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Candace's voice quality is awful.  I would have thought after all these years acting that someone would have corrected that horrid nasally sound she produces. 


Her voice really, really offends my ears.

I always thought the same thing about Bitsy's volce quality and never understood why she didn't get a voice coach early on.   Guess it's a trademark now, haha. 

  • Love 4

And Candace talks like a baby and has that dreaded habit of always checking the monitor to see how she looks.  Her husband calls all the shots and she is proud to bow to him and his wishes...oy vay....decades for women to be equal to men and in one fell swoop she wipes it clean!  I also wish they would bring up the Duggar scandal! 

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 6

I am feeling tightening in the chest at the evangelical looney crap that is about to have a regular outlet.  I really enjoy discussion/pop culture/different points of view, but I just can't stomach that every single thing points back to God, the Bible, or scripture with these people.  I sort of love and respect scientists and acedemics too much to reduce everything to "what God says."  

Edited by MatchaLove
  • Love 12

Not sure where this goes, it's not about The View exactly , but about a topic they covered and we discussed on this forum:


New York Magazine has photos and stories of 35 women who accuse Bill Cosby of drugging and raping them:http://nymag.com/thecut/2015/07/bill-cosbys-accusers-speak-out.html?mid=nymag_press

I haven't read the whole story yet, but it is a fascinating look at a man in power doing whatever he wanted, and how nobody wanted to hear about what he was doing.

  • Love 6

Not sure where this goes, it's not about The View exactly , but about a topic they covered and we discussed on this forum:


New York Magazine has photos and stories of 35 women who accuse Bill Cosby of drugging and raping them:http://nymag.com/thecut/2015/07/bill-cosbys-accusers-speak-out.html?mid=nymag_press

I haven't read the whole story yet, but it is a fascinating look at a man in power doing whatever he wanted, and how nobody wanted to hear about what he was doing.

I hope someone takes a physical copy of the magazine to The View set and waves it in Whoopie's face.


Ah hell, it won't happen. But we can dream, right?

Heck, while we're at it I hope people mail copies to Phylicia Rashad and Debbie Allen's houses too.

  • Love 5

God does not care who sits on the panel, nor does God work at human resources at ABC news.




It's shit like this that makes me shake my head.  People like Elisabeth (and Sherri) who think God gets you a job.  Or helps your team make a field goal.  Really?  So I'm guessing the other people who wanted the same job or wanted the other team to miss the field goal must not be one of Gods BFFs.



am feeling tightening in the chest at the evangelical looney crap that is about to have a regular outlet.  I really enjoy discussion/pop culture/different points of view, but I just can't stomach that every single thing points back to God, the Bible, or scripture with these people.  I sort of love and respect scientists and acedemics too much to reduce everything to "what God says."




Can I get an Amen (pun intended)?  I absolutely HATE when someone says it's God's will.  And it's usually in reference to something sad or horrific. 


Well maybe it is God's will that the American public (or at least the View audience) can finally see the real Whoopi Goldberg.

  • Love 6

It's shit like this that makes me shake my head.  People like Elisabeth (and Sherri) who think God gets you a job.  Or helps your team make a field goal.  Really?  So I'm guessing the other people who wanted the same job or wanted the other team to miss the field goal must not be one of Gods BFFs.





Can I get an Amen (pun intended)?  I absolutely HATE when someone says it's God's will.  And it's usually in reference to something sad or horrific. 


Well maybe it is God's will that the American public (or at least the View audience) can finally see the real Whoopi Goldberg.

Agree with everything!  A geological event/disaster or shifting of the earth's crust is not God's will or punishment.  Car accidents are not God's fault.  A baby struggling for life is not God's will…..at least that is my humble belief.  Changing laws for basic human rights and equality is in fact the most God-like in sentiment  and yet Candace Cameron thinks the wrath of God will be suffered.  WTF?

  • Love 6

Changing laws for basic human rights and equality is in fact the most God-like in sentiment  and yet Candace Cameron thinks the wrath of God will be suffered.  WTF?




