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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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Abby needs to fuck right off. Stake her claim as a Newman? Fuck off twice. No one thinks of Abby as an Abbott, and she really needs to ask Nick and Adam how rewarding it is to have Shriveldick’s attention. Also, someone remind this egomaniacal dummy that Brad Carlton was her father. She really is her mother’s daughter.

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3 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Abby needs to fuck right off. Stake her claim as a Newman? Fuck off twice. No one thinks of Abby as an Abbott, and she really needs to ask Nick and Adam how rewarding it is to have Shriveldick’s attention. Also, someone remind this egomaniacal dummy that Brad Carlton was her father. She really is her mother’s daughter.

Brad?  Brad who, again?  Didn't he have a daughter called Carleen or something like that, acquaintances of Traci's?  And didn't Traci give Victor their old washing machine or something??

Because there's precious little left to indicate these people existed, much less ever mattered to Ashley and her chicken-brained daughter.

Edited by boes
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I actually really liked the scenes between Victor and Dina at Top of the Tower. He was actually human, and nice, and charming. Playing along, having Dina's favourite flowers and playing her favourite song. It was beautiful, as was seeing young Dina happily dancing away. What a bittersweet scene. And I can't believe I'm saying nice things about Victurd, heh.

Edited by jewel21
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On 3/10/2018 at 9:38 AM, pearlite said:

And the Hilary/Stanappeasement plot is unwatchable. Mooning over each other and Prop Baby at the GCAC? Boring my butt off. Mal or whoever has really destroyed whatever there was of the Hilary character--and I wasn't much on it in the first place--with the overexposure thing. And I don't care if it's fashionable, that reptilian red and ivory item hurt my eyes.

At least Traci was back.


I don't think it's Stan appeasement so much as it's TPTB knowing that they took Hilary too far the last two years and trying to save her because the actress is the best one in the younger set and she seem to be able to connect with younger viewers in a way others haven't been able to. If they don't make this turn then what's left for the character? 

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On 3/10/2018 at 1:53 PM, bannana said:


Hilary looked really stunning today and that is the best thing I have to say about this storyline.  I don't know why I have to be tortured this way and forced to watch this dreck.  She and Devon are at GC Buzz discussing a storyline, and he inadvertently shows her a picture of him and Sam.  His nephew.  Really?  There is a bunch of blah blah about Sam, and why Hilary can no longer see him.  Then Devon gets a call from Lily who needs Devon to babysit Sam (seriously?).  Devon feels bad for Hil.  So he ends up bringing Sam to the GCAC so Hil can "accidentally" bump into them and she can get her baby fix.  More blah blah and oohing and ahhing and Devon says he has given it a lot of thought (as in 24 hours of thought) and he wants to donate his sperm.  But, he says he wants to co-parent with Hil, and there is no chance they will get back together.  She says, deal, and they shake on it.  Right, because the last deal they made five minutes ago was violated by both of them as soon as it was signed.  This should go well.

Dreck is right. At this point I have whiplash from constantly being jerked around by these two. Hillary wants out of GC Buzz and sells. Hillary comes back to GC Buzz. Hillary quits GC Buzz. Devon tells her she can't just buzz off whenever she wants. Hill cuts a show and Devon tells her to buzz off. Devon finds out why she cut out, and tells her to buzz back. Hill wants to buy Devon's swimmers at the going rate. Devon says it isn't going to happen. Devon decides it is going to happen but no personal relationship. At this rate they will be remarried and re-divorced by the time the spawn is born. 

I am confused by Hillary's suddenly baby lust. Now I have never had kids, never wanted them. I used to tell people (because no one ever believes a woman who does not want kids, except another woman who does not want kids) that my biological clock was on permanent snooze. Now my friends/ family who have kids pretty much always knew and just planned (if they were lucky) on the best time to have them. I am confused by Hill's bio clock which seems to have been on snooze for as long as we have known her, and now all of a sudden has set off an alarm that she seems unable to shut off, or even put on snooze for a short time. Baby fever seems all consuming, and if it is not irritating to her and those around her, it is certainly irritating to me. 

