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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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Of course Cricket thought his mumblings about the child were all about her. And really, her jealousy over Nikki having a son with Paul are out of character for Christine. I could see her being jealous and possessive of DitzyDanny,but she and Paul have never had that kind of relationship. But then the writers aren't known for being consistent.


Here is yet another thing that VIctor knew nothing about with regards to Mariah - that she has known Ian her whole life. First Tyler, now this. VIctor needs to fire his PIs. And the dress Abby was wearing today -butt ugly! Though I must say the one Hillary was wearing for her Weiner Nuptials was stunning.

Well, yesterday's Cricketeen temperament-turn was mildly spicy, in the sense that a fast-food taco is mildly spicy. And she reverts to instantly muttering about her and Paul's impending baby-making! Cricketeen, listen to Dr BlandAuthority, please--Paul won't return to regularly scheduled servicing for some time. Oh, and BTW, he's got another son already, so...


Where the dresses are concerned, I think I'm firmly butt-deep in the UO pool here, because I generally don't like the clothes on the show, and for the first time in a while, I thought Abby's dress was the real article. It looked like something a pricey designer might create and was madly different from the rest of the females' wardrobes. It helped me endure the inane "you're no better than Mariah" scenario with Tyler [who also bores me into a stupor--oops, another UO].

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And she reverts to instantly muttering about her and Paul's impending baby-making! Cricketeen, listen to Dr BlandAuthority, please--Paul won't return to regularly scheduled servicing for some time. Oh, and BTW, he's got another son already, so...


Bug needs to overdose on xanax. I'm tired of her acting like Nikki is after her husband. And she needs to stop being so desperate for a kid. Of course she doesn't stop and consider that maybe the guy who just got out of a coma might not be interested in immediately getting her pregnant.

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What is UO?


If Abby's dress is by a pricy designer that would explain why think it was ugly. Most clothes by pricey designers I think are ugly - lol.


Yep, Paul will now have to risk rejection from his liver transplant for the rest of his life. And I would assume would want to return his job, which should give him enough stress in his life, without Cricket popping out Mini Bug. The writers really should not write Christine as a jealous hag- LLB does not have the acting chops to pull it off.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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Well, yesterday's Cricketeen temperament-turn was mildly spicy, in the sense that a fast-food taco is mildly spicy.




The writers really should not write Christine as a jealous hag- LLB does not have the acting chops to pull it off.




I can't believe they are going with this whole Will Dylan DIE???? How about Who GIVES a FUCK about Dylan???


None of this is about Nikki or Paul or even Cricket. This is all in service of that contrived character JFP is determined to force onto the canvas.

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Doug Davidson did a great job today -such a talented actor who often gets overlooked, so it is good to see him have a significant storyline again. I didn't get yesterday that his ranting was about Ricky.but glad to see Nicki tell him about Dylan, if only to piss The Bug off.


I am really starting to like the Mariah character. I hope she becomes a part of the Newman family in some form if only to make Abby's head spin. Cute scenes today with her and Faith.

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Yep, Paul will now have to risk rejection from his liver transplant for the rest of his life.


But that should be easy for Paulie.  He's been rejected by every female he's crossed paths with, other than his sister.  And he's rejected any and all fashion sense since his Lil' Dutch Boy haircut days.

The only thing Paulie has either been rejected by or rejected are L'real's Light and Breezy and hair extensions.

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I can't believe they are going with this whole Will Dylan DIE???? How about Who GIVES a FUCK about Dylan???


None of this is about Nikki or Paul or even Cricket. This is all in service of that contrived character JFP is determined to force onto the canvas.

Yup--up gets the Borgatron from his bed of pain, to deliver a thoughtless message to his new dad--and a giant fuss erupts. Nah, don't think I care.


Doug Davidson chewed some scenery the last coupla days--an early Emmy reel? If Daytime Emmys continue to exist.


Tracy! You're back, and your hair's looking better, too! Good to see you. Now just don't knuckle under to Stinkface Summer and her utterly inane justifications of MyFirstTriptotheWienerWagon boy. Are interns writing all these scripts?


Speaking of the unredeemable Stinkface, could she please run out of people to run to and insult because they won't give her money for MyFirstTrip's bail. Please?

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Tracy! You're back, and your hair's looking better, too! Good to see you. Now just don't knuckle under to Stinkface Summer and her utterly inane justifications of MyFirstTriptotheWienerWagon boy. Are interns writing all these scripts?


Speaking of the unredeemable Stinkface, could she please run out of people to run to and insult because they won't give her money for MyFirstTrip's bail. Please?


Love Tracey and Beth! Might be an UO but hey...


