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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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On 7/8/2016 at 7:04 PM, Tosia said:

 Fred is not attractive nor hot nor famous enough. 

Is he really less famous than anyone else who got this gig? Kelly was on a soap when she got this gig.  So perhaps there was some audience overlap but she wasn't well known outside of soaps.  Michael was a famous football player but knowledge of him really did kind of depend on how much you followed football/football media.  As for Fred, he inhabited a pretty iconic role that I'd bet much of the Kelly audience remembers.  In addition, he has a pretty long resume as a director so his "in" in Hollywood is likely a bit more expansive than his acting resume would indicate.  So I'd argue he's famous enough or at least has "enough" of the fame/connected combination.

Anyway, I've enjoyed him so far this week.  I do think he's more comfortable than his first gig.

The best choices were during the last audition.  I remember thinking Seth Meyers was a good foil for her. He was fun but managed to know exactly when to pull her back and keep things on track. Clearly he's not available.  And Josh Groban is always great but his main career isn't very compatible with this gig.

Edited by Irlandesa
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With all the Fred talk, I decided to tune in this morning to see what the fuss was about. Bad idea. They spent lots of time discussing fecal matter. Yes, indeed. If you find phrases like, "dip my hands in fecal matter all the time, ha ha, I bite my nails so I eat fecal matter, I'm a cuticle picker, I'm not a germophobe, but fecal matter is on the escalator, my mother calls me to tell me fecal matter is on the grocery carts, so wear gloves and a jacket (???), fecal matter is in the air, fecal matter is everywhere, and lastly - use your elbow in the elevator to avoid fecal matter" then THIS is the Show for YOU!!!!


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On July 16, 2016 at 2:33 PM, NewDigs said:

Page Six is reporting Fred Savage as the co-host frontrunner.

As are other media outlets.

And, as at least as I remember some thought--though I don't think he's been in the Co-Host seat since Michael left--Rob Lowe's not getting the job. About a week ago, I think, he joined the cast of CBS' Code Black (the low-rated medical show starring Oscar-winner Marcia Gay Harden). He & the rest of the cast are currently (or recently have been) in "medical boot camp" (learning how to do procedures reasonably accurately for fictional medical show purposes) in preparation for the show's second season.

I do not get the appeal of Fred.  He is so desperate for the job, and trying so hard it's not at all entertaining. Plus, he gets really stupid, silly and gross in order to appear entertaining. 

The first time I watched I had to hear in detail about his sex life with his wife, and how he ate so much his stomach was too big to do it one night! blech!  Just stupid.

On Friday we were treated to the fecal matter talk like Jeanius pointed out.  WTF?

 I miss Michael and his ability to actually carry on a real conversation and be interesting.   Fred is right on Kelly's level of "talent".  He is tacky, childish and just over the top for attention.   

I have a feeling Kelly will push for Fred since he is kissing her butt of of desperation for the job, and she doesn't perceive him as a threat as of yet.

I do think that the middle aged women in the audience who somehow are still in love with Fred from the Wonder Years will possibly be like Michael's sports groupies, and eventually Kelly will not like her co-host getting more attention than she is once again.   Or, maybe she already feels that with Fred and he won't be chosen.

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5 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

I must've missed that as well, I only remember him reading news clippings and complaining about working many jobs.

Yeah, Michael complaining about working too hard, flying everywhere first class & making millions on his endorsements got really old. If you have to complain that much maybe you are in the wrong business. 

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Michael wasn't perfect, but before he was hired Kelly was spending hostchat talking about how wide her tampons had to be, even though she had 3 C-sections. She also would talk about her hair  "down there", her sex life, and other very "mature" topics. She was hideous and the ratings dropped.

Kelly has finally improved, but she is still so darn fake, so self-absorbed and so unable to carry on a real host chat.  She's just less childish and offensive.   Fred seems like a nice guy, but he is way way too desperate for the job.

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Delurking to join the "chat!"   My favorite part of the show is (usually) the host chat part.  Kelly and Michael I thought did a good job. Their lives were different enough that they each had things to talk about. I think when she is with Mark, or people she knows very well (like Anderson), the chat is usually about them, because they have so much in common, thus a lot of "in jokes."  The discussions of late are more strained because they can't pull things from the news, or the papers, like they usually do since so many of these shows are taped, and they just have to talk about generic stuff.  Some of these could be a month old.

 I always thought Michael was a horrible interviewer - it looked like he could only read prepared questions, while Kelly seemed to be able to genuinely converse with the guests. Of course, some more successfully than others.  But Michael just always seemed uneasy.

Thought Keegan did a great job today! They had fun, he was funny on his own, and seemed to do well with the guests.

