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Jesus God, Leah!!

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I think she thinks Corey is beneath her because he's a sweet, hard-working, dorky dude, and more often than not, treats her with respect. Jeremy she values because he makes $$$$$, and he has nothing but contempt for her.  Leah is a shallow, shallow, person, who has no idea of the value of true goodness. In her backwoods Barbie head, a guy who treats you like crap is the one that really wants you. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
  • Love 3

I'm sorry about your daughter, that is really sad that her doctors weren't able to keep her comfortable. Is the drug so powerful that you can only get it in big cities? Where would poor Leah get hers?

Thanks Lemons. Methadone and other controlled substances cause lots of break-ins at Pharmacys, so in this province it could only be given in the larger city hospitals. Too bad, as she wanted to die at home, but instead it was in the city, far from our home. She is my Angel:)

Leah is apparently going to receive $6,000 from Cory. One source claims it is back child support, but another source claims it was just a recalculation of a previous order filed a year ago that was put on hold, but when a recalculation was done, it was shown Cory owed Leah more money for that time period which was before the court ordered him to be the primary parent. http://www.inquisitr.com/2640114/leah-messers-ex-husband-corey-simms-forced-to-pay-6000-in-back-child-support-teen-mom-2-doesnt-think-its-enough/

  • Love 2

Leah is apparently going to receive $6,000 from Cory. One source claims it is back child support, but another source claims it was just a recalculation of a previous order filed a year ago that was put on hold, but when a recalculation was done, it was shown Cory owed Leah more money for that time period which was before the court ordered him to be the primary parent. http://www.inquisitr.com/2640114/leah-messers-ex-husband-corey-simms-forced-to-pay-6000-in-back-child-support-teen-mom-2-doesnt-think-its-enough/


Grr. I know there probably isn't but I sure hope there's some way to put that money into an account for the girls that she can't touch.

  • Love 6

Damn, Leah is the ultimate trap queen, isn't she? She's in freaking West Virginia for chrissake, not SoCal. Her child support orders are cray cray. I'm sure she and her latest loser will be taking a nice vacation with that 6k. Those girlses don't need no college edumucations, so putting the money into savings?! That don't make no damn sense!

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 7

She just won't be happy until she takes every penny from Corey. Geeze I hope Remi is breastfeeding. And 1700 from Jerm for ONE child? Wow! It's not supposed to be her total income source.  

That amount is dependent on the salary the noncustodial parent makes. Hence those Hollywood moms getting tens of thousands per month in some cases.

  • Love 2

That amount is dependent on the salary the noncustodial parent makes. Hence those Hollywood moms getting tens of thousands per month in some cases.

True that. I read that that dinosaur that married Salma Hayek knocked up some 90s supermodel and she was insisting that she needed at least a million a year in child support.I don't know what her actual order was but I'm sure it was well over what it takes to meet her kids' needs.


That said, support orders aren't generally tied to what the kid actually needs, or what the other parent can provide. I have seen support orders as low as $100 a month- you can't raise a kid on that, especially if they're in daycare. On the other hand, some of these NFL athletes have monthly five figure support orders.


I think the general reason is more based on divorced parents than wealthy men paying for unprotected one night stands. The idea is that a kid's lifestyle shouldn't change because his parents are no longer married. So, the non custodial parent has to pay to accommodate the disparity in incomes so kid isn't living in squalor with his mom while his dad is off living the high life.

  • Love 5

Don't forget, Jeremy is also working out of town for weeks at a time. He is not spending much time with his daughter. The amount of time a child spends with the non-custodial parent is also a determining factor in how much is paid out to the custodial parent. In other words, Leah has Adrenaline (what was her nickname?) 100 percent of the time for the most part.


Let's be real, that child is likely spending a lot of time at grandma's house or the other gazillion relatives in Leah's life, but technically speaking, that child is not with Jeremy and therefore, he's got to pay based on custodial time, his income, and what that child's lifestyle was before daddy caught mama being bacon-slapped by another.