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I always wanted children and had two, a son and a daughter. We had friends who also wanted children who weren’t able to have them, sadly. We’ve also had friends who never wanted children and didn’t think they’d be good parents. Thank goodness, the ones who didn’t want children didn’t have them! They were wise enough to know they wouldn’t be loving parents. One couple we knew had parents with mental problems and were afraid they’d pass them down to their kids so they made sure they wouldn’t have childen. There are way too many sweet babies born to parents who are in no way prepared to take good care of them in every way. We read about that every day in the news and it makes me heartsick. 

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5 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I always wanted children and had two, a son and a daughter. We had friends who also wanted children who weren’t able to have them, sadly. We’ve also had friends who never wanted children and didn’t think they’d be good parents. Thank goodness, the ones who didn’t want children didn’t have them! They were wise enough to know they wouldn’t be loving parents. One couple we knew had parents with mental problems and were afraid they’d pass them down to their kids so they made sure they wouldn’t have childen. There are way too many sweet babies born to parents who are in no way prepared to take good care of them in every way. We read about that every day in the news and it makes me heartsick. 

I know people who absolutely wanted to be parents who became parents and now regret it. This includes my brother in law and sister in law, who are now in their early 60s and are wonderful parents (and now grandparents) but if they had to do it over, would not become parents. I also know people who didn't want to be parents who did become parents who are amazing parents. (Some got pregnant unintentionally, and decided to go ahead and are great parents. Others where one of the couple wanted kids, the other didn't, and they went ahead and had them). It is not as black and white as if you don't want kids, that means you would be a bad parent and if you do want kids, you will be a good parent. There are plenty of examples that the opposite is true. Some want to become parents but have no clue as to the responsibility of it (they just want someone to love them) and find out too late that it is a lifetime commitment.

If I had become a parent I would have been a good one, as I would have made that commitment. I had awesome parents, so the fact that I never wanted kids was something I knew when I was a kid myself, and had nothing to do with my upbringing. I love my many nieces and nephews, and have two step children as well. I have been in my step childrens' lives since they were 7 and 8 (are now 29 and 30) and have been more of a mother to them than their own mother has. But I have never for a minute regretted not being a biological mother. 

In any case my comment was to do with Hillary's sudden and seemingly overwhelming case of her biological clock taking over her life. I know this is a soap, but even for a soap it seems OTT. 

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3 hours ago, nilyank said:

The thing is with Hillary's ticking clock is that she is relatively young and as far as we know doesn't have any reason to believe that she will have any fertility issues.



My friends and I are all approaching 40. Some unmarried with no kids. They want to have kids and are fearing they'll never meet anyone to be a mother. Some have thought of going it alone. A friend of mine whi watches the show just told me this weekend how she relates to Hilary and have been thinking of going to a sperm bank. But Hilary is not our age.  She's not even 30, yet. It just doesn't make sense that she'd be this desperate for a baby. 

9 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I know people who absolutely wanted to be parents who became parents and now regret it. This includes my brother in law and sister in law, who are now in their early 60s and are wonderful parents (and now grandparents) but if they had to do it over, would not become parents. I also know people who didn't want to be parents who did become parents who are amazing parents. (Some got pregnant unintentionally, and decided to go ahead and are great parents. Others where one of the couple wanted kids, the other didn't, and they went ahead and had them). It is not as black and white as if you don't want kids, that means you would be a bad parent and if you do want kids, you will be a good parent. There are plenty of examples that the opposite is true. Some want to become parents but have no clue as to the responsibility of it (they just want someone to love them) and find out too late that it is a lifetime commitment.

If I had become a parent I would have been a good one, as I would have made that commitment. I had awesome parents, so the fact that I never wanted kids was something I knew when I was a kid myself, and had nothing to do with my upbringing. I love my many nieces and nephews, and have two step children as well. I have been in my step childrens' lives since they were 7 and 8 (are now 29 and 30) and have been more of a mother to them than their own mother has. But I have never for a minute regretted not being a biological mother. 

