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Kyle Richards: Pantene Poster Girl

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During Season 2 there was an undercurrent between LVP and Adrienne brewing.  Kyle wisely decided to stay out of the Las Vegas drama with battling trips.  I saw no reason for Kyle to back LVP at the Reunion.  It turned out, once again, Brandi was lying about a take down,  It was Brandi's friend the attorney who represented Adrienne and outed her surrogacy to Brandi that made the calls.   I think the woman (whose name escapes me) was working with Brandi to discredit Adrienne. Brandi's big bitch about Adrienne is she didn't return her calls or want to get together with her.  The reason I didn't blame Kyle for not defending LVP is she had continually showed her petty ass over Adrienne's shoe line.  Not only did she come out with a one shoe wonder the Vander PUMP, she insisted on calling the shoe the Maloof Hoof, knowing it hurt both Paul and Adrienne.  Even at the Reunion with the dismissal and an apology she turned around and called it a "fat little shoe".  That is why no one should have been defending LVP.   LVP was petty and there was no excuse.  LVP's little back handed comments about Adrienne just didn't fly.  LVP and Brandi were in a league of their own when it came to the Adrienne hate club.  Taylor made a weak attempt Season 3 saying she and Paul weren't there for her-cut to Adrienne's private jet flying Paul and Mauricio to Taylor's benefit in Sacramento (another damn shoe thing).  


I understand that LVP felt that Adrienne wasn't carrying her load on the show but she went about it all wrong.  It was a bad idea to carry forward the perceived slight two more seasons against Kyle.


ETA Geneva Wasserman was the woman's name.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 4

So many interesting conversations - thanks, guys, for the Friday morning read!  My two cents (more like five) ---


1.  I agree that the tension between LVP and Kyle was probably escalated when Kyle/Mauricio pitched The Agency spinoff, and Bravo went with Vanderpump Rules instead.  Kyle is pretty sanguine about business issues in general, so she never said, but my feeling is that Kyle told LVP they were pitching a spinoff, but LVP didn't tell Kyle she was doing the same thing, so Kyle felt blindsided.  Kyle has never said - which doesn't mean much - but neither has LVP.  And since LVP will ALWAYS tell fourth wall secrets when it benefits her (see: every Brandi interaction ever), my assumption is that LVP was at least a little bit shady there, so she keeps her mouth shut.


1a. It's interesting to me, while Kyle and Mauricio "lost" on the spinoff, I suspect they won in the long run - if you look from a business perspective, the Agency has destroyed SUR in terms of revenue, and with no ties to Bravo.  I would bet large amounts of money that Bravo has NO benefit from the Agency's success.  I do know about the "Bethenny clause" to ensure that no housewife can make money again without sharing it with Bravo, but I that only applies to businesses built literally on the show, like Theresa, Sonja and Ramona's businesses.  We know from court filings, for instance, that Bravo has no ownership of Yummie, which existed before Heather started on RHONY. 


2.  I also think that Kyle probably lost LVP's loyalty early on, when she "sided" with Taylor over LVP.  The whole "jelly" thing turned my stomach, and then you add in "maybe she preys on the weak," and if I were LVP, I'd be ticked off too.  I think Kyle got too big for her britches, thought she was Queen Bee and could do no wrong, and didn't realize until she saw it on camera how bitchy she behaved.  To Kyle's credit, I think she has always been one of the few housewives who seem to be able to see her behavior and change:  with Brandi, with Kim, with LVP, she tends to adjust her behavior when she sees it and not to repeat her wrongdoings.  Of course, a very good case could be made that ideally she wouldn't be such a bitch in the first place!  But I give her credit for owning her mistakes, and trying to improve. 


