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Well, if it was Elisabeth or Star she disliked the most, she probably would have said so since they most likely will never be back on the show. And if it was Rosie, I'm sure she'd have said considering the other things she said about Rosie there. So it's either Barbara, Whoopi, or Sherri. One's the creator, one's still on the show daily, and one's guesting, so she probably wouldn't say she disliked any of them most onair because, in regards to Barbara, it would be seen as ungrateful/disrespectful and, in regards to the other two, she wouldn't want to have to go back to work with them again the next day. It could be Lisa or Meredith, I guess, but that would be unlikely. She may have a few more contenders for the title by the end of this year. I don't think Raven or Candace could be fun to work with.


I don't agree with Joy about Rosie, but I don't think she harbors Rosie any ill will either. I'm sure she knows things must've been really tense considering that Entertainment TV clip with Whoopi.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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I think Joy sees the writing on the wall that Whoopi might not make it to the end of this season and wants to to secure her keeping the top dog spot on the show.  Once Whoopi leaves people will be hoping that Rosie rejoins the show which would threaten Joy of the cushy moderator job.  


 I like Joy, but trashing other co-hosts, ones she has said that she is on her side and considers a friend, and the creator of the show is just tacky.

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Did anyone else catch Joy on WWHL last night?   She was letting it fly.   First she called RO the "Sarah Palin of The View" because she, "left in the middle of the job."  I guess that was supposed to be a joke but like so many of Joy's jokes, I  didn't think it was funny.  She said she knew it wouldn't work out.


Joy didn't lie IMO.  A lot of people didn't think Rosie was going to make it a full season, the only surprise was she quit so early.

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8 Times The View Pissed Off Viewers: Abortion, Gay Marriage, Bill Cosby and More


Nice reminder to us long-time viewers and a good refresher on what a moron I've always thought Elisabeth Hasselbeck is along with her sidekick Dumber.  That's just a sample though.   And if viewers were pissed about this show hiring Jenny McCarthy I guess they were silenced after she just never mentioned her rather large role in the anti-vaccination thing because I never heard a peep of outrage after she was on the air.  There was a sigh of relief when she exited though.  Ha!

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Rewatching the video about the "N" word was a trip down memory lane. Bitsy's basic argument was, "if white people (read:me) can't use the word, neither should black people." Whoopi couldn't have been more succinct when she explained the word was loaded with history and black people's usage was a "reclaiming" of it from its history, but Bitsy wasn't having any of it and she started to cry. What a contrast to her current gig where everything she says is seconded by her two dumb colleagues.

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I never thought Hasselbeck's loss of control and tears had much to do with discussing the "N-word."  I think she was being put in her place/scolded on national television by Whoopi Goldberg and, on that day, she simply couldn't handle it.   Those tears felt like frustration and humiliation because nobody was buying what she was selling.  Stupid little brat.

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That darned Plan B video is gone from teh intertoobz, had I known someone would successfully scrub it so well I'd have found a way to download it and keep it for posterity!



If I'm not mistaken the clip of Elisabeth equating gay marriage to someone wanting to marry a toaster is nowhere to be found either.  I've always wondered why someone (whoever had the power or ability to remove those clips) did that.  What made EH so fucking special that she needed protection from her own childish stupid behavior?  Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your point of view she now is employed by a network that showcases her childish stupid behavior.

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Oh phooey.  Flipping through channels this a.m., I happened to land on Fox & Friends just in time to catch the last couple of words by "the three stooges" mocking The View on the nurse controversy.  Of course our Bitsy was positioned in her most stern and professional stance, brow furrowed and lips pursed appropriately, to properly convey her outrage against her former employer.  How I wish (for once) that I had tuned in 3 minutes earlier to catch their discussion!  Did any of our astute members here happen to catch it?

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If I'm not mistaken the clip of Elisabeth equating gay marriage to someone wanting to marry a toaster is nowhere to be found either.  I've always wondered why someone (whoever had the power or ability to remove those clips) did that.  What made EH so fucking special that she needed protection from her own childish stupid behavior?  Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your point of view she now is employed by a network that showcases her childish stupid behavior

Interesting.  I know that there are firms one can hire to "scrub" the internet of anything; one of the Real Ho-wives of Beverly Hills did it a couple years ago.  That's probably what Bits (or her management) did, lol.  At least we have the memories.  Good times. 