In any case my comment was to do with Hillary's sudden and seemingly overwhelming case of her biological clock taking over her life. I know this is a soap, but even for a soap it seems OTT. 


Why is it that your BIL and SIL wouldn't have kids if they could do it over? It seems they are great at it. 

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It's the same day in GC!

  • Queen Victoria runs to mommy for support.  She tells her what she has done and Drinki asks her why she would do such a thing and hurt the family business.  Vic asks mommy why she would steal money from Prick.  Hah!  Prick is at NE with JT who still cannot believe that Vic would do this or lie to him.  Prick says he can review the evidence, but JT is still unconvinced, and then he switches gears and says if she did it, she is just following in Prick's footsteps.  Prick then goes home where he finds Vic and Drinki.  Vic apologizes to him, more contrite than earlier in the day, and asks what she can do to make things right.
  • Ash and Abby are at the Abbott manse, when Prick and Vic show up.  Vic looks positively stricken.  They ask Abby to leave and she begrudgingly complies.  Vic tells Ash that she wants to apologize, first by explaining she had a bad year, then by saying that Ash was trying to ruin her as well.  She backtracks and tries again, and says she acted like a childish vindictive brat.  She says she is truly sorry and asks Ash to come back to NE.  Ash says her apology is patronizing.  She goes off on Vic for her poor lack of judgement, and her need for revenge.  Vic apologizes again, but Ash is not buying it.  Vic looks at Prick and says she tried.  Ash calls her arrogant and disingenuous.  Prick assures Ash that Vic will never pull something on her again, and he offers her a bonus as incentive to return.  Ash says that is not what she wants, and informs Vic that she had already told her father that he has to choose between them; Ash will not return unless Vic is fired.
  • JT is at the GCAC bar when Abby shows up.  They talk about Vic's plot.  He says he is surprised she threw her sister under the bus.  He says he is collateral damage.  Abby wonders whether he was in on it.  He says: Vic creates this mess and I am the one who takes the hit?  That is just great.  And then he stomps out and Abby looks surprised/concerned at his tone and demeanour.
  • Vic finally goes home and a surly JT is there.  He tells her how she used him, and humiliated him, how she set him up.  He says he stood up for her with Prick.  She says she was trying to protect JT.  Vic is emotional and says she is worried that she will be fired.  He thinks that she hired him to manipulate him into covering things up, like he did with Drinki.  He says: if we don't have trust, what the hell are we doing together.  She begs, actually begs, for his forgiveness.  She says she has lost her father's respect, and she may lose her job, she doesn't want to lose him too.  She asks if he is going to leave her over this, and he replies:  what do you think?
  • Abby arrives at the mansion, and points out that Prick was going to make her a scapegoat with the Zack stuff, but that Vic is always the chosen child, it's not fair.  Ash says she is taking Prick to court for wrongful termination and she is going to sue Jack for defamation.  
  • Prick is back home and discusses his dilemma with Drinki.  He says that Vic is a top notch executive, and the better employee.  Seriously?  He says Ash is more loyal, and she now has company secrets.  So those are his two options.  Drinki says there may be a third option that will give everyone what they want.
  • Lily rushes over to HWG to thank Devon for everything and finds him there with Hilary.  Hil snarks at Lily when she finds out about her new modelling agency and Lily bites right back.  Cane sends flowers that Hil thinks are for her from Devon, but they are for Lily.  Hil finds out that Lily is going to be on the Board of HWG and she goes off on Devon about that.  Then, Mikey arrives thinking he is going to mediate a contract dispute, because it is clear they cannot really get along.  They tell him that they are going to have a baby but they are not getting back together.  As they discuss it, Lily overhears and is gobsmacked.  Devon explains that he has baby rabies but doesn't want to get married.  Lily points out that Devon is a billionaire and could get any woman out there to marry and lovingly have a family with.  Or he could foster a child, considering his background.  Anything but a baby with Hilary!  She reminds Devon of Hil's transgressions.  Hil says she is a good person.  She says Cane cheated and lied, so how does that make him a good father.  Devon doesn't want to rehash the past, and asks Lily to give her blessing.  Lily says that she hopes when Neil returns he will talk him out of it. Mikey sits by and watches all of this! Lily leaves.  Mikey wonders whether Lily has a point.  Hil says she is not in this for the money, and she will not accept child support.  They will split the costs 50/50.  Mikey wants to know how they are going to conceive. Not sure if that is a legal matter.  He leaves and they discuss it and they are going turkey baster route.
  • There was a bunch of cutesy stuff with Cane and the twins, and home-cooking.  Lily arrives to tell Cane about the baby that Devon is going to have with Hil.  Lily is not going to back off.
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15 hours ago, bannana said:

