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As for the woman who didn't get in, I wonder if the niece was underage? Audience members must be at least 16.


Also, there are do's and don'ts for dressing. I really wonder if the woman and/or her niece didn't wear what was requested or wore all white or black?


Dress your best in solid bright colors. Our dress code is UPSCALE CASUAL (VIBRANT BRIGHT COLORS) as if you are going to a nice dinner. A chic dress, dressy pants or trendy and fashionable outfits are suggested. As a member of the audience, you must be prepared to be on camera! We reserve the right to deny entry to anyone dressed inappropriately.


  • DONT's: NO solid white or black clothing. NO shorts, NO t-shirts, NO sleeveless tops, hats or attire with large logos.


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If wasn't aware that Raven was on her way out. It looks like she won't be tpreturning in January. Are they bringing back SS back? I think Raven tries to be all knowledgable and controversial but she doesn't have the ability to do either. It's pretty funny that she's looking for sponsors for her party. It always cracks me up when celebrity have all the money in the world but want product deals.

  • Love 1

Andy Cohen has created his own little universe where the only behavior that gets any sort of attention is picking fights and creating feuds. NeNe is stirring up shit because she has been rewarded for doing so in the past. It's a sad statement on society.

Apparently the showrunners of The View, to the extent that anyone is running this mess, seem to subscribe to the same philosophy.   Whoopi has become a big fat bully in the past couple of years. 

  • Love 4

Roger Ebert's widow Chaz tweeted a review of The Color Purple today praising Whoopi's performance in that movie:




It's pitiful that women in Whoopi's age group don't get good roles anymore. Given the right director and script, they can really knock it out of the park. But being a good actress, does not make one a good moderator. The skill sets are different. No other talk show I'm aware of has an actor with Whoopi's credentials moderating. 

  • Love 2


It's pitiful that women in Whoopi's age group don't get good roles anymore. Given the right director and script, they can really knock it out of the park. But being a good actress, does not make one a good moderator. The skill sets are different. No other talk show I'm aware of has an actor with Whoopi's credentials moderating. 

I think that's because most of them would turn a talk show down, knowing they are two different skill sets.


I'm not sure the  lack of good roles, in Whoopi's case, has to do with her age. She hasn't starred in a movie in almost 20 years - instead doing lots of TV (a failed series, guest roles, Star Trek, Hollywood Squares, etc)  producing multiple Sister Act stage shows.  

  • Love 2

Maybe I was being a little too charitable to Whoopi. The point I was trying to make was that just because someone at some point in her life may have been particularly good at something (acting) does not mean that she is good at something completely different. Name recognition only gets you so far. Everybody from Babs and Geddie on down made a big mistake in casting Whoopi as a talk show host, loyalties and greed aside. 

  • Love 7

Maybe I was being a little too charitable to Whoopi. The point I was trying to make was that just because someone at some point in her life may have been particularly good at something (acting) does not mean that she is good at something completely different. Name recognition only gets you so far. Everybody from Babs and Geddie on down made a big mistake in casting Whoopi as a talk show host, loyalties and greed aside. 

I completely agree with this merriebreeze.  Like RO, who is/was [in my opinion] an okay actress but had an outstanding talk show.  Maybe because the really good talk show hosts make it look easy and talk shows are relatively cheap to produce, everyone thinks they can do it and do it well or at least that it will be easy money.  


I understood replacing Meredith with RO because she was a big success in the daytime talk show genre, but they clearly cast Whoopi Goldberg for her name only.   Big mistake.  


ETA: I agree with TCP review praising  Whoopi's performance in that film and she probably should have won an Oscar.  I think the Academy knew that so they made it up to her by giving her one for a truly un-Oscar worthy performance in and un-Oscar-worthy movie: Ghost.  In my opinion of course. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 4

This week's TV Guide did Cheers and Jeers for best and worst of 2015. On page 20:"JEERS to a dim View. If Whoopi Goldberg defends Bill Cosby, and Raven Symone is taken to task by--of all people--Ann Coulter, after making tone-deaf comments, but no one gives a damn anymore, are they both still horribly offensive? "

Their crap is getting noticed. It's a start. Yay.