  • Love 6

Don't forget, Jeremy is also working out of town for weeks at a time. He is not spending much time with his daughter. The amount of time a child spends with the non-custodial parent is also a determining factor in how much is paid out to the custodial parent. In other words, Leah has Adrenaline (what was her nickname?) 100 percent of the time for the most part.

Let's be real, that child is likely spending a lot of time at grandma's house or the other gazillion relatives in Leah's life, but technically speaking, that child is not with Jeremy and therefore, he's got to pay based on custodial time, his income, and what that child's lifestyle was before daddy caught mama being bacon-slapped by another.


  • Love 1


Anonymous source vs what we saw with our own eyes.

"Source" is probably Leadpipe Granny Sandy, Delta or Oreo.

I doubt Jeremy is on her side, but I do buy that there hasn't been much in the way of a custody battle. I don't think Jeremy wants custody. He strikes me as the type who has only ever been alone with his child a handful of times. I'm guessing he won't want custody unless his mom or a new girlfriend is there to do the babysitting.

  • Love 8

From The Ashley:

While Leah and Jeremy are not getting back together, she has been spending time with him lately, and her current beau, T.R. Dues is not happy about it. Leah and Jeremy have been trying to effectively co-parent their daughter, Addy, which means they have been interacting a lot. T.R. recently became unhappy after he found out that Leah had agreed to have dinner with Jeremy to discuss something regarding Addy. (The Ashley believes this dinner was a set-up for ‘Teen Mom 2′ to be filmed, but she can’t confirm that.)


Trouble in paradise for Leah and TR.... I love a good passive aggressive Facebook post.



Edited by Spacecow
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I guess he's asking his friends list if it's appropriate to meet your ex over dinner to discuss your shared child when you're in a relationship with someone else, and regardless, Leah should have asked him before she accepted Jeremy's invitation. Which she evidently didn't.

Hey Dues, I don't think Jeremy wants your woman. And as The Ashley points out, it was likely set up for Teen Mom 2 filming. I doubt Jeremy is trying to seduce his ex back with dinner and mountain Dews at Panda Express.

  • Love 5

From The Ashley:


Trouble in paradise for Leah and TR.... I love a good passive aggressive Facebook post.



Uuuhhh yeah, TR, that's Leah's modus operandi. Has he not known this about her? She's always messing around with the EX. Always.

Also, TR, maybe go back to school. I cannot even deal with the egregious errors. Also, at first I thought he was trying to get people to back him up for going to dinner with HIS ex, with whom he shares children.

"than do what you wanna do" WHAAAATTT????

  • Love 5

Uuuhhh yeah, TR, that's Leah's modus operandi. Has he not known this about her? She's always messing around with the EX. Always.

Also, TR, maybe go back to school. I cannot even deal with the egregious errors. Also, at first I thought he was trying to get people to back him up for going to dinner with HIS ex, with whom he shares children.

"than do what you wanna do" WHAAAATTT????

Seriously. I had to read through it 3 times to even piece together what he was saying. These kids can't write a complete sentence to save their lives. Oh and my vote for this poll is if you choose to date somebody with kids and an ex then get the fuck over yourself. They're going to have to get together to talk about the kid. If that makes you so jealous you have to register your disgust with the internet then you are not mature enough to be in an adult relationship.

  • Love 6

I don't have an issue so much with Leah meeting to talk to Jeremy about custody etc... So as far as that goes Mr. Dues can have a few seats. BUT, why does Leah always have to have dinner or whatever meal to discuss issues!? I don't know what all they need to discuss, but I have several divorced friends (I myself have never been married) and I think there is the occasional meet up/meal to discuss the children, but I can't think of any specific instances where they have gone to dinner or anything, as far as I know they generally just talk by phone/text and maybe at custody exchanges. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen, I'm just saying I really don't know that it is too terribly common. Either way, dispite Leah's record of running back to exes, TR chose to be with her, and she has 2 baby daddies and is going to have to discuss things with them, so he's gonna have to get his panties out of a wad. In this instance I think TR is overreacting, and we don't really know how Leah is responding, but she is also going to have to realize that since she now has a reputation for cheating, multiple times, that she is gonna have to be above reproach and realize people are going to be suspicious, so she doesn't necessarily get the luxury of private conversations, she's gonna have to be pretty transparent in any relationship if she wants to earn anyone's trust.