Ash calls her arrogant

Ashley is calling other people arrogant?  Well, Ashley, I call you "pot."  I would like to introduce you to a kettle.

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It is a new day in GC.

  • Baby, Baby Baby!  Lily gives Devon several rational reasons why he should not make a baby with Hil, he gets annoyed with her and pretty much tells her to back off or get out.  Lily decides to back off.  There was some stuff with Mariah also raising her concerns, but she too backs down.  Hil says she is not interested in a relationship with Devon, and Mariah says to herself:   that that is a lie.
  • Drinki is at the GCAC where she has booked a suite for the day.  Not too discreet, Drinki.  She bumps into Prick just as she is about to go have some sexy times, and she has a cover story about meetings and such.  Arturo arrives with his gym bag, and Drinki intros him to Prick who shakes his hand.  Later, Drinki goes to her room, and Arturo is already there, wearing only a towel, and Drinki is impressed.
  • Some cutesy wootsey stuff with Sharon and Nick at her house, the furnace is down, they reminisce about her cold feet and the need to wear socks to bed, Nick fixes the furnace, and Sharon is oh so impressed.  Later a cop  comes by to tell Sharon they found a dead body.  It turns out it was a homeless woman who had Sharon's card on her.  A distraught Sharon calls Nick to come home now and he does and consoles her and they talk about doing more for the homeless, and the possibility of creating a nonprofit.
  • Nick has lunch with Drinki and wants to know what is going on with her and Prick.  She is vague but says she is happier than she has ever been.  Arturo happens by and Nick wonders aloud to his new best friend whether his mother is seeing a guy on the side.  Awkward!  At the same moment, Arturo gets a text from Nick's mommy, summoning him to a booty call upstairs.  Later Nick manages to get Drinki's room number from the hotel staff and he espies her being greeted by his buddy Arturo!
  • Prick tells Drinki that he is going with Option 3 as she recommended.  While he is at the GCAC having various encounters including one with Abby, both Vic and Ash have been summoned to meet with him.  They snark at each other, and oh by the way, Ash was correct, Vic totally did not sincerely mean her apology at all!  Ash waits in Prick's office, while Vic goes to her office.  Vic also tries to get ahold of JT who is incommunicado.  While waiting in Prick's office, Ash facetimes with Jack.  He is not denying his involvement anymore and says he did it to get Ash back to where she belongs.  He says she is his sister and also his friend.  She says he went too far this time and he can talk to her lawyer from now on. Ouch!  Vic loiters around Prick's office, and bumps into Reed who is looking for his guitar which was in his dad's car.  Later Abby walks in, and Vic says:  what are you doing here?  Hahaha!!  She just doesn't know when to fold 'em.  Abby says she wouldn't miss this for the world.  Prick finally shows up and has his meeting with Ash and she leaves his office looking smug, and tells a loitering Victoria that it is her turn.  Prick berates Vic saying what she did was reprehensible, that she behaved badly in the playground, and that he discussed options with Drinki, and that her only choice to stay at NE is if she takes a demotion.  So I guess she will be reporting to Ash now?  Oh, joy.  We don't get Vic's response.
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On 3/13/2018 at 3:29 PM, peacheslatour said:

I wonder what Prick will do when (not if) he finds out about little Arturo? She's not being very discreet and Ol' Prick is all about appearances.

