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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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Speaking of horrid horrid days miamama, today was one.  Oh, it was painful and boring.  Real quick:


  • Dick doesn't show up for the herbling check up and now Sage realizes she just needs to move out, but at the end, he's all, I don't care who the baby daddy is cause I love me some Sage on my pork.
  • And, Noah introduced Marissa to sliders (I just had to say that).



Not just horrid, but, is it just me, or are food motifs flying thick and fast here?


Mind you, I love me some Sage on my pork ! bannana!

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I think it's nice that Sage's paternity deceit is easily forgiven by hater of paternity lies, Nick. Perhaps he senses a kindred spirit, someone who isn't sure of a child's paternity but plows full steam ahead with deciding who the father is because reasons.

Why doesn't Chelsea ever shut up? That Adam banged Sage isn't a good reason to deny him access to Connor. No, a good reason would be that he's a blackmailing identity thief who has been fucking her under false pretenses after stalking her relentlessly and covered up the hit and run that blessed Connor with new corneas. In a world where Victor is allowed unfettered access to his grandchildren, I can see where Adam's douchebaggery might be small potatoes, but wouldn't it be great if Chelsea told him he was a selfish fuckwit who had no business raising children?

Another good reason not to watch: I don't need to see Sharon spiral out of control and lose everything again.

I have the inside scoop on Project Paragon!

Step One: Steal Victor's Underpants

Step Two: ?

Step Three : Profit!

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Sharon bonds with Sage while at the hospital for check-ups and Sage tells her she screwed around on Dick and he is pissed.  Later Sharon has a melt down with Dylan cause she is afraid he is going to leave her. I guess she really is off her meds.


Pratt is not at all subtle with this Sharon and Sage stuff. I

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Pratt is not at all subtle with this Sharon and Sage stuff. I

Because when Sharon has a miscarriage and staggers around with a pillow stuffed in her jeans and then it's winter and Sage - as do all hugely preggo women - Decides to return to the wild and goes to a remote cabin/boat on a frozen lake/lonely road that she runs off of/artic base camp/north pole... who comes along but Sharon on a snow machine with her pillow bouncing? She delivers the frozen parsley and tells Sage that she had her baby too and accidentally left Sage's sprout in the snow. She puts a dried apple in a blanket to convince Sage that her sprout is singing in the choir invisible and passes off parsley as pine.  


oh the tension as Sharon takes her meds and forgets that Parsley isn't her real baby. Faith finds out and since she hates Sage she 'adores' her baby sis, in between games of 'roll the baby down the stairs' and making shakes with peanut butter for sister/aunt/cousin Summer.


Nikki also practices drunken baby juggling.

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banana quote

Kevin and Mariah go scuba diving in Lake Delaney

Is there some freakin kiosk in General Purpose park that hands out Scuba Certificates along with the marriage licenses, business degrees and doctor's privileges?  Hot dog man got a little side action going?


NinjaPenguins quotes

1.  Well, it's either oak or elm.

2.  Step One: Steal Victor's Underpants

     Step Two: ?

     Step Three : Profit!


1.  I was going for the hybrid Weeping Nut Willow.


2.  Ren and Stimpy?  I remember this, my kids used it for a diversionary excuse when they were teens, but I can't remember the show.

     It's still funny as hell.

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Is there some freakin kiosk in General Purpose park that hands out Scuba Certificates along with the marriage licenses, business degrees and doctor's privileges?  Hot dog man got a little side action going?


2.  Ren and Stimpy?  I remember this, my kids used it for a diversionary excuse when they were teens, but I can't remember the show.

     It's still funny as hell.


Multitasking professionals are a Genoa City thing. Just look at Dr Loaf [or don't], Chelsea Bun, Abby--who have I forgotten?


Ren and Stimpy came to my mind where the odious Broduo are concerned as well. But Ren and Stimpy were funny.

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Nikki also practices drunken baby juggling.

Stimpy:  Awww. Do the babies have to be drunk?

Ren:      "You're an EEEdiot!"



Since either way they are Nikki's Granbabies probably.  Also the trauma of being born into this mess might make them spit out the titty and hit the bottle.

