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Future of Movie Stars: Who Will Shine? Who Will Fade Away?

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     I think Winona is great, but she was also pretty limited. She was great in those limitations, but she wasn't quite versatile enough to reinvent her career once she was too old to play the ingénue.


There were other actresses close in age who were more popular, got more critical acclaim, hadn't jacked up their faces, or some combination of all three.


     I always thought that part of why Sandra Bullock is still doing so well is that she hasn't jacked up her face with bad plastic surgery. I'm sure she's had some work done, but she's still recognizable. The other thing is that her fame came later- she was 30 when Speed came around, and her trademark wasn't on playing the young, fresh-faced college-aged girl like it was for Meg Ryan or Julia Roberts. Her parts were always just a little bit older than that- she was never quite the ingénue the way Meg and Julia were.  She's not competing with a 20-year old girl version of herself in the minds of movie-goers.


    She also rode out her fallow period between 2003 to 2008 (when not much was going on besides a turn in Crash) pretty well.

I hope Robert Pattinson can get over that big Twilight shaped blockage in his career, cause I need more of him being snarky and weird in interviews, especially about Twilight.

I think I have a new respect for him after watching that. Good to know he seems to have as much contempt for the hot mess that was Twilight like everybody else!

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Both Pattinson and Stewart got crazy amazing reviews for their foreign arthouse movies that played at Cannes this year. Pattinson Had The Rover co-starring guy Pearce, directed by David Mechod and Stewart had Clouds of Sils Maria co-starring Juliette Binoche, directed by Olivier Assayas. I hope they both roll around on their piles of Twilight money, laugh and continue to stick to the indie flicks.


So, I watched Enemy last night, which I am still thinking about. Anyway, I really hope Jake Gyllenhaal works with Denis Villeneuve at least a couple more times. Between this movie and Prisoners that guy knows how to get great work out of JG. That being said, I just need to say that Sarah Gadon is so goddamn good every time I see her in anything and this movie was no exception. She's never show-boaty or flashy, she's just really good. Like, all the time. I am torn between wanting her to be crazy famous because I think she deserves to make tons of money and wanting her to keep doing what she's doing because she keeps popping up in awesome weird little things.

Edited by hardy har


Reese will occasionally take a smaller role, though.  Look at Mud.  Her character was talked about in the movie more than she was actually shown.  I was surprised she took the part because I really didn't think there was much for her to do.

I was surprised she did that too, but she was good in it. I admit that I love Reese, and I think she is so much more talented than just her romantic comedy skills (though I of course love those). I'm really excited to see both of her new films this year, The Good Lie and then Wild. The latter is directed by Jean Marc Vallee who just did Dallas Buyers' Club, so I'm hoping it's a really dramatic turn for her. Her husband is McConaughey's agent, so I wonder if she's trying to revamp her career in the same way he did. 


So Shia LaBoeuf, a few years ago he was a favourite of Spielberg's and had the world at his feet. Now.... not so much.


Good. Because he's fucking awful. The same yammering, overly effected nervousness in every role, and it's annoying in every role. He has less range than Steven Seagal, and even with Spielberg as a fan, I have no clue how the guy has had any sort of career. The fact that he appears to be a colossal douchebag on top of that lack of talent really should kill his chances completely.


I think I have a new respect for him after watching that. Good to know he seems to have as much contempt for the hot mess that was Twilight like everybody else!



I found respect for him when he appeared on The Daily Show at the height of all that nonsense with Kristen Stewart last year. He handled an awkward situation with grace and wit, and came across as a nice guy (without capital letters), and I think he probably earned a few fans that day. Not that I've actually seen him in any movies, so far. But I will watch Cosmopolis one day, and The Rover.

I've heard about this one before.  I think I heard it will focus more on Joy creating the Miracle Mop.  Ironically Sandra Bullock is doing the biopic about the woman who invented the "Tupperware parties".  I have a felling Oscar season 2015 will be between "suburban housewives who invent products and change the game" with both movies coming our for Christmas 2015.