3.  I don't agree that Kyle tried to mastermind the LVP takedown in Season Four.  That doesn't fit with the things we know.  Both LVP and Kyle have said, repeatedly, that Brandi and Yolanda came to Kyle with tales about Lisa AFTER they saw LVP and Kyle becoming close again.  They used the "tabloids in the suitcase" to create a fresh wedge between LVP and Kyle, because neither Brandi nor Yolanda wanted that friendship resurrected.  I think the mastermind of Season 4's takedown was Yolanda.  Kyle - say what you will about her - is first and foremost a people pleaser, and most of her mistakes have come because she plays games trying to get everyone to like her.  We've never seen her "plot" against someone; we've only seen her react emotionally in the moment - which is a weakness of hers.  Yolanda and LVP, meanwhile, are much more deliberate.  Yolanda, I think, orchestrated that whole Season Four thing, from turning Brandi against LVP, to making a final desperate attempt to get people on her side by claiming Ken had abused her (a claim that she desperately pushed in the moment, but never raised again once the footage aired and everyone could see she was being insane.)  I think it's telling that after Season Four, when LVP realized she was alone and had to make friends with at least one of the old cast, she chose Kyle.  I think on some level LVP does know that she did Kyle dirty by attacking her husband and business; and I think LVP also knows, as she herself has said, that  Kyle is "a good girl, really."  Immature and emotional and sometimes bitchy?  Yep.  Vengeful and calculating? No evidence.  In fact, I think the main thing both LVP and Kyle learned from that whole season was not to let other people come between their friendship; they both figured out that the whole "tabloids in the suitcase thing" (true or not) was done because Yo and Brandi didn't want that friendship back.  Brandi tried it again the next year, with the whole "calabasas, bankruptcy, personal trainer" thing - and LVP literally laughed it off.  Believe me, if LVP had thought Kyle said those things, she would absolutely have used it against her.  LVP does not let any offense go. Ever. But she knows Kyle did no such thing.  (I also remember the footage from the Season Four trailer that never came on the show, where Yolanda and Brandi try to launch a narrative that LVP is trying to blackmail Mauricio and Kyle.  I imagine that both Kyle and LVP worked to get that storyline removed as defamatory to all of them - but it's more proof that Yo and Brandi were working hard against LVP and Kyle both, later in Season 4.)


4.  I agree with all the comments that Brandi is insanely jealous of Kyle - blind with rage jealous, I think, and Kyle has finally figured it out.  I also agree that Kyle's main concern with the Brandi/Kim friendship is that Kim is telling tales to Brandi.  Not only do we have the whole cease and desist thing, BUT, interestingly, when asked in an interview on a recent podcast who she trusted with her secrets from the housewives, Brandi said only Yolanda.  She hesitated and said, "I mean, I trust Kim when she's sober, but you can't trust her when she's drinking, she'll say anything."  I believe that Kim told Brandi a HELL of a lot of things about Kyle and Kathy and Maurico (true or not - after all, Kim still insists that Kyle stole her house) and Brandi has been dying to use them ever since. 


Whew!  Okay, thanks for letting me get all that off my chest.  Thanks so much for all the thoughtful conversation.  Ya'll are the best.

  • Love 12

So many interesting conversations - thanks, guys, for the Friday morning read!  My two cents (more like five) ---


1.  I agree that the tension between LVP and Kyle was probably escalated when Kyle/Mauricio pitched The Agency spinoff, and Bravo went with Vanderpump Rules instead.  Kyle is pretty sanguine about business issues in general, so she never said, but my feeling is that Kyle told LVP they were pitching a spinoff, but LVP didn't tell Kyle she was doing the same thing, so Kyle felt blindsided.  Kyle has never said - which doesn't mean much - but neither has LVP.  And since LVP will ALWAYS tell fourth wall secrets when it benefits her (see: every Brandi interaction ever), my assumption is that LVP was at least a little bit shady there, so she keeps her mouth shut.


1a. It's interesting to me, while Kyle and Mauricio "lost" on the spinoff, I suspect they won in the long run - if you look from a business perspective, the Agency has destroyed SUR in terms of revenue, and with no ties to Bravo.  I would bet large amounts of money that Bravo has NO benefit from the Agency's success.  I do know about the "Bethenny clause" to ensure that no housewife can make money again without sharing it with Bravo, but I that only applies to businesses built literally on the show, like Theresa, Sonja and Ramona's businesses.  We know from court filings, for instance, that Bravo has no ownership of Yummie, which existed before Heather started on RHONY. 