Sweet Baby Jezuz could Summer shut the fuck up already yet? She's being a first class bitch to everyone. Tired of her goddamn whining and shrieking. 

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They have succeeded in making Summer as annoying has her mother. I didn't think that was possible. I loved the scene with Jack and Traci when they agreed that Phyllis would want Jack moping around over her, and not going on with his life. Truer words were never spoken.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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Funny thing, where MTS is concerned--I saw a shot of her at the Emmys, and she looked great! A nice black dress, and the hair worked, too. On the show, those dresses call to mind the big comfy couch or something--most of them are flat-out evil, and don't do a thing for her carriage or body-type.

I saw that too... she looked much better at the Emmy's. On the show she looks like an overstuffed sausage.


Bug needs to overdose on xanax. I'm tired of her acting like Nikki is after her husband. And she needs to stop being so desperate for a kid. Of course she doesn't stop and consider that maybe the guy who just got out of a coma might not be interested in immediately getting her pregnant.

There has not been one day that I have liked this snotty bitch. UGH I so want her off my screen forever. I hate that nasty bug.

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I can't believe they are going with this whole Will Dylan DIE???? How about Who GIVES a FUCK about Dylan???

I have a cold right now and this got me coughing bad. LOL shame on you.


I hope she becomes a part of the Newman family in some form

Oh not me. I want her gone. I cannot stand her.

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Oh not me. I want her gone. I cannot stand her.


I felt that way when FakeCassie first came on the show, and even when she was revealed to be Mariah. I think it is because I like Camryn Grimes as an actor, and the show has so little talent these days that her scenes stand out for me. She has kind of taken the place of 'Adam' for me - a deeply flawed person that I am rooting for due to the person playing the character. Can you tell that I miss BM and MM?


Even when Bug has been the victim of some dastardly crime, I've never been able to summon up one ounce of sympathy for her.  Something about LLB is just so off-putting.


I think for me it is because 'Christine' has always been written as perfect. Is there any other character on the show that has not had at least one storyline that shows at least one flaw in their character? Now this isn't LLBs fault of course- it is her family's, and I assume after they gave up control of the show must have had it written into the contract. Couple that with the fact that she cannot act, but has been given prominent storylines for years, and the dislike is understandable. At least to me.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I'd say we all knew that medical issues would surface for Dylan--mind you, for some actors, playing a comatose patient or whatever is quite restful, I've read. For Steve Burton [oh, you know what's coming here], closing his eyes is the only difference between awake-Dylan and septic-Dylan. It's just dominoes--Paul's a bit better, so now melodrama demands that WonderSon suffers. Let hand-wringing continue unabated.


And we knew that Kelly and Stench would be revealed to be kissin' siblings, so that onion of a plot will now start to unpeel. Weeping may commence anytime.


NunuBilly can just shut up, so far as I'm concerned [uO ALERT], but I was glad to see Hackin' Kevin back, and bringing a little humour as well. C'mon, Kevin, back to the grey area--there's room there for you, and maybe Ian will pay you a visit.


Speaking of Ian turning on Nikki--not bad character-writing there. It seems to work that he's always got another twist on hand, and look out, Leslie, you could be the next guest on "Let's Make a Deal [with the devil]."


So, that was about it for me, aside from my two-days' ago opinion that I'd never want to eat at Sharon's place. Five minutes at the table with angst, uninteresting-looking food, and unwelcome guests. I don't like her dishes, either .

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Tracy! You're back, and your hair's looking better, too! Good to see you. Now just don't knuckle under to Stinkface Summer and her utterly inane justifications of MyFirstTriptotheWienerWagon boy. Are interns writing all these scripts?


Speaking of the unredeemable Stinkface, could she please run out of people to run to and insult because they won't give her money for MyFirstTrip's bail. Please?


I think this is the crux of why Summer's s/l is driving me crazy.  I don't have an issue with her being a naive, lovestruck idiot who's caught up in an "us against the world" mentality, and wants to get her lover out of jail.  It's that she expects everyone to AGREE with her and help her, and can't believe all the meanies won't pay to get a stalker, kidnapper, and cop shooter out.  I'd like to see a little daring and moxie out of this kid, you know, maybe pawn off some valuable Abbott or Newman stuff tp raise the money, lie to the bank, anything.  Steal something of Phyllis's that she doesn't need at the moment.  But for the love of God, just STOP frigging WHINING ABOUT IT.

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You nailed it peach!  I could get behind her if she blackmailed Grampire or stole some jewelry (Jill's door knob, ha!) or had any gumption whatsoever.  I mean what would Scarlett O'Hara do?  That's what I always ask myself when my back is against the wall..WWSOD?