   Which happened in 1990, when Joy would have been at least in her mid-30's. (According to her bio, Joy graduated from college in 1978.) It really is lovely to see how many roles Jennifer Lawrence takes that are completely age-inappropriate. She seriously runs the risk of the Mrs. Robinson Effect, i.e. Anne Bancroft got seen as old before her time and never got young roles again.


   I'm wondering if Jennifer Lawrence will top that off by playing Old Cathy Ames in age-make-up for the East of Eden adaption. Ugh. You know they'll try, unless East of Eden only focuses on the first half of the book and we don't meet Teenaged Cal.

   Which happened in 1990, when Joy would have been at least in her mid-30's. (According to her bio, Joy graduated from college in 1978.) It really is lovely to see how many roles Jennifer Lawrence takes that are completely age-inappropriate. She seriously runs the risk of the Mrs. Robinson Effect, i.e. Anne Bancroft got seen as old before her time and never got young roles again.


I think this is less likely to happen with Lawrence because she has a major franchise where she plays her age and younger. As a result, she has a significant fan base that is young and they will follow her for awhile. Producers know this and after Katniss, she probably will still get scripts to play her age range. I use to like Lawrence, but she's been overexposed over the last couple of years. It makes me wonder if there aren't other actresses who could play these roles just as well or better.


I use to like Lawrence, but she's been overexposed over the last couple of years. It makes me wonder if there aren't other actresses who could play these roles just as well or better.

I kind of feel this way about Amy Adams (not that I dislike her but that there might be other actresses who could play the roles she gets) but then Hollywood is a business that rewards the talent who is already working. Success with one job means you get offered more projects while not a ton of people are willing to take chances on unproven commodities. It may just be that I haven't watched her movies or seen many of her interviews but I'm still fine with Jennifer Lawrence. Though I do wish she wouldn't get these roles she's too young to play. 

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I kind of feel this way about Amy Adams (not that I dislike her but that there might be other actresses who could play the roles she gets) but then Hollywood is a business that rewards the talent who is already working. Success with one job means you get offered more projects while not a ton of people are willing to take chances on unproven commodities. It may just be that I haven't watched her movies or seen many of her interviews but I'm still fine with Jennifer Lawrence. Though I do wish she wouldn't get these roles she's too young to play. 


That's more my issue since the older actresses get, there are sadly less roles for them. So for someone noticeably younger to play older like Lawrence, it just makes you wonder if she had to be the one to play these roles. Oh, well.

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That's more my issue since the older actresses get, there are sadly less roles for them. So for someone noticeably younger to play older like Lawrence, it just makes you wonder if she had to be the one to play these roles. Oh, well.

Out of curiosity, how do you feel about Emma Stone's role in Magic in the Moonlight? I find the age difference between her and Colin Firth to be offputting but it also seems like that role could have been played by an older actress. I haven't seen the movie yet, and probably won't for a while as it seems more like Scoop and To Rome With Love than Woody Allen's more highbrow fare. Though I didn't think Scoop was that bad.

Out of curiosity, how do you feel about Emma Stone's role in Magic in the Moonlight? I find the age difference between her and Colin Firth to be offputting but it also seems like that role could have been played by an older actress. I haven't seen the movie yet, and probably won't for a while as it seems more like Scoop and To Rome With Love than Woody Allen's more highbrow fare. Though I didn't think Scoop was that bad.


It's not the first time Allen has a movie with a large age difference between the romantic leads. I'm not keen on the pairing, but the part is written for Stone's age range, no? I think Lawrence's issue is that a lot of her parts are written noticeably older than her years, but O.  Russell keeps casting her. She's his muse I guess.


Anyway, back to Magic in the Moonlight, I suspect I will watch it eventually just out of curiosity. I do find Allen as a person objectionable, but I can't lie and say I haven't enjoyed his movies. He casts great actors and manages to get very good performances from them too.