  • Love 12

But Rosie was a good moderator. RO can read the teleprompter without all the grimaces and screwups (No. 1 job requirement). Whoopi is the outlier. Never should have been tapped in the first place. 

I dunno who 40  and under - not Raven, not CCB. Paula's passable. Kinda has that Meredith vibe, but too much born again stuff thrown in. 

Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 6

Of the people at the table, I think Paula could do it, she anchors GMA on the weekends and Joy seems to do a good job on the days I've watched her moderate. 


For a good moderator on this show, they need to be able to read the teleprompter and LET OTHER PEOPLE TALK.   They can't lecture, give a sermon and point their fingers or tell other co-hosts they don't know what they're talking about; in other words, have some manners.   Oh, and they can't wear ridiculous clothes or change the subject with a fart joke.    Any one of those things would be an improvement though.  

  • Love 13

I used to work at a large corporation where they made the top salespeople the managers of the sales departments. While it makes sense in theory, it was awful. Having an assertive personality as a top salesperson did not translate into having the people skills necessary to managed 15 or 20 people.


So that's my analogy to having an acclaimed and respected actress as panel moderator. Different set of skills. Someone who is used to selling herself as a product and brand is not someone who will have the patience to deal with people of differing opinions. Ditto for CCB for the same reasons -- she believes so strongly in what she believes that she can't deal well with people who believe otherwise. I feel like, in her mind, they are to be persuaded, not listened to.


I'm beating a dead horse here, but I would have loved seeing Brooke Shields join The View. She's got a lot of facets in her life and I think most people could relate to at least some aspect of her. Of the remaining panelists, I could see Joy, Paula and even Padma being decent. A good moderator has to make it a forum, not sell her own beliefs to the exclusion of others'. Whoopi has too strong a personality to listen to anyone else.

  • Love 7

Whoopi's career wasn't so hot at the time and she probably decided The View would be easy money and she could get her opinions out there. Her ego and greed are the main reason this show is ruined.


Bringing Joy back is a good thing. Paula and Joy could capably moderate this show. Raven isn't so bad when Whoopi isn't there. Cameron has her moments. Michelle is too obnoxious.


We don't have to agree with every one of them all of the time but civility and respect within this panel will go a long way to getting this show back on track.

  • Love 4

From The View's Facebook page:

The View December 30, 2015 at 3:09pm ·
The co-hosts return to the Hot Topics table LIVE on Monday for a full week of huge stars and surprises!


So...........I looked it up:

Monday, January 04 - Susan Sarandon; Rocco DiSpirito (author, "The Negative Calorie Diet").

Tuesday, January 05 - George Takei ("Allegiance"); Deborah Roberts and Al Roker (authors, "Been There Done That").

Wednesday, January 06 - Felicity Huffman and Timothy Hutton (ABC's "American Crime").

Thursday, January 07 - Day of Hot Topics.

Friday, January 08 - Timothy Omundson and Karen David (ABC's "Galavant").

  • Love 2

This is the only thing I've seen about the ratings since the premiere last September:




It's based on ratings for the week of 01/18/16. The show's tying with The Talk. Apparently the ratings are the highest they've been since the week of 03/02/15--when Rosie O'Donnell left, I believe.

A 20th season.  Wow.  I am not sure how to feel.


On the one hand I would like to see this mess of a show shit-canned and everyone associated with it put on some kind permanent blacklist, never allowed to darken my TV screen again.   But on the other hand I would love for them to get it right.  


Alas, I think neither of those things will ever come to be.  The wicked will go unpunished, and they will never restore this show to its old glory.  My only hope is for something better to come along, I guess.  Either that or I will have to go back to watching Wendy Williams at 10 am.


no, nothing is worth that!

