivers for most of the HWs. LOL There was NO tip toeing around Kim and her addictions for any of the other HWs, NONE IMO.

Here is who knew and when-Adrienne knew before Taylor was cast and encouraged her to get on the show and become independent from Russell.  Camille knew early on and offered her and Kennedy a place to stay.  LVP knew before meeting Russell and was never nice about anything towards him.  LVP said Taylor told her on their first meeting.  Kyle and Kim knew but Kyle didn't acknowledge it because she was worried if the police became involved Taylor would be financially strapped and Kyle decided to befriend Taylor even after Taylor screwed things up in New York.  Kim was drunk.  (hey it is her thread I had to include her.)  All the men were uncomfortable and even had a poker night where they took a few jabs at Russell.


Camille knew when Kelsey exited for Broadway that they were separating.  He just let her play it out.  I didn't blame Camille for holding out hope.  It was the perfect season of secrets and hiding them.  Then one by one they all started to come out.

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Also, just about the only time I've ever liked Kyle was last episode, when she pointed out that Rinna's behavior was just as bad, if not worse than Kim's during that trip.  Because, hell yes, IMO, it was worse.  Especially the texts after, probably drunken texting, but showed her true self.  Concern my ass.

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