2.  I also think that Kyle probably lost LVP's loyalty early on, when she "sided" with Taylor over LVP.  The whole "jelly" thing turned my stomach, and then you add in "maybe she preys on the weak," and if I were LVP, I'd be ticked off too.  I think Kyle got too big for her britches, thought she was Queen Bee and could do no wrong, and didn't realize until she saw it on camera how bitchy she behaved.  To Kyle's credit, I think she has always been one of the few housewives who seem to be able to see her behavior and change:  with Brandi, with Kim, with LVP, she tends to adjust her behavior when she sees it and not to repeat her wrongdoings.  Of course, a very good case could be made that ideally she wouldn't be such a bitch in the first place!  But I give her credit for owning her mistakes, and trying to improve. 


3.  I don't agree that Kyle tried to mastermind the LVP takedown in Season Four.  That doesn't fit with the things we know.  Both LVP and Kyle have said, repeatedly, that Brandi and Yolanda came to Kyle with tales about Lisa AFTER they saw LVP and Kyle becoming close again.  They used the "tabloids in the suitcase" to create a fresh wedge between LVP and Kyle, because neither Brandi nor Yolanda wanted that friendship resurrected.  I think the mastermind of Season 4's takedown was Yolanda.  Kyle - say what you will about her - is first and foremost a people pleaser, and most of her mistakes have come because she plays games trying to get everyone to like her.  We've never seen her "plot" against someone; we've only seen her react emotionally in the moment - which is a weakness of hers.  Yolanda and LVP, meanwhile, are much more deliberate.  Yolanda, I think, orchestrated that whole Season Four thing, from turning Brandi against LVP, to making a final desperate attempt to get people on her side by claiming Ken had abused her (a claim that she desperately pushed in the moment, but never raised again once the footage aired and everyone could see she was being insane.)  I think it's telling that after Season Four, when LVP realized she was alone and had to make friends with at least one of the old cast, she chose Kyle.  I think on some level LVP does know that she did Kyle dirty by attacking her husband and business; and I think LVP also knows, as she herself has said, that  Kyle is "a good girl, really."  Immature and emotional and sometimes bitchy?  Yep.  Vengeful and calculating? No evidence.  In fact, I think the main thing both LVP and Kyle learned from that whole season was not to let other people come between their friendship; they both figured out that the whole "tabloids in the suitcase thing" (true or not) was done because Yo and Brandi didn't want that friendship back.  Brandi tried it again the next year, with the whole "calabasas, bankruptcy, personal trainer" thing - and LVP literally laughed it off.  Believe me, if LVP had thought Kyle said those things, she would absolutely have used it against her.  LVP does not let any offense go. Ever. But she knows Kyle did no such thing.  (I also remember the footage from the Season Four trailer that never came on the show, where Yolanda and Brandi try to launch a narrative that LVP is trying to blackmail Mauricio and Kyle.  I imagine that both Kyle and LVP worked to get that storyline removed as defamatory to all of them - but it's more proof that Yo and Brandi were working hard against LVP and Kyle both, later in Season 4.)


4.  I agree with all the comments that Brandi is insanely jealous of Kyle - blind with rage jealous, I think, and Kyle has finally figured it out.  I also agree that Kyle's main concern with the Brandi/Kim friendship is that Kim is telling tales to Brandi.  Not only do we have the whole cease and desist thing, BUT, interestingly, when asked in an interview on a recent podcast who she trusted with her secrets from the housewives, Brandi said only Yolanda.  She hesitated and said, "I mean, I trust Kim when she's sober, but you can't trust her when she's drinking, she'll say anything."  I believe that Kim told Brandi a HELL of a lot of things about Kyle and Kathy and Maurico (true or not - after all, Kim still insists that Kyle stole her house) and Brandi has been dying to use them ever since. 


