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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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I can see Kim getting offered this gig, and Kimberly not wanting to do it, but Kathy telling her she has to because her mom needs the money, and it will keep her in the public eye.  Poor Kimberly.    Kimberly was with her through the toughest times, and I had hopes her mom would let her go to school, have a life, and enjoy herself.  But NO, she is once again responsible for her mother's well being and sobriety.  She was filming when Monty was at the end.   But, we all have to remember that she's very picky about what she chooses to do in her career.  

  • Love 6

I think in CA after 3 bites to a human are reported the dog is put down. I knew of 4 since Kim had him. It's for the life of the dog so if he had bitten under his previous owner or breeder it counts. That's what one of my clients told me but that was just salon chit chat.

Laws governing dog bite in California are not statewide, but usually city or county ordinances.  I know in both Los Angeles and Orange County no dog gets any "free" bites. Mr. Thrax just finished a case where a 1-1/2 year old pitbull was ordered euthanized after his first bite.  The owners had considered re-homing him outside the jurisdiction, but poor Chester ended up getting the lethal injection. Of course, I also feel for the poor lady whose leg required 40+ stitches.

  • Love 4

Yea. You know there's sympathy. But I've been hospitalized for attacks before. And know people who've been attacked by dogs. Someone's they can be rehabilitated but sometimes there's ashes where its repeated behavior and maybe even mental or psychological issues training won't help.

Who pays for the training and rehoming? And are they or the authorities who decide that on the hook for damages if the dog attacks a person or dog again?

  • Love 1

Here's a link to a ROL article that says Kyle skipped Monty's funeral.  I guess because Maurico wasn't invited.  Two things.  One, if this is true it really rubs me the wrong way because Kyle seemed to think it was okay to go to the big splashy wedding that her family wasn't invited to but not this sad event.  Kim could probably have used her support.  Two, Kyle sure is right about her family's shit being on display for everyone to talk about!

  • Love 3

Here's a link to a ROL article that says Kyle skipped Monty's funeral.  I guess because Maurico wasn't invited.  Two things.  One, if this is true it really rubs me the wrong way because Kyle seemed to think it was okay to go to the big splashy wedding that her family wasn't invited to but not this sad event.  Kim could probably have used her support.  Two, Kyle sure is right about her family's shit being on display for everyone to talk about!

I'm on the fence on this one. Kim might not want her there. It wouldn't surprise me. Kyle is there through thick and thin when she's welcome. She's made comments before that indicate she feels like her presence often makes things worse from Kim's perspective.

I agree though that if she was invited and just didn't go because Mauricio wasn't invited then that would seem inconsistent with her past behavior. OTOH maybe the experience of the wedding made her feel like it would be a mistake to show when she knows that there's resentment over her attending.

  • Love 7

Maybe Kyle wasn't invited or did not want to go because of Rick Hilton.  I think his last stunt of saying Kyle was quitting the show would be enough to stay clear.  I don't think Kyle was all that close to Monty and if I had to guess, Kyle was probably aware of Money and Kim's tendency to fall back into partying ways. 

  • Love 13

Maybe Kyle wasn't invited or did not want to go because of Rick Hilton.  I think his last stunt of saying Kyle was quitting the show would be enough to stay clear.  I don't think Kyle was all that close to Monty and if I had to guess, Kyle was probably aware of Money and Kim's tendency to fall back into partying ways. 

  • Love 1

No, he was in an assisted living facility.   Kathy, supposedly, made all the funeral arrangements, so I could see her saying Kyle could come, but it was Kim's preference to not invite Mauricio.     Kyle seems to have skipped out on the Xmas party at Kathy's because Maurico wasn't invited.  Good to see her taking a stand.   Kim & Monty were close (only within the past few years), and were only married for a short period of time.  His other ex - Terri - seemed like the one who was there full time for him.  Kim was filming during the last few weeks of his life.   Whatever, Kyle couldn't win either way.  If she went it would be said it was for publicity, if she doesn't go, she's heartless.  That entire group is a no-win situation.