I kind of feel this way about Amy Adams (not that I dislike her but that there might be other actresses who could play the roles she gets) but then Hollywood is a business that rewards the talent who is already working. Success with one job means you get offered more projects while not a ton of people are willing to take chances on unproven commodities. It may just be that I haven't watched her movies or seen many of her interviews but I'm still fine with Jennifer Lawrence. Though I do wish she wouldn't get these roles she's too young to play.

I like that Adams is pushing 40 but still really in demand but it would be great to see more actresses her age get the kind of roles she gets. 


I am also bothered by Lawrence getting age inappropriate roles. I think she can play a little older than her real age but not that much older. 

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I was just thinking about Hugh Jackman and how one day he's not going to want to do those workouts anymore, and I'll feel sorry for the next guy playing Wolverine, since Jackman basically owns that role.(Six movies (plus a cameo) y'all!!)

I read an article about the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and it talked about Chris Hemsworth basically has the same issue and he doesn't really care for the diet and training regimen he has to go on everytime he has to play Thor. Considering Jackman is 15 years older than Hemsworth I can see how for him it would be even less fun.

I don't see the Hemsworth guys lasting long.


I can see Chris Hemsworth having a lengthy career if he keeps picking good roles like the one in 'Rush' and his upcoming part in 'Heart of the Sea', especially if he balances them with the occasional blockbuster like 'Thor'.  Chris surprised the heck out of me with his performance in 'Rush' because I'd pegged him as just a pretty boy, but there's some serious talent behind the looks.  Liam, eh, not so much.

So Jennifer Lawrence has yet again another film coming up with David O. Russell: Joy, the biopic of a woman who owns tons of patents on things that get sold on the Home Shopping Network.



That sound just awful.

I can see Chris Hemsworth having a lengthy career if he keeps picking good roles like the one in 'Rush' and his upcoming part in 'Heart of the Sea', especially if he balances them with the occasional blockbuster like 'Thor'.  Chris surprised the heck out of me with his performance in 'Rush' because I'd pegged him as just a pretty boy, but there's some serious talent behind the looks.  Liam, eh, not so much.



I was pleasantly surprised at how good Hemsworth was in Rush because he's never impressed me in the acting department before that role. I did not like the film at all, but I thought he was the only saving grace about it.

   It just bugs me that Jennifer Lawrence is playing a role that CLEARLY needs to go to someone who's in the mid/late 30's range or can convincingly play it, and it's a real person so it's not like  you can go, "Well, they just de-aged the role." Joy was well over a decade out of college by the time she came up with the mop idea and had three kids, and probably not all 5 years old or under.


    I just really hope that when it comes to the East of Eden remake that she's purportedly set to star in as Kathy that someone will actually say, "You know, Jennifer makes a great Young Kathy, but we really need an older actress to play the Kathy that squares off against Teenaged Cal." It will be awkward as hell to watch Jennifer in age make-up, trying to play the hard-living errant middle-aged mother of a hunky teenaged son. I think the only person I ever saw really pull that off was Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain, and he didn't have the "fresh" young face that Jennifer does. Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal, god bless them, just couldn't pull off 40-something.


    Chris Hemsworth can have a good long future if he choose carefully. Liam...love how the guy looks, but I don't think he has "it". Ultimately I can see him going the Jerry O'Connell route of being a goofy good-looking t.v. actor.

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Chris Pratt has definitely had a slow burn and is benefitting now.  I hate to acknowledge this but his weight loss definitely plays a factor.  Chris Pratt is a very handsome man but I doubt that he would of gotten his latest roles if he was still heavier.  I think losing and keeping off most of the weight he lost for Zero Dark Thirty helped a lot of casting people look at him in a new light.  The new stills from "Jurassic World" make him look like a young Brad Pitt.

   From what I understand about Chris Pratt, he admitted to being the former jock who still eats like one despite a slowing metabolism, and when he realized he was putting on weight, he also thought he looked really funny and it worked for the character of Andy. So he just decided to put on more weight.