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This Sage propping has got to end.

Oh, Sage. :/


As someone else pointed out, has she figured out yet that her little paternity/DNA test proves absolutely nothing? Gabe is a NEWMAN, honey. I know nothing about such tests, but I know that both of the possible fathers are blood relatives. So yes, be thankful that Nick believes he's your baby-daddy. But be aware that he still might not be. 


(Mind you, I have no idea if she's realized this yet. I haven't seen all of today's or Friday's episodes.) 


I'm going to go and catch up. I saw a clip or two that left me with the impression that Phyllis has started to realize that something is wrong. And I'll admit it--so long as the show's progressing in the Jack/Marco department, these days that's all I care about... 

Edited by C76
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I'm going to go and catch up. I saw a clip or two that left me with the impression that Phyllis has started to realize that something is wrong. And I'll admit it--so long as the show's progressing in the Jack/Marco department, these days that's all I care about...


Me too. I watched today's CDN and FFd through pretty much everything but Jack and Phyllis. 


This is no Bannanacap, but a sort of recap.


Billy and Phyllis brought Jack home. He had lots of pent up emotion since only he (and we) know how long he hasn't been home. Billy grilled him about the past few months and Jack sucked it up but gave nothing away. Later Phyllis wanted to know what he was going to tell her when he saw her before he was shot. He didn't want to talk about it and they had sex. (Five minutes after getting home from the hospital no less. lol.) It was nice though. Gentle and sweet and quite a nice montage. Later she woke up and remembered how insane and "wild man" re: sex Jack has been and so why different now? If my husband had just come out of a month long coma I'd understand if his "lovemaking" was less "wild." Anyways, she just said this to herself. So she definitely is confused and knows more is going on. 


Chelsea in her strapless pantsuit and super high stilletoes made me laugh. She went to Jack's looking for Gabe and she and Jack discussed Gabe (while Phyllis slept upstairs). Gabe was listening from around the corner (Jack didn't know he was there). Chelsea said it's better that people, including Connor, think he's dead.


So then later Gabe goes to Chelsea's where Anita is babysitting and steals the kid. Chelsea comes home and freaks out. But he is back before she can call the cops. He thought better of it. She still throws him out of her life. Whatever. That'll last three minutes. 


Oh Billy and Gabe traded barbs in All Purpose Park --before the Connor abduction. And Vicki and Abby snarked in front of Victor. And Paul went to see Victor to tell him the charges are dropped. aargh. But Paul is not buying his story.


At the end of the show, while Billy was harping to him about Gabe, Paul had a heart attack. God almighty. This is all to service Dylan. He will step into his job. I swear that's what this out of left field taking Paul out of the game is. Ugh.


Victoria is not buying Victor's story about Jack and him and getting along. Maybe the shootout in the park clued her in?


That's all I got. Not a great recap I know. 

Edited by miamama
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Paulie having a heart attack means Cockroach is going to be making some appearances. Shit. 

Indeed. She was the one who screamed "Call 911!" Weepy and stringy haired Cricket. Can't wait.

At the end of the show, while Billy was harping to him about Gabe, Paul had a heart attack. God almighty. This is all to service Dylan. He will step into his job. I swear that's what this out of left field taking Paul out of the game is. Ugh.


I'm quoting myself. It's not because I have a big head because "recaps" I swear. ;)


But since Paul's heart attack is clearly a plot point, I was thinking about Harding as killer and I wonder if he steps up as Chief and the murder mystery/Jack/Marco story can all drag out longer? I have no idea what Harding's rank is or how a person replaces a Chief temporarily in the real world but it's entirely plausible in GC that this could happen. Although I am also positive Dylan will be in blue soon enough.

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Me too. I watched today's CDN and FFd through pretty much everything but Jack and Phyllis. 


This is no Bannanacap, but a sort of recap.