  • Love 15

No, he was in an assisted living facility. Kathy, supposedly, made all the funeral arrangements, so I could see her saying Kyle could come, but it was Kim's preference to not invite Mauricio. Kyle seems to have skipped out on the Xmas party at Kathy's because Maurico wasn't invited. Good to see her taking a stand. Kim & Monty were close (only within the past few years), and were only married for a short period of time. His other ex - Terri - seemed like the one who was there full time for him. Kim was filming during the last few weeks of his life. Whatever, Kyle couldn't win either way. If she went it would be said it was for publicity, if she doesn't go, she's heartless. That entire group is a no-win situation.

Thanks for responding.

According to the article:"After Brinson, 58, passed away at Kathy’s house, Kim, 51, posted on social media, “Monty was an amazing person with an amazing soul… We shared over 30 years of Love & Happiness and brought a beautiful daughter into world. I am so grateful for all that we shared. I know we will be together again one day. I love you Monty.”

ROL is once again making up stories, for all we know Kyle attended the service.

Edited by LIMOM
  • Love 3

Here's a link to a ROL article that says Kyle skipped Monty's funeral.  I guess because Maurico wasn't invited.  Two things.  One, if this is true it really rubs me the wrong way because Kyle seemed to think it was okay to go to the big splashy wedding that her family wasn't invited to but not this sad event.  Kim could probably have used her support.  Two, Kyle sure is right about her family's shit being on display for everyone to talk about!

The world is back on its axis-Kyle, Mauricio and the children all attending the funeral according to a Kyle tweet.


In the world of yellow journalism-why lie about something so basically traceable?

  • Love 2

Well I guess I won't be linking to ROL again anytime soon. 

In the world of yellow journalism-why lie about something so basically traceable?

I think to keep the shit storm going so they can get even more mileage out of it in the future.  I doubt they'll print a retraction so people that don't read Kyle's tweets will continue to go around with that rumor in their heads.

  • Love 1

Well I guess I won't be linking to ROL again anytime soon. 

I think to keep the shit storm going so they can get even more mileage out of it in the future.  I doubt they'll print a retraction so people that don't read Kyle's tweets will continue to go around with that rumor in their heads.

A stopped clock is right twice a day.  I think Radar wants a reaction out of Kyle and she won't give them one.  So she responded to All About the Real Housewives who were copying from Radar.

  • Love 2

Thank heaven we have freedom of speech in this country, but when a source prints something wrong, plain and simple, there should be consequences, such as a suspension of their right to publish for a period of time.  This is a grievous error made by ROL, and they should be made to pay for it at the very least by a hefty fine and a suspension, IMHO.


ETA:  Maybe I wouldn't feel this way if it didn't have to do with a death.  Also, it rings of an obvious mistake to write under a bold headline to make readers more interested.

Edited by Lura
  • Love 3

Not to change the subject, but hubs and I were watching a show on HBO about Kareem Abul Jabber. 


Low and behold, KIM RICHARDS is shown in a brief interview about the Lakers. It was 1979 and she was a fresh faced maiden! Well anyway she was fresh faced. 

Almost didn't recognize her. The sun was not her friend.

  • Love 3

Not to change the subject, but hubs and I were watching a show on HBO about Kareem Abul Jabber. 


Low and behold, KIM RICHARDS is shown in a brief interview about the Lakers. It was 1979 and she was a fresh faced maiden! Well anyway she was fresh faced. 

Almost didn't recognize her. The sun was not her friend.

The sun, two packs a day, booze, drugs-I think it took a toll on her.  She was a cute kid with the beautiful long hair.  The videos of her in her latest reality TV venture she looks every bit of her age.

  • Love 5

I think that one of Kyle's problems is that she's constantly trying to be someone that she isn't.  She was the youngest in her family of show biz people, so she didn't grow up in a normal household.  Instead, the others had show biz in their blood, and she grew up trying to be like they were.  I don't care for Kyle, and a lot of what I don't like are her pretentions.  She's immature, trying to act mature. She can be so normal, laughing with the girls, and so immature, wearing a gown at her barbecue.  She has many good qualities, and I would like her much better if she were more natural.                                                                                             

Edited by Lura
  • Love 3

Sorry, I don't know how to/or why I'm unable to quote posters on my cell.