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I'd like to see a little daring and moxie out of this kid, you know, maybe pawn off some valuable Abbott or Newman stuff tp raise the money, lie to the bank, anything.  Steal something of Phyllis's that she doesn't need at the moment.  But for the love of God, just STOP frigging WHINING ABOUT IT.


I don't understand how Phyllis' daughter has turned out so stupid and whinny. Phyllis actually takes initiative when she has a problem...even if her solutions turn out to be illegal and/or immoral. I need Summer to run someone down in her car or steal money from her trust fund. SOMETHING.



Hackin' Kevin back, and bringing a little humour as well. C'mon, Kevin, back to the grey area--there's room there for you, and maybe Ian will pay you a visit.


I need Kevin to start stealing money from the GCAC and make it look like Cane and Lily are embezzling funds.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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I don't understand how Phyllis' daughter has turned out so stupid and whinny. Phyllis actually takes initiative when she has a problem...even if her solutions turn out to be illegal and/or immoral. I need Summer to run someone down in her car or steal money from her trust fund. SOMETHING.


I need Kevin to start stealing money from the GCAC and make it look like Cane and Lily are embezzling funds.

Ah, Summer's just stupid and entitled--this is something we're supposed to be compassionate about?


And, yes, Kevin needs to embrace his inner damage and get back to the grey area where he belongs--he could start with Cane and Lily certainly, and he'd have lots of targets for his talents. Please let him go there!

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Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canucks! :D

Thanks, P and E! It's pretty much dark and rainy here--I'd mention the humidity, but this is TO, so that's a given. And I didn't even put red and white flowers in the planters, bad me.


Now, did anything happen yesterday? Let me think...


Well, Avery slapped Ian--will Slapsgiving be happening here, where Ian's concerned? Leslie's moraling up and bringing her brave face to Victor and Nikki, after Victor and Trog tried out a dumb lie on Nikki. Jeez, that's not much to go on, is it?

Oh, who wants to hear about Nikki angsting some more, or, much as I love Ian Ward, about his fatherliness and further hints re Mariah's mother [chords o' doom heard here]? I know Kevin was on, so that was nice, and I hope he gets to hacking soon--an affair with Chelsea, you say? Just in time for Mr. Hand to cause trouble?

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So, half-watching this Canada Day (it is glorious here in Calgary) and I think I heard Kelly say that she revealed to Jenna whatever badness Ben did, because she was grieving and wanted his life to crash just like hers was.  That's pretty mean-spirited and makes me wonder why Ben is even speaking to her.


However, since I don't like Ben, it is okay with me.  I still think his secret had better be something better than a mercy killing, for all of this angst we are having to suffer through.


And, I am so sick of Nikki who is pushing 60 at least, acting like Summer's age with her baby girl talk and anxieties.  Grow the fuck up.   It doesn't help that Victor uses baby talk when he speaks with her and her own grown children treat her like a child.


And how exactly did she miss the part where Paul could be the father?  Today she marvelled at how it simply hadn't occurred to her, and how if she had just considered it, she could have kept the baby and Paul could have know his son.  WTF?

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I am calling it right now. Summer is going to want to marry Austin thinking that will keep him out of jail. Why would he want to chain himself to that whining, pouty girl forever ? OMG she was awful today and he was like Whoa! 

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OMG, Nikki in yesterday's show at Paul's bed continually wiping those non teared up cheeks in her attempts to make us think there was tears flowing there, made me want to scream...the Nikki scenes with this whole messed up I didn't know I could be pregnant with Paul's baby storyline is total thrash..

horrible acting by MTS...I guess Summer really is her granddaughter, because flashing from Summer's scenes with what's his name and then to Nikki's scenes with Paul, well, it is pretty obvious that they must be related.....whining, whining, whining..

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I know the writers want to keep Stitch's secret, but it is really unbelievable that Vicki would accept Stitch's reasons for keeping from her that he and Kelly are brother and sister. Because the timing was bad? Really? Stitch's ex wife took her kid and moved half way around the world because Ben and Kelly are siblings? I. Don't. Think. So. Now they are going to play out the same crap as they did with Billy and Victoria for years where he continually keeps things from her. Boring.


I am not sure if I would have accepted NuNuBilly so easily if he had followed right after BM, but after the disaster than was David Tom, NuNuBilly has been quite believable in the part.


The whole storyline of Nick agreeing to Mariah moving in with his little family is also ridiculous. Especially when he just told her not to get close to Faith. Total B.S. Would have made much more sense if he had told her she could move into the tacky house temporarily (with Victor's blessing of course).

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Would have made much more sense if he had told her she could move into the tacky house temporarily (with Victor's blessing of course).