I really thought that the whole point of Abby's conversation with Victor at the GCAC was for Victor to see Nikki and Arturo come down the stairs from her suite within minutes of each other. I was surprised that didn't happen. 

Speaking of GCAC, I am totally confused by the Hamilton Winters Group and their apparent lack of space. So this newly formed company started by a billionaire has one office to its name? And it is in the building that Devon already owns? I almost spit out my water when Devon told Lily that he was going to blow out a wall to make room for her desk. Lol. So now we have Devon, Tessa, Hilary, Mariah and now Lily sharing one office? HWG is looking like when a bunch of start up companies rent space together to save money. I know the idea is to have Lily and Hilary in the same space to create drama, but even for Y&R writers the premise is ridiculous. Oh, and I forgot about Charlie who will be there interning in the summer. At this point Devon needs to invest in some small wooden school desks for himself and his staff to use as he is quickly running out of room for any other kind of desks in that small space. 

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1 hour ago, basiltherat said:

Wooden desks would be too extravagant for HWG -- when I worked for the US Census a while back, we had CARDBOARD desks!  If its good enough for the gov'ment, it should be good enough for HWG!

Cardboard?!?  Wonders, they will never cease.  No matter how much they should.

Those desks give a whole new meaning to paper cuts.

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1 hour ago, basiltherat said:

Wooden desks would be too extravagant for HWG -- when I worked for the US Census a while back, we had CARDBOARD desks!  If its good enough for the gov'ment, it should be good enough for HWG!

And the company who sold those probably charged billions for them. ;-)

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I kinda sorta watched the show today while packing (Cactus League, here we come).

Here's my very weecap:

  • JT is a fucking asshole.  He is now playing the beaten down and weakened Pricktoria for all he can.  There was a time where I thought maybe he had feelings for her and was conflicted, but no.  He is just a creep.  She pathetically wants his advice on whether she should take a demotion and of course he encourages her to do so.  She is even surprised.  Then, Reed is at Gwampire's house for a chess match, and JT uses this is as the opportunity to try to find "the goods" or whatever on him, upstairs.  Methinks Nosferatu has his number.
  • Lily and Billy; are they trying to do a thing with them?  It seems so.
  • Phyllis and Nick talk about Drinki and Arturo.
  • They talked about the Walnut Grove reunion, and the people that might return.  JT is not enthusiastic, especially if the mother of his children returns.  Vic wants to go with JT to the reunion.  
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9 hours ago, bannana said:

I kinda sorta watched the show today while packing (Cactus League, here we come).

Here's my very weecap:

  • JT is a fucking asshole.  He is now playing the beaten down and weakened Pricktoria for all he can.  There was a time where I thought maybe he had feelings for her and was conflicted, but no.  He is just a creep.  She pathetically wants his advice on whether she should take a demotion and of course he encourages her to do so.  She is even surprised.  Then, Reed is at Gwampire's house for a chess match, and JT uses this is as the opportunity to try to find "the goods" or whatever on him, upstairs.  Methinks Nosferatu has his number.
  • Lily and Billy; are they trying to do a thing with them?  It seems so.
  • Phyllis and Nick talk about Drinki and Arturo.
  • They talked about the Walnut Grove reunion, and the people that might return.  JT is not enthusiastic, especially if the mother of his children returns.  Vic wants to go with JT to the reunion.  

Thanks, as always, Bannana!

Not a gripper of an episode overall...

But, we did learn that there's a second floor in Maison Newman! It looks like a crappy hotel set--I think someone bought the pictures off the back of a truck in a mall parking lot--but it might have been the most exciting part of the show. And that riveting camera work in the opening shots with Victor voice-over to a "Mystery Person"! Mal, you're bringing the style! Then there was the studio gutter-rain on the car windows in the fake exterior shot of Paul and JT's conversation. Hmm, those notes do suggest I can't remember what went on...