I agree Kelly needs a strong counter-balance for the show to be successful.  I'm willing to cut a little slack on her recent manic-ness since she has to carry the show with the revolving cohosts. Some are more lively and willing to take the lead than others, and in an effort to avoid "dead air", she may just keep things spinning.  Exhausting to watch, sometimes. But a little bit of fluff for me in the mornings before I head out for the day.   

Edited by SandyToes
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Kelly doing a genuine interview is something I rarely see.  She never sees or reads the work of her guests and just tells everyone they are her "favorite".  She is super fake .   


I think Keegan is great . Problem is, Kelly's ego probably will only handle Fred whose pretty desperate and less competent than she is.

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Thought Keegan did a great job today! They had fun, he was funny on his own, and seemed to do well with the guests.

Jumping on the Keegan train, what a delight!  Funny, quick, totally engaged, great with guests.  I know he's way too big for this dog and pony show, but I'd watch him every day.  He and Kelly had great chemistry also.

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I think Keegan should run as fast as he can! He is too good for this trainwreck and diva Kelly.   He is very good and seems like a great guy, just the type of person Kelly would be very threatened to have sitting next to her.   

   I would have thought he was perfect until I saw how petty, childish, vindictive and mean she became because she felt she was wronged by the network and Michael.   Her nasty insults about his divorce, her walking out like a brat and feeling entitled to taking off when she had multiple vacations coming up to "process" the information was nauseating enough, but her rude behavior was just the clincher that she is no way the person she pretends to be on camera.     Along with that, she is so so fake.  She also needs constantly affirmation and attention, and pretends she isn't totally obsessed with her skeletal body and looks.   Watching her on FF was like watching a teen who needs to be adored.

The fact she holds a grudge and hasn't spoken to Regis in years is also telling.

I do not think Fred Savage is good at hosting or interviewing,  He is gross with his childish conversations, and Kelly gets right into it since she needs someone more mature than she is to keep the show tolerable.    He also is so so pathetic in his desperation for the job.   The only reason I think he is so popular is that a lot of people who remember him on the Wonder Years like him.   But, I do think he is the best choice, he is not a threat to Kelly, and he will kiss up to her to keep his job, so he will not deal with her feeling threatened.

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I haven't watched a segment of this show in ages.  Saw the segment today where some guy was showing Kelly and Tony Goldwyn how to play Pokemon Go.  Ok, I think it's kind of a stupid game, but it is the "in" thing right now.  Kelly acted like a spoiled child throughout the whole thing.  When the guy showing them said oh people get exercise doing this - because they're enthusiastic and running around - then all Kelly kept saying was "oh I'm getting so much exercise now".   Tony at least wanted to know or acted like he was wanting to know how it worked.  Kelly, she bitched through the entire thing.  It's almost like if it's not about her, she's bored.   

I can't stand the entitled attitude, so doubtful I'll be watching again any time soon (I do work at least 2 days from home per week, so I'll watch something else).

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

Loved when Kelly said producers are in and out of her office while she's working. Working on what?

LMAO! Good question!   Well, she is twirling around adoring herself in the mirror and talking about her wardrobe in Fashion Finder!  It's so narcissistic it's actually amusing!


3 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

I haven't watched a segment of this show in ages.  Saw the segment today where some guy was showing Kelly and Tony Goldwyn how to play Pokemon Go.  Ok, I think it's kind of a stupid game, but it is the "in" thing right now.  Kelly acted like a spoiled child throughout the whole thing.  When the guy showing them said oh people get exercise doing this - because they're enthusiastic and running around - then all Kelly kept saying was "oh I'm getting so much exercise now".   Tony at least wanted to know or acted like he was wanting to know how it worked.  Kelly, she bitched through the entire thing.  It's almost like if it's not about her, she's bored.   

I can't stand the entitled attitude, so doubtful I'll be watching again any time soon (I do work at least 2 days from home per week, so I'll watch something else).

Now remember,   Kelly usually exercises about half of her day to make sure that she keeps her "little fella" look, so I doubt that walking feels like she's even moving!

Yesterday, Kelly had to tell us how she didn't need bra and only wears one for her microphone!  And she once again had to pretend she always was like this, even though there are pictures before she started this over the top starving and exercising when she had a female shape.

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I think Christian Slater did a great job today. He wasn't OTT like Fred Savage (who I really like) has been when hosting. He was very comfortable telling stories and kept the conversation going. He comes off like a newsman type. He has a little class and he looks amazing for his age at 46 (that's not old or anything) and I wouldn't be totally averse to him landing the job. He already lives in NYC so it's a win-win. LOL!!! That said, he may have slept with half the woman in Hollywood which may prevent a lot of actresses from showing up. LOL!!!