Whew!  Okay, thanks for letting me get all that off my chest.  Thanks so much for all the thoughtful conversation.  Ya'll are the best.

I think The Agency would've been a great spinoff but so similar, probably too similar, to Million Dollar listing.  Last season they had a scene with Mauricio & Kyle and David Parnes and James Harris (The British chaps) who now work for The Agency all having lunch but not at any of LVP's places.  I think that they worked for Hilton and Hyland and left with Mauricio.  


That being said Vanderpump Rules is like Housewives in Training but worse.  I watch it here and there and it is so gross; I really can't believe LVP surrounds herself and her businesses with people like that.  So, yeah, it brings in way more $$ for Bravo than The Agency would've.   

  • Love 3

Guess who is going to play Portia in kyle's show?


Hopefully they will get another child brat.

It is a pilot. It does not mean it is going to be picked up.

As far as the casting, I would be very surprised if none of the "real" family members i.e. Portia would get to play a part.

Her best chance to actually make it to the air, would be bravo picking up that crap, IMO.

K. Has been pushing her spawn for years now.

I guess even kids have a "character" actors division.

Yes I said it !

Nowadays it is a big deal for a network to order a pilot.  Gone are the days of network ordering pilots, and paying for them.  So it is a medium big deal to get a pilot ordered.  I do see Kyle or anyone else casting Portia, as she has zero experience.  The best she will probably get if the show is picked up is an occasional friend of one of the daughter type roles. 


When has Kyle ever pushed her spawn?  We have seen Portia at one acting lesson.  I hardly call that pushing the kids.  Pushing the kids would be more aptly descriptive of Yolanda.

  • Love 6

It is a pilot. It does not mean it is going to be picked up.

As far as the casting, I would be very surprised if none of the "real" family members i.e. Portia would get to play a part.

Her best chance to actually make it to the air, would be bravo picking up that crap, IMO.

K. Has been pushing her spawn for years now.

I guess even kids have a "character" actors division.

Yes I said it !



A network would have a handful of shows in what was called 'development' - they would get a show cast, then do a handful of shows, then get the audience to let them know what they thought about the program,


For some programs you could ask for tickets, like game/talk shows, or - I don't know if they still do it - pull people in from studio tours to fill an audience or set up a kiosk and give tickets away in area where there are tons of tourists.


If the reaction was positive, the show was kept as a mid-season replacement for the slots where a show failed.


Now, there is SO much TV that needs to be filled, most pilots get 'picked up' - even the shitty ones


I had to laugh at the "strange cases of the ER', then 'sex sent me to the ER, then 'creepy things living inside me that were found in the ER' then  "Strange cases of sex with things living inside me found in the ER' shows I have seen on TV?.

  • Love 1

yes, there is ton of crappy tv out there but mainly cheap shows to produce.

a regular sitcom with writers and actual sag carrying actors/actresses is not as cheap although, between streaming, cable and even the networks the need for content is high..

Who knows?

It could be good....

I still think that bravo would be the best avenue,, that sitcom can't be worse than the girlfriends guide to divorce which keeps on getting renewed....

So I just found out that Monty died in January and neither Kyle or any of her children went to his funeral. I think that's pretty bad.

It's not true. It was reported by ROL, but Kyle refuted it on Twitter and in an interview, saying that her entire family was there.  Apparently the source of the rumor was Brandi. 

  • Love 10

I saw nothing wrong with making fun of idiot Brandi in a way too short dress on crutches and a high heel. Some things beg for color commentary, that was one of those moments and the t-shirt with her nipples showing. Brandi likes the attention I say give it to her.

No sympathy for Brandi when she is screaming, "I am going to fucking kill you," to Kyle. Way to show off those good parenting chops. It wasn't that the kid peed on the lawn it was he took his clothing off in front of Portia. Brandi saying stupid stuff like, "what do you want me to do, catch in my hands?" No just discipline your child and apologize to the other parents.