I just read a post upthread from ZoeysMom about Taylor Armstrongs' dog (whom Taylor purchased for her daughter way back in the series) being passed away/euthanized? please tell me either I misunderstood or that poor dog had a terminal illness?

I never liked Taylor, however, if she euthanized that dog for no good reason, I won't even say what I wish for her.

Maybe this should be in the Taylor thread but it's still somewhat on topic in discussing Kim and her selfishness in owning a pet

Edited by chenoa333
  • Love 2

Sorry, I don't know how to/or why I'm unable to quote posters on my cell.

I just read a post upthread from ZoeysMom about Taylor Armstrongs' dog (whom Taylor purchased for her daughter way back in the series) being passed away/euthanized? please tell me either I misunderstood or that poor dog had a terminal illness?

I never liked Taylor, however, if she euthanized that dog for no good reason, I won't even say what I wish for her.

Maybe this should be in the Taylor thread but it's still somewhat on topic in discussing Kim and her selfishness in owning a pet

Taylor claimed she gave the dog away, not that he was put down, Snowball was still a puppy so I am sure she found him a home. Kim on the other hand, did cause Kingsley to be put down all because she refused to train him and then keep up his training.

  • Love 4

Sorry, I don't know how to/or why I'm unable to quote posters on my cell.

I just read a post upthread from ZoeysMom about Taylor Armstrongs' dog (whom Taylor purchased for her daughter way back in the series) being passed away/euthanized? please tell me either I misunderstood or that poor dog had a terminal illness?

I never liked Taylor, however, if she euthanized that dog for no good reason, I won't even say what I wish for her.

Maybe this should be in the Taylor thread but it's still somewhat on topic in discussing Kim and her selfishness in owning a pet

At the time of Snowball's exit from the Armstrong household there were posts about Snowball being with Jesus.  It was a joke.  I don't think they had the dog put down, my guess is they returned it to the breeder.


Kingsley on the other hand is a nuisance.  The he had a drug and liquor addled, irresponsible owner probably led to his demise or permanent placement in a vicious dog refuge.

  • Love 2

Not to change the subject, but hubs and I were watching a show on HBO about Kareem Abul Jabber. 


Low and behold, KIM RICHARDS is shown in a brief interview about the Lakers. It was 1979 and she was a fresh faced maiden! Well anyway she was fresh faced. 

Almost didn't recognize her. The sun was not her friend.

I saw that too!! And her part sure did jump out at me too.

So there are no confirmed reports as to whether Kingsley was euthanized or sent to a permanent rescue home?

Kim needs to go to a permanent home for her being a nuisance, not Kingsley.

Thanks zoeysmom and wirewrap for the info on Taylor's puppy. I'm also confident that Snowball got a better chance in life than Kim's dog.

The textbook epitome of two f'd up fractured adults who thought they could selfishly change things in their life for the better (in some small way) by getting a pet.

Kim should be on a blackball list at every pet rescue place in the country.

  • Love 4

I saw that too beaker73. Good to know all that rehab and therapy have had such an influence on her behavior.  It's really a shame that she hooked Kimberly into doing this dumb show.   Isn't this girl in college? Doesn't she have homework or something better to do than be with Mom in some dumb reality show??

  • Love 10

Since Kim will be revisiting the show I have been thinking about what makes Kim tick.  Obviously she was the breakout star of the family.  I believe Kyle when Kyle said her mother said that Kim took things very seriously.  With Kathy landing a Hilton, Kim seemed pretty content to settle for a kind of goofy looking southern boy with a trust fund and someone who was truly a friend to her, in their weird kind of addict existence.  Monty made and wrote his one and only movie-starring Kim and Kyle with a million dollars from mom and dad.   I think Kim preferred being barefoot and pregnant to anything else.  Of course it would take a mountain of money to keep her barefoot.  When she landed Marvin Davis' son,  a true billionaire and studio head, I think Kim thought she would have all she ever needed.  Marvin gave her a million dollars, which she blew, probably someplace other than the Target $1 aisle.  She had two children in the three year relationship, I don't think she had either a friend or a strong romantic relationship with Gregg.  So when John came along Kim exited her marriage with two small children. (Chad was born the same year John was killed.)   John died and she met John Jackson shortly thereafter,  and had Kimberly with him near the end of her five year relationship with him.  Even after leaving Gregg, Kim and her brood enjoyed living in a David family mansion in Holmby Hills.