Billy and Phyllis brought Jack home. He had lots of pent up emotion since only he (and we) know how long he hasn't been home. Billy grilled him about the past few months and Jack sucked it up but gave nothing away. Later Phyllis wanted to know what he was going to tell her when he saw her before he was shot. He didn't want to talk about it and they had sex. (Five minutes after getting home from the hospital no less. lol.) It was nice though. Gentle and sweet and quite a nice montage. Later she woke up and remembered how insane and "wild man" re: sex Jack has been and so why different now? If my husband had just come out of a month long coma I'd understand if his "lovemaking" was less "wild." Anyways, she just said this to herself. So she definitely is confused and knows more is going on. 


Chelsea in her strapless pantsuit and super high stilletoes made me laugh. She went to Jack's looking for Gabe and she and Jack discussed Gabe (while Phyllis slept upstairs). Gabe was listening from around the corner (Jack didn't know he was there). Chelsea said it's better that people, including Connor, think he's dead.


So then later Gabe goes to Chelsea's where Anita is babysitting and steals the kid. Chelsea comes home and freaks out. But he is back before she can call the cops. He thought better of it. She still throws him out of her life. Whatever. That'll last three minutes. 


Oh Billy and Gabe traded barbs in All Purpose Park --before the Connor abduction. And Vicki and Abby snarked in front of Victor. And Paul went to see Victor to tell him the charges are dropped. aargh. But Paul is not buying his story.


At the end of the show, while Billy was harping to him about Gabe, Paul had a heart attack. God almighty. This is all to service Dylan. He will step into his job. I swear that's what this out of left field taking Paul out of the game is. Ugh.


Victoria is not buying Victor's story about Jack and him and getting along. Maybe the shootout in the park clued her in?


That's all I got. Not a great recap I know. 


There's so much to comment on, but I'll do my best to stick to the bolded. 


If Dylan winds up being a cop...I hope you're wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised. Also, your prediction made me a wee bit nostalgic. It'd be a bit of a nod to the old days when Paul worked with his dad and became a P.I.

Edited by C76
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Good recap Mamamia.


I think its officer Woody Wooderson and Paul goes PI again with Kevie and Mariah as his minions. Nah. That might be good. Can't have that.


It's the 'good son, VS the Dirty Cops.


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So today was not riveting. And I believe we are still in sweeps month. It's like the show is tired. My recap is shamelessly Jack-Phyllis centred (even though even I didn't enjoy them today). Apologies in advance.


Billy asks Jack when he's coming to work and Jack says it's not a priority. He's all about Phyllis. Billy leaves and Jack asks Phyllis what she wants to do, lunch, walk, movie? She says they feel weird, like strangers. (Apparently it took her months to feel this with Marco but when her husband is keeping one thing -- granted it's a big thing but it's not his identity -- from her...her antennae are up. jesus.)


Harding is booking Adam. Just as he's about print him, he gets a call saying to let him go.


Paul apparently had a minor heart attack. Looked major to me but whatever. He needs rest. I FFd a lot of this I must admit. Dylan came and wept over Paul and told him to take care of himself because he wants his kid to know Paul. (No one bothered to call Heather in case you were wondering.) Cricket was here but I FFd her entire appearance.


Adam goes to see Jack and Jack assures him he called in a favour to drop the charges. Adam says he was about to confess everything. Jack says, "Well, by all means don't let me stop you." That was funny. Called his bluff. Adam whines and moans and blames Jack for not telling Chelsea how great he is yesterday. And then he admits he ran off with Connor, which annoys Jack. Adam bitches and says why did you side with Victor and throw me under the bus? Jack says to protect Phyllis. So Adam says what was that crap about going after Victor. Was that lie? Jack says after what Phyllis went through, what do you think? (Is the show seriously going to pretend Phyllis was the one tortured and beaten and kidnapped and not Jack because that is bullshit. I get Phyllis has stuff to work through after gross sex but there's really no comparison to the depth of torture he's been through.) 


Some random weird veteran who served in Afghanistan came to the hospital and Stitch is helping him. WTF this is I don't know. I'm guessing it will involve Dylan and PTSD miracle-working which will instantly put him at the top of the police force.


