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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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OMG, Cady Mc was on fire today as Kelly. I love campy Kelly. I was rotfl when she told Jack that waah, people were sad when he died but then they moved on. And her line "Jabot is no mo" was priceless.


Poor girl is seriously off the rails. Guess that's how Chuckles likes his "wimmen folks". RMFE!!

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Jabot is no mo' made me laugh out loud.

I'm thinking though Cady is done soon, on air. Based on her quickly deleted FB status update, Kelly is gone by early June. But from Pratt's interview Jack isn't back for months. I have a feeling Jack will be mistaken for Fack by the real police and end up in the Peruvian prison. They created that set for Fack's nightmares, so why waste it?

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I actually don't mind Sage.

I like her too and I love her messing with nick. I hope that asshole gets his bitty feelings hurt. I so want this baby to be Adam's.. Nick will be insanely jealous.

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I like her too and I love her messing with nick. I hope that asshole gets his bitty feelings hurt. I so want this baby to be Adam's.. Nick will be insanely jealous.

Especially when he finds who GabAdam really is and that Herb set the whole thing up!

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So they say the show's going off the rails. And I'll admit it. I've been spending too much time in love with Fack to notice or care. But then it happened. 


In today's show, Dylan and Sharon slept together. He's not mad at her for what she did to eff up his relationship. Oh, mercy, NO!!! I mean, yes, initially he was bummed. But then he thought about it and realized that Avery was right about her assertion--that he had feelings for Sharon.  


I could write an essay about why this new "relationship" is not acceptable to me, but I don't think I have the patience.


On the flip side of the Bermuda Quadrangle, Avery went back to keep an eye on Joe. After spying her through the blinds in the therapy room, Joe pretended not to be progressing with his therapy--contrary to what happened earlier on in the episode. Not aware of her ex's ruse, Avery told Phyllis that she has to stay in Chicago--or wherever the hell she is with Joe--because he "needs" her.


Ugh. Why do I watch this show again?

Edited by C76
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Dylan and Sharon had sex pretty quickly after he broke up with Avery.

I thought his religion was supposed to prevent these kind of big, bad scenes.  Do you suppose JFP provided a stand-in to do the dirty deed?

Edited by movinon
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I loved the Dylan and Sharon writing, they talked, he was angry, disappointed, then by the end he showed up at her house. 


It was like it was a different show compared to the nonsense at the cabin.

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I'm back. Can anyone tell me why Phyllis called Victor, of all people, to help her understand what's going on with Jack?!? (That's a rhetorical question. I think I really just came in here to complain.)


Long story short, Fack had another nightmare today. In said bad dream, he and Victor met in...Where was it? Peru? Cuba? I can't remember. Anyhow... They were speaking through the window of Fack's prison cell. (And wouldn't you know it, The Bilingual Mumbler was at it again. Note to Victor: It's "Como te llamas," not "COMM te llamas."** But I digress.) At the end of his nightmare, Fack awoke, calling out to Victor. Red took a video of him on her phone. He awoke, grabbing her arm harder than he should've. 


Phyllis confronted Fack about his weird dream and his mention of Victor. He denied everything and basically said it's not worth worrying about. Fack went to take a shower, and that's when Phyllis called someone. And that someone, as mentioned, was Victor.


I'm torn. On one hand, I get it. The writers were intentionally driving me crazy with this one. They have methods behind their madness. On the other hand, I wanted to smack Phyllis upside her pretty li'l head. 


**Sorry for not using the letters with the proper accents. I'm typing this in a bit of a hurry.

Edited by C76
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I could write an essay about why this new "relationship" is not acceptable to me, but I don't think I have the patience.


I could write one too if I cared enough. I'm not here for Sharon and the tree stump. I understand those who love Sharon wanting her to be with someone, anyone who doesn't treat her like shit. I do too. But this isn't working for me.


I thought his religion was supposed to prevent these kind of big, bad scenes.  Do you suppose JFP provided a stand-in to do the dirty deed?


I think he agrees to two a year or some such shit. Expect many flashbacks to that Big Event.


I'm back. Can anyone tell me why Phyllis called Victor, of all people, to help her understand what's going on with Jack?!? (That's a rhetorical question. I think I really just came in here to complain.)