I really think it's all a moot point though, I'm sure Leah's motivation for these special custody discussion dinners is that she can get a free dinner... Whether Jeremy pays or MTV does if they are taping.

  • Love 2

I don't have an issue so much with Leah meeting to talk to Jeremy about custody etc... So as far as that goes Mr. Dues can have a few seats. BUT, why does Leah always have to have dinner or whatever meal to discuss issues!? I don't know what all they need to discuss, but I have several divorced friends (I myself have never been married) and I think there is the occasional meet up/meal to discuss the children, but I can't think of any specific instances where they have gone to dinner or anything, as far as I know they generally just talk by phone/text and maybe at custody exchanges. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen, I'm just saying I really don't know that it is too terribly common. Either way, dispite Leah's record of running back to exes, TR chose to be with her, and she has 2 baby daddies and is going to have to discuss things with them, so he's gonna have to get his panties out of a wad. In this instance I think TR is overreacting, and we don't really know how Leah is responding, but she is also going to have to realize that since she now has a reputation for cheating, multiple times, that she is gonna have to be above reproach and realize people are going to be suspicious, so she doesn't necessarily get the luxury of private conversations, she's gonna have to be pretty transparent in any relationship if she wants to earn anyone's trust.

I really think it's all a moot point though, I'm sure Leah's motivation for these special custody discussion dinners is that she can get a free dinner... Whether Jeremy pays or MTV does if they are taping.

I'm sure it's so they can film it. And it just...doesn't matter. It's not something you get to be bothered about. I know that sounds harsh, but when you get involved with a single parent you need to accept their ex as a part of your life and stay the fuck out of it. If you think they're cheating then leave. But no, you don't get to dictate the terms by which two people co-parent. For the record, I'm not a parent, nor am I dating a parent, but I know better than to think I would ever get much of a say in someone else's custody arrangement. This is one of those "not about you" situations. AKA adult life.

  • Love 4

I will admit though, I have never understood the logic of trying to micro manage someone's schedule so they don't cheat. People cheat in all kinds of everyday circumstances. School, work, PTA, church. It's not like you can stop someone from having an affair. If you don't trust your partner then you've got bigger problems then where they're having dinner.

  • Love 7

I will admit though, I have never understood the logic of trying to micro manage someone's schedule so they don't cheat. People cheat in all kinds of everyday circumstances. School, work, PTA, church. It's not like you can stop someone from having an affair. If you don't trust your partner then you've got bigger problems then where they're having dinner.

No doubt. How is that reassuring to know that the only thing keeping your SO faithful is the fact that they've had no opportunity to cheat? I mean, Dues' insecurities are totally justified. It's a matter of when, not if, Leah will cheat. Not only will Leah cheat on Dues, she'll probably cheat on her next boyfriend/husband with Dues. You don't play the lottery expecting to win the jackpot and you don't date Leah expecting fidelity.

Wonder if there's any truth to this: http://thestarglam.com/breaking-leah-messer-scores-huge-win-in-custody-case-details-here/. Guess we will find out!

Per The Ashley, Leah's court date is not until January, so I'm going to guess this information is very false.

  • Love 2

No doubt. How is that reassuring to know that the only thing keeping your SO faithful is the fact that they've had no opportunity to cheat? I mean, Dues' insecurities are totally justified. It's a matter of when, not if, Leah will cheat. Not only will Leah cheat on Dues, she'll probably cheat on her next boyfriend/husband with Dues. You don't play the lottery expecting to win the jackpot and you don't date Leah expecting fidelity.

Per The Ashley, Leah's court date is not until January, so I'm going to guess this information is very false.