    I've liked the guy ever since Everwood and I'm thrilled he's getting a big chance. I wouldn't have predicted this for Chris, either- I would've thought he would've done very well in the sitcom world but would've stayed as the second banana in movies.


    His wife Anna Faris...I like her, and I think she's good, but man she just wasn't very choosy and I think she paid for it. I also think that if Goldie Hawn-type movies were still popular she could've had a genuine shot at movie stardom instead of being a clear B-movie actress.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Re Chris Hemsworth, ITA that he has a great future ahead of him. He's not only hot (to put it mildly), his performances in Rush and Cabin In the Woods show that he can act as good as he looks.  As long as he keeps picking great roles, I think he'll last a long time. 



I was pleasantly suprised by how good Hemsworth was in Rush because he's never impressed me in the acting department before that role. I did not like the film at all, but I thought he was the only saving grace about it. 


  As great as CH was in Rush, IMO, Daniel Bruhl's Niki Lauda was better. 

Edited by DollEyes
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His wife Anna Faris...I like her, and I think she's good, but man she just wasn't very choosy and I think she paid for it. I also think that if Goldie Hawn-type movies were still popular she could've had a genuine shot at movie stardom instead of being a clear B-movie actress.

I was prepared to write her off as just the generic blond who was willing to be a part of the Scary Movie franchise. But then I saw The House Bunny. Which is a very stupid, problematic movie. But if you treat it like a generic high school/college teen comedy, you can see that she's actually quite charming in it. I agree that in another era of movie-making she could have been a bigger star. I still want to check out What's My Number which again, sounds stupid but it has Anna Faris and Chris Evans. Those two... so charming. Why can't they find better scripts? I know Evans is actually doing well transitioning out of blockbusters but these two are tailor made for lighter fare and I mean that in a good way. There's something to be said for a sweet romantic comedy that isn't all wit and sassy one-liners but still doesn't assault it's audience with stupidity and misogyny. 


And yes, even though I don't watch Mom (I feel like "I Hate My Teenage Daughter" was my required sitcom viewing. I'm out at least until the next season of pilots.) I'm happy it seems to be doing well. And hey, if Melissa McCarthy has the time to make movies, surely Anna does.

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I was prepared to write her off as just the generic blond who was willing to be a part of the Scary Movie franchise. But then I saw The House Bunny. Which is a very stupid, problematic movie. But if you treat it like a generic high school/college teen comedy, you can see that she's actually quite charming in it. I agree that in another era of movie-making she could have been a bigger star. I still want to check out What's My Number which again, sounds stupid but it has Anna Faris and Chris Evans. Those two... so charming. Why can't they find better scripts? I know Evans is actually doing well transitioning out of blockbusters but these two are tailor made for lighter fare and I mean that in a good way. There's something to be said for a sweet romantic comedy that isn't all wit and sassy one-liners but still doesn't assault it's audience with stupidity and misogyny. 


And yes, even though I don't watch Mom (I feel like "I Hate My Teenage Daughter" was my required sitcom viewing. I'm out at least until the next season of pilots.) I'm happy it seems to be doing well. And hey, if Melissa McCarthy has the time to make movies, surely Anna does.

I couldn't agree with you more on "The House Bunny".  I found it to be an incredibly charming movie.  I think in a different time "The House Bunny" would of done for Anna Faris what "Legally Blonde" did for Reese Witherspoon.  I think that is what they were aiming for at least.

Anna Faris had the bad luck of getting her comedic roles at a time when the female-centric romantic comedies were waning.  She's also had more serious role in Brokeback Mountain and Lost in Translation.  She seems to be doing well on CBS, but Mom seems like a waste of her and Allison Janney's talent. 



And hey, if Melissa McCarthy has the time to make movies, surely Anna does.

I'm someone who only really likes her in The Heat, and that's due to her and Sandra Bullock's chemistry.  She's a talented actress - her work on Gilmore Girls is proof she can do less outragous and more subtle acting.  Since Bridesmaids, she has picked very questionable scripts.  Despite the quality of her movies, she's one of the few actresses who has emerged as someone who can get a movie made and open it due to name recognition in the past couple years.  Tammy was not a good movie, but it was profitable. 