I had the same question. Completely stupid. Couldn't Victor have just shown up to check on his new BFF Jack (who was in the shower) and Phyllis could have told him about the Espanol without planning to?


So Fack, or rather "Marko" as it turns out his real name is, called out Victor in his sleep again. Lol when Fack told Victor he should keep it down in case people think they're in love. (I do enjoy when the writers have a bit of fun.)


I thoroughly enjoyed PB and EB's Spanish exchange. That was awesome sauce. EB loves to trill in foreign tongues doesn't he? And he called "Marko" nino. lol. He can belittle in any language because he's the Great Polyglot Victor Newman. But Peter sounded very sexy. 


So Paul's Super Computer found a MATCH to the prints from Fen's envelope (was it prints? I FFd all cabin scenes) to someone on the FBI watch list. This was moments after we learned Marko/Fack is on the FBI watch list. So clearly he's the killer. Will Paul see a photo of moustachio Marko and see no resemblance to GC's very own Jack Abbott???? Or is the killer someone else?


This is painful.


All that gets me through is Fack, Marko, whatever. PB. For now.

Edited by miamama
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You'll be very sorry you asked  :0


Yes, Phuck had a precious Blueberry, the second! Miracle Child for the Frat Bro coupling. 

This has been posted here before, Phylthy oh-so-dramatically-and-Loudly losing Blueberry.  Brace yourself, hide the small animals and children:



I remember watching that scene and all I could think was damn but this woman can't act at all.  I laughed all the way through that scene.

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I thought his religion was supposed to prevent these kind of big, bad scenes.  Do you suppose JFP provided a stand-in to do the dirty deed?


Burton makes a big deal about his religion and his personal code, but there's also been some very consistent behind-the-scenes talk, too, that his real objection to doing these scenes is that he doesn't want anyone to see that his bod is mostly held in place with industrial strength Spanx, Elmer's glue and more masking tape than Paulie Tightpockets uses to keep his rug on.


So if he's going to have to do any scenes that require him to be partially unclothed, or in a position where gravity isn't his friend, he likes a LOT of warning so he get things down to size, so to speak.

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Especially when he finds who GabAdam really is and that Herb set the whole thing up!

LOL especially that. Nick is such a prick. I want to see his face crack..


Dylan and Sharon had sex pretty quickly after he broke up with Avery.

Give the gurl her due.. she sure tried to fuck him while he was still with Avery.. she gave it her best effort. LOL  She is so disgusting.. Nick's last brother.. she just had too.. but she had to make sure Dullan's relationship fucked up first.. nasty heffa


How long did it take Stench and Crabby?

Not long.. and they sure are trashed over it.. cuz it is so filthy and nasty.

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I think he agrees to two a year or some such shit. Expect many flashbacks to that Big Event.

I really think Chucky should write a gay story line for him and see if they can blow his brain completely.  I can only imagine his reaction to this turn of events - maybe then we could negotiate a Billy Miller trade with GH.

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I thought SB was opposed to love scenes because it goes against his religious beliefs. He used to wear a tshirt in his love scenes on GH. Instead we get to see Pledged up birch wood? Yuck.

I wish Sharon could rescue herself. Just once.

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Well, I for one, enjoyed their scenes together and the block of wood becomes a real boy around Sharon.


I also noticed that the scenes in Sharon's bedroom were quite dark however, I think Dylan / sb has a very nice chest.

I also liked their song.

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Well, I for one, enjoyed their scenes together and the block of wood becomes a real boy around Sharon.


I also noticed that the scenes in Sharon's bedroom were quite dark however, I think Dylan / sb has a very nice chest.

I also liked their song.

I loved the scene. I thought it was very tastefully done and the two actors have a good vibe going between them much more so than Avery and Dylan. I always said that Sharon's love making scenes are pretty classy and usually happen on a bed.I know she and Adam had desk sex but that was rare for her. lol  In my opinion SC does the best realistic love scenes.Dylan is a lot more interesting when he is with her.She just makes them all look better.