Edited by ByaNose

Did Kelly actually say she has 8lbs to lose? She truly is in need of help if that is true.  She weighed 93lbs when they did a Guiness World Book of Records challenge where they had a man pull a tractor trailer with her sitting in it, and they stated her weight because it was part of knowing if he broke the record, so they had to delete her weight from the weight of the truck.     She really has a major problem. She is learning to pretend she is all into food and fake that she does not have an eating disorder, but it's obvious something it not right when you see her bones sticking out of her chest and back.

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On ‎7‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 9:18 AM, goldenpuppy said:

Did Kelly actually say she has 8lbs to lose? She truly is in need of help if that is true.  She weighed 93lbs when they did a Guiness World Book of Records challenge where they had a man pull a tractor trailer with her sitting in it, and they stated her weight because it was part of knowing if he broke the record, so they had to delete her weight from the weight of the truck.     She really has a major problem. She is learning to pretend she is all into food and fake that she does not have an eating disorder, but it's obvious something it not right when you see her bones sticking out of her chest and back.

Agreed...but let's play a guessing game: Who is sickingly thinner, Kelly Ripa or Guiliana Rancic??

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Jerry is manic and funny. Fred Savage tries too hard to be manic and funny. Fred is a funny guy but it's a little forced. I think Jerry would be a good host. A lot to handle but very funny. IMO! I'm not sure if his wife wants to move to NYC though. Also, if Jerry is host we'll never see John Stamos ever again as a guest. Awkward. LOL!!!

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Anderson Cooper was really funny today and I enjoyed his funny stories about vacationing with Kelly. It's because of this he probably wouldn't get the job. They need someone to mind the store while Kelly's on vacation. They are friends and love hanging out together. I think it would be too much insider stories. I'm sure they both would love to work together but I'm sure Disney would prefer someone who isn't her BFF either. I read they wouldn't make up their mind until November sweeps. So, I guess September and October will be the serious audidtions phase.

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3 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Anderson's story about his school librarian is just one reason why I love him and host chat.  Only in host chat can one hear these touching stories from celebs.  I appreciated that Kelly didn't interrupt too much.

Yes, but her facial expressions were beyond distracting.  She.just.cannot.resist!!!

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22 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

I'm going to give her a pass on that one, it was a moving story.  As we all know Anderson's brother killed himself years ago, and Kelly is AC's friend, so of course she's going to be moved by it.

I am fully aware of Anderson's history, but I think Kellmee does everything within her power, including sticking out her lower lip, to draw attention to HERSELF, which detracts from the very touching story Anderson was telling.  That was my point.  Enough said!!!

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1 hour ago, Medicine Crow said:

Yes, but her facial expressions were beyond distracting.  She.just.cannot.resist!!!

Yeah, I thought Kellmee was going to catch several flies when she held her mouth open  soooooo long. 

And the hullarious laughing was just over the top.  Just stop Kell, and act normal. 

Edited by Tosia
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Her 'facial expressions."  Always with the facial expressions, particularly her mouth.  I refer to it as Kellmee's porn mouth.  She's become quite adept at it.  She uses it as she makes her entrance, and always, always when being an active listener, particularly if it's the person sitting next to her.  She absolutely cannot bear the thought of anyone getting even a scintilla more attention than her.

I thought Anderson's stories the past few days were quite endearing.  He really seems like a fun guy.

 I noticed a little Freudian slip with Kelly when she and Anderson were talking about their vacations, etc., he being the frugal curmudgeon stay-behind, and I believe it was then that Kelly made the comment that her fantasy/dream/wish is "to turn" Anderson.   Methinks her fantasy is to 'turn' Anderson into more than just a free-spending vacation buddy. lol.  YMMVOC  ;)

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Hasn't she been making that same lame joke for years now

Oh, I've never heard her joke about his sexuality and turning him to her team but I have seen her silly flirtations and comments about her being so attracted to him.  I always found that 'schtick' to be so contrived on her part and always thought it embarassed Anderson.  First of all, she's a married woman, secondly, Anderson is gay--he isn't bi, he's gay so he has zero interest in Kellmee.  Although, again, I do believe in her heart of hearts, she would love to be the one that 'turns' him.  (her words, lol.)

On another note, is she stumbling over words even more so as of late?  Gosh, she can't get through a sentence without these long pauses, so many 'ummms,' and repeating words over and over again until she gets to the main point.

 I've always said for a 'talk show host' she sorely lacks in the 'talking' part.

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Tried to watch - who is Josh ??? and do we care that he left his ring on the nightstand?? NO ONE is going to try and sleep with him, don't worry Mrs. Josh ... AND Kelly takes over with the over-the-top exclamations about Japanese food!! and SOY SAUCE!!! being the CAUSE of finger swelling - HEY KELLY - it's called SODIUM. To the point of "He's drinking a MUG of SOY SAUCE!! yuck yuck" - this is funny????

Three minutes in and I'm ........ CLICK

(Plus that chest thing started pulsing at me. Skinny-shame, skinny-shame!!)

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