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The View in the Media


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Daily Mail = large grain of salt regarding exactly why he left - looks like he is moving to a bigger posotion.

( this Brian guy has certainly had a meteoric rise..was a warm up comic just a few years ago)

Meteoric rise, yes, but I always thought he was an odd choice for a co-EP role on a daytime talkshow. That's a bit out of his wheelhouse. He's had a pretty eclectic career, but nothing like this. Since he's been in charge of the day-to-day show running, I'm hoping this will be a good thing. My impression has been that too many cooks have been part of the reason the show has struggled all season to get its legs firmly under it. This whole season has had a sense of multiple personality disorder, like they don't quite know what show they're trying to do from day to day. I'd still like to see Bill Wolfe take firmer control of the reigns. Maybe now that will happen.

  • Love 4

I really think they should try and get Katie Couric, Meredith Viera, or Anne Curry to lead the show especially if it's part of ABC News now.

That's a great idea!  I'd totally love to see that. 


Meteoric rise, yes, but I always thought he was an odd choice for a co-EP role on a daytime talkshow. That's a bit out of his wheelhouse. He's had a pretty eclectic career, but nothing like this.

It did say he helped lauch the fourth hour of The Today Show which is basically a talk show with Kathi Lee and Hoda.  It's pretty good too.  I agree that his leaving had nothing to do with "the Rosies" (and why is it "the Rosies" and never Whoopi?)  and everything to do with and offer for a  Vice President of Programming job. 

  • Love 3

I think it's a crime that a rag like the Daily Mail is allowed to publish such garbage. There was obviously one short press release about the producer put out, the one picked up in the Yahoo link, and the DM (should be BM) created their garbage article out of old shit they had published about screaming fights and RosieP being fired.


These are real people they are publishing these lies about and as much as I'm sure the women try to avoid the nonsense and realize it's one of the hazards of being a public figure and making big bucks, still, it must hurt them on some level.

  • Love 5

WOW! I actually quit watching on December 18th. Midshow. It was that nasty conversation when Lavern Cox was co hosting. I peace-ed out during the Whoopie Rosie O smack down. The whole thing pushed my nerves to the edge. I have the show piled up on my DVR. Reading the board it looks like I need to take a xannax and what the end of this crapfeast. I don't know why I even watch a show that upsets me so damn much! LOL     

  • Love 4

Taken from the episode thread:



Radaronline has a piece today saying that the network bigwigs had decided to let Whoopi go, but since RO told them she was leaving, they can't do that now. So in essence, Whoopi owes her job to RO. Well, that sort of backfired, didn't it?



I thought  ROL was the one that said Whoopi wanted ABC to let her go over the summer because then they would have to pay out her contract anyway?   Both those stories can't be true.  I'm sure Whoopi would just as soon cash the checks from home than show up at this show - how many times has she told us she's only doing The View for the money?    


Besides, whose running this show - Whoopi or ABC?   If they really wanted her out, she'd be out.  I always thought ABC didn't give a shit about this show as long as it was bringing in money.  The re-vamp  almost made me change my mind.   Almost.   

  • Love 2

I call bullshit on that article.  ABC firing Whoopi "EGOT" Goldberg...no chance in hell.  I get that they might recognize she has been a problem this season on the show and firing her would be the easiest way to get them out of the $5 million contract, but I can just imagine the faux outrage that might arise that it was "race" related.  I think someone from ABC leaked some crap info to say now that we would have loved to keep Rosie O, we were even about to fire Whoopi...but we can't do that now obviously.

  • Love 2

From other board posted by CousinAmy: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/confidential/rosie-o-donnell-earlier-exit-view-article-1.2110156


February is half over, now they are doing extended try outs?  So they can what, announce the new host and then a week later the show's cancellation?  They should get Joy, Star, and Lisa Ling to guest host as frequently as they can during this mess.  I bet Couric wants nowhere near it after her own failed talk show.  I hated Star, but I think she has probably grown up a lot, and I'd like to see her interact with Whoopi.

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 2

I doubt Meredith would come back, or Coric, on Ling. 


Star would be ok with me as well.


This is a disaster for ABC - we are in the middle of sweeps....and they have no show to contribute to daytime emmys......that would win, anyway, what with missing cohosts, let alone content and popularity. Actually  be nominated.....

  • Love 2

That Daily News article sounds like baloney to me.  They are "booking whomever RO wants these last few days?  Uh, wouldn't guests already be booked for tomorrow and the next day, not to mention Monday and Tuesday?     But this part cracked me up:  


“Padma Lakshmi, Naya Rivera, Sam Ponder and Stacy London have been popular guest hosts,” said the source. “(It’s) way, way too early to call anyone a leading candidate, but they are all in the mix for sure.”

because I hated all of those women on this show, lol.    