The bedroom was dark and I wish it would have been lighter. Maybe a requirement of SB since I have read he doesn't like love scenes. I don't know but thought he did a good job myself. I really did love the song. Actually I thought they played two songs but I could be wrong. Anyway the music was beautiful and YAY they have their own song! lol .And Steve Burton has a very nice chest! Most definitely he should show it off more! lol

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Well, yes, Sharon and Vinny Veneer got it on. Okay, a triumph for low-key lighting and situational ethics, or something on The Magic Christian's part, I guess.


Me I've been enjoying the International Applied Blackmailing Doubles Tournament--yesterday we had a splendid volley back from Victor's side of the court in his match with Farko. After the previous limp return in the round with Adam Newface, it was good to see Victor back in form on the courts...


And, in other sporting events, there is a stunning new contender for Young Shit of Genoa City Award! Kyle was such an up-and-comer, but Fen just wiped the floor with him and cleared the room! Unfortunately, or fortunately, the actor playing Fen looks weasel-eyed and creepy [iMO], and has the spineless entitlement thing down cold..."but I said I was sorry. I mean I couldn't have a crappy GPA could I?" Who raised you, you little piece of crap?

^^^^^As a Catholic, I probably shouldn't be laughing but I am and pretty hard. :swat swat I can feel Sister Elizabeth's pointer on my ass!

Oh, P&E, me too...and with a daughter studying Divinity... But we make some of the best irreligious jokes going, trust me.

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So, in one the mags out it says that


avery feels she knows Dylan better than anyone and will use it to get Dylan back.  avery the manipulator will be back I guess.  I was hoping Sharon would be happy for a while but I guess it's just not to be

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I never saw Sharon attempting to mount the sawhorse while Avery owned him. Sometimes I miss things because of the Nick-induced rage blackouts though.

Can anyone clarify some things about Victor/Marco? Has it been stated how Victor got him released from that Peruvian prison? Did he bribe some corrupt officials? Did he just straight up bust the guy out? I can't even imagine the metric fuckton of criminal charges Victor would be facing if he wasn't protected by a series of complex and bloody satanic rituals.

And I'm thinking...couldn't Adam have called the cops when he saw Victor attempting to give Jerk a lethal injection? Of course, then the grand deception might have collapsed like a house of cards in a stiff breeze, and Pratt couldn't give us weeks and perhaps months of torture porn possibly culminating in real Jack being beaten and sexually assaulted in that Peruvian hellhole.

I think Fen finally snapped after weeks of hearing about his father's floppy fish.

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I think Fen finally snapped after weeks of hearing about his father's floppy fish.


Now, there's a point worth considering...relative to the primeval male consciousness-context of Genoa City.


In a burg where the sole measuring stick [oh, I couldn't resist] of male potency/power/identity is the ability to knock women up, perhaps this is a young lad's greatest nightmare.

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Farko it is!!


Likely scenario coming up: I bet Pratt will have Farko go all psycho on VicTURD's ass, one of the Newmans will be threatened ( probably Baby coz NOBODY threatens Baby ) Victor will have to kill him, all will be forgiven by the characters and the audience. Except the audience will still hate the old prick and will be cheering Farko on 'till his dying breath. Then we can hate some more on Pratt.

So, in one the mags out it says that




Well, she is the one who gave the ring back. Dumb 

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I realize that Soaps take creative license with just about everything, including "time." Sage and Gabe hooked up a week and a half ago (as of yesterday's show) and it's setting up yet another WTD s/l. Is that even remotely possible that a week and a half later, assuming that Gabe is the winner of this week's baby lotto, that she would already know she's pregnant?? Possible, but not probable. They count from the last day of your last cycle....which ok, may not be completely accurate, but c'mon a week and a half later?? Most women just aren't that in tune with their bodies - changes at this point, for most, aren't that noticeable. Based on the timeline even the docs would count her as being further along. As much as I can't stand Capt. Caveman I hope he's the winner of the baby lotto and that Sage is in for the long con and takes him to the cleaners.

I see the paternity as the way Gabe/Adam is exposed. The DNA will be a "mistake" when it says Dickolas isn't the father. But somebody with a close family relationship is. I see Dickolas "stealing" Adam's baby by saying he/she is his, repeating a hidden paternity cycle. Faith, Summer, little herb....