So when we meet up with Kim, she is angry, surly drunk and little envious of her other co-stars.  Kim will tell she had bigger  mansions, bigger staffs, was a bigger star (I dispute this when it comes to Kelsey Grammer) and had seen and done it all before and the others were catching up with her.  I think the only person she had any sort of relationship with was Adrienne Maloof, only because I think Adrienne knew about sibling rivalry and Paul was pretty darn nice to her.  By Season 3 she was supposedly sober, Yolanda called her out, LVP outed her as not being lucid, Season 4, she had no use for Carlton or really Joyce, as Kim had a FIL who was a studio head not just producer plus Joyce was pageant not talent, by Season 5, I think Kim was just exhausted with new women and their happy families.  These newbies Eileen and Lisar had everything Kim had had and let get away and they were sober.  Kim's kids were gone, except the boomerang child who would return with his mixed bag of mental illness and she had staked a claim on Monty and he wasn't being at all cooperative.  Landing at her house between Las Vegas jaunts and stays with his other ex wife.  Kim knew only two things escape through substances and checking into a hospital.  Most of all I think Kim was losing her mind in the fact that there were brighter stars on the show and it took a lot of work for her to even be relevant.  I still believe to this day, she and Brandi went to Eileen's with the intention of making some memorable footage and just maybe Kim realized she just could not do it without a little chemical courage.  I think Kim thought she could pick at Kyle and Lisar and it would be funny.


Kim is unable and has not learned how to apologize or give up a grudge.  She still hasn't forgiven Kyle for Season1 and will never, because she was doing such a good job keeping her drinking under wraps.  She forgave Brandi, then she didn't at LVP's vow renewal, because Brandi had hurt her more than she had hurt Adrienne and Paul it also meant she was fighting with her sister again publicly.  Kim's hurt is always the worst.  I wonder if Yolanda will give her a run for her money in the busted marriage department being the worst. 


She detests having to do reality TV but has to earn a living.  She hates the others who have made huge successes out of reality TV but most of all she hates the fact has to associate with these also rans.  Her hatred of Eileen was displaced it made me wonder if perhaps that is who Kim regrets not having become.  Not that I think Kim could have worked full time and had four children or stayed in a marriage.  So now Kim has to return with a little Yolanda/Brandi umbrella but to earn her paycheck she has to actually confront her nemesis, Lisar.  Kim doesn't converse, she mandates.  At this point I think the lines have become so blurred for Kim and she is so use to regurgitating hateful words that no amount of sober time or therapy will ever get her to a place where she would want to spend time with the person she has become.  I am thinking next season she will be back in all her miserable glory.

  • Love 7

Kim was certainly unhappy being sober. I think she's miserable due to the reality of her life, not so much due to other people's success. At one point she got above the title billing in movies, but she hasn't acted in thirty years, and despite marrying or having children with several wealthy men, she's probably broke. She's too old and her looks are too faded for her to ever recapture that success. I don't think she's really envious, I think she's mostly full of regret. Eileen's daily daytime soap career involves very long days, Kim wouldn't envy having to work like that. And Lisar, it's been twenty years since Melrose Place. She's done a few recurring roles on some shows, but even she went back to the grueling daytime soaps.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 2

Kim was certainly unhappy being sober. I think she's miserable due to the reality of her life, not so much due to other people's success. At one point she got above the title billing in movies, but she hasn't acted in thirty years, and despite marrying or having children with several wealthy men, she's probably broke. She's too old and her looks are too faded for her to ever recapture that success. I don't think she's really envious, I think she's mostly full of regret. Eileen's daily daytime soap career involves very long days, Kim wouldn't envy having to work like that. And Lisar, it's been twenty years since Melrose Place. She's done a few recurring roles on some shows, but even she went back to the grueling daytime soaps.