From other board posted by CousinAmy: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/confidential/rosie-o-donnell-earlier-exit-view-article-1.2110156


February is half over, now they are doing extended try outs?  So they can what, announce the new host and then a week later the show's cancellation?  They should get Joy, Star, and Lisa Ling to guest host as frequently as they can during this mess.  I bet Couric wants nowhere near it after her own failed talk show.  I hated Star, but I think she has probably grown up a lot, and I'd like to see her interact with Whoopi.


I love that idea Morbs!!!  I don't think it would ever happen but I love it anyway.   

  • Love 4

This is a disaster for ABC - we are in the middle of sweeps....and they have no show to contribute to daytime emmys......that would win, anyway, what with missing cohosts, let alone content and popularity. Actually  be nominated.....

Oh, good, Rosie O left them at the perfect time, imo, so they can flop throughout sweeps. :) They didn't care about her, so she should them exactly the same consideration. Either way, I'm glad she won't be doing a goodbye show on Friday, so it can be edited and glossed over by the executives before it's aired. Do it live or not at all


Stacy London and Naya Rivera were popular on the show? With who??? I don't even remember who the other two are.

  • Love 5

The Real Housewives of news analysis: The View’s path to recovery: http://www.avclub.com/article/real-housewives-news-analysis-views-path-recovery-215066?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=Default:1:Default


I used to like the AV Club so much, but now I think they are always off base and just plain ole sucks.  Rosie was saying her and Whoopi are basically the same age in that interview with NeNe.  

Edited by Morbs

The Real Housewives of news analysis: The View’s path to recovery: http://www.avclub.com/article/real-housewives-news-analysis-views-path-recovery-215066?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=Default:1:Default


I used to like the AV Club so much, but now I think they are always off base and just plain ole sucks.  Rosie was saying her and Whoopi are basically the same age in that interview with NeNe.

And they also said this:

"As was the case at the beginning of this season, the panel is in need of a complete overhaul, with the exception of Goldberg."


  • Love 4

The Real Housewives of news analysis: The View’s path to recovery: http://www.avclub.co...fault:1:Default




WTF was that?  I so disagree with that article.  I most enjoyed the View when it was Meredith, Star, Joy and Lisa.  I did enjoy Rosie the first time around but it wasn't because of the friction between her and Elisabeth.  It was because she elevated the topics to more than the latest Bachelor.


If people watch the show now wanting to see fireworks between the hosts its because that is all there has been to look forward to the past couple years.  If I want to watch a trainwreck of women cut each other to pieces I will watch the Real fucking Housewives.  I don't need nor want to see it play out on the View.  And if the author of the article thinks Whoopi should remain then clearly he is not a daily watcher of the show.  Unless of course he thinks she should be the conductor who causes the trainwreck.

Edited by susieq147
  • Love 11

Whoopi has been cast as the lead in an ABC pilot. If this show happens, I hope this will be the opening they need to get Whoopi off the show.



You know Whoopi isn't going to give up this easy money voluntarily. I'm hoping The Spew will sink before her contract is up.    The linked story also said the new show would be scheduled around "her duties on The View."     But if it gets picked up it might do okay.  I think Whoopi can act (or used to be able to - who knows now?) far better than she can moderate a talk show.  One is speaking lines someone else wrote, the other is Whoopi being herself; two completely different things.    

  • Love 6

I don't really care what happens to her new show--or The View either. At most, I might be able to muster up enough emotion to hope they both flop. I thought maybe I could suffer through The View like I did in the past, but just seeing Whoopi's face or hearing her voice makes me turn the channel after a minute of trying. There isn't a silver lining anymore, like Joy in the past or the tension Barbara brought her last year. The show's at its lowest; even though there's always been something to complain about, I really never thought it could get this bad.

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Interesting news about WG, but at this point it's only at the pilot stage from the sound of it. A good number of pilots get made that never see the light of day. Of the handful that do actually get picked up for series, a significant percentage don't make it past their first season (or sometimes even their first month!).

I'd hate to see the production people out of work, but with RosieO gone I'm ready to see them pull the plug on the View. I haven't deleted it from my DVR yet just in case I hear about some spectacular flameout that I have to see, but otherwise I'm done. It probably won't happen, but I do secretly kind of hope that before it's canceled the ratings crash with WG there and Rosie gone. And I'm just pissed off enough at Whoopi at this point to hope that this sitcom gets picked up just long enough to bomb spectacularly and publicly. Her ginormous ego could stand to have a few pins stuck in it to let some of that hot air out. And then we can all tweet her about it. Heh.

