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"The View": Week Of 11/5/2018

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2 hours ago, Cyranetta said:

It looks like I'm going to have to start rating days by the number of recommended tranq darts - so far, I think today's at least a 2.

This is a great idea, although I'd say 4. Might as well put 4-5 darts down for every Friday now that Ana's there. Poor McCain is so out of her depth.

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Again it looks like Meg did zero research or prep for the interview with the Medal of Honor recipient Captain Florent Groberg. She is LITERALLY reading off her damn blue cards.

Edited by rickhurst3186
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2 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

She is not pro-choice.  She is however in favor of LGTBQ rights.

She's also pro-Trump/Pence, so I think--as per usual--she's a liar liar pants on fire. Not that that's new information. Everything about her is a lie.

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Megan who purports herself to be a political genius needs to know that Lincoln lost his race to be a Senator and he eventually became one of the greatest President this country has ever had. So, Beto future is limitless. He can run for President in 2020. He has also engaged the Democratic party in Texas and gave them hope. There was a Republican seat that flipped from red to blue. That was the Beto effect. My dream ticket would be Beto/Gillum ticket in 2020. However, a Biden/Beto ticket is more realistic in this political climate. I agreed wholeheartedly with Sunny about Kamala.  

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2 minutes ago, rickhurst3186 said:

Again it looks like Meg did zero research or prep for the interview with the Medal of Honor recipient Captain Florent Groberg. She is LITERALLY reading off her damn blue cards.

The only subject Meghan can speak of extemporaneously is the Real Housewives.

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24 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

If it had been red wave they would have celebrated it with champagne and fireworks.  As much as they don't like the results and want to say oh they don't matter doesn't change the fact that yes they do fucking matter.  The House and the Democratic governorships and Medicaid expansion is a huge deal.  Just because none of those things don't necessarily affect them personally doesn't mean millions of people aren't  going to be affected.


As much as Meghan thinks she knows about politics, you'd think she would understand the significance of these wins. 

Edited by Alexis2291
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3 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

As much as Meghan thinks she knows about politics, you'd think she would understand the significance of these wins.

She doesn't want to understand or believe in their significance.  It would mess up her narrative that her tribe is winning.

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41 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

So NutMeg thinks the blue wave didn't happen? 

She's saving face. A very red Facebook friend in California went silent for a few days after the election, and now she's back trying to convince herself and all her FB friends that the results of the election worked out best for the GOP. Whatever. It's trying not to be dismayed that 100% of the reins of power are no longer in the hands of one party. You know it can't be fun for Meghan to have to continue to defend a party that got trounced, esp. because her personality is one that can never admit defeat or facts that don't appeal to her.

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9 minutes ago, 17wheatthins said:

Here guys—-but maybe you all could do better?


I'm not sure about this?  Could you find something with a larger mouth?  Plus, the shark is more sympathetic because it's actually good at its job.

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Oh my goodness!!!!  How can Abby call herself a journalist and get the story sooooo flipping wrong!?!?  Once again, I’ll admit I’m a John Mayer fan girl, and I hate when these women try to opine on a subject they know nothing about.  He hasn’t slept with 500 women you greasy, gloppy, shiny vacuum of nothingness! It’s called researching a story, you might wanna look into that Abbs!  

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After the break, she backtracks and repeatedly asserts that she doesn't judge anyone else's marriage, she doesn't mean to offend anyone.

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2 minutes ago, Tunia said:

How could I have forgotten so soon the absurdity and irony of MM"s 2020 comment?  Really, Meghan?  "EVERY Democrat" will be running?  "There will be, like, 30 of them up on the stage!  <eye roll, head flip>"

What does she care?  She should be more worried about her own tribe.

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45 minutes ago, Orillia said:

MM really wants to know who won her state. What state would that be ? State of confusion or state of annoyance ?

I don't know, but if she keeps up her current stress level pretty soon she'll be in a catatonic state.  Whoopi will just wheel her on stage and "her producer" will wheel her out.

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I really need someone to tell Meghan to wait until someone is finished speaking before talking again. She takes over conversations and when someone else is speaking she has no respect and keeps talking. It's frustrating to watch. I don't know if it's because Ana is there and she's trying to over compensate or if it's because Abby said things against Trump, but it was too much today.

This sounds horrible, but I'd rather she have a meltdown or yell her points as oppose to trying to out talk everyone.

I wonder how the show would have been if it was just four co-hosts on Friday as oppose to the five.

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2 hours ago, Alexis2291 said:

She's been in politics her whole life, remember?

From before she was born.  Get it right!  Geeeeze

10 minutes ago, ChicagoCita said:

I'm going to do so every day she acts insane.

Are their some she doesn't?  

12 minutes ago, CheezyXpressed said:

I really need someone to tell Meghan to wait until someone is finished speaking before talking again. She takes over conversations and when someone else is speaking she has no respect and keeps talking. It's frustrating to watch. I don't know if it's because Ana is there and she's trying to over compensate or if it's because Abby said things against Trump, but it was too much today.