Colin and Cane at rooftop patio are talking and Cane is being an ass who wants to steal Lily's children for a ONS. In GCAC dining room Lily is blathering to Hevon about their wedding "for you and about you" while Mishael Morgan hides her big pregnant belly behind the table. Cane comes at some point and accuses them of being adulterers blah blah. I FFd. Neil came over at some point and I think had more hate fantasies.


Nikki and Victor at the GCAC. MTS looks marvellous in a new short haircut. He is talking about Newman greatness and how they always win. I had to FF to avoid vomiting. 


Jack and Phyllis continue having a weird conversation. He wants to go to Istanbul and start fresh. She is clearly concerned they are "off." They hug and she looks doubtful. This is beyond stupid. Really. I can't believe that any human being would just decide to erase months of torture and the fact his wife was banged by a stranger. It's just crap writing.


Vikki and Abby still snarking in Victor's office (seriously, how many days of this are we on now???). Billy joins and at some point Villy give each other looks of love. And then Gabe arrives and Victor says he's staying on board. WTF? Villy and Abby leave. Gabe and Victor trade barbs -- same old heavily loaded conversation between father and "son."


In the park, Nikki tells Neil he should stop obsessing about Hevon. He obsesses about Hevon.


Billy and Vicki in the park as well as Billy bitches about Gabe -- he's going to figure him out. I think Billy needs a life.


Previews: Harding questioning Marisa, with puppy Noah looking on, attempting to matter.

Michael telling Cane to cut Lily a break.

Lily and Joe on a date. Joe looks good and cleaned up.

Edited by miamama
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Great recap miamama! You definitely have a talent for it because I was laughing all through it.

I liked all of it but these are parts that had me really laughing:


Dylan came and wept over Paul and told him to take care of himself because he wants his kid to know Paul. (No one bothered to call Heather in case you were wondering.) Cricket was here but I FFd her entire appearance.


In GCAC dining room Lily is blathering to Hevon about their wedding "for you and about you" while Mishael Morgan hides her big pregnant belly behind the table. Cane comes at some point and accuses them of being adulterers blah blah. I FFd.


He is talking about Newman greatness and how they always win. I had to FF to avoid vomiting.

Edited by Desperately Random
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Why is Adam throwing shade at Jack? If I were Adam, I might be a little less whiny and selfish with someone who could blow my shit up good. And after Jack did him a solid with the cops? Not cool.

When Dylan cried, were the tears made of sap?

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Why is Adam throwing shade at Jack? If I were Adam, I might be a little less whiny and selfish with someone who could blow my shit up good. And after Jack did him a solid with the cops? Not cool.

When Dylan cried, were the tears made of sap?

Joint compound.


Well done MM!  Well done indeed.

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I can't wait until Phyllis finds out Aunt Jack has been lying to her. I hope she dumps his ass. I can't believe he doesn't have the decency to tell her that she's been having sex with a stranger all these months.

Why would Phyllis dump Jack? Because he was kidnapped and tortured and beaten and drugged and brainwashed and then shot? He's not apparently weirded out that she had sex with a stranger in his bed, a stranger who wore his clothes and stole his life. His only motive is to 1. stay out of jail due to Victor's implausible (to us viewers) blackmail and 2. to protect Phyllis from pain. It's incredibly idiotic but it's not malicious and not remotely a reason to "dump his ass" as far as I can tell.


Not joining the bandwagon of blaming Jack for what Victor has done. If Pratt wants to milk this story longer and give Phack more angst fine. But none of this is Jack's fault. 

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I like that Jack has no physical pain, scars or scratches or psychological issues and can have sex with no problem. I don't understand why he's helping Adam and if he really plans on exposing Prictor I don't understand the point of keeping Phyllis in the dark when she's going to find out anyway. 


Adam needs to be sedated. 

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Why would Phyllis dump Jack? Because he was kidnapped and tortured and beaten and drugged and brainwashed and then shot?

Oh, you're so silly, this is soapland, who cares about little things like beating and torture?  What really matters is "but...but...you LIED to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Edited by ByTor
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Was so glad to see MTS's hair cut!  Much more flattering on her!


That may have been the highlight of the show.