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It was obvious when Lily said that the models were going to be topless, that they would be males. I am wondering though what will happen when Lily has a casting call for models at the same time as Devon is interviewing new talent for his label. They are really going to have to coordinate their schedules since HWG seems unable to acquire any more space than the one office they currently have. And apparently they cannot afford an actual photographer, so Charlie is it. And Maddie is Lily's assistant. It is a good thing Neil is on an extended trip as they is no longer any room for him at HWG, at least in the physical sense. 

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On ‎2018‎-‎03‎-‎17 at 10:21 AM, Diane M said:

Cactus League?  What's your team?  

@Diane M, we don't have a team, per se, in this league.  We are Blue Jays fans (only baseball team in Canada), but we love all baseball and have been to Seattle to see the Mariners several times, to Milwaukee to see the Brewers, and to Arlington to see the Rangers.  And spring training before, as well.  We just love the experience.  Plus, getting out of the snow and cold :)

We had a phenomenal day today, Royals vs Cubs, at Sloan Park.

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5 hours ago, bannana said:

We are Blue Jays fans (only baseball team in Canada)

You don't count the Expos? 

On ‎3‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 1:14 AM, bannana said:

Methinks Nosferatu has his number.

My favorite part of all this is Victor telling JT off (I tell you who gets to attend meetings, k???) with JT unable to do anything but walk away seething.

Edited by ByTor
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4 hours ago, ByTor said:

You don't count the Expos? 

Well, they did leave Montreal a long time ago...

I didn’t know that spring training in Arizona was called the Cactus League! I’m familiar with the Grapefruit League, of course.

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8 minutes ago, Capricasix said:
4 hours ago, ByTor said:

You don't count the Expos? 


Well, they did leave Montreal a long time ago...

So....my baseball knowledge (or lack thereof) is showing :)

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

So....my baseball knowledge (or lack thereof) is showing :)

Baseball.....you mean the game where you toss the ball through a net while yelling Touchdown! 3 times and you're out?

Love the game!

Sports are my life.

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 I see our friend boes is an avid fan of calvinball.

CalvinBall is a game that you never play the same way twice. Anyone can add a rule, and not all parties must agree for a change to be implemented.
Score is kept in an unusual alpha-numeric configuration, one example could be 27-ka blooy! to 12teen&blarg.

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10 hours ago, Capricasix said:

Well, they did leave Montreal a long time ago...

I didn’t know that spring training in Arizona was called the Cactus League! I’m familiar with the Grapefruit League, of course.

Yup, Montreal Expos are now the Washington Nationals, I believe.

12 hours ago, Diane M said:

We're Giants fans and have been to Spring Training several times.  We just love the Phoenix area in the winter.  It must be a big treat to you Canadians.

@Diane M, it is awesome.  Another beautiful day today, Indians beat the Giants. :)

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Bill Bell used to tell social issues stories all the time. This DV is right in line with that Imo. As long as there is a PSA and the villain isn't a character in a core family, I'm fine. 

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I have to give kudos to Thad and Amelia for doing this story. They did a great job yesterday with showing JT’s growing anger and Vicki’s fear. I hope she boots him out but she will probably apologize for making him so mad. He has chipped away at her insecurities and weakened her. Mal had better not fuck up the ending to this s/l. Not holding my breath. ?

A bit late but lovely scenes with Dina and Abby. 

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I'm actually wondering why TL would want to do this storyline. And for this viewer, I don't get the interwoven storylines of JT being Mr. Undercover Man while simultaneously portraying an emerging abusive partner. I guess the only reason for JT's secret sleuthing on behalf of Christine via Paul was for sole purpose of having Turd uncover what he's up to and sic a tail on him, and perhaps even surveillance in Victoria's own house.

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1 hour ago, Toomuchsoap said:

And for this viewer, I don't get the interwoven storylines of JT being Mr. Undercover Man while simultaneously portraying an emerging abusive partner. I guess the only reason for JT's secret

I don't get why someone would promote JT's return as "fan favorite, hawt JT is back, swoon" and then decide, "Hey, how about he choke Victoria and almost punch her in the face!" Happy Anniversay! The story was 100% poorly written and completely trashes JT's history. But does it shock me Mal Young doesn't know shit about character history? NOPE.