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I never saw Sharon attempting to mount the sawhorse while Avery owned him. Sometimes I miss things because of the Nick-induced rage blackouts though.

Can anyone clarify some things about Victor/Marco? Has it been stated how Victor got him released from that Peruvian prison? Did he bribe some corrupt officials? Did he just straight up bust the guy out? I can't even imagine the metric fuckton of criminal charges Victor would be facing if he wasn't protected by a series of complex and bloody satanic rituals.

And I'm thinking...couldn't Adam have called the cops when he saw Victor attempting to give Jerk a lethal injection? Of course, then the grand deception might have collapsed like a house of cards in a stiff breeze, and Pratt couldn't give us weeks and perhaps months of torture porn possibly culminating in real Jack being beaten and sexually assaulted in that Peruvian hellhole.

I think Fen finally snapped after weeks of hearing about his father's floppy fish.

Victor said he threw some money at the Peruvian gulag folk, who were unaware Farko is on the FBI list. So now he's holding the threat of WASHINGTON over Farko's head.
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Sharon: "I was just trying to help you, Dylan!" She tries to explain herself, but he leaves to sort things out with Avery. ...

Avery is being a hostile bitch again. Now she says that Dylan is feeding into Sharon's psychosis. (Sweetheart, there's a big diff between bipolar depression and psychosis. Go read the DSM.) Dylan says that Avery is projecting her feelings for Joe onto his and Sharon's friendship....

Dylan and Avery. How did they get to such a bad place? Arguing about Joe and Sharon. Are they over? Oh boo hoo...

I said the same thing to my husband when I heard Avery call bipolar a "psychosis". I'm getting angry how shows and specifically this show perpetuate misinformation on mental illness. It is hard enough to have a mental illness without crappy writers mangle the writing. Missing one dose doesn't make you go wild, unless your dose (& blood levels) were too low to begin with.

The bipolar diagnosis explained a lot of Sharon's past behavior. But instead of using this show to educate people they decided to use it to pile more shit on Sharon. Shame on the writers! And producers!

Same goes for the prostate storyline. Way to get men to get checked for cancer, a good PSA to educate men. But they blow it by implying all you'll get is death & a limp dick. Yes it is a possible side effect of treatment, especially if it is in an advanced state. But instead of having a doctor talk about it and discuss it, they give us this shit. Instead they should show how a loving couple gets through it, with or without a woody. Get the real facts out, don't make it a reason men don't or won't get checked until it's too late.

I wish they would have and USE a medical professional to ensure some credibility. I understand some creative license is necessary but only so much!

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Thanks, Miamama. So Victor brought a wanted fugitive back to the states and is aiding him in dodging the law (the real law, not Paul). When Jerko commits a heinous crime, like telling Victoria she's not a special snowflake or flinging Nick's feces back at him, Victor will throw up his hands and proclaim whoknewbustingacriminaloutofaprisoncouldbackfire? I'll just throw up.

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I said the same thing to my husband when I heard Avery call bipolar a "psychosis". I'm getting angry how shows and specifically this show perpetuate misinformation on mental illness. It is hard enough to have a mental illness without crappy writers mangle the writing. Missing one dose doesn't make you go wild, unless your dose (& blood levels) were too low to begin with.

The bipolar diagnosis explained a lot of Sharon's past behavior. But instead of using this show to educate people they decided to use it to pile more shit on Sharon. Shame on the writers! And producers!

That made me livid when she used the term " psychosis ". Then today, Sage is all furrowed brow over what Sharon's reaction will be since she's so " dangerous" when she's off her meds. Christ on a cracker could this be any more derogatory ? In the mean time ,she got her damn face cracked thinking Nick wanted her to move in with him. Uh no he doesn't which is why she had to get all weepy and worried about Sharon. Fuck this. CBS Feedback Form here I come!,

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Go for it P&E!


When Jerko commits a heinous crime, like telling Victoria she's not a special snowflake or flinging Nick's feces back at him, Victor will throw up his hands and proclaim whoknewbustingacriminaloutofaprisoncouldbackfire? I'll just throw up.