I'm an atheist so I don't fear God's wrath but if there is a God I sincerely hope Elisabeth and Candace and all the other people who have spoken for him all these years get smacked down when they die.  I don't think Elisabeth would be so quick to say "I didn't know there was going to be a pop quiz."

  • Love 3

God's will...... I used to use that against people who claim to be Christians..... they would be complaining about President Obama for some inane reason and I would say to them..... why are you so upset that Obama is President... obviously it was God's will..... boy they would just freak out.... some would blame the devil....


too funny

  • Love 14

God's will...... I used to use that against people who claim to be Christians..... they would be complaining about President Obama for some inane reason and I would say to them..... why are you so upset that Obama is President... obviously it was God's will..... boy they would just freak out.... some would blame the devil....


too funny


  • Love 2

God's will...... I used to use that against people who claim to be Christians..... they would be complaining about President Obama for some inane reason and I would say to them..... why are you so upset that Obama is President... obviously it was God's will..... boy they would just freak out.... some would blame the devil....


too funny

Yes, I have people like that in my family.  When people do something  they AGREE with - it's God's will.  When people do something  they disagree with - God will be upset.

 And they don't see that their view of God is illogical.  

Edited by backformore
  • Love 2

I've said this a few times, and I hope we don't get too far off topic here, but Jesus never said a word against homosexuality that is recorded in the Bible.  He did say that the greatest commandment is to love God completely, and the second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.  In my book, that means baking your neighbor a wedding cake and giving your neighbor equal rights.  Jesus did speak strongly against divorce, yet issuing divorce decrees never made a Christian county clerk quit his or her job.  While I am a Christian and believe in God's will, I don't think He's a micromanager!  So I take "Christians" like Sherri and CCB with a HUGE grain of salt. I've quit churches because they were getting pretty far away from the Bible and pretty far into right-wing politics.  How I loathe "Christians" who hide their prejudices behind the cross.  I think Sherri and CCB might very well be terrified of Jesus if He were to return and be a guest on The View. 

Edited by ChicagoCita
  • Love 22

I've said this a few times, and I hope we don't get too far off topic here, but Jesus never said a word against homosexuality that is recorded in the Bible.  He did say that the greatest commandment is to love God completely, and the second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.  In my book, that means baking your neighbor a wedding cake and giving your neighbor equal rights.  Jesus did speak strongly against divorce, yet issuing divorce decrees never made a Christian county clerk quit his or her job.  While I am a Christian and believe in God's will, I don't think He's a micromanager!  So I take "Christians" like Sherri and CCB with a HUGE grain of salt. I've quit churches because they were getting pretty far away from the Bible and pretty far into right-wing politics.  How I loathe "Christians" who hide their prejudices behind the cross.  I think Sherri and CCB might very well be terrified of Jesus if he were to return and be a guest on The View. 


  • Love 1

God's will...... I used to use that against people who claim to be Christians..... they would be complaining about President Obama for some inane reason and I would say to them..... why are you so upset that Obama is President... obviously it was God's will..... boy they would just freak out.... some would blame the devil....


too funny

Oh there's always a way folks are able to deflect that.


1.) That it's Satan getting a temporary toe-hold.  Why God allows this is not explicitly explained.

2.) That it IS God, but it's all part of some grand "test" he's running to test people's faithfulness.  Basically that he makes existence one big obstacle course for the faithful, and only those who pay attention to "the word of God" extra closely can navigate it successfully.

Clearly this is God testing us again!  



  • Love 8

I guess Sherri will fill in when one of the five is out for the day? I can't even imagine the mess that would be 6 people at the table...

From the NYDaily News article linked above: 


Shepherd is expected to appear in about 50 episodes, according to Deadline, which first broke the story.


I'm guessing it's because that way they don't have to pay a contract price.  I'm pretty sure they pay the co-hosts by the day.  Nicole and RosieP reportedly had one year contracts.

  • Love 1

I still don't understand why they are getting rid of Nicole?? I say she has done quite well considering who she has to work with.