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I have to say I agree with most of this article (not all, though!):  http://news.yahoo.com/why-view-bombing-070000115.html

Besides the nurse "situation" this article could have been written each year for the past several.

That article is written by Michelle Malkin... She has less credibility than Elisabeth.... Just my Opinion :)

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That article is written by Michelle Malkin... She has less credibility than Elisabeth.... Just my Opinion :)



I was just about to say pretty much the same thing.  Michelle Malkin is in the same category as Ann Coulter.  

Even a broken clock is right twice a day....   just sayin'.   


I do think this show has a habit/reputation over the past few years of not supporting other women - hell last season they couldn't even support the other women AT THE TABLE.  Yes, it's mostly been Whoopi but not all of it.  Even Bits liked to attack other women Erin Andrews and RO, are just two that come to mind.

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I'm not liking this side of Joy - which I haven't seem before.

I'm not liking this side of Joy - which I haven't seem before.

You haven't seen this side of Joy before? Are you kidding? She's the most despicable person on there!!!

After Babs Walters bragging about her affair with a married US Senator, and praising Camilla Parker Bowles for breaking up Princess Diana's marriage, Joy was totally on board with glorifying women who sleep with married men. And then never missed a chance to slam Bristol Palin, who was still a minor at the time, for being a pregnant teenager.

Bristol's sexual conduct has not been anything to be proud of, but there's a big distinction which Joy overlooked: Bristol hasn't been boinking married men!!!

That obvious difference was overlooked by Joy, who never missed an opportunity to disparage a 17 year old girl.

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As for Joy's slam against Sarah Palin for quitting her job as governor of Alaska, if a MAN with five kids, one of whom is mentally challenged, quit a job which paid only $145,000/year to become a professional speaker who can command $100,000 per appearance, everybody would be talking about how successful he is. I read something about how Palin's income was in the millions after she left the governors office.

Joy Behar HATES other women, especially successful women. It sticks out all over.

If the produces want to save the show, they need to dump that witch.

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I have absolutely no memory of Joy glorifying women who slept with married men. She never let up on Monica Lewinsky and she was highly critical of Rielle Hunter, John Edwards' mistress. I don't remember any discussion of Camilla Parker Bowles (except at holiday time when Babs would bring out her famous friends' Christmas cards) and as for Babs' own history, what was Joy supposed to do, harsh on her boss? It wasn't as if she rah-rah-rahed Babs about it.

  • Love 17

You haven't seen this side of Joy before? Are you kidding? She's the most despicable person on there!!!

After Babs Walters bragging about her affair with a married US Senator, and praising Camilla Parker Bowles for breaking up Princess Diana's marriage, Joy was totally on board with glorifying women who sleep with married men. And then never missed a chance to slam Bristol Palin, who was still a minor at the time, for being a pregnant teenager.

Bristol's sexual conduct has not been anything to be proud of, but there's a big distinction which Joy overlooked: Bristol hasn't been boinking married men!!!

That obvious difference was overlooked by Joy, who never missed an opportunity to disparage a 17 year old girl.

Whether Joy agreed with BW's behavior or not, there's no way she would have disparaged her BOSS for having an affair!   

At the time, Joy wanted to keep her job.  I don't think she "glorified" BW's behavior, but do you really think she was in a position to criticize? 


As for Bristol Palin - it wasn't about her being a pregnant teen.   It was about her being a spokesperson for abstinence-only education is schools.  She was against educating young people on how to be sexually active and responsible - an education that she herself desperately needed.  

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That obvious difference was overlooked by Joy, who never missed an opportunity to disparage a 17 year old girl.

Really?  Joy was on point about Bristol Palin (and her remedial mother).  What sort of mental defective seeks attention for preaching total sexual abstinence, then repeatedly has pre-marital, UNPROTECTED sex, and becomes pregnant multiple times?  Having sweet babies is not the problem…acting "holy" and "judgey" is a problem.  The Palins make my flesh crawl and have few redeeming qualities.  