That is only half the picture-both Lisar and Eileen have successful marriages and seemingly happy home lives.  And they are sober. Another reason I think Kim went after Lisar and told her to eat a piece of bread.  Kim wants things to be wrong with these women.   I think the Emmy was something Kim would have liked-even a Daytime one.  I think Kim misses, to some degree, being in the scripted world.  She doesn't have to create anything, she just plays a role.  She also enjoyed success when she was acting.


I agree I don't think Kim would have been able to work and raise kids as a single mom.


ETA-I think regrets plays a big part in her life.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 4

I must admit, I haven't watched most of the shows episodes. I don't know to what extent Kim interacted with Eileen or Lisar's husbands, or how they've presented in the previous season. I saw the Amsterdam episodes and l've seen the poker episode, in which Kim was high and Brandi was an asshole, I don't know how Kim felt about Vince & Eileen from that visit. I thought the Van Pattens didn't say much, they were gobsmacked by the Kim and Brandi freak show. This season, Vince seemed like he mostly gambles on his laptop in bed all day, and I don't think I've seen Harry Hamlin at all.

  • Love 1

Kim is definitely full of jealousy and envy, no doubt about that. I can see why she should be full of regrets but I'm not convinced that she is because in order to have regrets, I think one has to be able to acknowledge things like poor choices, bad decision making, and other behavior that Kim refuses to acknowledge. She never sees herself as having done anything wrong so I don't know what she would regret exactly since she always blames others for when things go wrong.

Kim's irrational behavior towards Eileen ("I don't like your hair or your face!") seemed steeped in jealousy in addition to Kim typically not being welcoming to newbies in general. She was probably "nicest" to Dana and she couldn't even be counted on to remember Dana's name.

  • Love 10

^ I had forgotten about Pam!! Lol Dana was so desperate to be on the show she practically said "call me Pam, Pam is a better name anyway, damn my mother for not naming me Pam!"

Over the years Kim's cast mates put up with a lot of shit. Did anyone catch the special where they showed a drunken and enraged Kim prior to the limo reveal??! Yikes. Anyhoo , out of respect for Kyle and some sense of protecting Kim's reputation and future earning potential it was never called out. There were grumblings but it was pretty much swept under the rug. Then along come the two newbies and they won't play along and openly called her out. I honestly think Kim couldn't beleive that they were not playing along and hated them for it.

As far as the glass incident don't forget Kim's compassionate response to Lisa's reveal that her sister died of an overdose.It was something between a yawn and a eye roll. I also think Kim knows something about Harry that set Lisa off like a rocket. I bet there were calls to attorneys and network executives all throughout that night. Lisa went from "I will never speak again" to apologizing ...wtf?

  • Love 6

I agree that there was hardcore resentment from Kim that Eileen and LisaR refused to pretend that she was sober. I've always felt too that her issues with sobriety are key to the difficulties she's had in the past regarding other housewives like Taylor, Brandi, Yolanda and LisaV.

Anybody who comments on it in a truthful way becomes an enemy until they agree to play her silly game of pretending that she's sober.

  • Love 10

^ I had forgotten about Pam!! Lol Dana was so desperate to be on the show she practically said "call me Pam, Pam is a better name anyway, damn my mother for not naming me Pam!"

Over the years Kim's cast mates put up with a lot of shit. Did anyone catch the special where they showed a drunken and enraged Kim prior to the limo reveal??! Yikes. Anyhoo , out of respect for Kyle and some sense of protecting Kim's reputation and future earning potential it was never called out. There were grumblings but it was pretty much swept under the rug. Then along come the two newbies and they won't play along and openly called her out. I honestly think Kim couldn't beleive that they were not playing along and hated them for it.

As far as the glass incident don't forget Kim's compassionate response to Lisa's reveal that her sister died of an overdose.It was something between a yawn and a eye roll. I also think Kim knows something about Harry that set Lisa off like a rocket. I bet there were calls to attorneys and network executives all throughout that night. Lisa went from "I will never speak again" to apologizing ...wtf?