BTW, what was up with Tristan Rogers just standing there like a mannequin next to Cane? And Cane sporting the VCN black T-shirt o' doom? Should we expect big doin's here? Could the floor director maybe just let a half-decent soap actor [Rogers] have a line or two in the midst of that scene's hog-wallow of mediocrity? No? Okay.

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I wondered if TR forgot his lines!  He kept looking ahead like he was looking for a cue card.  I am noticing more and more actors on this show reading cue cards!  Now I look for it instead of watching the scene!  Stitch and Victor have to be the worst but have also noticed JH doing it.  I once read PB said it was one of his pet peeves not to be prepared!  I wondered if it was because they were coming in to last minute script changes.

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The time has come. I'm barely watching the show as it is and I think I'm going to take a week or so off. Goodness knows, I never thought I'd stop bothering with the show unless my actual life got to be too busy, but really. Not much is happening these days. The developments on the Jack/Farco front haven't been that significant. I need something major to happen that'll hold my attention.


ETA: I just checked my usual spoiler site. Interesting things are supposed to happen, like 

Phyllis figuring out that she's been with Marco

, but I doubt that that'll go down anytime soon.


Regarding Devon: Is his bachelor party going to yield the revenge that Neil's been seeking? I doubt it. All that has to happen is for D and Hilary to connect the dots and they'll trace the foolishness straight back to his door. 

Edited by C76
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The show has come to a screeching halt. It's breathtakingly boring. It was building and building and I thought FOR SURE we'd see a big sweeps showdown with Victor and Jack and Marco. But nope. Instead Victor taunted Jack. Thanks Pratt. Asshole.


I can't bring myself to watch today's episode since no Jack. I'm down to watching the whole show in 6 minutes or however long Jack and Phyllis are on. That's not really watching any more. It's just checking in for certain actors.


What an epic fail.

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The show is dragging because No Marco reveal & No Adam reveal.


Pratt is dragging out his 2 Doppelganger stories. No movement in either one, all they do is go around in circles, stalling, so Victor/Adam can skate free.


Until people find out about Victor hiring Marco, and Adam pretending to be Gabe, they are just dragging their feet and wasting time.


It's obvious when Jack & Phyllis fly off to Instanbul, Marco will pop up again, and we'll do another round of the fuckery of 2 Jack's. It is tedious as hell.


Canadian Recap:




Neil & Colin set up Devon to get drugged & raped by hookers and video-taped it.


Just what this show needs.... MORE RAPE! #PrattFails




Lily & Joe went on a date. Cane saw them kiss.

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More stupid writing. They show in the preview for tomorrow's epi a bewildered Devon asking Colin if he cheated on Hillary. Yes, asking the person who has previously blackmailed him if he cheated. And I don't know, but don't people who have been drugged generally wake up knowing that they did not drink themselves into feeling the way they feel when they wake up not knowing what the F they did? Also in the video it is quite obvious way Devon falls on the bed that he is totally out of it.


My other pet peeve is with the insta weddings that the writers seem to favour. Then the bride freaks out because there is SO MUCH TO DO IN A WEEK!!! Or sometimes even a day or two. The horrors!!! But there is absolutely no reason to have the wedding in less days that you can count on your fingers. Any bride that agrees to get married in such a short time frame does not care about pulling off a wedding with flowers, photographers, food, etc. Trust me.

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They're totally reading these posts "the Scooby gang!"

I hopeTIIC are reading, are seeing that most want Victor to pay for what he's set in motion. I hope they see that rape & dopplegangers are not interesting, so stop those story lines.

I'm tired of Adam being "evil" for a hit & run when asshole Billy is the idiot who left his kid in the car with a dog who wanted out of the car. I want Billy arrested for leaving the scene of an accident, kidnapping attempted murder & murder of the real Gabe. After all, the kidnapping of Adam caused the death of Gabe.

I'm tired of Sharon being "evil" when she has a psychiatric disorder. What's Victors excuse for hiring someone to gaslight her or switching her meds or trying to get her doctor to talk to him? What's Victors excuse for bringing Marco to town, having a psycho kidnap & torture Jack? What's his excuse for allowing Marco to rape Phyllis?