The View has always allowed them talking over each other.  I am surprised that has not changed.  It is irritating and tires me. 

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Regarding the earlier discussion over the way MM is dressed for the show:

She has gained a LOT of weight since starting this show. I think this may be part of her grief process and her way of dealing with her father’s illness and death. Alcohol is also very fattening. However, as a person who is seen on television, she does have an expected image to maintain. The clothes she wears on the aiir do make her look matronly- with her current shape, it is a challenge to dress young and trendy.  (However, there are cute clothes out there for larger folk). The bad fit of the clothing is probably due to the fact that she is still wearing clothes she looked “cute” in about 30-40 pounds ago when she had a different body.  Look at her wedding dress from last year - that was extremely unflattering to her shape. 

I think MM just needs to take a long, good look in the mirror and decide if she wants to embrace her figure and dress it correctly, or if she wants to wear outfits like the rest of the panel (not including Whoopi’s, who marches to the beat of her own drummer). 

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21 minutes ago, ChicagoCita said:

For the second day in a row, Meghan made me go to the ABC Programming Feedback page and complain about her "performance" on The View.

I'm going to do so every day she acts insane.

Heck, I might as well bookmark it.

Done. She acts like she's on some sort of drug. Now she's throwing her head back and laughing hysterically as she stomps  over everyone attempting to speak. I don't know if even Ana can save this for me. 

MM needs to take a long look in the mirror to see what a loudmouth shrew she is.  

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Wow, fellow posters, you are on fire today! I got the courage to watch the show today (I couldn't face dealing with MM after the election earlier this week), and even when I thought I couldn't dislike her more, she came through today with so much outrageous behavior, that even my sweet, even tempered husband joined me in yelling for her to SHUT THE HELL UP!!!  That long spiel about leaking information on your husband, talking over everyone else, her valley girl smirks and snide remarks, etc. etc. You can see that the others on the panel are trying to hold it in. I watched today mainly for Ana, but Shriek Girl barely gave her a chance to speak. She thinks she is such an expert on politics, but every time she opens her mouth, she displays her ignorance. I don't know how long the others can tolerate her nastiness. I can hardly stand to see her smug, dumb face.

Thanks for all who have posted this week. You've been inspiring!

Edited by Kenz
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5 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

Regarding the earlier discussion over the way MM is dressed for the show:

She has gained a LOT of weight since starting this show. I think this may be part of her grief process and her way of dealing with her father’s illness and death. Alcohol is also very fattening. However, as a person who is seen on television, she does have an expected image to maintain. The clothes she wears on the aiir do make her look matronly- with her current shape, it is a challenge to dress young and trendy.  (However, there are cute clothes out there for larger folk). The bad fit of the clothing is probably due to the fact that she is still wearing clothes she looked “cute” in about 30-40 pounds ago when she had a different body.  Look at her wedding dress from last year - that was extremely unflattering to her shape. 

I think MM just needs to take a long, good look in the mirror and decide if she wants to embrace her figure and dress it correctly, or if she wants to wear outfits like the rest of the panel (not including Whoopi’s, who marches to the beat of her own drummer). 

I hope she does take that long, good look in the mirror because she could figure out that she has a lot more issues than just how she dresses  (which I agree is an issue).  But, whatever she's been seeing in the mirror isn't what we see.  I don't understand that...  maybe she owns one of those fun-house mirrors.

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3 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

I also take issue with Meghan dismissing Joy and Sunny's point about nominating more minorities and women as "identity politics," saying "why don't we just nominate people who are the most qualified?" 

Her white privilege is on full display with comments like this. Common sense should tell Meghan that obviously Sunny and Joy mean qualified minorities and women. The point is we need more elected officials that reflect changing demographics and thankfully many of them won on election night.

Meghan is afraid of more women and minority candidates because she knows most will not share her beliefs.  It's all about winning for her. 

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18 minutes ago, ChicagoCita said:

For the second day in a row, Meghan made me go to the ABC Programming Feedback page and complain about her "performance" on The View.

I'm going to do so every day she acts insane.

Heck, I might as well bookmark it.

I have never contacted a network about a show. I just used the link you provided.  To let them know MM makes it impossible to watch an entire episode. Thanks for sharing the link.

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2 minutes ago, bannana said:

In the segment where they were talking about the Conways, and NutMeg was flipping out about leaking oppo on your spouse (!), Ana started to talk about how she and her husband voted differently in the Governor election in Florida, and NutMeg shrieked her point about leaking oppo on your husband, again.  Ana calmly said that she is making a different point and after she's made it, NutMeg can resume her point about leaking oppo.   Hah!

I caught it lol! Ana was so smooth with the shade I'm not sure Meghan even caught it. There's definitely tension between them but Ana outsmarts Meghan in every way so she has nothing to worry about.

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6 hours ago, bannana said:

In the segment where they were talking about the Conways, and NutMeg was flipping out about leaking oppo on your spouse (!), Ana started to talk about how she and her husband voted differently in the Governor election in Florida, and NutMeg shrieked her point about leaking oppo on your husband, again.  Ana calmly said that she is making a different point and after she's made it, NutMeg can resume her point about leaking oppo.   Hah!