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I don't think this was posted, ratings talk:




Just like last season's premiere went up in the ratings after the year of fluff with Jenny and Sherri, so this year's premiere improved on the fallen ratings of The Whoopi Show from March to July. It says they outperformed The Talk during the premiere week, but I believe The Talk was re-running.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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As for Joy's slam against Sarah Palin for quitting her job as governor of Alaska, if a MAN with five kids, one of whom is mentally challenged, quit a job which paid only $145,000/year to become a professional speaker who can command $100,000 per appearance, everybody would be talking about how successful he is. I read something about how Palin's income was in the millions after she left the governors office.

Joy Behar HATES other women, especially successful women. It sticks out all over.

If the produces want to save the show, they need to dump that witch.


Palin was an elected official who touted constantly how she wanted to help the people of Alaska and should have stuck out the 18 months left to compete her term as Governor and then transition into lucrative speech and other opportunities. She was the first female Governor of the state and has now left a legacy that the first female governor resigned (for selfish reasons). She bailed as Governor and I would have the same feeling wheather this action was taken by a male or a female. It's not like she was the only breadwinner in the family, her husband had an income. Shame on her for resigning.

Public officials should complete the service the ran for and were elected for before they go off to be a lobbyist, write books, etc.

Edited by deaja
fixed quote format
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As for Joy's slam against Sarah Palin for quitting her job as governor of Alaska, if a MAN with five kids, one of whom is mentally challenged, quit a job which paid only $145,000/year to become a professional speaker who can command $100,000 per appearance, everybody would be talking about how successful he is. I read something about how Palin's income was in the millions after she left the governors office.

Joy Behar HATES other women, especially successful women. It sticks out all over.

If the produces want to save the show, they need to dump that witch.

I wouldn't be talking about how successful a man was if he quit a job he had sworn to uphold because it only paid him $145,000/year. 

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Spot on article (in part) by syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin:


You would think that a groundbreaking TV show for women hosted by women would do its best every day to respect & uplift women. Instead "The View" has devolved into an ear-splitting bickerfest of elite divas who scoff and sneer at those who do not enjoy their celebrity privilege or share their left-wing ideological values.


No amount of chair shuffling can fix the collective Narcissistic TV Personality Disorder that plagues this spoiled "View". It's time to pull the plug!


My comment: Truer words have never been spoken.

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Oh Em Gee Whoopi, have some pride.


 Why does she insist on looking like she crawled out of a hamper everyday?   Is there no one in her life OR ON THIS SHOW that will tell her to clean up her wardrobe?  If anyone else on any other talk show regularly showed up wearing clothes like Whoopi's there would be a meeting and some changes.    There's eccentric/offbeat/artsy fashion like Raven and then there is the mess that is Whoopi.  


Ever since some brilliant poster whose name I can't remember [please re- identify yourself!] mentioned the 'new' logo looked like the drain this show has been circling for some time - that's all I see on the screen.  And I love it.  






Edited by Cosmocrush
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Oh Em Gee Whoopi, have some pride.


 Why does she insist on looking like she crawled out of a hamper everyday?   Is there no one in her life OR ON THIS SHOW that will tell her to clean up her wardrobe?  If anyone else on any other talk show regularly showed up wearing clothes like Whoopi's there would be a meeting and some changes.    There's eccentric/offbeat/artsy fashion like Raven and then there is the mess that is Whoopi.  

*Who* decided to use this photo for the cover of their Facebook page?

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Ever since some brilliant poster whose name I can't remember [please re- identify yourself!] mentioned the 'new' logo looked like the drain this show has been circling for some time - that's all I see on the screen.  And I love it.  

That was me. :)


It makes me think that even the people who work there hate The View.

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I'm pretty sure those were what I referred to as Whoopi's "Clown Pants" .  I think she subscribes to the notion that, when you gain weight, you should wear HUGE clothes, so you look slimmer.  It doesn't work.  

Either that or, she's given up completely, figures she's just going to keep growing and growing, so she buys the biggest damn clothes she can find. 

Ouch. Not exactly a stellar review of Joy's stand up act, but there was this quip from it:

According to her, she only has two regrets about her time on the talk show so far.

The first is that she never got to interview Lorena Bobbitt, the woman who infamously cut off her husband's penis. Her second regret was that she never "turned to Elisabeth Hasselbeck and asked her 'What the [expletive] are you taking about?'"


Edited by TribbleTrouble
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