Yeah, Kim has no room for anyone else's life tragedies but her own.


I think Lisar and Kim both got the message from production there was a four day trip planned and they would be in violation of their contract if they opted out.  Kim always seem to me to being on the verge of a time out-oh wait that happened this year.  I think there was a lot of wrangling and even having Kim and Lisar on the same part of the trip the following day.  Only Eileen had the courage to speak to the lack of believability of it all.  (Go Eileen!!!)   

  • Love 6

I agree that there was hardcore resentment from Kim that Eileen and LisaR refused to pretend that she was sober. I've always felt too that her issues with sobriety are key to the difficulties she's had in the past regarding other housewives like Taylor, Brandi, Yolanda and LisaV.

Anybody who comments on it in a truthful way becomes an enemy until they agree to play her silly game of pretending that she's sober.

Kim came hard for LisaV after Lisa asked about her taking a "sleeping pill" in Paris, she never forgave her for that 1 simple question.

  • Love 8

Kim came hard for LisaV after Lisa asked about her taking a "sleeping pill" in Paris, she never forgave her for that 1 simple question.

Kim was frosty with Taylor because of comments regarding alcohol. With Yolanda, Kim didn't like how Yolanda called her out about being a no show for shooting. With Brandi of course it was the crystal meth comment. With Kyle it was limogate.

Kim flipped out on LisaR before she even knew what Lisa had to say about the car ride to Eileen's. She assumed that LisaR was talking shit before she got confirmation because she was paranoid and knew her ass was loaded and that Kyle would be upset about it.

  • Love 5

I just can't hate Kim.


I also REALLY don't like Kyle, or believe her suffering sainthood bullshit, or her "good sister" bull shit, or her (to me) obvious and incessant need to be "the GOOD sister, finally the BEST sister, even though one was more famous and the other landed a Hilton."  Kyle's a snake, and Kim's obvious destructive, addictive, and nasty qualities in no way excuse Kyle.  If anything, again, to ME, they explain some of Kim's issues.


If I had to compare Kim to a fictional character, I think the closest would be Blanche DuBois, emotionally at least.


I see Kim as a victim of child acting.  Her desire was flat out stated in many, many interviews when she was young.  She wanted NORMAL, she wanted to be a mother, she wanted to please her mother, so married the rich guys.  Would Kim have been an addict/alcoholic if she didn't work her childhood away, if the people she associated with the most on a day-to-day basis weren't adults in the Hollywood machine, or other child actors?  Without her mother pounding into her constantly the need for fame, for rich husbands, for "getting it ALL" would Kim have even given a damn about all of those things?


We will never know, but I think it's telling that she walked away from Hollywood fame the minute she was old enough to do so.  She wanted to be a mom, to be normal, to have a normal family, to escape it all.  Even then though, Big Kathy worship and the need to please mommy meant "marry RICH then, if you are going to throw all your fame away!"  Kim was so used to being taken care of on the set, that made sense, marry a rich guy, so she would never, ever, ever have to return to Hollywood machine.  She'd been there too long though, the drugs and booze had already taken hold, she was too weak to fight that off.  She wasn't one of the lucky ones who could take it of leave it.  Drugs and booze gave her confidence and made her feel stronger and that is a powerful thing, they also allowed her to forget, so doubly powerful.  Her sisters and mom drank and/or did drugs all the time, so what was the big deal if she did as well?  Another powerful element.


I think Kim was/is deeply insecure, and booze/drugs allow her to lash out, say what she thinks, something she isn't capable of while completely sober, appear (falsely) confident, another thing she didn't feel sober.


Who would she have been with a normal mother and father, instead of the hard drinking stage mother and a series of men traipsing through her life, including a convicted mobster?  Just a sober mom and dad in a suburb, checking homework, helping her understand math, or why some kids were mean, playing with kids her own age, staying in school with kids her own age K-12?  Going to slumber parties and school dances, to church, maybe a few trips to camp in the summer, or trying out for cheer leading or the soccer team instead of roles, a summer job working at the bakery or mall?