Before they went to Hawaii, Ken and LVP are packing, then LVP and Ken expressed anger towards Kyle for inviting Brandi, citing her friendship with Cedric. So it was not an early dismissal of the Brandi/Cedric relationship.

By the third season after Brandi had successfully run off Adrienne, Brandi was really angry with LVP over the Scheana stuff. I still believe that was the number one reason Brandi decided to out LVP for various deeds. Brandi was forever angry at Kyle but none of it made any sense. I do think Brandi was no match for Faye, who exposed Brandi for the creep she is and was in regards to outing the surrogacy. To me the most sickening part of Season 3 occurred when Ken sat there saying they needed to teach Kyle a lesson. That is what happens when you hang with scum like Brandi. The whole living deep in the valley stuff came from Ken's speech at the vow renewal Season 3. Brandi tried blaming it on Kyle and Kyle wasn't having it. I don't think LVP wanted to pursue it because she was worried there might be tape of Ken's words.

By season 4, LVP was still waging war against Kyle for no particular reason other than Kyle would not HATE Adrienne and Paul. By the time LVP and Brandi had taken things to a really low level in Palm Springs and Yolanda went to comfort Kyle, LVP realized she had gone too far. Unfortunately, when LVP was trying to have her moment with Kyle, LVP shut the bathroom door on Kim and instead of having a rational conversation with Kyle she was stuck having it out with an irate Kim. That was the same night a drunk Brandi got upset with LVP for strategerizing . I think LVP felt like she was left holding the "Hate Kyle" banner and others were jumping ship. I still think Puerto Rico could have been saved had LVP not insisted on trying to drag things out or walked out when Yolanda was about to give one of her stupid Hollywood friends speeches.

I think the Kyle/LVP friendship survived in spite of Brandi and Yolanda.

Brava! BRAVO, zoeysmom! THIS is exactly what occurred.

  • Love 2

I'm one of the few that actually likes Kyle's long hair, but this does look cuter on her.  I wonder if she did partially to make it easier to cover those grey hairs? 

LOL It is not the ends where its hard to hide the gray, it is the roots. I know this from experience. SIGH.....:(...... I just had mine done. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 7

Kyle's hair is glorious! I've wanted her hair since season 1.


Kyle is one of the housewives I most enjoy watching for many reasons. In the beginning, she was not a favorite due to things like "Limo-gate" and Game Night. I admit for awhile I actually thought she seemed like a hateful, jealous person. Totally think differently for several seasons now. 


I think she's perfect for RHOBH. First of all she's a beautiful woman, she really looks so much like Demi Moore. I like that she takes care of herself without going overboard with dieting and getting work done. I love her marriage with Mauricio-she picked a really great husband, and she seems to have raised lovely children despite the environment they grew up in-the Hollywood scene, lots of money, and such. (None of her children seem anything like her niece Paris.) I really think she seems like a great wife and mother. 


She just seems very down to earth despite growing up in Beverly Hills and having the wealth she has. I like that she cherishes her husband and children and knows she's blessed and having the most $ isn't everything. 

  • Love 9

Aw.  Kyle's thread is languishing at the bottom of the page.  Time to give her some lovin'.  Or not.  The bottom pic. taken last Thursday, where she's walking in BH looks like she cut her hair again.


Kyle and Mo at Coachella. 


  • Love 1

Aw. Kyle's thread is languishing at the bottom of the page. Time to give her some lovin'. Or not. The bottom pic. taken last Thursday, where she's walking in BH looks like she cut her hair again.

Kyle and Mo at Coachella.



Is coachellA for old people now?


Is coachellA for old people now?

Or, at the very least, those with an overweening desperation for attention. In the Yo thread, a poster described Cochella as:

Coachella translates in my person language to now mean "cringe worthy second hand embarrassment". I don't know why super models, music and film superstars all manage to drape themselves in clothes that look like they smell of old semen, unwashed laundry and a few stray chinese takeout containers; basically they manage to take designer outfits costing more than many make in a month or even more and seem like they live in the closet of a college dorm room that belongs to someone of highly questionable hygiene.