  • Love 3

A 20th season.  


Never any doubt.  And I suspect that ABC is going to go full-on whiz-bang rah-rah for Year Twenty. Nearly the entire world expects that Whoopi is going to be "non-renewed", but crazier things have happened.  In some form, the show is going to last for decades, a la Meet The Press or This Week or GMA.  Joy has a three-year deal, but she seems unlikely as a FT moderator.  And Paula has been unsteady at times, though she probably works dirt cheap.  Moderator is a tough job to fill.


Personally, I would love love love love that the first episode of Season Twenty began with the surprise entrance of the Original Cast. Let them do a full week !  Then again, that would really make Week Two a mega-downer.....

Edited by SanDiegoInExile
  • Love 5

If they do get rid of Whoopi (and honestly I don't see how they can't) it's not totally implausible for Meredith to come back.  ABC will probably keep Paula on the View simply because she is already employed by them on GMA. And with Joy already signed who is to say Star Jones wouldn't come back?  With the election looming in November hopefully they will add co-hosts who know WTF they are talking about.  Which sorry Candace, that means you have to go.

  • Love 5

If they do get rid of Whoopi (and honestly I don't see how they can't) it's not totally implausible for Meredith to come back. ABC will probably keep Paula on the View simply because she is already employed by them on GMA. And with Joy already signed who is to say Star Jones wouldn't come back? With the election looming in November hopefully they will add co-hosts who know WTF they are talking about. Which sorry Candace, that means you have to go.

Great plan! Meredith and Joy cd alternate being moderator. I don't want Star back though, cuz she seems to have a giant ego, and obviously is dishonest and spiteful. Lies abt her weight loss, Bridezilla sponsors, blindsiding BW when she quit, writing a book abt a talk show, etc. Not trustworthy, and dishonest people think others are stupid enough not to see through their lies.

  • Love 2

Tosia, oh I'm not a Star Jones fan at all but compared to who currently sits at the table she is miles better.  She is everything you described  her to be but she is smart and knows her shit.  And I think she got knocked down a few pegs after leaving the View so who knows, maybe she would be a lot more likable this time around.

  • Love 8

Sunny is also self-important... To me, Sunny tries to be what Star Jones is, but doesn't quite get there. She's better than the current people at the table (outside Joy/Paula), but I'd rather have Star if given the choice.


I really doubt a Meredith/Joy/Star reunion would happen, but how great would that be. Lisa would probably have no interest (and hell no to Elisabeth ever coming back). I was surprised to see Star back on the show last week anyway; I know if Barbara still had her claws in this show, Star would have to climb over her dead body to guest on that show. Unless Star came on as a guest before Barbara left and I don't remember it?

  • Love 1

I was surprised to see Star back on the show last week anyway; I know if Barbara still had her claws in this show, Star would have to climb over her dead body to guest on that show. Unless Star came on as a guest before Barbara left and I don't remember it?

Yes, Star did return when Bawawa was still on the show. It was the year before Rosie came back and it was during February as well-healthy heart month.

  • Love 3

... Moderator is a tough job to fill.

Only if  they want a good one, which apparently is not the case here.   You don't even have to know how to read a teleprompter or look over the material beforehand.


Great plan! Meredith and Joy cd alternate being moderator. I don't want Star back though, cuz she seems to have a giant ego, and obviously is dishonest and spiteful. Lies abt her weight loss, Bridezilla sponsors, blindsiding BW when she quit, writing a book abt a talk show, etc. Not trustworthy, and dishonest people think others are stupid enough not to see through their lies.


Maybe it's because I didn't watch much during her bridezilla year but I was coincidentally watching the day Star  quit and I still think that blindsiding Babs  was one of the most awesome moments in the history of this show.  


Yes, Star did return when Bawawa was still on the show. It was the year before Rosie came back and it was during February as well-healthy heart month.