Would she be the mess she is today?  She would still have addiction tendencies, but would she have been exposed to all of that, or needed that confidence boost if she'd been a normal kid, and not on the cover of teen magazines?


We will never know, and neither will she.  I have pity for that, and I always will. 

  • Love 2

I see Kyle's peacemaking conciliatory nature being rooted in her own insecurity and the need to justify and conciliate her own "failures" to herself. It's not good that she felt like a failure, but it's made her the best sister.

I can't hate Kim either. She ultimately "failed" but did so at a much later stage than Kyle, and she can't adapt. She wants to be a good person.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 4

I just can't hate Kim.


I also REALLY don't like Kyle, or believe her suffering sainthood bullshit, or her "good sister" bull shit, or her (to me) obvious and incessant need to be "the GOOD sister, finally the BEST sister, even though one was more famous and the other landed a Hilton."  Kyle's a snake, and Kim's obvious destructive, addictive, and nasty qualities in no way excuse Kyle.  If anything, again, to ME, they explain some of Kim's issues.


If I had to compare Kim to a fictional character, I think the closest would be Blanche DuBois, emotionally at least.


I see Kim as a victim of child acting.  Her desire was flat out stated in many, many interviews when she was young.  She wanted NORMAL, she wanted to be a mother, she wanted to please her mother, so married the rich guys.  Would Kim have been an addict/alcoholic if she didn't work her childhood away, if the people she associated with the most on a day-to-day basis weren't adults in the Hollywood machine, or other child actors?  Without her mother pounding into her constantly the need for fame, for rich husbands, for "getting it ALL" would Kim have even given a damn about all of those things?


We will never know, but I think it's telling that she walked away from Hollywood fame the minute she was old enough to do so.  She wanted to be a mom, to be normal, to have a normal family, to escape it all.  Even then though, Big Kathy worship and the need to please mommy meant "marry RICH then, if you are going to throw all your fame away!"  Kim was so used to being taken care of on the set, that made sense, marry a rich guy, so she would never, ever, ever have to return to Hollywood machine.  She'd been there too long though, the drugs and booze had already taken hold, she was too weak to fight that off.  She wasn't one of the lucky ones who could take it of leave it.  Drugs and booze gave her confidence and made her feel stronger and that is a powerful thing, they also allowed her to forget, so doubly powerful.  Her sisters and mom drank and/or did drugs all the time, so what was the big deal if she did as well?  Another powerful element.


I think Kim was/is deeply insecure, and booze/drugs allow her to lash out, say what she thinks, something she isn't capable of while completely sober, appear (falsely) confident, another thing she didn't feel sober.


Who would she have been with a normal mother and father, instead of the hard drinking stage mother and a series of men traipsing through her life, including a convicted mobster?  Just a sober mom and dad in a suburb, checking homework, helping her understand math, or why some kids were mean, playing with kids her own age, staying in school with kids her own age K-12?  Going to slumber parties and school dances, to church, maybe a few trips to camp in the summer, or trying out for cheer leading or the soccer team instead of roles, a summer job working at the bakery or mall?


Would she be the mess she is today?  She would still have addiction tendencies, but would she have been exposed to all of that, or needed that confidence boost if she'd been a normal kid, and not on the cover of teen magazines?


We will never know, and neither will she.  I have pity for that, and I always will. 

Any "pity" I would have had for her went out the window with the realization that she put her addiction ahead of her children's best interest, that being a stable mom/stable home life. We saw this repeated with the dog, she put her needs ahead of that dogs need for training and a firm hand to satisfy her own selfish needs and that most likely led to his death or, at best, him living an isolated life in some dog camp for very dangerous/vicious dogs. And if you watch the new show she is on, you will once again see her putting her needs before her youngest child's needs all for $$$$ and fleeting fame. IMO, Kim grew up spoiled, very spoiled, indulged in every way by everyone around her and she demands they keep it up after all these years. Someone always cleaned up the mess's she made, someone else always came to HER rescue because Kim refused to do so herself and she demands that they keep doing it for the rest of her life and she has burned her way through the ones that love her. JMO


ETA, I don't hate her and I definitely do not pity her, I just want her off my TV. 

Edited by WireWrap
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