And it oddly smacks of self-victim blaming. Like they would have been faithful if only you had nagged more or something. It's not your fault if someone cheats.

  • Love 2

I don't have an issue so much with Leah meeting to talk to Jeremy about custody etc... So as far as that goes Mr. Dues can have a few seats. BUT, why does Leah always have to have dinner or whatever meal to discuss issues!? 

I really think it's all a moot point though, I'm sure Leah's motivation for these special custody discussion dinners is that she can get a free dinner... Whether Jeremy pays or MTV does if they are taping.


I would give her the benefit of the doubt for a free meal or taping, but then I remember last season when she got all dolled up for the "talk about the girls" over lunch with Corey, only to pitch a fit and refuse when she found out Miranda was to come (and sit at a separate table). Nothing but trying to flirt and lure a man back in, IMO. If it was legit, the taping would've continued as normal and she would've been dressed the way she does for any other taping/meal out. 

Edited by sunsheyen
  • Love 2

Huge win = court date? Not at all the case. All lit takes is for Leah to go to her attorney and ask to go to court. The attorney files documents with the court asking for a court date for whatever reason. The attorney gets paid no matter if Leah has a case or not. It's a win-win for the attorney. As for Leah? It doesn't mean squat. Anyone can file documents for a court date. It's another to actually have something substantial that may prove your case.

  • Love 5

I had to read it a couple of times (which was painful) to realize that her "huge win" basically IS getting a new court date. Nothing more.

Ah you are right. I read it that they were saying Leah had gotten custody. However, they certainly aren't going to win any awards for responsible journalism. From that article:


"We are now learning that Corey manipulated the records, and presented the girls Pre-School records.  None of the records came from their kindergarten attendance."


Um, what? So, now we are saying that instead of Corey being a smooth operator and convincing one of the teachers to lie about the tardies, Corey actually forged records? Does anyone in Leah's camp have any idea how stupid they sound?



I would give her the benefit of the doubt for a free meal or taping, but then I remember last season when she got all dolled up for the "talk about the girls" over lunch with Corey,


Indeed. Discussing a reconciliation over a meal is modus operandi for Leah. I still remember the time she invited Corey over for dinner when the girls were babies to ask him to reconcile. She made cornbread with chocolate frosting, and then wrote with one of those gel bags, I love Corey, on top.


That said, I think Teen Mom filming is why Jeremy is agreeing to meet her, not Leah's excuse. I don't think Jeremy has any desire to hop back on that crazy train, and would be perfectly happy to discuss all things parenting with her via text. Likely MTV told him if he wanted to get paid, he needed to cooperate.

  • Love 5

I didn't realize mama Dawn had a second job with "the star glam". It's going to take a lot for a judge to shift custody back to Leah. I know ultimately custody was given to Corey to some degree over those records, but that wasn't the only issue either. So Leah got her kids to school so she is a fit mother? So what if she can barely stay awake long enough to parent a child.

Speaking of which, whatever happened with the whole narcolepsy thing!? When my doctor thought I could potentially have it and was considering testing he wanted it done ASAP seeing as if I did have it I shouldn't be in public driving/living my life putting myself and others at risk due to my inability to control it, and the testing is extensive and can take a while, so he wanted it started relatively quickly. Leah had been saying she "might" have it for close to a year now, surely something would be known by now, they may not have a definitive answer, but they would be on track for a better idea. For me it was ultimately ruled out which is why we didn't pursue any testing. I doubt Leah has it or that a dr was even considering it, it's hard to say because we haven't heard about any other episodes, but for me that screams she doesn't have it, you know if she had continued having the episodes she would be screaming it from the roof tops.

  • Love 2

I didn't realize mama Dawn had a second job with "the star glam". It's going to take a lot for a judge to shift custody back to Leah. I know ultimately custody was given to Corey to some degree over those records, but that wasn't the only issue either. So Leah got her kids to school so she is a fit mother? So what if she can barely stay awake long enough to parent a child.