Jennifer Lawrence and Shailene Woodley are two others who could have that potential.  Lawrence had Hunger Games and Silver Linings Playbook probably was a hit due to her.  Her Dior contract also keeps her visible as well, even though she's very hit or miss on the red carpet since she signed that deal.  With Woodley it's too soon to tell.  I thought she was excellent in Divergent, but that sold itself.  Same with Fault in Our Stars.  She seems smart about her career and probably can afford to choose better roles because of her long stint on Secret Life of the American Teenager.  She doesn't have to take anything that comes along and waste her potential.  I don't see her getting or wanting a cosmetics/fashion deal like some actresses - she seems a little too idiosyncratic for that.


Cosmetics/fashion deals can be both good and bad for actresses.  It keeps them visible and the money allows them to be more selective and take better roles.  Depending on how exclusive their contracts are, it takes away some of their independence in picking clothing for appearances.  I would say that Dior is more restrictive than some - that's pretty much all that Lawrence, Natalie Portman, Charlize Theron and Marion Cottilard wear for major appearances.  Theron comes out the best on the red carpet, but the others have had more misses than hits there since they signed with Dior.

Edited by anyanka323

Just to clarify, I'm not knocking Melissa McCarthy. I haven't really seen any of her movies. I'm just saying that if she has the time to film her CBS sitcom while having a film career, then presumably Anna Faris has the same time in her schedule.


Her Dior contract also keeps her visible as well, even though she's very hit or miss on the red carpet since she signed that deal.

I'm a little sad thinking about all the Jennifer Lawrence red carpet moments we're missing out on because she's stuck in Dior. It would be one thing if all the Dior dresses looked great on her but the majority of them don't. 


I'm a little sad thinking about all the Jennifer Lawrence red carpet moments we're missing out on because she's stuck in Dior. It would be one thing if all the Dior dresses looked great on her but the majority of them don't. 


Dior just doesn't suit her, and she gets the worst of the Dior on top of it - I think Calvin Klein would've been a much better fit for her if she was going with a major contract.


With Woodley it's too soon to tell.  I thought she was excellent in Divergent, but that sold itself.  Same with Fault in Our Stars.  She seems smart about her career and probably can afford to choose better roles because of her long stint on Secret Life of the American Teenager.



I have to say, at least with how she reflects herself in her personal life ("I'm not a feminist" comments aside, since that's a whole other can of worms), I really like her - she's pretty smart with the roles she picks, and she came out looking really, really well in that whole Mary Jane fiasco.  However, I can't say that I've been all that impressed by her actual acting ability - she's not bad, but I haven't found her to be all that great either.


still want to check out What's My Number which again, sounds stupid but it has Anna Faris and Chris Evans.


I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised by that movie - I thought it was charming, and there were parts that were laugh out loud funny to me.  And it helped that those two have great chemistry together.  And, shallowly, I'm glad Anna Faris stopped messing with her face so much - she was looking very waxy for awhile, and it seems like she's relaxed on that a bit, and she looks much better now.  


And I have to admit, I've always had a soft spot for her after reading this article a couple years ago in Marie Claire - she sounded so smart and self-aware about herself and her career, though I do feel like the first half of the article is pretty mean spirited. 


She seems smart about her career and probably can afford to choose better roles because of her long stint on Secret Life of the American Teenager.  She doesn't have to take anything that comes along and waste her potential.  I don't see her getting or wanting a cosmetics/fashion deal like some actresses - she seems a little too idiosyncratic for that.


The one thing I could see her doing is a line of homemade make-up products or self-made toothpaste, since she talks about doing that a lot. I think she's very lucky to have had a strong training in the fame game while being on the show- she was famous enough that she got a feel for it, but not A-List movie famous so there wasn't that massive amount of scrutiny on her when she was 16 -21 years old, which are prime ages for fucking things up badly. I feel like more than anything, it's getting hyped when you're not ready for it that trips up would-be movie stars.