She's smart, looks good on camera, qualified broadcaster, not a washed up actress or comedian, brings a different perspective to all the celebrity gossip, and probably worst of all - gets along with people at the table.  So of course she must go; just like any other attempt to elevate this show from the trash, Nicole  has been tossed out. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 13

what upsets me from the article linked is this:



Shepherd left the show last August — along with co-creator Barbara Walters — and since then "The View" has suffered from low ratings.

No, no no  - that is NOT cause and effect.  

Sherri leaving is NOT what caused the show to go down hill.



Maybe Sherri's publicist  is friendly with the NY Daily News writer.  I can see Sherri believing she is desperately needed to save the View.  Probably thinks this all part of God's plan for her.  You know when he's not busy planning the end of the world because Adam and Steve are now allowed to marry.


It is also stated that Whoopi  is the "lone constant". Gee, which one REALLY makes the show suck?




Hmmm  ABC if the ratings continue to decline even though you keep reshuffling co-hosts but keep Whoopi you might want to start considering Whoopi might be the problem.  I'm just saying.......

  • Love 8

She's smart, looks good on camera, qualified broadcaster, not a washed up actress or comedian, brings a different perspective to all the celebrity gossip, and probably worst of all - gets along with people at the table. So of course she must go; just like any other attempt to elevate this show from the trash, Nicole has been tossed out.

By these standards, Meredith Vieira would barely last a season as a co-host these days!

  • Love 5

With Candace, Sherri and Paula Faris on the panel, I'm sure we will be hearing a lot about their faith, although an article I read stated that Candace will be there as a Republican. 


From an article about Paula:


"People know that there is something different about me," she said. "I think most people know that I'm a Christian. I've had just some great opportunities to share the love of Christ with people but I think if I'm not first and foremost showing Christ's love, it doesn't matter if I wear a bracelet or where a T-shirt."


When one of them want a day off, maybe they can get Michelle Duggar to sit in. 

  • Love 6

With Candace, Sherri and Paula Faris on the panel, I'm sure we will be hearing a lot about their faith, although an article I read stated that Candace will be there as a Republican. 


From an article about Paula:


"People know that there is something different about me," she said. "I think most people know that I'm a Christian. I've had just some great opportunities to share the love of Christ with people but I think if I'm not first and foremost showing Christ's love, it doesn't matter if I wear a bracelet or where a T-shirt."


When one of them want a day off, maybe they can get Michelle Duggar to sit in. 


Bite.  Your.  Tongue.  

  • Love 7

The official ABC message board for The View is closing down:

Dear loyal View fans,
We are announcing that The View’s message board will be closing in two weeks on Monday, August 10th 12pm PT.  We understand this news will be disappointing for regular users of the message boards.  However, there are plenty of other active communities on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheView and Twitter https://twitter.com/theview to chat with fellow fans and get the latest View news. In the meantime, we encourage you to make plans to migrate to other forums and say goodbye to fellow board users.








The official ABC message board for The View is closing down:



I guess they couldn't figure out a way to ignore all the negative comments about The Whoopster & the other sub-par co-hosts with the Message Board being supported by ABC.  SO, they know & they don't care, so they're shutting it down so they don't have to be reminded of how much THEIR show sucks.

  • Love 13

Hmph, Imagine this.  A talk show that has no desire to illicit conversation and decides providing a place for their viewers to comment on their daily offerings is being axed.  And the reason being...oh wait, they didn't give a reason.  Yeah, that's the best way to treat your loyal viewers and say thanks for your support all these years.  Of course with all the insane decisions of late, this should come as no surprise.  Just add this to the list of bonehead, incomprehensible, utterly moronic moves that are becoming the hallmark of this once beloved show!


I guess Whoopi can stop telling the audience to stop sending dissenting comments, complaints, et al.  ABC and The View's execs are doing it for her.  Unbelievable!

Edited by onthebrink03
  • Love 6

Other message boards on ABC's page are being shut down too. I'd assume all of them. As far as The View's message boards, off topic is the norm, many, many threads off topic. Quite a while ago (before they "tweaked" it"), there were awful posts on there, it would be one post that would be copied and run pages and pages long. "Tweaking" does not work for ABC.

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