 There's the problem, though. IT WOULD HAVE MADE SENSE.  I would guess Nick's doing the "keeping an eye on her" thing but still, stupid.


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All right then--back terrorizing students, so I haven't had much time to catch up. The bigger question: did much happen? You know the answer here--the storylines are being massaged into us, like we're so many heads of Kobe beef...


This week, though, there was a personal first! I liked Abby for a moment--when she was on the roof, with Devon, in shocking pink [sounds like Clue]. For some reason, she didn't nauseate me. OTOH, whatthehell is going on with the Stench Dark, Darker, and Darkest Secret [tm Warner Bros cartoons]? Stench, you lie to Victoria while waxing fatherly post pickled okra and ice cream, what are the writers doing here?


Getting a little tired of the Paul/Borgatron bonding. frankly. And the Neil/HIlary/Devon storyline just nauseates me--getting some mileage out of that word today.


Hair and makeup have orange-ized NuBilly. I still don't like the actor in the role. The thing with Chelsea is mildly diverting, though. But, Good Lord, just find the damn camera and enough with Mr. Hand.


Oh, wait. Could Austin and Summer please just be dropped into the darkest pits of hell?

Edited by pearlite
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Holy crap, today's episode was boring. I must have ff'd past at least two thirds of it.


So is Stitch's big secret (the one that caused his ex wife to take his son half way around the world because he is such a horrible person) that he was the drunk driver that killed the real Ben Rayburn? The horrible secret that Kelly told to end his marriage? The thing that caused he and Kelly to never reveal that they are siblings? Because in Genoa City, that deed, though a tragic thing, would not even register on the top 100 list of horrible things the citizens of GC have done.

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Something about LLB is just so off-putting.



For me it was always a combination of the perfection of the character, the limits of the actresss' capabilities, and the fact that despite her limits, even in this world of low bars, her old man not only kept her working but made her front burner for what felt like three hundred years.


I know the writers want to keep Stitch's secret.



I bet they don't even know what it is... and when they have to reveal it they will make something up in a panic that is as shocking and menacing as finding out that blue shirt you wanted to wear is in the laundry.

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THAT'S what it is?


I bet they don't even know what it is...


Both scenarios are quite possible with these writers.  When they kept showing the real Ben Rayburn's obit, the last line was that donations could be made to Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. Now that could either be a clue, or the writers are clueless themselves and just put it in but has no connection to Stitch.  If Stitch did kill the real BR while driving drunk, I would assume he was a friend and Stitch took his name as a tribute ( a la Don Draper). But since I think the writers make all of these secrets up as they go along, quite likely they don't know Stitch's secret either.

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So sorry for the confusion. I figured there had to be a clue in the real Ben Rayburn's obit, otherwise there was no reason for it to be shown. But then, I am likely giving the writers way too much credit.  In any case Chelsea, who went all the way to Australia to figure out Stitch's secret didn't pay any attention to the obit either - one would think a con would be much more observant.


The dress that Abby was wearing today has to be one of the ugliest I have ever seen on Y&R - and that is saying a lot.


Apparently in GC, unless you are married in a church you aren't really married. Isn't that what everyone kept saying today? Summer wants a real wedding? Apparently the insta-couple will be legit if they are married in front of God. Dummer (living up to her nickname) doesn't know the difference between a civil ceremony (where she really IS married)and a church wedding. Not surprising though.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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Dummer is keeping it KLASSY as ever by wearing a wedding dress with a peekaboo hole. Sigh. Also, TIIC should have avoided an updo with such incredibly long roots.

"My Two Dads" walking Dummer down the aisle was pretty awkward.

Lily's dress is so short it barely covers her butt. So ridiculous. I often hate how Lily is dressed. Today was no exception.

I might be in the minority but I don't think that Neil buying a house as a surprise for Hilary is very romantic. It's controlling. I would want a say (at the very least) in where I live.

The Keystone Kop calling Jack a hero for wanting to arrest Dummer is pathetic. What a horrendous misuse of the word "hero".

Nikki: go to a meeting! Or something! This Ian situation is not worth it. Also, run away for that controlling Victor. He's terrible.

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For me it was always a combination of the perfection of the character, the limits of the actresss' capabilities, and the fact that despite her limits, even in this world of low bars, her old man not only kept her working but made her front burner for what felt like three hundred years.

Same for me.

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Dinna be reading this if you have Victor-phobia...


I completely enjoyed Victor's scene with Not!Cassie, in which Braeden was actually chuckling and having a good time. Not!C was feeding him lines, and EB was fielding her lines in fine style.


Beyond that, as someone used to say, I remember nothing. {I lied. Sharon "saw" the staircase o' tragedy.]

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