And she does seem to be pretty choosy- her IMDB page isn't lined up with a ton of projects.


On a shallow note, I also really like her with the short hair. It looks great. Way better than the short hair on Jennifer Lawrence. It makes her look older, but it also makes sense for Tris to not look like a normal 16-year old girl.


Dior just doesn't suit her, and she gets the worst of the Dior on top of it - I think Calvin Klein would've been a much better fit for her if she was going with a major contract.

The red Calvin Klein dress she wore to the Oscars when she was nominated for Winter's Bone and the gold Prabal Gurung dress from 2012 are still my personal favorites of her red carpet appearances.  The main issue with Dior and her is that she gets the worst possible straight off the runway looks with minimal modification.  I don't think that any of the dresses she's worn for major events have been custom made for her, unlike Charlize Theron who got custom Dior under both John Galliano and Raf Simons. 


Woodley handled herself very professionally after she was cut from Spiderman.  In retrospect, that may have been for the best considering what a disappointment ASM2 was.

I agree, Natalie Portman and Charlize Theron generally look really good in Dior.  Jennifer Lawrence, not so much.  I think it might just be a bit too old for her, so she (or her stylist) is drawn to the riskier looks to keep her looking young and fresh.  Calvin Klein really put her on the map, it's a shame she didn't go for them (or vice versa).


I actually think the cosmetics deals are a better choice, especially since none of the actresses really wear 100% all one brand of makeup.  Lancome was a smart choice for Emma Watson to transition from child Hermione Granger to adult movie star.  And hopefully it will keep Lupita Nyong'o in the industry and public eye.  (Her new campaign is stunning, and I really can't wait to see more color cosmetic ads from her, not just the foundation.)  

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So who are some up-and-coming actors you have your eye on?


I'm really rooting for Bailey Madison. I think she's one fantastic little actress, and I think she's going to benefit from the Shailene Woodley effect of being a working child actress but not Dakota Fanning-level famous. I'm also rooting for her t.v. sister Maia Mitchell, who hasn't really worked that much aside from the Fosters and Teen Beach Movie, but I think has a load of charisma and potential. I'm not sure I can see her totally sticking with the acting thing, though.


As for the guys...Logan Lermann is great. It's a shame Perks of Being A Wallflower wasn't a huge hit, because he was amazing in that. He's appearing in a lot of big upcoming movies in supporting roles so I generally approve of the way his career is going. His one problem is that he's got Joseph Gordon Levitt baby-face, so it might take him awhile to reach the leading man adult roles.


It really does feel like guys don't become major stars until they're at least in their 30's- the only exceptions I can think of are John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Will Smith, and Leo.

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Logan Lerman has a huge chance to shine in Fury.  I hope he does.  I've liked him ever since "Jack and Bobby", a completely unappreciated TV series.


Bailey Madison has been absolutely awesome playing the young Snow White character in "Once Upon a Time".  Not only does she look like Ginnfer Goodwin, she has her voice and manner down pat.

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Oh, that's who Bailee Madison is. I was too lazy to look it up. I really only watched OUAT in the first season and then here and there in season 2 but I managed to catch some of her portrayal of young Snow and yes, she did an excellent job of capturing her mannerisms. I don't think Ginnifer Goodwin gives the best performance but seeing Bailee work to capture her essence even made me appreciate Ginnifer's performance a little more as specific choices... rather than how she always acts. I'm out of the Disney, Nickelodeon, young adult novel loop and I think all the Glee kids are in their twenties so it's hard for me to call out young talent that might be headed for stardom.

And in Trophy Mom. There she managed to convey that she was Marcia Gay Harden's daughter without just copying her performance. She's good at comedy too. I'd like to see her break out.


All the kids in Trophy Mom were exceptional actually. Its hard to cast kids and have them be genuine but that show did a great job. Albert Tsai probably deserved an Emmy nod but I'll just be happy if he keeps finding work.

Edited by vibeology
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