Speaking of which, whatever happened with the whole narcolepsy thing!? When my doctor thought I could potentially have it and was considering testing he wanted it done ASAP seeing as if I did have it I shouldn't be in public driving/living my life putting myself and others at risk due to my inability to control it, and the testing is extensive and can take a while, so he wanted it started relatively quickly. Leah had been saying she "might" have it for close to a year now, surely something would be known by now, they may not have a definitive answer, but they would be on track for a better idea. For me it was ultimately ruled out which is why we didn't pursue any testing. I doubt Leah has it or that a dr was even considering it, it's hard to say because we haven't heard about any other episodes, but for me that screams she doesn't have it, you know if she had continued having the episodes she would be screaming it from the roof tops.

Leah has always struck me as the type that goes on WebMD and self diagnosis. I'm surprised she doesn't have a glutton allergy.

  • Love 3

Wishing you all my poster buddies here a safe and happy holiday! To keep with the Teen Mom 2 topic, I hope you find a nice slab of bacon underneath your tree so that you can slap your loved ones when they step out of line. Drink plenty of eggnog before you climb out your trailer window to go meet your side piece. May Santa bring you lots of pills to fill your stocking! And as Santa said to Leah, "Ho ho ho!"

  • Love 14

Wishing you all my poster buddies here a safe and happy holiday! To keep with the Teen Mom 2 topic, I hope you find a nice slab of bacon underneath your tree so that you can slap your loved ones when they step out of line. Drink plenty of eggnog before you climb out your trailer window to go meet your side piece. May Santa bring you lots of pills to fill your stocking! And as Santa said to Leah, "Ho ho ho!"

Everyone have a great Holiday! Don't fall on a dick like Leah! MONKEY! xoxox

I wonder if she did break up with TR? Or if it's a make up one day break up the next sort of thing.

So I wonder who moved out? And who has an eye open to Adderal?

  • Love 5

Goddamn that is one cute Instagram. Ali's curls, holy hell. And in one of those photos, Miranda was just days out from giving birth and she looked so beautiful already. I'd have been a mess for sure. Hell, I'm not photo-ready after a long day at work, forget after having a child.


A side note: I'm headed out to Elkview tonight (or, as they say locally, A-yelk-vayeww), and will be frequenting Roni's pizza and every nail place I can find in the hopes of spotting our dear Leah and her crew of adorable little turds. If I see a camera crew (are they filming now?) I'll try to photobomb it.

  • Love 4

I don't do any social media, can somebody please post a link or a picture and stop teasing me please?

Thank you!


I'll use my break from Christmas festivities to deliver the adorable pics:









Jeff's Instragram can be found here: https://www.instagram.com/poppawjeff/

Little Remi looks so cute in her red onsie. I love when babies are still in the sleepy little lump stage. I also love Ali's curls and Aleah putting color streaks in Corey's beard! I wonder what their Christmas with Leah was like.

  • Love 8

To be fair, we don't know if someone in her family has tried to. Someone who isn't one of Leah's right hand women/men that we see sucking up on the show. But you know Leah would just ignore it or totally cut that person out of her life if they dared to be critical of her. I wouldn't be surprised if one of those tabloid "sources" are among those who tried to be honest and got burned by Leah.


What I don't really get, why the hell has Leah been talking shit about Corey since they divorced but Germy is and always will be A-OK? Yes, he hasn't taken his daughter from her (yet) but he has been much nastier to her on a public scale then Corey has ever been. Come to think of it she has run back to Robbie several times even after the dismissive way he's treated her all along. It makes me think on some level Leah responds to being treated like crap and it makes her want a guy more, but a decent guy is too "boring" for her.  Very sad and disturbing, if true.

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that Corey successfully moved on from Leah.  He married "up" and now has a new baby.  Even after trying to destroy that relationship by banging him shortly after they got married, he STILL stayed with Miranda and now they're financially secure, their living situation is secure and they're HAPPY.  That must drive Leah absolutely INSANE.

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