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1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

I don't get why someone would promote JT's return as "fan favorite, hawt JT is back, swoon" and then decide, "Hey, how about he choke Victoria and almost punch her in the face!" Happy Anniversay! The story was 100% poorly written and completely trashes JT's history. But does it shock me Mal Young doesn't know shit about character history? NOPE.

Maybe JT will stroke out or Vic will fight back and JT ends up dead. Prick or Vic or maybe Billy will be suspected.

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2 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

I don't get why someone would promote JT's return as "fan favorite, hawt JT is back, swoon" and then decide, "Hey, how about he choke Victoria and almost punch her in the face!" Happy Anniversay! The story was 100% poorly written and completely trashes JT's history. But does it shock me Mal Young doesn't know shit about character history? NOPE.

Mal is a hack. Domestic violence isn't the issue. Bill Bell played it on Y&R as I recall and so did Santa Barbara (IIRC). I could even live with them doing it with a lead character but this is just shock for ratings. It's pretty shameful. Let's get the "made it big in Hollywood now" hottie to come back (also to play opposite his actual real life WIFE or maybe ex?) and choke Victor Newman's daughter during Y&R 45th anniversary week when the Glow by Jabot gang is back for a visit, that'll get people talking/watching.

This isn't storytelling. Mal isn't a storyteller. He's just playing a numbers game. And he's losing.

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so jt proposed to vikki and she said she just wants things to be like they were before....

don't really care for vikki but sheesh, she doesn't deserve this..

jt swears it will never happen again....i don't believe him and i don't think vikki should either.

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I'm calling it (with everyone else) Who kills JT?

Maybe Reed does a Bill Clinton (He is way tall) and gets between JT and Mop.  "Not again. Get out!"

Add him to the list of suspects....when Dumdumdummmm.... Who killed JT?

Billy, Nick, Mop, Victor (and lets not forget mass murderer Nikki)  none of whom will have an alibi. Maybe a shadowy stranger/Adam? Mac slips into town and bores him to death? Jack will forgive him then accidentally strangle him with fishing line? Out of left field...knocked up Hilary out of sheer meanness? Mop calls Sharon's helpline and Sharon and Mariah tie JT up in the hay barn and accidentally set it on fire? Mop thinks Reed killed him and confesses.

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9 hours ago, miamama said:

This isn't storytelling. Mal isn't a storyteller. He's just playing a numbers game. And he's losing.

My favorite part is the excuse that this will "help people" so fans don't have the right to be upset. Like, this is so far from the point. We have soap characters who are rapists, serial killers, murderers, psychos WHO HAVE BEEN "REDEEMED." Soaps in 2018 are useless with lessons in justice, I'll just say that much. 

And moreover, if this was so important, why not do it with Philly? You know, two characters where violence and destruction actually fits their characters? Yeah. 

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On 4/24/2017 at 8:48 PM, NinjaPenguins said:

I don't like to toot my own horn, as my carpal tunnel makes it painful, but Buttbiscuit is one of my prouder accomplishments. I may never achieve fame, fortune or even adequacy, but I will always have that one shining moment where I captured the essence of JT's Billy Abbott in one word: Buttbiscuit. It's akin to Seabiscuit, except the Abbott stallion has a horse's behind at both ends. 

Thank goodness Bella isn't a crust off the old Billy baguette. 

Why we call that Rear end with the Nose that Grows, those nostrils the twin tunnels to Hell, that concave-chested, chinless Mr. Hanky wannabe, ButtBiscuit.

All Hail Ninjapenguins!, now and forever.

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according to sod, lily cancels hillary's appt. devon will suggest to hillary they do it the "old fashioned way"...

they are reminded of the sparks they had but devon is determined to keep it business like...

i don't think he will succeed in keeping it businesslike tho...

i am very happy they have sex to get pregnant.

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