  • Love 8

According to Page Six, the View has blocked Whoopi from leaving the show. She will not be doing the new pilot. She had apparently planned to leave the View for the new sitcom, but now they won't let her since Rosie left.


Whoopie manages to run Rosie off, then gets a chance for a new show and isn't allowed to take it because she ran Rosie off.  Karma's a bitch, isn't it? 

  • Love 11

According to Page Six, the View has blocked Whoopi from leaving the show. She will not be doing the new pilot. She had apparently planned to leave the View for the new sitcom, but now they won't let her since Rosie left.

Ha!  I think that hilarious - and yes I hope she's pissed about it.  Because I am petty like that.  But there's a good chance she will shrug it off because I don't think Whoopi really likes working anymore (or taking direction)  and at this point would rather just "be Whoopi" without expending any extra effort.  

  • Love 3

And I'm just pissed off enough at Whoopi at this point to hope that this sitcom gets picked up just long enough to bomb spectacularly and publicly. Her ginormous ego could stand to have a few pins stuck in it to let some of that hot air out. And then we can all tweet her about it. Heh.




Whoopi will never think anything she is involved with that fails is her fault. 


Whoopie manages to run Rosie off, then gets a chance for a new show and isn't allowed to take it because she ran Rosie off.  Karma's a bitch, isn't it?




If it is true then I can only say "be careful what you wish for because you just might get it."

  • Love 7

I don't wish financial ruin on anyone (maybe ISIS) but I'll trash a deserving celebrity in a heartbeat.


Whoopi could most certainly do the series and The Spew and any damn thing she wants to. She wears a shroud of protection that most humans could only imagine. It's like she's almost invincible.

Morbs is right: she doesn't want to. She doesn't have to.


Whatever happened to the reality show involving her daughter & grand?

  • Love 3

I think my problem with Whoopi boils down to what kaygeeret said awhile back.  If you're being paid to do a job, DO IT to the best of your ability.  I'm sure we've all said, more or less, that Whoopi would be more than delighted to sit at home, smoke pot & get a check, without having to bother herself by showing up, much less contribute anything worthwhile.  YMMV.

  • Love 6

Whoopie manages to run Rosie off, then gets a chance for a new show and isn't allowed to take it because she ran Rosie off.  Karma's a bitch, isn't it?


Other than the Kartrashians, I really can't think of a celeb for whom I'd wish future financial ruin. Guess I'm just not that "invested" in someone I personally don't know.


I guess we're just wishing the same thing for different people that we don't personally know.

  • Love 4

If my memory is correct, I think Whoopi was just shopping around that reality show, looks like no one bit.

I can't believe ABC is seemingly assuming that The View will be around next year so much so that they told Whoopi not to do a pilot, which may not even be picked up.

Apparently BET picked up the reality show just within the past month or so.


  • Love 5

I think I get why ABC would put the kibosh on WG's participation in the proposed sitcom. Given all the turmoil, uncertainty and financial investment they've made, I have no doubt the last thing they need is more turmoil and two divisions within ABC competing with each other. With RosieP already committed to doing her play and the departure of RosieO and the co-EP, I'm guessing the POBs feel they've already made more than enough concessions in a single 6 month period and they just want the tornado to stop spinning for a few minutes while they figure out their plans for the future of the show. They have a contract with WG and whether she likes it or not she's bound by it. So they put their foot down and got the primetime entertainment division to pull the offer. Whoopi is clearly not happy based on her quote, but she gets no boohoos from me.

  • Love 8

springtime, this may just be a space limitation.  If you scroll down further, there are also headings for "The View with Rosie Perez and 4 Others", and the really confusing "The View with Naya Rivera and 4 Others".


If you place your cursor over the "4 Others", it delineates them by name.  So the Naya Rivera entry becomes "The View with Naya Rivera and Rosie Perez, Ryan Paevey, Whoopi Goldberg and Nicole Wallace".


It doesn't seem to be anything partial to Whoopi.

Edited by Tunia

On the show's Facebook Page- Many recent entries are identified by the line



Wonder how the others feel about being marginalized

Edited to ask- Is this a quirk of Facebook? (not done on purpose)

This shows the person or people who were tagged on that post. If you click on one of the posts and read the blurb underneath the video, some names are highlighted. Hover over the highlighted names and it will say "tagged by whoever". Interesting, one of the names that did the tagging was Nathan Geddie. Must be related to sweaty Geddie.

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