I loved that!!  I love that Ana basically treated Meghan like an ill-mannered child - speaking calmly and quietly to the constant interruptions, gently reprimanding so that the child realizes they are being rude.

And, I loved that Ana managed to make the point that she and her fiance voted differently and still love and respect each other.   I seriously thought Meghan's head was going to explode after that!  

Can someone please explain what "oppo" means?  I'm guessing that was Meghan's word of the day - I think she said it about 15 times in 60 seconds.

Edited by njbchlover
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Just now, Alexis2291 said:

I caught it lol! Ana was so smooth with the shade I'm not sure Meghan even caught it. There's definitely tension between them but Ana outsmarts Meghan in every way so she has nothing to worry about.

There was another moment, where NutMeg thought Ana was throwing shade, but I don't even think she was.  It was when Nutmeg kept repeating that she didn't know who her Senator is, she just wants to know, they should hurry up and get it done.  Ana subsequently says that every vote should be counted, and makes a statement about that, which was more of a dig against those who don't want the counting to continue.  But NutMeg took that as a dig and defensively interjected that of course she wanted all votes counted.

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It suddenly occurred to me today that Meghan is schizophrenic.  She criticizes Trump for his handling of the press, she doesn't like that he criticized her sainted father, but when somebody brought up Beto O'Rourke's name as a potential Democratic candidate in 2020, she laughed hysterically and said "Bring it on."  So is she pro- or anti-Trump?  Does even she know?

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21 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:
59 minutes ago, ChicagoCita said:

For the second day in a row, Meghan made me go to the ABC Programming Feedback page and complain about her "performance" on The View.

I'm going to do so every day she acts insane.

Heck, I might as well bookmark it.

I have never contacted a network about a show. I just used the link you provided.  To let them know MM makes it impossible to watch an entire episode. Thanks for sharing the link.

Back in February and March I was contacting them about 3 times a week then I stopped but wrote them almost everyday to complain during the last 2 weeks of last season to complain about Nutmeg.

I never said fire RBM but always stated how she was rude, unprofessional to not only her co-hosts but the audience as well when she would sneer at them about not clapping for her. I would give specific examples each day of her behavior. I would get a form letter email response from ABC thanking me for my input and for watching the show.

Because of her loss,  (did you know she had a loss...apparently no one else has ever had a loss like this) i held off till last week when I could no longer take it and I started writing them to the network again.

Occasionally we see that someone has said something to her and she calms down for maybe 1 day, then she is worse.

I just wonder how many of us here write ABC directly? Will it ever make a difference? I read somewhere Nicole Wallace (whose show I watch everyday) said she was fired because she was not confrontational enough. Does ABC want her to act this bad?

Edited by Poohbear617
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42 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

It suddenly occurred to me today that Meghan is schizophrenic.  She criticizes Trump for his handling of the press, she doesn't like that he criticized her sainted father, but when somebody brought up Beto O'Rourke's name as a potential Democratic candidate in 2020, she laughed hysterically and said "Bring it on."  So is she pro- or anti-Trump?  Does even she know?

I noticed that too, Silver Raven. She supposedly hates Trump, but she says decisively, Trump will win in 2020. Then she laughs off the suggestion that Beto O'Rourke could run and says "Bring it on." She's so cemented in being a conservative Republican that she can't even conceive of supporting a Democrat, even if she hates Trump. You'll notice that Ana, a long time Republican, supported Gillum in the Florida governor's race, even though he is a Democrat. Meghan is so tightly wound up in her Republican identity that she can't ever think outside that box. The difference between the intellect of MM and Ana is huge.

Edited by Kenz
Spelling error
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36 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

Ok I watered up when Army Capt. Groberg  was speaking and thanking who ever was responsible for not allowing her to take over the interview.  Thank you thank you thank you. 

He was amazing, full of humility and grace, an immigrant Muslim from France who became a naturalized citizen who went and fought for this country.  I was so sure Megan was going to hijack the interview, I am so happy that somebody had the foresight to reel her in..

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21 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

He was amazing, full of humility and grace, an immigrant Muslim from France who became a naturalized citizen who went and fought for this country.  I was so sure Megan was going to hijack the interview, I am so happy that somebody had the foresight to reel her in..

I'm sorry I missed this. I lasted a half hour into the show. I also thought it would be a Full on Meghan interview. So didn't really want to watch.

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Meghan acted like she'd had a couple of stiff drinks before today's show to deal with Ana's presence, leading her to smile with crazy eyes while screechily repeating herself several times.  Luckily the sleepy phase seemed to have kicked in when Army Capt. Groberg was talking.  I would have had to turn it off if she had rudely interrupted him too.

I'm writing ABC to tell them that I am making note of their advertisers so that I can advise them that I will not buy anything they sell if Meghan's unprofessional, infantile screech-fests continue.

Edited by deirdra
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