Yes, they promoted the hell out of it.  Star and Babs are both heart surgery/heart disease survivors so they teamed up for that, although I don't think it was Bab's idea for one minute but rather something Sweaty G suggested to her.   

  • Love 11

You guys sent me to YouTube to see if I could relive the moment of Star's announcement, and SUCCESS!  So, for your edification also, heeeeeeeerrrrrrreeeeee's Star!




The best part is Bawa's "next day" cover...


Oh, Bawawa was not pissed that Star said what she did. Oh, not at all! So she just had to reveal that Star "betrayed" her and reveal that Star's contract wasn't renewed. Because Star didn't play the game the way they Bawawa wanted her to.

  • Love 7

Maybe it's because I didn't watch much during her bridezilla year but I was coincidentally watching the day Star  quit and I still think that blindsiding Babs  was one of the most awesome moments in the history of this show. 


We must have been weirdly synchronized in our lives, Cosmo.  Because for some reason I can barely remember Star's wedding shenanigans either.  But for some reason that "I won't be back next season" moment is SEARED in my memory.  I can remember where I was standing in my family room when she said it (I was trying to deal with a drawer in a cabinet my husband broke the night before trying to cram too much crap in it).  


Was it possible we were just semi-tuned out to the inane wedding crap, but when the shit hit the fan our ears perked up?  Were we taking a semi-decent show for granted and not really paying attention?  Because I know I must have been watching on a regular basis .... I could not have just tuned in that day by accident.  Could I?  Could I have been that lucky?  Because that moment was AWESOME.  I remember being really surprised.   I wish I could remember.


Off to watch the clip of Star quitting (because that's what it was!) ... good times!  Thanks for the link Tunia

  • Love 4

Ok, I did not intend to come right back and post, again but all I can say is ....1. damn that table used to be small, when did it get so freaking huge?  and   2. Star's F-U to Barbara Walters may be one of my favorite TV moments of all time.  I don't care how much she had being fired coming.  Just yanking the rug out from under people who are shit-canning you is all kinds of awesome in my book.  Stick it to the man, Star, stick it to the man.


hhaha lol! 

  • Love 10

This should probably go in the Small Talk thread, but since it's related to Bawawa, I'm putting it here. And I blame Tunia! She posted the link above! So last night, or rather, right before I woke up an hour and a half ago, I had a dream nightmare, where I and someone else, were trying to get the goods on...Bawawa and were in her house, and almost made a getaway, but then she returned. I'm in the closet, trying to hide, while my accomplice is trying to get her to leave. It doesn't work. I am discovered, trying to leave and Bawawa pulls a gun on me! We fight, I mean physically, and i win, becuase I ended up doing the girly thing and pushing her into the deep end of the pool; run to my car, and there is Bawawa again! In different clothes! OMG!!! She'd CLONED herself! And I can't escape!!!! And for some reason, Billy Joel's Uptown Girl (probably because I was in the twilight stage of sleep and my radio was airing that song at the time) was  playing.


I finally got away--and woke up. And none of it would have happened if I hadn't watched that clip of Star announcing her departure, followed by Bawawa's bitter/angry/passive aggressive 'splanation as to why Star wasn't there, and how she didn't follow the rules and keep her mouth quiet. I mean, Bawawa did say, that she and ABC told Star she could say whatever she wanted for why she was leaving, right? And Star did. Star didn't say that ABC didn't renew. THAT was on Bawawa and it made her look undignified and so very unprofessional; acting as if Star had trash talked Bawawa in the previous day's show.


So, it's Tunia's fault that Bawawa and a multitude of her clones were after me to kill me! Why Jim Caviezel, Tom Welling, Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Sam Heughan, or even animated Batman (shut up! don't judge! Kevin Conroy's Bats is uber HAWT), couldn't have been the one or ones to dream about instead, I don't know.

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