The motto of high fashion that says always take at least two accessories off before you head out the door? Should be applied here and pretty much every other outfit male and female to read "take it all off and go back and try again". When did Coachella exactly become slathering on body glue and throwing yourself in Johnny Depp's Scarf Depository, roll around and then walk out the door thinking you look hip as shit?

I read this ^^. Then I came to this thread. And I laughed because, well, Kyle.

  • Love 4

Aw.  Kyle's thread is languishing at the bottom of the page.  Time to give her some lovin'.  Or not.  The bottom pic. taken last Thursday, where she's walking in BH looks like she cut her hair again.


Kyle and Mo at Coachella. 




I love her pink bag!  I want one.  NOW!    Time to take a spin by TJMax to check out if they have any pink bags similar.  


She looks good!  I like this couple. 

  • Love 4

Or, at the very least, those with an overweening desperation for attention. In the Yo thread, a poster described Cochella as:

I read this ^^. Then I came to this thread. And I laughed because, well, Kyle.


And I did just the opposite.  Posted Kyle and Mo at Coachella and then read that in the Yo thread about rolling around in Johnny Depp's scarf depository. It's like she read the script and dressed the part.  She doesn't look like she smells, though.  Although suede booties and bare feet in 90+ degree weather....blech


I actually think she's dressed appropriately for Coachella (minus the booties) but the false eyelashes and stenciled on brows - I wonder is she has lash extensions and dyed brows because I don't know how that shit would stick after several hours in that kind of heat if they weren't semi permanent.



  • Love 1

And I did just the opposite. Posted Kyle and Mo at Coachella and then read that in the Yo thread about rolling around in Johnny Depp's scarf depository. It's like she read the script and dressed the part. She doesn't look like she smells, though. Although suede booties and bare feet in 90+ degree weather....blech

I actually think she's dressed appropriately for Coachella (minus the booties) but the false eyelashes and stenciled on brows - I wonder is she has lash extensions and dyed brows because I don't know how that shit would stick after several hours in that kind of heat if they weren't semi permanent.


Stay out of the sun Kyle, you'll turn into Kim.

  • Love 4

It always seems to be around April when Mauricio is accused of cheating.  Where does Kyle go in April! hahaha. There's always been smoke about Mauricio cheating. It's BH for goodness sakes.  He's a high powered, wealthy real estate agent.  I am sure there are plenty of women who would want that life style and throw themselves at him hoping to be the next Mrs. Umansky.  I bet it does make the show next season.  Maybe LVP will coach Rinna into bringing it up on camera with her mind melding abilities.

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 6
28 minutes ago, jinjer said:

It always seems to be around April when Mauricio is accused of cheating.  Where does Kyle go in April! hahaha. There's always been smoke about Mauricio cheating. It's BH for goodness sakes.  He's a high powered, wealthy real estate agent.  I am sure there are plenty of women who would want that life style and throw themselves at him hoping to be the next Mrs. Umansky.  I bet it does make the show next season.  Maybe LVP will coach Rinna into bringing it up on camera with her mind melding abilities.

The alleged act the gossip is based on Kyle was in attendance.  There are sources all the same ilk citing the source at LA Fashion Week.  Maybe it is an opening for Brandi to come back on the show.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

The alleged act the gossip is based on Kyle was in attendance.  There are sources all the same ilk citing the source at LA Fashion Week.  Maybe it is an opening for Brandi to come back on the show.

Bite your tongue Zoeysmom!

Now I gotta go kill a chicken and dance around the lemon tree naked under a full moon to make it not come true!

  • LOL 1
  • Love 16
On ‎4‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 6:15 PM, zoeysmom said:
On ‎4‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 1:06 PM, zoeysmom said:

The alleged act the gossip is based on Kyle was in attendance.  There are sources all the same ilk citing the source at LA Fashion Week.  Maybe it is an opening for Brandi to come back on the show.


Brandi was most likely the source! LOL

On ‎4‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 6:15 PM, zoeysmom said:


  • Love 4

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