Just like with Pattycakes.  *sigh*

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Thanks, Miamama. So Victor brought a wanted fugitive back to the states and is aiding him in dodging the law (the real law, not Paul). When Jerko commits a heinous crime, like telling Victoria she's not a special snowflake or flinging Nick's feces back at him, Victor will throw up his hands and proclaim whoknewbustingacriminaloutofaprisoncouldbackfire? I'll just throw up.

This is precisely, it seems, what Pratt has planned. He used the example of Frankenstein's monster in his interview. Yeah, no, Pratt. A better example would be a person letting a cobra into a playpen with two or three infants and then being surprised when said cobra does what cobras do.


Victor has now declared he knows exactly who Marko is -- based on the FBI information. So he is beyond responsible for EVERYTHING that goes down. And Marko isn't even facilitating Jack's torture. That's ALL on Victor.

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Today's show opens with Sharon and Dylan at her house, the next morning. She wakes up and looks for him; he's downstairs making coffee.

Nick and Sage - he goes to her hotel room to see how she's doing. He wonders what her plans are for after the baby is born.

Lauren and Fen in da club. She shows him the news report of Michael's arrest, tells him that they are separated. Fen goes to see Michael. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Kyle, Summer, Kevin at Paul's office. What's going on? Partial DNA match to somebody on FBI watchlist, a head of a South American drug cartel. Authorities have no idea where he is.

Fen and Michael - "You're trying to push us away because you're afraid of what could happen to you. " Lauren - "say it, Michael! Tell him the truth about why you're ending the marriage!"

Nick and Sage - "I can look after everything myself." (Don't like her new haircut.) Sage thinks Sharon is going to do something to her - she's dangerous when she's off her meds! Rolling my eyes.

Dylan and Sharon - his psychiatrist has talked about "white-knight syndrome" - he doesn't want to make the same mistakes again and hurt Sharon. She's sorry she made him feel like she needed to be saved. She thanks him again for standing by her when nobody else did. Stitch calls Dylan to tell him about the new evidence.

Fen, Lauren, Michael - Michael yells at Lauren about something, suffocating him, blah blah. Fen, stop acting like a child! Fen storms out - he's got his own problems.

Sharon sees Nick and Sage at the GCAC. A realtor comes in to meet them to go house-hunting. Sharon tells Nick that he must think she's a real idiot! When was he going to tell her? Nick - duh? Sharon - are you and Faith moving in with Sage? No, he isn't! Helping her look for a house.

Dylan and Paul - krack team of Keystone Kops is working on DNA evidence of South American drug lord.

Kevin and Fen - everybody blames Fen for what happened; his parents' marriage is over. Kevin - their problems have nothing to do with you. Let them fix their problems.

Michael and Lauren - same old, same old. Blah blah, Carmine again. He gives her divorce papers.

Paul and FBI agent. Paul wants FBI to share everything with GCPD.

Kyle and Summer - Austin started it all with his stupid documentary. If he hadn't done it, none of this would have happened! How could he have betrayed her like that, the documentary about her family, and then with Abby?

Nick and Sharon - he's just helping Sage find a new place to live. Sharon - come on, am I dumb? Are you afraid my head will explode if you tell me the truth? I only want to protect Faith! Dylan comes along and asks Nick what he did to Sharon. HAHA. Nick - I didn't do anything! Faith is my priority too; she needs us both right now. He is willing to talk about letting Faith spend more time with Sharon.

Boring scene with Paul and the FBI agent.

Kyle and Summer - blah blah, he accosts some guy on the porch, accuses him of spying on them. Guy turns out to be Tobias, Victor's mole in the lab. That seems very random. He protests his innocence - he was only having a cup of coffee, not spying on anyone!

Michael and Lauren - just sign the papers! No! I don't love you any more! I won't accept that! Michael breaks down in tears after Lauren leaves. She stands outside his door.

Nick and Sage - he asks her how the house-hunting went? It was cut short because she barfed in the parking lot before they could get going! She says that she's still worried about what Sharon might do if/when she finds out.

Sharon and Dylan - he won't let her down.

Previews: Nick tells Sharon and Dylan that Sage is pregnant. Kyle tells Fack about the DNA evidence.

Edited by Capricasix
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