I want Victor to pay. I want Dickolaus to see that he hid a paternity for 18+ years, so Sharon doing that when sick (&being gas lighted) is not "evil". Dickolaus dumps women when they are at their worst times. He is not the moral compass he pretends to be.

I'll settle for Victor being held responsible for his schemes. I want him to do real jail time. I want him disgraced. Oh well, rant over.

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My other pet peeve is with the insta weddings that the writers seem to favour. Then the bride freaks out because there is SO MUCH TO DO IN A WEEK!!!

Even better, the wedding guests are typically a friend or 2 and maybe 5 family members...and that's it! Like when Nikki and Victor had a housewarming party, from what I remember the guests were Victoria and Nick, and they're all attired in evening wear. Maybe I should wear a sequined gown the next time I visit my mother :)
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More rape? Oh, I've clearly made a mistake in tuning out! Pratt must have heard our protests about the rapes of Phyllis and Kelly and the gross rapeyness of Gabe/Chelsea and thought "I'll soothe that viewer anger by balancing all that out with some hi-larious male rape!" You know what, Chuckles, if you can't write a sensitive sexual assault plot, just stick to consensual stuff, if you even know what that means.

Thumper, that was a beautiful post.

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The show is dragging because No Marco reveal & No Adam reveal.


Pratt is dragging out his 2 Doppelganger stories. No movement in either one, all they do is go around in circles, stalling, so Victor/Adam can skate free.


Until people find out about Victor hiring Marco, and Adam pretending to be Gabe, they are just dragging their feet and wasting time.


It's obvious when Jack & Phyllis fly off to Instanbul, Marco will pop up again, and we'll do another round of the fuckery of 2 Jack's. It is tedious as hell.


Canadian Recap:




Neil & Colin set up Devon to get drugged & raped by hookers and video-taped it.


Just what this show needs.... MORE RAPE! #PrattFails


I love it! #PrattFAILS, indeed. ;)


ETA: I know what I said yesterday, but I caught a glimpse of Jack and Phyllis in the first moments of today's episode. Hence, I'm taking a passive approach. My TV's been off, and then on. Every now and then I leave the show on in the background with muted sound. If something looks interesting, I'll see if anyone has something to say that's worth hearing.


Edited AGAIN because 


It seems that it pays to break promises that I make to myself. I pity American viewers because they've got one hell of a cliffhanger. That spoiler I mentioned earlier broke at the end of today's episode. Jack is going to explain to Phyllis that there's a second Jack in tomorrow's episode.

Edited by C76
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Oh please, the Hillary/Devon storyline is a total snore. Devon is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he also isn't stupid. Why in the world would he believe Colin of all people? Not to mention when Neil saw Hillary and Devon together he said something along the lines of "oh, so you two are OK". Why would he think otherwise unless Colin told him differently? But Colin said Devon's (non) discretion was between them. And Neil's visit to Hillary? Between Devon and the con Hillary I just do not believe that they would not know it was a set up. I hate hate hate when writers write like the audience is stupid, when in reality the writers are just unimaginative or untalented. Oh and one last thing - did Devon think that the services of the lady of the evening included her giving him a sponge bath after their wild night together? Because otherwise there should be some indication on his person...umm... that he apparently had sex. And according to Colin all night long. Ugh.


I laughed when the term 'Scooby gang' was brought up by the cop yesterday (whose name momentarily escapes me). Too, too funny. Now if they would only start referring to Summer as Dummer. Too much to ask?

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I'm tired of Adam being "evil" for a hit & run when asshole Billy is the idiot who left his kid in the car with a dog who wanted out of the car. I want Billy arrested for leaving the scene of an accident, kidnapping attempted murder & murder of the real Gabe. After all, the kidnapping of Adam caused the death of Gabe.

It wasn't even a hit & run - they showed Adam didn't know he hit anyone and swerved to miss the dog. (Only Adam can get in trouble for NOT running over a dog) Don't forget Billy left her with a dog and dressed in black on a dark, lonely country road. Way to Billy.


The real crime here is Jill using BM and MM's scenes about this, to win Emmy's two years in a row and not thanking them.

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